Rui Carvalho
IPP - Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Território e Desenvolvimento, Invited Adjunct Professor
ISLA-Santarém - Institute of Management and Administration of Santarém, Tourism, Invited Adjunct Professor
Rui Carvalho is an Invited Adjunct Professor at the Portalegre Polytechnic University and an Invited Adjunct Professor at ISLA Santarém - Higher Institute of Management and Administration. Holds a PhD in Tourism from the University of Aveiro, and has an MSc in Development of Cultural Tourism Products and a degree in Cultural Tourism Management both from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar. Presently, he is a full researcher at the research unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP) -Tourism and Development research group at the University of Aveiro and a collaborative researcher at TECHN&ART Centre of Technology, Restoration and Art Enhancement, Polytechnic University of Tomar. He is also a member of the management, marketing and tourism research unit, ISLA Santarém. He is a member of several Scientific Committees of International Tourism Conferences. Is a member of the Scientific Board and Scientific Reviewer for RTD - Journal Tourism and Development (SCOPUS), University of Aveiro and a member of the editorial team of the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Digital Age. He is a reviewer for several international scientific journals: Pasos, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Inter. Journal of Tourism and Hosp. Management in the Digital Age and the Alma Tourism-Journal of Tourism, Culture, Territorial Development. His research themes are creative/cultural tourism, tourism sustainability, tourism events, tourism planning and development, co-creation, tourism consumption, sociology of tourism and epistemology of tourism.
Supervisors: Ph.D. Carlos Costa and Ph.D. Ana Maria Ferreira
Supervisors: Ph.D. Carlos Costa and Ph.D. Ana Maria Ferreira
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Papers by Rui Carvalho
networks can stem from private partnerships, the public sector, the local community, or third sector organisations. Focusing on a case study approach, this research adopts a multidimensional
framework with the goal of analysing the benefits of creative tourism towards a creative tourism network. Using a quantitative approach through Likert scale statements of five items, this research aimed to study the creative supply and demand linked to a creative tourism network. Based on the principles and benefits of creative tourism and the goals of the creative network, the following dimensions were analysed: job creation; production and commerce of creative products; safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage; development of social capital between network agents; creative and innovative images of the region; the active role of the local community in the network; and the consumption profile of the creative tourist through the network. The main conclusions of the study point to the network boosting local job creation and preserving local traditions but struggling to expand sales and increase tourist stays. While it enhances the region’s image, there is a need for stronger collaboration and community engagement.
to analyze the life trajectories of "lifestyle entrepreneurs" engaged in creative tourism experiences. Findings show that creatives are not always connected to creative jobs, their motives for engaging in such experiences are seen as an economic supplement and the exchange of learning and personal skills are present in such experiences. These considerations contribute to better design creative experiences.
into the everyday processes of the company. As a consolidated research area, many HR studies have been developed around these subjects, as these manuals have been proven to be important tools in the socialization process of the former candidate, now entering the organisational culture of a given enterprise. A literature review was developed according to the main variables of the study of Organisational Socialization processes, strategies, and methods, with special emphasis on the onboarding book. To find out if these manuals correspond to the relevant literature of HR, eight of the onboarding handbooks from several public and private organizations have been analysed following the proposed structure of onboarding handbooks presented in the literature review. In addition, purposeful sampling was followed and content analysis on the handbooks was developed. The paper’s contributions are twofold: (a) the authors suggest a complete and up-to-date structure for the contents of onboarding books to be applied by HR managers and (b) compare its structure to several manuals of different enterprises from various sectors of the Portuguese economy. Findings
show that the onboarding book remains an important tool and facilitator of organisational integration. Although, the onboarding processes are changing, and even the format of the onboarding books can become different (digital or not), their contents are essential for the socialization of newcomers and a means to organisational culture dissemination as well as containing functional contents such as internal norms and regulations.
networks can stem from private partnerships, the public sector, the local community, or third sector organisations. Focusing on a case study approach, this research adopts a multidimensional
framework with the goal of analysing the benefits of creative tourism towards a creative tourism network. Using a quantitative approach through Likert scale statements of five items, this research aimed to study the creative supply and demand linked to a creative tourism network. Based on the principles and benefits of creative tourism and the goals of the creative network, the following dimensions were analysed: job creation; production and commerce of creative products; safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage; development of social capital between network agents; creative and innovative images of the region; the active role of the local community in the network; and the consumption profile of the creative tourist through the network. The main conclusions of the study point to the network boosting local job creation and preserving local traditions but struggling to expand sales and increase tourist stays. While it enhances the region’s image, there is a need for stronger collaboration and community engagement.
to analyze the life trajectories of "lifestyle entrepreneurs" engaged in creative tourism experiences. Findings show that creatives are not always connected to creative jobs, their motives for engaging in such experiences are seen as an economic supplement and the exchange of learning and personal skills are present in such experiences. These considerations contribute to better design creative experiences.
into the everyday processes of the company. As a consolidated research area, many HR studies have been developed around these subjects, as these manuals have been proven to be important tools in the socialization process of the former candidate, now entering the organisational culture of a given enterprise. A literature review was developed according to the main variables of the study of Organisational Socialization processes, strategies, and methods, with special emphasis on the onboarding book. To find out if these manuals correspond to the relevant literature of HR, eight of the onboarding handbooks from several public and private organizations have been analysed following the proposed structure of onboarding handbooks presented in the literature review. In addition, purposeful sampling was followed and content analysis on the handbooks was developed. The paper’s contributions are twofold: (a) the authors suggest a complete and up-to-date structure for the contents of onboarding books to be applied by HR managers and (b) compare its structure to several manuals of different enterprises from various sectors of the Portuguese economy. Findings
show that the onboarding book remains an important tool and facilitator of organisational integration. Although, the onboarding processes are changing, and even the format of the onboarding books can become different (digital or not), their contents are essential for the socialization of newcomers and a means to organisational culture dissemination as well as containing functional contents such as internal norms and regulations.
Due to globalization, the search for authenticity/differentiation in tourism experiences, sustainable tourism approaches are mandatory. Gastronomy tourism becomes an important strategy in planning and development of tourism destinations inter alia an ever-growing prevalence of technological-mediated tourism experiences. Recognizing gastronomy as an intangible heritage requiring preservation is crucial, concerning the escalating threats posed by globalization, evolving food production methods, and shifting consumer preferences regarding the gastronomic cultures and traditions. Digital apps are among the most downloaded items by tourists helping visitors to pinpoint tourism attractions. Apps may increase tourists’ attention by focusing on a specific area, theme, tourism experience or typology of tourism. This exploratory research introduces a gastronomic app designed to enhance the tourism experience in the bioregion of Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal serving as a comprehensive guide for tourists seeking an authentic local experience. Its main purpose focuses on promoting sustainable and organic food, producers and restaurants, where traditional dishes are present. A literature review on gastronomy tourism and technological-mediated tourism experiences focusing on tourism apps was developed. A case study was applied to sustainable and bio-food tourism-related practices in the Idanha-a-Nova bioregion. The app seeks to relate its contents, geolocation, bio tips, and info about dishes to visitors' engagement.
Palavras-chave: Flight Shame, Transporte Aéreo, Sustentabilidade, Sistema Turístico
Postmodern tourists seek meaningful experiences through a closer contact with local communities and act as co-creators of the overall creative tourism experience. Festivals can offer the opportunity for such phenomena in direct or indirect ways. In creative tourism both intangible and tangible cultural assets can be (re)activated for tourism purposes and creative add ups can be included in these events. Three community based tourism festivals are analyzed in reference to creative tourism literature and cultural capital theory. These events are characterized and creative strategies are suggested. By offering specialized cultural activities, this will enhance the cultural capital of participants, planners, local communities and help to differentiate tourism supply in the region. This paper aims at contributing to the research and development of creative tourism in the central region of Portugal, mainly the Médio Tejo region, which embodies thirteen municipalities in the center of the country.
Keywords: Creative tourism, Cultural capital, Creative festivals, Co-creation, Tourism experience.
The literature on tourism research mentions creative tourism as a form of special interest tourism allowing a wider participation of tourists in local communities and their tangible and intangible cultural assets, in contrast to traditional mass cultural tourism.
Creative tourists have opportunities to engage in meaningful experiences mainly through acts of co-creation. In research on the experience economy, in which experiences gain relevance in relation to services, some authors mention the development of several types of capital by different groups, such as supply managers, local communities and creative tourists. This is relevant to the study of tourism because the various social groups mentioned above have been gaining importance in the organisation of supply and demand.
A systematic review was used as a method of analysing how cultural capital theory is being used in creative tourism. The findings show that only a few researches have applied capital theory to creative tourism and, therefore, much more research is needed.
Keywords: creative tourism, cultural capital, co-creation, experience economy and systematic review
guided tourism studies towards more active participation and tourist self-development. Creative tourism can be seen as an alternative path towards more sustainable tourism, and it depends far more on the active involvement of tourism, where local communities play a fundamental and participatory role in sustainable destination planning. Furthermore, the creativity of stakeholders is activated for tourism purposes and the destination´s culture can serve as an innovation for sustainable and
differentiating products, services as well as experiences. Regardless of the model or form of development of creative experiences, co-creation has played an important role in the design and consumption of such experiences.
New forms of relationship between the social agents of the tourism ecosystem (public and private entities, public-private partnership networks, lifestyle entrepreneurs, tourism suppliers, third sector institutions, local communities and creative tourists) have guided research in this area. Although this is a recent area of research, there has been an increase in publications about creative tourism, encompassing various dimensions of creativity and tourism without addressing its sustainability issues. The goal of this CFP is, therefore, to encourage contributions to sustainable practices in creative tourism, bearing in mind the importance of the four underlying principles of creative tourism: Active participation, Learning, Creative self-expression, and Community Engagement (Link to locality). Authors can explore this and other relations between sustainability and tourism, in the development of their research. Inter and multi-disciplinary approaches are welcomed.
O VII Encontro Científico da Unidade de Investigação & Desenvolvimento (ecUI&D´21) nas áreas da Gestão, Marketing, Turismo, Informação, Tecnologia, Qualidade e Segurança no Trabalho, realiza-se no dia 18 de junho de 2021 no ISLA Santarém.
O ecUI&D´21 constitui um fórum para estudantes, docentes, investigadores e profissionais apresentarem e discutirem as mais recentes inovações, tendências, resultados, experiências e preocupações nas diversas áreas do Encontro.
Está assegurada a publicação nas atas do encontro de todos os artigos e resumos aceites. O Conselho de Redação do ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal selecionará os melhores artigos para publicação de um número temático
O ecUI&D´20 constitui um espaço de partilha e de reflexão sobre a investigação desenvolvida no domínio das seguintes áreas:
• Gestão, Marketing e Turismo;
• Informação e Tecnologia;
• Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho.
Podem ser submetidos 2 tipos de trabalhos:
Artigos: Apresentação de trabalhos concluídos ou consolidados sobre I&D numa das temáticas do evento. Os artigos terão um limite máximo de 5000 palavras.
Resumos: Apresentação de trabalhos em curso sobre I&D numa das temáticas do evento. Os resumos terão o limite máximo de 500 palavras.
A submissão deverá ser feita através do envio do documento para o seguinte e-mail: [email protected]
Data importante: Submissão de resumo ou artigo – até 01 de maio de 2021
Mais informação aqui:
A autenticidade tem desenvolvido um importante papel na literatura do turismo. O retrato que traço aqui serviu de pano de fundo a uma discussão sobre a real importância do conceito de autenticidade no dia a dia do turista. Mais do que conclusões definitivas, o presente trabalho serviu de retrato à evolução do conceito, recorrendo a exemplos nacionais e internacionais onde as implicações da autenticidade se fazem sentir.