Revisão Inglês 3 Série

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Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

My plans for the future
I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children.
My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work
from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and
wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we
will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

- Allan Jones
Rich: rico
Wife: esposa
Serious: sério
Feel down: sentir-se triste
Too: também
More than: mais do que
Best: melhores
Job: trabalho, emprego
Each other: um ao outro
There will be: vai haver
Faith: fé
This: este
Dream: sonho
Her: ela, a ela

Answer the questions – Responda as perguntas

1- Where will Allan Jones work?

2- Will Allan Jones be rich?


3- Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.


Texto para as questões 4 e 5.

A Telephone Call
By Dorothy Parker

PLEASE, God, let him telephone me now. Dear God, let him call me now. I won't ask anything else of You, truly I won't.
It isn't very much to ask. It would be so little to You, God, such a little, little thing. Only let him telephone now. Please, God. Please,
please, please.
If I didn't think about it, maybe the telephone might ring. Sometimes it does that. If I could think of something else. If I could think of
something else. Knobby if I counted five. Counted hundred by fives, it might ring by that time. I’ll count slowly. I won't cheat. And if
it rings when I get to three hundred, I won't stop; I won't answer it until I get to five hundred. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five,
thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty-five, fifty... Oh, please ring. Please.

The Publishers wish to thank the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for authorizing the use of Dorothy
Parker's work.

4- Um trecho é uma obra de ficção que pode ser narrada em terceira ou primeira pessoa. No trecho acima o filme retrata:

a) o fervor religioso de uma pessoa à procura de Deus.

b) a possibilidade concreta de um telefone tocar.
e) uma promessa que está condicionada a uma ligação telefônica.
d) o amor de uma pessoa que ligará para o amado.
e) a ansiedade de uma pessoa à espera de um telefonema.

5- A expressão "I won't cheat" revela que a personagem está disposta a:

a) manter-se fiel ao namorado para sempre.

b) não trapacear na contagem do tempo.
e) resistir à vontade de ligar para o namorado.
d) contar até, trezentos sem parar caso o namorado ligue.
e) fazer uma promessa de não mais trair o parceiro.

6- Complete a regra:
Para adjetivos curtos devemos acrescentar ________no final dele para formarmos o comparativo de superioridade, e para adjetivos
longos acrescentamos ________antes do adjetivo.

7- Escreva o comparativo dos adjetivos abaixo, não use o “than’.

Ex: Old= older






8- Passe as frases para forma interrogativa:

a) Colin will do the housework this week.
_________________do the housework this week?
b) We'll go to the supermarket to buy some bread.
_________________go to the supermarket to buy some bread?
c) You'll see Josh when you go to the party.
_________________see Josh when you go to the party?
d) I'll ring you at home tomorrow.
_________________ring you at home tomorrow?
e) The birds will eat the food in the garden.
_________________eat the food in the garden?

9- Relacione a estrutura com a forma adequada de quando ela deve ser usada:

( )Future simple (Will + verb in base form)

( )Future progressive (will + be + verb ING)

( )Future perfect (Will + have + verb in the past participle)

(1)Used to Express an event in progress at the particular time in the future

(2)Used to Express an event expecte to be completed in the future

(3)Used to predict future plans or describe a simple event in the future

10- De acordo com o último quadrinho, “In the long run your medical bills Will be more expensive...”está em qual grau:

c)comparative of equality.
d)comparative of superiority.

Nesta tirinha, além dos diálogos em Inglês, observe todo o cenário, as personagens. Observe que temos elementos do SIMPLE PAST
( did) e do FUTURE ( will).

Responda, em português:
11- O que está acontecendo na tirinha?
12- No primeiro quadrinho, o que diz a viúva?
13- Qual foi o pedido que o finado fez?

14- Coloque os verbos em parêntese na forma correta usando o Futuro Simples:

a) You (earn) ______________________a lot of money.
b) You (travel) _____________________around the world.
c) You (meet) ________________lots of interesting people.
d) Everybody (adore) ___________________________you.
e) You (not / have) ____________________any problems.

15- Complete with the COMPARATIVE (of superiority):

1 – Tommy is ____________________than his brother. (nice)
2 – Hot ai ris __________________________ than cold air. (light)
3 – Carnival is _________________________ than Christmas.(funny)
4 - New cars are _____________________________ than used cars.(expensive)
5 - The Hilton Hotel is __________________________ than the Plaza Hotel. (comfortable)
16- (ENEM/2017-adaptada) Leia o texto sobre o filme, Frida, a seguir.

One of the things that made an incredibleimpression on me in the film was Frida’scomfort in and celebration of her
ownuniquebeauty. She didn’t try to fit into conventionalideas or images about womanhood or what makes someone or something
beautiful. Instead, she fullyinhabited her ownuniquegifts, not particularlycaring what other people thought. She was magnetic and
beautiful in her own right. She painted for years, not to be a commercialsuccess or to be discovered, but to express her
owninnerpain, joy, family, love and culture. She absolutely and resolutely was who she was. The trueness of her ownuniquevision
and her ability to stand firmly in her own truth was what made her successful in the end.


A autora desse comentário sobre o filme Frida mostra-se impressionada com o fato de a pintora

(A) ter uma aparência exótica.

(B) vender bem a sua imagem.
(C) ter grande poder de sedução.
(D) Assumir sua beleza singular
(E) recriar-se por meio da pintura.

17- Complete os espaços com o adjetivo possessivo adequado:

a) I don't know the time because I can't find _____________watch.
b) What's the boy's name? _____________name is Ben Scott.
c) Debbie has got a cat. _____________cat is very lively.
d) The dog is very cute. _____________name is Ben.
e) We are at school. _____________school is very nice.

18- Read the comics below to answer question:

Considering the sentence "They said the good news is that only 36,000 lost their jobs last month", if we change the pronoun
they for he, the word their in the same sentence must:
(A) be replaced by his
(B) be replaced by hers
(C) be replaced by its
(D) be replaced by theirs
(E) remain the same

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