Plande Riesgo 123
Plande Riesgo 123
Plande Riesgo 123
The objective of this document is […]
Executive Summary
[Detail the length of the project, project milestones, and introduce potential risks here.]
Probability chart:
Qualitative Quantitative (if measurable)
Low Very low chance of risk occurring. Less than <10% chance of risk occurring.
Impact chart:
Types of
Impact Low Medium High
Low financial impact, Medium financial impact, High financial impact,
costing the company $0- costing the company costing the company
Financial $14,000 $15,000-$29,000 $30,000 or more
Medium impact to project
Low impact to project operations, High impact to project
operations, causing with potential to delay operations,
delays of a few days to a project by a month or with potential to cause
Operational few weeks more project failure
Low impact to employee Medium impact to High impact to employee
attrition, with 5%+ of employee attrition, with attrition, with 50%+
employees quitting 25%+ of employees employees quitting
People quitting
Inherent Risk
Low Medium High
High Medium High High
Probability Medium Low Medium High
Low Low Low Medium