Wine Time Line

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3,000 BC

6,000 BC
Bronze Age, when the true
There are signs of vine birth of wine occurs
cultivation and the
production of drinks from

Origins of Wine

6,000 BC
There are signs of vine
cultivation and the
production of drinks from

3,000 BC
From Sumer he reached Egypt where the banks of the Nile River were
of cultivation. The Egyptians fermented the must in large vessels of
mud, and produced red wine. The pharaohs were buried with vessels of
mud that contained wine and engravings have been found in the
pyramids that
They symbolize the cultivation of the vine, the collection, preparation
and enjoyment of the

Egypt •

700 BC
Wine reached classical Greece, where it was served in religious rites,
funerals and popular rites. The Greeks drank watered wine and
They created containers of different sizes to store and serve them.
At this time the wines varied depending on the region in which they were
differentiating into Greece, Rhodes, Ikaria, Chios, Lesvos, Eritrea, Naxos,
Taasos, Corinth or Mende, although these most exquisite were intended
the noble classes. In Greece, wine was so valued that it was even
assigned a divinity, Dionysus, who always appears represented with
a drink in hand.
200 BC
Wine making in Italy, where the Romans applied their great
technological knowledge in vine cultivation techniques and
wine making, even experimenting with grafts of
vines. There were more than fifty different wines. The Romans
They adopted the Greek god Dionysus and renamed him Bacchus.

Rom Middle Ages

The vine crops are also in their hands. For this reason the
Wine making was limited to monasteries and castles.
From the 12th century onwards, vineyards began to be planted in the
areas of
Catalonia and Jerez, and during the 15th century wine was taken to the
where the first vine was planted in the year 1497 .

XVII and XVII and
The techniques of Wine became a product of regular
winemaking. France, Italy and consumption, even necessary, both
Spain became the for its caloric content and because
big producers and the alcohol it contains eliminated
exporters. some “ bacteria.

Modern age

XVII and XVII and

XVII and
XVIII They began to be used
Monk Dom Pérignon
Bordeaux, where wine is discovered how to make
exchanged for coffee, it glass bottles for
sparkling wine in the
% first region where concern for
was the preserve wine and was Champagne region.
the quality of the vineyards invented
increased. the cork stopper.

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