Viticulture in Roman Dacia
Viticulture in Roman Dacia
Viticulture in Roman Dacia
Analele Universitii Cretine Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucureti, Seria Istorie Serie nou, Anul 1, Nr. 4, 2010, p. 117-127
ISSN 2068 3766 (online); ISSN 2068 3758 (CD-ROM); ISSN 1584 3343 (print)
Melinda-Leila MOLNR, PhD Student
Abstract. Viticulture in Roman Dacia. Viticulture was a very important part of ancient agriculture, daily life and trade.
Information is provided to us by the ancient authors. For Dacia we dont have ancient written sources, so the most
important information are provided by the archaeological discoveries (the waxed stales, the cella vinaria from
Potaissa, the will from Sucidava, viticulture tools). Dacians imported wine since the 6
century B.C. (fact proven by
foreign amphorae), but we can also talk about a local wine production.
Keywords: beverage, Roman Dacia, viticulture, wine.
1. General aspects of viticulture
Ancient authors offer us important information not only about the development of
agriculture, alimentation, recipes, but also about viticulture.
Marcus Porcius Cato in De Agricultura offers a list of different cultures, in which the top
position is occupied by the vine and olives, both very important in ancient trade.
He also wrote
about the staff needed to cultivate a 2 jugera (25 hectare) vineyard: a total of 16 slaves.
Varro in his agricultural manual Res Rusticae
said that certain grapes produce wine that
must be consumed in one year, before they became sour, others, like Falernian, became more
valuable after ageing.
Pliny in the XIV
book of Naturalis Historia speaks about the history of wine, viticulture,
wine making.
Other information are provided for us by Columella in De Re Rustica
, by Publius Ovidius
Naso in Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto
, by Xenofon n Anabasis
, Galen in De Antidotis.
Due to these ancient sources we can see the extremely important place occupied by wine in
daily life of Romans and in trade.
Wine plays an important role also in mythology. In Egypt wine was devoted to Osiris. In
Greece the symbolism of wine will be expressed by Dionysos, son of Zeus. Wine is assimilated
with the gods blood, who every year, on the 6
of January changes water into wine in his temple