BSR 64000 Command Reference Guide (Rel 4.2.0) 1
BSR 64000 Command Reference Guide (Rel 4.2.0) 1
BSR 64000 Command Reference Guide (Rel 4.2.0) 1
Reference Guide
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, ,
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Scope ............................................................................................................................................xli
Documentation Set .......................................................................................................................xli
Notes, Cautions, Warnings .........................................................................................................xliv
If You Need Help........................................................................................................................xliv
batch ...............................................................................................................................1-19
boot system.....................................................................................................................1-20
chassis alias ....................................................................................................................1-22
chassis assetid.................................................................................................................1-23
clear core log ..................................................................................................................1-25
clear evt ..........................................................................................................................1-26
clear log ..........................................................................................................................1-28
clear redundancy stats.....................................................................................................1-29
clock set ..........................................................................................................................1-30
clock timezone................................................................................................................1-31
console authentication radius .........................................................................................1-34
copy ................................................................................................................................1-35
description ......................................................................................................................1-38
duplex .............................................................................................................................1-41
enable authentication radius ...........................................................................................1-43
enable password..............................................................................................................1-44
enable rdn-process ..........................................................................................................1-45
enable secret ...................................................................................................................1-46
encapsulation snap..........................................................................................................1-47
erase ................................................................................................................................1-48
exit ..................................................................................................................................1-50
format .............................................................................................................................1-52
help .................................................................................................................................1-53
history size......................................................................................................................1-54
icp keepalive...................................................................................................................1-56
ip ftp password ...............................................................................................................1-58
ip ftp username ...............................................................................................................1-59
ip netmask-format...........................................................................................................1-60
ip tacacs source-interface ...............................................................................................1-61
ip tftp source-interface loopback ....................................................................................1-62
ldap client .......................................................................................................................1-63
ldap search-base..............................................................................................................1-64
ldap server ......................................................................................................................1-65
logging admin-status ......................................................................................................1-69
logging buffered .............................................................................................................1-71
logging console...............................................................................................................1-73
logging control docsis.....................................................................................................1-75
logging default................................................................................................................1-76
logging disable bpi_auth_invalid_messages ..................................................................1-77
logging disable bpi_auth_reject_messages.....................................................................1-78
logging disable bpi_map_reject_messages.....................................................................1-79
logging disable cm_ranging_fail_r103_0.......................................................................1-80
logging evt clear .............................................................................................................1-81
logging evt set.................................................................................................................1-82
logging facility................................................................................................................1-83
logging on.......................................................................................................................1-84
logging rate-limit ............................................................................................................1-85
logging reporting ............................................................................................................1-86
logging reporting default ................................................................................................1-89
logging session ...............................................................................................................1-90
logging snmp-trap...........................................................................................................1-91
logging source-interface loopback .................................................................................1-93
logging trap.....................................................................................................................1-94
macro ..............................................................................................................................1-98
memory checkzero..........................................................................................................1-99
network-clock-select revertive .....................................................................................1-103
more ..............................................................................................................................1-104
password .......................................................................................................................1-107
privilege restricted ........................................................................................................1-108
radius-server .................................................................................................................1-109
radius-server source-interface loopback....................................................................... 1-111
redundancy cmts ...........................................................................................................1-112
redundancy force-switchover cmts...............................................................................1-114
redundancy force-switchover srm ................................................................................1-116
reload ............................................................................................................................1-117
reload switched.............................................................................................................1-118
repeat ............................................................................................................................1-122
service password-encryption ........................................................................................1-124
session-timeout .............................................................................................................1-125
session-window set.......................................................................................................1-126
set bandwidth-factor .....................................................................................................1-127
set stats poll ..................................................................................................................1-128
show aliases ..................................................................................................................1-130
show boot......................................................................................................................1-132
show chassis alias .........................................................................................................1-133
show chassis assetid .....................................................................................................1-134
show chassis serial-num ...............................................................................................1-135
show chassis status .......................................................................................................1-136
show clock ....................................................................................................................1-140
show core log................................................................................................................1-141
show evt........................................................................................................................1-142
show forced-download .................................................................................................1-146
show history..................................................................................................................1-148
show keepalive .............................................................................................................1-150
show log........................................................................................................................1-152
show logging evt...........................................................................................................1-154
show logging reporting.................................................................................................1-155
show logging syslog .....................................................................................................1-158
show macro...................................................................................................................1-159
show memory ...............................................................................................................1-160
show network-clocks ....................................................................................................1-163
show pool......................................................................................................................1-164
show process.................................................................................................................1-166
show process cpu..........................................................................................................1-168
show process memory ..................................................................................................1-172
show process msg-q-info..............................................................................................1-175
show process semaphores.............................................................................................1-176
show process stack .......................................................................................................1-178
show redundancy cmts .................................................................................................1-180
show reload...................................................................................................................1-184
show running-config.....................................................................................................1-185
show srm alias ..............................................................................................................1-187
show srm assetid...........................................................................................................1-188
show srm serial-num.....................................................................................................1-189
show startup-config ......................................................................................................1-190
show stats summary error.............................................................................................1-191
show stats xfabric .........................................................................................................1-192
show system..................................................................................................................1-193
show system alarms......................................................................................................1-197
show system fans..........................................................................................................1-200
show tacacs...................................................................................................................1-202
show tacacs statistics ....................................................................................................1-203
show tech ......................................................................................................................1-204
show update ..................................................................................................................1-206
show user-group ...........................................................................................................1-207
show users ....................................................................................................................1-209
show vectron slot..........................................................................................................1-211
show version.................................................................................................................1-213
2 IP Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................2-1
IP Command Descriptions ..........................................................................................................2-2
arp .....................................................................................................................................2-3
arp timeout........................................................................................................................2-5
cable helper-address .........................................................................................................2-6
clear arp-cache..................................................................................................................2-8
clear counters....................................................................................................................2-9
clear host.........................................................................................................................2-10
clear ip route ...................................................................................................................2-11
clear ip traffic .................................................................................................................2-12
host authorization ...........................................................................................................2-13
interface ..........................................................................................................................2-15
ip access-group ...............................................................................................................2-17
ip address ........................................................................................................................2-18
ip broadcast-address .......................................................................................................2-21
ip dhcp relay information ...............................................................................................2-22
ip domain-list..................................................................................................................2-24
ip domain-lookup............................................................................................................2-25
ip domain-name ..............................................................................................................2-26
ip forward-protocol udp..................................................................................................2-27
ip forwarding ..................................................................................................................2-28
ip helper-address.............................................................................................................2-29
ip host .............................................................................................................................2-30
ip irdp..............................................................................................................................2-31
ip mask-reply ..................................................................................................................2-33
ip mtu..............................................................................................................................2-34
ip name-server ................................................................................................................2-35
ip proxy-arp ....................................................................................................................2-36
ip rarp-server ..................................................................................................................2-37
ip redirects ......................................................................................................................2-38
ip route............................................................................................................................2-39
ip routing ........................................................................................................................2-40
ip source-route ................................................................................................................2-41
ip unreachables ...............................................................................................................2-42
passive-interface .............................................................................................................2-43
ping .................................................................................................................................2-44
show arp..........................................................................................................................2-46
show controllers..............................................................................................................2-48
show host authorization..................................................................................................2-50
show host authorization cpe ...........................................................................................2-51
show host authorization interface cable .........................................................................2-53
show host authorization summary ..................................................................................2-55
show host unauthorized cpe............................................................................................2-57
show hosts ......................................................................................................................2-58
show interfaces ...............................................................................................................2-59
3 SNMP Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................3-1
SNMP Command Descriptions ...................................................................................................3-2
show snmp ........................................................................................................................3-3
snmp-server access ...........................................................................................................3-9
snmp-server chassis-id....................................................................................................3-11
snmp-server community .................................................................................................3-12
snmp-server community-table ........................................................................................3-13
snmp-server contact........................................................................................................3-16
snmp-server context........................................................................................................3-17
snmp-server convert .......................................................................................................3-18
snmp-server docs-trap-control........................................................................................3-19
snmp-server enable informs ...........................................................................................3-21
snmp-server enable traps ................................................................................................3-22
snmp-server engineID ....................................................................................................3-24
snmp-server group ..........................................................................................................3-25
snmp-server host.............................................................................................................3-26
snmp-server location ......................................................................................................3-29
snmp-server manager response-timeout .........................................................................3-30
snmp-server notify..........................................................................................................3-31
snmp-server notify-filter.................................................................................................3-33
snmp-server notify-filter-profile.....................................................................................3-35
snmp-server packetsize...................................................................................................3-37
snmp-server port number................................................................................................3-38
snmp-server shutdown....................................................................................................3-39
snmp-server sysname......................................................................................................3-40
snmp-server target-addr..................................................................................................3-41
snmp-server target-params .............................................................................................3-44
snmp-server trap rate-limit .............................................................................................3-47
snmp-server trap-source loopback..................................................................................3-48
snmp-server user.............................................................................................................3-49
snmp-server view............................................................................................................3-51
4 Debug Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................4-1
Debug Command Descriptions ...................................................................................................4-1
debug aps ..........................................................................................................................4-2
debug arp ..........................................................................................................................4-3
debug cable err .................................................................................................................4-4
debug cable keyman .........................................................................................................4-5
debug cable mac ...............................................................................................................4-6
debug cable map ...............................................................................................................4-7
debug cable modem-select ...............................................................................................4-8
debug cable privacy..........................................................................................................4-9
debug cable qos ..............................................................................................................4-10
debug cable range ...........................................................................................................4-11
debug cable reg...............................................................................................................4-12
debug cable remote-query ..............................................................................................4-13
debug cable ucc ..............................................................................................................4-14
debug ip access-list.........................................................................................................4-15
debug ip bgp ...................................................................................................................4-16
debug ip dvmrp...............................................................................................................4-18
debug ip icmp .................................................................................................................4-19
debug ip igmp .................................................................................................................4-20
debug ip mfm..................................................................................................................4-21
debug ip mrtm.................................................................................................................4-22
debug ip ospf ..................................................................................................................4-23
debug ip packet...............................................................................................................4-25
debug ip pim ...................................................................................................................4-26
debug ip policy ...............................................................................................................4-28
debug ip redistribute to...................................................................................................4-29
debug ip rip.....................................................................................................................4-31
debug ip rip database ......................................................................................................4-32
debug ip rip events..........................................................................................................4-33
debug ip rip trigger .........................................................................................................4-34
debug ip tcp transactions ................................................................................................4-35
debug ip udp ...................................................................................................................4-36
debug ip vrrp...................................................................................................................4-37
debug ipsec .....................................................................................................................4-38
debug mpls forwarding...................................................................................................4-40
debug mpls rsvp..............................................................................................................4-41
debug packet-cable .........................................................................................................4-43
debug ppp fsm ................................................................................................................4-44
debug ppp packet............................................................................................................4-45
debug radius....................................................................................................................4-46
debug snmp.....................................................................................................................4-47
debug sntp.......................................................................................................................4-48
debug specmgr................................................................................................................4-49
debug ssh ........................................................................................................................4-50
debug tacacs....................................................................................................................4-51
debug tacacs events ........................................................................................................4-52
debug task monitor .........................................................................................................4-53
debug tunnel ...................................................................................................................4-57
show debugging..............................................................................................................4-58
undebug all .....................................................................................................................4-59
7 RIP Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................7-1
RIP Command Descriptions........................................................................................................7-1
auto-summary ...................................................................................................................7-2
clear ip rip statistics ..........................................................................................................7-3
default-information originate............................................................................................7-4
default-metric ...................................................................................................................7-5
distance .............................................................................................................................7-6
distribute-list in.................................................................................................................7-7
distribute-list out...............................................................................................................7-8
graceful-restart-period ......................................................................................................7-9
ip rip authentication key .................................................................................................7-10
ip rip host-routes.............................................................................................................7-11
ip rip message-digest-key md5.......................................................................................7-12
ip rip receive version ......................................................................................................7-13
ip rip send version ..........................................................................................................7-14
ip split-horizon................................................................................................................7-15
maximum-paths ..............................................................................................................7-16
network ...........................................................................................................................7-17
passive-interface .............................................................................................................7-21
router rip .........................................................................................................................7-24
show ip rip database .......................................................................................................7-25
source-port 520...............................................................................................................7-27
timers basic.....................................................................................................................7-28
version ............................................................................................................................7-30
8 OSPF Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................8-1
OSPF Command Descriptions ....................................................................................................8-1
area authentication............................................................................................................8-2
area default-cost................................................................................................................8-3
area nssa............................................................................................................................8-4
area range..........................................................................................................................8-5
area stub............................................................................................................................8-6
area virtual-link ................................................................................................................8-7
auto-cost reference-bandwidth .........................................................................................8-9
clear ip ospf ....................................................................................................................8-11
default-information originate..........................................................................................8-12
default-metric .................................................................................................................8-13
distance ...........................................................................................................................8-14
distance ospf ...................................................................................................................8-15
helper-mode ....................................................................................................................8-19
ip ospf authentication-key ..............................................................................................8-21
ip ospf cost......................................................................................................................8-22
ip ospf database-filter all out ..........................................................................................8-23
ip ospf dead-interval .......................................................................................................8-24
ip ospf hello-interval.......................................................................................................8-25
ip ospf message-digest-key.............................................................................................8-26
ip ospf network ...............................................................................................................8-27
ip ospf priority ................................................................................................................8-28
ip ospf retransmit-interval ..............................................................................................8-29
ip ospf transmit-delay .....................................................................................................8-30
maximum-paths ..............................................................................................................8-31
network area ...................................................................................................................8-34
passive-interface .............................................................................................................8-35
router-id ..........................................................................................................................8-39
router ospf.......................................................................................................................8-40
show ip ospf....................................................................................................................8-41
show ip ospf border-routers............................................................................................8-43
9 IGMP Commands
Introduction .................................................................................................................................9-1
IGMP Command Descriptions ....................................................................................................9-2
clear ip igmp counters ......................................................................................................9-3
ip igmp access-group........................................................................................................9-4
ip igmp querier-timeout ....................................................................................................9-5
ip igmp query-interval ......................................................................................................9-6
ip igmp query-max-response-time....................................................................................9-7
ip igmp static-group..........................................................................................................9-8
ip igmp version .................................................................................................................9-9
ip igmp version1-querier ................................................................................................9-10
show ip igmp groups ......................................................................................................9-11
show ip igmp interface ...................................................................................................9-13
show ip igmp statistics....................................................................................................9-15
10 VRRP Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................10-1
VRRP Command Descriptions..................................................................................................10-1
clear ip vrrp.....................................................................................................................10-2
ip vrrp .............................................................................................................................10-3
ip vrrp (virtual router ID) ...............................................................................................10-4
ip vrrp address ................................................................................................................10-5
ip vrrp authentication key...............................................................................................10-6
ip vrrp authentication type..............................................................................................10-7
ip vrrp enable..................................................................................................................10-8
11 IP Multicast Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................11-1
MRTM Command Descriptions ................................................................................................11-1
ip mroute.........................................................................................................................11-2
ip mroute static distance .................................................................................................11-3
ip mroute unicast distance .............................................................................................. 11-4
ip multicast-routing ........................................................................................................11-5
show ip rpf......................................................................................................................11-6
MFM Command Descriptions...................................................................................................11-7
clear ip multicast fwd-cache........................................................................................... 11-8
clear ip multicast proto-cache.........................................................................................11-9
mtrace ...........................................................................................................................11-10
show ip multicast cache-summary................................................................................ 11-11
show ip multicast fwd-cache ........................................................................................11-12
show ip multicast interface...........................................................................................11-13
show ip multicast oi-fwd-cache....................................................................................11-14
show ip multicast no-oi-fwd-cache ..............................................................................11-15
show ip multicast proto-cache ......................................................................................11-16
12 DVMRP Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................12-1
DVMRP Command Descriptions..............................................................................................12-1
ip dvmrp accept-filter .....................................................................................................12-2
ip dvmrp default-information originate ..........................................................................12-3
ip dvmrp metric-offset ....................................................................................................12-4
ip dvmrp output-report-delay .........................................................................................12-5
ip dvmrp out-report-filter ...............................................................................................12-6
ip dvmrp probe-interval..................................................................................................12-7
ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners ...........................................................................................12-8
ip dvmrp summary-address ............................................................................................12-9
network .........................................................................................................................12-10
router dvmrp .................................................................................................................12-11
show ip dvmrp information ..........................................................................................12-12
show ip dvmrp interface ...............................................................................................12-13
show ip dvmrp neighbor...............................................................................................12-14
show ip dvmrp network ................................................................................................12-15
show ip dvmrp route .....................................................................................................12-16
show ip dvmrp route hold-down...................................................................................12-17
show ip dvmrp summary-route.....................................................................................12-18
show ip dvmrp tunnels..................................................................................................12-19
13 CMTS Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................13-1
CMTS Command Descriptions .................................................................................................13-1
arp timeout......................................................................................................................13-2
band ................................................................................................................................13-4
bind cmts ........................................................................................................................13-5
cable bind........................................................................................................................13-6
cable bundle....................................................................................................................13-7
cable bundle master ........................................................................................................13-8
cable cmts type ...............................................................................................................13-9
cable concatenation docsis-1.0 .....................................................................................13-10
cable deny ip.................................................................................................................13-11
cable dhcp force-unicast ...............................................................................................13-12
cable dhcp-giaddr primary............................................................................................13-13
cable dhcp leasequery message-type ............................................................................13-14
cable disable 3140-nbpwr-adjustment ..........................................................................13-16
cable disable bpi-cmcert ...............................................................................................13-17
cable downstream carrier-only .....................................................................................13-18
cable downstream description ......................................................................................13-19
ip address ....................................................................................................................13-211
ip dhcp relay information option ................................................................................13-214
iuc ...............................................................................................................................13-215
last-codeword-length ..................................................................................................13-218
load-balancing ............................................................................................................13-219
load-balancing static ...................................................................................................13-220
ping docsis ..................................................................................................................13-224
policy rule...................................................................................................................13-225
preamble-type .............................................................................................................13-227
scrambler-mode ..........................................................................................................13-228
scrambler-seed ............................................................................................................13-229
show bindings.............................................................................................................13-230
show cable binding .....................................................................................................13-231
show cable dcc-stats ...................................................................................................13-233
show cable downstream..............................................................................................13-235
show cable flap-list.....................................................................................................13-237
show cable insert-interval...........................................................................................13-239
show cable loadbalance-group ...................................................................................13-240
show cable loadbalance-policy...................................................................................13-242
show cable loadbalance-restricted..............................................................................13-244
show cable loadbalance-rule.......................................................................................13-245
show cable modem .....................................................................................................13-246
show cable modem cpe...............................................................................................13-250
show cable modem detail ...........................................................................................13-252
show cable modem hosts ............................................................................................13-255
show cable modem loadbalance-group ......................................................................13-257
show cable modem mac..............................................................................................13-259
show cable modem maintenance ................................................................................13-263
show cable modem offline..........................................................................................13-266
show cable modem phy ..............................................................................................13-268
show cable modem registered ....................................................................................13-271
show docstest..............................................................................................................13-339
show interfaces cable..................................................................................................13-340
show interfaces cable bandwidth voice ......................................................................13-345
show interfaces cable configuration ...........................................................................13-347
show interfaces cable downstream .............................................................................13-349
show interfaces cable intercept...................................................................................13-351
show interfaces cable service-class ............................................................................13-353
show interfaces cable stats..........................................................................................13-356
show interfaces cable upstream ..................................................................................13-358
show stats cmts ...........................................................................................................13-364
show stats summary error...........................................................................................13-367
snr display...................................................................................................................13-369
snr loop .......................................................................................................................13-370
snr setup......................................................................................................................13-372
snr setup-get................................................................................................................13-374
snr start .......................................................................................................................13-375
snr store ......................................................................................................................13-376
spreader on..................................................................................................................13-377
tcm-encoding on .........................................................................................................13-378
time band ....................................................................................................................13-379
time delete ..................................................................................................................13-380
14 QoS Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................14-1
QoS Command Descriptions .....................................................................................................14-1
qos bw default.................................................................................................................14-2
qos queue bw ..................................................................................................................14-3
show qos queue config ...................................................................................................14-4
15 POS Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................15-1
POS Command Descriptions.....................................................................................................15-2
aps force..........................................................................................................................15-3
aps group ........................................................................................................................15-4
aps lockout......................................................................................................................15-5
aps manual ......................................................................................................................15-6
aps protect.......................................................................................................................15-7
aps revert ........................................................................................................................15-8
aps signal-degrade ber threshold ....................................................................................15-9
aps signal-fail ber threshold..........................................................................................15-10
aps unidirectional..........................................................................................................15-11
aps working ..................................................................................................................15-12
crc .................................................................................................................................15-13
interface pos..................................................................................................................15-14
ip address ......................................................................................................................15-15
peer default ip address ..................................................................................................15-16
pos ais-shut ...................................................................................................................15-17
pos flag .........................................................................................................................15-18
pos framing...................................................................................................................15-20
pos internal-clock .........................................................................................................15-21
pos report ......................................................................................................................15-22
pos scramble .................................................................................................................15-24
pos signal mode ............................................................................................................15-25
pos threshold.................................................................................................................15-26
ppp magic-number........................................................................................................15-28
ppp negotiation-count...................................................................................................15-29
ppp timeout...................................................................................................................15-30
show aps .......................................................................................................................15-31
show controllers pos .....................................................................................................15-32
show interfaces pos.......................................................................................................15-34
show ppp info ...............................................................................................................15-37
show ppp statistics ........................................................................................................15-38
16 BGP Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................16-1
BGP Command Descriptions ....................................................................................................16-1
aggregate-address ...........................................................................................................16-2
auto-summary .................................................................................................................16-3
bgp always-compare-med...............................................................................................16-4
bgp client-to-client reflection .........................................................................................16-5
bgp cluster-id ..................................................................................................................16-6
bgp confederation identifier ...........................................................................................16-7
bgp confederation peers..................................................................................................16-8
bgp dampening ...............................................................................................................16-9
bgp default ....................................................................................................................16-11
bgp permit.....................................................................................................................16-12
bgp router-id .................................................................................................................16-13
clear ip bgp ...................................................................................................................16-14
clear ip bgp dampening ................................................................................................16-15
clear ip bgp flap-statistics.............................................................................................16-16
default-information originate........................................................................................16-17
default-metric ...............................................................................................................16-18
distance bgp ..................................................................................................................16-19
distribute-list in.............................................................................................................16-21
distribute-list out...........................................................................................................16-22
ip as-path access-list .....................................................................................................16-23
ip community-list..........................................................................................................16-24
match as-path................................................................................................................16-26
match community .........................................................................................................16-27
maximum-paths ............................................................................................................16-28
neighbor advertisement-interval...................................................................................16-29
neighbor confed-segment .............................................................................................16-30
neighbor default-originate ............................................................................................16-31
neighbor description .....................................................................................................16-32
neighbor distribute-list..................................................................................................16-33
neighbor ebgp-multihop ...............................................................................................16-34
neighbor filter-list .........................................................................................................16-35
neighbor maximum-prefix............................................................................................16-37
neighbor next-hop-self..................................................................................................16-39
neighbor password........................................................................................................16-40
neighbor peer-group (assigning members)...................................................................16-41
neighbor peer-group (creating).....................................................................................16-42
17 PIM Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................17-1
PIM Command Descriptions .....................................................................................................17-1
ip pim border ..................................................................................................................17-2
ip pim bsr-candidate .......................................................................................................17-3
ip pim bsr-candidate ip-address......................................................................................17-4
ip pim dr-priority ............................................................................................................17-5
ip pim message-interval..................................................................................................17-6
ip pim query-interval ......................................................................................................17-7
ip pim rp-candidate.........................................................................................................17-8
ip pim rp-candidate group-list ........................................................................................17-9
ip pim rp-candidate interval..........................................................................................17-10
ip pim rp-candidate ip-address .....................................................................................17-11
ip pim rp-candidate priority..........................................................................................17-12
ip pim spt-threshold lasthop .........................................................................................17-13
ip pim spt-threshold rp..................................................................................................17-14
network .........................................................................................................................17-15
pim accept-rp ................................................................................................................17-16
pim register-checksum..................................................................................................17-17
pim rp-address ..............................................................................................................17-18
pim unicast-route-lookup..............................................................................................17-20
router pim .....................................................................................................................17-21
show ip pim ..................................................................................................................17-22
18 MPLS Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................18-1
About RSVP ...................................................................................................................18-3
MPLS Command Descriptions..................................................................................................18-3
clear ip rsvp statistics......................................................................................................18-4
clear mpls traffic.............................................................................................................18-5
debug mpls forwarding...................................................................................................18-6
debug mpls rsvp..............................................................................................................18-7
ip rsvp .............................................................................................................................18-9
mpls create-lsp rsvp......................................................................................................18-11
mpls create-lsp rsvp explicit-route identifier................................................................18-12
mpls create-lsp rsvp next-hop.......................................................................................18-13
mpls create-lsp static ....................................................................................................18-14
mpls ip ..........................................................................................................................18-16
mpls label range............................................................................................................18-17
mpls rsvp restart-lsp .....................................................................................................18-19
mpls ttl ..........................................................................................................................18-20
show ip rsvp explicit-routed-lsps..................................................................................18-21
show ip rsvp interface...................................................................................................18-22
show ip rsvp lsp ............................................................................................................18-23
show ip rsvp neighbor ..................................................................................................18-24
show ip rsvp reservation...............................................................................................18-25
show ip rsvp sender ......................................................................................................18-26
show ip rsvp statistics...................................................................................................18-27
show mpls filters...........................................................................................................18-28
show mpls forwarding-table .........................................................................................18-30
show mpls label range ..................................................................................................18-33
show mpls lsp ...............................................................................................................18-34
show mpls lsp interface ................................................................................................18-37
show mpls rsvp refresh-time ........................................................................................18-39
show mpls traffic ..........................................................................................................18-40
21 PacketCable Commands
Overview ...................................................................................................................................21-1
Command Descriptions .............................................................................................................21-1
cable dynamic-service authorization-mode ....................................................................21-2
cable dynamic-service active-timeout ............................................................................21-4
clear configuration..........................................................................................................21-5
clear cops pdp-ip all........................................................................................................21-6
clear counters ipsec.........................................................................................................21-7
clear packet-cable cops...................................................................................................21-8
clear packet-cable gate ...................................................................................................21-9
clear packet-cable statistics ..........................................................................................21-10
cmts-ip ..........................................................................................................................21-11
cops client-timer ...........................................................................................................21-12
cops pdp-ip ...................................................................................................................21-13
cops pep-id....................................................................................................................21-14
23 DSG Commands
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................23-1
Command Descriptions .............................................................................................................23-1
cable downstream dsg.....................................................................................................23-2
cable downstream dsg enable .........................................................................................23-3
cable dsg .........................................................................................................................23-4
channel-list .....................................................................................................................23-5
client-list .........................................................................................................................23-8
show cable dsg..............................................................................................................23-12
show cable dsg channel-list ..........................................................................................23-14
show cable dsg classifier ..............................................................................................23-15
show cable dsg client-list..............................................................................................23-16
show cable dsg downstream .........................................................................................23-17
show cable dsg group-map ...........................................................................................23-18
show cable dsg timer ....................................................................................................23-19
show cable dsg tunnel...................................................................................................23-20
show cable dsg tunnel-group ........................................................................................23-21
This document describes how to install and configure the Motorola™ Broadband
Services Router™ 64000 (BSR 64000™).
This document is for use by those persons who will install and configure the
BSR 64000™ product. Only trained service personnel should install, maintain, or
replace the BSR 64000.
Documentation Set
The following documents comprise the BSR 64000 documentation set:
This guide provides the instructions and procedures for configuring and
managing the BSR 64000 to support and implement Border Gateway Protocol/
MultiProtocol Label Switching Virtual Private Networks (BGP/MPLS VPNs).
■ BSR 64000 Troubleshooting Guide
This guide contains instructions and procedures for troubleshooting typical
configuration problems that might be encountered using the BSR 64000. It also
offers suggestions for information to record, and have available should the need
arise to call Motorola support for assistance with BSR 64000 operational
■ BSR 64000 Release Notes
These documents are specific to each release of the BSR 64000 product (software
and hardware). Release notes provide information about features not documented
or incorrectly documented in the main documentation set; known problems and
anomalies; product limitations; and problem resolutions.
This document uses the conventions in the following table:
Note: A note contains tips, suggestions, and other helpful information, such
as references to material not contained in the document, that can help you
complete a task or understand the subject matter.
Warning: This symbol indicates that dangerous voltage levels are present
within the equipment. These voltages are not insulated and may be of
sufficient strength to cause serious bodily injury when touched. The symbol
may also appear on schematics.
The TRC is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, Motorola Online offers
a searchable solutions database, technical documentation, and low-priority issue
creation and tracking.
This chapter describes the following types of commands for the BSR 64000™:
User management commands which establish authentication and to protect the
network from unauthorized users.
Configuration file commands that handle the operating system and the system
software for the BSR. The configuration file commands allow you to customize the
operating system configuration at system startup, and to modify and store the
configuration file for later use.
System services commands that globally configure IP system services used with the
BSR, such as protocols, NVRAM, IP parameters, the operating system, and the
system clock
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) commands that are used with the
BSR to access online directory services over the TCP/IP network protocol. The BSR
becomes an LDAP client and connects to an LDAP server to requests services and/or
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
aaa new-model
The aaa new model command enables the AAA network security model. The AAA
network security model provides a software mechanism or framework for consistent
authentication, authorization and accounting on the BSR. The no aaa new model
disables the AAA network security model.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
The alias command allows you to specify an alias for a CLI command in a specific
command mode (User EXEC, Privileged EXEC, or Global Configuration). The no
alias command deletes a specific alias defined within the command mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
banner motd
The banner motd command allows you to create a message-of the-day (motd) that
displays before the login prompt. The no banner motd command deletes the message
of the day.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The batch command executes a series of commands from a batch file stored in Flash
memory or NVRAM.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
boot system
The boot system command lets you boot the BSR using a boot image file stored in
either Flash memory, NVRAM on the Supervisory Routing Module (SRM), or an
FTP or TFTP server.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The broadcast command is used to send a message to all connected users.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
chassis alias
The chassis alias command is used to configure an alias name for the BSR 64000
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
chassis assetid
The chassis assetid command is used to configure your organization’s asset ID
number that is assigned to the BSR 64000 chassis.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The chkdsk command checks for and corrects any file system errors found in files
stored in Flash memory or NVRAM.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All mores except for User EXEC
clear evt
The clear evt command resets the event count to "0" for all groups on all slots, groups
on a specified slot, a specified group, or specified events.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
clear log
The clear log command deletes buffered log data.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clock set
The clock set command sets the system clock.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clock timezone
The clock timezone command allows you to set the time zone for the system. The no
clock timezone command changes the system time to Universal Time Coordinated
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Note: The daylightsavings option has no effect on the setting of time on the
BSR. It is present only to satisfy a requirement for Packetcable. Packetcable
has a field in a network bound event message that must be set to whether or
not daylight savings time is in effect. To satisfy this, the user must manually
configure this parameter when daylight savings time begins and also when it
ends. For automatic setting of the time, the BSR can be configured to obtain
its time via SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol). Since SNTP has no way
of indicating whether daylight savings time is in effect, the operator must use
the daylightsavings option for compliance with Packetcable.
Command Syntax
Command Default
The configure command lets you enter Global Configuration mode from Privileged
EXEC mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The copy command copies a local or network file from one location to another, either
locally or on the network.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The delete command deletes a file stored in Flash memory or NVRAM or deletes the
startup configuration file.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The description command is used to specify descriptive information for any interface
on the BSR. This information is limited to 79 characters. Use the characters: _ or - to
separate words. For example, if a particular CMTS interface served a certain section
of a city, the MSO could assign the following description:
MOT:7A(config-if)#description charlestown_1
Note: The entered description can be seen in the running configuration, and
in the command output of show commands such as the show ip interface
and show running-config commands.
You can also use SNMP to view the descriptions. However, if you use SNMP
to view the descriptions, be aware that SNMP has a display limit of 63
characters. Descriptions beyond this length will appear truncated when
viewed via SNMP.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (all interface types)
Command Syntax
The dir command lists directories and files on a filesystem.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
The disable command allows you to enter User EXEC mode from the Privileged
EXEC mode.
Note: To return to Privileged EXEC mode, enter enable at the User EXEC
prompt and, if required, a password.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
The duplex command configures an Ethernet interface for duplex mode (full or half)
and enables/disables auto-negotiation
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Auto negotiation enabled
The enable command allows you to enter Privileged EXEC mode from User EXEC
mode. If the system prompts you for a password, enter the password. After entering
Privileged EXEC mode, the prompt changes from the User EXEC mode prompt
(hostname>) to the privileged EXEC mode prompt (hostname#).
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
enable password
The enable password command allows you to specify a password associated with the
enable command. After specifying the password, entering the enable command at the
User EXEC prompt causes the system to prompt you for the password. You must
supply the password to enter the Privileged EXEC mode. The no enable password
command deletes the password.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
enable rdn-process
This enable rdn-process command enables the process for collecting CPU utilization
statistics.The no enable rdn-process command disables the collection of CPU
utilization statistics.
Note: This feature is enabled by default, and must remain enabled if you
intend to use it in conjunction with SNMP polling of the BSR.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
enable secret
The enable secret command allows you to provide an encrypted password that
supersedes the enabled password. The no enable secret command removes the secret.
Use the enable secret command to provide an encrypted password for entering
Privileged EXEC mode in the running configuration file when then no service
password-encryption command is in effect.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
encapsulation snap
The encapsulation snap command specifies SNAP as the encapsulation method for
Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. The SNAP encapsulation method, as
specified in RFC 1042, allows Ethernet protocols to run on the IEEE 802.2 media.
The no encapsulation snap command returns the interface encapsulation method to
the default method which is ARPA.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet notifies only)
The erase command erases a file system stored in Flash memory or NVRAM or the
contents of the startup-configuration file.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The exception command enables the Exception Handler. The Exception Handler is a
set of processes that are invoked when errors (exceptions) are caused by another
process that is executing when the particular exception occurs. Exceptions can be
reported or the BSR can be configured to automatically reboot if an exception occurs.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The exit command (used from the Router Configuration, Interface Configuration, and
Global Configuration modes) accesses the previous command mode in the command
mode hierarchy. For example: using the exit command in Interface Configuration
mode accesses Global Configuration mode.
Using the exit command in Privileged EXEC or User EXEC modes, ends the
command line session.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
The forced-download command ensures that boot images are properly downloaded
to modules in the BSR 64000 chassis.
Use the forced-download command to ensure that all modules receive the correct
boot image before performing an upgrade process or to ensure that a specific module
receives the correct boot image before performing an upgrade process.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The format command formats a filesystem in flash or NVRAM.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The help command displays instructions for using the CLI help functionality. Refer to
the BSR 64000 Configuration and Management Guide for additional instructions on
using the CLI help functionality.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
history size
The history command enable and controls the command history function. The
history size command lets you specify the size of the history buffer by number of
lines. The no history command deletes the history buffer.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
Command Default
The hostname command configures the name for the system host.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
icp keepalive
The icp keepalive command allows you to set the threshold for missed ICP
keepalives after which the SRM module will be reset. The icp keepalive command
also configures console or system logging of event messages related to missed ICP
The Resource Manager (RM) software component of the SRM module sends an ICP
“SRM_READY” message as a poll every 2.5 seconds to all modules in the BSR
chassis. If any module fails to respond after 10 “SRM_READY” messages (25
seconds), the SRM generates an “RM.35” log message and the module is reset.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
ip ftp password
The ip ftp password command displays the password to use to connect to the
network using FTP. The no ip ftp password command deletes the password for an
FTP connection.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ftp username
The ip ftp username command configures the connection to the network for using
FTP. The no ip ftp username command configures the router anonymously for FTP.
Use the ip ftp username command that is related to an account on the server.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip netmask-format
The ip netmask-format command lets you specify the format in which netmask
values appear in show command output. The no ip netmask format command sets
the output format back to the default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip tacacs source-interface
The ip tacacs source-interface command allows an operator to control the source IP
address of TACACS+ packets generated by the BSR by specifying an Ethernet or
loopback interface as the source IP address for TACACS+ packets. The normal
convention for generated TACACS+ packets is to set the source IP address equal to
the IP address of the outgoing interface. The ip tacacs source-interface command
overrides this convention and instead uses the IP address of a specified Ethernet or
loopback interface. This command facilitates the use of one IP address entry
associated with the TACACS+ client instead of maintaining a list of all IP addresses
and is useful in cases where the a router has many interfaces and an operator wants to
ensure that all TACACS+ packets from a particular router have the same IP address.
The no ip tacacs source-interface command removes the specified source interface.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ldap client
The ldap client command enables the LDAP client. The no ldap client command
disables the LDAP client.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
ldap search-base
The ldap search-base command specifies the base distinguished name of the starting
point for a search of the LDAP database. The no ldap search-base ends the search of
the LDAP database.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ldap server
The ldap server command configures LDAP server parameters. The no ldap server
command clears the LDAP server parameters.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The load-interval command specifies the load interval timer value in minutes. The
load interval timer captures bandwidth utilization information on a per-port basis for
both received and transmitted data. Bandwidth utilization information can then be
displayed with the show interfaces command. The following is typical load interval
information as displayed with the show interfaces command:
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
5 minutes
The logging command specifies the IP address of a remote SYSLOG server. The no
logging command clears the IP address specification of a remote SYSLOG server.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
logging admin-status
The logging admin-status command controls the transmission of traps and SYSLOG
messages with respect to the threshold specified with the logging rate-limit
command. The logging admin-status command is only relevant if DOCSIS logging
control has been specified with the logging control docsis command.
In CLI logging control mode, the logging admin-status command will be ignored by
the system and a warning message will display if it is used. In this mode, only the
logging rate-limit command is relevant. In DOCSIS logging control mode, both the
logging admin-status and logging rate-limit commands are needed to specify
Note: An event is always treated as a single event for threshold counting. For
example: an event causing both a trap and a SYSLOG message is still
treated as a one event.
Command Syntax
logging buffered
The logging buffered command sets the size of the logging buffer and the severity
level. The no logging buffered command returns to the default buffer size (256 KB).
Note: Use the show log command, in Privileged EXEC mode, to display
logged messages with the newest message displayed first.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
notifications, log file is 256 Kbytes
logging console
The logging console command enables the sending of system logging messages to the
console. Additionally, the logging of messages displayed on the console terminal can
be limited to a specified severity level. Use the no logging console command to
disable console logging.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
no logging control docsis
logging default
The logging default command restores the default settings for all logging, including
logging <destination> <severity>, logging reporting, and EVT configurations.
■ The docsDevEvControlTable is restored to its DOCSIS-specified default values.
■ CLI logging control is re-established.
■ All logging evt configuration lines are removed from the running configuration
■ Any logging <A.B.C.D> (for SYSLOG server) commands are unaffected.
■ The logging rate-limit command is unaffected.
■ The logging buffered <size> command is restored to its default size.
■ The command restores the following entries to the running configuration file:
no logging control docsis
logging buffered notifications
logging console error
no logging trap
no logging snmp-trap
logging facility local7
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Logging of BPI authorization invalid messages is enabled by default.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Logging of BPI authorization reject messages is enabled by default.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Logging of Map Reject messages is disabled by default.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Logging of these error messages is enabled by default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Syntax
logging facility
The logging facility command specifies the SYSLOG facility to which error
messages are sent. The no logging facility command reverts to the default of
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
local 7
logging on
The logging on command starts and stops the SYSLOG, and sends debug and error
messages to a logging process. The no logging on command stops sending debug or
error messages to a logging process.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
logging rate-limit
The logging rate-limit command limits the rate of system messages and SNMP traps
logged per second. The no logging rate-limit command disables the rate limit.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
logging reporting
The logging reporting command specifies the recording mechanism for logging
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: Debug messages will not be reported unless debugging has been
turned on for a subsystem with the corresponding CLI debug command (e.g.
debug snmp).
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
logging session
The logging session command enables the transmission of system logging messages
to the current login session. The no logging session command disables the
transmission of system logging messages to the current login session.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
logging snmp-trap
The logging snmp-trap command logs all SNMP traps or logs SNMP traps of a
specified severity level and higher.
Note: The logging snmp-trap command limits SNMP trap logging to SNMP
traps with a level up to and including the severity level specified with this
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
logging trap
The logging trap command filters messages logged to the SYSLOG servers based on
severity. The command limits the log messages sent to a SYSLOG server to messages
with a severity level up to and including the severity level specified with this
command. The no logging trap command disables the logging of these messages to
the SYSLOG servers.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
notifications level (severity=5)
The login command logs a user on to the system.
Group Access
Command Mode
Command Syntax
The logout command logs a user out of the system. Use the logout command to end
the current session. The logout command is used the same way as the exit command.
In Privileged EXEC mode, use the logout command with a character argument to log
a particular user out of the system. Only users with administrative privileges can log
other users out.
Group Access
Command Mode
User EXEC and Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The macro command defines a group of existing CLI commands that can be executed
by entering the macro name at the command line. The no macro command removes a
macro from the macro list.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC and Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
memory checkzero
The memory checkzero command enables memory checking on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The message command sends a message to a specified active user.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The network-clock-select command configures network timing parameters. The no
network-clock-select command disables network timing parameters.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
1 primary priority
2 secondary priority
bits E1/T1 BITS clock
pos <X/Y> BSR POS interface slot and port
e1 configure interface as E1
pcm31-crc PCM-31 framing with AMI line coding, CRC
a select port A
b select port B
t1 configure interface as T1
esf-b8zs ESF framing with B8ZS line coding
sf-d4 SF-D4 framing with AMI line coding
slc96 SLC96 framing with AMI line coding
t1dm T1DM framing with AMI line coding
network-clock-select revertive
The network-clock-select revertive command enables revertive mode. The no
network-clock-select revertive command disables revertive mode.
Revertive mode enables the automatic switch-over to the highest priority clock source
available if the current clock goes offline
Note: In order for revertive mode to work properly, you must configure both
the primary and secondary clock sources. If there are no clock sources
configured, the Stratum 3 module on the SRM will remain in free-running
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The more command displays the contents of a specified file.
Use the more nvram:startup-config command to view the startup configuration file
in NVRAM. The config_file environmental table will be displayed if the startup
configuration file is not displayed. The user can determine the status of the file which
is either a complete or a distilled version of the configuration file.
Use the more system:running-config command to view the running configuration
file. The more system:running-config command displays the version of the software
and any changes that were previously made.
Note: You can use the more command to view files on remote systems.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The page command controls the scrolling of system output displays.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
Command Default
The password command establishes a password that must be specified by users
attempting to establish a console or telnet session with the BSR. A console or telnet
session will not be established if the correct password is not specified by the user. The
no password command removes the password.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
privilege restricted
The privilege restricted command designates a specific CLI command or group of
commands as belonging to the "restricted" user group. Only users in the "restricted"
user group have read-write access to commands designated as "restricted".
Note: By default, users in the "restricted" user group will not be able to
execute any commands unless they have been specified as "restricted" with
the privilege restricted command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The radius-server command configures a RADIUS client to allow communication
with a RADIUS server. Configuring a RADIUS client involves the following tasks:
■ specifying the RADIUS server
■ defining the shared encryption key for authentication between the RADIUS
server and the RADIUS client
■ specifying the number of retry attempts if there is no response from an active
RADIUS server
■ specifying the time interval between retry attempts if there is no response from
from an active RADIUS server
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
redundancy cmts
The redundancy cmts command enables CMTS redundancy protection for a primary
CMTS. The slot number of the primary CMTS must be in the range 0..5 or 9..14. Slot
15 may not be used for CMTS redundancy.
The no redundancy cmts command disables CMTS redundancy protection for a
slot.The slot number must be a primary slot number in the range 0..5 or 9..14. By
default, redundancy is automatically enabled for all installed CMTS modules.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
redundancy enabled
Note: After the first administrative (manual) switchover you perform for BSR
64000 systems employing Redundant SRMs, Redundant CMTS modules, or
both; wait a minimum of 5 minutes for SRMs and 60 seconds for CMTS
modules before initiating another administrative switchover.
Only users with read/write privileges are allowed to use the redundancy
force-switchover cmts command. If a user has read-only privileges, the
command is not executed and a message is displayed informing the user of
insufficient privileges.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: After the first administrative (manual) switchover you perform for BSR
64000 systems employing Redundant SRMs, Redundant CMTS modules, or
both; wait a minimum of 5 minutes for SRMs and 60 seconds for CMTS
modules before initiating another administrative switchover.
Only users with read/write privileges are allowed to use the redundancy
force-switchover srm command. If a user has read-only privileges, the
command is not executed and a message is displayed informing the user of
insufficient privileges.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
The reload command reloads the operating system. The reload command is most
often used to reload upgraded software.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
reload switched
A Hitless Upgrade is performed by distributing new software image(s) to all modules
in the BSR 64000 chassis via the update chassis command and then using the reload
switched command to sequentially reload the image to all modules in the chassis.
The reload switched command performs a sequential reload of every module resident
in the BSR chassis as part of a hitless upgrade. While each module is reloading, its
operation will be performed by another module.
Note: The reload switched command can be used by itself (without the
update chassis command) to perform a hitless reload (not upgrade) of the
The reload switched command will not be executed in the following circumstances:
■ a non-switched reload is currently pending.
■ there are modules cards in the BSR chassis that are not in either the RUN or
STBY state.
■ the BSR chassis does not support both SRM and CMTS redundancy.
The user is given the choice of proceeding with the Hitless Upgrade or
aborting the operation with the recommendation being to abort.
CLI commands that would interfere with operation of the reload switched command
will not be executed during the switched reload procedure. These commands are:
■ balance
■ boot
■ copy
■ download (debug mode command)
■ update
■ redundancy cmts enable/disable
■ redundancy force srm/cmts
■ reload (except reload cancel)
■ reset
■ shutdown (if configuring an HSIM interface)
■ no shutdown (if configuring HSIM interface)
During a switched hitless upgrade reload, the above commands will not execute even
if the command does not apply to the module currently being reloaded. If an attempt is
made to use these commands, the system will display a message similar to the
This command may not be performed while a switched reload is in progress. Enter
‘show reload’ to display the current progress of the switched reload. Enter ‘reload
cancel’ to cancel the switched reload.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Prviledged EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical output from the reload switched check
Note: For the reload switched resume command, the hsim-delay option
has the same functionality as described above with one important difference;
If the hsim-delay option is not specified with the reload switched resume
command, then the hsim-delay value used during Hitless Upgrade will be
the hsim-delay value specified with the previous reload switched
hsim-delay command or the default hsim-delay value of 15 seconds.
For some reason Hitless Upgrade is either aborted by the user or terminates
due to some issue. When the issue has been addressed and Hitless Upgrade
is resumed, the following scenarios will apply:
Command Default
hsim-delay = 15 seconds
The repeat command repeats a command or series of commands
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The reset command resets all slots or a specific slot in the BSR 64000 chassis.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
service password-encryption
The service password-encryption command enables password encryption. The no
service password-encryption disables password encryption.
The service password-encryption command will also encrypt previously specified
passwords in the running-config file that are currently unencrypted.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
No encryption
The session-timeout command lets you specify the length of time (in minutes) before
the BSR terminates any inactive session. An inactive session is a session has received
no user input or system output during the specified time interval.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
5 minutes for telnet sessions
0 for console sessions (session maintained indefinitely)
session-window set
The session-window set command specifies the height and width parameters of the
current CLI session window.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
set bandwidth-factor
The set bandwidth-factor command configures the percentage of bandwidth that
may be used by a Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interface. The no set
bandwidth-factor command restores the default bandwidth factor of 100%.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
show aliases
The show aliases command displays any one of the following:
■ Aliases for commands in all modes
■ Aliases for commands in a specific mode.
■ Aliases for all commands that begin with, include, or exclude a specified string.
■ Aliases for a specific mode that begin with, include, or exclude a specified string.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show aliases
System-wide aliases:
scmst show cable modem summary total
scm show cable modem
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show boot
The show boot command lists the boot parameters. Use the show boot command to
display the contents of the BOOT environment variables and the configuration
register setting. The following is an example of typical screen output from the show
boot command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Note: The value displayed with the sysUpTime SNMP MIB object and the
"UpTime" field as displayed in the show chassis status command output
represent different system up time values.
The sysUpTime MIB object represents the amount of time that the SNMP
Agent has been running. This is relative to the time that the SNMP Agent was
last restarted. Initially, this will be close to the time that the SRM module last
restarted because the SNMP Agent resides on the SRM module. However, if
the SNMP Agent itself is restarted with the snmp-server shutdown or
snmp-server enable CLI commands, the sysUpTime will be reset to zero.
The "UpTime" value displayed in the show chassis status command output
represents the amount of time that the modules have been running relative to
the last reboot of the chassis or last reset of the modules. These system time
values may be different for each module, even after a reboot of the entire
chassis, because not all modules complete their initialization at the same
time. Also, the system time values will be different if individual modules are
restarted via the CLI or are manually inserted at a later time. However, the
per-module 'UpTime" values displayed in the show chassis status
command output are NOT affected by the snmp-server shutdown and
snmp-server enable commands because these values are relative to the
module’s boot time not to the SNMP Agent’s boot time.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Note: Do not truncate the show chassis status command (ex. sh ch st)
when in Interface Configuration Mode. Truncating the show chassis status
command when in Interface Configuration Mode will produce the expected
command output but will also place the CLI into Global Configuration Mode.
Command Syntax
show clock
The show clock command shows the system clock. The following is an example of
typical screen output from the show clock command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All mores except for User EXEC
show evt
The show evt command displays EVT counts for all EVT groups, a specific EVT
group, EVT group counts that only occur on a specific BSR slot, or individual event.
By default, only EVT groups with non-zero event counts are displayed. The following
is an example of typical screen output from the show evt command:
In addition to the BSR 64000 slot number, EVT group name, and EVT base number,
the following information is displayed
D = Debug
I = Informational
N = Notice
W = Warning
E = Error
C = Critical
A = Alert
E = Emergency
Logging indicates to which logging subsystems EVT
messages are forwarded:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
show forced-download
The show forced-download command shows information about which slots are set
for forced download from the SRM.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show
forced-download command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show history
The show history command displays a list of commands executed during a session.
The list size is determined by the setting of the history size command. The following
is an example of typical screen output from the show history command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
show keepalive
The show keepalive command displays keepalive status and configuration
information for all switch fabric or ICP keepalives. The following is an example of
typical screen output from the show keepalive command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show log
The show log command displays message logging in the log file the newest message
first.The show log command displays log file contents and information about users
who have logged into the BSR. The following is an example of typical screen output
from the show log command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
show macro
The show macro command lists all configured macros on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show memory
The show memory command displays the memory content of the starting address.
Use the show memory command to view information about memory available after
the system image decompresses and loads. The following is an example of typical
screen output from the show memory command with the fastpath argument:
Category # Of Bytes
-------- ----------
Total : 19317128
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show memory
command with the information argument:
num addr size
--- ---------- ----------
1 0x6ea6718 72
2 0x6ee8248 32
3 0x6ea67e0 40
4 0x6ee8d60 32
5 0x6ea6a10 40
6 0x6ea6960 24
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
32 bit
show network-clocks
The show network-clocks command displays the network clock configuration. The
following is an example of typical screen output from the show network-clocks
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
show pool
The show pool command displays information on data buffering including all
memory buffer pools, application-specific pools, the network pool, system physical
structures, and all mBuf pool names. The following is an example of typical screen
output from the show pool command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show process
The show process command displays information about software processes that are
running on the router. The following is an example of typical screen output from the
show process command:
All CPU accounting is approximate, there are 103 ticks per second
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: CPU usage statistics for HSIM or standby SRM modules will not be
displayed using this command.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show process cpu
All CPU accounting is approximate, there are 503 ticks per second
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
frequency = 60 Hz
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
All display output is shown in bytes
Sorting is disabled
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show redundancy
cmts command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show reload
The show reload command displays the status of a Hitless Upgrade in progress after a
software reload of all modules in the BSR chassis has been initiated with the reload
switched command.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
show running-config
The show running-config command displays configuration information currently
running on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
cable X/Y the CMTS slot and MAC Domain number on the BSR
ethernet X/Y the Ethernet/Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3 slot and port
number on the BSR
gigaether X/Y the Gigabit Ethernet slot and port number on the BSR
loopback 1-255 the loopback interface number
pos X/Y the Packet over SONET slot and port number on the
tunnel 0-255 the tunnel interface number
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
show startup-config
The show startup-config command displays the contents of the system startup
configuration file.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Packet Count : 44907
Drop Count : 0
Packet Count : 44907
Abort Count : 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show system
This show system command displays various operating information for the BSR
64000. The following is an example of typical screen output from the show stats
system command:
Model Serial # HW SW
--------- ---------- ------------ ----------
BSR 64000 027006554 CHS-0009-01 4.2.0T00P43.H14.KRBU
Module temperature and status and the number of each class of alarms are also
Note: The value displayed with the sysUpTime SNMP MIB object and the
"UpTime" field as displayed in the show system command output represent
different system up time values.
The sysUpTime MIB object represents the amount of time that the SNMP
Agent has been running. This is relative to the time that the SNMP Agent was
last restarted. Initially, this will be close to the time that the SRM module last
restarted because the SNMP Agent resides on the SRM module. However, if
the SNMP Agent itself is restarted with the snmp-server shutdown or
snmp-server enable CLI commands, the sysUpTime will be reset to zero.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
AckCnt 1 = [ 0]
MaxAckCnt1= [ 255]
SetPnt 1 = [ 0] 0rpms
SetPnt = [ 94] 2144rpms
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show tacacs
The show tacacs command displays statistics for all TACACS+ servers on the
network including the IP address of the servers, connections, failed connection
attempts, and packets sent and received. If there is more than one TACACS+ server
configured, the command output displays statistics for all servers in the order in which
they were configured. The following is an example of typical screen output from the
show tacacs command:
Note: TACACS+ statistics can also be displayed with the show ip traffic
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
show tech
The show tech command displays statistics and log information from the output of
the following technical support related show commands:
■ show version
■ show running-config
■ show interfaces
■ show ip traffic
■ show L2-cam ip
■ show L2-cam label
■ show L2-cam mac
■ show log
■ show stats cmts
■ show controllers cable
■ show process memory
■ show memory information
■ show pool
■ show process cpu
■ show process msg-q-info
■ show process semaphores
■ show process stack
■ show ip route summary
■ show evt
■ show cable modem summary
The screen output of the show tech command is a compilation of the above show
commands and can take several minutes to display on the screen. The output can also
be saved to a file for later viewing. For a sample display of the output of the show
tech command, see the individual show commands listed above.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show update
The show update command displays bypassed Resource Manager behaviors or
ongoing or prior upgrade status for each slot on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show user-group
The show user-group command displays the group access level for a specific CLI
command. The group access levels are as follows:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show users
The show users command displays information about active Telnet sessions including
the username, user group and privilege level, the IP address of the originating host,
and the session ID. The following is an example of typical screen output from the
show users command:
Active connections
user group/privilege origin session
console sysadmin/rw console 0
enabled-user sysadmin/rw 1*
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC and Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show version
The show version command displays the configuration of the system hardware, the
software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images.
The following is typical screen output from the show version command:
Depending on the module type, the remaining output in each show version display
shows the format version, assembly type, hardware revision, serial, part, and product
numbers, FPGA Version number, and buffer management information.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show xfabric
The show xfabric command displays keepalive status and configuration information
for all switch fabric keepalives and the status of all operational slots.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show xfabric
keepalive command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show xfabric status
The slot command enters Slot Configuration mode for a specified BSR slot from
Global Configuration mode. To return to Global Configuration mode, use the end
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The speed command specifies the speed at which the Ethernet interface operates. The
default speed is auto-negotiated but the speed can be manually set to either 10 Mbps
or 100 Mbps.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Auto negotiation enabled
srm alias
The srm alias command is used to configure an alias name for the SRM module.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
srm assetid
The srm assetid command is used to configure your organization’s asset ID number
that is assigned to the SRM module.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
srm assetid
The srm assetid command is used to configure your organization’s asset ID number
that is assigned to the SRM module.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sync file
The sync file command synchronizes all files stored in Flash memory or NVRAM
between an Active SRM and a Standby SRM including the startup and running
configuration files.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
tacacs reset-connections
The tacacs reset-connections command is used to reset all the TACACS+ server
connections and associated sessions. After reset, all connections will be
re-established. The tacacs reset-connections command is useful to initiate a reset and
re-establish the existing connections after making any connection-specific
configuration changes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
tacacs-server host
The tacacs-server host command is used to specify and configure individual
TACACS+ servers. The command can also be used to configure multiple TACACS+
servers. The TACACS+ client will contact the servers in the order in which they are
specified.The no tacacs-server host command removes a TACACS+ server from the
Note: Since the key, port, retry, and timeout parameters specified with the
tacacs-server host command override any global settings made by the
tacacs-server key, tacacs-server port, tacacs-server retry, and
tacacs-server timeout commands, the tacacs-server host command can be
used to enhance network security by uniquely configuring individual
TACACS+ servers.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
tacacs-server key
The tacacs-server key command is used to specify a global authentication encryption
key used for all TACACS+ communications between the TACACS+ client and the
TACACS+ server. A global encryption key is used if no encryption key is specifically
configured for this TACACS+ server. The no tacacs-server key disables
authentication encryption.
Note: The key entered must match the key used on the TACACS+ server. All
leading spaces are ignored; spaces within and at the end of the key are not. If
spaces are used within the key, the key should not be enclosed in quotation
marks unless the quotation marks themselves are part of the key.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
tacacs-server port
The tacacs-server port command to specify a global port number for all
communication between the TACACS+ server and the TACACS client. A global port
number is used if no port number is specifically configured for this TACACS+ server.
The no tacacs-server port command restores the default port number value of 49.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
tacacs-server retry
The tacacs-server retry command is used to globally specify a retry count for all
TACACS+ servers. A global retry count is used if no retry count is specifically
configured for this TACACS+ server. The no tacacs-server retry command restores
the global default value of 3 retries.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
3 retries
tacacs-server timeout
The tacacs-server timeout command is used to specify a global timeout interval for
all TACACS+ servers. A global timeout value is used if no timeout value is
specifically configured for this TACACS+ server. The no tacacs-server timeout
command restores the global default timeout value or specifies another value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
10 seconds
The telnet command establishes a telnet connection between the BSR and a remote
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
telnet session-limit
The telnet session-limit command specifies a limit on the number of concurrent
telnet sessions allowed to the BSR. Setting the session-limit to "0" will disallow any
telnet sessions from being accepted. Setting a session-limit value will not affect any
currently open telnet sessions.
The no telnet session-limit command restores the default session limit of 16
concurrent telnet sessions.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
update bypass
The update bypass command bypasses specified Resource Manager behaviors.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC and Global Configuration
Command Syntax
update chassis
The update chassis command allows a runtime upgrade of the BSR 64000 I/O
module bootrom, the FPGA, and applications.
Note: Using the update chassis command may result in an audible loss of
voice-over-IP data for up to 20 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC and Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The username command establishes a login authentication system based on a
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
username privilege
The username privilege command sets a privilege level for a user.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
username user-group
The username user-group command assigns a user to a user group. The no
username user-group command removes a user from a user group.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
xfabric keepalive
The xfabric keepalive command enables the switch fabric keepalive timer and
specifies the type of system reaction in the event of a switch fabric failure. The no
xfabric keepalive command disables the switch fabric keepalive timer.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
880-recover Disabled
cmts-rebind Disabled
monitor Disabled
slot-recover Disabled
880-recover threshold 3 seconds
cmts-rebind threshold 15 seconds
monitor threshold 10 seconds
slot-recover threshold 60 seconds
This chapter describes the following types of commands for the BSR:
Interface commands not associated with a specific protocol can be used to configure
interface features with any device on the network.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) commands handle
network communications between network nodes. This includes network addressing
information, control information that enables packets to be routed, and reliable
transmission of data.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) commands dynamically maps IP addresses to
physical hardware addresses. An ARP cache is used to maintain a correlation between
each MAC address and its corresponding IP address.
Domain Name System (DNS) commands are used to map hostnames to IP addresses,
and to control Internet routing information. Lists of domain names and IP addresses
are distributed throughout the Internet with DNS servers.
Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) commands are used to synchronize
computer clocks in the global internet. SNTP operates in unicast, broadcast, and IP
multicast modes.
IP Command Descriptions
This section contains an alphabetized list and descriptions of the IP commands
supported by the BSR.
The arp command adds a permanent entry in the ARP cache. The no arp command
removes the entry in the ARP cache. The arp command can also specify the type of
ARP packet that is used, whether to use an alias if proxy arp is enabled, and to specify
a cable bundle interface if cable bundling is being used.
Note: Proxy ARP is not enabled by default. ARP cache entries translate
32-bit addresses into 48-bit hardware addresses. If the host supports
dynamic resolution, static entries are usually not needed. Use the clear
arp-cache command to remove all dynamically learned entries.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
no entries in table
arpa (ethernet ARP)
arp timeout
The ARP timeout feature is used to prevent unnecessary flooding of traffic over the
cable network. ARP resolution requests are terminated after a defined interval when
attempts to resolve addressing information, for a device entry in the ARP cache table.
The arp timeout command configures the amount of time an entry stays in the ARP
cache. The no arp timeout command restores the default ARP timeout condition. The
show interfaces command displays the current ARP timeout value.
Note: When the arp timeout value is changed, the change affects all the
existing entries in addition to the entries subsequently created.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
60 minutes
cable helper-address
The cable helper address function disassembles a DHCP broadcast packet, and
reassembles it into a unicast packet so that the packet can traverse the router and
communicate with the DHCP server. The cable helper-address command enables
broadcast forwarding for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.
The cable helper-address command is also used to bind a cable helper address to a
secondary IP subnet of a CM which is connected to CPEs belonging to a particular
ISP. This allows CPEs to have their IP address assigned from the DHCP server
belonging to the corresponding ISP.
Note: The isp-bind option is only available after selecting the host or mta
options. It is not available for the cable modem option.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable and loopback interfaces only)
Command Syntax
clear arp-cache
The clear arp-cache command clears dynamic entries from ARP cache.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear counters
The clear counters command is used to clear a specific counter or all interface
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
cable X/Y clears the cable counters for the specified slot
and port
ethernet X/Y clears the Ethernet or for the specified slot
and port
gigaether X/Y clears the Gigabit Ethernet counters for the
specified slot and port
ipsec clears the IPSEC counters
loopback 1-255 clears the loopback for the specified loopback
interface number
tunnel 0-255 clears the tunnel interface counters for the
specified tunnel interface number
pos X/Y clears the Packet over SONET (POS)
counters for the specified slot and port
clear host
The clear host command deletes DNS host entries from the
host-name-and-address cache.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear ip route
The clear ip route command deletes route table entries.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
clear ip traffic
The clear ip traffic command resets the IP traffic statistic counters to zero.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
host authorization
The host authorization feature is used for security purposes on the cable network.
When enabled, host authorization denies access to any hacker who tries to take or
“spoof” an IP address from any legitimate user on the same cable network. A hacker
takes the IP address from this user to steal their data service. The hacker accomplishes
this by changing the IP address on their PC to the IP address that the DHCP server
assigned to a legitimate user’s CPE. Cable operators can create static entries to deny
hackers from stealing service from users. Through static entries, cable operators can
manually bind the CPE MAC (hardware) and IP address to a particular cable modem.
This command may be used in circumstances when DHCP is not used to assign the
CPE IP addresses
The host authorization command is used to enforce the binding of the CM and CPE
MAC addresses to the IP address assigned to them (statically or through DHCP). The
no host authorization command disables host authorization on the cable interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration mode (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
The interface command specifies an interface for further configuration. Once the
interface is selected you enter Interface configuration mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip access-group
The ip access-group command configures an interface to use an access list. The no ip
access-group command does not allow incoming or outgoing packets.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No access groups defined.
ip address
The ip address command configures a primary or secondary IP address for an
interface or defines the Gateway IP address (giaddr) for Customer Premises
Equipment (CPE), Multimedia Telephone Adapter (MTA), or cable modem DHCP
requests. The no ip address command is used to remove an IP address from the
When configuring a cable or loopback interface’s IP address, two additional options
are supported; the host and mta options. The host and mta options are only available
from cable or loopback interface configuration mode when selecting an IP address.
During the DHCP process, the relay agent requests an IP address in a particular subnet
by inserting the IP address of the interface into the DHCP requests from CMs, hosts,
and MTAs. The primary address is always inserted in cable modem DHCP requests. If
a secondary address or a secondary host address is defined, then the first secondary or
secondary host IP address in the list is inserted into DHCP requests from hosts. If one
or multiple secondary mta IP address are defined, then the first secondary mta IP
address defined is inserted into DHCP requests from secondary MTA devices. The ip
dhcp relay information option command must be enabled to allow the BSR to
determine what type of device originated the DHCP request. By default, the primary
address will be inserted into DHCP requests.
The ip address command is also used to bind a secondary IP address to a secondary
IP subnet of a CM which is connected to CPEs belonging to a particular ISP. This
allows the BSR to set the giaddr of the CPE's DHCP packets to the secondary
address of the CM to which the secondary addresses of the CPE are bound.
Note: The BSR supports 256 secondary IP subnets per CMTS module.The
maximum number of secondary IP subnets that can be configured on the
entire BSR chassis is 1024.
If you are running a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS module as two
1:4 configurations, the limit is still 256 secondary IP subnets for the entire 2:8
CMTS module. The total number of secondary IP subnets between MAC
Domain 0 and MAC Domain 1 can only equal 256. Also, if you apply the
same cable bundle to each MAC domain even though the secondary IP
subnets are the same they must be counted twice.
For example, if you have 256 secondary IP subnets in a cable bundle and
you apply that cable bundle to two MAC domains, the total number of
secondary IP subnets would be 512 which exceeds the limit for the DOCSIS
2.0 CMTS module. In this example, there can be no more than 128
secondary IP subnets on the cable bundle.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip broadcast-address
The ip broadcast-address command creates a broadcast address for an interface. The
no ip broadcast-address command deletes the broadcast address for an interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: If you are configuring two MAC domains on the 2x8 CMTS module, the
ip dhcp relay information option command must be entered for each MAC
domain. If this command is not entered in for each domain, CMs cannot
register in that domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
ip domain-list
The ip domain-list command provides up to six domain names to resolve unqualified
host names when the primary domain, specified by the ip domain-name command,
fails to resolve.
Use the ip domain-list command to define a list of secondary domain names.
Secondary domain names are used if the primary domain name fails to resolve.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip domain-lookup
The ip domain-lookup command enables the IP Domain Name System (DNS) based
host name-to-address translation. The no ip domain-lookup command disables the IP
DNS-based name-to-address translation.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
ip domain-name
For each BSR, you should configure the name of the domain in which the BSR is
located. This is the default domain name that is appended to host names that are not
fully qualified. The ip domain-name command is used to configure a domain name.
The no ip domain-name command removes the domain name.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No domain is configured.
ip forward-protocol udp
The ip forward-protocol udp command controls what type of UDP packet to
forward when broadcasting packets or allows all types of UDP packets to be
forwarded. The no ip forward-protocol udp command disables IP forwarding.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip forwarding
The ip forwarding command neutralizes virus or hacking attacks by forwarding the
offending traffic on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) source or destination port zero (depending where this traffic is coming from),
where it is then discarded through the BSR’s hardware.
Once the hacking or virus problem is resolved, the no ip forwarding command is
used to stop discarding TCP or UDP packets on their respective source port 0 or
destination port 0.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip helper-address
The ip helper-address command determines the destination IP address of the DHCP
server for where broadcast packets are forwarded. The no ip helper-address
command removes the IP address where broadcast packets are forwarded.
Use the ip-helper address command to forward broadcast packets received on an
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip host
The ip host command is used to add a static, classless DNS host entry to the ip
hostname table by matching the host IP address to its DNS host name mapping. The
no ip host command deletes the host address-to-name mapping in the host cache.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No hosts configured
ip irdp
The ip irdp command enables the ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) on an
interface. The no ip irdp command disables the ICMP IRDP on an interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip mask-reply
The ip mask-reply command enables Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
netmask reply messages. The no ip mask-reply command disables ICMP netmask
reply messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Mode
ip mask-reply
no ip mask-reply
Command Default
ip mtu
The ip mtu command configures the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) packet
size allowed on the interface. The no ip mtu command resets the default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
1496 bytes
ip name-server
The ip name-server command is used to enter the IP address of one or more Domain
Name Servers (DNS). Up to six DNS can be configured on the BSR. The no ip
name-server command deletes a DNS entry.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip proxy-arp
The ip proxy-arp command enables proxy ARP on the interface. The no ip
proxy-arp command disables proxy ARP on an interface.
The BSR will also respond to an ARP request for a network on a different
interface when proxy ARP is turned on.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
ip rarp-server
The ip rarp-server command is used to enable the router to act as a RARP server.
The no ip rarp-server command disables the router to act as a RARP server.
The RARP server can be configured on each interface to ensure that the router does
not affect RARP traffic on other subnetworks that do not need RARP assistance. The
following conditions must be satisfied before receiving RARP support:
■ The ip rarp-server command must be configured on the requesting interface
■ A static entry, must exist in the IP ARP table, mapping the MAC address in the
RARP request to an IP address
The IP address should be set to whatever address the user configures as the primary
address for the interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip redirects
The ip redirects command enables messages to be redirected if a packet needs to be
resent through the interface that received the packet. The no ip redirects command
disables messages that are redirected if a packet needs to be resent through the
interface that received the packet.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (not supported for Cable interfaces)
ip route
The ip route command is used to configure a static route when the router cannot
dynamically build a route to the specific destination or if the route must be in place
permanently. The no ip route command remove a static route.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Administrative distance = 1
ip routing
The ip routing command enables IP routing. The no ip routing command disables IP
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
ip source-route
The ip source-route command allows the BSR to handle IP datagrams with source
routing header options. The no ip source-route command discards any IP datagram
containing a source-route option.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
ip unreachables
The ip unreachables command enables processing of an ICMP unreachable message
when the BSR cannot deliver a received packet. The no ip unreachables command
disables ICMP unreachable message processing when the router cannot deliver a
received a packet.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration
Command Default
The passive-interface command suppresses routing updates from being transmitted
over a specific ethernet or cable routing interface. The no passive-interface
re-enables route updates to be transmitted over the routing interface.
Note: Updates from routers that are directly connected to the passive
interface continue to be received and processed.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Routing updates are transmitted over the router.
The Packet Internet Groper (PING) ping command sends an Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to a remote host that reports errors and
provides information relevant to IP packet addressing.
Use the ping command to check host reach ability and network connectivity, or to
confirm basic network connectivity.
Note: The address of the source in an echo message will be the destination
of the echo reply message. To form an echo reply message, the source and
destination addresses are simply reversed, the type code changed to 0, and
the checksum recomputed.
Group Access
Command Mode
User EXEC and Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show arp
The show arp command displays static and dynamic entries in the ARP table. The
following is an example of typical screen output from the show arp command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show controllers
The show controllers command displays detailed hardware and configuration
information for each module on installed in the BSR chassis.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Device Type State Seconds Modem MAC Addr Host IP Addr Host MAC Addr
Host Dyn Ack 90000 0008.0e72.bf70 0008.0e72.bf72
Modem Dyn Ack-TD-TF 90000 0008.0e72.bf70 0008.0e72.bf70
Host Dyn Learned 90000 0008.0e73.1dba 0008.0e73.1dbc
Modem Dyn Ack-TD-TF 90000 0008.0e73.1dba 0008.0e73.1dba
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Device Type State Seconds Modem MAC Addr Host IP Addr Host MAC Addr
Modem Dyn Ack-TD-TF 90000 0008.0e72.bf70 0008.0e72.bf70
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
show hosts
The show hosts command displays the cache list of host names and addresses, and the
lookup service type.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
show interfaces
Use the show interfaces command to display the status and statistics for the network
interfaces. Use the show interfaces command without the slot and interface argument
to display all interfaces. The following is an example of typical screen output from the
show interfaces command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip arp
The show ip arp command displays the Internet Protocol (IP) Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) cache table entries for individual interfaces or all interfaces on the
BSR. Each ARP entry describes the protocol type, IP address to MAC address
binding, age time, ARP type, and interface location and type. Use the additional
command arguments to filter the output information you want to receive. The
following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip arp command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except for User EXEC
Command Syntax
DHCP statistics:
CMTS Slot Upstream Downstream
4 30238 30234
6 0 0
9 0 0
11 40174 40160
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip filters
The show ip filters command displays a variety of filter and routing policy
configuration information. Filters provide a mechanism for determining whether or
not to process IP packets received over the BSR 64000 POS OC-3/C12, Multi-Mode
Gigabit Ethernet (SX), Single-Mode Gigabit Ethernet (LX), or 10/100 Ethernet
Network Interface Modules (NIMs). When an IP packet matches one of the patterns in
a filter, the filter determines whether the packet is discarded or passed to the IP
routing module for forwarding. Filtering decisions can be based on combinations of
source address, destination address, TCP/UDP port and protocol.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip filters
The show ip filters command displays the following filter configuration information
for the acl, icmp, policy, qos, srm, and tunnel command options:
The following additional filter configuration information is displayed for the policy
command option:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip filters
summary command:
Null Filter 0
Send To Srm 0
Unresolved ARP 0
Access List Permit 0
Access List Deny 0
ACL Permit Range 0
ACL Deny Range 0
ICMP Redirect 0
ICMP Unreachable 1
Ip Tunnel Loopback 0
Ip Tunnel Decap 0
Ip Tunnel Encap 0
Policy Route Permit 0
Policy Route Deny 0
Policy Tunnel 0
Ignore CAM use LME 0
Ip to Mpls Push 0
------------------------- --------
total 1
15 1
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip forwarding-table
The show ip forwarding-table command displays all Unicast Route entries in the
HSIM IP forwarding table. The following is an example of typical screen output from
the show ip forwarding-table command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
hitCount NUM the access list hit count and optional BSR
chassis slot number
summary summary of all MPLS Fast Path filters
vrf word select a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance
| turns on output modifiers (filters)
begin filter for output that begins with the specified
count count the number of outputted lines
count-only count the number of lines while suppressing
screen output
exclude filter for output that excludes the specified
include filter for output that includes the specified
WORD the specified string
show ip interface
The show ip interface command displays the status, statistical information, and
configuration for the network interfaces. The show ip interface command without
any command arguments displays status, statistical information, and configuration for
all interfaces. The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip
interface command:
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip irdp
The show ip irdp command displays ICMP Router Discovery Protocol information
including interface holdtime values, configured preface values, and advertisement
values for specified Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interfaces or all Ethernet or Gigabit
Ethernet interfaces on the BSR. The following is an example of typical screen output
from the show ip irdp command:
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip protocols
The show ip protocols command is used for debugging routing activity and processes
by displaying the status of routing protocol processes currently on the system. The
following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is
"bgp 4
Bgp default capabilities: ipv4-unicast route-refresh
Timers: keepalive 60 hold 180
Client-to-client reflection is enabled
Default local-preference 100
Routing Process OSPF with ID
Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
This is an autonomous system boundary router
SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
Number of external LSA 63
Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
Number of interfaces in this area is 6
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 215 times
Routing for Networks:
Distance: 110 (default is 110)
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip route
The show ip route command displays active entries in the BSR routing table. The
following is typical screem output from the show ip route command:
"Rep" in the show ip route command display ouptut indicates a replicated route. For
Replicated routes are removed after an OSPF graceful restart function completes and
routes are recalculated after an SRM switchover by the new active SRM or if the
OSPF graceful restart process fails to complete.
Note: The IP route information displayed reflects the routes that the routing
table has exported after being filtered by each routing protocol’s export
routing policy statements.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip traffic
The show ip traffic command displays IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, ARP, OSPF, IGMP,
DVMRP, PIM, and RADIUS protocol packet statistics, depending on what protocols
are in use on the BSR. The following is an example of typical screen output from the
show ip traffic command:
IP statistics:
Rcvd: 497436 total, 415835 local destination
0 no ip address configured on vrf
0 incoming interface with no ip addresses, 0 null incoming interface
0 packet received on a cable bundle i/f with master, 0 packets with
local src addr
0 packets with src addr = 0xffffffff, 0 packets with src addr = 0
0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count
0 unknown protocol, 0 not a gateway
0 security failures, 0 bad options, 0 with options
Opts: 0 end, 0 nop, 0 basic security, 0 loose source route
0 timestamp, 0 extended security, 0 record route
0 streamID, 0 strict source route, 0 alert, 0 cipso
0 policy-based routing forward, 0 other
Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 couldn't reassemble
0 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment
Bcast: 65542 received, 0 sent
Mcast: 158252 control pkt received, 720724 control pkt sent
0 data pkt received, 0 data pkt sent
Sent: 1772348 generated, 58728 forwarded
Drop: 0 encapsulation failed, 0 unresolved, 0 no adjacency
0 Mcast In Drop, 0 Mcast Out Drop
4 no route, 0 unicast RPF, 0 forced drop
0 acces-list inbound, 0 access-list outbound
0 policy-based routing drop
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show l2-cam
The show l2-cam command displays the BSR’s Layer 2 Content Addressable
Memory (L2 CAM). The following is typical output from the show l2-cam command:
The following provides descriptions of the various show l2-cam command output
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The "l2" portion of the command syntax command contains a lower
case "L" not a 1.
Command Syntax
show sntp
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) provides system time with high accuracy.
The show sntp command output displays the following SNTP information for the
SNTP server Configured SNRP to request NTP packets or
broadcast NTP server address
stratum Number of NTP hops a machine is from an
authoritative time source
version NTP server version
last receive When the last update was received
trusted server "Yes" - if an authentication was attempted and
succeeded; "No" - otherwise
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show sntp command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes excpet User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show tcp statistics
20117 packets sent
11990 data packets (399789 bytes)
0 data packet (0 byte) retransmitted
8116 ack-only packets (4 delayed)
0 URG only packet
0 window probe packet
0 window update packet
14 control packets
22949 packets received
11896 acks (for 399790 bytes)
2921 duplicate acks
0 ack for unsent data
11794 packets (12305 bytes) received in-sequence
2 completely duplicate packets (1 byte)
0 packet with some dup. data (0 byte duped)
0 out-of-order packet (0 byte)
0 packet (0 byte) of data after window
0 window probe
5573 window update packets
0 packet received after close
0 discarded for bad checksum
0 discarded for bad header offset field
0 discarded because packet too short
0 connection request
9 connection accepts
8 connections established (including accepts)
9 connections closed (including 8 drops)
1 embryonic connection dropped
11895 segments updated rtt (of 11903 attempts)
1 retransmit timeout
0 connection dropped by rexmit timeout
0 persist timeout
2916 keepalive timeouts
2915 keepalive probes sent
0 connection dropped by keepalive
0 pcb cache lookup failed
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
The shutdown command disables an interface. An interface is in a shutdown state
when some configuration tasks must be performed on the interface.
All interfaces on the BSR are shutdown by default. The no shutdown command is
used to enable a disabled interface.
Note: Use the show interfaces command to display which interfaces are
enabled or disabled.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
sntp authenticate
The sntp authenticate command enables authentication for SNTP. The no sntp
authenticate command disables authentication for SNTP.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
sntp authentication-key
The sntp authentication-key command enables authentication for SNTP. The no
sntp authentication-key command disables authentication for SNTP.
Use the sntp authentication-key command to authenticate SNTP sources for
additional security.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sntp broadcastdelay
The sntp broadcastdelay command establishes the length of a round trip between the
system and a broadcast server. The no sntp broadcastdelay command removes the
length of a round trip between the system and a broadcast server and returns it to the
Use the sntp broadcastdelay command to set the exact time between the router as a
broadcast client and the network.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
3000 microseconds
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
sntp disable
The sntp disable command disables SNTP on an interface. The no sntp disable
command enables the interface to accept NTP traffic from other servers.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
sntp server
The sntp server command configures a router for SNTP to accept NTP traffic. The
no sntp server command disables the router receiving NTP traffic.
Note: When the server address is set to, the assigned multicast
address for NTP, the BSR operates in unicast mode. It transmits a request to
this multicast address and waits for replies. It then "binds" to the first server
who replies. All subsequent transactions happen in a unicast mode. This way,
the server address need not be known beforehand.
If you configure the BSR to operate in authenticated mode, you must also
configure an authentication key (sntp authentication-key command) and a
trusted key (trusted-key command).
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
SNTP traffic not accepted from a time server
sntp timer
The sntp timer command specifies the time interval between queries to the SNTP
server. The no sntp timer command remove the time interval.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
sntp trusted-key
The sntp trusted-key command authorizes synchronization and authenticates system
identity. The no ntp trusted-key command disables synchronization and removes
system identity.
Use the sntp trusted-key command to establish a key or keys following the sntp
authentication-key command to synchronize the system. The sntp trusted-key
command synchronizes with only those systems that are trusted delivering additional
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No trusted keys defined
The traceroute command is used to trace the route that packets take through the
network from their source to their destination. The BSR sends out a sequence of User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams to an invalid port address at the remote host to
trace the route through the network, as follows:
■ First, three UDP datagrams are sent, each with a TTL field value set to 1. The
TTL value of 1 causes the datagram to "timeout" as soon as it reaches the first
router in the path. The router responds with an ICMP "time exceeded" message
indicating that the datagram has expired.
■ Next, three more UDP datagrams are sent, each with the TTL value set to 2. This
causes the second router in the path to the destination to return an ICMP "time
exceeded" message.
This process continues until the UDP datagrams reach the destination and the system
originating the traceroute has received an ICMP "time exceeded" message from every
router in the path to the destination. Since the UDP datagrams are trying to access an
invalid port at the destination host, the host responds with an ICMP "port
unreachable" message which signals the traceroute program to finish. The following
is typical screen output from the traceroute command:
Trace complete
Group Access
Command Mode
User EXEC and Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
timeout = 3 seconds
nprobes = 3
minhops = 1
maxhops = 64
port = 32868
tos = 0
df = disabled
The trap-enable-if command enables the ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable trap. The
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable trap indicates whether a link up or link down trap should
be generated for an interface. The no trap-enable-if command disables the
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable trap.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
no trap-enable-if
Command Default
The trap-enable-rdn command enables the rdnCardIfLinkUpDownEnable trap. The
rdnCardIfLinkUpDownEnable trap indicates whether a link up or link down trap
should be generated for a BSR module. The no trap-enable-rdn command disables
the rdnCardIfLinkUpDownEnable trap.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
no trap-enable-rdn
Command Default
tunnel destination
The tunnel destination command provides a tunnel interface destination. The no
tunnel destination command removes a tunnel interface destination.
Note: The tunnel destination command specifies the endpoint of the tunnel.
If a hostname is specified, DNS must have already been configured. The host
name-to-address translation is done following the command only once. If
mapping changes occur, the command needs to be reissued and is stored as
an IP address in the configuration files.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (tunnel interface only)
Command Syntax
tunnel mode
The tunnel mode command specifies the tunnel encapsulation method to be used
when configuring a tunnel interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
tunnel source
The tunnel source command specifies a source address for a tunnel interface. The no
tunnel source command removes a source address for a tunnel interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (tunnel interface only)
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D source IP address
cable X/Y CMTS interface slot and MAC Domain
default the source interface based on the destination
IP address
ethernet X/Y Ethernet interface slot and port number
The unresolved-ip-packet-throttle command provides a throttling mechanism to
prevent problems such as voice packet drops or latency that can be caused by short
bursts of a large number of packets which require ARP resolutions being sent to the
CMTS at a rate higher than the CMTS can process. The
unresolved-ip-packet-throttle command prevents such problems from occurring
regardless of configuration or traffic load by preventing the CMTS from being
overrun but still allowing normal ARP resolution traffic to occur
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
burst-rate = 20 packets/second
rate = 200 packets/second
This chapter describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
commands used to manage the BSR 64000.
Since it was developed in 1988, SNMP has become the de facto standard for
internetwork management. SNMP is an application layer protocol and is based on the
manager/agent model. SNMP is referred to as simple because the agent requires
minimal software. Most of the processing power and the data storage resides on the
management system, with a subset of those functions residing in the managed system.
A typical agent usually implements the SNMP protocol, stores and retrieves
management data (as defined by the MIB); can asynchronously signal an event to the
manager; and can be a proxy for some non-SNMP network node.
A typical manager implemented as a Network Management Station (NMS)
Network-management stations implements the SNMP protocol; learns of problems by
receiving event notifications, called traps, from network devices implementing
SNMP; is able to query agents; gets responses from agents; sets variables in agents;
and acknowledges synchronous events from agents.
The primary protocols that SNMP runs on are the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and
IP. SNMP also requires Data Link Layer protocols such as Ethernet to implement the
communication channel from the management to the managed agent.
show snmp
The show snmp command displays SNMP statistics, determine the running status,
and display configuration information such as chassis ID, system description, and
system location, chassis ID, and counter information for the SNMP process. The
show snmp command, without arguments, displays the following information:
Packets too big larger than maximum packet size sent by the
No such name errors name errors nonexistent number, undefinable
Management Information Base (MIB)
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show snmp command:
SNMP Information:
Status: running
Port Number: 161
Contact: Tom Terrific ([email protected])
Description: BSR 64000(tm) << HW_REV: Hardware Revision: CHS-000
otorola Inc, BOOTR: RDN, SW_REV: SW Version: 4.2.0T00P43
opyright(c) 2001 Motorola, Compiled: Tue Jan 3 14:37:10 EST 2006
MPC750-MPC8260, Memory: 256MB
Location: Location not set
0 SNMP In Packets
0 Bad SNMP version errors
0 Unknown community names
0 Illegal operations for community names supplied
0 ASN parse errors
0 Requested variables
0 Changed variables
0 Get requests
0 Get-next requests
0 Get responses
0 Set requests
0 SNMP Out Packets
0 Get requests
0 Get-next requests
0 Set requests
0 Timeouts
0 Packets too big
0 No such name errors
0 Bad values
0 General errors
0 Responses
0 Traps
0 Traps Dropped due to no memory
0 Traps Queued, waiting linkUp
0 Traps Dropped, queue full
0 Informs
0 Notification Errors
Group Access
Command Mode
show snmp without arguments - all modes
show snmp with arguments - all modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
snmp-server access
The snmp-server access command defines access policy information. The no
snmp-server access command clears the SNMP access policies..
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server chassis-id
The snmp-server chassis-id command specifies a new chassis ID to uniquely
identify the SNMP server’s chassis. The no snmp-server chassis-id command
returns the chassis ID to the default value which is the serial number of the chassis.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Defaults to chassis serial number
snmp-server community
The snmp-server community command enables SNMP and sets community strings
and access privileges. The no snmp-server community command removes
community strings and access privileges to a particular SNMP community.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server community-table
The snmp-server community-table command configures the snmpCommunityTable
which is part of the snmpCommunityMIB (RFC 2576). The snmpCommunityMIB
defines objects to help support coexistence between SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and
The snmpCommunityTable contains a database of community strings and provides
mappings between community strings and the parameters required for View-based
Access Control.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmpCommunityStatus = active
snmpCommunityStorageType = nonvolatile
snmp-server contact
The snmp-server contact command specifies the contact information in the
sysContact MIB object
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
no contact set
snmp-server context
The snmp-server context defines or updates a context record. The no snmp-server
context command clears a context record.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server convert
The snmp-server convert command converts a key or password to a localized
authentication key.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server docs-trap-control
The snmp-server docs-trap-control command enables various CMTS traps. The no
snmp-server docs-trap-control disables the CMTS trap.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmp-server engineID
The snmp-server engineID command specifies an identification name (ID) for
a local or remote SNMPv3 engine. The no snmp-server engineID command returns
the local agent engineID to the default, or deletes a remote engineID from the agent.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server group
The snmp-server group command associates (or maps) SNMP groups to SNMP
users. Use the no snmp-server group command to delete the group or a table to
match SNMP users with SNMP groups.
The snmp-server group command is used to create an SNMP group, associate it with
an SNMP user, and define a security level (SNMPv1, v2c, v3) for use with the group.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server host
The snmp-server host command configures the SNMP agent to send notifications to
a remote host.You configure an SNMP inform or trap host with the snmp-server host
command by specifying the receiver of specific inform or trap types. All informs or
raps are sent if one is not specified. Each time the snmp-server host command is
used, one host acting as a inform or trap recipient is configured. The no snmp-server
host clears the host recipient from receiving SNMP notification activity.
When removing an SNMP trap host from the trap host list with the no
snmp-server host command, the community name that is specified in the
command must exist. If the community name does not exist, the command
will fail.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No hosts configured
snmp-server location
The snmp-server location command specifies the system location information in the
sysLocation MIB object.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
2000 milliseconds
snmp-server notify
The snmp-server notify command specifies the target addresses for notifications by
setting the snmpNotifyName object in the snmpNotifyTable and the snmpNotifyTag
object in the snmpTargetAddrTable.
The snmpNotifyTable contains entries which are used to select which entries in the
snmpTargetAddrTable should be used for generating notifications and the type of
notifications to be generated.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmpNotifyRowStatus = active
snmpNotifyStorageType = nonvolatile
snmp-server notify-filter
The snmp-server notify-filter configures the snmpNotifyFilterTable.The
snmpNotifyFilterTable is a table containing filter profiles. Filter profiles are used to
determine whether a particular management target should receive particular
notifications. When a notification is generated, it must be compared to the filters
associated with each management target that is configured to receive notifications in
order to determine whether the notification can be sent to that management target.
Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterTable are created and deleted using the
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus object.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmpNotifyFilterMask = empty
snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus = active
snmpNotifyFilterStorageType = nonvolatile
snmp-server notify-filter-profile
The snmp-server notify-filter-profile command configures the
snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable. The snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable is used to associate a
notification filter profile with a particular set of target parameters. An entry in this
table indicates the name of the filter profile to be used when generating notifications
using the corresponding entry in the snmpTargetParamsTable.
Entries in the snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable are created or deleted using the
snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus object.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus = active
snmpNotifyFilterProfileStorType = nonvolatile
snmp-server packetsize
The snmp-server packetsize command sets the maximum SNMP packet size that the
server sends or receives. The no snmp-server packetsize command sets SNMP
packet size back to the default.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
1400 bytes
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmp-server shutdown
The snmp-server shutdown command shuts down the SNMP Agent, preventing it
from further processing SNMP packets, while retaining all SNMP configuration data
in the event the agent is restarted. The snmp-server shutdown delete command shuts
down the SNMP Agent and deletes all SNMP configuration data (all SNMP
configuration data is lost).
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmp-server sysname
The snmp-server sysname command specifies the system name information in the
sysLocation MIB object.
Note: The sysName MIB variable is the name of the node. The show snmp
sysname command gets the sysName MIB variable.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server target-addr
The snmp-server target-addr command configures the SNMP target address entries
in the snmpTargetAddressTable. The snmpTargetAddrTable contains information
about transport domains and addresses to be used in the generation of SNMP
operations. It also contains the snmpTargetAddrTagList object which provides a
mechanism for grouping table entries.
Entries in the snmpTargetAddrTable are created or deleted using the
snmpTargetAddrRowStatus object.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
snmpTargetAddrMMS = 484
snmpTargetAddrRowStatus = active
snmpTargetAddrStorageType = nonvolatile
snmp-server target-params
The snmp-server target-params configures the snmpTargetParamsTable. The
snmpTargetParamsTable contains information about SNMP version and security
information to be used when sending messages to particular transport domains and
Entries in the snmpTargetParamsTable are created or deleted using the
snmpTargetParamsRowStatus object.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
octet-string specifies the snmpTargetParamsName (index
into the snmpTargetParamsTable) which is a
unique identifier associated with this
0-3 the message processing model
(snmpTargetParamsMPModel) to be used
when generating SNMP messages using this
0 = SNMPv1,
1 = SNMPv2c
2 = SNMPv2u and SNMPv2
3 = SNMPv3
0-3 the security model
(snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel) to be
used when generating SNMP messages using
this entry - an implementation may choose to
return an "inconsistentValue" error if an
attempt is made to set this variable to a value
for a security model which the
implementation does not support
0 = any
1 = SNMPv1
2 = SNMPv2c
3 = USM (User-Based Security)
octet-string the security name
(snmpTargetParamsSecurityName) for
generating notifications which identifies
the principal on whose behalf SNMP
messages will be generated using this
authNoPriv set the snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel
object to "authorization/no privilege"
Command Default
snmpTargetParamsRowStatus = active
snmpTargetParamsStorageType = nonvolatile
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
snmp-server user
The snmp-server user command adds a new user to an SNMP group. The no
snmp-server user command removes a user from an SNMP group.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
WORD username
auth authentication parameters for user
md5 uses HMAC/MD5 algorithm for
sha uses HMAC/SHA algorithm for
key string specifies a non-localized authentication key
(SHA = 20 octets, MD5 = 16 octets)
local string specifies a localized authentication key (SHA
= 20 octets, MD5 = 16 octets)
password string specifies a password string (must be at least 8
string specifies an authentication password string
for this user
snmp-server view
The snmp-server view command defines an SNMPv2 MIB view. The no
snmp-server view command removes the defined view. You can assign MIB views to
SNMP Groups or community strings to limit the MIB objects that an SNMP manager
can access. You can use a predefined view or create your own view. Other SNMP
commands, such as snmp-server community, can use the view to create records
associated with a view.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
This chapter describes the debug commands supported by the BSR 64000. Debug
commands help to isolate the source of a system failure. The output provides
diagnostic information, protocol status, and network activity which can be used to
diagnose and resolve networking problems.
debug aps
The debug aps command enables APS debugging. The no debug aps command turns
APS debugging off.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
debug arp
The debug arp command displays Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) information
exchanges between the BSR and other devices on the network. The no debug arp
command turns off ARP debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The debug cable err command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8, and
2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot) option on
the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0) CMTS
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable keyman command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8,
and 2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot)
option on the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0)
CMTS module.
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable mac command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8, and
2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot) option on
the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0) CMTS
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable map command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8,
and 2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot)
option on the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0)
CMTS module.
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable privacy command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8,
and 2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot)
option on the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0)
CMTS module.
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable qos command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8, and
2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot) option on
the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0) CMTS
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable range command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8,
and 2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot)
option on the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0)
CMTS module.
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The debug cable reg command is supported on the 1:4, 1:8, 2:8, and
2:8 (2.0) CMTS modules and is only available through the X/Y (chassis slot
and MAC Domain) option on the command line. The debug cable reg
command is not available through the NUM (chassis slot) option on the
command line.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The debug cable ucc command is only supported on the 1:4, 1:8, and
2:8 CMTS modules and is available through the NUM (chassis slot) option on
the command line. This command is not supported on the 2:8 (2.0) CMTS
To determine which CMTS modules are installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
debug ip access-list
The debug ip access-list command enables IP access-list debugging. The no debug
ip access-list command turns IP access-list debugging off.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip bgp
The debug ip bgp command displays Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) transactions.
The no debug ip bgp command turns off this debugging operation. Use the debug ip
bgp command to:
■ Show events that change the state of the BGP session with any peer
■ Show open messages sent and received between peers
■ Show keepalive messages sent and received between peers
■ Show update messages sent and received between peers including advertised
routes and withdrawn routes
■ Show notification messages sent and received between peers
■ Troubleshoot BGP peer sessions and route exchanges
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
debug ip dvmrp
The debug ip dvmrp command displays information on Distance Vector Multicast
Routing Protocol (DVMRP) packets received and transmitted. The no debug ip
dvmrp command turns off this debugging operation.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ip icmp
The debug ip icmp command displays Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
information exchanges between the BSR and other devices on the network. The no
debug ip icmp turns off ICMP debugging.
Use the debug ip icmp command to determine whether the BSR is sending or
receiving ICMP messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ip igmp
The debug ip igmp command displays all Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) packets, and all IGMP host-related actions. The no debug ip igmp command
turns off the IGMP debugging.
Use the debug ip igmp command to target IGMP protocol messages and mtrace
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ip mfm
The debug ip mfm command displays Multicast Forwarding Manager (MFM)
control packet activity. The no debug ip mfm command turns off MFM debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip mrtm
The debug ip mrtm command displays changes made to the IP multicast routing
table made by the Multicast Routing Table Manager. The no debug ip mrtm
command turns off MRTM debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip ospf
The debug ip ospf command displays Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)-related
activity. The no debug ip ospf command turns off OSPF-related debugging. Use the
debug ip ospf command to turn on debugging for IP OSPF.
The debug ip ospf command can be used to do the following:
■ Confirm that the routers match the same IP mask
■ Verify same hello interval
■ Verify same dead interval
■ Verify neighbors are part of the same area
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip packet
The debug ip packet command displays general IP debugging information including
packets received, generated, and forwarded. The no debug ip packet command turns
IP debugging operations.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip pim
The debug ip pim command enables PIM debugging. The no debug ip pim
command turns PIM debugging off.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip policy
The debug ip policy command displays IP policy routing packet activity. The debug
ip policy command displays information about whether a packet matches the routing
policy criteria and the resulting routing information for the packet.The no debug ip
policy command turns off IP policy debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ip redistribute to
The debug ip redistribute to command displays route redistribution information
from one routing domain to another routing domain. The no debug ip redistribute to
command turns off IP redistribute debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
to to protocols
all all supported protocols
bgp routes redistributed into BGP
ospf routes redistributed into OSPF
rip routes redistributed into RIP
from from protocols
all all supported protocols
bgp routes redistributed from BGP
connected routes redistributed connected
ospf routes redistributed from OSPF
Command Default
debug ip rip
The debug ip rip command displays Routing Information Protocol (RIP) send and
receive information. The no debug ip rip turns off RIP debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
Note: The debug ip tcp transactions command reports output for packets
the BSR 64000 transmits and receives, but does not display output for
packets it forwards.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ip udp
The debug ip udp command displays UDP-based transactions.The debug output
shows whether packets are being received from the host. The no debug ip udp
command turns off UDP debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug ip vrrp
The debug ip vrrp command displays Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
transactions. The no debug ip vrrp command turns off VRRP debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug ipsec
The debug ipsec command displays all realtime IP security (IPSec) debugging
information to the console. The no debug ipsec command turns off this debugging
Note: Debugging for IPSec can only occur when IPSec is not shutdown.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
debug packet-cable
The debug packet-cable command enables Packet Cable debugging. The no debug
packet-cable command disables debugging output.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
debug radius
The debug radius command displays RADIUS client authentication transactions.
The no debug radius command turns off RADIUS debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
debug snmp
The debug snmp command display detailed information about every SNMP packet
transmitted or received by the BSR 64000. The no debug snmp command turns off
SNMP debugging.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes
Command Syntax
Command Default
debug sntp
The debug sntp command displays information on Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) activity. The no debug sntp command turns off SNTP debugging.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
debug specmgr
The debug specmgr command enables the display of spectrum management
debugging messages. The command output displays a time stamp, the error rate, the
number of word errors, total word count, and the upstream noise power level in
one-tenth of a dBmV. The no debug specmgr stops displaying spectrum management
debugging messages.
Note: The debug cable reg command is supported on the 1:4, 1:8, 2:8, and
2:8 (2.0) CMTS modules.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
debug ssh
The debug ssh command enables debugging for SSH. The no debug ssh command
turns SSH debugging off.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
debug tacacs
The debug tacacs command displays debug information associated with TACACS+
Client operations.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Note: The following tasks are never suspended: tRDNc, tExcTask, tShell, TaskMon,
ctrlMon, DiagTask, tNetTask and all telnet tasks. Also note that the ‘Ctrl-@’ request
will be canceled if no task consumed more than 99% of the CPU ticks during the
The following applies only to the background mode on active SRM. If the same task
consumed more than ‘threshold-percent’ of CPU time within the ‘threshold-interval’
during consecutive checks and ‘suspend-task’ has been requested and suspension of
such task is permitted, then those tasks will be suspended. If the ‘switchover-reboot’
has been requested, then the SRM will be rebooted if there is no running redundant
SRM, or switched over otherwise.
In foreground mode the Task Monitor checks to see if idle ticks have fallen below the
idle-trigger value. If so, it will display detailed information about all tasks that
consumed non-zero CPU ticks during the delay-interval. If one of the tasks consumed
more than 99% of the CPU ticks and suspension of such task has been requested with
‘Ctrl-@’ key, and suspension of such task is permitted, then that task will be
suspended. In foreground mode the Task Monitor performs its checks during
‘num-times’ delay-intervals and after that will automatically revert to the background
mode of operation.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
debug tunnel
The debug tunnel command displays IP-in-IP encapsulated packets as they are
transmitted and received on a tunnel interface in real time and displays debugging
information on the tunnel interface. The no debug tunnel command turns off tunnel
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
show debugging
The show debugging command displays enabled debugging operations and other
types of debugging functions on the system.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
undebug all
The undebug all command disables all debugging functions on the system.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
This chapter describes the access list commands used with the BSR 64000™.
Access lists are used on the BSR to control entry or exit access to or from the BSR.
Access lists are also used within a route-map statement that is part of the routing
configuration. Access lists can be configured for all routed network protocols to filter
packets as the packets pass through the BSR. The access list criteria can be defined by
the source or the destination address, upper-layer protocol, or other routing
There are many reasons to configure access lists including to restrict contents of
routing updates or to provide traffic flow control. One of the most important reasons
to configure access lists is to provide a basic level of security on the network. All
packets passing through the BSR can be allowed onto all parts of the network if an
access list is not part of the router configuration.
access-class in
The access-list in command filters incoming connections based on an IP access list.
The no access-class command disables incoming connection filtering.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Gloval Configuration
Command Syntax
access-list (standard)
The standard access-list command defines a standard access list to configure and
control the flow of routing information and traffic by matching a packet with a permit
or deny result. The no access-list command deletes the access-list.
Use the access-list command to restrict routing update information; control the
transmission of packets on an interface, or control virtual terminal line access.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
access-list (extended)
The extended access-list command defines an extended access list to configure and
control the flow of routing information and network traffic by matching a packet with
a permit or deny result. The no access-list command deletes the access-list.
Use the access-list command to restrict routing update information, control the
transmission of packets on an interface, or control virtual terminal line access.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
To configure an extended access list for ICMP, use the following command:
access-list <100-199> <2000-2699> {deny | permit} icmp {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> |
any | host <A.B.C.D>} {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> | any | host <A.B.C.D>} [<0-255> |
administratively-prohibited | alternate-address | dod-host-prohibited |
dod-net-prohibited | echo | echo-reply | general-parameter-problem |
host-isolated | host-precedence-unreachable | host-redirect | host-tos-redirect |
host-tos-unreachable | host-unknown | host-unreachable | information-reply |
information-request | mask-reply | mask-request | net-redirect | net-tos-redirect |
net-tos-unreachable | net-unreachable | network-unknown | no-room-for-option |
option-missing | packet-too-big | parameter-problem | port-unreachable |
precedence-unreachable | protocol-unreachable | reassembly-timeout | redirect |
router-advertisement | router-solicitation | source-quench | source-route-failed |
time-exceeded | timestamp-reply | timestamp-request | ttl-exceeded |
To configure an extended access list for IGMP, use the following command:
access-list <100-199> <2000-2699> {deny | permit} igmp {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> |
any | host <A.B.C.D>} {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> | any | host <A.B.C.D>} [<0-255> |
diff-serv | dvmrp | host-query | host-report | pim ]
To configure an extended access list for TCP, use the following command:
access-list <100-199> <2000-2699> {deny | permit} tcp {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> |
any | host <A.B.C.D>} {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> | any | eq | gt | host <A.B.C.D> | lt |
neq | range} [diff-serv <0-63> | <0-65535> | bgp | chargen | cmd | daytime |
discard | domain | echo | exec | finger | ftp | ftp-data | gopher | hostname | ident |
irc | klogin | kshell | login | lpd | nntp | pim-auto-rp | pop2 | pop3 | smtp | sunrpc |
talk | telnet | time | uucp | whois | www]
To configure an extended access list for UDP, use the following command:
access-list <100-199> <2000-2699> {deny | permit} udp {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> |
any | host <A.B.C.D>} {<A.B.C.D> <A.B.C.D> | any | eq | gt | host <A.B.C.D> | lt |
neq | range} [diff-serv <0-63> | <0-65535> | biff | bootpc | discard | domain | echo |
mobile-ip | netbios-dgm | netbios-ns | netbios-ss | ntp | pim-auto-rp | rip | snmp |
snmptrap | sunrpc | syslog | talk | tftp | time | who | xdmcp]
Command Syntax
ip access-group
Use the ip access-group command to assign an access list to an interface and
determine if the interface accepts inbound or outbound packets, or both from this
access list. The no ip access-group command removes the access list or disables
inbound or outbound packets.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip access-list
The ip access-list command adds a standard or extended access-list entry. The no ip
access-list command removes the entry.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
show access-lists
The show access-lists command displays an access list, or all access lists, without
displaying the entire configuration file. The following is an example of typical screen
output from the show tcp statistics command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
All access lists are displayed.
This chapter contains the Routing Policy and Policy-Based Routing commands used
with the BSR 64000™.
Routing Policy allows the control of information that is imported from or exported
into different routing domains or Autonomous Systems (AS).
BSR Routing Policy allows the filtering and altering of routing information so that
some of them can be advertised to other routers. The BSR Routing Policy is quite
versatile and flexible.
The BSR also supports Policy-based routing. The BSR also supports Policy-based
routing is a set of rules that define the criteria for obtaining specific routing paths for
different users to give some users better-routed Internet connections than others.
Policy-based routing is established by the source information of the packets, rather
than the destination information that traditional routing protocols use. The network
administrator determines and implements routing policies to allow or deny router
default-information originate
The default-information originate command injects the default network in a routing
domain such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).The no default-information
originate command disables the default network redistribution in the routing domain.
The network command in Router Configuration mode performs the same
function as the default-information originate command. In the Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) the metric is always set to 1. In BGP, the default route needs to exist in
the BGP routing database. BGP uses the metric associated with the default entry in its
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The default-metric command sets the default metric value for redistribution of routes
from one domain into another. The no default-metric command removes the set
default value for metric.
Use the default-metric command with the redistribute command to enforce the
same metric value for all redistributed routes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
A built-in automatic metric translation for each routing protocol
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip policy route-map
The ip policy route-map command identifies the route-map used on an interface to
perform policy-based routing. The no ip policy route-map command removes the
route-map on an interface, and disables policy-based routing on that interface.
Use the ip policy route-map command for paths other than the shortest path. This
command has associated match and set commands: match commands specify policy
routing rules, set commands perform tasks
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No policy routing
match as-path
The match as-path command matches a BGP autonomous system path access list to
a match entry or appends new list numbers to the existing match entry. The no match
as-path command removes the list numbers from the match entry used in the
Use the match as-path command to match a BGP autonomous system path to
advertise on the route-map. Values can be set using the match as-path command.
Use the match as-path command to match at least one BGP autonomous system path
to ensure advertisement on the route-map.
Use the match as-path command to globally replace values matched and set with the
match as-path command and the set weight command to supersede weights
established with the neighbor weight and the neighbor filter-list commands.
The values set by the match and set commands override global values. For example,
the weights assigned with the match as-path and set weight route-map commands
override the weights assigned using the neighbor weight and neighbor filter-list
commands. The implemented weight is established by the initial autonomous system
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
match community
The match community command creates a BGP autonomous system community
access list match entry or appends new list numbers to the existing match entry. The
no match community command removes the match entry completely. The no match
community command removes the list numbers or the exact-match attribute from the
match entry.
Use the match community-list command to ensure that the route is advertised for
outbound and inbound route-maps. If a change to some of the information is to match
is needed, configure a second route-map with specifics.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
match ip address
The match ip address command matches the destination and source IP address or
other fields of the IP header on packets with a standard or extended access list
allocated. The no match ip address command disables policy routing on packets.
This command can also be used for filtering routes based on the destination network
of the route.
Use the match ip address command to match any routes that have a source network
number and a destination network number address that a standard or extended access
list permits. To match both source and destination numbers, use an extended access
list. The match ip address command can also be used to filter routing information.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
match ip next-hop
The match ip next-hop command establishes the condition for the next hop IP
address of a route to match against the specified access lists. The no match ip
next-hop command removes the access-list from the match condition.
Use the match ip next-hop command to match any routes that have a next-hop router
address permitted one of the specified access lists.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
match ip route-source
The match ip route-source command specifies match conditions for the source IP
address of a route to match against the specified address list(s). The no match ip
route-source command removes access lists from such a match statement.
The match ip route-source command is used to match routes where source IP
addresses are permitted by specified access lists.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
match metric
The match metric command matches routes imported or otherwise with specified
metric value. The no match metric command disables matching imported routes with
specified metric values.
Use the match metric command to match a route for the specified metric value(s).
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
match tag
The match tag command redistributes routes in the routing table that match a
specified tag value. Use the no match tag command to disable redistributing routes in
the routing table that match a specified tag.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
The route-map command defines the conditions for redistributing routes from one
protocol to another, or to configure routing policies. The no route-map command
removes some or all of the instances of the route map.
Use the route-map command and the match and set commands, to define the
conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol into another, or for
accepting routes from a neighboring router. Each route-map command has an
associated list of match and set commands. The match commands specify the
conditions under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map command.
The set commands specify the particular redistribution actions to perform if the
criteria enforced by the match commands are met. The no route-map command
deletes the route-map, or an instance.
The set commands specify the redistribution set actions when all of a route-map's
match criteria are met. When all match criteria are met, all set actions are performed.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set automatic-tag
The set automatic-tag command enables the automatic computing of tag values. The
no set automatic-tag command disables the automatic computing of tag values.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
set comm-list
The set comm-list command deletes communities from the community attribute of an
inbound or outbound update. The no set comm-list command deletes the entry.
Use the set comm-list command to delete communities from the community attribute
of inbound or outbound updates using a route map to filter and determine the
communities to be deleted.
If the standard list is referred in the set comm-list delete command, only the elements
with the single community number or no community number in them will be used. All
others will be quietly ignored. Any element specified with the 'internet' keyword is
equivalent to element without community number.
If the set community comm and set comm-list list-num delete commands are
configured in the same sequence of a route-map attribute, the deletion operation (set
comm-list list-num delete) is performed before the set operation (set community
Note: If the set community and set comm-list delete commands are
configured in the same sequence of a route-map attribute, the deletion
operation (set comm-list delete) is performed before the set operation (set
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set community
The set community command adds or replaces communities from the community
attribute of an inbound or outbound update. Use the no set community command
removes the specified communities from the set.
Use the route-map command, and the match and set commands to configure the
rules for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. Each route-map
command has a list of match and set commands associated with it. The match
commands specify the match criteria, which are the conditions under which
redistribution is allowed for the current route-map command. The set commands
specify the set actions, the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the
route map.
Note: The communities could be specified as numbers; the result will be the
same; none removes community attribute from the update unless additive is
specified for the set entry. In this case it doesn't modify update community
In other words, the no set community command, if the entry had some
community numbers in it before removal, and as the result of the removal no
numbers are left, then the entry itself is deleted.
The command set community none removes all community numbers from
set entry, if any, but leaves the value of the additive attribute intact.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
set interface
The set interface command sets the output interface for a packet in the
destination-based routing process. The no set interface command disables this
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: The presence of a default route in the routing table will ensure that
destination-based forwarding will always be applied and policy will be
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set ip diff-serv
The set ip diff-serv command assigns a differentiated service value which is placed
in the IP packet header that determines which packets are given transmission priority.
When these packets are received by another router, they are transmitted based on the
precedence value. A higher precedence value indicates a higher priority. The no set ip
diff-serv command disables assigning a differentiated service value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
The following table describes the number and name values for IP Precedence:
Number Name
0 routine
1 priority
2 immediate
3 flash
4 flash-override
5 critical
6 internet
7 network
Command Default
set ip next-hop
The set ip next-hop command establishes a next-hop value for the AS path. The no ip
next-hop command deletes the entry.
Use the ip policy route-map interface configuration command, the route-map global
configuration command, and the match and set route-map configuration commands,
to define the conditions for policy routing packets. The ip policy route-map
command identifies a route map by name. Each route-map command has a list of
match and set commands associated with it. The match commands specify the match
criteria---the conditions under which policy routing occurs. The set commands
specify the set actions---the particular routing actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met.
If the interface associated with the first next hop specified with the set ip next-hop
command is down, the optionally specified IP addresses are tried in turn.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set local-preference
The set-local preference command establishes a preference value for the AS system
path. Use the set local-preference command to send the local-preference to all
routers in the local autonomous system.
Use the no set-local preference form of this command to delete the entry.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
set metric
The set metric command sets the metric value for a routing protocol. The no set
metric command changes the metric value for a routing protocol to the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Metric value dynamically learned or a default value
set metric-type
The set metric-type command sets the metric type for the destination routing
protocol. The no set metric-type command disables the metric type set for the
destination routing protocol.
Use the route-map command to set the type of metric for the route imported by OSPF
into its domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
set origin
The set origin command configures the conditions for redistributing routes from any
protocol to any protocol. The no set origin command deletes the BGP origin code.
When the set origin command configures redistributing routes from any protocol to
any protocol, any match clause is necessary which includes pointing to a “permit
everything” to set tags.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
egp EGP
igp remote IGP
incomplete unknown history
set tag
The set tag command sets the value of the destination routing protocol. The no set tag
command removes the value.
The route-map global configuration command and the match and set route-map
configuration commands are used together to define the conditions for redistributing
routes from one routing protocol into another. Each route-map command has a list of
match and set commands associated with it. The match commands specify the
conditions for redistribution for the current route-map command. The set commands
specify the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria enforced by the
match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the route map.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
if not specified, tag is forwarded to the new destination protocol
set weight
The set-weight command to set the route weight on the network. The first
autonomous system match determines the weight to be set.
Use the set weight command to set the route weight on the network. The first AS
match determines the weight to be set. The route with the highest weight is chosen as
the choice route when multiple routes are available on the network. Weights spoken
when an as path is matched, override any weight set by the neighbor command. Any
match clause is necessary which includes pointing to a “permit everything” to set tags
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
show ip redistribute
The show ip redistribute command displays the routing protocols that are being
redistributed to other routing domains. The following is an example of typical screen
output from the show ip redistribute command:
To ospf in ipv4
redistribute connected subnets
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip traffic
The show ip traffic command displays the number of routing policy forwards and
routing policy drops.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show route-map
The show route-map command displays route maps.
Group Access
Command Mode
All except User EXEC
Command Syntax
This chapter contains the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) commands used with
the BSR 64000™.
RIP exchanges routing information to resolve routing errors. RIP coordinates routers
on the network to broadcast their routing database periodically and determine the
route with the least number of hops relative to the active routing table. Each hop
determination message lists each destination with a distance in number of hops to the
The auto-summary command restores automatic summarization of subnet routes into
network-level routes. The no auto summary command disables automatic
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
default-information originate
The default-information originate command generates a default route into the RIP
database. The no default-information originate command disables default route
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
The default-metric command specifies a new RIP default metric value. The no
metric command returns the metric value to the default.
Use the default-metric command to set the current protocol to the same metric value
for all distributed routes. The default-metric command is used with the redistribute
command to obtain the same metric value for all distributed protocol-specific routes.
Note: This command assures that metrics are compatible during route
redistribution. The default metric delivers an alternate for successful
distribution if the network metrics are not converted.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Automatic metric translations given for each routing protocol
The distance command sets the administrative distances for routes. The no distance
command disables the administrative distance for routes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
distribute-list in
The distribute-list in command filters networks received in routing updates. The no
distribute-list in command changes or cancels the filters received in updates.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
distribute-list out
The distribute-list out command prevents networks from being advertised in
updates. The no distribute-list out command enables update advertisements.
Use the distribute-list out command to apply the access list to outgoing route
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The graceful-restart-period command enables RIP graceful restart. Graceful restart
allows a RIP router to stay on the forwarding path even as its RIP software is being
restarted. As the graceful restart procedure executes, the RIP routing table is updated
with recalculated route entries that replace older entries in the routng table which are
marked with a “replicated” flag. RIP graceful restart has a configurable time period
(in seconds) that must elapse before routing table updates are completed and entries
with the “replicated” flag are flushed from the routing table and the Fast Path
database. The no graceful-restart-period command disables RIP graceful restart.
Group Access
Command Mode
Routing Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
180 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip rip host-routes
The ip rip host-routes command enables sending or receiving host routes with RIP
version 1 for an interface. The no ip rip host-routes command disables sending or
receiving host routes with RIP version 1 for an interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
0 RIP 2 compatible
1 RIP version 1 only
2 RIP version 2 only
3 none
Command Default
ip split-horizon
The ip split-horizon command blocks route information from being advertised by a
router out any interface from which that information originated. Enabling
split-horizon optimizes communications among multiple routers, particularly when
links are broken. The no ip split-horizon disables split-horizon.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
The maximum-paths command specifies the maximum number of parallel routes an
IP routing protocol can support. The no maximum-paths command changes or
cancels the number of maximum paths.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The RIP version of the network command enables networks for the routing process.
The no network command disables networks for the RIP routing process.
Note: If a network with RIP is not specified, the system does not advertise
the network in any RIP routes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The offset-list command adds an offset to incoming and outgoing metrics to routes
learned via RIP. The offset value is added to the routing metric. An offset-list with an
interface slot/port is considered extended and takes precedence over an offset-list that
is not extended. The no offset-list command removes the offset for incoming and
outgoing metrics to routes learned via RIP.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The output-delay command changes the inter-packet delay for RIP updates to ensure
that transmitted information is received by lower-speed routers. The no output delay
command removes the inter-packet delay for RIP updates.
Note: This command helps prevent the loss of routing table information.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The passive-interface command disables an interface from sending route updates by
prohibiting packets from being transmitted from a specified port. When disabled, the
subnet continues advertising to other interfaces. The no passive-interface command
enables the interface to send route updates.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The redistribute command redistributes routes from one protocol domain to another
routing domain. The no redistribute command disables route distribution from one
protocol domain to another routing domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
router rip
The router rip command enables the routing process for RIP. The no router rip
command disable the RIP routing process.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Note: The show ip route rip command can be used to display RIP routes in
the routing table.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
source-port 520
The source-port 520 command enables UDP port 520 to be used by the RIP routing
process. The no source-port 520 command disables UDP port 520.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
timers basic
The timers basic command configures RIP network timers. The no timers basic
command resets the network timer default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
update = 30 seconds
invalid = 180 seconds
flush = 300 seconds
The version command specifies the routing RIP version. The no version command
disables the routing RIP version and resets the default.
Use the ip rip receive version and the ip rip send version commands to specify
versions per interface.
Note: The basic timers for RIP are adjustable, but must be the same for all
routers and servers on the network to execute a distributed, asynchronous
routing algorithm. When the route-timeout timer expires, the route is marked
invalid but is retained in the table until the route-flush timer expires.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
1 RIP version 1
2 RIP version 2
Command Default
RIP receives version 1 and 2, but sends only version 1
This chapter describes the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) commands used with the
BSR 64000™.
OSPF is a link-state routing protocol that runs internally to a single Autonomous
System, such as an enterprise network. At the core of the OSPF protocol is a
distributed, replicated link-state database.
OSPF specifies a Link-state Advertisements (LSAs) that allow OSPF routers to
update each other about the LAN and WAN links to which they connected. OSPF
ensures that each OSPF router has an identical link-state database, except during
period of convergence. Using the link-state database, each OSPF router calculates its
IP routing table with the best routes through the network.
area authentication
Use the area authentication command to enable authentication for an OSPF area to
Type 1, Type 2, simple password, as specified in RFC 1247, while specification of
Type 0 is assumed. Authentication type must match all routers and access servers in a
particular area. The no authentication command disables authentication for the
specified OSPF area.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No authentication
area default-cost
Use the area default-cost command to specify a cost metric for the default summary
route sent into the stub area by an area border router (ABR) only. The no area
default-cost command removes the specified cost for the default summary route sent
into a stub area.
Note: The area stub command is used in conjunction with the area
default-cost command to define a specified area as a stub area for all
routers and access servers attached to the area.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
area nssa
Use the area nssa command to configure an area as a Not So Stubby Area (NSSA).
The no nssa command removes the NSSA configuration of an area.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No NSSA area is defined.
area range
Use the area range command to consolidate routes for an Area Border Router (ABR)
only by advertising a single summary route that is advertised for each address range
that is external to the area. The no area range command removes summarized routes
for the ABR.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
area stub
Use the area stub command to configure an OSPF area as a stub area. A stub area
allows a default route, intra-area routes, and inter-area routes, but disallows
autonomous system (AS) external routes, virtual links, and Autonomous System
Boundary Router (ASBR) routes.
Note: If there is more than one router within a stub area, ensure that the area
that you are creating as a stub area is defined as a stub area on each of
these routers.
The optional area stub no-summary command argument is used to prevent an area
border router (ABR) from sending further Type 3 link-state advertisements (Lases)
into the stub area. Use the no area stub command to return the area that you defined
as a stub area to a non-stub OSPF area.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router configuration
Command Syntax
area virtual-link
Use the area virtual link command to create a virtual link that connects an OSPF
area to the backbone area (area without being physically connected to the
OSPF backbone area. Use the no area virtual-link command to delete the defined
OSPF virtual link.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
hello-interval = 10 seconds
retransmit-interval = 5 seconds
transmit-delay = 1 second
dead-interval = 40 seconds
auto-cost reference-bandwidth
The BSR OSPF routing process calculates the OSPF cost metric for an interface
according to the bandwidth of this interface. The cost of an interface depends on the
type of interface. OSPF uses a reference bandwidth of 100 Mbps for cost calculation.
The formula to calculate the cost is the reference bandwidth divided by interface
Use the auto-cost reference-bandwidth command to set the automatic cost metric
that the OSPF routing process uses to differentiate the cost of multiple
high-bandwidth links.
Use the no auto-cost reference-bandwidth command to remove the OSPF cost
metric for a link.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
10 Mbps
Use the auto-virtual-link command to automatically detect and create OSPF virtual
links. The no auto-virtual-link command disables automatic detection and creation
of OSPF virtual links.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
clear ip ospf
The clear ip ospf command resets an OSPF connection using a soft reconfiguration.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
default-information originate
The default-information originate command generates a default route into an OSPF
routing domain by configuring the metric for redistributed routes and is used with the
redistribute command to redistribute routes into an OSPF routing domain so they are
included in an automatic Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR) summary.
The no default-information originate command removes default routes from the
OSPF routing domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
metric type 1-2 External link type associated with the default
route advertised into the OSPF routing
domain, values are 1 and 2, 1 being
comparable to the link state metric and 2
larger than the cost of intra-AS path.
Command Default
The default metric feature is used to eliminate the need for separate metric definitions
for each routing protocol redistribution.The default-metric command forces the
OSPF routing protocol to use the same metric value for all distributed routes from
other routing protocols. The no default-metric command removes or changes the
default metric value for the OSPF routing protocol.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The distance command sets all 3 OSPF distances for routes to the same
administrative value. The no distance command disables the administrative distance
for routes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
distance ospf
The distance ospf command defines OSPF route administrative distances based on
route type. The no distance ospf command deletes OSPF route administrative
distances based on route type.
Use the distance ospf command to set a distance for a group of routers, as opposed to
any specific route passing an access list. The distance ospf command serves the same
function as the distance command used with an access list.
Use the distance ospf command when OSPF processes have mutual redistribution, to
choose internal routes from one external route to another.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
intra-area distance = 110
inter-area distance = 110
external distance = 110
Use the distribute-list command to filter networks received and sent in routing
updates and networks suppressed in routing updates by using access lists. The
networks that are permitted or denied are defined in access lists. The no
distribute-list command removes access list from an incoming or outgoing routing
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The graceful-restart command enables the OSPF graceful restart feature.The
graceful restart feature allows an OSPF router to stay on the forwarding path even as
its OSPF software is being restarted. The no graceful-restart command disables
OSPF graceful restart.
Group Access
Command Mode
Routing Configuration
Command Syntax
The helper-mode command enables OSPF graceful restart helper mode on the BSR.
The no helper-mode command disables graceful restart helper mode on the BSR.
The BSR’s neighbors must cooperate in order for the OSPF restart to be graceful.
During graceful restart, the neighbor routers are running in "helper mode".
The helper mode relationship is on a per network segment basis. The BSR or another
router acting in helper mode monitors the network for topology changes, and as long
as there are none, continues to advertise its LSAs as if the restarting router had
remained in continuousoperation. If the restarting router was also the Designated
Router on the network segment when the helper relationship began, the helper router
assumes the Designated Router until the helping relationship is terminated and the
restarting router is re-established as the Designated Router.
Note: The helper mode command only enables/disables helper mode on the
BSR. Neighboring routers must support helper mode and have helper mode
enabled locally for graceful restart to be fully operational on the network.
Helper mode and OSPF graceful restart are independent. You can disable
graceful restart in the configuration, but still allow the router to cooperate with
a neighbor attempting to restart gracefully.
Group Access
Command Mode
Routing Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf authentication-key
The ip ospf authentication-key command assigns a password for use by neighboring
OSPF routers that are using OSPF simple password authentication. The no ip ospf
authentication-key command deletes the password assigned for use by neighboring
OSPF routers that are using OSPF simple password authentication.
Note: All neighbor routers on the same network need the same password to
exchange OSPF information.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip ospf cost
The ip ospf cost command establishes a precise cost metric value for sending a packet
on an OSPF interface. The no ip ospf cost command disables a precise cost metric
value for sending the path cost to the default.
Use the ip ospf cost command to assign a cost metric value for a particular interface.
The user can set the metric manually if the default needs to be changed.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
ip ospf dead-interval
The ip ospf dead-interval command sets the number of seconds during which the
router hello packets are not seen before the neighboring routers consider the router to
be down. The no ip ospf dead-internal removes the number of seconds set during
which the router hello packets are not seen before the neighboring routers consider the
router to be down.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf hello-interval
The ip ospf hello-interval command sets the number of seconds between hello
packets send by a router on the interface. The no ip ospf hello-interval command
resets the number of seconds between hello packets sent by a router on an interface to
the default value.
Use the ip ospf hello-interval command as a form of keepalive used by routers in
order to acknowledge their existence on a segment.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf message-digest-key
The ip ospf message-digest-key command enables OSPF MD5 authentication. The
no ip ospf message-digest-key command disables OSPF MD5 authentication.
Use the ip ospf message-digest-key md5 command to generate authentication
information when sending packets and to authenticate incoming packets. Neighbor
routers must have the same key identifier.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf network
The ip ospf network command configures the OSPF network type to a type other
than the default for a given media. The no ip ospf network command returns to the
default network type.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf priority
The ip ospf priority command sets router priority to aid in determining the OSPF
designated router for a network. The no ip ospf priority command changes priority to
aid in determining the OSPF designated router for a network to the default value.
Use the ip ospf priority command value to configure OSPF broadcast networks. The
router with a higher priority takes precedence when attempting to become the
designated router. If the routers share the same priority, router ID takes precedence.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf retransmit-interval
The ip ospf retransmit-interval command establishes the number of seconds
between LSAs retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to an OSPF interface. The
no ip ospf retransmit-interval command changes the number of seconds between
LSA retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to an OSPF interface to the default
Use the ip ospf retransmit-interval command to establish the time a router sends an
LSA to its neighbor. The neighbor keeps the LSA until it receives the
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip ospf transmit-delay
The ip ospf transmit-delay command sets the approximate amount of time to
transmit an LSA retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to an OSPF interface. The
no ip ospf transmit-delay command changes the approximate amount of time set to
transmit an LSA retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to an OSPF interface.
Use the ip ospf transmit-delay command to enable the delay over a link. The delay is
defined as the time that it takes for the LSA to propagate over a link.
Before transmission, LSAs in the update packet must have their ages incremented by
the amount specified in the seconds argument. The value should take into account the
transmission and propagation delays for the interface.
If the delay is not added before transmission over a link, the time in which the LSA
propagates over the link is not considered. Significance is greater on low-speed links.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The maximum-paths command specifies the maximum number of parallel routes an
IP routing protocol can support. The no maximum-paths command changes or
cancels the number of maximum paths.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The BSR 64000 supports Non Stop Forwarding (NSF) of network traffic during an
SRM switchover based on its High Availability Routing architecture. NSF is required
to maintain data integrity for critical applications such as streaming video and voice.
If OSPF has been selected to route video and voice traffic, the BSR’s OSPF graceful
restart feature and NSF architecture would be the optimal choice to ensure no packet
loss during an SRM switchover. However, in a network that includes devices that do
not support OSPF graceful restart, there would be an interruption in network traffic
during an SRM switchover.
The moto-nsf command enables the moto-nsf feature which allows a router that does
not support OSPF graceful restart to continue forwarding data as its OSPF software is
being restarted. Like OSPF graceful restart, the moto-nsf restart process prevents the
router running OSPF from losing adjacency, maintains the protocol’s previous state,
and allows OSPF routes to be relearned after the SRM switchover is completed. The
no moto-nsf command disables the moto-nsf feature.
Note: If OSPF graceful restart and/or its helper mode is enabled on the BSR
with the graceful-restart and/or helper-mode commands, moto-nsf must be
disabled. If moto-nsf is enabled on the BSR, OSPF graceful restart and/or its
helper mode must be disabled. A warning notifying a user of this rule will be
printed to the console.
Group Access
Command Mode
Routing Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
restart-interval = 120 seconds
network area
The network area command defines the interfaces and area ID on which OSPF runs.
The no network area command deletes the interfaces and area ID on which OSPF
Use the network area command to cover IP address(es) for OSPF to operate on an
interface. Use the address and wildcard-mask as one command to define one or more
interfaces for an intended area.
A subnet address may be designated as the area ID if associated areas are used with IP
subnets. Each IP subnet is associated with a single area only.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The passive-interface command disables an interface from sending route updates by
prohibiting packets from being transmitted from a specified port. When disabled, the
subnet continues advertising to other interfaces. The no passive-interface command
enables the interface to send route updates.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The redistribute command redistributes routes from one protocol domain to another
routing domain. The no redistribute command disables route distribution from one
protocol domain to another routing domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The rfc1583-compatible enables RFC1583 preference rules on choosing
AS-External-LSAs during shortest path first (SPF) calculation according to RFC2328,
section 16.4. The no rfc1583-compatible command disables RFC1583 preference
rules on choosing AS-External-LSAs during SPF calculation according to RFC2238,
section 16.4.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
The router-id command overrides a configured OSPF router identifier (IP address)
by manually configuring a new identifier. The no router-id command restores the
initial configuration.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
router ospf
The router ospf command enables an OSPF routing process. The no router ospf
command disables the OSPF routing process.
Use the router ospf command to designate an OSPF routing process with a unique
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
show ip ospf
To display general information about OSPF routing processes, use the show ip ospf
command. The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip
ospf command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All Modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All Modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The summary-address aggregates external routes at the border of the OSPF domain.
The no summary-address command deletes aggregated external routes at the border
of the OSPF domain.
Use the summary-address command to summarize routes from other routing
protocols that are redistributed to OSPF. The area range command summarizes
routes between OSPF areas.
The summary address command is responsible for an OSPF autonomous system
boundary router to advertise one external route as an aggregate. This applies to all
redistributed routes that the address covers.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
All redistributed routes advertised separately
timers spf
The timers spf command configures the amount of time between OSPF topology
change receipt and when it starts a shortest path first (SPF) calculation. This includes
the hold time between two consecutive SPF calculations. The no timers spf command
changes the configuration of the amount of time between OSPF topology changes
receipt and when it starts an SPF calculation and returns it to the default value.
Use the timers spf command to set the delay time and hold time to change routing to
a faster path.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
SPF delay = 5 seconds
SPF hold time = 10 seconds
This chapter describes the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) commands
used with the BSR 64000™.
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), part of the Internet Protocol (IP) suite,
is used between hosts and routers to report dynamic multicast group membership. IP
multicasting is the transmission of an IP datagram to a "host group" identified by a
single IP destination address. Multicasting directs the same information packets to
multiple destinations at the same time, versus unicasting, which sends a separate copy
to each individual destination. Because the destinations receive the same source
packet at once, delivery of the information takes place in a more timely manner.
As stated in RFC 1112, the membership of a host group is dynamic; that is, hosts may
join and leave groups at any time. There is no restriction on the location or number of
members in a host group, and a host may be a member of more than one group at a
There are three types of messages structures supported by IGMP to communicate with
each other about the multicast traffic: “queries”, “reports”, and “leave group”
messages. Query messages are used to discover which hosts are in which multicast
groups. In response, the hosts sends a report message to inform the querier of a host’s
membership. (Report messages are also used by the host to join a new group). Leave
group messages are sent when the host wishes to leave the multicast group.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
ip igmp access-group
The ip igmp access-group command controls multicast groups that hosts can join.
The no ip igmp access-group command removes control and allows the hosts to join
all groups.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
any group allowed on interface
ip igmp querier-timeout
The ip igmp querier-interval command configures the timeout prior to the time the
router takes over as the interface querier. The no ip igmp querier-timeout removes
the configured timeout prior to the time the router takes over as the interface querier,
and returns it to the default.
Note: Only after the querier has completed the last query, does the router
take over as the interface querier after a no ip igmp querier-timeout
command is issued.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
query value x 2
ip igmp query-interval
The igmp query-interval command sets the interval in which the router sends out
IGMP queries for that interface. The no ip igmp query-interval command removes
the set interval in which the router send out IGMP queries for an interface and returns
it to the default value.
Use the ip igmp query-interval command to configure how often the router solicits
the IGMP report responses from all of the multicast hosts on the network.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
125 seconds
ip igmp query-max-response-time
The ip igmp query-max-response-time command sets the maximum response time
advertised in query. Use the no ip igmp query-max-response-time
command to remove the set maximum response time advertised in query
and return it to the default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
10 seconds
ip igmp static-group
The ip igmp static-group command connects, or configures, the router as a member
of a particular group on the interface. The no ip igmp static-group disassociates the
router from the group.
The ip igmp static-group command is used to give a host (that does not run IGMP)
membership in a multicast group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip igmp version
The ip igmp version command configures specific the IGMP version used on an
interface. The no ip igmp version removes the specific version used by the
interface and returns it to the default IGMP version.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
1 IGMP Version 1
2 IGMP Version 2
3 IGMP Version 3
Command Default
Version 2
ip igmp version1-querier
The ip igmp version1-querier command configures the router to act as the querier
for IGMPv1. This is done by manually assigning the IGMP querier. The no ip igmp
version1-querier command disables the router from acting as the querier.
Note: The interface is not effected when IGMPv2 is running on the interface.
It is recommended that only one querier is enabled in a network segment.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ip igmp groups
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
loopback 2
IGMP is disabled on interface
loopback 3
IGMP is disabled on interface
ethernet 7/0
IGMP is disabled on interface
ethernet 7/1
IGMP is disabled on interface
ethernet 15/0
IGMP is disabled on interface
ethernet 15/1
IGMP is disabled on interface
ethernet 15/2
IGMP is disabled on interface
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
This chapter contains the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) commands.
for the BSR 64000™.
VRRP specifies an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for a
virtual router to one of the VRRP routers on a LAN. The VRRP router controlling the
IP address or addresses associated with a virtual router is called the Master, and
forwards packets sent to these IP addresses. The election process provides dynamic
failover in the forwarding responsibility if the Master becomes unavailable. This
allows any of the virtual router IP addresses on the LAN to be used as the default
first-hop router by end-hosts. VRRP provides a higher-availability default path
without requiring configuration of dynamic routing or router discovery protocols on
every end host.
clear ip vrrp
The clear ip vrrp command resets all statistic counters of all virtual routers on all
interface, or on specific interfaces with specific Virtual Router ID (VRID).
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
ip vrrp
The ip vrrp command activates the VRRP protocol on all interfaces that are
configured to run VRRP. The no ip vrrp command de-activates the VRRP protocol
on all interfaces that are configured to run VRRP.
Use the ip vrrp command to enable all interfaces so that multiple virtual routers can
be enabled or disabled all at once.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip vrrp address
The ip vrrp address command specifies virtual IP address or addresses for a virtual
router. The no ip vrrp removes the specified virtual IP address or addresses for a
virtual router.
Use the ip vrrp address command to configure IP addresses for virtual routers.
VRRP is not enabled for the virtual router until at least one IP address has been
specified. If one or more IP addresses are specified, then the addresses will be used as
the designated ip addresses among routers associating with the virtual router.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No authentication
ip vrrp enable
The ip vrrp enable command enables a given virtual router on a configured interface.
The no vrrp enable command disables a given virtual router on a configured
Use the ip vrrp enable command to bring up a specific VRRP router on the given
interface if the interface is being enabled. This command brings the VRRP router to
either Backup or Master when the router is being enabled (if at least one IP address is
configured for the virtual router).
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip vrrp preempt
The ip vrrp preempt command indicates whether a higher priority Backup can
pre-empt a lower priority Master. The no ip vrrp preempt command disables
pre-emption of a lower priority Master by a higher priority Backup.
If the router owns the IP address or addresses associated with the virtual router, the
Master will always pre-empt, regardless of this command setting.
To determine which of the routers should be allowed to pre-empt, use the ip vrrp
preempt command for virtual routers that have IP addresses that do not belong to any
router interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip vrrp priority
The ip vrrp priority command specifies the priority of the router to act as Master for
a given virtual router. The no ip vrrp priority command restores the default priority
value of the router.
Use the ip vrrp priority command to select a Master when multiple routers are
associated with the same virtual router. If two routers have the same priority, their
primary IP address is compared, and the router with the higher IP address value takes
precedence. A priority of 255 is reserved for VRRP routers that own the virtual IP
address. Therefore, during configuration, if the router owns that IP address, priority is
automatically set to 255 and cannot be changed. Value 0 is also reserved for Master to
indicate the relinquishing of responsibility of the virtual router, and cannot be
configured either.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip vrrp primary-ip
The ip vrrp primary-ip command configures the primary IP address for a virtual
router. The no ip vrrp primary-ip command resets the primary IP address to the
smallest value among all real interface addresses for the given interface.
Use the ip vrrp primary-ip to configure the primary IP address for a virtual router.
Note: VRRP advertisements are always sent using the primary IP address as
the source of the IP packet.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The smallest IP address value among all valid IP addresses of the given interface
ip vrrp timer
The ip vrrp timer command specifies the time interval that the Master should send
VRRP advertisement messages. The no ip vrrp timer command restores the default.
All VRRP routers are associated with a particular virtual router, and must use the
same advertisement interval to have VRRP run properly.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
1 second
ip vrrp verify-availability
The ip vrrp verify-availability command configures one or more ip addresses for a
virtual router to monitor as critical link states. The no ip vrrp verify-availability
command deletes one or more of the designated IP address from the virtual router.
Use the ip vrrp verify-availability command to configure a virtual router to monitor
a link state of another interface. If a virtual router is not monitoring any link state
where no IP address is configured for verify-availability, the virtual router will
continue as usual. If one or more IP addresses is configured for monitoring, and all of
the monitored links are down, the virtual router is brought down automatically. The
Master relinquishes responsibility by sending an advertisement 0. If at least one link
of all monitored IP addresses being monitored comes back up, the associated virtual
router will be brought back up automatically.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
show ip vrrp
The show ip vrrp command displays detailed status information on all virtual routers
that are configured for VRRP. The following is an example of typical screen output
from the show ip vrrp command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
This chapter describes the IP Multicast Protocol commands used with the BSR. This
chapter contains the following sections on the Multicast Routing Table Manager
(MRTM), and Multicast Forwarding Manager (MFM) protocols.
■ MRTM Command Descriptions
■ MFM Command Descriptions
ip mroute
The ip mroute command configures an IP multicast static route. The no ip mroute
command removes the configuration of an IP multicast static route.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip multicast-routing
The ip multicast-routing command enables IP multicast routing. The no ip
multicast-routing command disables IP multicast routing. This command is used
with multicast routing protocols, such as DVMRP.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
show ip rpf
The show ip rpf command displays how IP multicast routing does Reverse Path
Forwarding (RPF).
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The MFM manager regenerates the multicast protocol cache when
multicast traffic is received.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
The mtrace command traces the path from a multicast source to a multicast
destination branch of a multicast distribution tree.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
group address or group hostname =
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
This chapter contains the Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP)
commands used with the BSR 64000™.
DVMRP is the original IP Multicast routing protocol. It was designed to run over both
multicast LANs as well as non-multicast routers. In this case, the IP Multicast packets
are tunneled through the routers as unicast packets. This replicates the packets and
affects performance, but provides intermediate solution for IP Multicast routing on
the Internet while router vendors decide to support native IP Multicast routing.
ip dvmrp accept-filter
The ip dvmrp accept-filter command configures a filter for incoming DVMRP
reports. The no ip dvmrp accept-filter command removes configuration of a filter
for incoming DVMRP reports.
Use the ip dvmrp accept-filter command to configure filters to accept and deny
DVMRP routes learned from this interface. The accepted routes are added to the
Multicast Routing Table.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Accepts destination reports from all neighbors.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip dvmrp metric-offset
The ip dvmrp metric-offset command modifies the metrics of the advertised
DVMRP routes. The no ip dvmrp metric-offset sets the modified metrics of the
advertised DVMRP routes to the default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
in = 1
out = 0
ip dvmrp output-report-delay
The ip dvmrp output-report-delay command configures transmission delays of a
DVMRP report. The no ip dvmrp output-report-delay command removes
configuration of transmission delays of a DVMRP report.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Delay between each route report burst = 1 second
Number of DVMRP reports in each burst = 2
ip dvmrp out-report-filter
The ip dvmrp out-report-filter command uses the assigned access list to filter the
outgoing DVMRP route report for the interface. The no ip dvmrp out-report-filter
command disables the use of the assigned access list to filter the outgoing DVMRP
route report for the interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip dvmrp probe-interval
The ip dvmrp probe-interval command configures how often a query is sent to
neighboring multicast routers for DVMRP multicast routes. The no ip dvmrp
probe-interval command disables sending queries.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners
The ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners command prevents peering with neighbors that do
not support DVMRP pruning or grafting. The no ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners
command enables peering with neighbors that do not support DVMRP pruning or
Use the ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners command to configure the router for
nonpeering without the prune-capable flag set.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
ip dvmrp summary-address
The ip dvmrp summary-address command configures a DVMRP summary address
to be advertised out of the interface. The no ip dvmrp summary-address command
removes the configuration of a DVMRP summary address that is advertised out of the
Use the ip dvmrp summary-address command to advertise the summary address if
there is a more specific route in the multicast routing table that matches. The summary
is advertised with the metric value when specified.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
metric = 1
The network command specifies which IP interface should enable DVMRP. The no
network command removes the specified IP address to enable DVMRP.
Use the network command to be able to use a single command to define one or
multiple interfaces to be associated with DVMRP using both the prefix and
wildcard-mask arguments.
For DVMRP to operate on the interface, the specific IP address on the interface must
be covered by the network command.
This software sequentially evaluates the address/wildcard-mask pair for each
interface as follows:
■ The wildcard-mask is logically ORed with the interface IP address.
■ The wildcard-mask is logically ORed with address in the network command.
The software compares the two resulting values, and, if they match, DVMRP is
enabled on the associated interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
router dvmrp
The router dvmrp command configures the DVMRP routing process. The no router
dvmrp command removes the DVMRP configured routing process.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
This chapter describes the commands used to configure and manage the Cable
Modem Termination System (CMTS). The CMTS permits data to be transmitted and
received over a broadband cable TV (CATV) network. Downstream network data
traffic flows from the CMTS to connected cable modems (CMs), and upstream
network data traffic flows from the CMs to the CMTS.
arp timeout
The arp timeout command configures the amount of time an entry stays in the ARP
cache. The no arp timeout command removes the time configuration an entry stays
in the ARP cache.
Use the show interfaces command in Privileged EXEC mode to view the ARP
time-out value.
Note: If the ARP time-out value is changed, the new value affects all the
existing entries in the ARP cache and any entries subsequently added to the
ARP cache.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
60 minutes
The balance command automatically redistributes CMTS modules across the
available HSIM modules in the BSR chassis. Binding re-distributes CMTS traffic to
optimize network efficiency. The BSR allows for both manual and automatic binding.
For example; if there are 7 CMTS modules in the BSR, and 3 have been manually
bound, issuing the balance command will redistribute the remaining 4 CMTS
modules while leaving the manually bound modules unaffected.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC and Global Configuration
The band command is used to define the start and end frequency band for the
Spectrum Group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
bind cmts
The bind cmts command manually binds or unbinds a CMTS module to an HSIM
module. Binding re-distributes CMTS traffic to optimize network efficiency.The no
bind cmts command manually unbinds a CMTS module to an HSIM module.
Group Access
Command Mode
Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
cable bind
After using the interface cable command in Global Configuration mode to select a
cable interface and MAC Domain, use the cable bind command to modify the MAC
Domain definition for the module.
Each MAC Domain must have at least one downstream and one upstream channel
associated (bound) to it. Using the cable bind command, a user can associate (bind)
either one or both of the two downstream channels and a specific group of the eight
upstream channels on the module to either of the two MAC Domains available on the
module. When installed in an operating BSR chassis, the 2:8 Primary CMTS
Resource Module sets up MAC Domains based on the default definition in the startup
configuration file.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
downstream NUM binds a single downstream port (0,1) to a MAC Domain
upstream NUM specifies a single upstream port number, a subset of
upstream port numbers (0,1,2,3 or 4,5,6,7) separated by
commas, or all the upstream port numbers on the module
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) separated by commas
Command Default
A MAC Domain definition is defined for each resource module slot in which a 2x8
Primary CMTS Module can be installed (slots 0-7, 9-15) in the BSR startup
configuration file. When a 2:8 Primary CMTS Resource Module is installed into an
operating BSR chassis, the module, after booting, has one MAC Domain (0). MAC
Domain 0 comprises downstream port 0 and upstream ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
cable bundle
Cable bundling allows you to group multiple cable interfaces into a single IP subnet.
The cable bundle command is used to assign the cable interface as the slave cable
interface and assign the bundle the same number as the master cable interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable and loopback interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable and loopback interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Concatenation is enabled for DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 cable modems if
concatenation is globally enabled with the cable upstream concatenation command.
cable deny ip
The cable deny ip command allows operators to filter (drop) worm/virus packets on
both the upstream and downstream cable interfaces by specifying the IP protocol used
by the virus or worm and its packet length (in bytes) to enable a filter for a particular
threat. The no cable deny ip command disables the filter.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Default
The giaddr for cable modems is the primary IP address on the cable interface.
The giaddr for Hosts is the first secondary IP address on the cable interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Modulation to the RF carrier is disabled.
Note: The entered description can be seen in the running configuration, and
in the command output of show commands such as the show ip interface
and show running-config commands.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Note: The Japan DOCSIS Standard must be specified with the cable cmts
type command before a downstream frequency can be selected for any
Japan DOCSIS Standard CMTS module.
Note: The digital carrier frequency cannot be the same as the video carrier
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
555000000 Hz
Note: A higher interleave depth provides more protection from bursts of noise
on the HFC network; however, it increases downstream latency.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
The command default is 8 for North American DOCSIS.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
64 QAM
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
550 dBmV
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The downstream port(s) on the cable interface is disabled or "shut down" by default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
For 2x8 CMTS modules
upper byte threshold = 1000 bytes
lower byte threshold = 500 bytes
upper pdu threshold = 32 PDUs
lower pdu threshold = 16 PDUs
Note: When using the byte count parameter as the threshold unit with a 2x8
CMTS module, you must specify a value for the lower byte threshold. If the
lower byte threshold is not specified, the BSR will automatically use one half
of the upper byte threshold value as the lower byte threshold value.
When using the byte count parameter as the threshold unit wit 1x4 CMTS
module, a lower byte threshold value is not required and will be ignored if
specified. The PDU count threshold parameter is not applicable for 1x4
CMTS modules.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
1440 minutes
Note: The insertion-time is the time taken by cable modems to complete their
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
60 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
10 percent
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
2 dBmV
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
256 cable modems
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Default
cable helper-address
The cable helper address function disassembles a DHCP broadcast packet, and
reassembles it into a unicast packet so that the packet can traverse the router and
communicate with the DHCP server. The cable helper-address command enables
broadcast forwarding for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.
The cable helper-address command can also be used to define the cable helper
address to be used for all CPEs whose CMs have an IP address in a particular subnet’s
address space. This forces the BSR relay agent to forward DHCP requests from a CPE
using a selected ISP to a DHCP server configured for that selected ISP.
Note: The isp-bind option is only available after selecting the host or mta
options. It is not available for the cable modem option.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable and loopback interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
cable insert-interval
The cable insert-interval command sets the interval at which Initial Maintenance
intervals are scheduled in the upstream.These intervals are used by cable modems to
send ranging request messages when attempting to join the network. The no cable
insert-interval command is used to set the default insertion interval.
Note: Ensure that the upstream port is down before setting the insertion
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
The default insertion interval is 20 hundredths of a second.
cable intercept
The BSR provides a way to monitor and intercept data originating from a DOCSIS
network through the Cable Intercept feature, which provides Multiple System
Operators (MSOs) with Lawful Intercept capabilities required by the
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) for electronic
surveillance. Lawful Intercept capabilities are used by law enforcement agencies to
conduct electronic surveillance of circuit and data communications.
When the Cable Intercept feature is initiated, copies of the data transmissions from
and to a specified Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) MAC address (such as a PC)
are sent to an intercept collector, which is a server at a specified IP address and UDP
port number.
Each CMTS resource module supports a maximum of 16 cable intercept entries in the
startup configuration and running configuration files. Only one MAC address per
CPE device, such as a PC can be intercepted and only packets from these CPEs are
Use the cable intercept command to create a cable intercept on the CMTS interface
to respond to CALEA requests from law enforcement for traffic regarding a specific
user. Use the no cable intercept command to delete a cable intercept on the CMTS
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
cable loadbalance-group
The cable loadbalance-group command accesses Load Balancing Group
Configuration mode. Load Balancing Group Configuration mode allows you to create
a new load balancing group or modify an existing load balancing group. The no cable
loadbalance-group command removes a load balancing group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and Load Balancing Configuration Group Mode
Command Syntax
cable loadbalance-policy
The cable loadbalance-policy command enters Load Balancing Policy Configuration
mode for a specified load balancing policy. Load Balancing Policy Configuration
mode allows you to create a new load balancing policy or modify an existing load
balancing policy. Load balancing policies provide control over the autonomous load
balancing process on a per-CM basis. A load balancing policy is described by a set of
conditions (rules) that govern the autonomous load balancing process for the CM. The
no cable loadbalance-policy command removes a load balancing policy.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
cable loadbalance-restricted
The cable loadbalance-restricted command allows you to designate a particular CM
or a range of CMs in a Load Balancing Group as restricted. A Restricted Load
Balancing Group is associated with a specific, provisioned set of cable modems.
Restricted Load Balancing Groups are used to accommodate a topology specific
or provisioning specific restriction such as a set of channels reserved exclusively
for business customers.
The no cable loadbalance-restricted command allows you to remove the restricted
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: The cable modem index refers to an index of the Restricted List not the
index of the CM record.
cable loadbalance-rule
The cable loadbalance-rule command creates a new load balancing rule or modifies
an existing load balancing rule. The no cable loadbalance-rule command removes a
load balancing rule.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: Only the maximum utilized channel must meet the minimum threshold
value before load balancing starts within a load balancing group.
Note: The load balancing disable period (dis-period) that is entered in a load
balancing rule cannot span AM to PM (i.e. 4 PM through 9 AM).
For example, to disable load balancing for this time period, you would need to
enter two separate command strings, 4 PM to 11:59:59 PM and 00:00:01 AM
to 9 AM, as follows:
Command Default
us-reg modem-count-thresh = 5
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
cable modem-aging-timer
The cable modem-aging-timer command specifies a cable modem aging timer in
minutes. Cable modems that go off-line are automatically removed from the network
after the configured time period.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: The upstream channel must be physically connected for DOCSIS 1.1
and 2.0 cable modems to be manually moved.
The same init-tech must be specified for both the upstream and downstream
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Default
Note: The definition of the dynamic service is defined in a binary file that
conforms to the DOCSIS 1.1 cable modem’s configuration file format. This
configuration file is saved in the TFTP "boot" directory on a TFTP server with
known IP address.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The cable modem qos dsd command should be used with extreme
caution as the correct service-flow identifier must be specified.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The Remote Query feature polls cable modems using SNMPv1 only.
The MSO must configure CMs to accept the SNMPv1 community string
specified with the cable modem remote-query command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: The cable modem will not be moved if the old and new upstream
channels are associated to two different Spectrum Groups.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
cable modulation-profile
The cable modulation-profile command navigates to Modulation Profile
Configuration Mode. Modulation Profile Configuration Mode provides a series of
modulation profile commands that allow an MSO to create or modify a modulation
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
07:CRMTASK]-E-mod profile in use,
cannot change diff encoding
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
cable multicast
The cable multicast command creates a static multicast downstream service flow and
assigns the service flow to a service class. Creating a static multicast downstream
service flow and assigning the service flow to a service class allows the BSR to limit
the amount of multicast traffic (including DVMRP or PIM) on the downstream
channel. The cable multicast command allows an MSO to balance the bandwidth
requirements of IP-based video streaming services with other bandwidth critical
services such as voice traffic or high-priority business traffic. The no cable multicast
command disables the downstream multicast traffic limiting.
This feature is configurable as a percentage of the total bandwidth available on the
downstream channel through the service class to which it is assigned. The cable
multicast command can be used to optionally specify a service class with the new
downstream service flow. If a service class is not specified, the downstream service
flow defaults to the DefMCDown service class.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
Service Class = DefMCDown
cable multi-ds-override
The cable multi-ds-override commands enables downstream frequency override
during ranging. Downstream frequency override allows an MSO to instruct a cable
modem to move to a specific downstream/upstream pair during ranging by sending an
RNG-RSP message with a downstream frequency override that tells a specific cable
modem to move to a specific downstream channel. The no cable multi-ds-override
command disables downstream frequency override during ranging.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
604800 seconds (7 days)
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
trust is set to "untrusted"
certificate validity checking is enabled
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
604800 seconds (7 days)
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
profile 1
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
43200 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Note: Baseline privacy is configured with key encryption keys (KEKs), and
the TEKs are configured based on the 40 or 56-bit data encryption standard
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
43200 seconds
cable qos-profile
The cable qos-profile command accesses QoS Profile Configuration mode. QoS
Profile Configuration mode allows you to create or modify a QoS Profile. The no
cable qos-profile command deletes a QoS Profile.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration and QoS Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: Only QoS Profile numbers 1-16 can be configured by the user.
cable shared-secret
The cable shared-secret command activates or deactivates cable modem
authentication with a shared-secret key. The no cable shared-secret command sets
the cable shared-secret back to the default.
Use the cable shared-secret command to authenticate the cable modem such that all
cable modems must return a text string to register for access to the network.
If the no cable shared-secret command is enabled on the CMTS, secret key checking
is not available on any cable modem. If shared-secret is configured on CMTS, cable
modems have to use the secret key obtained from the CM configuration files obtained
from the TFTP server.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
null string
cable shared-secondary-secret
The cable shared-secondary-secret command activates or deactivates cable modem
authentication with a shared-secondary-secret key. The no cable
shared-secondary-secret command sets the cable shared-secondary-secret back to
the default.
Use the cable shared-secondary-secret command to authenticate the cable modem
such that all cable modems must return a text string to register for access to the
If the no cable shared-secondary-secret command is enabled on the CMTS, secret
key checking is not available on any cable modem. If shared-secondary-secret is
configured on CMTS, cable modems have to use the secret key obtained from the CM
configuration files obtained from the TFTP server.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
null string
cable spectrum-group
The cable spectrum-group command is used to create a cable spectrum group and
enter Cable Spectrum Group mode in which to configure a cable spectrum group. All
of the cable spectrum parameters are configured from Cable Spectrum Group mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
cable sync-interval
The synchronization message interval is the interval between successive
synchronization message transmissions from the BSR CMTS interface to the CMs.
The cable sync-interval command sets the synchronization interval between
transmission of successive SYNC messages from the CMTS to CMs. The no cable
sync-interval returns the interval setting to transmit SYNC messages to the default.
Note: Ensure that you disable the cable interface using the cable shutdown
command before using the cable sync-interval command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
cable ucd-interval
The cable ucd-interval command sets the interval between transmission of
successive Upstream Channel Descriptor (UCD) messages. The no cable
ucd-interval changes the interval setting to transmit UCD messages back to the
Note: Ensure that you disable the cable interface using the cable shutdown
command before using the cable ucd-interval command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream active-codes command, both the
NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream active-codes command is only applicable for
an upstream port and logical channel and will only be available through the
X/Y argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream channel-type command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream channel-type command is only applicable
to an upstream port on the BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS module or an
upstream port and logical channel on the BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS module.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream channel-width command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream channel-width command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream codes-minislot command, both the
NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream codes-minislot command is only applicable for
an upstream port and logical channel and will only be available through the
X/Y argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream concatenation command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream concatenation command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream data-backoff command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream data-backoff command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Note: The entered description can be seen in the running configuration, and
in the command output of show commands such as the show ip interface
and show running-config commands.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream description command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream description command is only applicable
for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream force-frag command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream force-frag command is applicable to both an
upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
The force fragmentation feature is set to 0 for no forced fragmentation of large data
Note: The Japan DOCSIS Standard must be specified with the cable cmts
type command before an upstream frequency can be selected for any Japan
DOCSIS Standard CMTS module.
Note: Make sure that the upstream frequency selected does not interfere
with the frequencies used for any other upstream applications running in the
cable plant.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream frequency command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream frequency command is only applicable for an
upstream port and will only be available through the NUM argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: The logical channel must be disabled to specify a new hopping seed
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream hopping-seed command, both the
NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream hopping-seed command is only applicable for
an upstream port and logical channel and will only be available through the
X/Y argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
10000 milliseconds
Note: If a modulation profile for an upstream channel does not support IUC
11, the configuration of the IUC 11 byte size will be not be allowed. If a
modulation profile for an upstream channel is changed and the new
modulation profile does not support IUC 11, the IUC 11 byte size muset be
reset to "0".
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream iuc11-grant-size command, both the
NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream iuc11-grant-size command is only applicable
for an upstream port and logical channel and will only be available through
the X/Y argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
0 bytes
Note: The upstream channel can not be assigned to multiple load balancing
groups unless the load balancing groups are defined as restricted.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream map-interval command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream map-interval command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
4000 microseconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream max-calls command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream max-calls command is applicable to both an
upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
The default maximum number of calls is 0.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream minislot-size command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream minislot-size command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
Channel Width Minislot Size
3200000 Hz 4 ticks
1600000 Hz 8 ticks
800000 Hz 16 ticks
400000 Hz 32 ticks
200000 Hz 64 ticks
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
250 microseconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
modulation profile 1
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream physical-delay command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream physical-delay command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
The fixed physical delay is 800 microseconds
The 800 microsecond default setting is an optimal setting for HFC networks with a
radius of not more than 50 miles (i.e., distance to the farthest cable modem).
However, when the default setting of 800 microseconds is in force on HFC plants
with a radius larger than 50 miles, cable modems may not be able to register or pass
data reliably since the round-trip propagation delay exceeds the configured value for
the physical delay (i.e, cable modems are not given enough time to register).
Note: Setting a physical delay value larger than required is allowed, although
data passing performance will not be optimized. However, do not set a
physical delay value smaller than required since this might cause some cable
modems to become inoperable.
Should you need to change the default value for the physical delay, refer to the
guidelines in the table that follows or calculate a setting value using the formulas that
follow the table.
Delay One-way One-Way Round trip Round trip
Transit Delay Setting distance Distance distance distance
(microsecon (microsecs) (miles) (kilometers) (miles) (kilometers)
800 1,600 100.0 160.9 200.0 321.9
700 1,400 87.5 140.8 175.0 281.6
600 1,200 75.0 120.7 150.0 241.4
500 1,000 62.5 100.6 125.0 201.2
400 800 50.0 80.5 100.0 160.9
300 600 37.5 60.4 75.0 120.7
200 400 25.0 40.2 50.0 80.5
100 200 12.5 20.1 25.0 40.2
To calculate a setting value for your HFC plant, follow these steps using one of the
formulas provided in Step 2:
1. Determine the distance from the BSR 64000 (i.e, CMTS) to the most distant cable
modem measured in miles (or kilometers) of HFC (i.e, physical cable length).
2. Calculate the value for the physical delay using one of the following formulas:
For HFC measured in miles:
16 x L = PD
L is the value determined in Step 1.
PD is the value to specify for the command cable upstream physical-delay
For HFC measured in kilometers:
9.95 x L = PD
L is the value determined in Step 1.
PD is the value to specify for the command cable upstream physical-delay
Caution: If the power level is not explicitly set on the upstream interfaces,
they default to 0 dBmV in absolute mode with a 3.2 MHz, 2560 kilosymbols
per second rate. Ensure that the correct power level is set on each upstream
Table 13-2 describes how the upstream channel bandwidth corresponds to the input
power-level range and default power-level range for a specific upstream channel.
Caution: Use caution when increasing the input power level in absolute
mode. The CMs on the HFC network increase their transmit power level by 3
dB for every incremental upstream channel bandwidth change, causing an
increase in the total power on the upstream channel. This may violate the
upstream return laser design parameters
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream power-level command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream power-level command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
0 dB
Command Example
The following example shows how to use the cable upstream power-level command
to set the upstream input power level to +5 dBmV in absolute mode, which keeps the
input power level at +5 dBmV regardless of the upstream channel bandwidth setting,
as shown below:
Caution: If the power level is not explicitly set on the upstream interfaces,
they default to 0 dBmV in absolute mode with a 3.2 MHz, 2560 kilosymbols
per second rate. Ensure that the correct power level is set on each upstream
Table 13-3 describes how the upstream channel bandwidth corresponds to the input
power-level range and default power-level range for a specific upstream channel.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream power-level default command, only
the NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS
modules. Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream power-level default command
is only applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the
NUM argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
0 dB
Command Example
The following example shows how to use the cable upstream power-level default
command to set the input power level for a 3.2 MHz channel in relative mode from
+11 dBmV to +5 dBmV:
MOT(config-if)#cable upstream 0 power-level default -60
The default input power level is reduced by 6 dB. The power level is now +5 dBmV.
The following example shows how to use the cable upstream power-level default
command to set the input power level for a 3.2 MHz channel in relative mode from
+11 dBmV to 0 dBmV, as shown below:
MOT(config-if)#cable upstream 0 power-level default -110
The default input power level is reduced by 11 dB.
Note: Not all CMs support the pre-equalization adjustment. If a CM does not
support this adjustment, the BSR CMTS interface may not be able to receive
upstream data correctly from the CM.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream pre-equalization command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream pre-equalization command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream range-backoff command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream range-backoff command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
start 0, end 4
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Note: If the rate-limit is enabled, data received from cable modems are
rate-limited according to the cable modems configured. Packets may be
buffered at times when any cable modem or the hosts behind the cable
modems transmit data exceeding the permitted bandwidth.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Note: When using the cable upstream rate-limit command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream rate-limit command is only applicable for an
upstream port and will only be available through the NUM argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: Verify that each upstream port is enabled after the port is properly
configured and ready for use.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream shutdown command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream shutdown command is applicable to both an
upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Each upstream port is disabled.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream snr-offset command, only the NUM
option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules. Both
the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream snr-offset command is only applicable for an
upstream port and will only be available through the NUM argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream spectrum-group command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream spectrum-group command is only
applicable for an upstream port and will only be available through the NUM
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream spread-interval command, both the
NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8
CMTS. The cable upstream spread-interval command is only applicable for
an upstream port and logical channel and will only be available through the
X/Y argument.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream trap-enable-if command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream trap-enable-if command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the cable upstream trap-enable-rdn command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0
2:8 CMTS. The cable upstream trap-enable-rdn command is applicable to
both an upstream port or upstream port and logical channel.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Command Default
cable utilization-interval
The cable utilization-interval command specifies the upstream or downstream
channel utilization calculation interval. The no cable utilization-interval returns the
channel utilization calculation interval to the default value of "0" (disabled).
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
0 = disabled
The channel-type command specifies the channel type for a modulation profile.
There are four possible channel-types:
■ TDMA - DOCSIS 1.1 channel type
■ ATDMA - DOCSIS 2.0 channel type
■ MTDMA - DOCSIS 1.1 or DOCSIS 2.0 channel type
■ S-CDMA - DOCSIS 2.0 channel type only used for logical channel
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: Only users with read/write privileges are allowed to clear cable
modems with the following exception - read only users can clear cable
modems by MAC address or IP address. The clear cable modem all
{counters | reset} command requires read/write privileges.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The cable modem aging timer removes offline cable modems from
the list after the configured timeout period has expired. The clear cable
modem offline command is useful if you need to remove a modem before
the cable modem aging timer has expired or if you are not using the cable
modem aging timer feature.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: There is no reason to use the clear cable modem sync command
unless an operator suspects a problem with the display results from the show
cable modem command.
It may take several seconds to completely rebuild the SRM’s cable modem
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC.
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The codes-subframe command specifies the sub-frame size for an S-CDMA channel
type. The sub-frame size establishes the boundaries over which interleaving is
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
collect interval
The collect interval command configures the interval rate at which data collection is
performed by the spectrum manager.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
collect resolution
The collect resolution command is used to configure the frequency resolution rate
that the spectrum manager performs.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
200000 Hz
Note: For the DHCP Lease Query feature to function properly, host
authorization must also be enabled with the host authorization command.
Host authorization is used for security purposes on a cable network.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
differential-encoding on
The differential-encoding on command specifies whether or not differential
encoding is used in this modulation profile. Differential encoding is a technique
where data is transmitted according to the phase change between two modulation
symbols instead of by the absolute phase of a symbol. Differential encoding makes
the absolute phase of the received signal insignificant and has the effect of doubling
the BER for the same C/N. The no differential-encoding on command disables
differential encoding for this modulation profile.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
The docstest command globally enables or disables DOCSIS 2.0 test mode on the
BSR through the DOCSIS 2.0 Testing MIB (SP-TestMIBv2.0-D02-030530). The
DOCSIS 2.0 Testing MIB is used to test DOCSIS 2.0 protocol compliance through a
set of objects used to manage DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem (CM) and Cable Modem
Termination System (CMTS) programmable test features.
Once DOCSIS 2.0 test mode is enabled with the docstest enable command,
the BSR remains in DOCSIS 2.0 test mode until the test mode is disabled
with the docstest disable command or the system is rebooted.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Note: DOCSIS 2.0 test mode must be enabled with the docstest enable
command before a DOCSIS 2.0 test type can be specified.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
This fec codeword command specifies the number of information bytes for each FEC
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The fec-correction command specifies the number of bytes that can be corrected per
Forward Error Correction (FEC) code word. This is the number of bytes that the FEC
decoder can correct within a codeword. A FEC codeword consists of information and
parity bytes for error correction. The number of parity bytes is equal to two times the
number of correctable errors. The size of correctable errors is dictated by channel
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
fft display
The fft display command displays the FFT power level measurement data to the
console or telnet session in one of the two formats: table or graph (ASCII plot).
Power level measurement data is retrieved either from an operational CMTS module
or a file system. The user specifies a frequency range for which power level
measurement data is to be displayed.
Caution: Running the fft display command can impact voice performance.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
fft setup
The fft setup command can be used to configure the FFT processor on the BCM3138/
BCM3140 chip set or to display the current FFT processor configuration.
Caution: Running the fft setup command can impact voice performance.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
sample = 2048
window = rectangular
fft start
The fft start command initiates the power level measurement using the FFT
algorithm via the RF Sentry.
Note: The sample, mode, and window arguments are optional with the fft
start command but can be used to override the current FFT processor
configuration specified with the fft setup command and initiate power level
measurement with a new FFT processor configuration.
Caution: Running the fft start command can impact voice performance.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
fft store
The fft store command saves the latest FFT power level measurement data for a
CMTS module to a file system. The user specifies a particular slot and port, the file
system (NVRAM or Flash), and a file name without any extension to be used to store
the FFT power level measurement data. An extension of ".fft" will be automatically
added to the file name.
Caution: Running the fft store command can impact voice performance.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The guard-band command is used to define the minimum spectrum separation or
spacing between upstream channels in the same spectrum group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
North America = 0 Hz
Europe = 0 Hz
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
upstream band priority = 128
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
upstream band priority = 128
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
upstream band priority = 128
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
modulation profiles = 1 or 2
upstream band priority = 128
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
upstream band priority = 128
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Default
hop period
The hop period command is used to prevent excessive frequency hops on an
upstream port.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
300 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
10, 1%
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Command Default
interface cable
The interface cable command is used to enter cable interface configuration mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
The interleaver-block-size command specifies the interleaver block size for an
ATDMA or MTDMA channel. Interleaving is a technique which improves the error
correction of channel noise such as burst errors. The interleaver re-arranges
transmitted data and distributes it among different interleaver blocks. At the receiver
end, the interleaved data is arranged back into the original sequence by a
de-interleaver. By intermixing the transmitted data and reassembling it on the receiver
end, any transmission errors are spread out over a greater transmission time.
Forward error correction (FEC) is very effective on errors that are spread out.
Interleaving spreads bursts of errors over several blocks so that the maximum number
of errors in each block stays within the number of correctable errors. Since most
errors occur in bursts, this is an efficient way to improve the error rate. Interleaver
transmissions do not transmit each codeword by itself, but instead send bits from
multiple codewords at the same time, so that a noise burst affects the minimum
number of bits per codeword. This allows the FEC algorithm a greater chance of
detecting and correcting any transmission errors.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The interleaver-depth command specifies the interleaver depth for an ATDMA or
MTDMA channel. This command sets the interleaver minimum latency. A higher
interleaver depth provides more protection from bursts errors by spreading out the bits
for each codeword over a greater transmission time. However, a higher depth also
increases downstream latency, which may slow TCP/IP throughput for some
DOCSIS 2.0 specifies five different interleaver depths - 128:1 is the highest amount
of interleaving and 8:16 is the lowest.
■ 128:1 indicates that 128 codewords made up of 128 symbols each will be
intermixed on a 1 for 1 basis
■ 8:16 indicates that 16 symbols will be kept in a row per codeword and intermixed
with 16 symbols from 7 other codewords.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The interleaver-step-size command specifies the interleaver step size for an
S-CDMA channel. The interleaver step size is the amount time that symbols are
dispersed in time within the frame due to interleaving .
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
ip address
The ip address command configures a primary or secondary IP address for an
interface or defines the Gateway IP address (giaddr) for Customer Premises
Equipment (CPE), Multimedia Telephone Adapter (MTA), or cable modem DHCP
requests. The no ip address command is used to remove an IP address from the
interface. When configuring the cable interface IP address two additional options are
supported; the host and mta options.
The additional options are only available from cable interface configuration mode
when selecting an IP address. During the DHCP process, the relay agent requests an
IP address in a particular subnet by inserting the IP address of the interface into the
DHCP requests from CMs, hosts, and MTAs. The primary address is always inserted
in cable modem DHCP requests. If a secondary address or a secondary host address is
defined, then the first secondary or secondary host IP address in the list is inserted into
DHCP requests from hosts. If one or multiple secondary mta IP address are defined,
then the first secondary mta IP address defined is inserted into DHCP requests from
secondary MTA devices. The ip dhcp relay information option command must be
enabled to allow the BSR to determine what type of device originated the DHCP
request. By default, the primary address will be inserted into DHCP requests.
When an operator wants to support multiple ISP providers, the ip address command
can be used to group secondary subnets together. Basically one secondary is defined
for CMs and another secondary subnet is defined for CPEs. The CM subnet and the
CPE subnet are bound through the use of the isp-bind option of the ip address
command. First the secondary subnet for CMs is defined and then the secondary
subnet for CPE's is defined using isp-bind option. To bind the CPE subnet with the
CM subnet, the CM subnet address is entered after the isp-bind option is entered
while configuring the secondary subnet for CPE's.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable or loopback interfaces only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
DHCP option-82 disabled
The iuc command is used to completely configure a modulation profile without
having to enter individual IUC submodes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
07:CRMTASK]-E-mod profile in use,
cannot change diff encoding
The last-codeword-length command specifies fixed or shortened handling of FEC
for last code word.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The load-balancing command is used to configure a load balancing group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Load Balancing Group Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
mode = disabled
policy = 0
restricted = false
load-balancing static
Static upstream load balancing evenly distributes cable modems across multiple
upstream channels serving the same geographical community or Spectrum Group.
Load balancing is based on the cable modem count on each upstream channel. Static
load balancing means that the BSR will only attempt to move a cable modem to
another upstream channel after the modem’s registration process is complete.
The load-balancing static command enables static load balancing for a Spectrum
Group. The no load-balancing static command disables static load balancing.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Default
The max-burst command is used to specify the maximum burst length in minislots.
The maximum burst length is used to determine the breakpoint between packets that
use the short data grant burst profile and packets that use the long data grant burst
profile. If the required upstream time to transmit a packet is greater than this value,
the long data grant burst profile is used. If the time is less than or equal to this value,
the short data grant burst profile is used.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The modulation-type command specifies the digital frequency modulation technique
used in a modulation profile.
■ Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) is a digital frequency modulation
technique is used primarily for sending data from the cable subscriber upstream.
■ Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is a digital frequency modulation
technique is primarily used for sending data downstream.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
ping docsis
The ping docsis command is used to “ping” a cable modem (CM) on the network at
the MAC layer to determine if the CM is online by entering the CM’s MAC or IP
When a DOCSIS ping is initiated, the BSR sends a test packet downstream towards
the CM to test its connection. In most instances, this command is used to determine if
a particular CM is able to communicate at the MAC address layer when a cable
modem has connectivity problems at the network layer. For example, if a CM is
unable to register and obtain an IP address, the ping DOCSIS command can help you
determine if there are provisioning problems associated with the CM.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC and Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
policy rule
The policy rule command adds an existing policy rule to a load balancing policy. The
no policy rule command removes a policy rule from a load balancing policy.
Group Access
Command Mode
Load Balancing Policy Configuration
Command Syntax
The preamble-length command is used to specify the preamble length in bits. The
preamble length is used to define a synchronizing string of modulation symbols that is
used to allow the receiver to find the phase and timing of the transmitted burst.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The preamble-type command specifies the preamble format for DOCSIS ATDMA.
MTDMA, and S-CDMA channel type modulation profiles. The preamble format is
specified through the Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) digital modulation
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The scrambler-mode command enables or disables the scrambler. The scrambler is
used to generate an almost random sequence of transmission symbols. This ensures an
even distribution of transmissions through the channel.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
The scramber-seed command specifies a scrambler seed value as a hexidecimal
number. The scrambler seed is the initial value that is used to start the scrambler’s
pseudo-randomizer to scramble the bits. As the transmitter and receiver know the
scrambler seed value, scrambling can be reversed at the receiver leaving only the
original data.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
Command Syntax
show bindings
The show bindings command shows bindings, or mapping, between CMTS and
HSIM. The following is an example of typical screen output from the show bindings
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: Use the show chassis status command to determine what CMTS
modules are installed in the BSR chassis.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable
downstream command:
ifIndex: 98305
annex: B
frequency: 327000000
rfModulation: true
interleaveDepth: 32
qamMode: 256
channelWidth: 6000000
powerLevel: 600 (10th of dB)
Spectrum Group:
rate limit: On
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable flap-list
MAC ID CableIF Hit Miss Ins Pow Rng Flap Type Time
000b.0643.3b60 4/0 U1 1469 7 0 0 1 1 Rng FRI NOV 05 11:59:39
000b.0643.36c8 4/0 U1 1469 7 0 0 1 1 Rng FRI NOV 05 11:59:40
000b.0643.3b78 4/0 U1 1469 6 0 0 1 1 Rng FRI NOV 05 11:59:40
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Cable insert-interval: 20
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Member channels:
Cable 11/0 U0
Cable 11/0 U2
Cable 11/0 U3
Cable D0
Cable D1
load-balance mode enabled
load-balance restricted false
load-balance interval 5
load-balance initTech 248
Tech 0: 1
Tech 1: 1
Tech 2: 1
Tech 3: 1
Tech 4: 1
load-balance policy lbp-11
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Rule List:
SnmpIdx: 1
Id: 1
load-balancing is enabled
Rule List:
SnmpIdx: 1
Id: 2
load-balancing is disabled for 300 seconds starting at 0 seconds after
12:00 A.M.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
load-balancing is enabled
load-balancing is disabled
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
cpe command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: If the cable modem supports DOCSIS 1.0+, it will be displayed in the
"Version" field of the command output.
The following is typical screen output from the show cable modem mac command:
MAC Address MAC Prim DOC Qos Frag Con PHS Priv DCC DS US Dev
State SID Ver Prov Saids Sids
0011.805f.fd30 online 2 2.0 1.1 yes yes yes BPI+ yes 15 16 eCM
0011.8061.3f0e online 1 2.0 1.1 yes yes yes BPI+ yes 15 16 eCM
000b.0643.33fc online 195 1.0 1.0 no yes no BPI no 0 0 CM
000b.0643.3718 online 203 1.0 1.0 no yes no BPI no 0 0 CM
0020.409a.24c8 online 194 1.1 1.0 no no no BPI no 0 0 CM
00e0.0c60.2854 online 213 1.0 1.0 no no no BPI no 0 0 CM
0011.1ac9.2094 offline 0 1.0 1.0 no no no BPI no 0 0 CM
0011.1aca.1394 online 1 2.0 1.1 yes yes yes BPI+ yes 15 16 eCM
0011.1aca.13a6 online 2 2.0 1.1 yes yes yes BPI+ yes 15 16 eC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is typical output from the show cable modem maintenance command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
offline command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
phy command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
registered command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The show cable modem remote-query command groups the cable modem’s RF
parameters in a transmitter/receiver/channel order which allows an operator to easily
determine when the upstream or downstream attenuation on any port needs to be
adjusted. The following information is displayed:.
Tx Offs the cable modem’s estimate of the current round trip time obtained
from the ranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset
adjustments) which represents the last polled value of the cable
modem’s docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset MIB object - the cable
modem uses this offset for timing upstream transmissions to ensure
synchronized arrivals at the CMTS - units are in terms of DOCSIS tick
sixty-fourths with a duration of 6.25 microseconds/64+
Micro Refln estimate of the total microreflections including in-channel responses
perceived on the downstream interface, measured in dBc below the
signal level, which represents the last polled value of the cable
modem’s docsIfSigQMicroreflections MIB object
Modem online indicates that the cable modem is registered properly
State offline indicates that the cable modem is not registered
Note: this field does not display the same set of modem states as the
show cable modem command
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
stats command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
svc-flow-id command:
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
mac cable modem Media Access Control layer address
| turns on output modifiers (filters)
begin filter for output that begins with the specified string
exclude filter for output that excludes the specified string
The following is typical output from the show cable modem svc-flow-id detail
Dir SFID SID Type State Sched Min-Rate Max-Rate Packets Bytes
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: The true timing offset that a CM is using should be read at the CM
using SNMP. A CM with the highest recorded timing offset could be the
furthest unit away from the BSR and be functioning correctly.
The show cable modem timing-offset command displays the following information
about a cable modem:
The following is typical output from the show cable modem timing-offset command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable modem
unregistered command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
| Id | Profile Description |
1 DOCSIS 1.X-TDMA 16-QAM & Transmit POST-EQ & FEC - for linear distortion
and impulse noise
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Version: 1
authCmMacAddr: 0011.805f.fd30
authKeySeqNum: 1
authGraceTime: 600 seconds
authLifeTime: 604800 seconds
authCmReset: 1
authCmReqs: 1
authCmReplys: 1
authCmRejects: 0
authCmInvalids: 0
authRejectErrCode: 1
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
sid: 1
tekLifeTime: 43200
tekGraceTime: 3600
tekReset: 2
keyCmReqs: 24
keyCmReplys: 24
keyCmRejects: 0
tekCmInvalids: 0
keyRejectErrCode: 1
tekInvalidErrCode: 1
sid: 2
tekLifeTime: 43200
tekGraceTime: 3600
tekReset: 2
keyCmReqs: 24
keyCmReplys: 24
keyCmRejects: 0
tekCmInvalids: 0
keyRejectErrCode: 1
tekInvalidErrCode: 1
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
authGraceTime: 600
authLifeTime: 604800
tekGraceTime: 3600
tekLifeTime: 43200
certTrust: 2
certVerPeriod: 1
authCmtsReqs: 9
authCmtsReplys: 9
authCmtsRejects: 0
authCmtsInvalids: 0
authenInfos: 0
saMapReqs: 0
saMapReplys: 0
saMapRejects: 0
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: This command is only valid for DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and
Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable qos profile
Slot Prof Pri Max Guar Max Max BPI Flow Tos Tos Created
Idx UP UP DOWN Tx Mode Cnt Mask Value By
BW BW BW Burst
5 17 0 10000000 0 10000000 0 false 2 0 0 Modem
5 18 0 5000000 0 5000000 0 false 2 0 0 Modem
10 17 0 5000000 0 5000000 0 false 2 0 0 Modem
Note: The "Prof Idx" field output indicates a user defined QoS Profile’s
unique identifying number in the range of 1-16. All QoS Profile identifying
numbers in the range of 17-32 indicate a QoS Profile that was learned from
cable modem registrations.
When using the show cable qos profile command to view the class of service
configuration for DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems,
you will obtain inconsistent results under the following conditions:
■ If you have not given each user configurable QoS Profile a unique identifying
number (in the range of 1 through 16) in the CM configuration file.
■ When you modify a CM’s configuration file and specify parameter values that are
already in use by other registered modems and fail to change the QoS Profile
identifying number to a unique value.
Note: All registered CMs are using the QoS parameters as defined in their
respective configuration files and only the output from the show cable qos
profile command is inconsistent.
Once all DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems have a a
unique QoS Profile number, the display of the show cable qos profile command is
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The show cable qos profile command without any arguments
displays all user-defined QoS profiles on the BSR regardless of whether they
are in use. The show cable qos profile command without arguments does
not display any QoS profiles that have been learned via modem registration.
The show cable qos profile command with the <NUM> argument displays
all active Qos Profiles either user-configured or learned via modem
registration for the specified CMTS slot.
Command Syntax
Note: This command is only valid for DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and
Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable qos profile
user-defined command:
Slot Prof Pri Max Guar Max Max BPI Flow Tos Tos Created
Idx UP UP DOWN Tx Mode Cnt Mask Value By
BW BW BW Burst
2 10 1 2500000 0 10000000 0 false 4 0 0 Oper
4 12 1 2500000 0 10000000 0 false 2 0 0 Oper
Note: The "Prof Idx" field output indicates a user defined QoS Profile’s
unique identifying number in the range of 1-16. All QoS Profile identifying
numbers in the range of 17-32 indicate a QoS Profile that was learned from
cable modem registrations.
When using the show cable qos profile user-defined command to view the class of
service configuration for DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable
modems, you will obtain inconsistent results under the following conditions:
■ If you have not given each user configurable QoS Profile a unique identifying
number (in the range of 1 through 16) in the CM configuration file.
■ When you modify a CM’s configuration file and specify parameter values that are
already in use by other registered modems and fail to change the QoS Profile
identifying number to a unique value.
Note: All registered CMs are using the QoS parameters as defined in their
respective configuration files and only the output from the show cable qos
profile user-defined command is inconsistent.
Once all DOCSIS 1.0, DOCSIS 1.0+, and Euro-DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems have a a
unique QoS Profile number, the display of the show cable qos profile user-defined
command is accurate.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: The show cable qos profile user-defined command displays all
user-defined QoS profiles on the BSR regardless of whether they are in use.
The show cable qos profile user-defined command does not display any
QoS profiles that have been learned via modem registration.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: If the Classifier ID is not given, all the classifiers with the given SFID
are listed.
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: If the PHS is not specified, all PHS entries with the specified SFIDs are
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
1-4292967295 SFID
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable qos
svc-flow spectrum-group schedule command:
25000000 35000000
ADD TIMER DAILY THU JUL 26 16:00:00 2004
DEL TIMER DAILY THU JUL 26 20:00:00 2004
21000000 29000000
ADD TIMER WEEKLY THU JUL 26 10:00:00 2004
DEL TIMER WEEKLY THU JUL 26 11:00:00 2004
17000000 22000000
26000000 30000000
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Cable sync-interval: 10
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable upstream
ifIndex: 295173
centerFreq: 22800000
rng_back_st: 0
rng_back_en: 4
data_back_st: 2
data_back_en: 8
channelWidth: 3200000
powerLevel: 0 (10th of dB)
slotSize: 4
force-frag: 0
map-interval: 4000
pre-equalization: 0
invited-range-interval: 10000
range-forced-continue: 0
range-power-override: false
concatenation: true
physical-delay: Mode 0, Min 400, Max 1600
rate-limit: 0
modulation-profile: 1
max-calls: 0
Spectrum Group:
modem ranging delay: 250 (usec)
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Note: When using the show cable upstream command, both the NUM and
X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS. |
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
show docsis-version
The show docsis-version command displays the DOCSIS version of a slot in the BSR
64000 chassis. Returned values are DOCSIS 1.X (DOCSIS 1.0 or DOCSIS 1.1) and
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show docstest
The show docstest command displays DOCSIS 2.0 testing information. A displayed
value of "0" indicates that no test has been initiated.
Note: DOCSIS 2.0 test mode must be enabled with the docstest enable
command before DOCSIS 2.0 testing information can be displayed.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
downstream command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
intercept command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC mode.
Command Syntax
Command Default
Dir Ch ClassName Pri Thr CAP MAB FreeBW Defer Succe Restr HighPri
Dn 0 DefBEDown 1 0 0 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Dn 0 DefRRDown 1 0 0 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Dn 0 DefEMDown 1 0 0 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Dn 0 mass11 1 0 0 48 100% 0 0 0 0
Dn 0 mass12 1 0 0 30 100% 0 0 0 0
Dn 0 mass13 1 0 0 18 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefBEUp 1 0 0 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefRRUp 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefUGS 1 20 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefUGSAD 1 0 80 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefRTPS 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefNRTPS 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 DefEMUp 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 mass1 1 0 0 49 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 mass2 1 0 0 30 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 0 mass3 1 0 0 14 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefBEUp 1 0 0 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefRRUp 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefUGS 1 20 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefUGSAD 1 0 80 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefRTPS 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefNRTPS 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 DefEMUp 1 0 100 1 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 mass1 1 0 0 49 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 mass2 1 0 0 30 100% 0 0 0 0
Up 1 mass3 1 0 0 14 100% 0 0 0 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
upstream command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
upstream signal-quality command:
Upstream 3 channel 0
ifIndex 46989452
includesContention 0
unerroreds 0
correctables 0
uncorrectables 0
signalToNoise 0
microReflections 0
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
upstream spectrum command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show interfaces cable
upstream stats command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Note: When using the show cable interfaces upstream command, only the
NUM option displays for a 1:4, 1:8 or BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules.
Both the NUM and X/Y arguments display for a BCM 3140-based DOCSIS
2.0 2:8 CMTS.
To determine which 2:8 CMTS module is installed in the BSR 64000, use the
show chassis status command. For BCM 3138-based 2:8 CMTS modules,
the command display reads “2:8 CMTS”, and for the BCM 3140-based
DOCSIS 2.0 2:8 CMTS, the display reads, “2:8 CMTS (DOCSIS 2.0)”
Command Syntax
Upstream Statistics
Downstream Statistics
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show stats cmts
Downstream Statistics:
Upstream Statistics:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show stats summary
error command:
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr display
The snr display command displays SNR measurement data to a console or telnet
session. SNR measurement data is retrieved either from an operational CMTS module
or a file system.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr loop
The snr loop command allows an operator to perform SNR measurements for a
specified number of times on one particular frequency.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr setup
The snr setup command is used to configure SNR measurement on the BCM3138/
BCM3140 chip set.
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr setup-get
The snr setup-get command dispalys the current SNR measurement feature
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr start
The snr start command initiates SNR measurement via the RF Sentry
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
snr store
The snr store command saves the latest SNR measurement data for a 2x8 CMTS
module to a file system. The user specifies a particular slot and port, the file system
(NVRAM or Flash), and a file name without any extension to be used to store the
SNR measurement data. An extension of ".snr" will be automatically added to the file
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
spreader on
The spreader on command enables or disables the spreader for this S-SDMA
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
tcm-encoding on
The tcm encoding on command enables trellis-coded modulation (TCM) for this
S-CDMA channel. The trellis-coded modulation technique partitions the constellation
into subsets called cosets so as to maximize the minimum distance between pairs of
points in each coset. The no tcm encoding on command disables trellis-coded
modulation (TCM) for this S-CDMA channel.
Group Access
Command Mode
Modulation Profile Configuration
time band
The time band command is used to schedule when a spectrum group band is
available. The spectrum group band can be made available on either a daily or weekly
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
time delete
The time delete command can be used to schedule the time when the spectrum group
band is removed on a daily or weekly basis.
Group Access
Command Mode
Cable Spectrum Group
Command Syntax
Quality of Service (QoS) addresses consistent, predictable delivery of data to satisfy
customer application requirements during periods of congestion. QoS commands let
you define a level of system performance consistent with negotiated service level
agreements (SLAs).
qos bw default
The qos bw default command sets all the queues in an interface to a specific default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only)
Command Default
the default bandwidth is 25%
qos queue bw
The qos queue bw command sets the percentage of bandwidth for the specified queue
of an interface.
Use the qos queue bw command to manage traffic such that higher bandwidth is
appropriated to the high priority traffic. The remaining percentage bandwidth is
shared among the other queues, which have not been set by this command. If all of the
queues have been set and if the total of all bandwidth allocated does not match 100%,
an error message is displayed.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only)
Command Syntax
ethernet 15/0:
queue bandwidth (%) quantum (in bytes)
0 12 2048
1 12 2048
2 12 2048
3 12 2048
4 12 2048
5 12 2048
6 12 2048
7 12 2048
ethernet 15/1:
queue bandwidth (%) quantum (in bytes)
0 12 2048
1 12 2048
2 12 2048
3 12 2048
4 12 2048
5 12 2048
6 12 2048
7 12 2048
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) standard provides for data transmission
over fiber optic cable and high-bandwidth utilization and efficiency over Internet
links. The SONET standard defines industry interface standards at the physical layer
of the OSI seven-layer model. This standard defines a hierarchy of interface rates that
allow data streams at different rates to be multiplexed. SONET establishes Optical
Carrier (OC) levels from 51.8 Mbps to 2.48 Gbps. Prior rate standards used by
different countries specified rates that were not compatible for multiplexing.
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), the international equivalent of SONET,
defines a standard rate of transmission at 155.52 Mbps. With the implementation of
SONET/SDH, communication carriers throughout the world can interconnect existing
digital carrier and fiber optic systems.
The APS feature provides redundancy for BSR 64000 POS modules and allows for a
switchover of POS circuits in the event of a circuit failure.
There are two types of redundancy supported using APS on a POS module:
■ Port Level Redundancy - a port on a POS module is backed by another port on the
same module
■ Module Level Redundancy - all of the ports on a POS module are backed by all of
the ports on another POS module
For both of these redundancy types, the active ports and the redundant ports have to
be the same speed and have APS enabled.
Switchover to a different POS circuit is dynamic and is not saved in the configuration.
If the BSR 64000 reboots because of a power failure or some other reason after a
switchover has occurred, the initial startup configuration will be re-applied after the
BSR is back online.
aps force
The aps force command manually switches the specified circuit to a protect
(working) port. The no aps force command cancels the switch.
Use the aps force configuration command unless a request of equal or higher priority
is in effect. Use the aps force command to manually switch the port to the protect port
when you are not using the aps revert command.
Note: The aps force command has a higher priority than any of the signal
failures or the aps manual command.
The aps force command takes effect immediately and is not saved with the
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
aps group
The aps group command assigns a specific board to a board group.The no aps group
command removes a specific board from a board group. Four APS board groups are
available (0-3).
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
aps lockout
The aps lockout command prevents a working board from switching to a protection
board. The no aps lockout command removes the lockout.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
aps manual
The aps manual command manually switches all ports from the specified working
board to a protection board. The no aps manual command cancels this switch.
Use the aps manual command to manually switch the working board to the
protection board when you are not using the aps revert command. The aps manual
command to reverts all ports back to the working board before the wait to restore
(WTR) time has expired. The WTR time period is set by the aps revert command.
Note: The aps manual command is a lower priority than any of the signal
failures or the aps force command.
The aps manual command takes effect immediately and is not saved with
the configuration.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
aps protect
The aps protect command configures an port as a protection port. The no aps protect
command disables the protection.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
aps revert
The aps revert command enables and sets the time period for automatic switchover
from the protect port to the working port after the working port becomes available. If
revertive mode is selected, the BSR will wait a specified amount of time before
switching back from a protection port to a working port. The no aps revert command
disables automatic switchover.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface)
Command Syntax
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface)
Command Syntax
aps unidirectional
The aps unidirectional command initially configures a port for the type of Automatic
Protection Switching that will be used, The BSR64000 supports linear 1+1
unidirectional or bi-directional operation, and can be configured for either revertive or
non-revertive switching.
Use the aps unidirectional configuration command to configure APS for
unidirectional operation.
Use the no aps unidirectional command to configure APS for bi-directional
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
aps working
The aps working command configures a board or port as working. The no aps
working command disables a working board or port.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (POS interface) and Slot Configuration
Command Syntax
The crc command sets the mode of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Use the crc command supports four checksum formats. The checksum formats are: 16
bits, 16 bits big-endian, 32 bits, and 32 bits big-endian. The checksum format must be
synchronized on both ends of a PPP link for the link to come up.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
16 16 bits
32 32 bits
big-endian use big-endian byte ordering
Command Default
interface pos
The interface pos command accesses Interface Configuration mode for a POS
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip address
The ip address command assigns an IP address and subnet mask for the POS
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
pos ais-shut
The pos ais-shut command sends the LAIS when the POS interface is placed in
administrative shut down state. The no pos ais-shut command disables the sending of
Use the pos ais-shut command to send the LAIS.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
no LAIS is sent
pos flag
The pos flag command sets SONET overhead bytes in the SONET frame. The no pos
flag command removes the setting, and sets it back to the default.
This command can be used to assign values for specific elements of the frame header.
Use the pos flag command to ensure communications other vendor equipment or to
meet specific standards.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
c2 hexnum path signal identifier used to identify the payload content type,
value is 0xCF for PPP or HDLC without scrambling;
0x16 for PPP or HDLC with scrambling
c2-exp hexnum
j0 hexnum the section trace byte, value is 0x1 for interoperability with
some SDH devices in Japan
j1 16 byte string the path trace byte sequence, a character string of 15 characters
may be entered for STS Channel labeling. The last two bytes
are set to CR and LF for framing purposes
j1 64 byte string the path trace byte sequence, a character string of 62 characters
may be entered for STS Channel labeling. The last two bytes
are set to CR and LF for framing purposes.
s1 hexnum for synchronous status messaging.
Command Default
for c2, 0xCF
for j0, -xCC
for s1 0x0
pos framing
The pos framing command sets framing to SONET STS-3C or 12C, or SDH STM-1
or STM-4 framing. This is based upon the pos signal mode command. The no pos
framing command resets the default.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
pos internal-clock
The pos internal-clock command sets the SONET clock to use a local timing source,
either from the STRATUM 3 clock on the SRM or the Local PLL device on the HSIM
board. The no pos internal-clock command enables loop timing, so that the SONET
interface recovers its clock from the received SONET signal of another piece of Line
Terminating SONET equipment.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
internal clock enabled
pos report
The pos report command enables selected SONET alarms for console logging for a
POS interface. The no pos report command disables selected SONET alarms for
console logging for a POS interfaces.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
All error reporting disabled
pos scramble
The pos scramble command enables POS Synchronous Payload Envelope (SPE)
scrambling. The no pos scramble command disables POS SPE scrambling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Default
When switched to OC12-C mode, all of the other three SONET ports are
disabled and are inaccessible through the CLI. The only way to access these
other three ports is to switch back to OC3-C mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
pos threshold
The pos threshold command sets the Bit Error Rate (BER) threshold values of
specific alarms on the POS interface. The no pos threshold command sets the rate to
the default setting.
Note: For B1-TCA, the bit interleaved parity error report is calculated by
comparing the BIP-8 code with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B1 byte of
the following frame for B1. Differences indicate that section level bit errors
have occurred.
For B2-TCA, the bit interleaved parity error report is calculated by comparing
the BIP-8/24 code with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B2 byte of the
following frame for B2. Differences indicate that line level bit errors have
For B3-TCA, the bit interleaved parity error report is calculated by comparing
the BIP-8 code with the BIP-8 code extracted from the B3 byte of the
following frame for B3. Differences indicate that path level bit errors have
SF-BER and SD-BER are directly related to B2 BIP-8 error counts (as is
B2-TCA). SF-BER and SD-BER feed into the APS state machine and can
lead to a protection switch if APS is configured.
B1-TCA, B2-TCA, and B3-TCA print a log message to the console if reports
for them are enabled.
To determine the BER thresholds configured on the interface, use the show
controllers pos command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
pos threshold 3 (10e-3)
all others default at 6
ppp magic-number
The ppp magic-number command sends a magic number in a negotiation request.
The no ppp magic-number command disables sending a magic number in a
negotiation request.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
ppp negotiation-count
The ppp negotiation-count command sets the number of times to send the
negotiation request to the peer in order to bring a PPP link up. The no ppp
negotiation-count command reverts to the default of continuous sending requests to
bring the PPP link up.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ppp timeout
The ppp timeout command sets the maximum timeout period from the start of a PPP
negotiation request to a response from the remote host. The no ppp timeout
command restores the default maximum timeout period.
Use the ppp timeout command to set the timeout period for PPP negotiation.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
10 seconds
show aps
The show aps command provides APS configuration and statistics information for
groups containing working and protection ports.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
POS 15/0 is indicates whether the interface hardware is currently active and
administratively can transmit and receive or if it has been taken down by an
up/down, line administrator
protocol is up/down
Hardware hardware type
MTU maximum transmission units of the interface
BW interface bandwidth in kilobits per second
Encapsulation encapsulation method assigned to interface
Keepalive keepalive set indicator
Scramble POS scramble enable
LCP Initial LCP initialized
IPCP Initial IPCP initialized
Last input hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was
successfully received by an interface.; useful for knowing
when a dead interface failed
Last output hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was
successfully transmitted by an interface
Last clearing of show interface counters
Last state change hours, minutes, and seconds when the interface was reset
Queueing strategy first-in, first-out queuing strategy (other queueing strategies
you might see are priority-list, custom-list, and weighted fair)
Output queue, number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is
drops/input queue, followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the
drops number of packets dropped because a queue was full
packets input error-free packets received by the system
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
This chapter describes the Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP-4) commands
used with the BSR.
BGP is an Inter-Autonomous System (AS) routing protocol that exchanges network
availability information with any other router speaking BGP. The information for a
network is the complete list of ASs that traffic must transport to reach that network
and is then used to assure loop-free paths. This information is used to construct a
graph of AS connectivity from which routing loops may be pruned, and some policy
decisions at the AS level may be enforced.
The aggregate-address command creates an entry in the BGP routing table. The no
aggregate-address command disables this function. Use the aggregate-address
command to implement aggregate routing by redistributing the route in BGP.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D aggregate address in routing table
Command Default
The auto-summary command returns the user back to the automatic summarization
default of subnet routes into network-level routes. The no auto-summary command
disables this function.
When the route is summed up, it reduces the amount of routing information in the
routing tables. Use the network command or the no auto-summary command to
advertise and transmit subnet routes in BGP. BGP will not accept subnets distributed
from IGP.
If a network command is not entered, and auto-summarization is disabled, network
routes will not be advertised for networks with subnet routes unless they contain a
summary route.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
bgp always-compare-med
The bgp always-compare-med command enables comparison of the Multi-exit
Discriminator (MED) from path entries from different ASs. The no bgp
always-compare-med command stops comparisons.
Use the bgp always-compare MED command to change the default, allowing
comparison of MEDs, which are received from any autonomous system. By default,
during the best-path selection process, MED comparison is done only among paths
from the same autonomous system. This command changes the default behavior by
allowing comparison of MEDs among paths regardless of the autonomous system
from which the paths are received.
The MED path, considered the best path, is the parameter used when selecting the
paths compared to many other options. The preference between a path with a lower
MED and a path with a higher MED, is the lower MED path.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
When a route reflector is configured, it reflects routes from a client to other clients.
bgp cluster-id
The bgp cluster-id command configures a cluster ID if the BGP cluster has more than
one route reflector. The no bgp cluster-id command removes the cluster.
Use the bgp cluster-id command to increase redundancy and avoid a single point of
failure. Route reflectors in a cluster must be configured with a 4-byte cluster ID in
order to be recognized from route reflectors in the same cluster. Use this command to
configure the cluster ID if the route reflector has more than one route.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
router ID route reflector in cluster
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Router configuration
Command Syntax[
bgp dampening
The bgp dampening command enables BGP route dampening. The no bgp
dampening command to sets the default values or disables this function.
Note: The penalty is halved after the half-life period when a route is flapping.
The router configured for damping (dampening) assigns a penalty to a route
when a route flaps. Penalties are cumulative and are stored in the BGP
routing table. A flapping route is suppressed when its penalty exceeds the
suppress limit. A suppressed route is reused when its decayed penalty falls
below the reuse limit.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
bgp default
The bgp default command specifies the default route advertisement which is sent to
all routers in the local ASs. The no bgp default command disables a default
A default route in a router IP forwarding table is used by the router if a routing entry
for a destination does not exist. By convention, a default route is represented by the
network mask combination Any AS advertising the default route
represents itself as the gateway of last resort to other systems.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
bgp permit
The bgp permit command permits updates with either the AGGREGATOR attribute
set to the 0 Autonomous System (AS) or with the address in the BGP routing
process. The no bgp permit command disables the updates.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
bgp router-id
The bgp router-id command overrides a configured BGP router identifier (IP
address) by manually configuring a new identifier. The no bgp router-id command
restores the initial configuration.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp
The clear ip bgp command resets a BGP connection using soft reconfiguration.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
1-199 clear flap statistics for all the paths that match
the regular expression
regexp clear flap statistics for all the paths that match
the regular expression.
LINE a regular-expression to match the BGP AS
default-information originate
The default-information originate command generates a default route into the BGP
database. The no default-information originate command disables default route
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Default
The default metric feature is used to eliminate the need for separate metric definitions
for each routing protocol redistribution.The default-metric command forces the BGP
routing protocol to use the same metric value for all distributed routes from other
routing protocols. The no default-metric command removes or changes the default
metric value for the BGP routing protocol.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
distance bgp
The distance bgp command sets external, internal, and local administrative distances
for routes to function. The no distance bgp command sets the default values.
Use the distance bgp command to administer distance based on the preferred routing
information source received from a router or group of routers. This enables the system
to prioritize protocols dependant upon the distances between 1 to 255, where 0 is the
best route, and the most unreliable route is 255. The bgp distance command has an
influence on whether the BGP-learned routes are installed in the routing table.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
external distance = 20
internal distance = 200
local distance = 200
distribute-list in
The distribute-list in command filters networks received in routing updates. The no
distribute-list in command changes or cancels the filters received in updates.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
distribute-list out
The distribute-list out command prevents networks from being advertised in
updates. The no distribute-list out command enables update advertisements.
Use the distribute-list out command to apply the access list to outgoing route
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ip as-path access-list
The ip as-path access-list command creates or modifies a BGP related access list and
its elements. The no ip as-path access command deletes the corresponding list
Use the no ip as-path access-list command to modify elements and add to the IP
as-path access list of corresponding elements. Use the ip as-path access-list and the
neighbor filter-list commands to use as-path filters to filter BGP advertisements.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ip community-list
The ip community-list command creates a BGP related access list and its
elements.There are two types of community lists: standard and extended. The
standard community lists have a list number from 1 to 99. The extended community
lists have a list number from 100 to 199. The ip community-list deletes the
community lists and all associated elements.
The community lists are used in the match community-list command and the set
communities’ set comm-list delete commands. The route maps are used for inbound
and outbound filtering.
Note: The community lists are related to the respective elements, and are of
the standard and extended types:
If there is no elements left in the list, the list will be removed too. To delete the
community list and all its elements use the no ip community-list command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
match as-path
The match as-path command matches a BGP autonomous system path access list
match entries or appends new list numbers to the existing match entry. The no match
as-path command removes the list numbers from the match entry used in the
Use the match as-path command to match a BGP autonomous system path to
advertise on the route-map. Values can be set using the match as-path command.
Use the match as-path command to match at least one BGP autonomous system path
to ensure advertisement on the route-map.
Use the match as-path command to globally replace values matched and set with the
match as-path command and the set weight command to supersede weights
established with the neighbor weight and the neighbor filter-list commands.
The values set by the match and set commands override global values. For example,
the weights assigned with the match as-path and set weight route-map commands
override the weights assigned using the neighbor weight and neighbor filter-list
commands. The implemented weight is established by the initial autonomous system
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
match community
The match community command creates a BGP autonomous system community
access list match entry or appends new list numbers to the existing match entry. The
no match community command removes the match entry completely. The no match
community command removes the list numbers or the exact-match attribute from the
match entry use the command
Use the match community-list command to ensure that the route is advertised for
outbound and inbound route-maps. If a change to some of the information is to match
is needed, configure a second route-map with specifics.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
The maximum-paths command specifies the maximum number of parallel routes an
IP routing protocol can support. The no maximum-paths command changes or
cancels the number of maximum paths.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor advertisement-interval
The neighbor advertisement-interval command sets the minimum amount of time
between sending BGP routing updates. The no neighbor advertisement-interval
form of this command to delete an entry.
Use the neighbor advertisement-interval command to configure all the members of
the peer group with the same attributes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
30 seconds for external peers
5 seconds for internal peers
neighbor confed-segment
The neighbor confed-segment command allows you configure a neighbor to use
either AS confederation sequence or AS confederation set as the path segment type in
the AS path attribute. The no neighbor confed-segment command disables the AS
confederation path segment type attribute.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
AS confederation path segment type attribute is disabled.
neighbor default-originate
The neighbor default-originate command allows a BGP speaker to send the default
route to a neighbor for the neighbor’s default. The no neighbor
default-originate command sends no route as a default.
The neighbor default-originate command does not require the presence of in
the local router, and when used with a route map, the default route is injected
only if the route map contains a match ip address clause and there is a route that
matches the IP access list exactly. The route map can contain other match clauses
The user can use standard or extended access lists with the neighbor
default-originate command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor description
The neighbor description command provides a neighbor a description. The no
neighbor description clears the provided neighbor description.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor distribute-list
The neighbor distribute-list command distributes BGP neighbor information based
on the access list. The no neighbor distribute-list command deletes an entry.
Use the neighbor distribute-list command to filter BGP advertisements. Also, use
the ip as-path access-list and the neighbor filter-list commands to use as-path filters
to filter BGP advertisements. If a BGP peer group is specified, all members of that
group are associated. Specifying the neighbor distribute-list command with an IP
address to replace the value already in the peer group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor ebgp-multihop
The neighbor ebgp-mulithop command accepts route updates from external peers
residing on the network that are not directly connected. The no neighbor
ebgp-mulithop command blocks route updates.
Use the neighbor ebgp-multihop command to modify BGP peer groups for unified
configuration by specifying a peer-group-name.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor filter-list
The neighbor filter-list command creates a BGP filter. The no neighbor filter-list
command disables this function.
Use the neighbor filter-list command to create filters on both inbound and outbound
BGP routes. Unlimited weight filters are accepted on a per-neighbor principle, but
only one inbound or one outbound filter is accepted, not both. Route selection rules
determine the weight of a route.
Weight assignment is based on the initial autonomous system path, or as-path.
Weights announced override weights assigned by global neighbor commands. This
happens when the initial match is made. Therefore, weights assigned using match
as-path and set weight commands override weights assigned by the neighbor weight
and neighbor filter-list commands.
Members of a peer group realize configured specifics when the peer-group-name
argument is used with the neighbor filter-list command. If the neighbor filter-list
command is used with a specified IP address, then the IP address overrides the value
from the peer group.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
neighbor maximum-prefix
The neighbor maximum-prefix command controls the number of prefixes accepted
from a neighbor. The no neighbor maximum-prefix command stops the controlled
number of prefixes accepted from a neighbor.
Use the neighbor maximum-prefix command to manage the number of prefixes
accepted from a neighbor.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Threshold default, 75%
neighbor next-hop-self
The neighbor next-hop-self command disables BGP processing updates. The no
neighbor next-hop-self command enables BGP processing updates.
Specifying the command with an IP address will override the value inherited
from the peer group. Use the set ip next-hop command for additional
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
neighbor password
The neighbor password command enables the Message Digest 5 (MD5)
authentication on a TCP connection between two BGP peers. The no neighbor
password command disables the Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication on a TCP
connection between two BGP peers.
Use the neighbor password command to authenticate and to verify TCP connections
between two BGP peers, of which the same password is configured. This command
begins the MD5 generation for outgoing packets and check every segment on a TCP
connection for incoming packets.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor remote-as
The neighbor remote-as command performs many functions as described below. Use
the neighbor remote-as number command to assign a BGP router to an autonomous
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor remove-private-as
The neighbor remove-private-as command triggers the removal of private AS
numbers from outbound updates. Use no neighbor remove-private-as command to
stops such removal.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No removal
neighbor route-map
The neighbor route-map command applies a route map to incoming or outgoing
routes. The no neighbor route-map command clears a route map for incoming and
outgoing routes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor route-reflector-client
The neighbor route-reflector-client command configures the router as a BGP
route-reflector. The no neighbor route-reflector-client command configures a router
back to a BGP route-reflector.
Use the neighbor route-reflector-client command to establish a local router to act as
the route-reflector with the specified neighbor as a client.
Note: When all clients are disabled, the local router is no longer a
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor route-refresh
The neighbor route-refresh command allows a BGP neighbor to accept route refresh
requests. The no neighbor route-refresh command disables the acceptance of reoute
refresh requests for a BGP neighbor.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor send-community
The neighbor send-community command will allow a communities attribute, if any,
to be sent in outbound updates to a neighbor. The no neighbor send-community
command stops sending communities attribute.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
neighbor shutdown
The neighbor shutdown command disables a neighbor or peer group. The no
neighbor shutdown command enables a neighbor or peer group.
Use the neighbor shutdown command to end an session for a particular neighbor or
peer group. This removes all routing information associated.
Use the show ip bgp summary command for a list of neighbors and peer-group
connection. Those neighbors with an Idle status and the Administrative entry have
been disabled by the neighbor shutdown command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No storage
neighbor timers
The neighbor timers command sets the timers for a particular BGP peer or peer
group. The no neighbor timers command clears the timers for a particular BGP peer
or peer group.
Use the neighbor timers command to configure a specific neighbor or peer-group
timers values to bypass the timers configured for all BGP neighbors using the timers
bgp command.
Note: If, during the negotiated holdtime (which is the smallest of configured
hold time and the holdtime advertised by the neighbor), no messages arrive,
the peer will be brought down. If the negotiated holdtime is 0, then the peer
will never be brought down, because it hasn't received any messages. If the
value of the keepalive timer is 0, then no keepalive messages will be sent.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
keepalive = 60 seconds
hold time = 180 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Best local address
neighbor weight
The neighbor weight command establishes a weight to a neighbor connection. The
no neighbor weight command removes a weight to a neighbor connection.
Note: Initially, all routes learned from this neighbor will have the assigned
weight. The route with the highest weight is chosen as the choice route when
multiple routes are available on the network.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
learned routes = 0
routes sourced by local router = 32768
The network command specifies the list of networks for the BGP routing process.
The no network command deletes the entry.
Use the network command to control what networks are originated. be included in
the BGP updates. Network types are learned from connected routes, dynamic routing,
and static route sources. Because BGP can handle subnetting and supernetting, the
mask is used. The maximum number of network commands is based on the
configured nvram or ram.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
The redistribute command redistributes routes from one protocol domain to another
routing domain. The no redistribute command disables route distribution from one
protocol domain to another routing domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The route-map command creates or modifies route-maps and their sequences. The no
route-map command removes the corresponding sequence from the route-map.If
there are no sequences left in the route-map, the route-map will be deleted too.
Use the route-map command, and the match and set commands to configure the
rules for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. Each route-map
command has a list of match and set commands associated with it. The match
commands specify the match criteria, which are the conditions under which
redistribution is allowed for the current route-map command. The set commands
specify the set actions, the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the
route map.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
router bgp
The router bgp command configures the BGP routing process. Use the no router
bgp command clears BGP routing process configuration.
Use the router bgp command to establish a distributed routing core that automatically
guarantees the loop-free exchange of routing information between autonomous
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Route Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set comm-list
The set comm-list command deletes communities from the community attribute of an
inbound or outbound update. The no set comm-list command deletes the entry.
Use the set comm-list command to delete communities from the community attribute
of inbound or outbound updates using a route map to filter and determine the
communities to be deleted.
If the standard list is referred in the set comm-list delete command, only the elements
with the single community number or no community number in them will be used. All
others will be quietly ignored. Any element specified with the 'internet' keyword is
equivalent to element without community number.
If the set community comm and set comm-list list-num delete commands are
configured in the same sequence of a route-map attribute, the deletion operation (set
comm-list list-num delete) is performed before the set operation (set community
Note: If the set community and set comm-list delete commands are
configured in the same sequence of a route-map attribute, the deletion
operation (set comm-list delete) is performed before the set operation (set
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
set community
The set community command add or replace communities from the community
attribute of an inbound or outbound update. Use the no set community command
removes the specified communities from the set.
Use the route-map command, and the match and set commands to configure the rules
for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. Each route-map
command has a list of match and set commands associated with it. The match
commands specify the match criteria, which are the conditions under which
redistribution is allowed for the current route-map command. The set commands
specify the set actions, the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the
route map.
Note: The communities could be specified as numbers; the result will be the
same; none removes community attribute from the update unless additive is
specified for the set entry. In this case it doesn't modify update community
In other words, the no set community command, if the entry had some
community numbers in it before removal, and as the result of the removal no
numbers are left, then the entry itself is deleted.
The command set community none removes all community numbers from
set entry, if any, but leaves the value of the additive attribute intact.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
set ip next-hop
The set ip next-hop command establishes a next-hop value for the AS path. The no ip
next-hop command deletes the entry.
Use the ip policy route-map interface configuration command, the route-map global
configuration command, and the match and set route-map configuration commands,
to define the conditions for policy routing packets. The ip policy route-map
command identifies a route map by name. Each route-map command has a list of
match and set commands associated with it. The match commands specify the match
criteria---the conditions under which policy routing occurs. The set commands
specify the set actions---the particular routing actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met.
If the interface associated with the first next hop specified with the set ip next-hop
command is down, the optionally specified IP addresses are tried in turn.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
set local-preference
The set-local preference command establishes a preference value for the AS system
path. Use the set local-preference command to send the local-preference to all
routers in the local autonomous system.
Use the no set-local preference form of this command to delete the entry.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
set metric-type
The set metric-type command sets the destination routing protocol. The no set
metric-type command returns the default.
Use the set metric-type command, and the match and set commands to configure the
rules for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. Each set
metric-type command has a list of match and set commands associated with it. The
match commands specify the match criteria, which are the conditions under which
redistribution is allowed for the current set metric-type command. The set commands
specify the set actions, the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria
enforced by the match commands are met. The no set metric-type command deletes
the route map.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
set origin
The set origin command configures the conditions for redistributing routes from any
protocol to any protocol. The no set origin command deletes the BGP origin code.
When the set origin command configures redistributing routes from any protocol to
any protocol, any match clause is necessary which includes pointing to a “permit
everything” to set tags.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-Map Configuration
Command Syntax
set tag
The set tag command sets the value of the destination routing protocol. The no set tag
command removes the value.
The route-map global configuration command and the match and set route-map
configuration commands are used together to define the conditions for redistributing
routes from one routing protocol into another. Each route-map command has a list of
match and set commands associated with it. The match commands specify the
conditions for redistribution for the current route-map command. The set commands
specify the particular redistribution actions to perform if the criteria enforced by the
match commands are met. The no route-map command deletes the route map.
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
If not specified, tag is forwarded to the new destination protocol.
set weight
The set-weight command to set the route weight on the network. The first
autonomous system match determines the weight to be set.
Use the set weight command to set the route weight on the network. The first AS
match determines the weight to be set. The route with the highest weight is chosen as
the choice route when multiple routes are available on the network. Weights spoken
when an as path is matched, override any weight set by the neighbor command. Any
match clause is necessary which includes pointing to a “permit everything” to set tags
Group Access
Command Mode
Route-map Configuration
Command Syntax
show ip as-path-access-list
The show ip as-path-access-list command displays configured AS path access lists
and their elements.
Use the show ip as-path-access-list command to display configured as-path access
lists and their elements.
With the optional access list number argument, it displays the specified as-path access
list, if such list exists. Without it, it displays all configured as-path access lists.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip bgp
The show ip bgp command displays entries in the BGP routing table. Use the show ip
bgp command to determine whether the session is active or not.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Message statistics:
Rcvd RcvdLast Sent SentLast
Open 0 0
Update 0 0
Notify 0 0
Keepalive 0 0
Route Refresh 0 0
Total 0 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
show ip community-list
The show ip community-list command displays a configured community access list
and the associated elements.
Use the show ip community access list command to display configured community
access lists and their elements.
With the optional access list number argument, it displays the specified community
access list, if such list exists. Without it, it displays, all configured community access
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The synchronization command enables IGP synchronization. The no
synchronization command disables IGP synchronization.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
timers bgp
The timers bgp command adjusts BGP network timers. The no timers bgp command
resets the BGP timing defaults values.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Syntax
keepalive = 60 seconds
holdtime = 180 seconds
This chapter describes the Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM) commands that are
supported on the BSR 64000. The BSR supports PIM in sparse mode.
ip pim border
Use the ip pim border command to configure a PIM domain boundary on the
interface of a border router peering with one or more neighbors outside the PIM
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
ip pim bsr-candidate
Use the ip pim bsr-candidate command to configure the BSR to be a candidate
bootstrap router.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
30 bits
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Hash mask length = 30 bits
ip pim dr-priority
The ip pim dr-priority command sets the priority for which a router is elected as
the designated router (DR). When a Designated Router (DR) is an election
candidate, the router with the highest priority is elected as the DR. The DR
priority is configured on the router’s interface. If a DR priority is assigned on
multiple router interfaces, then the router with the highest IP address is used as
the DR.
If a router does not advertise its priority in its hello messages, the router has the
highest priority and is elected as the DR. If multiple routers have this priority
status, then the router with the highest IP address configured on an interface is
elected to be the DR.
The no ip pim dr-priority command removes a router from the list of Designated
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The default DR priority for the BSR is 1, which means that the BSR is the DR.
ip pim message-interval
Use the ip pim message-interval command to specify the PIM router join/prune
messages interval.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
60 seconds
ip pim query-interval
The ip pim query-interval command adjusts how often PIM router query messages
are sent to other PIM routers to control the DR process. IP multicast routers send PIM
query "Hello" messages to determine which router is the Designated Router (DR) for
each LAN segment (subnetwork). The DR sends Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) host query messages to all hosts on the directly connected LAN.
When PIM operates in sparse mode, the DR sends source registration messages to the
Rendezvous Point (RP). The no ip pim query-interval command disables PIM router
query messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
30 seconds
ip pim rp-candidate
Use the ip pim rp-candidate command to configure a single rendezvous pointer (RP)
candidate on the PIM domain.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
60 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
1024 kbps
ip pim spt-threshold rp
Use the ip pim spt-threshold rp command to specify the multicast traffic threshold
that must be reached on the rendezvous point (RP) router before the multicast traffic is
switched over to the Shortest Path Tree (SPT).
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The PIM version of the network command enables IP networks for the PIM routing
process. The no network command disables networks for the PIM routing process.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
pim accept-rp
The pim accept-rp command configures a router to accept only Join or Prune
messages destined for a specified rendezvous point (RP) and for a specific list of
groups. The no pim accept-rp command disables accepting only Join or Prune
messages so that all Join and Prune messages are processed.
The group address must be in the range specified by the access list. If no access list is
provided, the default is all class D group addresses. When the address is one of the
system's addresses, the system will be the RP only for the specified group range
specified by the access list. When the group address is not in the group range, the RP
will not accept Join or Register messages and will respond immediately to Register
messages with Register-Stop messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
pim register-checksum
Use the pim register-checksum command to register a packet checksum type.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Complete IP packet length
pim rp-address
The pim rp-address command configures the address of a static PIM rendezvous
point (RP) for a particular group. The no pim rp-address command removes an RP
address for a particular group.
Note: You must configure the IP address of RPs on all routers (including the
RP router) if you use static RP.
First-hop routers send register packets to the RP address on behalf of source multicast
hosts. Routers also use this address on behalf of multicast hosts that want to become
members of a group. These routers send Join and Prune messages towards the RP. The
RP must be a PIM router but does not require any special configuration to recognize
that it is the RP. RPs are not members of the multicast group but serve as a "meeting
place" for multicast sources and group members. You can configure a single RP for
more than one group. The access list determines which groups the RP can be used for.
If no access list is configured, the RP is used for all groups. A PIM router can use
multiple RPs, but only one per group. Statically configured RP will take precedence
over RP learned though a dynamic mechanism such as the bootstrap mechanism.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No PIM rendezvous points are preconfigured.
pim unicast-route-lookup
The pim unicast-route-lookup command retrieves routes from the BSR’s unicast
routing table.
Group Access
Command Mode
Router Configuration
router pim
Use the router pim command to enter Router Configuration mode from Global
Configuration mode and enable PIM routing.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
show ip pim
The show ip pim command displays various PIM routing information. Use the show
ip pim command to determine whether the session is active or not.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) provides a mechanism for engineering
network traffic patterns that is independent of routing tables. In a standard routed
network (without MPLS), as a packet travels from a source to a destination, an
independent forwarding decision must be made at each router along the path. As a
packet travels through the network, each router analyzes the packet and determines
the “next hop router” that the packet must be sent to in order for the packet to arrive at
its final destination.
With MPLS, a packet only has to be analyzed once it enters the network. As the
packet is received at the first router in the network, the router assigns a short “label” to
the packet. When the packet is forwarded to the next router, the label is included in the
packet. At subsequent routers, there is no further analysis of the packet’s layer 3
address. Instead, the label is used to instruct the router how to forward the packet.
An MPLS network consists of Label Edge Routers (LERs) and Label Switch Routers
■ The LER is responsible for classifying each packet based on some
user-configurable policy (source, destination, port, QoS class, etc.), and assigning
a label to the packet.
■ The LSRs are responsible for forwarding the packet along the correct Label
Switched Path (LSP) based upon the label. LSPs are configured from end-to-end
across the network. In order for a packet to properly travel across the network, all
routers in the path must be aware of the label for each packet and which LSP to
send the packet on. LSPs are configured statically at each router along the path or
dynamically using the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP).
MPLS supports a variety routing protocols by creating end-to-end links across a
network that serve as “tunnels” for all packets that need to travel to the same
About RSVP
Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) data transfer occurs between a router that
serves as the link’s entrance point and another router that serves as the link’s exit
point. RSVP is used in conjunction with MPLS to distribute MPLS labels.
RSVP is a resource reservation setup protocol that is used by both network hosts and
routers. Hosts use RSVP to request a specific quality of service (QoS) from the
network for particular application flows. Routers use RSVP to deliver QoS requests to
all routers along the data path. RSVP also can maintain and refresh states for a
requested QoS application flow.
RSVP is not a routing protocol, but rather is designed to inter-operate with current and
future unicast and multicast routing protocols. The routing protocols are responsible
for choosing the routes to use to forward packets, and RSVP consults local routing
tables to obtain routes. RSVP is responsible only for ensuring the QoS of packets
traveling along a data path.
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
pos X/Y the Packet over SONET slot and port number
on the BSR
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
ip rsvp
The ip rsvp command is used to enable the RSVP protocol on an interface. The no ip
rsvp command is used to disable the RSVP protocol on an interface.
The ip rsvp command can also be used to enable message aggregation and to specify
the interval in seconds between the transmission of RSVP bundle messages, hello
packets, message acknowledgements, and refresh messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
bundle time = 10 seconds
hello-misses = 4
msgack-time = 2 seconds
refresh-time = 30 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls ip
The mpls ip command enables dynamic MPLS forwarding for IP on the interface.
The mpls ip propagate-ttl command causes a traceroute command to show all the
hops traversed by the MPLS packet in the network. The no mpls ip propagate-ttl
command causes a traceroute command to ignore all hops traversed by the MPLS
packet in the network.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
time-to-live = 64 hops
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
mpls mtu
The mpls mtu command allows you to specify the MPLS maximum transmission unit
for an interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC, Global Configuration, and Interface Configuration (Ethernet,
Gigabit Ethernet, and POS interfaces only)
Command Syntax
mpls ttl
The mpls ttl command allows change the default time-to-live value used in the mpls
ip propagate-ttl command. The no mpls ttl command restores the default value in
the mpls ip propagate-ttl command.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
hitCount NUM the access list hit count and optional BSR
chassis slot number
summary summary of all MPLS Fast Path filters
vrf word select a VPN Routing/Forwarding instance
| turns on output modifiers (filters)
begin filter for output that begins with the specified
exclude filter for output that excludes the specified
include filter for output that includes the specified
WORD the specified string
count count the number of outputted lines
count-only count the number of lines while suppressing
screen output
VRF IN Label OUT Lbl1 OUT Lbl2 Phys If RT Next Hop Ip MAC Address QId HitCnt
------ -------- -------- -------- ------- -- --------------- -------------- --- ------
1034 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
1035 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
1036 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 2834493
1037 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
1044 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
1045 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
1046 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 6514681
1047 -- -- - - PO -- -- - 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
hitCount NUM the access list hit count and optional BSR
chassis slot number
summary summary of all MPLS Fast Path filters
Static LSP Min/Max the minimum and maximum label range for
label: X/Y static LSPs
Dynamic LSP Min/Max the minimum and maximum label range for
label: X/Y dynamic LSPs
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show mpls label range
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
The show mpls lsp summary command displays the following information:
STATIC : summary of static LSPs
INGRESS : the number of Ingress routers that are part of
this static LSP that are either up or down
TRANSIT : the number of Transit routers that are part of
this static LSP that are either up or down
EGRESS : the number of Engress routers that are part of
this static LSP that are either up or down
Total : the total number of static LSPs with status
either up or down
RSVP : summary of dynamic LSPs set up via RSVP
INGRESS : the number of Ingress routers that are part of
this LSP that are either up or down
TRANSIT : the number of Transit routers that are part of
this LSP that are either up or down
EGRESS : the number of Engress routers that are part of
this LSP that are either up or down
Total : the total number of dynamic LSPs set up via
RSVP with status either up or down
Total LSPs : the total number of static and dynamic LSPs
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
forwarded the total number of MPLS packets that have been sent
drop the total number of MPLS packets that have been
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show mpls traffic
MPLS statistics:
Rcvd: 1112 total, 0 header errors
0 bad hop count, 0 runt, 0 unreachable
0 no lsp, 3 other error
Sent: 1109 forwarded
Drop: 3 drop
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Service levels provide a means of defining service flows with specific QoS
parameters (such as maximum, minimum, or reserved traffic rates, priority, and
service scheduling types) and binding them to a named service class. The concept of
maximum assigned bandwidth, in the context of a service class, provides a means for
controlling the amount of bandwidth that a particular service class can use on an
interface. This allows a user to configure levels of service to support applications with
specific bandwidth and priority requirements such as voice, video, and data and to
further permit users to provide differentiated levels of service.
Admission control is an authorization mechanism that provides a method of
controlling the admission of service flows belonging to specific service classes on
individual interfaces. Admission control is determined by the bandwidth percentage
(maximum assigned bandwidth) and the amount of over-booking (configured active
percent) allowed for a service class on an interface.
The creation of service classes involves assigning service flows to a service class and
providing all flows belonging to that class with a defined Quality of Service. DOCSIS
1.1 has defined a set of QoS parameters, a means for associating specific QoS
parameter values to a service flow, and assigning service flows their QoS parameters
by referencing a service class name. A set of pre-defined, default service classes are
provided with the BSR 64000 and a user has the capability of modifying these default
service class parameters.
The activity-timeout command specifies the timeout for active QoS parameters
which is the maximum duration that resources may remain unused on an active
service flow. The no activity-timeout command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The admission-timeout command specifies the timeout for admitted QoS parameters
which is the duration that the CMTS must hold resources for a service flow's admitted
QoS parameter set while they are in excess of its active QoS parameter set. The no
admission-timeout command a restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The admitted-bw-threshold command specifies the amount of admitted bandwidth,
in percentage, for a service class on an interface. If this bandwidth threshold is
exceeded, an event will be generated. The no admitted-bw-threshold command
restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The allow-share command provides the ability to share bandwidth between different
service level classes. Enabling bandwidth sharing, allows the bandwidth of a service
level class to be used as a bandwidth “pool” that can be shared by multiple service
level classes.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Disabled for every service class.
cable service-class
The cable service-class command enters Service Class Configuration mode from
Global Configuration mode. To return to Global Configuration mode, use the end
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The cap command specifies the configured active percent (CAP) parameter for a
service flow. This parameter controls overbooking for a service class. The no cap
command restores the default value.
The configured active percent of a service class is an estimation of what fraction,
expressed as a percentage, of service flows belonging to that service class that will be
simultaneously active on an interface.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
The enforce-cmts-qos command enforces all service level parameters for all cable
modems belonging to a service class regardless of the parameters specified in the
cable modem’s configuration file. When MAB, CAP, and the maximum or minimum
reserve rates are configured for a given service class, these parameters are overriden
by a cable modem’s configuration file if the cable modem was configured after the
service class was set up.
The enforce-cmts-qos command overrides the cable modem’s configuration file QoS
settings with the CMTS’s service class configuration. The no enforce-cmts-qos
command disables the cable modem’s configuraion file override.
Note: The enforce-cmts-qos command will not override service flow TLV
settings in cable modem configuration files for dynamically created service
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The grant-interval command specifies the nominal time between grants. The no
grant-interval command restores the default value.
Note: Specifying a grant interval is only relevant for service flows using
Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS ) or Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity
Detection (UGS-AD) scheduling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
UGS = 10000
UGS-AD = 10000
The grant-jitter command specifies the tolerated grant jitter which is the maximum
amount of time that the transmission opportunities may be delayed from the nominal
periodic schedule for this service flow. The no grant-jitter command restores the
default value.
Note: Specifying a tolerated grant jitter is only relevant for service flows using
Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS ) or Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity
Detection (UGS-AD) scheduling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
UGS = 2000
UGS-AD = 2000
The grant-size command specifies the unsolicited grant size. Grant size includes the
entire MAC frame data PDU from the Frame Control byte to end of the MAC frame.
The no grant-size command restores the default value.
Note: Specifying an unsolicited grant size is only relevant for service flows
using Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS ) or Unsolicited Grant Service with
Activity Detection (UGS-AD) scheduling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
UGS = 152
UGS-AD = 152
The grants-per-interval command specifies the number of data grants per grant
interval. The no grants-per-interval command restores the default value.
Note: Specifying the number of data grants per grant interval is only relevant
for service flows using Unsolicited Grant Service (UGS )or Unsolicited Grant
Service with Activity Detection (UGS-AD) scheduling:
• for UGS, the value of this parameter indicates the actual number of data
grants per Nominal Grant Interval
• for UGS-AD, the value of this parameter indicates the maximum number
of Active Grants per Nominal Grant Interval
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The mab command specifies the Maximum Assigned Bandwidth (MAB) which is the
amount of bandwidth a service class is permitted to use on an interface. It is expressed
as a percentage of the total interface bandwidth capacity. The MAB of a service class
is applied during admission control to determine whether to admit a new service flow
and again by the packet schedulers to provide a class-based weighting to the
scheduler. The no mab command restores the default value.
Note: For scheduling purposes, each service class gets its bandwidth based
on its MAB fraction relative to other classes, not based on the absolute value
of the MAB. For example, if there are only two active service classes and
both have the same MAB, each service class would get 50% of the
bandwidth. The absolute value of the MAB is only used for admission control
not scheduling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
The max-burst command specifies the maximum traffic burst size for flows
belonging to a specific service class. The no max-burst command restores the default
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
BE-DOWN = 3044
BE-UP = 3044
RTPS = 3044
NRTPS = 3044
The max-concat-burst command specifies the maximum concatenated burst in bytes
which a service flow is allowed. The maximum concatenated burst is calculated from
the FC byte of the Concatenation MAC Header to the last CRC in the concatenated
MAC frame. The no max-concat-burst command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
All upstream non-UGS service classes = 1522
The max-latency command specifies the maximum allowable time for sending a
packet from a CMTS network interface to an RF interface starting at the point the
packet is received on the network interface. The no max-latency command restores
the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The max-rate command specifies the maximum data rate the CM must adhere to and
the CMTS must enforce. The no max-rate command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The min-pkt-size command specifies the minimum packet size in bytes reserved for a
service flow. The minimum reserved rate (min-rate) must be set in conjunction with
the minimum packet size for this service flow. The no min-pkt-size command
restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The min-rate command specifies the minimum reserved traffic rate reserved for this
service flow. The minimum packet size (min-pkt-size) must be set in conjunction
with the minimum reserved traffic rate for this service flow.The no min-rate
command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The name command creates a service class record with a user-specified name that is
entered on the command line. The no name command deletes this service class
record. Commands for specifying configuration parameters will use the service class
name as the key word for distinguishing which service class record is being
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
The over-max-rate command allows the maximum sustained rate to be increased for
voice calls. This command is only functional for downstream voice flows.
Note: A setting of 100% (the default) will have the effect of disabling rate
limting for voice calls.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service-Class Configuration
over-max-rate <0-100>
Command Syntax
Command Default
The poll-interval command specifies the nominal polling interval between successive
unicast request opportunities for this service flow on the upstream channel. The no
poll-interval command restores the default value.
Note: Specifying a nominal polling interval is only relevant for service flows
using Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity Detection (UGS-AD), Real-Time
Polling Service (RTPS), or Non-Real-Time Polling Service (NRTPS)
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
UGS-AD = 10000
RTPS = 50000
NRTPS = 50000
The poll-jitter command specifies the maximum amount of time that the unicast
request interval may be delayed from the nominal periodic schedule for this service
flow. The no poll-jitter command restores the default value.
Note: Specifying a poll jitter value is only relevant for service flows using
Unsolicited Grant Service with Activity Detection (UGS-AD) or Real-Time
Polling Service (RTPS) scheduling.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
UGS-AD = 5000
RTPS = 25000
The req-trans-policy command specifies:
■ which IUC opportunities the CM uses for upstream transmission requests and
packet transmissions for this service flow
■ whether requests for this Service Flow may be piggybacked with data
■ whether data packets transmitted on this service flow can be concatenated,
fragmented, or have their payload headers suppressed
For UGS, it also specifies how to treat packets that do not fit into the UGS grant. The
no req-trans-policy command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
BE-UP = 0
UGS = 0x7f
UGS-AD = 0x7f
RTPS = 0x1f
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Default
The schedpriority command assigns a scheduling priority for a service class. The no
schedpriority command a restores the default value.
Each service class must be assigned a scheduling priority to determine the order in
which service flows are serviced for transmitting packets (downstream) and
generating data grants (upstream). Schedule priority is separate from the traffic
priority parameter which is specified to differentiate priority for service flows with
identical QoS parameter sets.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show cable
service-class command:
The following is an example of typical screen output for an individual service class
from the show cable service-class <WORD> command:
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The tos-overwrite command provides an "AND" and "OR" mask which the CMTS
must use to overwrite the "type of service" field on all upstream IP packets on a
service flow. If this parameter is omitted, then the TOS field will not be modified by
the CMTS. The no tos-overwrite command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The trafpriority command specifies the relative priority of service flows that have
identical QoS parameters. The no trafpriority command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
Service Class Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Secure Shell server (SSH) is a program that allows remote hosts to login to the BSR
over a non-secure network and execute commands in a secure manner. SSH
provides strong authentication and secure communications over non-secure
networks such as the public Internet.
The SSH protocol uses TCP as the transport layer. An SSH server listens for
connections from SSH clients on a well-known TCP port. An SSH client is
launched from a remote host and connects to the SSH server. The SSH server and
SSH client then handle key exchange, encryption, authentication, command
execution, and data exchange.
password ssh-passphrase
The password ssh-passphrase command establishes a password that must be
specified by users attempting to establish an SSH session with the BSR. An SSH
session will not be established if the correct password is not specified by the user. The
no password ssh-passphrase command removes the password.
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
0 specifies an UNENCRYPTED
7 specifies a HIDDEN password
WORD the password (31 character
maximum, 78 character maximum
for option 7) - enclosed with double
quotes if the key contains spaces).
The "%" and "!" characters must not
be used.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ssh config
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
ssh ciphers
The ssh ciphers command configures a cipher for the encryption of SSH session data.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ssh enable
The ssh enable command enables an SSH process. The no ssh enable command
disables the SSH process. If SSH is disabled, all existing SSH sessions will be
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The ssh-keygen2 tool generates authentication key files for the BSR Secure Shell
Server. Host keys are required for the SSH Server and can either be generated in the
BSR 64000 or generated on another BSR and copied over.
Note: The SSH Server must be disabled on the BSR 64000 before running
the ssh-keygen2 tool.
Caution: The BSR 64000 Secure Shell Server only accepts host key files
generated with the ssh-keygen2 tool. Keys files generated using the
OpenSSH ssh-keygen tool will not work with the BSR 64000 Secure Shell
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Command Default
bits = 1024
hostkeyfile = nvram: hostkey
type = dsa
ssh load-host-key-files
The ssh load-host-key-files command specifies a new private or public hostkey
authentication file. The default hostkey authentication file names are “hostkey and”. These two files must exist and must be valid key files. Use the
UNIX ssh-keygen2 tool to generate a new hostkey authentication file.
Note: If the hostkey authentication files are invalid, SSH will not run.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
hostkey =
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
ssh message-authentication
The ssh message-authentication command specifies the message authentication
(data integrity) algorithm used for SSH sessions.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
System Administrator
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
ssh password-guesses
The ssh password-guesses command specifies how many authentication attempts
(login and password exchange) will be allowed for an SSH client attempting a
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ssh port
The ssh port command configures SSH to listen for incoming connections on a
defined TCP port number.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ssh session-limit
The ssh session-limit command specifies the maximum number of simultaneous
SSH sessions that the BSR accepts.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ssh timeout
The ssh timeout command specifies an inactivity timeout value for SSH sessions to
time out. Specifying a value of "0" will disable time-out for SSH sessions.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
5 minutes
The BSR fully supports the Cablelabs® PacketCable™ 1.x and PacketCable
Multimedia (PCMM) specifications. PacketCable Multimedia, building on the VoIP
capabilities of PacketCable 1.x, provides an IP-based platform for delivering
Quality-of-Service (QoS)-enhanced multimedia services over DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0
HFC networks. Using PacketCable Multimedia, cable operators can offer subscribers,
in addition to the VoIP telephony services available through PacketCable 1.x,
additional services that include interactive gaming, streaming media, video telephony,
and video conferencing.
Command Descriptions
This chapter contains an alphabetized list and descriptions of PacketCable and
PacketCable Multimedia commands used with the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface)
Command Syntax
Note: If the CM requests an active timeout for that dynamic service flow in
the DSA-REQ, this active timer starts using the timeout value specified in the
Command Default
clear configuration
The clear configuration command resets the Dynamic QoS, event message,
electronic surveillance, or PacketCable Multimedia configuration parameters to the
default settings.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
The cmts-ip command specifies the network or loopback interface IP address used for
the PacketCable protocols.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Any network or loopback IP address
cops client-timer
If the show packet-cable statistics gate command output for the Client-Open Sent
field in the COPS Statistics section is incrementing, the network and the PDP server
need to be examined to determine the reason for the COPS Client timeouts. The
COPS Client Timer (which is the response timer for sending the COPS Client-Open
message) can be specified if COPS connections time out before receiving a
Client-Accept message.
The cops client-timer command specifies the time permitted for the BSR to receive
the Client-Accept message from the PDP before terminating the COPS connection.
The no cops client-timer command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
3000 milliseconds
cops pdp-ip
The cops pdp-ip command restricts COPS connections to a specific Policy Decision
Point (PDP). A PDP is either the Call Management Server in the PacketCable
architecture or the Policy Server in the PacketCable Multimedia architecture where a
Client/MTA policy request is either serviced or rejected. The no cops pdp-ip
command removes an IP address from the list.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Any PDP IP address is allowed to make a COPS connection.
cops pep-id
The cops pep-id command specifies the default Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) text
string, that is used in COPS messaging, to uniquely identify the BSR within the
PacketCable/PacketCable Multimedia domain
The no cops pep-id command restores the default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
"Motorola CMTS"
cops status-trap-enable
The cops status-trap-enable command enables or disables the COPS status SNMP
trap through the DQoSCopsTrap SNMP MIB object. If the COPS status SNMP trap is
enabled, the BSR generates an SNMP trap when one or more of the following
conditions are occur:
■ a keep alive timeout
■ the COPS connection is disconnected
■ a failure to establish a TCP connection
■ a COPS connection is established
■ an unauthorized PDP attempt to establish a COPS connection
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
dqos emergency-trap-enable
The dqos emergency-trap-enable command enables or disables an SNMP trap for
Emergency Calls through the rdnPktDQoSEmergencyTrapEnable SNMP MIB object.
If the Emergency Call SNMP trap is enabled, the BSR generates an SNMP trap if an
Emergency Call is initiated.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
dqos res-req-trap-enable
The dqos res-req-trap-enable command enables or disables a Resource Request
SNMP trap through the DQoSResReq SNMP MIB object. If the Resource Request
SNMP trap is enabled, the BSR generates an SNMP trap if a Resource Request from
an MTA is invalid. This would include one or more of the following conditions:
■ an invalid gate ID (DSA-REQ contains an unknown gate ID)
■ a missing gate ID (DSA-REQ is missing gate ID)
■ requested resources are exceeded
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
dqos shutdown
The dqos shutdown command disables Dynamic QoS (DQoS) and COPS operation
on the BSR.The no dqos shutdown command enables DQoS and the COPS operation
on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
dqos t0-timer/t1-timer
If T0 and T1 timeouts are being counted in the show packet-cable statistics gate
command output, the network and the PDP server need to be examined. T0 and T1
timers may need to be increased from their default values to avoid T0 and T1
The dqos t0-timer and dqos t1-timer commands configure the T0 and T1 timers. The
T0 timer specifies the period of time that a gate is allocated without being authorized.
The T1 timer specifies the time that can elapse between the authorization and commit.
The no dqos t0-timer and no dqos t1-timer commands restore the default values.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
t0-timer = 30
t1-timer = 250
em element-number
The em element-number command specifies a unique event message Element ID for
the BSR. The no em element-number command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em event-disable-mask
The em event-disable-mask command specifies a hexidecimal mask to disable event
messages. The no em event-disable-mask command restores the default setting.
The following table describes the QoS event message bit definitions. These
hexidecimal values can also be combined. For example, QoS_Release and
QoS_Commit event messages can be disabled by entering the hexidecimal number:
QoS_Reserve 7 0x00000040
QoS_Release 8 0x00000080
Time_Change 17 0x00010000
QoS_Commit 19 0x00040000
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
0x00000000 (which is no mask)
em event-priority
The em event-priority command specifies the priority of event messages generated
from the BSR relative to other events. The no em event-priority command restores
the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em flag-override
The Call Management Server directs the BSR (for PacketCable only) to send event
messages to the Record Keeping Server in either batch mode (putting event messages
together in a packet) or in realtime mode (sending event messages in packets as they
come). The event flag, which tells the BSR to send event messages to the Record
Keeping Server can be overridden.
The em flag-override command forces the BSR to use realtime mode or batch mode
regardless of what the Call Manager Server directs the BSR to do. The no em
flag-override command disables event flag override.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em max-batch-events
Event messages are batched together before being sent to the Record Keeping Server.
The em max-batch-events command specifies the amount of event messages that are
batched. The no em max-batch-events command restores the default setting. The
collected messages are sent when the em max-batch-time parameter expires.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em max-batch-time
The hold-time for batched event messages can be specified to allow more time so that
multiple event messages are combined into one packet to reduce network traffic.
The em max-batch-time command specifies the interval that the batched event
messages are held before they are sent to the Record Keeping Server. The no em
max-batch-time command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em qos-descriptor-disable
The QoS Descriptor attribute can be disabled if an MSO administrator decides it does
not need it because it wants to reduce the event message size for network traffic
management purposes.
The QoS descriptor attribute contains the Service Class profile name and QoS
parameters. The em qos-descriptor-disable command disables the QoS Descriptor
attribute. The no em qos-descriptor-disable command enables the QoS Descriptor.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Default
em retry-count
If an Accounting-Response event message is not received by the BSR from the
Record Keeping Server, the BSR sends the event message again. Once all retries are
exhausted, the BSR tries an alternate Record Keeping Server (if one is available). The
network and the Record Keeping Server should be examined to determine the reason
for these timeouts.
The event message retry count can be specified depending on the amount of network
congestion and the distance between the BSR and the Record Keeping Server. For
example, if network congestion causes reported timeouts in the Account Request
Failure field in the show packet-cable statistics command output, the event message
retry count may need to be changed.
The em retry-count command specifies the number of retries that should occur
before the BSR tries an alternate Record Keeping Server. The no em retry-count
command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em retry-interval
The event message retry interval can be configured depending on the amount of
network congestion and the distance between the BSR and the Record Keeping
Server. For example, if the distance caused a time delay, the event message retry
interval can be extended from the default value to allow more time for the BSR to
receive an Accounting-Response message. The network and the Record Keeping
Server should be examined to determine the reason for these timeouts. In most cases
the em retry-count command parameter should be increased before the em
retry-interval command parameter is modified.
The em retry-interval command specifies the event message retry interval for
receiving an Accounting Response. The no em retry-interval command restores the
default value.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
em shutdown
The em shutdown command disables event messages generated from the BSR if they
are not needed. The no em shutdown command enables event messages.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Default
em udp-port
If the default UDP port is already in use, another UDP port can be specified for
PacketCable event messages. A different UDP port can also be specified for event
messages because of security reasons.
The em udp-port command specifies a UDP port number for event messages. The no
em udp-port command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The no es shutdown command enables electronic surveillance. The es shutdown
command disables electronic surveillance.
The es trap-enable enable command enables the electronic surveillance SNMP trap.
The no es trap-enable disable command disables the electronic surveillance SNMP
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ike client-addr
The ike client-addr command specifies the IP address used by the BSR for its source
address during IKE protocol exchanges.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
ike phase1
The IKE Phase 1 Lifetime Interval and IKE Phase 1 Lifesize can be specified to
enhance security. These settings determine how long the key is exposed. For example,
an MSO administrator can decide to update this key on a regular basis to prevent
successful hacking.
The ike phase1 command specifies the IKE phase 1 lifetime value and the lifesize
value that can either trigger or prevent the expiration of the IKE security association:
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Lifetime is 28800.
Lifesize is 0, which indicates an unlimited size in kilobytes.
ike phase2
The IKE Phase 2 Lifetime Interval and IKE Phase 2 Lifesize can be specified to
enhance security. These settings determine how long the key is exposed. For example,
an MSO administrator can decide to update this key on a regular basis to prevent
successful hacking.
The ike phase2 command specifies the IKE phase 2 lifetime value and lifesize value
for the lifetime:
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
Lifetime is 28800
Lifesize is 0, which indicates an unlimited size in kilobytes.
ike retries
The number of IKE retries can be specified for network problems. Observe the
number of IKE retries in the show ipsec ike command output. If the number of IKE
retries is increasing, then the network and server should be examined to determine the
reason for the excessive number of IKE retries.
The ike retries command specifies the number of IKE retries.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
ike timeout
The IKE retransmission timeout interval can be specified for network problems.
Observe the number of IKE timeouts in the show ipsec ike command output. If the
number of IKE timeouts is increasing, then the network and server should be
examined to determine the reason for the excessive number of IKE timeouts.
The ike timeout command specifies the IKE retransmission timeout interval.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
The ipsec command accesses IPSec Configuration mode from Global Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
ipsec shutdown
The ipsec shutdown command disables IPSecIKE for the BSR.The no ipsec
shutdown command enables IPSec/IKE for the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Default
mm shutdown
The mm shutdown command disables PacketCable Multimedia and COPS operation
on the BSR. The no mm shutdown command enables PacketCable Multimedia and
COPS operation on the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Default
Disabled (shut down)
mm t1-timer
The mm t1-timer command specifies the Multimedia Gate Timer T1 interval that
elapses between authorizing and reserving a PacketCable Multimedia gate.
The multimedia T1 timer starts when a gate is authorized. The Multimedia T1 timer is
stopped when an operation is performed (e.g. The gate state is switched). On
expiration of this timer, the BSR deletes the gate.
The no mm t1-timer command restores the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
PacketCable Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
200 seconds
The packet-cable command is used to access PacketCable Configuration mode from
Global Configuration mode.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
show ipsec
The show ipsec command displays the configuration of IKE, IPSec, Security
Association Database (SADB), Security Policy Database (SPD), SPD
preshared-keys, or SPD Policies.
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ipsec sadb policy
Initialized = false
Outbound DB
Outbound Tunnel DB
Inbound ESP DB
Inbound AH DB
Inbound Other Protocol DB
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ipsec spd policy
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ipsec ike
Initialized = false
Timeout in seconds = 0
Number of retries = 0
IKE Client IP Address =
IKE Phase1 Lifetime in Seconds = 28800
IKE Phase1 Lifesize in Kilobytes = 0
IKE Phase2 Lifetime in Seconds = 28800
IKE Phase2 Lifesize in Kilobytes = 0
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show ipsec ipsec
Initialized = false
IPsec Retain DF bit = disabled
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
PacketCable Configuration
CMTS IP address:
COPS Configuration
PEP ID: Motorola CMTS
Client Timer: 4000 milliseconds
Status trap: disabled
Multimedia Configuration
MM is enabled
T1 Timer: 300 seconds
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
configuration cops command:
COPS Configuration
PEP ID: Motorola CMTS
Client Timer: 4000 milliseconds
Status trap: disabled
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
configuration dqos command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
configuration em command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
configuration es command:
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
configuration mm command:
Multimedia Configuration
MM is enabled
T1 Timer: 300 seconds
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Multimedia Gates: 8
GateID | Modem | Subscriber |CM| SFID |Pri| Status |Committed
(0x) | MAC Address | IP Address |TS| Up | Dn | | | Time
010004E5 000e.5c6c.98f2 9 0 37 Low Committed 00:24:20
010005CA 000e.5c6c.98f2 9 39 0 Low Committed 00:24:19
01000600 000e.5c6c.98f2 9 0 41 Low Committed 00:24:19
0100077E 000e.5c6c.98f2 9 43 0 Low Committed 00:24:19
0100084A 000e.5c6c.9810 9 0 45 Low Committed 00:24:19
010009E5 000e.5c6c.9810 9 47 0 Low Committed 00:24:19
01000A4C 000e.5c6c.9810 9 0 49 Low Committed 00:24:19
01000BBA 000e.5c6c.9810 9 51 0 Low Committed 00:24:19
The following provides the show packet-cable gate command output field
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The following is an example of typical screen output from the show packet-cable
statistics gate command:
COPS Statistics
COPS Established: 6 Client-Open Sent: 6
COPS Terminated: 3 Client-Accept Received: 6
COPS Unauthorized: 0 Request Sent: 6
Keep-Alive Sent: 519 Client-Close Received: 0
Keep-Alive Received: 519 Client-Close Sent: 0
Keep-Alive Timeout: 0 Sync-State-Req Received: 0
Del-Req-State Sent: 0 Sync-State-Comp Sent: 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
spd allow-dynamic-rsp
The spd allow-dynamic-rsp command allows a dynamic response from a peer to
negotiate Internet Key Exchange (IKE) even though the SPD policy setting is other
than the "APPLY" policy setting.
The no spd allow-dynamic-rsp command is used to return the default setting.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Default
BSR strictly follows the configured SPD.
spd override
The spd override command is used to override IP addresses, ports, or protocols that
are configured in the IPSec Security Policy Database (SPD).
The no spd override is used to remove the address, port, or protocol override.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
No SPD override address selector is configured.
SPD override port selector is configured.
SPD override protocol selector is configured.
spd policy
The spd policy command specifies a security policy for the given peers IPSec
Security Policy Database (SPD). The SPD policy is priority based. The lower
number index has a higher priority. Data packets are compared against rules in the
SPD policy, starting with the first index. When a match is found, that rule is applied
and no further comparisons are made against the SPD policy for that data packet.
When deleting entries, a single rule or all the rules in the table can be deleted at
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
spd preshared-key
The spd preshared-key command specifies the Pre-shared Key IP address to allow a
Pre-shared secret key to be passed between parties in a communication flow to
authenticate their mutual identities. The no spd preshared-key removes the
Pre-shared Key IP address.
Group Access
Command Mode
IPSec Configuration
Command Syntax
This chapter describes the commands used to configure and manage the VLAN
Tagging feature on the BSR. VLAN Tagging allows the BSR to forward traffic
received from a CPE connected to a bridging CM to a uniquely numbered VLAN
using the 802.1Q industry-standard trunking encapsulation on a selected "bridge
mode trunk" port.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: VLAN ID 1 is reserved for use by the attached Layer 2 switch/router for
management purposes and as the default "native" VLAN for that equipment.
VLAN ID 1 may not be configured on the BSR for Ethernet port tagged
routing or for cable modem Layer 2 bridging.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
Note: The cable privacy mandatory feature requires that all cable modems
have BPI enabled in order to register. If a cable modem does not have BPI
enabled and cable privacy mandatory is turned on, the cable modem will not
be able to register.
With cable privacy mandatory enabled, routed broadcasts are not received by
VLAN Tagging CM's. Therefore, VLAN tagging cable modems will not be able
to respond to broadcast pings.
Warning: After enabling the cable privacy mandatory feature, the cable
operator must issue the clear cable modem all reset command to
re-register all cable modems and allow non-unicast traffic (including ARPs) to
function correctly.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Group Access
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Command Syntax
encapsulation dot1q
The encapsulation dot1q command configures VLAN tagged routing. This means
that all layer 3 packets routed by the BSR that egress the port are tagged with a
particular 802.1Q VLAN ID tag. The no encapsulation dot1q disables VLAN tagged
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration
Command Syntax
The show bridge vlan counters command displays statistical counters for all VLANs
or a specific VLAN. The following is typical screen output from the show bridge
vlan counters command:
2 714 23 922 34
3 50 0 45 0
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Note: VLAN ID 1 is reserved for use by the attached Layer 2 switch/router for
management purposes and as the default "native" VLAN for that equipment.
VLAN ID 1 may not be configured on the BSR for Ethernet port tagged
routing or for cable modem Layer 2 bridging.
This chapter describes the commands used to configure the DOCSIS Digital Set-top
Gateway (DSG) feature on the BSR. DSG allows the BSR CMTS to provide
out-of-band (OOB) cable services over a DOCSIS network. DSG allows MSOs to
merge both set-top box and DOCSIS operations into a single, open network without
having to re-configure their existing network or cable modems.
Command Descriptions
This section contains an alphabetized list and descriptions of the DSG commands
supported by the BSR.
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (cable interface only)
Command Syntax
Command Default
cable dsg
The cable dsg command accesses DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration mode.
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration Mode allows you to configure or modify
various DSG configurations including channel lists, classifiers, client lists, group
maps, timers and DSG tunnels.
Group Access
Command Mode
Global Configuration
The channel-list command creates or modifies a channel list. A channel list is a list of
one or multiple downstream frequencies that are carrying DSG tunnels. The
appropriate DSG Channel List will be included in the DCD messages on the
associated downstream channel. The DSG Client uses the channel list to determine
which downstream frequencies have DSG Tunnels present. The no channel-list
command deletes a channel list.
Note: Configuring a DSG channel list is optional. A DSG channel list provides
a faster means of searching for DSG Tunnels but is not a mandatory
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
The classifier command provides parameters for classifying DSG packets. The DSG
Agent applies the DSG classifier parameters to DSG packets transmitted from the
BSR to assign the DSG packet to the appropriate DSG tunnel. The DSG Agent can
also include the classifier configuration in the DCD messages on the downstream
channels to which the classifiers apply. The no classifier command deletes a
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Default
priority = 0
include-in-dcd = false
The client-list command creates a new DSG client list or modifies an existing DSG
client list. A DSG client terminates the DSG tunnel and receives transmission from
the CMTS. There may be more than one DSG Client within a Set-top Device.
Configuring a DSG client involves specifying the matching parameters for the DSG
clients for which the DSG rules applies. A DSG client ID uniquely identifies each
DSG client. The same DSG client can exist in multiple Set-top Devices.
In DSG Advanced Mode, the DSG client ID can be a 6 byte MAC address or may
additionally be a 2 byte Application ID, a 2 byte CA_system_ID, or a broadcast ID.
The Set-top Device has a fixed MAC address that must be matched by the DSG
The no client-list command deletes a client list.
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
The group-map command associates groups of tunnels to one or more downstream
channels. A DSG group map contains the downstream port number, DSG rule priority,
UCID range, and vendor parameter identifications. At least one tunnel must be
configured before a tunnel group can be mapped to a downstream channel through a
group map. The no group-map command deletes a DSG group map.
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
DSG Timer 1:
Tdsg1: 20
Tdsg2: 2000
Tdsg3: 300
Tdsg4: 1000
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
Group Access
Command Mode
All modes except User EXEC
Command Syntax
The timer command specifies the 4 timeout timers that are sent to DSG clients
through the DCD message. Each downstream channel is mapped to only one set of
timers. The no timer command deletes a timer group.
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
Command Defaults
dsg1 = 2 seconds
dsg2 = 600 seconds (10 minutes)
dsg3 = 300 seconds (5 minutes)
dsg4 = 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
The tunnel command configures a DSG tunnel. The no tunnel command deletes a
DSG tunnel.
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
The vendor-param command allows a vendor to send vendor specific parameters.
The no vendor-param command deletes a vendor parameter entry.
Group Access
Command Mode
DOCSIS Set-top Gateway Configuration
Command Syntax
aps working, 15-12
aaa accounting commands default, 1-3
area authentication, 8-2
aaa accounting exec default, 1-5
area default-cost, 8-3
aaa authentication enable, 1-7
area nssa, 8-4
aaa authentication enable default, 1-7
area range, 8-5
aaa authentication fail-message, 1-8
area stub, 8-6
aaa authentication local-override, 1-9
area virtual-link, 8-7
aaa authentication login default, 1-9, 1-10
arp, 2-3
aaa authorization commands default, 1-11
arp (global), 2-3
aaa authorization exec default, 1-13
arp timeout, 2-5, 13-2
aaa console authentication, 1-14
auto-cost reference-bandwidth, 8-9
aaa console authorization commands default, 1-15
auto-summary, 7-2, 16-3
aaa new-model, 1-16
auto-virtual link, 8-10
access-class in, 5-2
access-list (extended), 5-4 B
access-list (standard), 5-3
balance, 13-3
aggregate-address, 16-2
band, 13-4
alias, 1-17
banner motd, 1-18
allow-share, 19-6
batch, 1-19
aps force, 15-3
bgp always-compare-med, 16-4
aps group, 15-4
bgp client-to-client reflection, 16-5
aps lockout, 15-5
bgp cluster-id, 16-6
aps manual, 15-6
bgp confederation identifier, 16-7
aps protect, 15-7
bgp confederation peers, 16-8
aps revert, 15-8
bgp dampening, 16-9
aps signal-degrade ber threshold, 15-9
bgp default, 16-11
aps signal-fail ber threshold, 15-10
bgp permit, 16-12
aps unidirectional, 15-11
clear counters cable, 13-180 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
clear counters ipsec, 21-7 (CALEA), 21-31
clear evt, 1-26 configure, 1-33
clear host, 2-10 console authentication radius, 1-34
clear interfaces cable upstream signal-quality, 13-181 cops status-trap-enable, 21-15
clear ip bgp, 16-14 copy, 1-35
clear ip bgp dampening, 16-15 crc, 15-13
clear ip bgp flap-statistics, 16-16
clear ip igmp counters, 9-3
clear ip multicast fwd-cache, 11-8 debug aps, 4-2
clear ip multicast proto-cache, 11-9 debug arp, 4-3
clear ip ospf, 8-11 debug cable cra, 4-4
clear ip rip statistics, 7-3 debug cable err, 4-4
clear ip route, 2-11 debug cable keyman, 4-5
clear ip rsvp statistics, 18-4 debug cable mac, 4-6
clear ip traffic, 2-12 debug cable map, 4-7
clear ip vrrp, 10-2 debug cable modem-select, 4-8
clear log, 1-28 debug cable privacy, 4-9
clear mpls traffic, 18-5 debug cable qos, 4-10
clear packet-cable configuration, 21-5 debug cable range, 4-11
clear packet-cable cops, 21-6, 21-8 debug cable reg, 4-12
clear packet-cable gate, 21-9 debug cable remote-query, 4-13
clear packet-cable statistics, 21-10 debug cable ucc, 4-14
clear redundancy stats, 1-29 debug ip access-list, 4-15
Client-Accept message, 21-12 debug ip bgp, 4-16
client-list, 13-182, 23-8 debug ip dvmrp, 4-18
client-timer, 21-12 debug ip icmp, 4-19
clock set, 1-30 debug ip igmp, 4-20
clock timezone, 1-31 debug ip mfm, 4-21
cmts-ip, 21-11 debug ip mrtm, 4-22
codes-subframe, 13-182 debug ip ospf, 4-23
collect interval, 13-183 debug ip packet, 4-25
collect resolution, 13-184 debug ip pim, 4-26
commands debug ip policy, 4-28
snmp-server community, 3-26 debug ip redistribute to, 4-29
snmp-server host, 3-26 debug ip rip, 4-31
debug ip rip database, 4-32
fec-codeword, 13-189 icp keepalive, 1-56
fec-correction, 13-190 ike client-addr, 21-32
fft display, 13-191 ike phase1, 21-33
fft setup, 13-193 ike phase2, 21-34
fft start, 13-194 ike retries, 21-35
fft store, 13-195 ike timeout, 21-36
forced-download, 1-51 interface, 2-15
format, 1-52 interface cable, 13-207
interface pos, 15-14
G interleaver-block-size, 13-208
graceful-restart, 8-18 interleaver-depth, 13-209
graceful-restart-period, 7-9 interleaver-step-size, 13-210
grant-interval, 19-11 ip access-group, 2-17, 5-11
grant-jitter, 19-12 ip access-list, 5-12
grant-size, 19-13 ip address, 2-18, 13-211
grants-per-interval, 19-14 ip as-path access-list, 16-23
group-map, 23-10 ip broadcast-address, 2-21
guard-band, 13-196 ip community-list, 16-24
ip dhcp relay information, 2-22
H ip dhcp relay information option, 13-214
help, 1-53 ip domain-list, 2-24
helper-mode, 8-19 ip domain-lookup, 2-25
history, 1-54 ip domain-name, 2-26
hop action band, 13-197 ip dvmrp accept-filter, 12-2
hop action channel-width, 13-198 ip dvmrp default-information originate, 12-3
hop action frequency, 13-199 ip dvmrp metric-offset, 12-4
hop action modulation-profile, 13-200 ip dvmrp output-report-delay, 12-5
hop action power-level, 13-201 ip dvmrp out-report-filter, 12-6
hop action roll-back, 13-203 ip dvmrp probe-interval, 12-7
hop period, 13-204 ip dvmrp reject-non-pruners, 12-8
hop threshold error, 13-205 ip dvmrp summary-address, 12-9
hop threshold flap, 13-206 ip forwarding, 2-28
host authorization, 2-13 ip forward-protocol udp, 2-27
ipsec, 21-37 M
ipsec shutdown, 21-38
mab, 19-15
iuc, 13-215
macro, 1-98
L match as-path, 6-7, 16-26
match community, 6-8, 16-27
last-codeword-length, 13-218
match ip address, 6-9
ldap client, 1-63
match ip next-hop, 6-10
ldap search-base, 1-64
match ip route-source, 6-11
ldap server, 1-65
match metric, 6-12
load-balancing, 13-219
match route-type external, 6-13
load-balancing static, 13-220
match route-type internal, 6-14
load-interval, 1-66
match tag, 6-15
logging, 1-68
max-burst, 13-221, 19-17
logging admin-status, 1-69
max-concat-burst, 19-18
logging buffered, 1-71
maximum-paths, 7-16, 8-31 , 16-28
logging console, 1-73
max-latency, 19-19
logging control docsis, 1-75
max-rate, 19-20
logging default, 1-76
memory checkzero, 1-99
logging disable bpi_auth_invalid_messages, 1-77
message, 1-100
logging disable bpi_auth_reject_messages, 1-78
min-pkt-size, 19-21
logging disable bpi_map_reject_messages, 1-79
min-rate, 19-22
logging disable cm_ranging_fail_r103_0, 1-80
mm t1-timer, 21-40
logging evt clear, 1-81
modulation-type, 13-222
logging evt set, 1-82
more, 1-104
logging facility, 1-83
moto-nsf, 8-32
logging on, 1-84
mpls create-lsp rsvp, 18-11
logging rate-limit, 1-85
mpls create-lsp rsvp explicit-route identifier, 18-12
logging reporting, 1-86
mpls create-lsp rsvp next-hop, 18-13
logging reporting default, 1-89
mpls create-lsp static, 18-14
logging session, 1-90
mpls ip, 18-16
logging snmp-trap, 1-91
mpls label range, 18-17
logging source-interface loopback, 1-93
mpls mtu, 18-18
logging trap, 1-94
mpls rsvp restart-lsp, 18-19
login, 1-96
mpls ttl, 18-20
logout, 1-97
mtrace, 11-10
Loopback interface, 21-11
name, 19-23 PacketCable
neighbor advertisement-interval, 16-29 description, 21-1
neighbor confed-segment, 16-30 packet-cable, 21-41
neighbor default-originate, 16-31 PacketCable Multimedia
description, 21-1
neighbor description, 16-32
page, 1-106
neighbor distribute-list, 16-33
passive-interface, 2-43, 7-21, 8-35
neighbor ebgp-multihop, 16-34
password, 1-107
neighbor filter-list, 16-35
password ssh-passphrase, 20-2
neighbor maximum-prefix, 16-37
pdp-ip, 21-13
neighbor next-hop-self, 16-39
peer default ip address, 15-16
neighbor password, 16-40
pep-id, 21-14
neighbor peer-group (assigning members), 16-41
pim accept-rp, 17-16
neighbor peer-group (creating), 16-42
pim register-checksum, 17-17
neighbor remote-as, 16-43
pim rp-address, 17-18
neighbor remove-private-as, 16-45
pim unicast-route-lookup, 17-20
neighbor route-map, 16-46
ping, 2-44
neighbor route-reflector client, 16-47
ping docsis, 13-224
neighbor route-refresh, 16-48
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP), 21-14
neighbor send-community, 16-49
policy rule, 13-225
neighbor shutdown, 16-50
poll-interval, 19-25
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound, 16-51
poll-jitter, 19-26
neighbor timers, 16-52
pos ais-shut, 15-17
neighbor update-source loopback, 16-54
pos flag, 15-18
neighbor weight, 16-55
pos framing, 15-20
network, 7-17, 12-10, 16-56, 17-15
pos internal-clock, 15-21
network area, 8-34
pos report, 15-22
network-clock-select, 15-16
pos scramble, 15-24
network-clock-select revertive, 1-103
pos signal mode, 15-25
O pos threshold, 15-26
ppp magic-number, 15-28
offset-list, 7-18
ppp negotiation-count, 15-29
output-delay, 7-20
ppp timeout, 15-30
over-max-rate, 19-24
preamble-length, 13-226
preamble-type, 13-227
show cable dsg timer, 23-19 show cable qos profile, 13-310
show cable dsg tunnel, 23-20 show cable qos profile user-defined, 13-313
show cable dsg tunnel-group, 23-21 show cable qos svc-flow classifier, 13-316
show cable dsg vendor-param, 23-22 show cable qos svc-flow dynamic-stat, 13-318
show cable flap-list, 13-237 show cable qos svc-flow log, 13-319
show cable insert-interval, 13-239 show cable qos svc-flow param-set, 13-320
show cable loadbalance-group, 13-240 show cable qos svc-flow phs, 13-322
show cable loadbalance-policy, 13-242 show cable qos svc-flow statistics, 13-323
show cable loadbalance-restricted, 13-244 show cable qos svc-flow summary, 13-325
show cable loadbalance-rule, 13-245 show cable qos svc-flow upstream-stat, 13-326
show cable modem, 13-246 show cable service-clas, 19-31
show cable modem cpe, 13-250 show cable spectrum-group, 13-327
show cable modem detail, 13-252 show cable spectrum-group load-balance summary,
show cable modem hosts, 13-255 13-329
show cable modem loadbalance-group, 13-257 show cable srvclass-stats, 19-34
show cable modem mac, 13-259 show cable sync-interval, 13-330
show cable modem maintenance, 13-263 show cable ucc-stats, 13-331
show cable modem offline, 13-266 show cable ucd-interval, 13-333
show cable modem phy, 13-268 show cable upstream, 13-334
show cable modem registered, 13-271 show chassis alias, 1-133
show cable modem remote-query, 13-274 show chassis assetid, 1-134
show cable modem stats, 13-27, 13-278 show chassis serial-num, 1-135
show cable modem summary, 13-281 show chassis status, 1-136
show cable modem summary total, 13-283 show clock, 1-140
show cable modem svc-flow-id, 13-285 show controllers, 2-48
show cable modem svc-flow-id detail, 13-287 show controllers pos, 15-32
show cable modem time-registered, 13-290 show core log, 1-141
show cable modem timing-offset, 13-293 show debugging, 4-58
show cable modem unregistered, 13-297 show docsis-version, 13-338
show cable modulation-profile, 13-299 show docstest, 13-339
show cable modulation-profile brief, 13-302 show evt, 1-142
show cable modulation-profile description, 13-303 show forced-download, 1-146
show cable privacy auth, 13-304 show history, 1-148
show cable privacy cm-auth, 13-305 show host authorization, 2-50
show cable privacy cm-tek, 13-306 show host authorization cpe, 2-51
show cable privacy cmts, 13-308 show host authorization interface cable, 2-53
show cable privacy tek, 13-309 show host authorization summary, 2-55
traceroute, 2-105
trafpriority, 19-36
trap-enable-if, 2-107
trap-enable-rdn, 2-108
tunnel, 23-25
tunnel destination, 2-109
tunnel mode, 2-110
tunnel source, 2-111
undebug all, 4-59
unresolved-ip-packet-throttle, 2-112
update bypass, 1-234
update chassis, 1-235
username, 1-236
username privilege, 1-238
username user-group, 1-239
vendor-param, 23-27
version, 7-30
xfabric keepalive, 1-240