English A2 Waystage UNIT 1
English A2 Waystage UNIT 1
English A2 Waystage UNIT 1
Unit 1 :
Lesson 1: Comparing people, animals, and objects .
Lesson 2: Talking about wonders in the world.
Lesson 3: Providing specific information.
Lesson 1: Comparing people, animals, and objects .
Vocabulary : Adjectives and adverbs
grammar : Comparative form (-er, -ier, more, less)
Estos adjetivos muy comunes tienen formas
comparativas y superlativas completamente Today is the worst day I've had in a
irregulares. long time.
You play tennis better than I do.
This is the least expensive sweater in
the store.
This sweater is less expensive than
that one.
I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran
even farther today.
Los adjetivos que terminan en una Less and least are used to talk about
vocal + consonante -t, -d, -g, -m, -n : inequality by focusing on the ‘lower’ end of
se dobla la consonante y se agrega - the cycle.
Less is the comparative form. It is followed
Example : by than. Least is the superlative form.
fat - fatter the fattest My computer course was less difficult than
slim slimmer - the slimmest my psychology course.
big - bigger - the biggest I ordered the least spicy dish.
Quails are less colorful than pheasants
Lesson 2 : Superlative form (-est, most)
Vocabulary : Nature and Environment
Grammar :
El superlative sirve para describir un objeto o
persona que está en el extremo superior o
inferior, comparándolo con un grupo de
objetos u otras personas.
Superlativos cortos
A los adjetivos superlativos cortos de 1 sílaba y
muchos de 2 sílabas se les agrega “-est” al
Pretty (Bonito) My granddaughter is the
prettiest. (Mi nieta es la más guapa)
Superlativos largos
Los adjetivos superlativos largos de más de
tres sílabas, y algunos de dos sílabas, utilizan la
fórmula: “most” o “least” + adjetivo.
Grammar : Examples:
He swims well.
Los adverbios de modo nos He ran quickly.
dicen cómo sucede algo. Por lo general, She spoke softly.
se colocan después del verbo principal James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
o después del objeto. He plays the flute beautifully. (after the direct object)
He ate the chocolate cake greedily. (after the direct object)
Los adverbios de modo son realmente útiles porque nos permiten agregar
muchos detalles adicionales a las descripciones, para hacer que lo que decimos
sea más interesante y dinámico para el oyente o el lector.
Vocabulary : Personal interests
Cómo crear un adverbio de modo?