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Periodo 2

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 Interpretació n y Producció n Textual
 Expresió n oral y ética comunicativa
 Sistemas y estructuras de significació n
 Diversidad Cultural y estética del lenguaje

Sostengo monó logos donde hago presentaciones breves y explico de manera sencilla mis
preferencias, actividades y otros temas relacionados con mi entorno e intereses
 Comprendo textos cortos de cierta dificultad sobre actividades cotidianas de mi interés,
sobre otras asignaturas y mi entorno social
 Expreso mis ideas, sensaciones y sentimientos con oraciones cortas y claras y una
pronunciació n comprensible
 Escribo textos cortos que narran historias y describen personas y lugares que imagino o
conozco. Mi ortografía es aceptable, aunque cometo errores en palabras que no uso con
 El lenguaje que domino me permite tratar temas cotidianos o sobre los que tengo
conocimiento, pero es normal que cometa algunos errores bá sicos
 Expresar correctamente por escrito en Inglés, ideas sencillas de la cotidianidad
 Adjetivos posesivos
 Pronombres posesivos
 Has- have
 Profesiones
 Lugares de la ciudad
 There is /there are
 Partes del cuerpo
 Pain and illnesses E.g. Headache, flu, stomachache, toothache, cold, fever, smallpox…
 Los alimentos
 La hora
 Cardinal and ordinal numbers
 Formulació n de preguntas y respuestas adecuadas sobre informació n de su vida
 Expresió n de agrado y desagrado de situaciones específicas.
 Producció n de textos descriptivos en forma oral y escrita
 Interpretació n y uso de los signos no verbales
 Participar con actitud positiva en el desarrollo de las actividades propuestas.
 Reconoce há bitos de vida saludable
 Contrasta la informació n necesaria para hacer descripciones.
 Compara los signos no verbales de ambas culturas.
 Hace descripciones atendiendo a las características propias de este proceso.
 Utiliza de manera adecuada el vocabulario para producir textos pequeñ os.
 Demuestra respeto y tolerancia por las expresiones y culturas diferentes

Taken from: Grammar practice for elementary students with key, Longman

Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours, hers, etc.)


My car Mine
Your jaket Yours
His house His
Her book Hers
Our school Ours
Their cat Theirs
Its Price ----

We use possessive pronouns without nouns: Study the following examples:

That’s not my bike. This is mine.

Their house is larger than ours.


Complete with possessive adjectives (my, your, his, etc).

1. I’m helping _____ friends.

2. They’re writing _____addresses.
3. She’s washing _____hands.
4. We’re studying _____ lessons.
5. He is doing _____ homework.
6. Are you washing _____ car?
7. My brother and I are tidying _____ things.

Complete with possessive pronouns.

1. This tablet is__________ (you)

2. This cd is______________ (I)
3. This coat is ___________ (She)
4. These pencils are_______ (he)
5. This house is _________(we)
6. This book is __________ (Jane and Terry)


Re-write the following sentences with possessive pronouns

Example: That’ s her computer. That’s hers.

1. He has a faster car than their car. __________________

2. I have a larger house than his house. ________________

3. That’s not her dog. ______________________________

4. Is this cat your cat? ______________________________

5. That book is not his book. _______________________

6. My car is better than her car. ____________________

7. Our school is better than your school. _____________

8. Your smart phone is better his phone ._____________

Complete with possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc.).

1. Whose bag is this? It’s my sister’s bag. It’s _____.

2. Whose bikes are those? They’re the pupils’ bikes. They’re _____.
3. Philip has got a lot of books. They’re _____.
4. Jane, is this money _____?
5. Frank and Rita, are these records _____? Yes, they’re _____.
6. Whose car is that? Is it _____? No, it’s not _____; it’s my brother’s.

Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.

1. Shirley and _____ brothers, Richard and John, are good students.
2. Mrs. Smith, how old is _____ daughter? _____ daughter is 12.
3. Martin and _____ sister are studying _____ lessons.
4. I‘ve got two sisters. _____ names are Cindy and Sue.
5. Ted and Phil, is Kelly _____ sister? Yes, Kelly is _____ sister.
6. Robert and _____ brother Pete are here.
7. She hasn’t got a book. So this book is not _____.
8. My friend Alice is very happy. Today is _____ birthday.
9. We’ve got _____ books in the bag. have you got _____?
10. They are doing _____ homework and he is doing _____.
11. I have got a brother. John is _____ brother and I am _____ sister.
12. This is a wonderful doll. _____ eyes are big and blue.
13. We are very late. _____ classes begin at 8.30 a.m..
14. Haven’t you got a lot of Japanese friends? Write _____ names.
15. My school is modern. _____ rooms are large and well equipped.

1. Write a short paragraph about your family using possessive pronouns and possessive


2. Go to www.biography.com and choose a biography, then write 5 sentences that have

possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives.



I Have
They a good job.
a computer.
He Has

In British English, have meaning possess is not normally conjugatec with do except when there is
an idea of habit.
/ haven't (got) a watch, (present possession)
How many corners has a (a characteristic rather than a habit cube?

He doesn 't usually have time (habit) to study.

have can mean take (a meal/lesson/bath, etc.), entertain (guests), encounter (difficulty, etc.),
enjoy (a time/journey, etc.). When used in these ways:
(a) have usually forms its negative and interrogative with do.
(b) have can be used in the continuous tenses.


Write have or has.

1. My parents _______ a beautiful house in the city.

2. I ______ a fantastic apartment in Toronto.
3. My father ______ a new job.
4. Robert ______ a lot of Friends.
5. They ______ an English test tomorrow.
6. This woman ______ seven children.
7. The pupil ______ an old pencil box.
8. My teacher ______ a beautiful voice.
9. My cousin _______ a new boyfriend.
10. You ______ an old car.

Circle the correct answer.

1. She is/has long hair.

2. He is/has sad.
3. He is/has angry.
4. He is/has a puzzle.
5. The dog is/has a bone.
6. The baby is/has hungry.
7. They boy is/has a kite.
8. The cat is/has white.
9. Tom is/has books.
10. The man is/has fat.


Use have or has to complete these sentences.

1. I’m Rose Somma. There are ten people in my family! I have a mother, a father, and seven
sisters and brothers. I also____________ many cousins. My oldest cousin is married.
She___________ a daughter and a baby boy. My other cousins aren’t married.
2. I’m Steve Mason. Loretta and I _________ a small family. I come from a bigger family.
I___________ three sisters and two brothers. All of us are married. We all ________children too.
So my mother____________ eleven grandchildren.
3. I’m Ricky Jones. We_________ a very small family. I _________ only a mother. But my
mother___________ five brothers and sisters, so we _________ a lot of relatives.

Put the correct form of have into the following sentences. Use am having, is having, etc., as
a future form.

1 We . . . some friends in for dinner tomorrow night.

2 You . . . a good journey yesterday?

3 Don't disturb him; he . . . a rest.

4 We . . . lunch early tomorrow.

5 How many lessons he . . . a week? ~

He usually . . . four.

6 You . . . earthquakes in your country?

7 What time you . . . breakfast? ~

We usually . . . it at 8.00.

8 What you . . . for breakfast? ~

We . . . toast and coffee.

9 Why you . . . a cooked breakfast? (negative) ~

It's too much trouble.

10 Why were they making such a noise? -

They . . . an argument.

11 You . . . a thunderstorm yesterday?

12 Come in, we . . . a debate.

13 You . . . a cup of coffee? ~

Yes, please.

14 We . . . a meeting tomorrow to discuss safety precautions.

15 The tree just missed the roof, we . . . a very lucky escape.

1. Look for other uses of have.
2. Using the web, check the difference between have and have got. Write on your notebook 5
examples of this.
Match the jobs with their definitions

1. Postman a. works in a hospital, operates on people

2. Carpenter b. fixes lights and wiring
3. Cook c. sells and cuts meat
4. Nurse d. writes for magazines and newspapers
5. Fireman e. designs houses and buildings
6. Architect f .presents news and TV programmes
7. Shop assistant g. animal doctor
8. Florist h. sells medicine
9. Hairdresser i. fixes water pipes and toilets
10. Travel agent j. makes wooden furniture
11. Builder k. works in an office
12. Vet l. works in a courthouse
13. Secretary m. grows fruit and vegetables
14. cashier n. delivers letters
15. surgeon o. cooks in a restaurant
16. lawyer p. works in a hospital, helps doctors
17. farmer q. works in the fire department, puts out fires
18. accountant r. takes orders and serves people in a cafe
19. electrician s. keeps financial records
20. journalist t. cuts and styles people’s hair
21. newscaster u. works in a theatre
22. pharmacist v. works in a store and helps people decide
23. Plumber what to buy
24. waiter w. sells flowers
25. actor x. helps people buy tickets and make hotel
26. butcher reservations
y. helps build a house or a building
z. works in a store with the cash register

1. Who says these sentences?

a) I help doctors in a hospital. …………………………………

b) I act in a film. …………………………………

c) I serve meals in a restaurant. …………………………………

d) I cook meals. …………………………………

e) I work in an office for my boss. …………………………………

f) I can sing very well. …………………………………

2. Where do these people work?

a) a teacher: ……………………………………..

b) a builder: …………………………………….

c) a postman: …………………………………..

d) a policeman: ……………………………….

e) a shop assistant : ……………………………

f) a football player: ……………………………….


1. Complete the sentences.

In the future I want to be a/an …………………………….. and work in a/ an ………………. I think this job
is …………………………..

2. Look for more professions and their definitions on the web. Write them down.

Singular Plural
There are 2 nice hotels
There is a very good restaurant (=1) There are some traffic lights (=3,5...)
There is an old hospital (=1)
Negative: There are a lot of great salons (=10,20)
There isn’t a nice hotel (=0) Negative:
There is some pollution There aren’t many tall buildings. (=there
(uncountable) are some)
danger There aren’t any swimming clubs (=0)
Is there a dangerous road?
Is there a beautiful square? Are there any fancy restaurants? (=
Are there many modern houses? (= a
lot of)


Write the place according to the clue:

1. A place where you go to buy food__________________________________________________________

2. A place where you go to read / borrow books_________________________________________________
3. A place where you go to use the internet_________________________________________________
4. A place where you go to do sport_________________________________________________
5. A place where you go to buy clothes, books, etc_________________________________________________
6. A place where you go to watch a football match_________________________________________________
7. A place where you go to eat, to have dinner…_________________________________________________
8. A place where you go to watch movies_________________________________________________
9. A place where you go to skate on ice_________________________________________________
10. A place where you go to see pictures and art_________________________________________________
11. A place where you go to skate_________________________________________________
12. A place where you go to play tennis_________________________________________________

Use the words below to complete the sentence.

Streets – Avenues – factories – university – parks – gardens – zoo – buildings – skyscrapers – city
centre – suburbs – hotel – hostel – shopping centre

In ________________ there is / are _______________________________________________

In ________________ there is / are _______________________________________________

1. What’s a city like? Pair the adjectives and write them in the right place.

Big – expensive - small – calm – cheap - busy – traditional – horrible - modern – old – new – dirty
– clean lovely – packed with tourists – cosmopolitan - lively – boring – noisy - touristy


WHAT’S YOUR CITY LIKE? _________________ IS ________________________________________________


Write about your neighborhood. Use the ADJECTIVES and WORDS below:

Adjectives Opposites Places: Other words Other

(antonyms (uncountable words
) ): (countab
- modern-new old shopping mall – restaurant – crime, robbery,
- huge (enormous) tiny bank – public / private school danger, politician
- beautiful-elegant ugly – church – hospital – English pollution, s,
- tall - big short/ school – bakery – bookshop – traffic, people,
- quiet small building – park – bank – house cars,
- fancy-rich noisy – square – swimming club – trains,
- dangerous plain/poor salon – drugstore / chemist’s helicopter
- fantastic- (simple) – s
excellent-great- safe hotel – traffic light –
nice-good terrible/ playground – flower shop –
horrible/ supermarket / grocery store –
awful cinema / movie theater – etc

IN my neighborhood…
There is a lot of traffic.
There are many good hair salons, but there aren’t any beautiful parks.
There is some danger, because there are many robberies in shops and houses.
There is an excellent hospital and there are some shopping malls: (tell the names)



1. Places of interest to visit in towns and cities – translate the names.

Bridge – fountain – church – chapel – mosque – river bank – market – statues – castle – palace –
cathedral – temple – monuments – museum – art gallery – discos/ night clubs – restaurants –
bars – tourist shops – cinema – theatre

In _______________ people can visit _____________________________________________

In _______________ people can visit _____________________________________________
In _______________ people can visit _____________________________________________

2. In your notebook arrange the information about one special city for you, and write a
text about this city, say: WHERE TO STAY; WHAT TO DO; WHAT TO EAT; HOW TO SEE.



Go to the following web page http://www.elllo.org/english/0001/048-Conrad-Sick.htm,

then listen the conversation and answer the quiz.

The Cold
Conrad is sick. He explains his illness

Todd: OK. Hello!

Conrad: Hi, Todd.

Todd: How are you doing?

Conrad: Oh, not too good. I've got a little bit of a cold I think.

Todd: Oh, man. That's not...that's not good.

Conrad: Yeah.

Todd: How long have you had the cold?

Conrad: I think just, uh, starting a couple nights ago.

Todd: Oh, really?

Conrad: Yeah.

Todd: Oh, man. What are you doing for it?

Conrad: Oh, just trying to take it easy, right now, I'm just, um, resting.

Todd: Uh-huh.

Conrad: Yeah!

Todd: Do you eat anything special when you get sick?

Conrad: Sometimes. Uh, let's see. What do I eat? Sometimes I eat umeboshi.

Todd: Umeboshi!

Conrad: Yeah.

Todd: Really! What's umeboshi?

Conrad: That's that Japanese kind of of a pickled sour plum. You eat it with rice. So it's a red

Todd: Yeah, it comes in the onigiri sometimes.

Conrad: Yeah, that's right.

Todd: Wow. OK. Um, well what are your symptoms?

Conrad: Oh, let's see a little bit of sore throat, a cough, and basically just feeling tired.

Todd: Well, that's terrible. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better.

Conrad: Well, thanks Todd. 

Comprehension Quiz
Read or listen to the text and answer the questions below.

1) How long has he had the cold? 

 a) A week
 b) A couple nights
 c) A couple hours

2) What is he doing for his cold? 

 a) Taking medicine

 b) Drinking soup
 c) Resting

3) What is a pickled sour plum called? 

 a) Umeboshi
 b) Onigiri
 c) Cherry sour

4) What symptoms does he have? 

 a) Fever
 b) Cough
 c) Headache
5) What symptoms does he not have? 

 a) Sore throat

 b) Tired body
 c) Upset stomach


Vocabulary activity


Caught a cold feel good feel sick has a cold have to sneeze tired and exhausted
blow her nose back ache have a headache have an earache sore throat lost her
voice break his arm temperature allergic to have diarrhea has a black eye

Fill in the gaps with the above words.

I __________________ today. I am not sick.

Hugo ____________________ because he thought he was Harry Potter. He banged his head against the
bathroom wall. Now he has a bruise on his eye.

Olivia has to ______________________.It is blocked.

I __________________a cold yesterday. I feel terrible.

My English teacher _______________________. She can´t speak.

My friend is _________________________ because he was working all day long.

She _______________________ because she keeps sneezing and coughing.

Do you have a tissue? I ____________________! AHHCHOO!

Hugo fell off a tree. He is lucky he didn´t __________________________.

Hugo and Diego do not ________________. They just like to go to the toilet every five minutes to
check their appearance in the mirror.

I think I have a _______________________. My back really hurts.

Please turn down the TV. I have a _____________________!

My throat really hurts. My mother says I have a _____________________.

I ____________________. I don´t feel well. I want to go home.

I am ________________cats. I start to sneeze and my eyes start to water whenever I am around cats.

Translate the whole story.






1. Look for the video on youtube: talking about being sick by envid lessons. Then write 5
more ilnessess and the explanation about them.
2. Draw a picture of a human being on a poster and locate the following diseases and

Check the right label for every food item.

Match the containers with the examples

1. a bag of ___coke, beer, lemonade

2. a can of ___peas, carrots, beans, pineapple
3. a carton of ___water, sand
4. a jar of ___plants, paint
5. a slice of ___groceries, letters, sweets
6. a tube of ___jam, honey, marmalade
7. a tin of ___bottles, beer
8. a packet of ___soap, chocolate
9. a bar of ___water, coke, lemonade, wine
10. a bucket of ____toothpaste, ointment, glue
11. a basket of ___wine, beer
12. a barrel of ____groceries, clothes, fruit
13. a crate of ___milk, apple juice, orange juice
14. a crate of ___biscuits, cigarettes
15. a pot of ___jam, honey, marmalade

Read the following text carefully:

Doctors may tell you that junk food is bad for your
health but McDonald’s, Burger King or Pizza Hut can prove
that young people don’t listen to that advice…

How did the hamburger become the most popular,

most typical American food?

The hamburger has no connection with ham. It got its name from the German town of
Hamburg, which was famous for its ground steak. German immigrants to the United States
introduced the ‘hamburger steak’. Then, the introduction of the bun was an important part of the
answer. Another important part is McDonald’s, one of the world’s most famous fast food

You can find them in Japan, Germany, Panama, Guatemala, Australia, Portugal, Hong Kong
and even Moscow. In fact, there are 13,000 in 120 countries. There’s even a floating McDonald’s
in St. Louis, Mississippi, and another in Alaska. The first McDonald’s was opened in Des Plaines,
Illinois, and is now a museum.

What makes American fast food so popular?

Lee Cho, a South Korean, says: “I often go to MacDonald’s. It’s clean, less expensive than
other restaurants and saves time.”

Natalia Petrovna, a girl from Moscow, says “I find the hamburgers very tasty and the
sundaes with caramel sauce are out of this world”

Karen Smith, from Frankfurt: “MacDonald’s is our favorite meeting point. We can sit there
and talk for hours in a friendly atmosphere. There are lots of young people around. The food is
cheap and the milkshakes…yum…”

Older people are very critical of this sort of food. Lots of young people in the USA are
overweight and parents blame these high-calorie foods that their children gobble up in large
Say if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. The hamburger is originally American. T F


2. The hamburger got its name from the word “ham”.


3. The first McDonald’s opened in the American state of Florida.


4. People can eat hamburgers everywhere around the world.


5. Parents don’t approve of fast food because their children don’t like it.

B. Find the opposites on the text:

1. good _________________________

2. cheap ________________________

3. unfriendly _____________________

4. old __________________________

Complete the questions using HOW MUCH or HOW MANY:

a) _____________________________ salt do we need to make rice?

b) _____________________________ eggs are needed for an omelet?
c) _____________________________ water is necessary to make coffee?
d) _____________________________ sugar do you often put in your coffee?
e) _____________________________ fruits do you eat a day?
f) _____________________________ ice cream do you eat when it´s hot?
g) _____________________________ people live in house?
h) _____________________________ money do you have in your pocket?
i) _____________________________ bread do you usually have for breakfast?
j) _____________________________ hours do you often work a day?
k) _____________________________ fish do you eat over the week?
l) _____________________________ pasta do you like to eat?


A. Number the product according to the question.

B. Complete the chart using the web according to the prices of the products in your country.

1. How much is the______________?

2. How much are the ____________?

Fish $22.30 kg
Orange juice
Biscuits $2.50 a packet
Coffee $3.99 a jar
Muffins $1.95 each

Read the following conversations, and then sketch one of them.

Waiter: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a hamburger.

Waiter: Anything else?

Customer: No, thank you. How much is it?

Waiter: $ 4.25 please.


Waiter: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, can I have a pizza?

Waiter: Of course, which toppings would you like?

Customer: Mushrooms and onions, please!

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Customer: No, thanks. How much is it?

Waiter: $ 4.95 please.


Waiter: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I’d like an apple pie.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Customer: Yes, a coffee, please.

Waiter: Here you are. $ 3.35 please.


Match the time.

1. It’s three o’clock. a. 12.25

2. It’s a quarter past eight. b. 8.05

3. It’s ten thirty. c. 11.25

4. It’s five to five. d. 1.58

5. It’s nine twenty-five. e. 8.15

6. It’s twenty-five to eleven. f. 4.55

7. It’s two to two. g. 10.35

8. It’s eleven twenty-five. h. 9. 25

9. It’s five past eight. i. 10.30

10. It’s twelve thirty-five. j. 3.00

What time is it? Write in numbers.

1. It’s seven thirty - …………………………… 6. It’s ten past eleven-………………………….

2. It’s five to ten - ………………………… 7. It’s a quarter to three- ……………………

3. It’s one to one - ……………………………… 8. It’s four thirty-five - ……………………….

4. It’s a quarter past three - ………………. 9. It’s twelve o’clock - ………………………….

5. It’s eight forty-five - ……………… 10. It’s two fifty-five. - ………………………

Look at the clocks and write the time.

Read and write the hands on the clocks.

Mark gets up at seven o’clock. It takes him five minutes to get dressed. Then he has a wash
and cleans his teeth. That takes him five minutes. Next he eats his breakfast. That takes
him fifteen minutes. He watches TV for ten minutes. Then he puts on his coat, but he can’t
find his shoes. It takes him five minutes to find them. Finally, Mark leaves his house and
walks slowly to school. It takes him twenty minutes. He arrives at school at__________.
He gets up. He gets dressed He cleans his teeth.

He has breakfast. He watches TV for ten minutes.

He finds his shoes. He leaves his house.

Ask about the time: Use the following words to complete the expressions.

know- time (3x) – tell – what – please - got

A) What's the ……………….? B) ………….. time is it?

C) Have you ………….. the ………………. by any chance?

D) Do you have the ……………., please? E) Sorry, could you ……… me the time, please?

F ) What's the time,……………………? G) Do you …………..what the time is?


What’s the time? Write sentences.

a. 1. 00 - b. 8. 35 -
c. 2.05 - d. 9. 40 -
e. 3.10 - f. 9.50 -
g. 4.15 - h. 11.55-
i. 5. 20 - j. 12. 56-
k. 6.25 - l. 1.45 -
m. 7.30 - n. 3.00 -

Practice with your partners the questions and the answers you learned related to telling
the time



1st first 16th sixteenth

2nd second 17th seventeenth

3rd third 18th eighteenth

4th fourth 19th nineteenth

5th fifth 20th twentieth

6th sixth 21st twenty-first

7th seventh 22nd twenty-second

8th eighth 23rd twenty-third

9th ninth 24th twenty-fourth

10th tenth 25th twenty-fifth

11th eleventh 26th twenty-sixth

12th twelfth 27th twenty-seventh

13th thirteenth 28th twenty-eighth

14th fourteenth 29th twenty-ninth

15th fifteen 30th thirtieth


 Usually they all add –th to the cardinal number.

o Ex: tenth, fourth, sixth…

 Ending –y, change to –ieth.

o Ex: twenty twentieth, thirty, forty…

 Ending –t, add only –h.

o Ex: eight  eighth

 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 31st are irregulars.

 5th, 9th, 12th and 29th suffer small irregularities.



a) 23rd _________________ h) ______ forty-second

b) 25th _________________ i) ______  sixty- sixth

c) 31st _________________ j) ______  seventy- first

d) 54th _________________ k) ______  ninety- third

e) 12th _________________ l) _____  fiftieth

f) 20th  ________________ m) ______  thirteenth

g) 5th  _________________ n) _____  twenty- ninth

Write the ordinal numbers.

Seventeenth = 17th Seventh =

Twentieth = Twenty-third =

Second = Thirty-first = 31st

Eighth = Eighteenth =


1. Beth’s birthday is the ___________ of___________

2. Tom’s birthday is the ___________ of ___________

3. My birthday is the ____________ of ___________

4. My teacher’s birthday is the_________of _________

5. My friend’s birthday is the__________ of __________

6. My mum’s birthday is the __________ of __________

7. My dad’s birthday is the __________ of __________

8. _______________ is the third month of the year.

9. November is the _____________ month of the year.


Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers

1 one 1st

2 2nd the second

3 three 3rd

12 twelve 12th
13 13th the thirteenth

25 twenty-five 25th

26 26th the twenty-sixth


1. Find out ten of your classmates’ birthdays and write them down.


2. Write a short text about a special day using cardinal and ordinal numbers.


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