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INFORME 2: Aplanamiento y Alargamiento de los agregados para carreteras, INV E-230-13, Porcentaje de Partículas

Fracturadas en Agregado Grueso, INV-E-227, Densidad, densidad relativa (gravedad específica) y absorción del
agregado grueso, INV-E-223. Determinación de la resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por Abrasión
utilizando el aparato Micro-deval, INV E –238-13 Resistencia a la degradación de los agregados de tamaños
menores de 11/2” por medio de la máquina de los ángeles, INV E –219-13, Solidez de los Agregados frente a
la acción de soluciones de sulfato de Sodio o de Magnesio, INV –E -220-13 Determinación del coeficiente de
Pulimiento Acelerado (CPA) de las partículas de agregado grueso, INV E –232-13, Medida del Coeficiente de
resistencia al Deslizamiento usando el Péndulo Británico, INV E-792-13 Determinación del contenido de vacíos
en agregados finos no compactados INV –E-239-13, Densidad, Densidad relativa (gravedad específica) y absorción del
agregado fino, INV E -222-13, Determinación del Valor del 10% de finos, INV E-224-13, equivalente de arena,
INV-E-133Valor azul de metileno en agregados finos, INV E –235-13.

Víctor Fernando Díaz Ríos 347046

Carol lizeth luna silva 334810

Andrés Felipe Trillos Ariza 346504

Brigitte mileidy cala Piedrahita 385483

Andres Santiago pontón Vargas 387679

Presentado a Ing. Norma Cristina Solarte Vanegas




Artículo: Investigation of recycled fluorescent lamps waste as mineral filler in highway construction: A case of
asphaltic pavement layers

En este articulo evidenciamos que las lámparas fluorescentes domésticas usadas y desechadas se consideran un
material peligroso porque contienen mercurio y otros ingredientes nocivos. El almacenamiento de millones de estos
desechos cada año afecta gravemente los recursos agrícolas de la tierra, provocando la degradación de los ecosistemas
y otros problemas ambientales. Un problema paralelo es el inminente agotamiento de las escasas materias primas
utilizadas en la construcción de carreteras, lo que obliga a las autoridades viales a buscar recursos sostenibles. Por
tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue explorar la posibilidad de reciclar capas de pavimento flexible,
especialmente lámparas fluorescentes con asfalto y aglutinantes abrasivos, en lugar de cargas minerales
convencionales. Con este fin, se llevaron a cabo una serie de pruebas de laboratorio para comparar y contrastar
combinaciones de compuestos fluorescentes reciclados y mezclas de control. Estas pruebas incluyen pruebas, factores
de rigidez de tracción indirecta, huella de la rueda, fatiga de arrastre indirecto y balanceo. Los resultados muestran
que el rendimiento prometedor y la rentabilidad de la consolidación de luces fluorescentes usadas en vias de tráfico
bajo a medio pueden proporcionar una nueva opción de financiamiento para la industria

En el corredor bituminoso moderno, las masillas agregan betún para realizar funciones binarias. A nivel de mezcla, se
proporcionan puntos de contacto adicionales y aumenta la fuerza de la columna agregada. Al mismo tiempo, tras
mezclarse con el aglutinante, forma una matriz muy densa y aglutina grandes áridos, dependiendo de la distribución
granular del mortero.

En este estudio, el residuo de vidrio puro suministrado se trituró primero durante una hora y luego se pasó a través del
tamiz No. 200 para obtener RFL como relleno alternativo al CSD tradicional.

Figura 1 . Fotos de RFL: (a) y (b)

antes y después de la trituración;
(c) después de la molienda.


 Porcentaje de partículas fracturadas en un agregado grueso: INVE-227-13

Se calcula el porcentaje en masa o el porcentaje obtenido por conteo de partículas que presentan el numero
especificado de caras fracturadas, redondeadas al 1%

F+ N
( 1)


P= porcentaje de partículas con el numero especificado de caras fracturadas

F= masa o número de partículas fracturadas con, al menos, el número de caras fracturadas especificado.

N= masa o número de partículas en la categoría de no fracturadas que no cumplen el criterio de partículas


Tabla 1

Resultados, porcentaje caras fracturadas en agregado grueso, INVE-227-13.

(g) (g) (g)

0,0 0,0 0,0 0,00

1" 2640,4 2357,8 282,6 35,24


3/4" 3601,6 3120,6 481 46,64


1/2" 448,8 381,4 67,4 5,70

6690,8 5859,8 831,0 88

 Índices de aplanamiento y de alargamiento de los agregados para carreteras: INVE-230-13

- Índice de aplanamiento:

Índice de aplanamiento de cada fracción se calcula como:

I A i= x 100


Ri=¿ masa de fracción

mi= masa de partículas planas de la fracción

- Índice de aplanamiento global IA

IA= x 100
M 1o M 2

M 1 o M 2 =¿ masa total de la muestra empleada en la determinación del índice de aplanamiento, g.

M 3= masa de todas las partículas que pasaron las barras de los tamices o las ranuras del calibrador de aplanamiento.

- Índice de alargamiento
El índice de alargamiento de cada fracción fracción se calcula como:

I Li = x 100


Ri = masa de la fracción

ni = masa de las partículas alargadas de la fracción

- Índice de alargamiento global se calcula como

M 13
IL= x 100
M 11 o M 12

M 11 o M 12 = masa total de la muestra empleada en la determinación del índice de alargamiento

M 13= masa de todas las partículas que quedaron retenidas en las barras del calibrador de alargamiento.

Tabla 2
Resultados, Índices de aplanamiento y de alargamiento de los agregados para carreteras: INVE-230-13.


(g) % Wpasa IAi Wretenido ILi
Retenido Waplanamiento i Walargamiento i
(g) (g)
3" - 2"
2" - 1 1/2"
1 1/2" - 1"
1" - 3/4" 2640,4 360,6 13,7 169,0 6,40
3/4" - 1/2" 3601,6 422,4 11,7 803,2 22,30
1/2" - 3/8" 448,8 36,0 8,0 172,0 38,32
3/8" - 1/4" 217,0 26,0 12,0 66,0 30,41
TOTAL 6908 845 45 1210 97


Aplastamiento IA 12,23 12
Alargamiento IL 17,52 18
 Densidad, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) Y Absorción Del Agregado Grueso: INVE-223

- Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) SH

SH =
(B−C )

- Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) SSS

SH =
(B−C )

- Densidad Relativa Aparente (Gravedad Especifica Aparente)

( A−C)

- Densidad en condición Seca al horno (SH) Kg/m3

997.5 A

- Densidad en condición saturada y superficialmente seca SSS Kg/m3

997.5 B
(B−C )
( 10 )

- Densidad Aparente Kg/m3

997.5 A
( A−C)
( 11 )

Tabla 3

Datos Recopilados, ensayo Densidad, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) Y Absorción Del Agregado Grueso: INVE-
Peso en el aire de la muestra seca (A) g 2454,6
Peso en el aire de la muestra saturada
g 2484,7
con superficie seca (B)
Peso sumergido en agua de la muestra
g 1542,0
saturada ( C )

Tabla 4
Resultados, , Ensayo Densidad, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) Y Absorción Del Agregado Grueso: INVE-223.

Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) SH 2,60

Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) SSS 2,64

Densidad Relativa Aparente( gravedad 2,69

especifixa aparente)
Densidad (SH), Kg/m^3 2597,29
Densidad SSS, Kg/m^3 2629,14
Densidad Aparente 2682,95

- absorción
B− A
X 100
( 12 )

Absorción 1,23

 Determinación De la resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por abrasión, utilizando el

aparato micro-Deval: INVIAS-238-13

Se calcula la perdida por abrasión Micro-Deval, Utilizando La siguiente ecuación

Porcentaje de perdidas = X 100
( 13 )

Tabla 5

Resultados, resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por abrasión, utilizando el aparato micro-Deval:
NORMA INV E-238-13
Pasa tamiz Retenido en tamiz Peso Tipo de granulometría según numeral
mm Nº mm Nº retenido (g) 7,2 7,3 7,4
19,0 3/4" 16,0 5/8" 375 375
16,0 5/8" 12,5 1/2" 375 375
12,5 1/2" 9,5 3/8" 750 750 750
9,5 3/8" 6,3 1/4" 375 750
6,3 1/4" 4,75 N° 4 375 750
Peso total muestra (g) 1500 1500 ± 5 1500 ± 5 1500 ± 5
Peso de carga total (g) 5000 ± 5 5000 ± 5 5000 ± 5
Carga abrasiva
N° Revoluciones 12000 ± 100 10500 ± 100 9500 ± 100
Tipo de granulometría 7,2
Peso inicial muestra (g) 1500
Peso final de la muestra lavada por los tamices No.4 y No. 16 (g) 1322
Resistencia al desgaste utilizando el aparato Micro-deval (%) 11,9

Tabla 6

Resultados, resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por abrasión, utilizando la máquina de los
ángeles: INVIAS-238-13

INV E-218-13
Pasa tamiz Retenido en tamiz Tipo de granulometría
mm Nº Mm Nº A B C D
37,5 11/2" 25,0 1" 1250 ± 25      
25,0 1" 19,0 3/4" 1250 ± 25      
19,0 3/4" 12,5 1/2" 1250 ± 10 2500 ± 10    
12,5 1/2" 9,5 3/8" 1250 ± 10 2500 ± 10    
9,5 3/8" 6,3 1/4"     2500 ± 10  
6,3 1/4" 4,75 N° 4     2500 ± 10  
4,75 N° 4 2,36 N° 8       5000 ± 10
  5000 ± 10 5000± 10 5000 ± 10 5000 ± 10
N° esferas 12 11 8 6
Carga abrasiva
Peso de carga total (g) 5000 ± 25 4584 ± 25 3330 ± 20 2500 ± 15
N° vueltas 500
Tipo de granulometría B
Peso inicial muestra (g) 5005
Peso final muestra lavada por el tamiz No.12 (g) 3822
Resistencia al desgaste utilizando la máquina de los Ángeles (%) 23,6
I.N.V. E – 220
-Se determina la masa del material retenido en cada tamiz y se registra cada cantidad. La diferencia entre cada una de
estas cantidades y la masa inicial de la fracción de la muestra ensayada, es la pérdida durante el ensayo, la cual se
debe expresar como un porcentaje de la masa inicial.

Tabla 7 Datos solidez, análisis cuantitativo INV E-220-13

Tabla 8 Datos agregado grueso Tabla 9 Datos agregado fino


(g) (g)


1" 3/4" 499,6 496,2
3/4" 1/2" 671,0 666,4 GRUESO
3/8" No.4 RETENID300,0FRACCIÓN296,2

1" 3/4" 27,7 499,6 496,2 3,40 3,40  

3/4" 1/2" 37,3 671,0 666,4 4,60 8,00  
1/2" 3/8" 18,3 330,0 317,8 12,20 20,20  
3/8" No.4 16,7 300,0 296,2 3,80 24,00  
TOTALES 100,00 1800,60 1776,60 24,00 55,60  

4 el No
8 CPA, redondeado
25,00 100,0 al entero
98,8 más próximo,
1,2 a partir
1,20 de la ecuación:
No 8 No 16 25,00 100,0 99,4 0,6 1,80  
No 16 No 30 25,00 100,0 95,0 5,0 6,80  
No 30 No 50 25,00 100,0 99,8 0,2 7,00  
TOTALES 100,00 400,00 393,00 7,0 16,80  
CPA=S+ X m−C
( 14 )

S: Valor medio de los valores obtenidos con las cuatro probetas de agregado;
No 4 No 8 100,0 98,8

Xm: Valor medio aceptado de la piedra de referencia. Si se emplea la piedra

99,4 de No 8 No 16 100,0
No 16 No 30 100,0 95,0
referencia del CPA tipo TRL, este No 30 No 50 100,0 99,8

valor es 52.5;
C: Valor medio de los valores obtenidos con las cuatro probetas de la piedra de
referencia del CPA.
Tabla 10 Datos coeficiente de pulimento acelerado INV E-232-13


1 1 58 0,58
(Material de referencia) 2 56 0,56
3 54 0,54
4 54 0,54
5 54 0,54
2 1 56 0,56
(Material de referencia) 2 54 0,54
3 54 0,54
4 54 0,54
5 54 0,54
3 1 42 0,42
(Material de ensayo) 2 40 0,40
3 42 0,42
4 38 0,38
5 40 0,40
4 1 42 0,42
(Material de ensayo) 2 42 0,42
3 40 0,40
4 40 0,40
5 40 0,40

Coeficiente CPA
S 40,6
Xm 52,6 VALOR
C 54,8

CPA 38,4
-Se calcula la fuerza F (en kN), redondeada al entero, requerida para producir 10 % de finos en cada
espécimen cuyo pasante por el tamiz de 2.36 mm (No. 8) se haya encontrado entre 7.5 % y 12.5 %,
con la expresión:

14 f
m+ 4
( 15 )

f: Máxima fuerza, kN;

m: Porcentaje de material que pasa el tamiz de 2.36 mm a la máxima fuerza, (m = 100M2/M1).
Tabla 12 Valor 10% finos INV E-224-13


m (%) FINOS
1 12,61630071 219,0619961

2 12,29906542 214,7362385

Tabla 13Promedio 10% finos


m (%) FINOS
1 14,06926407 154,9592717

2 13,37283115 161,1711975


-El equivalente de arena (EA) se calculará con aproximación a la décima (0.1%), asi:
Tabla 14 Valor equivalente de arena INV E-133

Lectura de arena
EA= x 100
lectura de arcilla
( 16)

1 2






-Se calcula el porcentaje de vacíos del agregado fino sin compactar para cada determinación,
como sigue:

v−( )
U= x 100
( 17 )

V: Volumen del medidor cilíndrico, ml;
F: Masa neta del agregado fino en el medidor, g (masa bruta menos la masa del recipiente
G: Densidad relativa seca (gravedad específica) del agregado fino;
U: Porcentaje de vacíos en el agregado fino sin compactar.
Tabla 15 Datos angularidad INV E-239-13

Masa Cilindro
Masa Cilindro +
agua (g)

1 2

MASA DEL CILINDRO (g) 380,1 380,1







Tabla 15 Angularidad

Densidad del agua 1 Kg/L

Masa del agua 180,8 g

Masa del agua 0,1808 Kg

Volumen del cilindro 0,1808 L
Volumen del cilindro 180,8 ml

1 2

MASA DEL CILINDRO (g) 380,1 380,1


176,4 176,2

Tabla 17 Datos volumen del cilindro+ material

Masa del material 176,3

% Vacios 61,00

Tabla 18 Datos porcentaje promedio vacios


El valor de azul (VA) expresado en gramos de colorante por kilogramo de la fracción granulométrica pasante del tamiz
de 4.75 mm No 4, se calcula con la siguiente expresión.

VA= M X 10

( 18)


M 1 : Masa de la muestra de ensayo g

V 1 : Volumen total Añadido de la solución colorante



N° (g) V1 (ml) V´ (ml)

1 200 100 30

VA= 200
X 10

( 19 )

VA= 5
Durante el ensayo se añado caolinita
V 1−V '
VA= M1
X 10

( 20 )

V’: Volumen de la solución colorante absorbido por la caolinita, ml

VA= 200
X 10

( 21 )

VA= 3.5
 Densidad, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) y absorción del agregado fino: INVE-222-13

Tabla 16 . Datos Densidad, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) y absorción del agregado fino

Peso en el aire de la muestra seca (A) g 494,0

Peso en el aire de la muestra saturada g 691,2

con superficie seca (B)
Peso sumergido en agua de la muestra g 1003,4
saturada (C)
Peso sumergido en agua de la muestra g 500,0
saturada (s)

Tabla 17 . Resultados, Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) y absorción del agregado fino

Densidad Relativa (Gravedad Especifica) SH 2,630


Densidad Relativa (gravedad especifica) sss

Densidad Relativa Aparente (gravedad especifica Aparenté)
Densidad (SH) Kg/m^3 2623,88

Densidad SSS, Kg/m^3 2655,75

Densidad Aparente Kg/m^3 2710,48

Absorción % 1,21


Para el ensayo de determinación del porcentaje de Partículas Fracturadas en Agregado Grueso, INV-E-227 se
obtuvo un porcentaje de 88 % de caras fracturadas, donde de acuerdo con la especificación de base granular
330-13 de INVIAS, se puede establecer que para bases granulares de clase C el porcentaje mínimo de caras
es de 50%, para la clase B es de 70% en una cara o de 50% en dos caras y para la clase A es de 100% en una
cara o de 70% en dos caras por lo tanto con los datos establecidos anteriormente se puede establecer que el
valor obtenido en el ensayo serviría para las bases granulares de clase B, C y para la A en el caso de dos
En el caso de la norma INV E-230-13 correspondiente al Índices de aplanamiento y de alargamiento de los
agregados para carreteras, se obtiene un porcentaje de aplastamiento del 12% y un porcentaje de
alargamiento del 18%, donde al analizar esto valores con la especificación de INVIAS 330-13 se puede
establecer que cumple con los requisitos de calidad en esta norma ya que el porcentaje máximo es de 35%
independientemente del tipo de base granular que se emplee.
Para la Determinación De la resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por abrasión, utilizando el
aparato micro-Deval, INVIAS-238-13, se obtiene dos resultados en donde por una parte se presenta el valor
obtenido empleando el equipo de Micro-Deval el cual arrojo un porcentaje de 11.9% y por el otro lado se
encuentra el valor obtenido empleando la máquina de los Ángeles mediante el cual arrojo un porcentaje de
23.6%, si comparamos los valores obtenidos de la degradación empleando el aparato Micro-Deval con la
especificación 320-13 correspondiente a la Sub-base granular, se puede establecer que cumple con cualquier
clase de Sub-base granular ya que para la clase A el valor máximo requerido es de 30% y para la clase B es de
35%, si este mismo valor obtenido lo comparamos con la especificación 330-13 correspondiente a la base
granular, se establece que también cumple con los requisitos ya que para la clase A el valor máximo es de
25% y para la clase B es de 30% y finalmente si la comparamos con las especificaciones 340-13
correspondiente a la base estabilizada con emulsión asfáltica, se puede establecer que también cumple ya
que el valor máximo requerido es de 45%, en resumen el valor obtenido en el ensayo de degradación por
abrasión empleando el equipo de Micro-Deval cumple para todos las especificaciones de las capas
En el ensayo de solidez de los agregados frente a la acción de soluciones de sulfato de sodio o de magnesio,
I.N.V. E – 220 se obtuvo dos resultados de pérdidas totales de fracción, donde para los finos fue de 16.8 % y
para los gruesos de 55.60 % donde fue desarrollado usando el sulfato de magnesio, si se realiza un análisis
de con la especificación 320 correspondiente a sub-base granular, en el cual se evidencia que el valor
requerido debe ser menor o igual a 18% independientemente de las clases, para la especificación 330
correspondiente a la base granular el porcentaje requerido a su vez es de 18 % e igualmente a la
especificación 320 este valor esta determinado para cualquier tipo de clase y finalmente para la
especificación 340 correspondiente a la base estabilizada con emulsión asfáltica también el valor requerido
para garantizar la calidad de los agregados es de 18 %, por consiguiente se puede establecer que los valores
de pérdidas totales de fracción en los agregados gruesos no cumple con las tres especificaciones ya que
sobrepasa el porcentaje máximo de perdidas y para los finos cumple con las tres especificaciones ya que el
valor es de 16.8% lo cual es inferior del máximo establecido en la norma correspondiente a el 18%.
En el ensayo de determinación del valor del 10% de finos i.n.v. e – 224, obtenemos un valor de 154.95 KN y
161.17 KN por lo cual si la comparamos con los requisitos de calidad de la especificación 330-13 la cual
corresponde a la base granular, se puede evidenciar que tanto para la clase A como para la clase B cumplen
ya que en el caso de el valor en seco mínimo para la clase A es de 90 KN y de la clase B es de 70 KN, si se
realiza la comparación con la especificación 340-13 correspondiente a la base estabilizada con emulsión
asfáltica, se establece que también cumple ya que para el transito NT2 y NT3, los cuales corresponde a las
clases B y A, se esta establece un valor en seco mínimo de 30 KN.
Para el ensayo de Equivalente de arena de suelos y agregados finos i.n.v.e-133, se obtuvo un valor del 32%
correspondiente al promedio del equivalente de arena, si lo comparamos con la especificación 320-13
correspondiente a la Sub-base granular, donde se establece que para cualquier tipo de clase de Sub-base
granular el valor mínimo del equivalente de arena es de 25%, debido a lo anterior se puede evidenciar que el
valor arrojado en el ensayo realizado a las muestras, cumple adecuadamente con esta especificación, si la
comparamos con la 330-13 relacionada con los requisitos de la base granular, se puede establecer que
cumple con las valores exigidos ya que independientemente de la clase de base granular el valor mínimo
requerido es de 30% y si se compara por la especificación 340-13 correspondiente a la base estabilizada con
emulsión asfáltica, también cumple ya que el valor mínimo requerido es de 20%, por lo tanto este valor
obtenido en el laboratorio correspondiente a el equivalente de suelo cumple para las tres especificaciones
En el ensayo para la Determinación del contenido de vacíos en agregados finos no compactados
(influenciado por la forma de las partículas, la textura superficial y la granulometría) i.n.v. e – 239, arrojo un
valor de 61% y si lo comparamos con la especificación 330-13 de base granular, donde se establece que el
porcentaje mínimo tanto para la clase A como para la clase B debe de ser de 35%, al observar los valores
establecidos en esta, se puede evidenciar que cumple con los requisitos establecidos en esta especificación.
Para el ensayo de valor de azul de metileno en agregados finos, INV E-235-13, el cual arrojo un valor de 3.5,
si lo comparamos con el valor máximo establecido en las especificaciones 330-13 de base granular, se
evidencia que el valor obtenido cumple con los requisitos necesarios para cumplir con la calidad para los
agregados ya que el valor máximo es de 10 independientemente del tipo de clase de base granular.
Los resultados obtenidos de la muestra para el ensayo de partículas fracturadas de agregado grueso lo cual cumple las
características de la norma para las bases granulares de clase B,C y para dos caras en el clase A.

Así también la muestra está dentro de los rangos permitidos para el índice de aplastamiento y alargamiento
obteniendo apenas un 18% del 35% permitido por la norma

En cuanto a la determinación de la resistencia del agregado grueso a la degradación por abrasión se puede concluir
que cumple con cualquier clase de Sub-base granular luego de ser comparada y aprobar satisfactoriamente
las especificaciones 330-13 340-13 y 320-13.
En el ensayo de solidez de los agregados frente a la acción de soluciones de sulfato de sodio o de magnesio
se encontró que los valores de pérdidas totales no satisfacen las especificaciones requeridas en cuanto a
agregados gruesos, por otra parte si cumple en su totalidad las pérdidas para agregados finos.
Para el ensayo de determinación del valor del 10% de finos se cumplen las especificaciones para la clase A y
B , según la base estabilizada con emulsión asfáltica cumple así también con los parámetros para el transito
NT2 y NT3.
En cuanto a la equivalencia de arena de suelos y agregados finos se cumple adecuadamente con la
especificación con un porcentaje obtenido de 32% siendo verificado mediante las especificaciones 320-13
340-13 y 330-13
Con un porcentaje de 61% también es posible verificar el cumplimiento del ensayo para la Determinación del
contenido de vacíos en agregados finos no compactados en donde la clase A y B exigen un porcentaje
mínimo de 35%.
Finalmente para el ensayo de valor de azul de metileno esta por debajo de valor máximo permitido de 10 ya
que se obtuvo un 3.5 , esto independiente del tipo de base granular.


Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

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Full length article

Investigation of recycled fluorescent lamps waste as mineral filler in highway

construction: A case of asphaltic pavement layers
a,* a, b c
Abdulgazi Gedik , Serkan Selcuk , Abdullah Hilmi Lav
Graduate of Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, TURKEY

Road Construction Technical Engineer, Ayhanlar Holding

Professor of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 34469, TURKEY


Recycling Mineral Spent and discarded household fluorescent lamps are recognized as hazardous materials due to their contents of
filler mercury and other pernicious components. The global-wide annual storage and dumping of millions of pieces of this
electronic waste result in severe risks to arable land resources and give rise to ecosystem degradation and other
Fluorescent lamps waste
environmental problems. A parallel issue is that the imminent depletion of those scarce raw materials used for road
construction is now forcing highway administrations to seek sustainable resources. As such, the main purpose of this
paper is to explore the feasibility of recycling fluorescent lamps into flexible pavement layers, namely the asphalt
wearing and binder conducted so as to compare and contrast miXtures incorporating recycled florescent lamp with control miXtures. These
course, as an alternative tests included the Marshall, indirect tensile stiffness modulus, wheel track, indirect tensile fatigue and dynamic creep
to conventional mineral test. Results demonstrate that the promising performance and cost- effectiveness of incorporating discarded
filler. To this end, a set of fluorescent lamps into low to moderate traffic road surfaces can pro- vide the pavement industry with new resource
laboratory tests were options.

1. Introduction
and mineral filler are the main components of these asphalt miXtures.
A booming growth in individual travel and freight transport, coupled The history of integrating fillers to road pavements dates back to the
with increasing permissible axle loads, have given rise to an insatiable 18th century with the discovery of "macadamized pavement." Its in-
demand for more sustainable, eco-friendly, higher quality, and safer ventor, John Loudon McAdam (a Scottish engineer; 1756–1836) noticed
highways. Besides the needs to earmark huge budgets for the mainte- that pavement miXtures integrated with broken gravel are eventually
nance of roads already in-service, governments have to also cope with bound together by the crushed stone dust originated under traffic loads.
the financial challenges brought to bear by the construction of new This concept pioneered the utilization of such powders as a means of
highway networks. But while being so pressed, the funds needed for the producing denser graded pavements. In today’s modern asphalt pave-
transportation sector have to compete with those of other prioritized ments, fillers play binary roles on asphalt aggregates. At the miXture
public concerns such as health, education, and the environment (Fwa, level, it provides additional contact points thus increasing the strength
2006). of the aggregate skeleton. At the same time, after being miXed with a
One of the most costly parts of highway construction is related to the binder, it constitutes a high consistency matriX that serves to cement
primary function of a pavement – the transmission of traffic loads to the coarse aggregates together at the mortar level (Chen et al., 2008).
Traditional filler is primarily derived from naturally occurring stones
sub-grade. And not only must pavements serve this transmission pur-
(mostly limestone, dolomite, granite, basalt and andesite) which are
pose, they are also critical for providing smooth surfaces, high ride
extracted from quarries and then undergo crushed stone processing.
comfort and driving safety, adequate skidding resistance, and for
However, the steadily rising demands being brought to bear on pave-
absorbing traffic-related noise.
ment technology have eventually provoked a drastic decrease of these
It is estimated that over 90% of the world’s roads are paved with
natural materials in some developing nations, especially those in which
asphalt miXtures. Aggregates (both coarse and fine), bituminous binder
these non-renewable resources are scarce. Concurrently, an enormous

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Gedik), [email protected] (S. Selcuk), [email protected] (A.H. Lav).

Received 17 May 2020; Received in revised form 13 October 2020; Accepted 13 November 2020

Available online 20 November 2020

0921-3449/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

amount of diverse solid waste is being dumped into landfills, despite the
fact that certain categories of these wastes have promising potentials to seven wastes (glass powder, red mud, brick dust, copper tailings, rice
be recycled into functional materials. With the enactment of waste straw ash, carbide lime and limestone dust) when incorporated into
management planning and stringent enforcement of safety regulations, Macadam densely-graded asphalt miXtures. The authors reported that
local authorities have started to develop effective strategies for utilizing miXtures incorporated with red mud and limestone dust performed well
recyclable waste materials, decreasing waste quantities, and eliminating against cracking and rutting deformation, whereas mi Xtures incorpo-
present dumping sites. As such, the interest in incorporating some of the rated with carbide lime had improved moisture resistance. Their
more appealing wastes into large scale civil engineering projects, work demonstrated that in addition to its fortifying effect against
particularly asphalt pavement applications, has risen an inevitable rutting, red mud strengthened the water, raveling, and aging
conclusion. Such incentives are expected to not only ensure sustainable resistance of porous asphalt miXtures at 0.9 filler bitumen ratio (Zhang
asphalt roads, but also to preserve natural raw resources, reduce landfill et al., 2018). Another study by Arabani et al. (2017) concluded that
waste, protect ecosystems, decrease energy consumption, and prevent miXtures including glass powder and brick dust achieved prolonged
incineration-driven carbon emissions. fatigue life due to the rein- forcement of physicochemical compatibility
The soaring world population combined with rapid urbanization has between the recycled fillers and bitumen matriX. Much work on the
increased the total consumption of lamps and lighting products (Kumar potential use of glass waste- s/cullet as mineral filler has been carried
et al., 2019). Regarded as a greener alternative to traditional incan- out to emphasize their unde- niable contribution at both bituminous
descent bulbs, the fluorescent lamp (FL) has become increasingly mastic and miXture levels. Al-Khateeb et al. (2019) underlined the
desirable due to its energy-saving and lower heat producing character- reinforcing impact of glass waste against rutting and fatigue failure due
istics (Mukherjee et al., 2004). A FL encapsulates a low weight mercury to an improvement in bitumen’s stiffness and elastic behavior. In line
vapor using fluorescence to generate visible light. An electric current in with this finding, Simone et al. (2017) demonstrated that glass powder
the gas activates mercury vapor, which delivers short-wave ultraviolet as filler with pure and modified bitumen improved asphaltic miXture’s
light that then results in the glowing of a phosphorescent coating on the performance in terms of bearing capacity and permanent deformation
inside of the lamp (Wooshin Apec Co. Ltd., 2016). A typical FL contains resistance. In their analysis of
rheological and mechanical properties, Ghasemi and Marandi (2013)
noted that the utilization of recycled glass powder had a positive effect
about 5 mg of mercury (Lighting Design Lab Articles, 2011). As effica- on asphaltic miXture’s rutting performance, Marshall stability,
cious as it is at enabling white light, nevertheless, its mercury content study conducted by Choudhary et al. (2018) investigated the effects of
poses severe toXics once a FL is broken and/or improperly discarded.
Keeping in mind that "over 620 million FLs are annually discarded in the
U.S.", the total amount of mercury released into the environment is
estimated to be about 3.1 ton in the U.S. (Wikipedia, 2020). Tests have
demonstrated that the average concentrations of total mercury and
methylmercury are considerably higher in food and soil adjacent to FL
manufacturing plants (Shao et al., 2012). In addition to posing a danger
to the environment, it also puts human health and safety at risk (Kumar
et al., 2017). Inhalation, ingestion or cutaneous exposure to mercury can
lead to irreversible neurological disorders, life-threatening respirator-
y/kidney failure and even mortality. Hence, spent FL is indispensably
categorized as "hazardous waste" in the United States despite supportive
evidence suggesting that it is a potential secondary resource to effec-
tively recover some critical rare earth elements (EPA, 2009; Tunsu et al.,
2016; Patil et al., 2021).
The wide use of FL brings with it a huge amount of dumped FL, which
could turn into global threats to both human health and the environ-
ment. However, we are now learning that substituting this kind of
electronic waste into asphalt pavements in place of more traditional
mineral fillers may very well constitute an economical and environ-
mental solution. The aim of this study has been to verify the end results
of such a substitution. To this end we have set out to investigate the
effects of recycled fluorescent lamb (RFL) in hot mi X asphalt for both
wearing course (WC) and binder course (BC) by conducting a set of
laboratory tests. WC specimens were prepared with 3%, 5.5%, and 8%
RFL (by total weight) while those of the BC were prepared with 2%,
5.5%, and 7% RFL (by total weight). The control miXtures were
composed of conventional crushed stone dust (CSD) of the same pro-
portions as the specimens. Tests of Marshall stability, indirect tensile
stiffness modulus, wheel track, indirect tensile fatigue, and dynamic
creep were conducted to evaluate the performance characteristics of
asphalt miXtures with RFL and then these were compared and contrasted
with those of the CSD.

2. Literature review

A growing number of scientific initiatives are focusing on investi-

gating the potentials of using miscellaneous waste materials either
totally, or at least partially, to replace traditional fillers in highway
construction, primarily in asphaltic pavement layers. A comprehensive

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
compressive strength, stiffness modulus, thermal sensitivity, and indi-
rect tensile strength, with the exception of toughness index. In
addition to the economic and environmental benefits of introducing
cullet into hot miX asphalt, Saltan et al. (2015) showed its suitability as
surrogate filler in terms of Marshall stability and flow criteria. However,
it was demonstrated that increasing the glass fraction in paving
materials could yield some unfavorable Marshall properties, particularly
the stability, density, and void content of the miXture, as well as the
proportion of voids filled with binder (Androji´c and Dimter, 2016).
Marble, andesite, and granite waste from the stone sector and coal
waste and fly ash from power plants were also tested as alternative
powders. MiXtures with marble waste seemed to be fairly promising in
terms of requiring low levels of optimal binder content (Chandra and
Choudhary, 2013); however, their utilization in asphalt technology
should be restricted to low traffic roads due to the higher plastic
deformation effect of the marble (Karasahin and Terzi, 2007). Recycled
andesite ensured the highest stability at 6% content, whereas recycled
granite provided the most contribution to moisture resistance at 7%
level (Chandra and Choudhary, 2013; Uzun and Terzi, 2012). ApproXi-
mately 8000 million tons of coal, an indispensable energy resource, is
extracted annually world-wide. Some have raised the idea that the
powder and ash remnants of coal remaining after the power production
process should not be discarded as they may provide several benefits.
Setting off from this claim, Modarres and Rahmanzadeh (2014)
demonstrated that the inclusion of coal waste as a filler up to 7%
content results in an asphaltic concrete with higher flexibility and
resilient modulus compared to traditional miXtures. Moreover, the
leaching test verified that the concentrations of heavy metals in
miXtures including coal waste are in compliance with environmental
regulations (Modarres et al., 2015). In a recent study, Woszuk et
al. (2019) completed an
extensive comparative analysis of the economic and ecological feasi-
bility of fly ash recycling in road construction. Their findings led them to
conclude that the resistance of asphalt miXtures to water and frost
damage is significantly improved with fly ash replacement up to 75%.
This eco-friendly recycling is considered not only to diminish environ-
mental pollution due to fly ash but also to promote almost 2-dollar
saving per ton in the production of asphalt concrete. Based on current
global annual asphalt demand (over 650 million tons), the global
sav- ings can climb to appro Ximately 1.3 billion dollars each year in
asphalt industry.
Some researchers have considered using common food industry
waste as a substitute for the traditional fillers used in asphalt

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
desirable filler that would serve to alleviate stripping in hot mi X asphalt
Table. 1 (Qian et al., 2013). Waste lime was also found to be satisfactory in
Features of the binder used in hot miXtures.

Property Value Unit Standard

Penetration (25 ◦C) 51.2 d mm ASTM D5
Softening point 4 7.0 ◦
Specific gravity 1.03 — ASTM D70

PI* —1.93 — —

◦ ◦
PI* = (1952–500 log Pen 25 C — 20 Softening point)/(50 log Pen25 C – Softening
point — 120).

Fig. 1. Photos of RFL: (a) and (b) before and after crushing; (c) after milling.

Sangiorgi et al. (2016) found that the inclusion of waste bleaching clay
into porous asphalt significantly increases the asphalt’s stiffness and
resistance to permanent deformation, while not having any adverse ef-
fects on permeability, compactibility or workability. The utilization of
rice husk ash and date seed ash was observed to prompt amelioration in
temperature sensitivity and adhesive bonds between aggregates and
bitumen, which, in turn, resulted in higher resistance to rutting and
fatigue failure in the miXtures (Tahami et al., 2018). In recent years,
however, discussions have centered on the suitability of introducing
various industrial wastes into asphalt roads. Owing to its striking fea-
tures (alkaline environment, hydrophobicity and endurance at higher
temperatures), waste phosphorus slag was considered as a potential and

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
minimizing the stripping when used in place of conventional mineral
filler. (Do et al., 2008). Hu et al. (2017) showed that brake pad waste
recycling resulted in improvements at both mortar and mi Xture levels.
Considering the occurrence of low-temperature cracking, however, they
concluded that its application should be limited to cold climatic regions.
Pratico` et al. (2010) examined the incorporation of fire
extinguisher powder from chemical, mechanical and environmental
perspectives. Other prominent examples of wastes tested include
recycled fine aggregate powder (Chen et al., 2011), paper industry
waste (Pasandín et al., 2016), and ladle furnace slag (Bocci, 2018). To
the best of the authors’ knowledge, however, electronic wastes such as
discarded fluorescent lamps have not been studied before and this
research is the first to demonstrate the use of RFL in pavement

3. Materials and design

3.1. Bituminous binder

In this study, B50/70 penetration graded bitumen provided from

TUPRAS (Izmit oil refinery) was used as a binder. Its fundamental
physical properties are presented in Table 1.

3.2. Aggregate and filler

The aggregates (coarse and fine) and reference mineral filler (CSD)
used in the asphaltic miXture design were supplied from a private
company’s quarry (Ayhanlar Asphalt/Road Corporation) located in the
province of Gebze, Izmit, Turkey. The waste FLs were supplied by
EXitcom Recycling Company located in the Kartepe District of Izmit,
Turkey. This plant initially processes the accumulated FLs through a
crushing machine in a closed compartment. Mercury vapor and phos-
phor in the broken fluorescent are vacuumed and then the phosphor
powder remaining on the glass shards is removed. High efficiency par-
ticulate filter and carbon filter are used to eliminate hazardous gas and
dust. Eventually, four different refined remnants (glass, copper,
aluminum, and dust) are obtained and sent to the relevant disposal fa-
cility. In this study, the supplied pure glass waste was first milled for one
hour and then was passed through No. 200 sieve to obtain RFL as
alternative filler to traditional CSD. The pictures of RFL are given in
Figs. 1 (a-c).
In order to better scrutinize the morphological structure of filler,
high resolution microscopic images were captured under a high-quality
scanning electron microscope (SEM, JEOL JSM-6510) at alternate
magnitudes ( 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2000). An Energy × × × × ×
Dispersive X-Ray Analyzer (EDX) was also applied so as to obtain
elemental analysis and quantitative information on the element
composition. The specimens were first heated in the oven to remove any
moisture and then were coated with gold-palladium (Au-Pd) to
elimi- nate any artifacts or faults. Micrographic inspection (Fig. 2)
revealed that CSD has relatively finer, round-shaped, and
homogeneously- distributed grains, while RFL has larger, angular-
shaped, and heterogeneously-distributed grains. In-surface zooming
illustrates that CSD particles retain a smooth texture, whereas RFL
particles possess a comparatively rough texture.
Spectrum processing analysis of both fillers is listed in Table 2. It is
clear that CSD is composed primarily of calcium carbonate and its most
common impurities are silicon (~2.5%) and aluminum (~1.4%). EDX
analysis confirmed that RFL consists of three main materials–sand
(SiO2), limestone (CaCO3) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and it is
mercury-free. Additionally, in order to confirm that RFL is mercury-free
after the recycling process and hence, there is no risk of mercury being
spread in the environment when RFL is used as a road material, a
chemical analysis has been conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF).
The results are presented in Table 3.
The technical properties of the aggregates and filler are detailed in
Table 4 and their size distribution curves for wearing and binder

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 2. Images of CSD (left column) and RFL (right column).

which were adapted from ASTM standard, are separately depicted in

Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. remove moisture, the aggregates and filler were oven-dried for 24 h
at 170 ◦C prior to miXing. The aggregates, filler and neat B50/70
3.3. Mixture preparation bitumen were blended at 160 ◦C and then an automatic Marshall
hammer (75 blows per side) was employed to perform compaction at
In this study, the standard Marshall method as prescribed in ASTM D 150 ◦C in the laboratory. Regarding to changing ratio of mineral filler,
1559 was applied to manufacture both RFL and CDS miXtures. Three the overall percentages of aggregates (coarse and fine) and filler in
cylindrical Marshall briquettes were prepared for each specified filler the design of wearing and binder course are tabulated in Table 5 and
gradation at siX different binder contents by total weight of the aggre- Table 6, respectively.
gate at 0.5% increments (for wearing course between 4.0% and 6.5%;
for binder course between 3.0% and 5.5%). In order to completely

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Table. 2 4.2. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus test

EDX analysis of CSD and RFL.

The stiffness modulus is both one the most pivotal parameters
allowing us to interpret the stress-strain behavior of paving materials
Element CSD (wt.%) RFL (wt.%) under traffic loads and can also refer to the load-distribution capacity of
OXygen (O) 38.975 40.019 flexible pavement layers (Go´mez-Meijide and P´erez, 2014;
Arabani et al., 2017). In this study we determined the stiffness
Aluminum (Al) 1.360 – modulus of RFL and CSD miXtures by using the indirect tensile stiffness
Silicon (Si) 2.493 37.950
modulus (ITSM) test, which we carried out by using a universal material
testing appa- ratus (UMATTA) as specified in ASTM D4123. We also
Calcium (Ca) 57.172 5.630 carried out a deformation-controlled (5 µm) ITSM test, which we
Sodium (Na) – 13.032 undertook in a temperature-controlled chamber at 25 ◦C applying a total
pulse repeti- tion period of 3000 ms and a rise time of 124 ms. The test
Magnesium (Mg) – 1.775 output was then used to calculate each stiffness modulus according to
Others – 1.594
Equation 1;

Total 100 100

Table 3

XRF analysis of RFL.

Component Mass (wt.%) (ν + 0.27)
F (1)
Na2O 14.7861 S =
h 𝜔 ΔH
MgO 4.0480
Where, Sm is stiffness modulus (MPa); ν is Poisson’s ratio (accepted as
Al2O3 2.1018 0.35); F is peak load (N); h is mean thickness of specimen (mm); and ΔH
is recoverable horizontal deformation.
SiO2 72.0543

P2O5 0.0352 4.3. Wheel track test

SO3 0.1374
Flow rutting or permanent pavement consolidation is manifested by
K 2O 1.1211 accumulation of non-recoverable deformation of asphaltic paving ma-
CaO 4.5064
terials under repetitive traffic loads. Defined as one of major distresses,
ruts have not only deteriorating effects on the pavement structure, but
TiO2 0.1608 also can impair its functionality particularly on rainy days due to
"aquaplaning." In this research, we employed the Hamburg wheel track
Cr2O3 0.0295
test as a means of measuring rut depth of RFL and CSD miXtures, in
MnO 0.0148 accordance with EN 12697–22 standard, small-sized apparatus, pro-
cedure B in air. Two RFL miXtures (right: 250 × 200 × 51.99 mm and
Fe2O3 0.2070
left: 250 × 200 × 52.3 mm) and two CSD miXtures (right: 250 × 200 ×
Table. 4 NiO 0.0124 52.40 mm and left: 250 × 200 × 50.33 mm) were prepared at 5.5% filler

SrO 0.0579

Y2O3 0.0096

ZrO2 0.0198

BaO 0.4661

PbO 0.2318

Total 100

Features of the aggregates and filler used in hot miXtures. content and optimal bitumen content by hydraulic roller compactor.
Property Value Specification Prior to performing the test, compacted slabs were preheated at the test
temperature of 60 ◦C (a reasonable degree at which plastic deformation
Coarse aggregate

Bulk specific gravity 2.710

Apparent specific gravity 2.735 ASTM C 127

Water absorption (%) 0.336

Fine aggregate

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
Bulk specific gravity 2.695
is expected to occur in most cases). A rolling wheel (5 cm width) was
Apparent specific gravity 2.755 ASTM C 128 used by applying a force of 710 N at a frequency of 26 cycles (back and
forth) per minute.
Water absorption (%) 0.811

4.4. Indirect tensile fatigue test

Los Angeles abrasion loss (%) 25.6 ASTM C 131

CSD apparent specific gravity 2.775 ASTM D 854

The fatigue behavior of paving materials is a cornerstone of mi Xture
design in asphalt technology for this behavior has a direct and strong
RFL apparent specific gravity 2.379 ASTM D 854 effect on the cracking resistance and average lifespan of flexible pave-
ments. In this study, we used the indirect tensile fatigue test (ITFT) to
assess the fatigue failure of the specimens, preferring this test due to
4. Experimental program both its simplicity and practicality. ITFT was performed by using a
UMATTA in a stress-controlled regime according to EN12697–24 stan-
4.1. Marshall test dard. Three replicates of cylindrical specimens (10.16 cm in height and
6.0 cm in diameter) were tested at constant temperature of 25 ◦C and at
EXtensively used in efforts to determine optimal binder content constant cyclic stress of 250 kPa. Total loading duration included 0.124 s
(bopt), the Marshall test focuses on determining the maximum strength haversine repetitive loads and 1.376 s for rest. The fatigue life was
(Marshall stability, S) and flow (f) of asphaltic miXtures as detailed in evaluated as the total number of loading cycles which ultimately caused
ASTM D6927. The test evaluates the resistance of a cylindrical Marshall the complete fracture of miXture by splitting it in two halves (Fakhri and
briquette (6.35 cm in height and 10.16 cm in diameter) when loaded Ahmadi, 2017).
with a constant speed of 5.08 cm/min at the temperature of 60 ◦C up to
failure. Marshall stiffness (MS), which is calculated by dividing Marshall 4.5. Dynamic creep test
stability over flow, is a popular indicator that allows us to predict the
performance of flexible pavement layers against rutting (Al-Hdabi, Dynamic creep is one of the methods most widely used to predict the
2016). Volume-related parameters evaluated in this test are dry bulk resistance of asphaltic concrete against permanent deformation when
density (DBD), voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), voids filled with subjected to uniaxial repetitive constant loads. In this test, two linear
binder (VFB), and air voids content (Va). variable displacement transducers (LVDT) were placed on the surface of
specimen to detect deformations, and then three types of curves were

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 3. Granulometric composition of wearing course.

Fig. 4. Granulometric composition of binder course.

Table. 5
Table. 6
Ratios of the components for wearing course design.
Ratios of the components for binder course design.

Component ASTM sieve Particle size Ratio (%) Component ASTM sieve Particle size Ratio (%)
size range Design- Design- Design- size range Design- Design- Design-
1 2 3 1 2 3
Coarse No. 4 > 4.75 mm 52.7 52.7 52.7 Coarse No. 4 > 4.75 mm 59.8 63.4 64.9
aggregate aggregate

Fine aggregate No. 4 – No. 4.75 – 0.075 44.3 41.8 39.3 Fine aggregate No. 4 – No. 4.75 – 0.075 38.2 31.1 28.1

200 mm 200 mm

Mineral filler No. 200 < 0.075 mm 3.0 5.5 8.0 Mineral filler No. 200 < 0.075 mm 2.0 5.5 7.0

drawn for resilient modulus, creep modulus and permanent deforma- primarily consists of three distinct regions.
tion. Among these, the one illustrating the cumulative permanent strain The first zone demonstrates the rapid consolidation of the specimen,
versus number of cycles is the most significant reference to interpret test whereas the deformation versus load cycle accumulates in a sort of linear
results (Imaninasab et al., 2016). As can be seen from Fig. 5, this curve way in the secondary zone. The tertiary zone, in which this

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
linearity seems to disappear, starts with a sharp increase in permanent
strain at a constant specimen volume. The number of load cycles at the
point of transmission to tertiary zone is defined as flow number (FN)
and it is viewed as a fair indicator of resistance of asphalt pavements
(Fatemi and Imaninasab, 2016).
In this research, this test was conducted on cylindrical specimens
(10.16 cm in height and 6.0 cm in diameter) using a universal testing
machine (UTM) at 50 ◦C as detailed in EN-12697–25. Other test

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

are as follows: conditioning at test temperature in a chamber for 4 h,

10 kPa contact stress for 1.5 min, and rectangular pattern 500 kPa
repeti- tive loading for 1 s (0.5 s loading period and 0.5 s resting

5. Results and discussions

5.1. Mechanical and volumetric results

The results of the Marshall test and volumetric characteristics of RFL

and reference miXtures for WC are tabulated in Table 7. Regardless of
filler proportion, all RFL miXtures had lower bopt values than their
respective control miXtures, which underscores a significant decrease in
the overall cost of the production. As seen clearly, b opt had a tendency to
decline as the amount of RFL was increased; however, it still complied
with the requirements. The DBD of the RFL mi Xtures was found to be
obviously lower than that of control miXtures due to the comparatively
Fig. 5. Plot of deformation versus loading.
lower density of RFL.
The general trend in VMA appeared to follow a steady reduction as
the RFL amount increased in the miXture. At 8% RFL utilization, the
VMA was no longer within the acceptable range. Although lower VMA
sounds great in terms of reducing the amount of effective bitumen, the

Table. 7

Marshall and volumetric properties of WC miXtures.

MiXture Type Marshall Properties
bopt (%) DBD VMA (%) VFB (%) Va (%) f (mm) S (kN) MS (kN/mm)

3% RFL 5.22 2.409 15.00 73.0 4.0 3.10 8.08 2.60

3% CSD 5.50 2.416 15.60 74.0 4.0 3.00 8.39 2.80
5.5% RFL 4.85 2.412 14.35 73.0 4.0 3.95 9.85 2.49
5.5% CSD 4.90 2.429 13.77 71.5 4.0 3.65 11.37 3.11
8% RFL 4.60 2.427 13.92 71.0 4.0 3.74 8.04 2.15
8% CSD 4.95 2.432 14.40 72.0 4.0 3.68 8.73 2.37
Requirements 4–7 – 14–16 65–75 3–5 2–4 ≥8.83 –

Table. 8

Marshall and volumetric parameters of BC specimens.

MiXture Type Marshall Properties

bopt (%) DBD VMA (%) VFB (%) Va (%) f (mm) S (kN) MS (kN/mm)
2% RFL 4.10 2.420 13.63 63.0 5.0 2.95 6.13 2.08
2% CSD 4.31 2.429 14.24 64.0 5.0 2.85 6.86 2.41
5.5% RFL 4.00 2.423 13.39 63.0 5.0 3.10 8.53 2.75
5.5% CSD 4.10 2.433 12.75 61.0 5.0 4.00 12.15 3.04
7% RFL 3.75 2.430 12.99 61.0 5.0 2.90 6.39 2.20
7% CSD 4.05 2.440 13.52 63.5 5.0 3.05 6.86 2.25
Requirements 3.5–6.5 – 13–15 60–75 4–6 2–4 ≥7.35 –

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
Fig. 6. Stiffness modulus of WC miXtures.

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 7. Stiffness modulus of BC miXtures.

durability of RFL miXtures can suffer due to the lower binder film
thickness around the aggregates. A marginal difference in VFB was means that these miXtures display moderate performance in capabilities
detected between RFL and CSD miXtures at each filler level, which of withstanding permanent deformation and gradual settlement under
means the volume of VMA filled with binder remained the same for both heavy traffic loads.
types of miXtures. The flow value of each RFL miXture fulfilled the Table 8 summaries the Marshall properties and other parameters of
desired range, which led us to understand that the introduction of RFL the miXtures made with RFL and CSD for BC design. When compared to
control miXtures, the bopt content was observed to be lower by 0.2%,
caused WC miXtures to become neither more plastic nor brittle. 0.1% and 0.3% for 2% RFL miXture, 5.5% RFL miXture and 7% RFL
Although only the 5.5% RFL miXture that passes the Marshall stability miXture, respectively.
criterion for WC, its value is nearly 13% lower than that of respective Without utilization of RFL the maximum DBD value was 2.440 in
5.5% CSD miXture. The decreasing MS with increasing RFL percentage comparison with 2.430 for the specimen with 7% RFL. VMA of the

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
Fig. 8. Results of wheel track test for RFL miXtures.

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 9. Results of wheel track test for control miXtures.

miXtures at low and high RFL content (2% and 7%) was lower than that
of reference miXtures; however, the trend for the 5.5% RFL sample was and the improved cohesion among the aggregates by the enhanced
the opposite, which could cause relatively increased binder absorption. viscous behavior of bituminous mastic with increasing RFL content.
Generally speaking, a slight difference in VFB appeared between RFL The stiffness modulus plays a major role in asphalt pavement design
and CSD specimens. Concerning flow results, the 5.5% RFL specimen is and higher ITSM is favored to better resist rutting. Regarding BC pro-
considered to have minimum internal friction and brittleness due to the duction, the ITSM test results of RFL and control mi Xtures are presented
its greatest flow value (3.10 mm). Parallel to results obtained for WC in Fig. 7. The stiffness approXimately varied from 1784 to 2517 MPa for
miXtures, the 5.5% RFL content provided the miXture with maximum reference miXtures, while RFL miXtures had a range between 1833 and
stability to keep its initially-arranged particles in position under traffic 2415 MPa. It is noteworthy that the case becomes more distinctive when
loads. However, it is clear that the stability of miXtures with RFL were there are lower amounts of filler utilization in asphalt concrete. 2% RFL
not higher than the stability of the reference miXtures, and even either miX appeared to have higher ITSM than its respective control mi Xture.
2% RFL or 7% RFL miXture could not reach the minimum standard. It is This improvement can be associated with its obviously lower b opt con-
also noted the MS value of RFL miXtures followed a similar pattern; tent which may lead to an increase in stiffness modulus. Overall,
hence a general conjecture can be arrived that miXtures with 5.5% RFL regardless of filler type, the value remained almost the same at equal
for both WC and BC can satisfactorily perform under low to moderate filler percent, which can lead us to infer that RFL and conventional
traffic loads. miXtures display analogous elastic properties.

5.2. Stiffness modulus 5.3. Rutting performance

The averagely calculated stiffness modulus values of the CSD and In order to determine the resistance of the asphaltic miXtures to
RFL miXtures for WC are graphically illustrated in Fig. 6. According to rutting failure, the development of ruts was continuously screened and
the findings, the ITSM of RFL miX was observed to increase with the recorded throughout the Hamburg wheel tracking test. 20,000 passes
increment in RFL content. 3% RFL, 5% RFL, and 8% RFL specimen were were carried out with steel wheel rolls over the HMA miXtures. The
curves of the surface displacement versus the number of load cycles are
found to have a value of 1876, 4521 and 5252 MPa respectively.
plotted in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 for RFL and CSD miXtures, respectively. Only
The effect of RFL at low filler level was narrowly noticeable and it is
those miXtures with 5.5% filler were taken into account since they have
believed to slightly alter the shape of stress-strain response of paving
promising potential to show adequate rutting resistance. The curve of
miXture for wearing layer. However, at 8% filler level, the stiffness left-sided and right-sided RFL miXture exhibits a relatively closer
modulus of the RFL specimen exceeded even that of the control mi Xture narios: a considerable rise in filler-bitumen interaction at high RFL level
by about 10%. The promising enhancement in the stiffness modulus of
the WC miXture with RFL can be attributed to two most probable sce-

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
resemblance to each other. On the contrary, the gap between the rutting
depth curves of the CSD miXture is obvious. This could be related to the
homogeneity of RFL used in this study.
It is reasonable that the rutting depth increased with the number of

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Table. 9

Rut depth and slope of CSD and RFL miXtures.

Sample Wheel -tracing slope (mm / 1000 cycles) Wheel -tracing slope (linear part) (mm / Rut depth (mm) Prop. Rut depth (mm)
1000 cycles)
5.5% CSD 5.5% RFL 5.5% CSD 5.5% RFL 5.5% CSD 5.5% RFL 5.5% CSD 5.5% RFL
Left 0.04 (d10000- 0.07 (d10000- 0.03 (d9750- 0.07 (d8650- 1.8 (d10000) 3.7 (d10000) 3.6 (d10000) 7.2 (d10000)

d5000) d5000) d7750) d6650)

Right 0.04 (d10000- 0.06 (d10000- 0.04 (d9725- 0.05 (d9600- 2.6 (d10000) 3.2 (d10000) 5.0 (d10000) 6.2 (d10000)
d5000) d5000) d7725) d7600)

Average 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.06 2.2 3.5 4.3 6.7


Fig. 10. Rutted RFL samples from a completed Hamburg test.

crossings for both RFL and CSD miXtures. However, it is clear that the
RFL miXtures displayed more accelerated densification at the beginning
of load cycling, clarifying that when compared to their control mi Xtures,
they tend to demonstrate a larger volume change response ultimately.
The curves of the RFL miXtures show a sort of plateau region in rutting
depth after 2000 crossings, whereas in the case of CSD mi Xtures, this
effect observed after 4000 crossings. Since lower Marshall stiffness and
higher flow value reflect the mi Xture resistance against rutting, the re-
sults obtained from the Hamburg wheel track test are also in agreement
with the previously reported Marshall test results. Considering the b opt,
however, it is normally expected that the HMA will be more susceptible
to plastic deformation in the present of higher binder level. Inconsistent
with the optimal or effective binder content, the permanent deformation
values of RFL miXtures were observed to be greater than those of the
reference miXtures. This paradoX for lower resistance of these miXtures
in rutting test can be attributed to one of the most probable facts: RFL as
a filler may not be adequately able to provide durable interlocks in
aggregate skeleton and thus not be able to avert the free movement of miXture was observed to have an average of 2.2 mm rut depth, whereas
grains in the miXtures under cyclic loading. that with 5.5% RFL resulted in between 3.7 and 3.2 mm (an average of
Table 9 shows the slope values and average rut depth results from the 3.5 mm) at 10,000 loading cycles.
Hamburg wheel-tracking test. The wheel-tracing slope indicates the
tendency of axial displacement, such that flatter slope refers to higher
resistance against permanent deformation. The obtained results showed
that although there was slight difference between the wheel-tracing
slope from 5000 to 10,000 cycles (0.07) and its linear part (0.06) for
RFL miXture, the slope values remained the same for the reference
miXture (0.04). As stated in Table 9, the RFL miXture possessed higher
indentation than that of control miXture. In other words, 5.5% CSD

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
Fig. 11. EXperimental set-up of ITFT.

As can be seen also from Fig. 10, the left-sided RFL miXture had more
palpable rutting depth and lower dynamic stability.
Overall, the replacement of conventional filler with RFL did not
lead to any significant improvement in the permanent deformation
resistance of HMA due to the most probably suboptimal RFL properties
such as strength, specific gravity, and gradation.

5.4. Fatigue results

Fatigue failure due to repeated loads is one of the primary detri-

mental distresses of flexible pavements in the moderate service tem-
perature (ranging from approXimately 10 to 30 ◦C). Factors behind

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 12. The fatigue life of WC miXtures.

Fig. 13. The fatigue life of BC miXtures.

development of fatigue cracking involve traffic composition, environ-

mental and temperature conditions, structural performance of the larger volume in the binder matriX to forestall a wide range of cracks.
miXture, bituminous binder and filler. To simulate traffic loading in The same improvement is not achieved at 8% RFL utilization, leading to
the laboratory environment and then predict the fatigue life of the a 43% decline in lifetime of WC miXtures. This worsening effect at high
pave- ment, ITFT is performed by placing a cylindrical asphalt filler level may be a result of inadequate capacity of RFL grains on poorly
miXture under repetitive compressive loads which act along vertical interlocking aggregates in the miXture to prevent crack initiation or
diametric plane as shown in Fig. 11. The test is completed once the decelerate crack growth.
specimen is fractured and split into two parts. Considering the results of total number cycles of BC miXtures, RFL
Fatigue life is expressed as the total number of loading cycles to 2% miXtures have a greater fatigue life than conventional mi Xtures. The
fracture failure of asphalt sample and it interprets the in-situ perfor- contribution of well-dispersed RFL grains to generated horizontal tensile
mance of flexible pavement layers with respect to their withstanding the stresses is considered to palliate the development of vertical cracks and
cyclic traffic loading. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 depict the number of cycles for minimize their propagations along the diameters of bituminous miX-
the tested WC and BC miXtures, respectively. Regardless of filler type tures. From a qualitative point of view, this well-defined trend, however,
and asphalt layer, it is found that the fatigue life of the miXtures is is not valid at 5.5 and 7% filler levels. It is also clear that further
prolonged with increasing filler content. In the comparison with WC increment of RFL amount only narrowly prolonged the lifetime of RFL
control miXture, a drop of 57% in fatigue life was observed in the RFL miXtures (525, 579 and 738 at 2%, 5.5%, and 7% RFL, respectively).
3% miXture. However, when the filler level is increased to 5.5%, a
completely opposite effect is observed on the miXtures; namely RFL
5.5. Dynamic creep
incorporation at moderate content can be promising in improving the
fatigue resistance of asphalt WC miXtures. This phenomenon can be
The creep curves of the CSD and RFL mi Xtures for WC and BC are
attributed to the specific gravity of RFL being low enough to occupy

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
drawn in Fig. 14. The accumulated strain of each specimen clearly in-
creases with the number of load cycles, thus inferring an increase

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Fig. 14. Accumulated strain of the miXtures with CSD and RFL (WC and BC in left and right column, respectively).

permanent deformation and a decrease in lifespan of pavement.

Considering the case of WC, the mi Xture with 3% RFL has greater which emphasizes the fact that neither low nor high levels of RFL
cumulative creep strain compared to its respective miXture and inclusion incorporation improved the resistance to permanent deformation at
of RFL at 8% content leads to a more obvious gap between the curves, high temperatures. However, it should be noted that this hierarchy is
lost at 5.5% filler content and the curve of RFL miXture is situated below

1 3
A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

Table. 10

Flow numbers of WC and BC miXtures.

Pavement layer Wearing course (WC) Binder course (BC)

Filler level 3% 5.5% 8% 2% 5.5% 7%

Flow number 638 454 638 762 4480 1188 632 738 1640 694 2696 1146

Table. 11

Comparison of costs of CSD and RFL miXtures in WC.

Description Average Unit Price ($/t) 3% Filler Case 5.5% Filler Case 8% Filler Case

Coarse aggr. 6.98 3.49 3.49 3.50 3.51 3.50 3.52

Fine aggr. 7.22 3.03 3.04 2.88 2.88 2.70 2.71
Filler (CSD) 9.32 0.27 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.71 0.00
Filler (RFL) 7.81 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.60
Binder 188.86 9.84 9.37 8.82 8.73 8.91 8.30
Production 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58
Total Cost ($/t) 27.21 26.71 26.28 26.11 26.41 25.71

Table. 12

Comparison of costs of CSD and RFL miXtures in BC.

Description Average Unit Price ($/t) 2% Filler Case 5.5% Filler Case 7% Filler Case

Coarse aggr. 6.85 3.93 3.93 4.17 4.17 4.27 4.28

Fine aggr. 7.22 2.64 2.65 2.16 2.16 1.95 1.96
Filler (CSD) 9.32 0.18 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.63 0.00
Filler (RFL) 7.81 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.53
Binder 188.86 7.80 7.44 7.44 7.26 7.35 6.83
Production 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58 10.58
Total Cost ($/t) 25.14 24.76 24.84 24.59 24.78 24.18

that of control miXture, which indicates that RFL mi Xtures have higher (including their transportation cost) and asphalt production cost
stiffness modulus.
Bearing the results for BC in mind, the tertiary zone was observed for
both CSD and RFL miXtures at each filler level. As can be deduced from
the plots, at low filler level the miXtures with RFL have considerably
higher stiffness, so that specimens including 2% RFL are expected to
display better performance in comparison with control specimens. The
pronounced improvement in permanent deformation is most likely due
to the rough surface of RFL, its angularity and its lower bitumen content.
However, the substitution of RFL by CSD at moderate and high filler
level makes the asphalt binder layer more susceptible to rutting at high
Another illustrative scenario of rutting performance comparison is to
examine the flow numbers, which are listed in Table 10. Having
almost 20% higher FN, WC miXture with 5.5% RFL displays better
rutting resistant behavior than the conventional one. However, a
reduction in FN is obvious at other filler levels and it is more
pronounced particularly at 8%. To exemplify, the FN of 8% CSD
miXture is 4480 and that of 8% RFL miXture is 1188, reflecting a 73%
decrease. Consistent with ITSM result, the BC specimen containing
2% RFL is less susceptible to creep under dynamic loads due to its high
FN. On the other hand, RFL miXtures gave less FN than their control
miXtures as the proportion of filler level increased in BC design.

6. Cost analysis

The cost effectiveness of recycling waste FLs in road asphalt pave-

ments was evaluated after calculating the total cost required for the
overall production of 1 ton of bituminous mi Xture at each filler content.
The amounts of components (coarse and fine aggregate, mineral filler,
and optimal binder content) were based on the Marshall design used in
this study. As of 2020, the average unit price of each ingredient
A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290
(miXing, transportation and paving) as per General Directorate of
Highways in Republic of Turkey are tabulated in Table 11 and Table 12
for asphalt WC and BC, respectively. It is noteworthy to mention that
some plausible assumptions were involved in this study, particularly in
terms of transportation distance. The average hauling distance for
coarse/fine aggregate and CSD filler (from quarry to the asphalt plant),
binder (from refinery to the bitumen storage tank), and asphalt material
(from asphalt plant to the paving site) was assumed to be 30, 100,
and 30 km, respectively. In order to achieve a fair comparison with
the CSD in concern with the transportation cost, it was assumed that the
hauling distance for RFL (from recycling facility to the asphalt plant) is
also 30 km. As the waste material, spent FLs are already freely available
in most municipal landfills. Frankly speaking, binder price is globally
unstable and it is very vulnerable to fluctuations in crude oil price. In
Turkey, the latest price of B50/70 bituminous binder is 188.86$/t.
The results of cost analysis obviously indicate that both AC and BC
miXtures with RFL are cost effective in comparison to respective
control miXtures at all filler contents. Relatively lower price of RFL and
the lesser bitumen absorptivity of RFL are, of course, the main
phenomena behind the cost saving. Considering the 1 ton of WC
material, incorpo- ration of RFL as filler yields 0.5$ (~1.8%), 0.17$
(~0.6%), and 0.7$ (~2.7%) cost savings at 3%, 5.5%, and 8% filler
content, respectively. In the case of BC, cost savings of 0.38$
(~1.5%), 0.25$ (~1%), and 0.6$ (~2.4%) are provided at 2%, 5.5%,
and 7% filler content, respectively. Ranked as the top asphalt
producing country within Europe in 2017, Turkey produced a total of
about 47 million tons of asphaltic pavement materials, of which 35%
consists of WC, 48% consists of BC, and 17% consists of bituminous
base course (EAPA, 2017). Twenty million of the total 39 million tons
of AC and BC materials were estimated to be used for paving low and
low to moderate traffic volume roads – where RFL is promising as filler
– suggesting that annual overall cost saving in asphalt projects could
climb up to 10 million USD in Turkey by means of RFL
incorporation. Aside from this monetary benefit, needless to say

A. Gedik et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168 (2021) 105290

are countless and priceless benefits such as conservation of natural Androji´c, I., Dimter, S., 2016. Properties of hot miX asphalt with substituted waste glass.
Materials and Structures 49, 249–259.
materials, a substantial reduction of landfill disposal, prevention of
soil/air/water pollution, protection of the environment, and prevention
of global warming.

7. Conclusions

As a prioritized public policy, recycling the hazardous waste fluo-

rescent lamps containing mercury is an urgent global action that should
be taken all around the world, with respect to sustainable waste man-
agement. The aim of this study was to assess the potential utilization of
florescent glass waste as alternative filler in bituminous pavement
layers. Based on the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

• The micro texture of RFL grains ensures angularity and roughness,

which will ultimately promote a better pavement performance due to
the improvement in skid resistance.
• Marshall test confirmed that a significant decrease in optimal binder
content is quite reasonable in RFL miXtures compared to the con-
ventional miXtures.
• Regarding ITSM test results, using 8% RFL in WC and 2% in BC in-
creases the stiffness modulus by a 10 and 3 percent, respectively
compared to respective CSD miXtures.
• As for rutting, it should be stated that the introduction of RFL into
asphalt pavements should be limited to low to moderate traffic vol-
ume roads.
• RFL incorporation into WC and BC miXtures at 5.5% and 2% filler
level results in prolonging fatigue life pavement.
• Consistent with other test results, the creep characteristics of RFL
miXtures are also comparable to those of control miXtures.
• Asphalt layers using RFL seems to be a cost-effective solution for
most road pavement projects. A 2.7% and 2.4% cost saving for 1 ton
of WC and BC material production can be achieved by RFL

To conclude, sustainable strategies to eliminate a large scale of dis-

carded fluorescent lamp wastes is pillar for the prevention of mercury-
driven hazards; to this end, the incorporation of recycled fluorescent
lamps into bituminous pavements may serve to be in several aspects one
of the most efficacious applications. Further research in this area should
be encouraged to observe in-situ performance of these pavements under
actual conditions.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors certify that they have no affiliations with, or involve-

ment in, any organization or entity with any financial interest, or non-
financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this
manuscript. The corresponding author certifies that all authors have NO
affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any
financial interest (such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in
speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock
ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-
licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or
professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the
subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.


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