Guía de Aprendizaje Inglés - Idioma Extranjero - # 3: Greetings and Social Expressions

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NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: ______________________________ GRADO: 9°___

Docente: Ailín Monterrosa Chamorro. Fecha de entrega: Abril 20 de 2021.

COMPETENCIAS Y APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS: Lingüística, Sociolingüística y Pragmática.

COMPETENCIAS Y APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS: Las competencias esperadas son la Lingüística,

Sociolingüística y Pragmática, con ellas se busca que el estudiante utilice de manera práctica los
componentes lingüísticos de la lengua, como son la pronunciación, la gramática y el léxico haciendo
correcto uso de ellos en los diferentes contextos culturales y situaciones, que hacen parte de una
comunicación efectiva.

METODOLOGIA: Teniendo en cuenta nuestro enfoque Critico Social, en el que el estudiante debe
reflexionar de manera crítica sobre su realidad y por ende sobre sus procesos educativos, propiciando
en ellos una actuación protagónica en el aprendizaje y en la solución de problemas sociales, hemos
adoptado una metodología en la cual ellos tengan la oportunidad de realizar diferentes tipos de
actividades, tales como ejercicios de Reading comprehension, writing (dependiendo del grado),
ejercicios gramaticales (complete, match, lectura de imágenes, puzles, preguntas problematizadoras,
entre otras, además de tener en cuenta sus propios ritmos de aprendizaje y la implicación en su
propia formación a partir de sus valoraciones críticas que los conllevarán a una apropiación del
conocimiento en una segunda lengua de una manera efectiva, provocando el acto comunicativo que
se espera.


● Classroom objects
● Greetings and social expressions
● Present simple
● The time (Review)
● Hobbies and leisure activities

ACTIVIDADES: Estimado estudiante, bienvenido a la siguiente guía de actividades. Para el

desarrollo de estas debes estar muy atento a cada una de los enunciados que aparecen al
inicio de cada actividad, puedes apoyarte de la ayuda de los navegadores de internet y
diccionarios para mayor comprensión.
Observa las imágenes y escribe los números correspondientes:

Por favor traducir al frente de cada palabra o expresión al español.

Greetings Responses

Good morning I am...

Good afternoon
Good evening. We are.../we're...
Hi. Good/ fine/ well - very good/

How are you? Very well - okay/ so-so –

How do you do? bad/not well -

Fine, and you?/Good, and you? - Fine, thanks.
This is my friend…. /

It´s nice to meet you! /

It´s a pleasure to meet you!/
Pleased to meet you!
My pleasure./
The pleasure was mine.

Good-byes/ Farewells

Good night.
I´ll see you tomorrow.
I´ll see you in three days.
See you later.
See you tomorrow.
See you soon. –
See you then.
Take care.
Take it easy.
So long-
Polite Words/ Responses

Come in!/
Please, come in!
Please, make yourself right at home! –
Please, make yourselves right at home!
I think so./
I believe so.
I don't think so./
I don't believe so. -
Maybe/perhaps –
I'm sorry /
Excuse me

Thank you
Thanks a lot/
Thank you very much
Thank you so much
I'm very grateful.
You're welcome.
It was nothing.
Don't mention it.
Of course!
It's okay.
It's all right
Everything's okay
C. Write about yourself:

What is your name?

I‘m ____________________________/ My name is __________ __

Where are you from?

I’m from________________________________________________

Where do you live?

I live at _______

What do you do?

I am ________

Ask to a classmate these questions and write the answers:

What is your name?

He/she is ________________________________________________

Where are you from?

__________________is from_______________________________________________

Where do you live?

__________________lives at

What do you do?

__________________ is a

Speaking section:
D. Con el anterior vocabulario y preguntas, por favor crea una conversación en tiempo
presente por videollamada con un compañero de clase. Grabarás el video y lo enviaras a
tu profesora vía whatsapp.
 Número de líneas : 10 o más.
 No olvides practicar la pronunciación.
 Utiliza tu creatividad con alguna aplicación disponible en Google play.


 Para expresar hábitos y rutinas, hechos generales, acciones repetidas o situaciones,

emociones y deseos permanentes:
I smoke (hábito); I work in London (permanencia); London is a large city (hecho
 Para dar instrucciones o indicaciones:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
 Para hablar de eventos programados, presentes o futuros:
Your exam starts at 09.00.
 Para referirse al futuro, detrás de algunas conjunciones: after, when, before, as soon
as, until:
He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.

A continuación encontraras un repaso de las distintas maneras de conjugar el Present simple en

inglés, tanto en Afirmativo, Negativo e interrogativo; con lo cual te podrás guiar para el desarrollo de
las actividades precedentes:


1. He  (sleep) 8 hours everyday.

2. My mother  (cook) a really tasty stew.
3. The barman  (mix) the cocktail very quickly.
4. She  (go) to the school by bus from Monday to Friday.
5. Bob  (try) to study but he can't.
6. Pamela  (write) an email to her sister in USA everyday.
F. . Complete the questions with do or does.

1. ...... she take her dog for a walk in the morning?

2. ...... your friend Paul work in the shop over there?
3. ...... they know the answers to the exam?
4. ...... your parents know that you smoke?
5. ...... Bill teach maths?
6. Where ....... your sister live?
7. What time ...... the lessons finish?
8. ...... you go to the coast in summer?
9. ...... it rain very often in Ireland?
10. Why ...... they ask so many questions in class?

G. Write short answers to these questions (yes, I do / no, I don´t / yes, she does / no,
she doesn´t, ....)

1. Do you speak French? ................ 6. Does your father work? .............

Does your mother like
2. chocolate? ............ 7. Do you go to the cinema? ............
3. Do you study a lot? .............. 8. Does your best friend study? .......
Do you usually watch TV at
4. night? ............ 9. Does it rain a lot in Africa? ...........
Do you play a musical
5. instrument? ........... 10. Do you live in a flat? ...........



My Working Day

My working day starts very early. From Monday to Friday I get up at half past three and I have a
shower and a cup of coffee. I usually leave the house at ten past four because the car always arrives a
few minutes early. I get to the studio at about five o'clock and start work. My programme Good
Morning Britain  starts at seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then I leave the studio at a quarter
past ten. After that, I go shopping and visit some friends. I get home at three o'clock. A woman helps
me with the housework and the ironing. I read a newspaper and do some work.
Then my husband gets home at half past five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the
evening. We don't go out because I go to bed very early. We usually watch television and then I go to
bed at half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine o'clock.

I think my job is very interesting but I don't like getting up very early.

De acuerdo a la anterior lectura, organiza las siguientes frases en cada cuadro

siguiendo la lógica del texto.
A. Half past three.
B. She goes by car.
C. To the studio.
E. Good Morning Britain.
F. Two hours.
G. Nine o'clock.
H. She reads a newspaper.
I. After her husband gets home.
J. Because she gets up very early.
K. They go to see friends or go to the cinema.

1. How long does 'Good Morning Britain' last?    

2. What time does Cynthia get up during the week?    

3. What is the name of the TV show Cynthia works on?    

4. Why doesn't she go out in the evening during the week?    

5. What does she do in the afternoon at home?    

6. When does Cynthia cook dinner?    

7. What do Cynthia and her husband do at the weekend?    

8. Where does the car take her?    

9. How does she get to the studio?    

10. What time does 'Good Morning Britain' finish?    

Before you practice the following exercises, take a look to this picture about how to say
the time in English:

Write the number into the box

a. 11:25              a quarter past seven 

b. 2:30                ten past one 

c. 1:10                half past two 

d.  9:00               a quarter past eight 

e.  7:15               two to two 

f.  7:45               twenty-five past eleven 

g.  8:45               a quarter to eight 

h.  8:15               one past three 

i.  3:01               a quarter to nine

j. 1:58                nine o'clock  

J. What time is it? - Drag and drop:

Ingresa al siguiente link y ubica cada hora en su lugar correspondiente. Luego toma
captura de pantalla y pégalo en este espacio.
What time is it? Look at the clocks and write the time.

Write true sentences about yourself.

Example (wake up) – I usually wake up at seven o’clock.

1. ( have breakfast)

2. ( get the bus)

3. ( go to Scholl)

4. ( Have lunch)

5. ( do my homework)

6. (have dinner)

7. (go to bed)
2 Answer the questions. Use the
words in the box.

amusement park / aquarium/

bowling alley / /Internet café /

1. Where can you see tropical fish?

2. Where can you go on fun rides?

3. Where can you go bowling?


4. Where can you check your email?


5. Where can you go skateboarding?


Anexos: Copia y pega en este espacio las Actividades extras en línea

que te asigne tu profesora durante esta GUÍA
Criterios de evaluación:
 Comprensión y globalización del texto, como también detalles específicos.
 Asimilación del nuevo vocabulario.
 Interés por conocer nuevas culturas.
 Buena presentación en la realización de su trabajo.
 Participación asertiva en cada una de las actividades propuestas por el área.

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