Pintores Centroamericanos PDF
Pintores Centroamericanos PDF
Pintores Centroamericanos PDF
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Pintores centroamericanos;
3 T153 DDSSTñBE 3
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Cent ^inLjgricano%
university of
Rodolfo Abuiarach
An exhibition of
Contemporary Art from
Central America
Museum of Art,
Lawrence^ Kansas
December 19625 January 1963
Esto es algo más que un simple catálogo de una importante exhibición
de arte. Más que nada, representa un logro en una experiencia única en
cooperación hemisférica; es un símbolo del intenso conocimiento interna-
cional que está penetrando en los llanos de Kansas; es una expresión visible
borrosa tierra adentro que queda entre Nueva York y California; es más
bien el suelo patrio, de amigos y vecinos, un lugar que algunos han visitado
Inevitablemente, los ricos frutos del consorcio con Costa Rica han agudi-
zado en Kansas el interés en establecer relaciones directas con el resto de la
of equals with the University of Costa Rica. The broad purpose of this union
was to achieve cultural understanding in depth —both on the part of the two
universities and the people and territories they served. To this end, Kansas
and Costa Rica have been fomenting a significant exchange of students, fac-
ulty, community leaders, and just plain citizens. More recently. The Univer-
sity of Kansas has served as sponsor and training center for a group of thirty
Peace Corps volunteers who will render services in the secondary schools of
Inevitably, the rich rewards of the Costa Rican partnership whetted the
interest in the Central American region, and it is a subtle but effective in-
strument for achieving that cultural understanding in both depth and breadth
which is the goal of our international efiort.
John P. Augelli
Director, Center of Latin American Studies
The University of Kansas
Debido a que el arte centroamericano jamás ha recibido el estudio crítico
que se ha hecho al arte mexicano y sudamericano, no se ha incluido en
ninguna exhibición un conjunto de artistas que representasen a cada uno de
los cinco países centroamericanos y Panamá, a pesar de que muchos de los
siglo XX. Sin embargo, las características nacionales no son bien definidas,
from each of the five Central American countries and Panama, in spite of
the fact that many of the painters have participated in shows outside their
own countries. The artists, well aware of trends in Europe and the United
States, have sent their paintings to international exhibitions even when they
have been unable to travel themselves. For the first time, with the presentation
torians have an opportunity to study and evaluate the paintings and draw-
dividual artists rather than from national styles. Only in Guatemala and
neighboring Honduras is indigenous art strong enough to have provided
a basis on which the young painter may build. Guatemala was the center of
Maya culture and later was the Spanish colonial capital in Central America.
It is natural that as magnificent sites such as Tikal and Copan become known,
pre-Columbian art becomes a source of inspiration for the artists of today.
Artists have been working in Guatemala and Honduras ever since man
inhabited the area. There exists an unbroken tradition through the pre-
Columbian Indians, Spanish colonial artists, the historical indigenous tribes,
and finally, the artists we know today. Perhaps it is for this reason that the
largest number of artists of high quality and the strongest schools of art in
talentosos y las más fuertes escuelas artísticas en Centro América están ubi-
cados en las tierras altas de Guatemala y Honduras. Los artistas conocen los
estilos de Europa y de las Americas, Norte y Sur; sus obras poseen una
notable calidad internacional. No obstante, las formas y los colores son a
his country. Unfortunately, his emphasis on foreign study has caused many
young artists to leave their country when they find it difficult or impossible
still struggling to find themselves, turning from European art of the decade
between the wars, to the abstract expressionism of New York, San Francisco,
and Paris, occasionally finding a suitable personal vehicle but not as yet
creating something entirely their own. The revival of painting in Costa Rica
loose organization of eight young artists, formed just a year ago with the
intention of stimulating interest in the arts and enhancing the position of the
artist. No coherent new style has emerged from their painting; their work
varies from the international abstract expressionism of Rafael Garcia to the
the inspired leadership of Rodrigo Peñalba are painting with the richness
desde el expresionismo abstracto internacional de Rafael García hasta la geo-
Arturo López Rodezno, a Mario Castillo, a Mr. y Mrs. Robert Ades y a Mr.
Robert Jordan; de Nicaragua, al Sr. Rodrigo Peñalba; de El Salvador, al
Sr. Enrique Aberle y a Mr. John Gallagher; de Panamá, al Sr. Alberto Du-
tary y a Mr. Charles Meyer; de los Estados Unidos, a la Unión Panamericana
y en especial, al Sr. José Gómez Sicre; y también, a nuestra querida amiga y
colega, ex-profesora de la Universidad de la Habana y actualmente de la
Universidad de Kansas, la Dra. Marta de Castro.
La traducción al español la hicieron Mr. Barry L. Isaac, la Sra. Dolores
minedly trying to revive all the arts — painting, sculpture, architecture, drama,
music, and ballet —in the tiny country of El Salvador. Painting, neverthe-
less, still sufifers from the domination of European styles o£ a generation ago.
Interest in Central America at the University of Kansas has been stimu-
many others who have assisted in the creation of this exhibition, most notably,
in Costa Rica, Sr. Carlos Tunnermann-Bernheim, Harold Fonseca and
Grupo Ocho. Professor and Mrs. Jorge Lines; in Guatemala, Dr. and Mrs.
Warren Brown, Mr. Daniel Primo, Sra. Josefina Alonso de Rodríguez, Stra.
Aida Campo; in Honduras, Arturo López Rodezno, Mario Castillo, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Ades, and Mr. Robert Jordan; in Nicaragua, Sr. Rodrigo Peñalba;
in El Salvador, Sr. Enrique Aberle and Mr. John Gallagher; in Panama,
Sr. Alberto Dutary and Mr. Charles Meyer; in the United States, the Pan
American Union, especially Sr. José Gómez Sicre; and finally, our dear
friend and colleague, Dra. Marta de Castro, formerly of the University of
Sao Paulo.
Figuras, 1958
Tinta ex papel, ?>7ysy2V/i pulgadas
RODOLFO ABULARACH, Guatemala, born in 1933
After only one year at the National University in Guatemala City Abularach de-
cided to devote all his time to painting. In 1953 he traveled to California, spend-
ing a little time in the School of Art at Pasadena City College, and from there
went to Mexico where he continued his studies. He worked in Guatemala City
as a draughtsman for the Ministry of Education and the National Archaeological
Museum from 1955 until 1957 when he was appointed professor of drawing and
painting in the National School of Fine Arts. In 1959 the Guatemalan govern-
ment awarded him a scholarship for study in the United States. Abularach has
had one-man shows in Guatemala City in 1947, 1954, and 1957 and has been
included in group shows in Mexico, Guatemala, and the United States. His first
one man show in the United States was held in the Pan-American Union in 1959.
His work has been seen in the Middle West most recently in the Philbrook Mu-
seum, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Paintings and drawings by Abularach are in the collec-
tions of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Pan American Union,
Washington, D.C., the National Museum of Art in Guatemala City, and the
National Collection of Fine Arts, La Paz, Bolivia. He represented Guatemala in
the Sixth Biennial Exhibition of Modern Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Figures, 1958
Pen and ink on paper, 37^x24^2 inches
PEDRO AGOSTA GARCÍA, El Salvador, nació en 1930
quedaba desde 1948 hasta 1955. En 1956 recibió una beca del Gobierno de
El Salvador, para continuar sus estudios en la Academia de San Fernando,
en Madrid, España. Estudiaba no solamente dibujo y pintura, sino también
la historia de arte y la restauración. Después de su regreso a El Salvador, lo
Acosta studied in the Academy of Valero Lecha in San Salvador from 1948
until 1955. In 1956 he received a scholarship from the government of El
Salvador to continue his work at the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid,
Spain. He studied not only drawing and painting but also history of art
and After his return to El Salvador he became a professor
art restoration.
Department of Fine Arts, a position which he still holds.
of Plastic Arts in the
Acosta had his first one-man show while he was still in the Academy. In
1959 he held a very successful one-man show in the Galena Toisón, Madrid.
Discussions of this exhibition on the Spanish National Radio were rebroad-
cast throughout Latin America. In September, 1961, he participated in the
Paris Biennial Exhibition, and he has been included in many other group
exhibitions in Latin America and Europe.
Pedro Acosta
MARIO ARAUJO RAJO, El Salvador, nació en 1920
Meditación, 1961
Acuarela sobre madera, 21V^x\9Vi pulgadas
Araujo was born in Santiago de María but moved with his parents to San
Salvador at the age of ten. In 1938 he entered the Academy of Valero Lecha.
After completing the course Araujo decided to become a professional artist
Meditation, 1961
Water color ox board. 21%x\9\i inches
Mario Araujo
RENATO ARGUELLO, Nicaragua, nació en 1942
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Renato Arguello
MOISÉS BECERRA, Honduras, nació en 1926
Becerra estudió pintura en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes en Tegucigal-
pa, bajo la dirección de Arturo López Rodezno. En 1953 recibió una beca del
Gobierno, cuyo estipendio le permitió estudiar durante cinco años en la
has had two one-man shows, one in 1953 in Tegucigalpa and one in 1956 in
the gallery ha Fontanella in Rome. He has participated in group shows
in Rome, Barcelona, Mexico, Guatemala and the United States where he
won an award in the Florida International Art Exhibition.
ROBERTO CABRERA, Guatemala, nació en 1939
Cabrera se formó en la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas en la Ciudad de
Guatemala, donde se hizo miembro activo de varias asociaciones estudiantiles.
Es experto tanto en dibujo y artes gráficas, como en pintura propiamente
dicha, derivando su inspiración del arte indígena del país. Sus obras son bien
conocidas en la América Central; ha dado exhibiciones de sus cuadros en la
Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, en el Instituto Guatemalteco-americano,
en la Galería Cruz Azul y en la Galería Chapultepec de México, D.F. Sus cua-
Cabrera received his training in the National School of Plastic Arts in Guate-
mala City where he has been active in student associations. He is as expert
in drawing and graphic arts as he is in painting, deriving his inspiration from
the indigenous art of his country. Cabrera's work is well-known in Central
America; he has had one-man shows in the National School of Plastic Arts,
the Guatemalan-American Institute, Galena Cruz Azul, and Galería
Chapultepec in Mexico City. He has been included in such important
group shows as the first and second Mexican Biennial Exhibitions and the
first and second Paris Biennial Exhibitions for young artists. His last inter-
national show was with Marco Augusto Quiroa in the Pan American Union,
Washington, D.C. in 1962. A new honor has just come to him, for he has
been asked tc represent Guatemala in graphic arts and drawing in the exhi-
bition El Arte actual de América y España, an exposition of contemporary
art, being organized in Spain and to be shown in Madrid, Paris, Milan,
Roberto Cabrera
MARIO M. CASTILLO, Honduras, nació en 1928
While in Europe he traveled in Italy, France, and Greece and won a medal
in the San Vitto Romano competition and a diploma in the Italian landscape
painting contest. After his return to Tegucigalpa he became a professor of
art in the School of Fine Arts and is now sub-director of the school. Castillo
has had seven one-man shows in Honduras and has been represented in five
collective shows outside the country. His paintings and drawings are based
on indigenous themes and the Honduran landscape.
Mario M. Castillo
ALBERTO DUTARY, Panamá, nació en 1932
Dutary began his studies in the National School of Fine Arts in 1949. In 1951 he
traveled to Spain where he entered the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid and
at the same time was a student at the National School of Graphic Arts. Then he
received a scholarship to study lithography from the Institute of Hispanic Culture
in Madrid. After his return to Panama in 1958 he taught painting in the canal
zone. Dutary has participated in many group shows in Spain, Latin America, and
the United States, including the important exhibitions "U.S. Collects Pan-Ameri-
can Art" at the Chicago Art Institute and **Neo-Humanism in American Painting"
at the Pan-American Union. Washington. D.C. His one-man show was an
exhibition of drawings in Sala Seral, Madrid, in 1957, which was then circulated
through Spain the next year. Since then he has had six one-man shows in Panama,
and an exhibition of oils in the Institute of Contemporary Art in Lima, Peru.
His first one-man show in the United States was held at the Pan-American Union
in 1961. This year he is having one man shows in the Gallería Cavallino, Venice,
Italy, and the Adams-Morgan Gallery, Washington, D.C. In 1961 he won the
first prize, with Marco Augusto Quiroa, in the seventh National Tournament of
nació en 1909
Untitled, 1962
Pen and ink on paper, 22x12 inches
Untitled, 1962
Crayon and ink on paper, 22x12 inches
RAUL ELAS REYES, El Salvador, nació en 1918
Cabeza, 1961
Tinta sobre papel, 15x11 j/g pulgadas
Rojos23, \%\
Lola Fernández was a student at the School of Fine Arts of the University
of Costa Rica and continued her training, with two years of specialization
in oil and fresco, at the School of Fine Arts of the National University of
Bogotá, Colombia. From 1954 to 1958 she lived in Europe studying in the
Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy. Her travels continued in 1961 when
she toured the Far East on a UNESCO study grant for creative artists. Lola
Fernández has had one-man shows in Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and in
1957, in the Bernard Chene Gallery in Paris. She has also participated in
group shows in Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Italy, England, and
the United States. She is at present a professor in the School of Fine Arts
of the University of Costa Rica. Her most recent one-man show was Ab-
stracciones del Oriente held in November, 1962.
Head, 1961
Wash DRAWING, 15x11 !^ inches
Tempera on paper, 27x25% inches
Lola Fernández
HAROLD FONSECA MORA, Costa Rica, nació en 1920
Irazú, 1961
Óleo sobre tela, 31%x39% pulgadas
After graduating from the University of Costa Rica with a degree in agron-
omy, Fonseca attended the School of Fine Arts and then traveled to the
United States where he studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the
Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C. He remained in the United
States for twelve years. He had his first one-man show in the Collectors'
Gallery, Washington, D.C, in 1960. He has represented Costa Rica in sev-
eral important group shows including the Exhibition of Latin American Art
in the Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, the "First Festival of Latin
American Art" in Coral Gables, Florida, "Pan American Art" in New
Orleans, "Festival of the Indies" in Cartagena, Colombia, the second Biennial
Exhibition in Medellín, Colombia, and the seventh National Tournament
of Culture in El Salvador, where he won an honorable mention in 1961.
Fonseca's work is in private collections in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Alaska, and
the United States. In San José, Fonseca is one of the founders of Grupo Ocho
and its secretary.
Irazu, 1961
On, ON CANVAS, 31%x39% inches
Harold Fon seca
RAFAEL GARCIA PECADO, Costa Rica, nació en 1928
Génesis, 1962
Óleo sobre tela, 35/2x23/2 pulgadas
Génesis, 1962
Oil on canvas, 35^^x23/ inches
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ARNOLDO GUILLEN, Nicaragua, nació en 1941
Óxidos, 1962
Óleo sobre madera, 42%x29 pulgadas
Agua, 1962
Óleo sobre í\l\dera, 37%x46% pulgadas
Guillen has studied at the School of Fine Arts in Managua for the last six
years with a scholarship from the Ministry of Public Education of Nicaragua.
He is a painter, draftsman, and sculptor. He has participated in several
national exhibitions; however, this is his first show in the United States.
Oxides, 1962
Oil ox nl\soxite, 42!4x29 inches
Water, 1962
Oil ox masoxite, 37%x46% ixches
Amoldo Guillen
GILBERTO HERNÁNDEZ, Guatemala, nació en 1931
Hernández comenzó sus estudios en la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas,
de Guatemala, en 1953, bajo la dirección de los famosos artistas guatemaltecos
ARTURO LÓPEZ RODEZNO, Honduras, nació en 1908
Sr. López Rodezno pertenece a la generación vieja de artistas centroameri-
canos, pero se la ha incluido en esta exhibición en virtud de su gran influencia
en nueva generación y de su desarrollo de una nueva y provocante técnica,
Arturo López Rodezno
OMAR DE LEÓN LACAYO, Nicaragua, nació en 1929
Nilytanzen, 1962
Omar de León has studied for nine years at the School of Fine Arts in
Managua under the direction of Rodrigo Peñalba. He has exhibited in col-
lective shows in the Americas and in Europe as well as in Nicaragua where
he has won several prizes.
Nilytanzen, 1962
Oil on canvas, 20%x29 inches
Omar de León
MIGUEL ÁNGEL ORELLANA, El Salvador, nació en 1929
Orellana began his studies in his home, Zacatecoluca, with the painter Carlos
Amaya; however in 1953 he received a scholarship from the government
to continue his work in the Academy of Valero Lecha where he remained
until 1959. He
was a designer for the National Theater. From 1953 to 1960
he staged works in theater and dance with designs by Tuno Alvarenga and
Carlos Canas. He had his first one-man show in 1959, and he has been in-
cluded in several group shows. Recently he participated in the Paris Biennial
Exhibition. At present he is a professor in the Department of Plastic Arts of
the School of Fine Arts, the Salvadoran-German School and the National
ARMANDO MORALES, Nicaragua, nació en 1927
Desde 1948 hasta 1953 Morales estudió pintura, bajo Rodrigo Peñalba, en la
Escuela de Bellas Artes de Managua. Se dirigió a los Estados Unidos en
1957, al Perú y luego a Brasil, a través del Río Amazonas, en 1959, y a los
Estados Unidos otra vez en 1960. Poseedor de dos becas, una de la Funda-
ción Guggenheim y otra de la CEA, actualmente vive en Nueva York. Desde
1953 ha participado en muchas exhibiciones, ganando premios en la Segunda
Bienal de Arte Hispanoamericano, que se dio en la Habana, Cuba, en 1954;
primer premio del concurso centroamericano "15 de Septiembre," en la
Ciudad de Guatemala, en 1956; en la "Exhibición Golfo-Caribe," Houston,
Texas, en el mismo año. En 1959 recibió el Ernest Wolf Award para el
ARMANDO MORALES, Nicaragua, born in 1927
From 1948 to 1953 Morales studied painting in the Managua School o£ Fine
Arts under Rodrigo Peñalba. He traveled to the United States in 1957, to
Peru and then to Brazil through the Amazon River in 1959, and back to the
United States again in 1960. At present he is living in New York on fellow-
ships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Organization of American
States. Since 1953 he has participated in many exhibitions, receiving awards
in the Second Biennial Exhibition of Spanish American Art held in Havana,
Cuba, in 1954, first prize in the "Fifteenth of September" contest in Guate-
mala City in 1956 and at the "Gulf-Caribbean Exhibition" in Houston, Texas,
in the same year. In 1959 he received the Ernest Wolf Award for the best
Latin American Artist in the fifth Exhibition of Modern Art Biennial in Sao
Paulo, Brazil, where he had previously been included in the second and
third exhibitions. He has had one-man shows this year in the Angeleski
Gallery, New York City, the Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Toronto,
Canada, and the Pan American Union Gallery, Washington, D.C. Some of
the most important group shows in which he has been included are "Recent
Acquisitions" in the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, 1957, "Pitts-
burgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture"
in the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1958, "The U.S. Collects
Pan American Art" in the Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1960, "Latin
American Prints" in Galena Sudamericana, New York, 1961, and the travel-
ing exhibition, "Latin America: New Departures," organized by the Institute
of Contemporary Arts, Boston, Massachusetts. In 1963 Morales will be in-
cluded in the traveling exhibition "El Arte actual de América y España"
and he will have three one-man shows. Morales' work hangs in the Museum
of Modern Artof New York, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, the
Institute ofContemporary Art in Boston, the permanent Collection of the
Pan American Union in Washington, D.C, the Museum of Modern Art, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, the Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas, Venezuela, and the
Museum of Inter-American Art, Caragena, Colombia, as well as many other
public and private collections.
Armando Morales
Rodaljo Mishaun
RODOLFO MISHAAN PINTO, Guatemala, nació en 1924
Aunque Mishaan comenzó sus estudios en la Escuela Nacional de Artes
Plásticas en Guatemala, vino a los Estados Unidos hace trece años y ha
recibido la mayor parte de su instrucción aquí. Ha asistido a la Facultad de
Arte de la Syracuse University y a la Art Students' League, en Nueva York,
a la Nueva Escuela de Investigación Social y a la Columbia University. Ha
trabajado tanto en diseño de textiles como en pintura. Mishaan ha participado
en muchas exhibiciones. La primera exhibición de sus obras la dio en la
Untitled, 1962
Mixed media, 22x28 inches
RAFAEL PEREYRA PIEDRASANTA, Guatemala, nació en 1935
Pereyra nació en Quezaltenango y ha sido estudiante en la Academia Na-
cional de Artes Plásticas desde 1953. Ha participado en exhibiciones en la
Ciudad de Guatemala, en Honduras y en las Bienales de México y París.
Ha presentado exhibiciones de sus propias obras en Quezaltenango, 1958;
en la Escuela de Artes Plásticas, 1958; en el Instituto Guatemalteco-ameri-
cano, 1959; en el Primer Festival Nacional de Artes Plásticas, en Guatemala,
1960; en Galería Chapultepec, en México, D.F., 1960; y en el Segundo
Festival de Artes Plásticas, 1961. Desde 1957 ha ganado seis primeros premios,
cinco segundos premios, dos terceros premios y dos "menciones honoríficas."
Sus cuadros se ven en las colecciones del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y de
la Casa de la Cultura de Occidente, en Guatemala, y del Museo Nacional de
Rafael Pereyra
MARCO AUGUSTO QUIROA, Guatemala, nació en 1937
Quiroa, born in Chicacao, attended the School of Plastic Arts from 1953 to
I960 and continued his studies with a scholarship in Mexico. He has been
included in several group shows and has had one-man shows in the Guate-
malan-American Institute, the School of Plastic Arts, Galería Cruz Azul, the
Faculty of Humanities of the University in Guatemala City and Galena
Chapultepec in Mexico City. His most recent exhibition was held with
Cabrera in the Gallery of the Pan American Union of Washington, D.C., in
October and November, 1962. This was the first American showing of work
by these two artists. He has participated in the first and second Biennial
Exhibitions in Mexico and Paris. Last year he won the first prize, divided
with Alberto Dutary of Panama, in the seventh National Tournament of
Culture, held in El Salvador.
Marco Augusto Quiroa
Rodríguez has graduated from the Academy of Valero Lecha and is a pro-
fessor in the School of Fine Arts. He has held one one-man show and has
participated in several group shows in El Salvador. At present he is pre-
paring a one-man show to send to the United States. The panels in this
exhibition are the first of his work to be seen in this country.
Untitled, 1962
Collage, 43x14/2 inches
ELMAR RENE ROJAS A., Guatemala, nació en 1937
Rojas began his studies in the School of Plastic Arts in 1957. He has been
very active in student aííairs, president of the Fine Arts Students' Associa-
tion, 195S-59, and Secretary of Art and Culture in the Association of Students
of Architecture in the University of San Carlos. His paintings have been
shown in the Biennial Exhibitions of Mexico and Paris, and he has partici-
pated in group shows in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. He has
won six first prizes in the National Cultural Tournaments between 1957
and 1961, as well as the University Tournaments. In 1961 he won the first
and only prize in the Central American Tournament. He has traveled in
Panama and the United States and is presently a student of Architcture
at the University of San Carlos, Guatemala. Rojas has recently been invited
Pez, 1962
Figura, 1962
Sáenz has studied in the School of Fine Arts in Managua for the last eight
Fish, 1962
Figure, 1962
Leoftcio Saenz
LUIS ÁNGEL SALINAS, El Salvador, nació en 1928
Fundaciones, s.£.
Foundations, n.d.
On ON CANVAS, 28/2x20 inches
Luis Angel Salinas
FERNANDO SARA VIA, Nicaragua, nació en 1922
Durmientes, 1962
Óleo sobre tela. 11^x1954 pulgadas
Buhas, 1962
Óleo sobre tela, WAxV^V^ pulgadas
Saravia studied sculpture at the School of Fine Arts in Managua for four
years; however, as a painter he is self taught. He has taught sculpture at the
school for the last fifteen years. In 1948 he won the first prize of José de la
Cruz Mena in the city of León, Nicaragua, and in 1949 the first prize in
Central American Exhibit of Arts and Industries. A Rockefeller Foundation
Scholarship in 1950 permitted him to travel in the United States. He has
participated in the international exhibitions in Valencia and Caracas in
1954, the third Biennial Exhibition inSao Paulo in 1955, and the second
Festival of Central American Art and Culture in Guatemala City in 1956.
Most of Saravia's work has been in sculpture, and he has executed several
monuments in Nicaragua.
Sleepers, 1962
Oil ox canvas, 11%x19^/4 inches
Owls, 1962
On. ON canvas, 11^x19 !4 inches
Fernando Saravia
not only a painter but a writer of short stories and novels, lecturer, and
tapestry designer.He had three years of formal training in painting at the
Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. He has had one-man shows
in Washington, D.C. and San Salvador.
ALFREDO SINCLAIR, Panamá, nació en 1916
Sinclair no comenzcS su estudio de pintura hasta 1944. En 1948 viajó a
Argentina, donde se matriculó en la Escuela de Bellas Artes, Ernesto de la
Sinclair did not begin his study of painting until 1944. In 1948 he traveled to
Argentina where he enrolled in the Ernesto de la Carcona School of Fine Arts,
and, by the next year, won a first prize and an honorable mention in Argentinian
competitions. He had his first one-man show in 1950 in the Galería Antú, Buenos
Aires. His work was included in several important group shows such as the
Central American exposition in San José, Costa Rica, in 1951, a Panamanian
painting exhibition in the Pan American Union, Washington, D.C., in 1953, the
International Exposition in Venezuela, and the Biennial Exhibition in Sao Paulo
in 1954, and in 1955 the Biennial Hispanoamericana de Arte in Spain. In 1955 he
won both the grand prize and an honorable mention in the "Ricardo Miró" com-
petition. He was included in the Mexican Biennial Exhibitions of 1958 and
1960, and had a one-man show in the National Museum of Panama in 1959. In
1961 Sinclair participated in the sixth Biennial Exhibition in SSo Paulo and won
an honorable mention in the National Tournament of Culture in El Salvador.
This year he will participate in a group show in the Casa del Periodista and hold
a one-man show in the Librería Cultural in Panama City and is preparing a one-
man show for the Pan American Union in 1963.
Alfredo Sinclair
ORLANDO SOBALVARRO, Nicaragua, nació en 1943
Bosque, 1962
Óleo sobre tela, 30%x47% pulgadas
Forest, 1962
Orlando Sobalvarro
GUILLERMO TRUJILLO, Panamá, nació en 1927
Trujillo nació en Horconcites, en la provincia de Chiriquí, y comenzó sus
estudios allí. Asistió a la Universidad de Panamá, graduándose arquitecto
en 1953; en este año recibió una beca del Instituto de Cultura Hispánica, en
Madrid. Se quedó en España hasta 1958, estudiando arquitectura, cerámica
y pintura. Trujillo ha hecho exhibiciones de sus propias obras desde 1953,
en Balboa, Caracas, Madrid y Washington, D.C. Ha ganado premios inter-
nacionales en pintura y arquitectura de paisaje. Participó en la Tercera
Bienal Hispánica en España, en la Segunda Bienal de México y en la Quinta
Trujillo was born in the province of Chiriquí and began his studies there.
He attended the University of Panama, graduating as an architect in 1953,
at which time he received a scholarship from the Institute of Hispanic Cul-
ture in Madrid. He remained in Spain until 1958 studying architecture,
ceramics, and painting. Trujillo has had one-man shows since 1953 in
Panama City, Caracas, Madrid, and Washington, D.C. He has won inter-
national awards both in painting and in landscape architecture. He par-
ticipated in the third Hispanic Biennial Exhibition in Spain, in the second
Mexican Biennial Exhibition and the fifth Sao Paulo Biennial Exhibition,
winning an honorable mention in the latter. His first one-man show in the
United States was held in the Pan American Union in 1961 and this year,
1962, he will have two one-man shows, watercolors at the Librería Cultural
and oils at the Panamanian Institute of Art.
Guillermo Trujillo
Urhina, poseedor de una beca del Gobierno por los cinco últimos años, es
estudiante en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Managua. Es escultor, tanto como
Nocturno, 1962
Óleo sobre madero, 39/^x34% pulgadas
Nocturn, 1962
Oil on masonite, 39%x34% inches
CÉSAR VALVERDE, Costa Rica, nació en 1928
Desnuda, 1961
Óleo sobre tela, 241/2x36% pulgadas
Valverde studied art in both the Casa del Artista and the School of Fine Arts
at the University ot Costa Rica where he graduated from the School of Law
in 1952. Later he studied art in the Academy of Fine Artsand Scuola libera
di Nudo in Rome, the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C., and the
Regional School of Art in Manchester, England. He has exhibited work in
Costa Rica, the United States, and Italy and has participated in the fourth
Biennial Exhibition in Barcelona and the first Hispano-American Exhibition
of Painting and Graphic Arts in Mexico.
Nude, 1961
On ox CANVAS, 2414x36% inches
César Valí
ANTONIO VELASQUEZ, Honduras, nació en 1906
Amonio Velasquez
Marilyn Stokstad
Gerald S, Bernsteix
Philip Kassebaum
Hojiorary Curator of Ceramics
Jane Munsell
Assistant to the Director
Jeaxette Gottstein
Craig Craven
Senior Assistant
Irva Elliott
FgB^Z -68