Titulos Valores Juan Carlos Botero Mayo 2018
Titulos Valores Juan Carlos Botero Mayo 2018
Titulos Valores Juan Carlos Botero Mayo 2018
Juan Carlos Botero – March 2016
UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES, Facultad de Derecho. Bogotá, Colombia.
Profesor de Cátedra (1998 a 2005). Cursos: Resolución de Disputas en Tratados de Comercio e Inversión (2004-2005); Teoría
de Derecho Público (2003, II, y 2002, II); Teoría de Derecho Privado (2003, I); Argumentación Jurídica III (1998, II).
Instructor del curso de Hermenéutica Jurídica, del profesor Ciro Angarita (1997-I).
Presentaciones en seminarios académicos o clases en: Al Akhawayn University (Morocco); American Bar Association;
American Society of International Law; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Cato Institute; Council
of Foreign Relations (New York); Dartmouth College; George Mason University; Georgetown University Law
School; Harvard University Law School y Kennedy School; Law and Anthropology Roundtable (USA); Loyola
University of Chicago’s PROLAW Visiting Lecture Series (Italy); Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
(Germany); National Conference of Bar Presidents (USA); New York University Law School; Shanghai Jiao
Tong University (China); Stanford University Law School y Freeman Spogly Institute for International Studies;
The University of Chicago Law School; The World Bank; Tilburg University (Netherlands); United Nations;
University of California – Berkeley Law School; Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia); University of
Maryland; University of South Carolina; University of Washington; Yale University MacMillan Center,
INALDE Business School, entre otros.
Editor (con Robert Nelson y Christine Pratt), Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2011). Edición
especial dedicada a la medición del estado de derecho
Peer Reviewer del Hague Journal on the Rule of Law (2010-2011) y Economics Letters (2008, 2009).
The three faces of justice: legal traditions, legal transplants and customary justice in a multicultural world. Doctoral
dissertation. Georgetown University Law Center. 2013. Publicación esperada en 2018.
Juan Carlos Botero – March 2016
“The delivery of justice in middle-income countries”, in Law and Development of Middle-Income Countries, edited by
Randall Peerenboom and Tom Ginsburg. Cambridge University Press, February 2014. Disponible en:
“Education, complaints, and accountability” (with A. Ponce and A. Shleifer), Journal of Law and Economics 56, no.
4: 959-996. 2013. Disponible en http://scholar.harvard.edu/shleifer/node/69711.
“Justice by the numbers” (with A. Ponce and J. Martinez), in Lelia Mooney (editor), Promoting the Rule of Law: A
Practitioner's Guide to Key Issues and Developments. American Bar Association. 2013.
“Using Indicators in International Law: The WJP Rule of Law Index 2011.” 106 ASIL Proc. 214, March 28-31,
2012 (2013). The American Society of International Law.
Innovations in Rule of Law - A Compilation of Concise Essays (2012) (with R. Janse, S. Muller, and C. Pratt, eds.) The
World Justice Project & Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law. September 2012.
“The Rule of Law Measurement Revolution: Complementarity Between Official Statistics, Qualitative
Assessments, and Quantitative Indicators of the Rule of Law” (with J. Martinez, A. Ponce, and C. Pratt).
Innovations in the Rule of Law. Washington DC: HiiL and The World Justice Project, June 2012.
“Contextual predictive factors of child sexual abuse: The role of parent-child interaction” (with A. Pinzon and
C. Ramirez). Child Abuse and Neglect, Vol. 35, Issue 12 (2011), pp. 1022-1031. Disponible en:
“Indices and indicators of justice, governance and the rule of law: an overview” (with R. Nelson and C. Pratt).
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2011), pp. 153-169.
“Workplace abuse and economic exploitation of children working in the streets of Latin American cities” (with
A.M. Pinzon-Rondon, L. Benson, L. Briceno-Ayala, and M. Kanamori). International Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Health, Vol. 16, No 2 (2010). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/107735210799160354
“Sexually-transmitted disease prevalence and the factors associated with it in sexually-exploited children in
Bogota, Colombia” (with A.M. Pinzon-Rondon, T.W. Ross, and M.M. Baquero-Umana). Revista de Salud Publica,
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Vol. 11, No. 3 (2009). Spanish.
“The health of children working in the streets of Latin American cities: risks, injuries, and child abuse” (with
A.M. Pinzon-Rondon, L. Briceno, and C. Pinzon-Florez). Revista Saludarte. Vol. 6, No. 2 (November 2008).
Colsubsidio, Colombia. Spanish.
“Trabajo infantil ambulante en las capitales Latinoamericanas” (with A.M. Pinzon-Rondon, L. Briceno-Ayala,
P. Cabrera, and M.N. Rodriguez). Salud Publica de Mexico, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 363-372 (2006).
“Generalidades del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos”, in El TLC y el Derecho de la Distribución
Comercial. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colegio de Abogados de Medellín, Cámara de Comercio de
Medellín. Biblioteca Jurídica Dike. Bogotá, 2006.
“The regulation of labor” (with S. Djankov, R. La Porta, F. López-de-Silanes, and A. Shleifer). The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, Vol. 119, Issue 4 (2004), pp. 1339–1382.
______. [Reprinted in Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro, (2005). Italian.]
______. [Reprinted in John J. Donohue III (ed.), Economics of Labor and Employment Law, Edward Elgar
Publishing (2007).]
“Judicial reform” (with R. La Porta, F. López-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, and A. Volokh). The World Bank Research
Observer, Vol. 18, no. 1 (2003), pp. 61-88.
The WJP Rule of Law Index. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018. The World Justice Project.
Disponible en: (http://worldjusticeproject.org/rule-of-law-index).
WJP Open Government Index™ Report. The World Justice Project, 2015. Disponible en:
Global Insights on Dispute Resolution. The World Justice Project, forthcoming, 2018.
The Rule of Law in Afghanistan. The World Justice Project, 2016.
The Rule of Law in Pakistan. The World Justice Project, 2016.
Juan Carlos Botero – March 2016
“The Rule of Law Index, a Tool to Assess Adherence to the Rule of Law Worldwide,” New York State Bar
Association Journal. Vol 90, No. 1, p. 30. Jan. 2018.
Supporting the Rule of Law in Latin America. World Economic Forum Blog. April, 2014.
Legal Rights on the Books and in Practice. Council on Foreign Relations - Development Channel. April, 2014.
"Why Malawi Should Be the Future of Africa." Weblog post. CNN World. Cable News Network, 23 April,
2013. Web. ( http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/23/why-malawi-should-be-the-future-of-
“Access to justice in the United States” (with R. Mathews). VIRGINIA LAWYER Magazine, December 2010,
Vol. 59, No. 5. pp. 24-25. (http://www.vsb.org/docs/valawyermagazine/vl1210-access.pdf).
Manual de servicios financieros (with C. Manrique and A. Saba). Handbook. Bogotá, Nueva Frontera, 1994.
“El estado Robin Hood”. Revista Alter Ego. University of Los Andes Law School. Bogotá, 1993.
Trabajos en curso/presentaciones
Measuring the rule of law (con A. Ponce). The World Justice Project, November, 2011. Disponible en:
Education and the Quality of Government (con A. Ponce y A. Shleifer). NBER Working Paper No. 18119. June
2012. http://www.nber.org/papers/w18119.
Rule of law and public health (con A.M. Pinzon-Rondon, A. Ponce, y A. Ruiz). Presentation at the American Public
Health Association’s annual meeting 2012.
The Association of Violence with Young Children’s Physical Health in Colombia (con Pinzon-Rondon AM, Hofferth S,
Koblinsky S, Kessel W) Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association,
November, 2011.
Eating soup with a fork? A practitioner’s observations on uses of indicators for policy-making. Invited paper for workshop,
“A World of Indicators: Knowledge, Technologies of Regulation, Domination, Experimentation and Critique
in an Interconnected World”, at The Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany, October, 2011.
“Criminal prosecution of child abuse in the Pacific coast of Colombia - a case study on public health alternatives to criminal
prosecution of 'normal' criminal behavior.”, Conceptualizing and Measuring Justice. Concept Paper. Center for Justice, Law
and Society at George Mason University and the Washington Institute for Public Affairs Research at American
University. 2010. Available on-line at: http://www.american.edu/wipar/measuring-justice-concept-papers.cfm
Perspectives of people living with disabilities in a low income neighborhood of Bogota, Colombia (con A.M. Pinzon-Rondon,
C.E. Pinzon, y K. Roy).
The Judicial Equilibrium. Paper presented at Seminar: “International Law at the Beginning of the 21 st Century”
Georgetown University Law School, 2009.
IX Bienal de Investigación Colsubsidio, 2008: Primer puesto, The health of children working in the streets of Latin
American cities: risks, injuries, and child abuse.
Becas de Colfuturo: 2008 y 1997.
Harvard-FES Scholarship: 1997.
CALI Award, Georgetown University Law School, Spring 2009, for paper, The Judicial Equilibrium.
Investigación y actividades de cabildeo en temas de trabajo infantil, abuso infantil, y explotación de menores en
América Latina, incluyendo extenso trabajo de campo con niños en calle en varios países de América Latina,
1998 – 2011.
Juan Carlos Botero – March 2016
Corporación Prohijar. Fundador y Miembro de Junta. Corporación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la protección de
niñas en estado de riesgo. Cajicá, Colombia. 1995 -2005. www.prohijar.org.co.
Trabajo citado en más de 2000 publicaciones periódicas en 120 países, incluyendo The Economist, The New York
Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, y The Financial Times.
Idiomas Español e Ingles.
Nacional Colombiano. Fecha de nacimiento: Julio 1, 1972.
Practicante de Tai Chi Chuan.