4.TI - Tabla de Isotopos Naturales y Abundancia

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Tabla de Isotopos

En las siguientes páginas encontrará la tabla de los isotopos estables de los

elementos químicos conocidos.


Z: Número atómico o número de electrones o protones en el núcleo del isotopo.

Name: Nombre en inglés del elemento químico.

Symbol: Símbolo nuclear del isótopo: AX, donde X es el elemento químico y A es

el número de masa (número de protones más número de neutrones).

Con el número atómico y el número de masa se puede determinar el número de

neutrones. Ejemplo: El isótopo 56Fe del Hierro (Z = 26) tiene 26 protones y 56
partículas en el núcleo. Es decir el isótopo tiene 30 neutrones (56 = 30 + 26).

Mass of Atom: Masa del átomo del isótopo. Incluye la masa de los electrones que
sin embargo es muy pequeña comparada con la del núcleo. Por la misma razón
se puede asumir que la masa del núcleo es igual a la masa del átomo.

1 u (unidad de masa atómica) = 1.66x10⁻²⁷ kg = 931 MeV

% Abundance: Porcentaje de abundancia en la naturaleza. Esto indica cuánto de

la masa de una porción del elemento en estado puro esta en la forma de cada

Ejemplo: En 100 gramos de Carbono (C) hay 98.93 gramos de ¹²C, 1.07 gramos
de ¹³C y 0 gramos de ¹⁴C (* en la tabla, este isótopo es inestable y no existe
Table of Isotopic Masses and Natural Abundances
This table lists the mass and percent natural abundance for the stable nuclides. The mass of the longest lived
isotope is given for elements without a stable nuclide. Nuclides marked with an asterisk (*) in the abundance column
indicate that it is not present in nature or that a meaningful natural abundance cannot be given. The isotopic mass
data is from G. Audi, A. H. Wapstra Nucl. Phys A. 1993, 565, 1-65 and G. Audi, A. H. Wapstra Nucl. Phys A. 1995,
595, 409-480. The percent natural abundance data is from the 1997 report of the IUPAC Subcommittee for Isotopic
Abundance Measurements by K.J.R. Rosman, P.D.P. Taylor Pure Appl. Chem. 1999, 71, 1593-1607.

Mass of Atom % Mass of Atom %

Z Name Symbol Z Name Symbol
(u) Abundance (u) Abundance
15 Phosphorus P 30.973762 100
1 Hydrogen H 1.007825 99.9885
2 32
Deuterium H 2.014102 0.115 16 Sulphur S 31.972071 94.93
3 33
Tritium H 3.016049 * S 32.971458 0.76
S 33.967867 4.29
3 36
2 Helium He 3.016029 0.000137 S 35.967081 0.02
He 4.002603 99.999863
17 Chlorine Cl 34.968853 75.78
6 37
3 Lithium Li 6.015122 7.59 Cl 36.965903 24.22
Li 7.016004 92.41
18 Argon Ar 35.967546 0.3365
9 38
4 Beryllium Be 9.012182 100 Ar 37.962732 0.0632
Ar 39.962383 99.6003
5 Boron B 10.012937 19.9
11 39
B 11.009305 80.1 19 Potassium K 38.963707 93.2581
K 39.963999 0.0117
12 41
6 Carbon C 12.000000 98.93 K 40.961826 6.7302
C 13.003355 1.07
14 40
C 14.003242 * 20 Calcium Ca 39.962591 96.941
Ca 41.958618 0.647
14 43
7 Nitrogen N 14.003074 99.632 Ca 42.958767 0.135
15 44
N 15.000109 0.368 Ca 43.955481 2.086
Ca 45.953693 0.004
16 48
8 Oxygen O 15.994915 99.757 Ca 47.952534 0.187
O 16.999132 0.038
18 45
O 17.999160 0.205 21 Scandium Sc 44.955910 100

19 46
9 Fluorine F 18.998403 100 22 Titanium Ti 45.952629 8.25
Ti 46.951764 7.44
20 48
10 Neon Ne 19.992440 90.48 Ti 47.947947 73.72
21 49
Ne 20.993847 0.27 Ti 48.947871 5.41
22 50
Ne 21.991386 9.25 Ti 49.944792 5.18

23 50
11 Sodium Na 22.989770 100 23 Vanadium V 49.947163 0.250
V 50.943964 99.750
12 Magnesium Mg 23.985042 78.99
25 50
Mg 24.985837 10.00 24 Chromium Cr 49.946050 4.345
26 52
Mg 25.982593 11.01 Cr 51.940512 83.789
Cr 52.940654 9.501
27 54
13 Aluminum Al 26.981538 100 Cr 53.938885 2.365

28 55
14 Silicon Si 27.976927 92.2297 25 Manganese Mn 54.938050 100
Si 28.976495 4.6832
30 54
Si 29.973770 3.0872 26 Iron Fe 53.939615 5.845
Fe 55.934942 91.754
Mass of Atom % Mass of Atom %
Z Name Symbol Z Name Symbol
(u) Abundance (u) Abundance
Fe 56.935399 2.119
58 84
Fe 57.933280 0.282 38 Strontium Sr 83.913425 0.56
Sr 85.909262 9.86
59 87
27 Cobalt Co 58.933200 100 Sr 86.908879 7.00
Sr 87.905614 82.58
28 Nickel Ni 57.935348 68.0769
60 89
Ni 59.930791 26.2231 39 Yttrium Y 88.905848 100
Ni 60.931060 1.1399
62 90
Ni 61.928349 3.6345 40 Zirconium Zr 89.904704 51.45
64 91
Ni 63.927970 0.9256 Zr 90.905645 11.22
Zr 91.905040 17.15
63 94
29 Copper Cu 62.929601 69.17 Zr 93.906316 17.38
65 96
Cu 64.927794 30.83 Zr 95.908276 2.80

64 93
30 Zinc Zn 63.929147 48.63 41 Niobium Nb 92.906378 100
Zn 65.926037 27.90
67 92
Zn 66.927131 4.10 42 Molybdenum Mo 91.906810 14.84
68 94
Zn 67.924848 18.75 Mo 93.905088 9.25
70 95
Zn 69.925325 0.62 Mo 94.905841 15.92
Mo 95.904679 16.68
69 97
31 Gallium Ga 68.925581 60.108 Mo 96.906021 9.55
71 98
Ga 70.924705 39.892 Mo 97.905408 24.13
Mo 99.907477 9.63
32 Germanium Ge 69.924250 20.84
72 98
Ge 71.922076 27.54 43 Technetium Tc 97.907216 *
Ge 72.923459 7.73
74 96
Ge 73.921178 36.28 44 Ruthenium Ru 95.907598 5.54
76 98
Ge 75.921403 7.61 Ru 97.905287 1.87
Ru 98.905939 12.76
75 100
33 Arsenic As 74.921596 100 Ru 99.904220 12.60
Ru 100.905582 17.06
74 102
34 Selenium Se 73.922477 0.89 Ru 101.904350 31.55
76 104
Se 75.919214 9.37 Ru 103.905430 18.62
Se 76.919915 7.63
78 103
Se 77.917310 23.77 45 Rhodium Rh 102.905504 100
Se 79.916522 49.61
82 102
Se 81.916700 8.73 46 Palladium Pd 101.905608 1.02
Pd 103.904035 11.14
79 105
35 Bromine Br 78.918338 50.69 Pd 104.905084 22.33
81 106
Br 80.916291 49.31 Pd 105.903483 27.33
Pd 107.903894 26.46
78 110
36 Krypton Kr 77.920386 0.35 Pd 109.905152 11.72
Kr 79.916378 2.28
82 107
Kr 81.913485 11.58 47 Silver Ag 106.905093 51.839
83 109
Kr 82.914136 11.49 Ag 108.904756 48.161
Kr 83.911507 57.00
86 106
Kr 85.910610 17.30 48 Cadmium Cd 105.906458 1.25
Cd 107.904183 0.89
85 110
37 Rubidium Rb 84.911789 72.17 Cd 109.903006 12.49
87 111
Rb 86.909183 27.83 Cd 110.904182 12.80
Mass of Atom % Mass of Atom %
Z Name Symbol Z Name Symbol
(u) Abundance (u) Abundance
112 137
Cd 111.902757 24.13 Ba 136.905821 11.232
113 138
Cd 112.904401 12.22 Ba 137.905241 71.698
Cd 113.903358 28.73
116 138
Cd 115.904755 7.49 57 Lanthanum La 137.907107 0.090
La 138.906348 99.910
49 Indium In 112.904061 4.29
115 136
In 114.903878 95.71 58 Cerium Ce 135.907144 0.185
Ce 137.905986 0.251
112 140
50 Tin Sn 111.904821 0.97 Ce 139.905434 88.450
114 142
Sn 113.902782 0.66 Ce 141.909240 11.114
Sn 114.903346 0.34
116 141
Sn 115.901744 14.54 59 Praseodymium Pr 140.907648 100
Sn 116.902954 7.68
118 142
Sn 117.901606 24.22 60 Neodymium Nd 141.907719 27.2
119 143
Sn 118.903309 8.59 Nd 142.909810 12.2
120 144
Sn 119.902197 32.58 Nd 143.910083 23.8
122 145
Sn 121.903440 4.63 Nd 144.912569 8.3
124 146
Sn 123.905275 5.79 Nd 145.913112 17.2
Nd 147.916889 5.7
121 150
51 Antimony Sb 120.903818 57.21 Nd 149.920887 5.6
Sb 122.904216 42.79
61 Promethium Pm 144.912744 *
52 Tellurium Te 119.904020 0.09
122 144
Te 121.903047 2.55 62 Samarium Sm 143.911995 3.07
123 147
Te 122.904273 0.89 Sm 146.914893 14.99
124 148
Te 123.902819 4.74 Sm 147.914818 11.24
125 149
Te 124.904425 7.07 Sm 148.917180 13.82
126 150
Te 125.903306 18.84 Sm 149.917271 7.38
128 152
Te 127.904461 31.74 Sm 151.919728 26.75
130 154
Te 129.906223 34.08 Sm 153.922205 22.75

127 151
53 Iodine I 126.904468 100 63 Europium Eu 150.919846 47.81
Eu 152.921226 52.19
54 Xenon Xe 123.905896 0.09
126 152
Xe 125.904269 0.09 64 Gadolinium Gd 151.919788 0.20
128 154
Xe 127.903530 1.92 Gd 153.920862 2.18
129 155
Xe 128.904779 26.44 Gd 154.922619 14.80
130 156
Xe 129.903508 4.08 Gd 155.922120 20.47
131 157
Xe 130.905082 21.18 Gd 156.923957 15.65
132 158
Xe 131.904154 26.89 Gd 157.924101 24.84
134 160
Xe 133.905395 10.44 Gd 159.927051 21.86
Xe 135.907220 8.87
65 Terbium Tb 158.925343 100
55 Cesium Cs 132.905447 100
66 Dysprosium Dy 155.924278 0.06
130 158
56 Barium Ba 129.906310 0.106 Dy 157.924405 0.10
132 160
Ba 131.905056 0.101 Dy 159.925194 2.34
134 161
Ba 133.904503 2.417 Dy 160.926930 18.91
135 162
Ba 134.905683 6.592 Dy 161.926795 25.51
136 163
Ba 135.904570 7.854 Dy 162.928728 24.90
Mass of Atom % Mass of Atom %
Z Name Symbol Z Name Symbol
(u) Abundance (u) Abundance
Dy 163.929171 28.18
77 Iridium Ir 190.960591 37.3
165 193
67 Holmium Ho 164.930319 100 Ir 192.962924 62.7

162 190
68 Erbium Er 161.928775 0.14 78 Platinum Pt 189.959930 0.014
164 192
Er 163.929197 1.61 Pt 191.961035 0.782
166 194
Er 165.930290 33.61 Pt 193.962664 32.967
167 195
Er 166.932045 22.93 Pt 194.964774 33.832
168 196
Er 167.932368 26.78 Pt 195.964935 25.242
170 198
Er 169.935460 14.93 Pt 197.967876 7.163

169 197
69 Thulium Tm 168.934211 100 79 Gold Au 196.966552 100

168 196
70 Ytterbium Yb 167.933894 0.13 80 Mercury Hg 195.965815 0.15
170 198
Yb 169.934759 3.04 Hg 197.966752 9.97
171 199
Yb 170.936322 14.28 Hg 198.968262 16.87
172 200
Yb 171.936378 21.83 Hg 199.968309 23.10
173 201
Yb 172.938207 16.13 Hg 200.970285 13.18
174 202
Yb 173.938858 31.83 Hg 201.970626 29.86
176 204
Yb 175.942568 12.76 Hg 203.973476 6.87

175 203
71 Lutetium Lu 174.940768 97.41 81 Thallium Tl 202.972329 29.524
176 205
Lu 175.942682 2.59 Tl 204.974412 70.476

174 204
72 Hafnium Hf 173.940040 0.16 82 Lead Pb 203.973029 1.4
176 206
Hf 175.941402 5.26 Pb 205.974449 24.1
177 207
Hf 176.943220 18.60 Pb 206.975881 22.1
178 208
Hf 177.943698 27.28 Pb 207.976636 52.4
Hf 178.945815 13.62
180 209
Hf 179.946549 35.08 83 Bismuth Bi 208.980383 100

180 209
73 Tantalum Ta 179.947466 0.012 84 Polonium Po 208.982416 *
Ta 180.947996 99.988
85 Astatine At 209.987131 *
74 Tungsten W 179.946706 0.12
182 222
W 181.948206 26.50 86 Radon Rn 222.017570 *
W 182.950224 14.31
184 223
W 183.950933 30.64 87 Francium Fr 223.019731 *
W 185.954362 28.43
88 Radium Ra 226.025403 *
75 Rhenium Re 184.952956 37.40
187 227
Re 186.955751 62.60 89 Actinium Ac 227.027747 *

184 232
76 Osmium Os 183.952491 0.02 90 Thorium Th 232.038050 100
Os 185.953838 1.59
187 231
Os 186.955748 1.96 91 Protactinium Pa 231.035879 100
Os 187.955836 13.24
189 234
Os 188.958145 16.15 92 Uranium U 234.040946 0.0055
190 235
Os 189.958445 26.26 U 235.043923 0.7200
192 238
Os 191.961479 40.78 U 238.050783 99.2745
Mass of Atom %
Z Name Symbol
(u) Abundance

93 Neptunium Np 237.048167 *

94 Plutonium Pu 244.064198 *

95 Americium Am 243.061373 *

96 Curium Cm 247.070347 *

97 Berkelium Bk 247.070299 *

98 Californium Cf 251.079580 *

99 Einsteinium Es 252.082972 *

100 Fermium Fm 257.095099 *

101 Mendelevium Md 258.098425 *

102 Nobelium No 259.101024 *

103 Lawrencium Lr 262.109692 *

104 Rutherfordium Rf 263.118313 *

105 Dubnium Db 262.011437 *

106 Seaborgium Sg 266.012238 *

107 Bohrium Bh 264.012496 *

108 Hassium Hs 269.001341 *

109 Meitnerium Mt 268.001388 *

110 Ununnilium Uun 272.001463 *

111 Unununium Uuu 272.001535 *

112 Ununbium Uub (277) *

114 Ununquadium Uuq (289) *

116 Ununhexium Uuh (289) *

118 Ununoctium Uuo (293) *

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