Hamlet, de Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare
Ernestina Herrera de Noble

Editor General de Redaccin Hamlet

Ricardo Kirschbaum


Editor General de Revistas y Proyectos Especiales

Norberto Angeletti

Editor Jefe de Proyectos Especiales

Jos Antonio Alemn

Editor Jefe de Diseo

Jorge Doneiger

Vernica Colombo
Romina Romero

Artes Grficas Rioplatense
Tacuar 1850, Capital

Copyright 2008 AGEA SA / Queda hecho el depsito que establece la ley 11.723
Este libro no puede ser reproducido, ni total ni parcialmente. sin el permiso escrito del editor.
Todos los derechos reservados.

Shakespeare, William
Hamlet == Hamlet / William Shakespeare ; edicin literaria a cargo de Jos Alemn . 1a ed . Buenos
Aires: Arte Grfico Editorial Argentino, 2009.
v. 6, 64 p. ; 20x13 cm. - (Libros bilinges Clarn ingls-cas1ellano; 6)

Edicin bilinge espaol, ingls

ISBN 978-987-07 -0487-4
LIBROS /1/1/1////1
1. Teatro Ingls. 1. Alemn, Jos, ed. lit. BILlNGUES //1//1//11/1//1
CDD 822.33 CUlRIN //11/1/11/1
Fecha de catalogacin: 24/11/2008

1 1
The King ofDenmark died. His widow, Gertrude, soon married 1I 1\ Y de Dinamarca ha muerto. Su viuda, Gertrudis, no tarda en
the King's brother, Claudius, who has now become King. t ,1\.11 Sl' con el hermano del rey, Claudio, quien ahora se ha con-
Hamlet, the Prince, is disgusted with his mother for the wed- vertido en soberano. Hamlet, el prncipe, est furioso con su madre
ding, and dislikes his unde very mucho por la boda, y le desagrada muchsimo su to.
On a platform before the castle, at Elsinore, is Francisco, a sol- 1~11 11I1a explanada delante del castillo, en Elsinor, se encuentra

dier, at his post. Bernardo, an officer, comes to relieve him. I i.u u 1\\ o, t111 soldado, en su puesto. Bernardo, un oficial, llega a
"Long live the King!" exdaims Bernardo. 1\ 1\'''.11 In.
"You come most carefiilly' upon your hour," tells him Francisco. Larga vida al rey! +exclama Bernardo.
"It is now struck twelve. Get thee/ to bed, Francisco." -Llegas puntualmente a tu hora -Ie dice Francisco.
"For this relief many thanks: it is too cold, and 1am sick at heart ."3 +Son las doce ahora.Vete a dormir, Francisco.
"Have youhad a quiet guard?" asks Bernardo. Mu. h.1S gr,1Ciaspor este relevo: hace demasiado fro y me sien-
"Not a mouse stirring," he answers, prepared to leave. (tl.lh.ltldll.
Bernardo awaits for his partner Marcellus and Horario, Prince l J.\" umdo 1111.1 gll;lIda tranquila? -pregunta Bernardo.
Harnlet's kind and loyal friendo For two nights running, after +No se ha movido ni un ratn -contesta, listo para irse.
rnidnight, Marcellus and Bernardo have seen at their post the Bernardo espera a su compaero Marcelo y a Horacio, el
apparition of a ghost. They are sure that it is the late" King's buen y leal amigo del prncipe Harnlet. Durante dos noches
ghost. Horatio says it is but their fantasy, and will not let that seguidas, despus de la medianoche, Marcelo y Bernardo han
belief take hold ofhim. Therefore Marcellus has entreated him visto en su puesto la aparicin de un fantasma. Estn seguros
to watch along with them this present night; and, if again the de que es el fantas111_adel difunto rey. Horacio dice que no es
apparition comes, he may believe them." ms que su fantasa, y no se dejar llevar por esa supersticin.
Por eso, Marcelo le ha rogado que vigile junto a ellos esta mis-
ma noche; y, si la aparicin vuelve, tendr que creerles.

1, Cariflllly: cuidadosamente, En este contexto, puntualmente, atinadamente.

2, Thee: t, Forma arcaica del pronombre objeto de segunda persona del singular yOIl,
3, Yo be sick at heart/Izeartsick: estar abatido, sin fuerzas apenado,
4, Late: tarde, tardo, En este contexto, difunto,

'sl.n acercando y Bernardo les da la bienvenida a ambos.

They are coming closer, and Bernardo welcomes them
both. Qu, ha aparecido esa cosa de nuevo esta noche? +le pre-

"What, has that thing appeared again tonight?" asks Marcellus 'unta Marcelo.
"1 have seen nothing yet." -No he visto nada todava.
-Bah! N o aparecer -dice el escptico Horacio.
"Bah!, it will not appear," says the skeprical Horacio.
Pinz lrnente convencen a Horacio de que se siente y espere
They finally convince Horacio to take a seat and wait for a while.
But they don't need to wait mucho \11\ morn nto. Pero no necesitan esperar mucho.
Sil'ncio! Mira, viene de nuevo! -susurra Marcelo-. Acaso
"Be quiet! Look, it comes again!" whispers Marcellus. "Does it
not look like the King? Mark'' it, Horario." 1I se parece al rey? Mralo, Horacio.
-Muy parecido, lo que me llena de miedo y asombro -con-
"Most like, it harrows me with fear and wonder," he replies.
"You are a seh o 1ar; 6 speak. to it,
. I('S, '.!.
Horatio," says Marcellus.
"Question it." '111 '1 (S un irudito; hblale, Horacio -dice Marcelo-. Pre-
gllll!." ,
And Horacio speaks to it:
Y 110";\ , 1, habla:
"Who are you that usurp this time of night, with that noble
and warlike form in which the former majesty ofDenmark did
- uin eres t que usurpas este momento de la noche con
esa noble y marcial figura con la que marchaba a veces la ante-
sometimes march? By heaven.I speakl"
But the Ghost vanishes. i( r majestad. de Dinamarca? Por Dios, habla!

"It is offended," says Marcellus. "It is gone, and will not ans-
1'('l (1 ntasma desaparece.
wer. " Es!.\ o( ndi 1 -di Marcelo-. Se ha ido y no responder.
-Y ahora qu, Horacio?Tiemblas y ests plido: no es esto
"What about now, Horario?You tremble and look pale: is not
algo ms que una fantasa? Qu piensas de esto? -pregunta
this something more than fantasy?What do you think ofit?" asks
Bernardo. Bernardo.
Juro ante Dios que no lo creera sin la constatacin de mis
"1 swear before my God that 1 might not believe this without
\llopios ~ s +contesta Horacio.
the avouch of my own eyes," answers Horacio.
No S' p:lr .ce al rey? -pregunta Marcelo.
"Does it not look like the King?" asks Marcellus.
"A s you are to yourse lf : such was the very armour he had on 1110 t
ti mismo: aqulla era la mismsima armadura

que llevaba puesta cuando combati contra la ambiciosa

when he combated the ambitious Norway. It is strange," replies
good Horatio. Noruega. Es extrao -contesta el buen Horacio.

5. To lIlark: observar.juzgar, mirar.

6. Sthoiar:erudito. En esa poca se sostena que los espritus y todo lo que tena que ver con el otro
mundo se comunicaban en latn, algo que slo los eruditos estudiaban.
7. By heaveul: ipor el cielo! Expresin equivalente a por Dios!

"Is a war coming, Horatio? 1 mean, for his armour." l' ,IV' 'ina una guerra, Horacio? Quiero decir,por su armadura.
"1 do not know what to think, but, in my opinion, this bodes No s qu pensar pero, en mi opinin, esto presagia alguna
some strange eruption to our state." traa conmocin en nuestro estado.
In fact, the late King Hamlet had defeated and killed Fortinbras , n efecto, el difunto rey Harnlet haba vencido y matado a
the King ofNorway, who by a sealed compact, duly ratified by P rtimbrs, el rey de Noruega, quien segn un pacto sellado, debi-
law, did forfeit8 all his lands to the conqueror. Now, Fortinbras, d.uncntc ratificado por la ley, perda todas sus tierras en favor del
his son, knowing him dead, has sharked up a list oflawless men I nllqlll~I,ld r.Ahora, Fortimbrs hijo, sabindolo muerto, ha reclu-

to recover those lands from Denmark by strong hand. This was t 111 .1 1111 grupo de delincuentes para recuperar, por la fuerza, aque-
the main motive of their watch. 11.1~ tierras de Dinamarca. ste era el motivo principal de sus guardias.
They are talking of all these subjects, when the Ghost shows Mientras hablan de todos estos temas el fantasma se aparece de
up again, and Horacio cries out to it: nueve y Horacio le grita:
"Stay, illusion! Speak to me: if there is any good thing to be le )\lI'd,\II', ilusic n! Hblame: si hay algo bueno que pueda
done, that may ease you, speak to me. If you are privy to your 11 11 I I 1 11'11 pUl d,l .iliviartc, d melo. Si conoces el destino que
country's fate, which, happily, we may avoid, speak!"Just then the ,11\1 '11,11,1 :1 su pas, y qut: felizmente podamos evitar [habla! -Justo
cock crows. "Speak! Stop it, Marcel1us!" .nton .cs canta el gallo-o Habla! Detenlo, Marcelo!
"It is gone!" answers Marcellus. -Se ha ido! +contesta Marcelo.
"It was about to speak when the cock crew," says Bernardo. Estaba a punto de hablar cuando el gallo cant -dice Bernardo.
When the sun rises, they resolve to tell Hamlet about the Ghost; ( .u.mdo sale el sol, resuelven contarle a Harnlet lo del fantas-
for they are quite sure this spirit will speak to him. porque estn completamente
111.1, seguros de que este espritu
In the meanwhile, in a room of state in the castle, the new King, hablar con l.
the Queen, and Harnlet are gathered and have a conversation Mientras tanto, en un saln del castillo, el nuevo rey, la reina y
with other courtiers. The King Claudius speaks: Hamlet estn reunidos y conversan con otros cortesanos. El rey
"Though the memory of our dear King Hamlet's death is still .laudio habla:
green,? and the hearts of our whole kingdom are grief-stricken; -A pesar de que el recuerdo de la muerte de nuestro querido
yet 1 think of him with wisest sorrow. Therefore 1 have taken to 1 ey Harnlet est todava fresco, y de que los corazones de todo

wife my sornetirne sister.l" now my Queen. Now fol1ows that, 11u estro reino soportan una gran pena; aun as,yo pienso en l con
you know, young Fortinbras, thinking by our late dear King's death el ms sabio dolor. Por eso, he tomado por esposa a la que alguna
our state to be disjoint and out of frame, wants back those lands vez fue mi cuada y ahora es mi reina. Ahora sucede que, como
lost by his father with all bonds oflaw. Now, thus much the busi- s, ben, el joven Fortimbrs, creyendo que por la muerte de nues-
tlO querido difunto rey nuestro estado se encontrar desunido y
8. YofoiJeit: perder, renunciar a algo por una penalizacin.
9. Yo have I to keep the memory gree: avivar o mantener el recuerdo fresco de algo o alguien. t1.lstornado, quiere recuperar todas aquellas tierras perdidas por su
10. Sister: hermana. En este caso se refiere a su cuada o sister-in-law.
p,ldll . n todas las de la ley.Ahora bien, el asunto es el siguiente:


ness is: we have written to Norway, to the unde of young

I11 11111 's 'rito a Noruega, al to del joven Fortimbrs, quien ape-
Fortinbras, who scarcely hears of the purpose of his nephew, to
suppress Fortinbras' further gait.And Idispatch you, good Comelius 11.1 t 011 e el propsito de su sobrino, para detener el avance de
I '1 1 tirnbrs.Y yo los envo a ustedes, buen Cornelio y Voltimand,
andVoltimand, as bearers of this greeting t? Norway. Farewell,"!!
111 portadores de este saludo a Noruega.vayan, con Dios. .
They bow to the King and then leave the room. Next, the King
I LI . .n una reverencia al rey y abandonan el salon.Acto segUl-
addresses Laertes, Polonius' son, who requests the leave12 and
1111, ( 1 r y se dirige a Laertes, el hijo de Polonio, quien solicita la
favour of the King to return to France. The King first asks
1111,1Y el favor del rey para regresar a Francia. El rey pregu~ta
Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain, father ofLaertes and Ophelia;
111 1111 .ro a Polonio, el primer chambeln, padre de Laertes y Ofelia,
and so the permission is granted.
y .ntonces se le concede el permiso.
"Laertes; time be yours, you can leave", orders the King, and
-Laertes, aprovecha tu tiempo, puedes irte -le ordena ~l rey,.y
then, addressing young Harnlet, says: "But now, my nephew
Hamlet, and my son ... how is it that you are still so sad and full of 111 'g ,dirigindose aljoven HamIet, le =:Per~ ahora, ~ sobri-
sorrow?" . 1H I I 1. mlet, y mi hijo ... cmo es que todava estas tan tnste y lle-

"Not so, my lord; I am too happy," answers ironically Hamlet, 111) lc p na? ., .
who feels very uneasy about his unde. -Para nada, mi seor, estoy demasiado feliz -contesta iroruca-
111 nte Hamlet, quien se siente muy incmodo con su to.
"Good Hamlet, do not seek for your noble father in the dust
for ever: you know it is conunon, all that lives must die," says
-Bu n Harnlet, no busques a tu noble padre en el polvo siem-
IHI"' ,dH s que s normal, todo lo que vive debe morir -dice dul-
sweetly Gertrude.
1111111111 (:t'llllldis,
"Ay, 13 rnadam, it is common," replies her son. "But it is not alo-
's 11< 1111;\1 -1 ' nt sta u hijo-o Pero no es slo mi
, ." ~ '1101 ,1,
ne my inky doak, good mother, nor the crying of my eyes, toge-
apa negra, buena madre, ni el llanto de mis ojos junto con todas
ther with all forrns and shows of grief, for a man can play all the-
se. It is what I have within my soul." las maneras y muestras de dolor, porque un hombre puede fin-
gir todas estas cosas. Es lo que llevo dentro del alma.
"It is sweet, Hamlet, to give this mourning to your father; but,
+Es amable, Harnlet, ofrecerle este duelo a tu padre; pero
you must know your father lost a father; that father lost his; and
debes saber que tu padre perdi a su padre, aquel padre per-
you are bound for some term to do sorrow. But to persevere in
di al suyo; y t ests obligado por un tiempo a cumplir con
obstinate condolement is unmanly; it shows a will incorrect to
el luto, pero perseverar en una condolencia obstinada es poco
heaven; a heart unfortified, a mind impatient, an understanding
viril; muestra una voluntad incorrecta hacia el cielo, un cora-
simple and unschooled. We pray you, throw this to earth; and
zn dbil, una mente impaciente, un entendimiento simple
e inculto. Te rogamos que lo deseches, y que pienses en m
11. Farewel': adis, que os vaya bien, id con Dios. Frmula poco utilizada para despedirse.
12. Leave: permiso, venia, licencia.
13. Ay or Aye: sLAdverbio afirmativo de uso literario.

thi~k of me as a father.You are the most immediate to our throne. 11111111 un padre. T eres el ms prximo a nuestro trono.Y con
And for your intent in going back to school in Wittenberg, it is 11', p , .to a tu propsito de regresar a la escuela en Wittenberg,
most retrograde to our desire: and we beseech you to remain -s lo ms contrario a nuestro deseo y te suplicamos que te que-
here," says the King. aqu -dice el rey.
His mother, Queen Gertrude, begs him to stay at Elsinore, and u madre, la reina Gertrudis, le ruega que se quede en Elsinor,
the Prince obeys. ,\ prncipe obedece.
Soon they allleave the room and Hamlet talks to himself 1 '1' nto todos abandonan el saln y Harnlet habla para s:
"O that the Everlasting14 had not fixed his canon against self- Ojal Dios no hubiera fijado una ley contra el suicidio! Oh,
slaughter! O God! 1 find all this abhorrent and repugnant! Two I ios! [Encuentro todo esto aborrecible y repugnante! Dos meses
months dead! Nay,15 not even two! So excellent a king! Must 1 mu rto, mejor dicho, ni siquiera dos! Un rey tan excelente. Debo
remember? She kissed him as if she loved him, and yet, within a f( rordarlo? Ella lo besaba como si lo amara, y aun as, en un mes ...

month ... Let me not think of it. ..Your narne is Frailty, woman! r ~Il quic pensar en ello... Tu nombre es Flaqueza, mujer! Sigui
She followed my poor father's body, a11tears. O God! A beast that d ( uerpo d mi padre, llena de lgrimas. Oh Dios! Una bestia
lacks reason would have mourned longer; married within a month (,lIrlltl' de razn se habra lamentado ms tiempo; en un mes
with my uncle, my father's brother; but no more like my father casada on mi to, el hermano de mi padre, pero no ms parec-
than 1to Hercules. 0, such incestll" It is not good ..." (IO;l mi padre que yo a Hrcules. Oh, semejante incesto! No est
Horatio, Marcellus, and Bernardo enter at the time. Horario 1111 11 ,

relates the Prince what they have seen. HamJet is astonished. Thi~ l h u. 111, Mnrc 1 y Bernardo entran en ese momento. Horacio
troubles him very mucho He resolves he will watch with thern 1 1,11.1 ,d plllril I qu han visto. Hamlet est atnito. Esto lo
tonight. Some strange feeling is growing within his heart, and he p -rturba mu hlsim . J esuclve que esta noche har guardia con
is terrified. ('!I(S. Un extrao sentimiento est creciendo en su corazn, y est
In a room in Poloniuss house, Laertes and his beloved sister ,1 t ('1'1, el . I
Ophelia talk. 1 ,11 111 1:1 habitacin de la casa dePolonio, Laertes y su querida
"My necessaries are embarked: farewell, sister, and do not sleep, 1111111.111,1 () elia hablan:
but let me hear fiorn you.Write me." 1\1/ (1\ ,1 mb: r adas, adis, hermana, y 'no te duermas,
"Do you doubt that?" II,WII H ,d 1\'1 ti ' vos. I\s iribime.
"And for Hamlet, and the trifling ofhis favour, hold it a fash- - lud. s?
ion, the pastime ofa minuto. No more." . -y en cuanto a Hamlet y a la insignificancia de su galan-
teo, tomalo por un capricho, pasatiempo de un minuto. Nada
[-L EJ)erla'li/J,~: eterno. Manera de referirse a Dios por medio de tino de sus atributos. ms.
J 5. No)" m.is an, ms bien, mejor dicho.
16. huest: incesto. El matrimonio de una viuda con su cuado se consideraba incesto y estaba pro-
hibido por la Iglesia Catlica y la Protestante.

"No more but so?" asks Ofelia, disappointed. I ,,, 111 1 que eso? -pregunta Ofelia, decepcionada. .
"Perhaps he loves you now; but you must fear. His greatnes I ti '1. t \ ama ahora, pero debes desconfiar. Su grandeza

weighs; his will is not his own, for he himself is subject to his 11 v Juntad no es la suya, porque l mismo est atado
,1" \1 a
birth: he may not carve for himself; for on his choice depends the 11 11,11 111\ ic nto: no puede forjarse su destino, porque de su elec-

safety of this whole state. Fear it, Ophelia, my dear sister; and keep 1"" dI P -nde el bienestar de todo este estado. Desconfa,
you out of the danger of desire." I 11,11,1, I" querida hermana, y mantente fuera del peligro del
"This good lesson will be the watchman to my heart." I 111.

Polonius enters the room to hurry Laertes, whose ship is about I(sta buena leccin ser el guardin de mi corazn.
to17 sail. Before he walks out the room; Laertes shouts to her: I'olomo entra en la sala para apremiar a Laertes, cuyo barco est
"Remember! " ,1 I unto de zarpar. Antes de salir de la habitacin, Laertes le grita:
"What is it, Ophelia, he has said to you?" asks her father, very Recuerda! .
curious about it, waving to his son. Qu es, Ofelia,lo que te ha dicho? -Pregunta su padre muy
"Something touching'" lord Harnlet." curioso, despidindose con la mano de su hijo.
"Well bethought. 1 have heard that he has given private time -Algo acerca de Harnlet. .
to you; and you yourselfhave been most free and generous.What -Bien pensado. He escuchado que te ha dedicado tiempo en
is between you? Give me up the truth." privado, y que t misma has estado muy libre y generosa. Qu
"He has made many tenders of his affection to me lately, my II.IY entre ustedes? Decime la verdad.
lord." l me ha dado muchas muestras de su cario ltimamen-
"Affection!You speak like a green girl, in such a perilous cir- le, seor.
cumstance. Do you believe his tenders, as you call them?" -Cario! Hablas como una nia inmadura, en una circunstan-
"1 do not know what 1 should think, my lord. He says he loves cia tan peligrosa. Crees en sus muestras, como t las llamas?
me in an honourable way, with all the holy vows ofheaven." +No s qu debo pensar, seor. Dice que me ama de una for-
"Ow, Ophelia, do not believe his vows. 1 won't say this twice: ma honrada, con todos los sagrados votos del cielo.
1 will not allow you, in plain terms, from this time forth, to talk -Ay, Ofelia!, no creas en susjuramentos. No dir esto dos veces:
to lord Harnlet. Look to19 it." no te permitir, hablando claro, que de aqu en adelante hables
"1 shall obey, my lord." con Hamlet. Recurdalo.
It is almost midnight. Harnlet, Horario, and Marcellus are now -Obedecer, seor.
at the platform. A moment after twelve, the ghost shows itself. Es casi medianoche. Harnlet, Horacio y Marcelo estn ahora
en la explanada. Un momento despus de las doce, el fantasma
17. Yo be abolll lo do somet{illg: estar a punto de hacer algo. se aparece.
18. Yol/c{illg: sobre, acerca de, a propsito. Usado como preposicin introduce un complemento de
terna o argumento.
19. Yo /ook lo somethiug: recordar, tener en cuenta algo..

"Angels of grace, defend us!" cries Hamlet, ''1'11 call you Hamlet, "Po 11' ti ' la gracia, defindenos! -grita Hamlet-. Te lla-
King, father, answer me! Tell why your canonized bones have 111111 rey, padre, defindannos! Dime por qu tus hue-
11.11111 'l,
burst their shroud. 20What should we do for you?"
11 \lllls.lgrados han roto su mortaja. Qu hemos de hacer
The Ghost beckons Harnlet to follow it. He realizes that it will
1'111 11 ~ . '
speak with him alone. His friends beg him no to go, but Hamlet I1 1.1I11.1~l11a le hace seas a Hamlet para que lo SIga.El se da
follows it anyway. They resolve to follow Harnlet to protect him. 11I 111.\ ti que hablar con l a solas. Sus amigos le ruegan que
In a more remote part of the castle, the Ghost speaks to 111 .1 .1, pero Hamlet lo sigue de todos modos. Ellos deciden
I glllI a Hamlet para protegerlo.
"1 arn your father's spirit; doomed for a certain term to walk I\ll una parte ms remota del castillo,el fantasma le habla a Harnlet.
the night, and for the day confined to waste in fires till the sins oy el espritu de tu padre, condenado por cierto tiempo a
done in my life are purged away. But now you will hear a story Vd nr por la noche, y por .el da obligado a consumirme en los
that would freeze your blood. If you ever loved your dear father,
111 'gos hasta que los pecados cometidos en vida sean pur~ados.
revenge his murder."
1I '1'0 ahora escuchars una historia que te helar la sangre. SI algu-
na vez amaste a tu querido padre, venga su asesinato.
"It is given out that, sleeping in my orchard,21 a serpent stung
-Asesinato! .
me; the whole ofDenmark believes so; but now; the serpent that - e ha divulgado que, durmiendo en mi huerto, una serpIen-
did sting your father wears his crown."
11 m' mordi; toda Dinamarca lo cree as; pero ahora, la ser-
"O my prophetic sou]] My unde!"
1'1('lll' que mordi a tu padre lleva su corona.
"Sleeping within my orchard, my custom always in the after- -Oh, mi alma proftica! Mi to!
noon, your unde did pour a poison in my ear. lt killed me at -Mientras dorma en mi huerto, mi costumbre de siempre
once. Thus 1 was stripped at once, by a brother's hand, of my life, por las tardes, tu to derram veneno en mi odo. Me mat en
of my crown, of my Queen. No reckoning made, he sent me to el acto. As fui yo despojado en un instante, por la mano de un
the eternal court with all my imperfections on my head. But,
lu-rmano, de mi vida, mi corona y mi reina. Sin haber hecho
howsoever you pursue this act, do not let your soul act against 1 oufcsin, me envi al tribunal eterno con todas mis imper-
your mother: leave her to heaven. 1must go now; adieu! Hamlet, 1 i nes sobre mi cabeza. Pero, como sea que lleves adelante
remember me."
'Sl ' acto, no dejes que tu alma acte contra tu madre: djase-
Some minutes later his good friends come to him. They are
In al cielo. Debo irme ya, adis! Hamlet, recurdame.
really concerned about Hamlet. He does not tell them what the
Unos minutos ms tarde llegan sus buenos amigos. Estn real-
ghost said, but makes them swear that they will never speak of it.
mente preocupados por Harnlet. l no les cuenta lo que ha dicho
11 fimtasma, pero les hace jurar que nunca hablarn de l.
20. Shroud; mortaja.
21. Ordiard: huerto, especfica mente el de rboles frutales.

n 11
Polonius finds sweet Ophelia entering her room, filled with dis- 1', tll '1110 encuentra a la dulce Ofelia entrando en su habitacin
tOt.d'll -nte consternada.
"How now, Ophelia! What's the matter?" Y ahora qu, Ofelia? Qu pasa?
"Al 23 1
as, my ord, 1 have been so frightened! As 1 was sewing in lA ~l'il r, he tenido tanto miedo! Mientras estaba cosiendo
my chamber, Hamler carne before me, pale as his shirt, very much 11 1111 (.imara, HamIet se me apareci plido como su camisa,
slovenly, and with such a piteous look!" 11111 .lcsaliado.ry con un aspecto tan penoso!
"Mad for your love?"
l.oco por tu amor?
"My lord, 1 do not know; but truly 1 do fear it,", Mi seor, no lo s, pero verdaderamente temo que si.
"What did he say?"
Qu te dijo? \
"He took me by the wrist, and held me hard, staring at me. Me tom de la mueca y me sujet con fuerza, mirndome
Long he stayed so and at last, he let me go, and lefi the room sta- Iq,lIl1cnte.Estuvo as largo rato y, al fin, me solt, y sali de la habi-
ring at nowhere."
tacin con la mirada perdida en la nada.
"Come with me: 1will go to see the King. This is the very ecs- -Ven comnigo. Ir a ver al rey.Esto es puro xtasis de amor. Le
tasy oflove. Have you given him any hard words oflate?" has hablado con dureza estos ltimos das?
"N o, my good lord; but, as you did command, 1 did repel his -No, mi buen seor, pero hice como me orden, rechac sus
letters and denied his access to me." I ,11 tn, y le negu sus visitas.

"That has made him mad. Come, this must be known." I~s lo ha enloquecido.Venga, esto tiene que saberse.
In the main room in the castle, the King and the Queen recei- En una sala principal del castillo, el rey y la reina reciben a
ve Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Rosencrantz y Guildenstern.
"Welcome! We have sent for you for we need your assistance -Bienvenidos! Los mandamos llamar porque necesitamos
very mucho 1 entreat you both, being brought up with Hamlet muchsimo su ayuda. Les ruego a ambos, porque desde tan
of so young days, that you rest here in our court for some time pequeos se han criado con HamIet, que se queden un tiem-
and gather what afflicts him thus." po aqu, en nuestra corte, y averiguen qu lo aflige de esta
"Good gentlemen, he has much talked of you, 1 am sure he manera.
esteerns you both very mucho If it will please you to show us so -Gentiles caballeros, l ha hablado mucho de ustedes, estoy
much gentry and good-will, please, stay,"says the Queen. segura de que los estima muchsimo. Si a ustedes les place demos-
They both accept to please their Majesties, and a servant leads lrarnos su gentileza y buena voluntad, por favor, qudense -Ies
them to their rooms.Just then Polonius enters, and speaks to the ti U la Reina.
Ambos aceptan complacer a sus majestades, y un sirviente los
22. Filled wirh dismay: llena de consternacin. iua a sus aposentos. Justo entonces Polonio entra y le habla al
23. Alas: Interjeccin usada para expresar tristeza o consternacin. Hoy:

"1 believe, my lord, 1 have found the very cause/" of Hamlet's ( ICO, mi seor, que he hallado la verdadera causa de la locu-
II dt' Hamlet.
"O, speak of that. Have you heard so, my dear Queen?" Oh, dnoslo. Has odo, mi querida reina?
"1 doubt it is no other but his father's death and our overhasty Dudo que sea otra cosa que la muerte de su padre y nuestra
marriage," says Gertrude. ''1m:surada boda -dice Gertrudis.
At this moment Voltimand and Cornelius come back fram 1~1lese momentoVoltimand y Cornelio regresan de Noruega.
Norway.Their labour was successful.The King congratulates them "" 1 tarea fue un xito. El rey los felicita y los invita a un festn.
and invites them to a feast. -La empresa ha tenido buen fin. Me alegra, mi seor -dice
"This business is well ended. 1 am glad, my lord," says Polonius Polonia tras su partida-o Mi seor y seora, ser breve: su noble
after their leave. "My liege,25 and madam, 1 will be brief your hijo est loco ... Tengo una hija, quien en su deber y obediencia
noble son is mad ... 1 have a daughter who, in her duty and obe- lile ha dado esto.
dience has given me this." El primer chambeln les muestra una carta y la lee: A la
The Lord Chamberlain shows a letter, and reads it: 'To the celes- celestial, e dolo de mi alma, la ms hermosa Oelia, duda que
tial, and my soul's idol, the most beautiful Ophelia, doubt the stars las estrellas sean fuego, duda que la verdad sea mentira, pero
are fire; doubt truth to be a liar; but never doubt 1 love you. O nunca dudes que te amo. Oh, querida Ofelia, yo te amo, cree-
dear Ophelia, 1 love you, believe it.Yours evermore, Hamlet.' lo.Tuyo por siempre, Harnlet.
"But how has she received his love?" asks the King. -Pero crno ha recibido ella su amor? -pregunta el rey.
"1 am a faithful and honourable man.As 1perceived it, before Soy un hombre leal y honrado. En cuanto lo not, antes de
my daughter told me, 1spoke thus to her: 'Lord Hamlet is a prince, ljue mi hija me lo contase, habl as con ella: Hamlet es un prn-
out of your sphere; this must not be.' And then 1gave her pre- cipe, fuera de tu esfera, esto no puede sers.Y luego le di indic~~
cepts. She took the fruits of my advice; and he, rejected, fell into ciones. Ella tom en cuenta mi consejo, y l, rechazado, se SUII1l0
a sadness." vn la tristeza.
Claudius and Polonius make a plan to test it, for the King do es Claudio y Polonia elaboran un plan para comprobarlo, por-
not actually believe this to be the reason of Harnlet's madness. 'I"l' el rey no cree realmente que sta sea la razn de la locura.
They will hide to observe Ophelia and Hamlet while together.
But now they must be quiet, for the Prince walks in reading.
"l'l Iamlet. Ellos se ocultarn para observar a Ofelia y Hamlet
nucntras estn juntos. Pero ahora deben callar, porque el prnci-
"How is my good Hamlet?" asks his mother. pe entra leyendo.
"Well." Cmo est mi buen Hamlet? -le pregunta su madre.
"Do you know me, my lord?" inquires Polonius. Bien.
Me conoces, mi seor? -pregunta Polonia.
24. !-by callse: La verdadera causa. Intensifica el sentido del sustantivo al que precede ..
25. Uege: seor feudal. De uso arcaico.

"Of course, you're a fishmonger." Harnlet goes on with hi lIt I fcctamente bien, eres un pescadero. +Hamlet sigue con su
game. He senses they were speaking of him. ,'h'~. Presiente que estaban hablando de l.
"Not 1, my lord." Yo no, mi seor.
" "Have you a daughter?" -Tienes una hija?
" "1 have, my lord," he answers, and then he whispers to the King: , i, mi seor -le contesta, y luego le susurra al rey-: Qu decs
H~w say you by that? Harping on my daughter. 1'11 speak to 1/, esto? Insistiendo con mi hija. Le hablar de nuevo. Qu lees,
agam. What do you read, my lord?" 1111 s .or?
"Words, words, words." Palabras, palabras, palabras.
"What is the matter, my lord?" De qu tratan, mi seor?
"Slanders, sir." alumnias, seor.
"Th.oug h26 t hi s lS
. madness, yet there is a method in it," thinks A pesar de que esto es locura, aun as tiene lgica, piensa
Poloruus. Then he asks perrnission to leave. 1'111 inio. Pide entonces permiso para irse.
"Tedious old fools!" says Harnlet when he is gone. Then he sees Tediosos viejos tontos! -dice Harnlet cuando se ha ido. Luego
~osencrantz and Guildenstern coming in, and welcomes them. v ' a Rosencrantz y Guildenstern llegar y les da la bienvenida-o
My excellent friends! How are you? What's the news? What Mis excelentes amigos! Cmo estn? Qu noticias traen? Qu
have you done, good lads, that fortune sends you to prison here?'; 11;111 hecho, buenos muchachos, que la fortuna los enva a prisin
"Prison, my lord?" replies Guildenstern. . "1" ?
"Denrnark's a prison." Prisin, mi seor? -contesta Guildenstern.
"We do not think so, my lord," adds Rosencrantz. I inamarca es una prisin.
"It is not to you, to me it is a prison. Shall we go for a walk? I No lo creemos as, mi seor -agrega Rosencrantz.
cannot reason." +No lo es para ustedes, para m es una prisin. Vamos a dar un
"We'll walk with you." I .IS 'o? No puedo razonar.
"But, for our friendship, what brings you to Elsinore?" ,aminaremos contigo.
"To visit you, my lord; no other occasion." P -ro, por nuestra amistad, qu los trae a Elsinor?
"1 thank you, but, were you not sent for? Is it a free visitation? Visitada, mi seor, ningn otro motivo.
Come, deal justly with me, speak." .. I agradezco, pero no fueron llamados? Es una visita
"What should we say,my lord?" says Guildenstern, looking at olnntariarVamos, sean honestos conmigo, hablen.
Rosencrantz suspiciously. u debemos decide, mi seor? -dice Guildenstern miran-
"Anything. There is a kind of confession in your looks. I know do lRosencrantz con recelo.
the good King and Queen have sent for you." L que sea. Hay una suerte de confesin en sus miradas. S
qll' 1 buen rey y la reina los han llamado.
26. 77lOlIgh ... ye/: a pesar de ... aun as. Coordinacin adversativa.

"To what end, my lord?" asks Rosencrantz. ( II1I qu fin, mi seor? -pregunta Rosencrantz. .
"That you must teach me, by the rights of our fellowship, b I\M) deben decrmelo ustees, por los derechos de nuestra amis-
the obligation of our ever-preserved love." LId, por la obligacin de nuestro ininterrumpidoafecto.
They look at each other in a frantic way and do not know wha Hilos e miran el uno al otro de una manera desesperada y no
to do. ,\\11 1\ qu hacer.

"1 have an eye on you,"27 tells them the Prince. I \)~ stoy observando -Ies dice el prncipe.
"My lord, we were sent for." says Guildenstern at last. M j seor, fuimos llamados -dice al fin Guildenstern.
"1 will tell you why," says Hamlet, "so your secrecy to the Kin Yo les dir por qu =dice Harnlet-.As no revelarn su secre-
and Queen is not broken by you. 1 have oflate lost a11my mirth (1) con el rey y la reina. He perdido ltimamente toda mi ale-
forgone a11custom of exercises." 1\ ia, he abandonado todos mis hbitos de ejercicio.
"Sir, the players of the city are coming, those you like so much S .or, los actores de la ciudad estn llegando, aquellos que tan-
the tragedians ofWittenberg. That will cheer you up." (1 I k agradan, los actores de Wittenberg. Eso lo alegrar.
The trumpets sound, announcing the players. Las trompetas suenan anunciando a los actores. .
"Gentlemen," says Hamlet to his friends, looking happy for th -Caballeros -dice Hamlet a sus amigos, con aspecto fehz por
first time since his father's death, "you are welcome to Elsinore. primera vez desde la muerte de su padre-, son bienvenidos, a
But let me tell you something: my uncle-father and aunt-mother I\Isinor.Pero djenme decirles algo: mi to-padre y ta-madre estan
are being deceived. 1 am not as mad as everyone believes." u-ndo engaados. No estoy tan loco como todos piensan.
"My lord, 1 have news to tell you," cries out Polonius as he Mi seor, tengo noticias que contarle -grita Polonia mien-
rushes into the room. "The actors are coming, the best actors in entra corriendo en la sala-o Los actores estn viniendo, los

the world, either for tragedy, comedy, history, pastorals, or poetry." mejores actores del mundo, ya sea para tragedia, comedia, histo-
Just then five actors come into the room. He knows them well ria, pastorales o poesa. ,
from school. . Justo entonces cinco actores entran en la habitacin. Ellos cono-
"You are welcome, masters; 1 am glad to see you well," then, l' , bien de la escuela.
addressing Polnius again, he asks, "My good lord, will you see -Son bienvenidos, maestros, me alegra verlos bien. -Lueg<?,diri-
the players well bestowed? Take them in." gindose a Polonio de nuevo, le pide -Mi buen Seor, cuidars
Polonius takes thema11 with him, but the Prince asks the first que estos actores sean bien atendidos? Uvalos dentro.
player to stay. P~lonio los lleva a todos con l, pero el prncipe le pide al actor
"Can you play 'The Murder of Gonzago' tomorrow night?" principal que se quede. \ .
asks him once they are alone. -Pueden representar maana por la noche El asesinato de
"Ay, my lord." Conzago? -le pregunta una vez que estn solos.
-S, seor.
27. To have a" eye O" sOlllebody: estar observando a alguien. Expresin idiomtica.

Then, Harnlet asks if they could study a speech of some dozer I IIltlllll .Llnmlct pregunta si podran estudiar un discurso de
lines, which he would set down/" and insert in the play.The acto 1111 I 1 h 11 (' I t1 'as, que l escribira e insertara en la obra. El actor
answers they would. ,111 1 qu I harn. .'
Now Harnlet is all alone again. He feels miserable, and full o 111 11.\ L lamlet est solo de nuevo. Se siente desdichado y lle-
sorrow, but also full of anger. He desires so much to avenge the 11' h \ri:teza, pero tambin lleno de rabia. Desea tanto vengar la

death of his father. He'll have these actors play something like 1111 \1 i\ 1 de su padre. Har que estos actores escenifiquen algo ~are-

the murder ofhis father before his unde. He'll observe his looks, , 1,1 ,ti ;lsesinato de su padre delante de su to, l observara sus
and he'll catch the conscience of the King. 111I1.lIlaS y escudriar la conciencia del rey.

111 III
Harnlet is walking along the corridor of the castle, when he finds I 1.II111et
atraviesa el corredor del castillo,cuando encuentra a Ofeli~
Ofelia, ordered by her father, walking around with a book that 'I1I ,siguiendo rdenes de su padre, se pasea con ~n libro que ID
she is not even reading. The King and Polonius are hidden dose j luiera est leyendo. El rey y Polonio estn escondidos cerca para
by so they can see them and hear them talking. I oder as verlos y escuchados hablar. ..
"To be, or not to be, that is the question: whether it is nobler -Ser o no ser, sa es la pregunta: si es ms noble sufnr las fle-
to suffer the arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against 1 has de la atroz fortuna, o .armarse contra un mar de proble-
a sea of troubles. To die, to sleep, no more ..." he quietens down III:\S.Morir, dormir, no ms ... -l calla cuando la ve-o Oh! La
when he sees her, "Oh! The fair Ophelia! Nymph, remember all h .rrnosa Ofelia! Ninfa, recuerda todos mis pecados en tus ora-
my sins in your prayers."
iones. Of li
"Good my lord, how do you do this day?" asks Ophlelia sweetly. -Mi buen seor, cmo est hoy? -pregunta dulcemente e a.
"1 humbly thank you; well, well." -Te lo agradezco humildemente, bien, bien.
"My lord, 1 have remembrances of yours that 1 wish to rede- -Mi seor, tengo recuerdos suyos que deseo devolvede. Le ru,e-
liver. 1 pray you, now receive them."
1'0 recbalos ahora.
"1 did love you once." -Te am una vez.
"Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so." De hecho, mi seor, me hiciste creedo.
"You should not have believed me. 1 loved you not." -No debiste haberme credo. No te am.
"1 was the more deceived." -Fui la ms engaada.
"Get you to a nunnery: why should you be a breeder of sin- Vete a un convento: por qu deberas ser madre de pecado-
ners? 1 am honest; but yet 1 could accuse me of other things: 11 s? Soy honesto, pero an as puedo acusarme de otras cosas:

28. To set down: escribir algo ~obre papel.

le) HAMlET

1 arn very proud, revengeful, ambitious. We are a11knave 11 IllUyorgulloso, vengativo, ambicioso. Todos somos unos bella-
Believe none of us. Where's your father?" .
I 1 )~; todos, no nos creas a nmguno. D'on de esta' tu pa dr e.?
"At horne, my lord."
-En casa, mi seor.
"Good, shut the doors, that he may play the fool nowhere bu -Bien, cierra las puertas, para que haga el tonto slo en su pro-
in his own house. Farewell."
1'1,1 casa.Adis. .
"O, help him, God!" prays Ophelia with tears in her eyes. Oh, aydalo, Dios! -suplica Ofelia con lgrimas en los OJos.
"God has given you one face, and you rnake yourselves another, -Dios les ha dado una cara y ustedes inventan otra, mujeres.
women. It has made me mad. 1 say,we will have no more 111ar- 1\50 me ha vuelto loco.Yo digo, no habr ms matrimonios en
riages in Denmark. To a nunnery, go!"
Dinamarca. A un convento, vete!
Ophelia cries bitterly, she is vely much upset and broken-heart- Ofelia llora amargamente, est muy afectada y con el corazn
ed. Her love and everything that once was good in him are now 1\ .strozado. Su amor y todo lo que alguna vez fue bueno en l ya
lost. The King and Polonius show up again, when Hamlet is al- 110 existen. El rey y Polonio aparecen de nuevo, cuando Hamlet
ready gone. Though Polonius foolisWy insists Ofelia 1S the cause ya se ha ido. Aunque Polonio tontamente insiste en que Ofelia
of his insanity the King is very concerned, for he thinks that es la causa de su locura, el rey est muy preocupado, pues cree
something dangerous is growing in H~mlet's heart, and he fears. que algo peligroso est creciendo en el corazn de Hamlet, y tie-
"Love! It has nothing to do with love. There is something else u miedo.
in his rnind and souI. 1 shalJ be very careful. Madness in great ones Amor! No tiene nada que ver con el amor. Hay algo ms en
must be watched," he thinks.
'u mente y en su alma. Ser muy cuidadoso. La locura en los gran-
Before the play begins, Hamlet asks his loyal fi'iend Horacio to les debe ser vigiladas.piensa.
observe his uncIe carefully during the play. They are all rakinz Antes de que comience la obra, Hamlet le pide a su leal ami-
their seats now. D
o Horacio que observe cuidadosamente a su to durante la fun-
"Come here, my dear Hamlet, sit by me," says the Queen. cin.Ahora todos estn ocupando sus lugares.
"No, good mother, here's someone more attractive," replies -Ven aqu, mi querido Harnlet, sintate conmigo -dice la reina.
Hamlet g0ll1g toward Ophelia.
-No, buena madre, aqu hay alguien ms atractivo -contesta
"O'. do you mar k t 1lato;:>" w hi . to the King.
'uspcrs Polonius Ilarnlet dirigindose hacia Ofelia.
The trumpets sound. The dumb ShOW29 begins. A King and a -Oh! te has fijado en eso? -susurra Polonio al rey.
Queen entero He lays down upon S0111eflowers; she, seeing hirn Suenan las trompetas. La parte muda de la obra comienza. Un
asleep,leaves him.Anon30 a fellow comes in, takes offhis crown I y Y una reina entran. l se recuesta sobre unas flores; ella, vin-
pours poison in the King's ear, and leaves. The Queen returns: ti lo dormido, lo deja. Sin demora un hombre entra, le quita su
I rona, derrama veneno en la oreja del rey y se va. La reina regresa,
29. Dl//:'u sluni; porte muda de lo obro que se dranutizaba al conuenzo, a modo de resumen, para que
los t:spcnadort"~ conocieran su argumento.
30. Al/oII: sin tardanza.rsin demora. De uso literario.

finds the King dead, and makes passionate action. The Poisone , 11111 .ntra al rey muerto, y reacciona apasionadamente. El enve-
and three Mutes come in again, seeming to lament with her. The IU'"ndor y tres actores mudos regresan, fingiendo lamentarse ~on
dead body is carried away.The Poisoner wooes the Queen with I lIa. El cuerpo sin vida es transportado. El envenenador corteja a
gifi:s;she seems loath awhile, but in the end accepts his love. The l., 1 .ina con regalos; ella parece resistirse un tiempo, pero al final
the actors leave the stage. \1 epta su amor. Entonces los actores abandonan la escena.

"What means this, my lord?" asks Ophelia to Harnlet. Qu significa esto, mi seor? -pregunta Ofelia a Harnlet.
"Mischief." -Maldad.
The King rises. Harnlet watches carefully. No one understands -1 rey se levanta. Harnlet observa cuidadosamente. Nadie entien-
what is going on. ti ' lo que est ocurriendo.
"What is the matter, my lord?" asks the Queen. -Cul es el problema, mi seor? -pregunta la reina.
"Give me some Iightl " Away!" cries the King. -Dnme luz! Fuera! -grita el rey.
"Give over the play" orders Polonius. -Que termine la funcin! -ordena Polonio.
Everybody leaves the room but Harnlet and Horatio. Todos abandonan la sala menos Hamlet y Horacio.
"O good Horario] Did you perceive it?" -Oh, buen Horacio! Lo has percibido?
"Very well, my lord." -Muy bien, mi seor.
"Upon the talk of the poisoning?" -Al mencionarse el veneno?
"1 did very well note him." -Lo he notado muy bien.
"Ah!" cries Hamlet happily when Rosencrantz and Guil- -Ah! -grita Harnlet con felicidad justo cuando entran Rosen- .
denstern entero I rantz y Guildenstern.
"My good lord, vouchsafe me a word with you," says one of -Mi buen seor, concdanme una palabra con vos -dice uno
them. ti' ellos.
"Sir, a whole history," the Prince making fun of them. -Seor, toda una historia -contesta el prncipe burlndose de
"The King, sir, is in his retirement, completely distempered," -llcs.
says the other. El rey, seor, est en sus aposentos, completamente alterado
"With drink, sir?" replies Harnlet again ironically. dice el otro.
"No, my lord; rather with choler. The Queen, your mother, Por la bebida? -responde Harnlet de nuevo irnicamente.
is in great affliction. She desires to speak with you in her No, mi seor, ms bien por la clera. La reina, su madre, est
closet." IlIlIy afligida. Ella quiere hablar con vos en su alcoba.
"1 shall obey. But now, leave me all. 1 need to be alone." bedecer. Pero ahora djenme todos. Necesito estar solo.
They do so, and he speaks to himself 11. 1\os lo dejan, y l habla consigo mismo:

31 . Gille lile 50llle I(~"t: El rey pide que se enciendan las antorchas, que eran la nica iluminacin.

"O heart, do not lose your nature; do not let ever the soul -Oh, corazn!, no pierdas tu naturaleza, no dejes nunca que el
of Nero+' enter this firm bosom. Let me be cruel, but not un- alma de Nern entre en este firme pecho. Djame ser cruel, pero
natural." no antinatural.
In his room, the King speaks to Rosencrantz, and Guildenstern. En su habitacin el rey habla con Rosencrantz y Guildenstern.
He is sending Harnlet to England, and these two friends are to Va a enviar a Hamlet a Inglaterra y estos dos amigos acompaa-
accompany the Prince. rn al prncipe.
During the conversation, Polonius arrives to let the King know Durante la conversacin llega Polonio para hacerle saber al rey
that HamIet is about to taIk to his mother: que HamIet est a punto de hablar con su madre:
"My lord, he's going to his mother's closet. 1'11hide myself -Mi seor, est yendo a la habitacin de su madre. Me oculta-
behind the tapestry to hear the process. Ere33 you go to bed, my r detrs del tapiz para escuchar lo que ocurre. Antes de que se
lord, 1'11tell you what 1 know" acueste, mi seor, le contar lo que sepa.
Claudius thanks him, and they all waIk out of the room,leav- Claudio le da las gracias, y todos salen de la habitacin, dejan-
ing the King alone. He is frightened. He falls on his knees, and do al rey solo. Est aterrado. Cae de rodillas, y trata de orar, pero
tries to pray, but he cannot. He knows his soul is too corrupted. no puede, sabe que su alma est demasiado corrompida.
"O, my offence is rank,34 a brother's murder! 1 can not pray. -Oh, mi ofensa es repugnante; el asesinato de un hermano!
What then rests whenone cannot repent? O wretched state! O No puedo orar. Qu resta entonces, cuando uno no puede
bosom black as death!" arrepentirse? Oh, infeliz estado! Oh, corazn negro como la
HamIet has entered his room and finds him on his knees. He muerte!
draws his sword to kill him, but then resolves not to do it; for, if HamIet ha entrado en la habitacin y lo ve de rodillas. Empua
the King is praying, he may go to heaven, and he wants him in su espada para matado, pero luego decide no hacerlo, porque si
hell. So he walks out to visit his mother. el rey est rezando, podra ir al cielo, y l lo quiere en el infierno.
In the Queen's room, she is speaking to Polonius, when they As que sale a ver a su madre.
hear the Prince's steps nearby. En la habitacin de la reina, ella est hablando con Polonio,
"Quickly, withdraw; 1 hear him coming", she says. cuando escuchan los pasos del prncipe cerca.
Polonius goes behind the tapestry and HamIet waIks in. +Rpido, esconde te, lo escucho venir -dice ella.
"Now, mother, whats the matter?" Polonio se pone detrs del tapiz y Harnlet entra.
"Harnlet, you have your father much offended," -Ahora, madre, qu es lo que ocurre?
"Mother, you have my father much offended." +Hamlet, has ofendido mucho a tu padre.
+Madre, t has ofendido mucho a mi padre.

32. Nero o Nern: emperador romano que mand matar a su madre,Agripina.

33. Ere: antes. De uso arcaico o potico, equivalente al actual before.
34. ROl/k: ftido, repugnante.

"Why? Hamlet! Have you forgotten who I am?" -Por qu? [Hamletl Has olvidado quin soy?
"No.You are the Queen, yourhusband's brother's wife, and I +No. Eres la reina, la esposa del hermano de tu esposo y, oja-
wish you were not so, you are my mother. I will set up a glass35 l no lo fueras, eres mi madre. Te colocar un espejo donde
where you may see the inmost part of you," he says,and takes her puedas ver tu parte ms ntima -dice, y la toma fuertemente
tightly by her armo del brazo.
"What will you do?You will not murder me? Help!" yells -Qu vas a hacer? No irs a matarme? Auxilio! -grita
Gertrude, very disturbed. Gertrudis muy alterada.
Polonius, trying to go out to he1p the Queen, moves behind Polonio, tratando de salir para ayudar a la reina, se mueve detrs
the tapestry hanging on the wall; but Hamlet sees the movenent, del tapiz que cuelga de la pared; Hamlet ve el movimiento y blan-
and drawing his sword, kills the man, shouting: diendo su espada, mata al hombre gritando:
"How now? A rat? Dead, dead!" -Ahora qu? Una rata? Muere, muere!
That's when he hears the voice behind the tapestry crying out, Es entonces cuando escucha la voz detrs del tapiz gritando:
"O, I am slain!"36 Oh, me han asesinado!.
The man falls dead. The Queen screams, terrified, showing the El hombre cae muerto. La reina grita aterrorizada, mostrando
body ofPolonius to his son: el cuerpo de Polonio a su hijo:
"O, what have you done? A crime!You have killed aman!" -Oh! Qu has hecho? Un crimen! Has matado a un hombre!
"Almost as bad, good mother, as killing a king and marrying . -Casi tan malo, buena madre, como matar a un rey y casarse
his brother," and then he speaks to Polonius: "Farewell, you, 'con su hermano -y ahora se dirige a Polonio-:T, infeliz,adis!
wretched! You find to be too curious is some danger," he again Aprende que ser demasiado curioso es un poco peligroso. -De
talks to his mother in the most violent way, full of anger, "And nuevo habla a su madre, de la manera ms violenta, lleno de rabia-:
you, mother, how could you do this offense to my father? Can y t, madre, cmo has podido cometer esta ofensa contra mi
not you see? A murderer and a villain that is not the twentieth padre? No lo puedes ver? Un asesino y un villano, que no es ni
part of your precedent husband ..." la vigsima parte de tu anterior esposo ...
"What have I done, that you dare speak to me so rude?These -Qu he hecho yo para que te atrevas a hablarme de forma
words enter in my ears like daggers; no more, sweet Harnlet." tan ruda? Estas palabras entran en mis odos como dagas; no sigas,
The Ghost appears in the room, but Gertrude can not see it. amable Harnlet.
"What is that you want?" ask Harnlet. El fantasma se aparece en la habitacin, pero Gertrudis no lo
"O, Harnlet, my son, you are mad!" says the Queen, crying puede ver.
inconsolably. - -Qu es lo que quieres? -le dice Hamlet.
-Oh, Hamlet, hijo mo, estsloco! +dice la reina llorando incon-
35. G/a55: cristal. En este caso espejo.
36. Slain: asesinado. Participio del verbo to 5lay, asesinar. De uso literario.

"Do not forget your purpose, but, look at your mother, she is -No te olvides de tu propsito, pero mira a tu madre, est
fighting for her soul. Speak to her, Hamlet," says the Ghost. luchando por su alma. Habla con ella, Hamlet -dice el fantasma.
"How is it with you, Lady?" asks Hamlet. I
-Qu es lo que te pasa, mi seora? -pregunta Hamlet.
"O my son, where do you look? To whom do youspeak?" -Oh, hijo mo, hacia dnde miras? Con quin hablas?
"To him, to him! Look how pale he is!" -Con l, con l! Mira cun plido est!
"1 do not see anybody but ourselves." -No veo a nadie ms que a nosotros.
"Look there! Look how it fades away! My father, in his habit, -Mira all! Mira cmo se desvanece! Mi padre, con su atuen-
as he lived!" he answers as the ghost ofhis father vanishes. do, como cuando viva! -contesta mientras el fantasma de su padre
"This is not but a creation of your delirium." desaparece.
"Delirium! It is not madness what 1 have uttered.V Confess +Esto no es ms que una creacin de tu delirio.
yourself to heaven; repent what's past; avoid what is to come. Do -D~lirio! No es una locura lo que he dicho. Confisate al cie-
not go to my uncle's bed. For this lord, Polonius, 1 do repent; 1 lo, arrepintete de 10 que ha pasado, evita 10 que est por venir.
will answer for the death 1 gave him. One word more, good lady: No vayas a la cama de mi to. Por este caballero, Polonia, me arre-
do not ever tell the King that 1 pretend my madness, could you piento; responder por la muerte que le di. Una palabra ms, bue-
do this for me?" na seora: nunca le digas al rey que yo finjo mi locura, podras
"Be assured, 1 will." hacer esto por mi?
"1 must go to England; you know that?" -Estte seguro, lo har.
"It is so concluded on." -Debo irme a Inglaterra, lo sabas?
"There is a letter sealed, and my two schoolfellows bear a man- -As se ha decidido.
date. But let it happen. Good night, mother." And Hamlet, drag- -Hay una carta sellada, y mis dos compaeros de estudio llevan
ging Polonius out,leaves the room. un mandato. Pero dejemos que ocurra as. Buenas noches, madre.
-y Hamlet, arrastrando fuera a Polonia, deja la habitacin.

The Queen looks worried and concerned. Claudius comes into IV
her room, and she tells him that Hamlet is absolutely mad and La reina parece seria y preocupada. Claudio entra en su habita-
that he has killed Polonius by accident. The King's soul is full of cin y ella le cuenta que Hamlet est absolutamente loco y que
guilt, and dismay; but also full of fear. The situation has become ha matado a Polonia por accidente. El alma del rey est llena de
too dangerous for him. He wants Hamlet out ofhis way at once. culpa y consternacin, pero tambin de miedo. La situacin se
ha tornado demasiado peligrosa 'Para l. Quiere a Hamlet fuera
de su camino de una vez.
37. To utter: decir, pronunciar, proclamar.

The King sends for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to look El rey manda a llamar a Rosencrantz y Guildenstern para que
for Harnlet and to take Polonius' body into the chapel. When busquen a Harnlet y lleven el, cuerpo de Polonio a la capilla.
these two find Hamlet, he sends them away with no infor- Cuando estos dos encuentran a Harnlet, l los eriva de vuelta
mation of Polonius' body, and letting them know that he sin informacin sobre el cuerpo de Polonio, y hacindoles saber
has noticed they are spies of the King. Thus they return to que l ya se ha dado cuenta de que ellos son espas del rey. As
inform Claudius so. He gets terribly nervous and screams to que regresan para informarle de esto a Claudio. ste se pone
them: terriblemente nervioso y les grita:
"Bring him before me, now!" -Triganlo ante m, ahora!
Once Harnlet is in, the King asks: Una vez que Harnlet llega, el rey pregunta:
"Now, Harnlet, wheres Polonius?" -y bien, Harnlet, dnde est Polonio?
"In heaven. Send there to see. If your messenger finds him not -En el cielo. Manda a ver all, si tu mensajero no le encuentra,
there, within this month, you shall nose'" him as you go up the dentro de un mes, lo oleris cuando subis las escaleras en el ves-
stairs into the lobby." tbulo.

"Go seek hirn,' orders the King to some attendants.P? -Vayan a buscarlo -ordena el rey a unos cortesanos.
"Hamlet, for that which you have done,I must send you hence'" _Hamlet, por lo que has hecho, debo enviar te fu~ra con rapi-
with quickness: therefore prepare yourself; the boat is ready for dez: por tanto preprate; el barco est listo para Inglaterra
England," orders the King, sitting next to the Queen. -ordena el rey, sentndose junto a la reina.
-Bien. Adis, querida madre -dice y sale, sin mirar al rey.
"Good. Farewell, dear mother," says he, and leaves, not giving
a look at the King. El rey ordena a Rosencrantz y Guildenstern vigilar de cerca a
The King orders Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to follow Harnlet y no demorar su partida. Ellos no saben que estn lle-
HarnIet at foot; and nat to delay their departure. They do not vando una carta al rey a Inglaterra solicitando la muerte de
know that they are carrying a letter fiorn the King requesting the
death of HarnIet from England. Mientras tanto, Fortimbrs y su ejrcito piden permiso
Meanwhile, Fortinbras and his army are asking permission to para marchar a travs de Dinamarca, en su camino hacia
march across Denmark on their way to Poland. Polonia.
Later on, in a room at the palace, the Queen and Horatio talk: Ms tarde, en una habitacin del palacio, la reina y Horacio
"1 will not speak with Ophelia." hablan:
+No hablar con Ofelia.

38. To nose: olfatear, husmear. Aqu Hamlet lo usa irnicamente por el olor que despedir el cadver
dentro de un mes.
39. Auendants: miembros del squito de la realeza.
40. Hence: fuera, afuera. En otros contextos, de aqu en adelante, por lo tanto ...


"She is importunate." my lady. Indeed she is distracted, you -Ella insiste, mi seora. De hecho est perturbada, se compa-
would pity her. She speaks much ofher father; says she hears there decera de ella. Habla mucho de su padre, dice que escucha que
are tricks in the world. It would be good if you spoke to her." hay trampas en el mundo. Sera bueno que hablara con ella.
"Let her come in." -Hazla pasar.
.Horario comes back with Ophelia, who says: Horacio regresa con Ofelia, quien dice:
"Where is the beautiful majesty ofDenmark?" -Dnde est la hermosa majestad de Dinamarca?
"How do you do, Ophelia?" -Cmo ests, Ofelia?
But Ophelia does not speak, but sings very obscure songs. The Pero Ofelia no habla, sino que canta canciones muy extraas.
King comes in and Gertrude, very much upset, shows him the El rey entra y Gertrudis, muy consternada, le muestra a la mucha-
girl, md he asks: cha, y l le pregunta:
"How do you do, pretty lady?" -Cmo ests, hermosa dama?
But she keeps singing: Pero ella contina cantando:
"Tomorrow is Saint Valenrine's day Maana es el da de San Valentn,
and in the morning bedtime, y temprano en el amanecer
1,a maid at your window, yo, una dama en tu ventana,
Will be your Valentine," ser tu Valentn.
"Pretty Ophelia! How long has she been thus?" asks the Queen, -Hermosa Ofelia! Hace cunto que est as? -pregunta la rei-
sadly. na con tristeza.
The King orders Horario to follow her close and give her good El rey ordena a Horacio seguida de cerca y vigilada bien.
watch. Suddenly, they hear a noise outside, and a messenger comes De repente, escuchan un ruido fuera y un mensajero entra gri-
. .
ID screarrung: tando:
"Save yourself, my lord.There's a big riot.Young Laertes, over- -Slvese, mi seor. Hay un gran disturbio. Laertes domina a
bears your officers.The rabble calls him lord, and cries out'Laertes sus oficiales. La plebe lo llama seor y grita: [Laertes debe ser
shall be king!" rey!.
Ophelia's brother, Laertes, had come in secret from France. The El hermano de Ofelia, Laertes, haba llegado en secreto de
doors break open , and the young man, armed, enters like a fury, Francia. Se abren las puertas y el joven, armado, entra como una
followed by Danes. furia, seguido por daneses.
"Where is the King? Sirs, stand you all out.TThey retire. "Keep -Dnde est el rey? Seores, qudense todos fuera. -Se reti-
the door. O, you vile King, give me my father!" ran-.Vigilen la puerta. Oh, vos, vil rey, entrgame a mi padre!
"Calmly, good Laertes," says the Queen. -Calma, buen Laertes -dice la reina.

41. lmpottunaie: persistente, demandante.


"Where is my father?" he cries.

-Dnde est mi padre? -grita l.
"Dead. But not by him," replies she again.
-Muerto. Pero no por l-responde ella de nuevo.
There are voices out that cry "Let her come in!" and sweet
Hay voces fuera que gritan Djenla entrad, y la dulce Ofelia,
Ophelia, fantastically dressed with straws and flowers, enters
vestida fantsticamente con paja y flores, entra en la habitacin,
the room, singing as always since her father's death. Laertes can
cantando como siempre desde la muerte de su padre. Laertes
not believe his eyes. He is not strong enough and cries piti-
no puede creer lo que ve. No es lo suficientemente fuerte aho-
. 421:.
ra y llora apenado.
"There's rosemary for remembrance and there are pansles 10r
-Aqu hay romero para recordar y flores de pensamiento para
thoughts," says Ophelia as she gives flowers to the presents.
los pensamientos -dice Ofelia mientras entrega flores a los pre-
Laertes is about to faint with sorrow, and cries as they watch
her leaving, singing:
Laertes est a punto de desmayarse de pena, y llora mientras la
"And will he not come again?
ven partir, cantando:
And will he not come again?
Y l no volver?
N o, no, he is dead,
Y l no volver?
Go to thy43 death-bed,
No, no, est muerto,
He never will come again."
Vete a tu lecho de muerte,
"Do you see this, O God?" says Laertes, bursting into tears. The
l nunca volver.
King goes up to him, and takes him out for a walk to talk about
-Ves esto, oh, Dios? -dice Laertes rompiendo a llorar. El rey
his father's death.
camina hacia l y lo lleva fuera a dar un paseo para hablar sobre
In another room in the castle, Horatio gets a letter from
la muerte de su padre.
En otra habitacin del castillo, Horacio recibe una carta de
'Horatio, when you shall have read this, send these fellows to
the King. They have letters for him. In our second day at sea, a
Horacio, cuando hayas ledo esto, enva a estos hombres al rey:
pirate ship gave us chase. I alone became their prisoner. But they
Tienen cartas para l. En nuestro segundo da en el inar, un bar-
have brought me home.Join me as soon as you can. I have words
co pirata nos abord. Slo a m me hicieron prisionero. Pero me
to speak to you that will make you dumb. These good fellows
han trado a casa. Renete conmigo en cuanto puedas. Tengo
will bring you where I amo Rosencrantz and Guildenstern hold
cosas que contarte que te dejarn mudo. Estos buenos hombres
their course for England. Of them I have much to tell you.
te traern hasta donde estoy. Rosencrantz y Guildenstern siguen
Farewell.Your friend, Harnlet.'
su viaje a Inglaterra, de ellos tengo mucho que decirte.Adis.Tu
amigo, Hamlet.
42. PallSy: flor de pensamiento.
43. 7hy: tuyo. Adjetivo posesivo de uso arcaico, equivale al actual yOl/r.

Horatio do es as he is told: sends a messenger to the King, and Horacio hace lo que le pide: enva el mensajero al rey y corre
runs to meet his friendo a encontrar a su amigo.
Meanwhile, the King is with Laertes, walking around the casde. Mientras tanto, el rey est con Laertes, paseando alrededor del
"Now that you are acquainted with this, you must put me in your castillo.
heart for friend, since you have heard that he which has slain -Ahora que conoces el asunto, debes tenerme en tu corazn
your noble father pursued'" my life," says the King to Laertes. como un amigo, ya que te has enterado que aquel que ha matado
"Tell me why you did not proceed against these crimes, as you a tu noble padre tena como objetivo mi vida -dice el rey a Laertes.
should have." -Dime por qu no has procedido contra estos delitos como
"O, for two special reasons; which may to you, perhaps, seem deberas haber hecho.
light, but yet to me they are serious. The Queen, his mother, lives -Oh, por dos razones especiales; pueden, quiz, parecerte
almost by his looks; and for myself, 1 could not move but by her. leves, pero sin embargo para mi son serias. Su madre, la reina,
The other reason is the great love the people bear him, that would vive pendiente de l, y en cuanto a rr, yo no podra mover-
convert his crimes to graces." me si no es por ella. La otra razn es el profundo afecto que el
"And so 1have lost my noble father; and my sister is driven into pueblo le tiene y que convertira sus crmenes en mritos.
madness, but my revenge will come." -y as yo he perdido a mi noble padre y mi hermana se ve
"Do not break your sleeps for that.You shortly shall hear more: arrastrada a la locura, pero mi venganza ha de llegar.
Iloved your father ..."The King is interrupted by the messenger -No pierdas el sueo con eso. En breve sabrs ms: yo quera a
sent by Horatio. "How now! What news do you bring?" tu padre ... -El reyes interrumpido por el mensajero que envi
"Letters, my lord, from Harnlet," answers the messenger. Horacio-. Qu sucede ahora? Qu n~ticias traes?
"From Harnlet! Who brought them?" asks the King full of sur- +Cartas, mi seor, de Harnlet -contesta el mensajero. _
-De Harnlet! Quin las trajo? -pregunta el rey sorpren-
"Sailors, my lord, they say; 1 did not see them. They were given dido.
to me." -Marineros, mi seor, dicen; yo no los he visto. Me fueron entre-
. "Laertes, you shall hear this. Leave us now," orders the King. gadas.
When the messenger leaves, the King reads in a loud voice:"'High -Laertes, debes escuchar esto. Djanos ahora -ordena el rey.
and mighryv Majesty, you shall know 1 have come back to your Cuando el mensajero se va, el rey lee en voz alta-o Excelsa
kingdom. Tomorrow 1 shall beg leave to see you, to recount the y poderosa Majestad, debe saber que he vuelto a su reino.
occasions of my sudden and strange return. Harnlet.' What should Maana pedir su permiso para verlo, para contarle las razo-
this mean? Are all the rest come back?" nes de mi inesperado y extrao retorno. Hamlet. Qu quie-
re decir esto? Han regresado todos los dems?

44. To pllrslle something: perseguir, tener como objetivo algo.

45. Higll and migllty: excelso y poderoso. Eran tratamientos de la realeza.

"Do you know the hand?"46 -Reconoce la letra?

. "It is Hamlet's character.And in a postscript here, he says'alone.' -Es la letra de Harnlet.Y en la posdata aqu, dice solo.Puedes
Can you advise me?" aconsejarme?
"1 am lost in it, my lord. But let him come; it calms the sick- -No s qu decirte, mi seor. Pero djalo venir; calma la sed de
ness" in my heart to know that 1 shall see him and take revenge." mi corazn saber que 10 ver y me vengar.
"If it be so, Laertes, will you be ruled by me?" -Si es as, Laertes, te someters a m?
"Ay, my lord; if you will not overrule me to a peace." -S, mi seor, si no me obligas a hacer las paces.
"Laertes, keep close within your chamber. Hamlet shall know -Laertes, qudate en tus aposentos. Hamlet sabr que ests
you are at home. 1'11talk most well of you and the fame you en casa: yo hablar muy bien de ti y de la fama que tienes en
have in the art and exercise in your defense, and of your rapier, el arte y ejercicio de tu defensa, y de tu estocada, especialmen-
especially. 1 know he would like to play with you. He, being te. S que le gustar combatir contigo. l, como es muy gene-
most generous, and free from all contriving, will not peruse the roso e incapaz de hacer conspiraciones, no mirar previamen-
foils;" so that with ease you may choose a sword unbated.T'" te las armas; as que fcilmente podrs elegir una espada con
"1 will do it, and 1'11anoint my sword with poison so mortal punta.
that if 1 gall him slightly, he will be a dead man." +Lo har, y untar mi espada con un veneno tan mortal que si
"Let's further think of this; if this should fail, I should have a lo toco apenas, ser hombre muerto.
second project. Let me see... 1'11 have prepared him a chalice for -Pensemos ms sobre esto; si esto fallara,debera tener un segun-
the nonce."50 He suddenly stops as he sees the Queen approach- do plan. Djame ver.. .le tendr preparado un cliz para la especial
ing. She is terribly overwhelmed, and they can see in her eyes that ocasin. -Se detiene de repente al ver que se aproxima la reina. Ella
she is not bringing good news to them, "How do you do, sweet est terriblemente afectada y pueden ver en sus ojos que no es por-
Queen?" tadora de buenas noticias para ellos-o Cmo ests, dulce reina?
"So fast one woe follows another: your sister's drowned, Laertes," -Tan rpidamente una desgracia sigue a la otra: tu hermana se
In fact, a few hours before, around the castle, where there is ha ahogado, Laertes.
a willow that grows by a brook, Ophelia had clambered to hang De hecho, unas pocas horas antes, alrededor del castillo, don-
some garlands.A branch broke; and her weedy trophies and her- de hay un sauce que crece junto a un arroyo, Ofelia haba tre-
self fell down into the brook. Her clothes spread wide; and, pado para colgar unas guirnaldas. Una rama se rompi y sus coro-
awhile they bore her up, mermaid-like, while she chanted old nas de floress y ella misma cayeron en el arroyo. Sus ropas se
extendieron completamente, y por un rato la mantuvieron a
flote como una sirena, mientras ella cantaba viejas tonadas,
46. Hand: mano. En este caso se refiere a la mano que 10 ha escrito, al autor.
47. Sidmess: enfermedad. En este contexto, sed.
48. Foil: espada de esgrima o florete.
49. Unbated: con punta. La esgrima se practicaba con espadas sin puntas o batel
50. For the /lO/lee: para una ocasin especial.

tunes; till her soaked garments pulled the poor wretch into the hasta que sus prendas empapadas hundieron a la pobre infeliz
water. en el agua.
Laertes, full his heart of pain and anger, leaves the monarchs, Laertes, con el corazn lleno de dolor y enojo, deja a los monar-
walking away in a storm of passion. cas, saliendo impetuosamente.
"Let's follow, Gertrude; how much 1 had to do to calm his rage! -Sigmoslo, Gertrudis, cunto tuve que hacer para calmar su
Now 1fear this will give it start again!" ira! Ahora temo que esto la encienda de nuevo!

In the churchyard, where Hamlet has met Horatio, they find two En el cementerio, donde Hamlet se ha reunido con Horacio,
clowns.t! with spades, digging a grave.While the grave is taking encuentran a dos campesinos, con palas, cavando una fosa.Mientras
shape, they sing and throw away skulls. la tumba va tomando forma, ellos cantan y arrojan calaveras.
"Whose grave's this, sir?" asks Hamlet. -De quin es esta tumba, seor? -pregunta Hamlet.
"Mine, sir," answers the digger, and keeps singing. +Ma, seor -contesta el excavador, y sigue cantando.
"Then, what man do you dig it for?" reformulates the ques- +Entonces, para qu hombre la cava? -reformula Hamlet la
tion Hamlet. pregunta.
"For no man, sir." -Para ningn hombre, seor.
"What woman, then?" asks again, very patiently. -Para qu mujer, entonces? -pregunta de nuevo, muy pacien-
"For none neither." temente.
"Then, who is to be buried in it?" -Para ninguna tampoco.
"One that was a woman, sir; but, rest her soul, she's dead." +Entonces, quien ser enterrado en ella?
"He's a knave!" speaks Hamlet to Horatio; then he talks again -Una que fue una mujer, seor; pero, que en paz descanse, est
to the clown. "How long have you been a grave-maker?" muerta.
"From the day that our late King Harnlet overcame Fortinbras." -Es un traidor! -dice Harnlet a Horacio; luego le habla de nue-
"How long is that since?" vo al campesino-: Cunto tiempo hace que eres sepulturero?
"Cannot you tell that? every fool can tell that: it was the very day -Desde el da que nuestro difunto rey Hamlet venci a
that young Harnlet was born, he that is rnad, and sent into England," Fortimbrs.
"Ay, why was he sent to England?" -Cunto hace de eso?
-No lo sabe usted? Cualquier tonto lo sabe:fue el mismo da que
eljoven Harnlet naci, el que est loco y fue enviado a Inglaterra.
51. e/ol/m: el trmino significaba campesino, rstico, pero puesto que siempre el rstico ha sido blan-
-S, por qu ha sido enviado a Inglaterra?
co de burlas y objeto de risa, en el teatro ingls pas a designar al actor cmico que representaba
'stc papel, y el trmino se extendi al uso actual de payaso o persona que hace rer.

"Why? Because he is mad: he shall recover his wits there; or, if -Por qu? Porque est loco: recuperar la razn all, o si no lo
he does not, it's no great matter." hace, no es un gran problema.
"Why?" -Por qu?
"There the men are as mad as he."- -All los hombres estn tan locos como l.
"How did he come mad?" -Cmo se volvi loco?
"Very strangely, they say."As he talks, he throws away another -De forma muy extraa, dicen -mientras habla, arroja otra
skull. calavera.
"Whose was it?" -De quin era sta?
"A mad fellow's it was: whose do you think it was? It was +Era de un loco, de quin crees que era? Era la calavera de Yo-
Yorick's skull, the King's jester." rick, el bufn del rey.
"This? Let me see." Hamlet takes the skull. "Ay, poor Yorick! I -sta? Djame ver. -Harnlet toma la calavera-oS, pobre Yorick!
knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent Lo conoc, Horacio; un hombre de un humor inagotable, de una
fancy; he has borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, excelente naturaleza; me ha llevado sobre sus espaldas mil veces;
it makes me sick." y ahora, esto me revuelve el estmago.
While Hamlet speaks, the priest, Laertes and friends come in Mientras Hamlet habla, el sacerdote, Laertes y amigos llegan en
procession carrying Ophelia's coffin, followed by the King and procesin cargando el fretro de Ofelia.Los siguen el rey y la rei-
Queen and courtiers. na y los cortesanos.
"Let's couch and mark," whispers Hamlet to Horatio. -Ocultmonos y observemos -murmura Hamlet a Horacio.
As Laertes sees that the priest does not continue the ceremony, he Como Laertes ve que el sacerdote no contina la ceremonia,
asks: . pregunta:
"No more must be done?" -No debe hacerse nada ms?
"No more," answers the priest, "her death was doubtful. We -Nada ms -contesta el sacerdote-, su muerte fue dudosa.
would profane the service of the dead if we sing a requiem to Profanaramos el servicio de los muertos si cantamos un rquiem
her as to a peace-parted soul." para ella como para un alma que ha partido en paz.
"Lay her in the earth, and fiom her fair and unpolluted flesh may -Colquenla en la tierra, y que de su hermosa e impoluta car-
violets spring! I tell you, churlish52 priest, an angel shall my sister be." ne florezcan violetas! Yo te digo, cura maleducado, que mi her-
"What? Ophelia?" says Hamlet, astonished from his hidden mana ser un ngel.
place. -Qu? Ofelia? -dice Hamlet, atnito, desde su escondite.
"Sweets to a sweet," saysthe Queen, scattering flowers on Ophelia's -Dulces, para una persona dulce -dice la reina desparramando
corpse. "1 hoped you should have been my Hamlet's wife." flores sobre el cadver de Ofelia-. Esperaba que hubieras sido la
esposa de mi Hamlet.
52. Chutlish: grosero, maleducado.

.- ,.,

"Hold off the earth, till 1 have caught her once more in my -No la cubran de tierra hasta que yo la tenga una vez ms en
arms!" exclaims Laertes, and leaps into the grave. mis brazos! -exclama Laertes y salta dentro de la tumba.
Hamlet, advancing to them, shouts out: Hamlet, avanzando hacia ellos, grita:
"What is he who grieves with such an emphasis? This is 1, -Quin es aquel que se lamenta con tanto nfasis? ste soy yo,
Hamlet the Dane." And also leaps into the grave. Harnlet, el dans. -y salta tambin dentro de la tumba.
"The devil take your soul!" cries out Laertes grappling with him. -Que el diablo se lleve tu alma! -Ie grita Laertes luchando contra
The Queen and King order the attendants to part them, Horatio l.
runs to assist Hamlet, and they finally come out of the grave. La reina y el rey ordenan a los sirvientes que los separen, Horacio
"1 loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers could not make up corre a asistir a Hamlet y finalmente salen de la tumba.
my love.What will you do for her?" says Hamlet to Laertes. "Have -Yo am a Ofelia, cuarenta mil hermanos no podran superar
you come here to whine? Be buried with herl, and so will 1.Hear mi amor. Qu hars por ella? +dice Harnlet a Laertes-. Has
me, what is the reason that you uses3 me thus? 1loved you ever." venido aqu a lloriquear? Que te entierren con ellal, y que hagan
"O, he is mad, Laertes," says the King. lo mismo conmigo. Escchame, cul es la razn por la que me
"For love of God, forbear him!" implores the Queen. tratas as?Yo te 'quise siempre.
The King removes Laertes and tells him: +Oh, est loco, Laertes -dice elrey
"Strengthen your patience in our last night's speech. Patience -Por el amor de Dios, perdnalo! +implora la reina.
must be our guide." El rey aparta a Laertes y le dice:
Hamlets walks away, and good Horatio follows him. They go -Refuerza tu paciencia con lo que hablamos anoche. La pacien-
to the castle. Hamlet narrates what has happened to him in the cia debe ser nuestra gua.
ship, and how he found out that Guildenstern and Rosencrantz Harnlet se aleja y el buen Horacio lo sigue. Ellos van hacia el
. were carrying a letter from King Claudius to England with the castillo. Hamlet le cuenta lo que ha sucedido en el barco y cmo
order ofhis death. descubri que Rosencrantz y Guildenstern llevaban una carta
He explains how he devised a new plan, so that England should del rey Claudio a Inglaterra con la orden de su muerte.
put the bearers to sudden death, no shriving-tirne allowed. Le explica cmo prepar un nuevo plan: par:l que Inglaterra
"1 had my father's signet, 1 folded the writ up in the form of the diera muerte inmediata a los portadores, sin permitirles tiempo
other, gave it the impression, and replaced it. They did not notice de confesin.
the change.You already know the rest," Hamlet finishes his story. -Tena el sello de mi padre, dobl el escrito con la forma del
"So Rosencrantz and Guildenstern go to their own death." otro, le imprim el sello, y lo reemplac. Ellos no notaron el cam-
"They are not near my conscience." bio. T ya sabes el resto +termina Harnlet su historia.
"What a king is this!" -As que Rosencrantz y Guildenstern van hacia su propia muerte.
+No me pesan en la conciencia.
53. To use; usar. En este contexto, tratar a alguien de una manera determinada.
-Qu reyes ste!


"Dont you think it is now my turn to quit him with this arm?" -No cres qu~ ahora es mi turno de deshacerme de l con
"It will be shortly known in England." este brazo?
"It will be so, but a rnans life is very short, too. I am very sorry, -Pronto se sabr en Inglaterra.
good Horatio, that 1 behaved like that to Laertes; I'll court his -As ser, pero la vida de un hombre es muy breve, tambin.
favours again." Estoy muy apenado, buen Horacio, de haberme portado as con
"Silence, my lord!" says in a very low voice Horatio, as he hears Laertes. Me ganar su favor de nuevo. '
someone approaching. "Who comes here?" -Silencio, mi seor! -dice Horacio en voz muy baja, mientras
"Your lordship is welcome back t Denmark," says Osric, a escucha que alguien se aproxima-, quin llega?
courtier sent by the King and Laertes. "My lord, I must give you -Su seoria es bienvenida de regreso a Dinamarca -dice Osric,
a message from His Majesty." un cortesano enviado por el rey y Laertes-. Mi seor, debo entre-
"Go on." garle un mensaje de su majestad.
"You know the excellent skill ofLaertes with his weapon." -Adelante.
"What's his weapon?" -Usted conoce la excelente destreza de Laertes con su arma.
"Rapier and dagger.And the King, sir, has wagered on you six -Cul es su arma?
Barbary horses, and it would come to immediate trial if your -Estoque y daga.Y el rey,seor, ha apostado por usted seis caba-
lordship would vouchsafe the answer." llos berberiscos, y la prueba se realizara de inmediato, si su seo-
"If it pleases His Majesty." ria se dignara responder.
He rushes off with the answer. Soon another courtier comes -Si esto complace a su majestad.
to them, and says: Sale apresuradamente con la respuesta. Enseguida llega otro cor-
"My lord, His Majesty wants to know how long it will take tesano y dice:
you to get ready." -Mi seor, su majestad quiere saber cunto tiempo tardar en
"I'll be so able later as I am right now." prepararse.
"Then, the King and Queen, and all are coming down, my -Estar tan dispuesto ms tarde como lo estoy ahora mismo.
lord." -Entonces, el rey y la reina, y todos estn bajando, mi seor.
"In happy time." -En buena hora.
He walks away, and the loyal Horatio tells him: l se aleja y el leal Horacio le dice:
"You willlose this wager, my lord." -Perders esta apuesta, mi seor.
"1 do not think so; since Laertes went to France 1have been in -No lo creo; desde que Laertes se fue a Francia he estado prac-
continual practice: 1 shall win." ticando continuamente: ganar.
The servants come inmediately, and set the table with jugs of Los sirvientes llegan inmediatamente y disponen la mesa con
wine. The sound of trumpets announces the arrival ofTheir jarras de vino. El sonido de trompetas anuncia la llegada de sus

Majesties. Behind them walks Laertes, and many other cour- majestades. Detrs de ellos camina Laertes, y muchos otros cor-
tiers. The attendants bring foils, daggers, and gauntlets.t" tesanos. Los miembros del squito traen espadas, dagas y guantes.
The King calls Hamlet to come close: El rey llama a Hamlet para que se acerque:
"Come, Hamlet, and take this hand." And holding Laertes' hand, -Ven, Hamlet, y toma esta mano. -y sosteniendo la mano de
he puts it onto Hamlet's. Hamlet, who feels really sorry for what Laertes, la pone en la de Hamlet. Hamlet, que se siente realmen-
has happened,speaks to Laertes: te apenado por lo que ha sucedido, le dice' a Laertes:
"Give me your pardon, sir: 1 have done you wrong, but pardon -Concdeme tu perdn, seor: me he comportado mal con-
it, as you are a gentleman. This presence knows, and you must tigo, pero perdona, como caballero que eres. Esta audiencia sabe,
have heard, how 1 am punished with sore distraction.What 1 have y t debes haber odo, cuanto padezco por un penoso trastorno.
done, 1 here proclaim was madness. Did Hamlet hurt Laertes? Lo que he hecho, aqu proclamo que fue locura. Ofendi Hamlet
Never Hamlet. Hamlet denies it.Who did it, then? His madness: a Laertes? Nunca Hamlet. Hamlet lo niega. Entonces, quin lo
poor Hamlet's enemy." hizo? Su locura: la enemiga del pobre Hamlet.
"1 do receive your offered love and 1 will prove your honour." -Recibo el afecto que me ofreces y comprobar su honor.
"1 embrace it freely; and 1 will play frankly. Give us the foils; -Le acepto de buen grado, y luchar honestamente. Dnnos
come on." las espadas, vamos.
"Come, one for me," asks Laertes as well. -Venga, una para m -pide tambin Laertes.
The King orders: El rey ordena:
"Give them the foils, young Osric. Dear Hamlet, do you know -Entr gales las espadas,joven Osric. Querido Hamlet, cono-
the wager?" ces la apuesta?
"Very well, my lord.You have laid the odds55 on the weaker -Muy bien, seor. Has apostado a la parte ms dbil -dice
side," says Hamlet. Hamlet.
"1 do not fear it; 1 have seen you both," replies the King, while -No tengo miedo, los he visto a ambos. -contesta el rey, mien-
the young men examine the foils. tras los jvenes examinan las armas.
"This is too heavy, let me see another," asks Laertes. -sta es demasiado pesada, dejame ver otr~ -solicita Laertes.
"This likes me well.These foils have all a length?" asks the Prince -sta me gusta mucho. Estas espadas tienen todas la misma
as they prepare to play. medida? -pregunta el prncipe mientras se preparan para luchar.
"Ay, my good lord," replies Osric. -S, mi buen seor -responde Osric.
"Set me the goblet of wine upon that table!" orders the King -Srvame la copa de vino sobre esa mesa! -ordena el rey a un
to a servant. "IfHamlet gives the first or second hit, the King shall sirviente-. Si Hamlet da el primer o segundo toque, el rey beber

54. Garmtlet: guante o manopla, parte del atuendo.

55. To lay (he odds: apostar.

drink: to Harnlet's health. Give me the cups. Now the King drink:s a la salud de Harnlet. Traigan copas. Ahora el rey bebe por Harnlet!
to Harnlet! Come, begin! And you, the judges, watch carefully! Venga, comiencen!Y ustedes,jueces, observen cuidadosamente!
They begin to play.The King orders the trumpets to be played , Comienzan a luchar. El rey ordena que suenen las trompetas y
and drinks to his nephew's health, shouting: bebe a la salud de su sobrino, gritando:
"Give him his cup." -Dnle su copa.
But the Prince rejects it, for he is very excited about the play. Pero el prncipe la rechaza, pues est entusiasmado con la lucha:
"I'll play this bout first; set it by awhile." -Jugar este asalto primero, djenla all un momento.
"Our son shall win," says the King to Gertrude, pretending to -Nuestro hijo ganar -dice el rey a Gertrudis fingiendo estar
, be enormously proud. But the Queen sees her son weak and says: enormemente orgulloso. Pero la reina ve a su hijo dbil y dice:
"He is sweated, and scant of breath." Here, Harnlet, take my -Est sudado y le falta la respiracin. Toma, Harnlet, toma mi
t ,
napkin, rub yourbrow, The Queen caro uses to your fortune, pauelo, scate la frente, La reina brinda por tu fortuna, mi que-
my dear son."Takes the poisoned cup prepared for Harnlet and rido hijo. -Toma la copa envenenada preparada para Harnlet y se
drinks it. ,
la bebe.
"Good madam!" exclaims the Prince, ignorant of this horrible -Buena seora! -exclama el prncipe, ignorante de este horri-
crime,just as the King cries out, too late: ble crimen, al mismo tiempo en que el rey grita, demasiado tarde:
"Gertrude, do not drink:!" -Gertrudis, no bebas!
"1 will for Hamlet, my lord," she answers, and then talks to -Lo har por Harnlet, mi seor -contesta ella y luego le habla
Harnlet, "Come, let me wipe your face." a Hamlet--Ven, djame secarte el rostro.
Laertes takes this opportunity to turn to the King: Laertes aprovecha este momento para ir a hablar con el rey:
"My lord, I'll hit himnow." -Seor, lo herir ahora.
"1 do not think it good now." -No creo que ahora sea el momento.
"Come, for the third, Laertes: 1 am afraid you make a wanton -Vamos, por el tercero, Laertes: temo que ests haciendo de rr
of me." Says Harnlet once he is ready. un hazmerrer -Ie dice Harnlet una vez que est listo.
Laertes is really tired ofletting him win, for he is the best fenc- Laertes est realmente cansado de dejado 'ganar, pues l es el
er of his country, and very much desires Harnlet to be dead. So mejor espadachn de su tierra y desea profundamente que Harnlet
he now puts an end to the game, and begins a real fight. Very soon muera.As que ahora pone fin al juego y comienza una verdade-
he wounds Harnlet. He is very pleased now, for he knows his death ra lucha. Muy pronto hiere a Hamlet.Ahora est muy satisfecho,
is secured. N evertheless, he continues giving Hamlet a hard fight. porque sabe que su muerte es segura. Sin embargo, contina dan-
But destiny has chosen death for both: in the scuille, they change do a Hamlet una dura pelea. Pero el destino ha elegido la muer-
rapiers, and Harnlet wounds Laertes with his own poisoned foil. te para ambos: en la escaramuza, se cambian los estoques y Hamlet
hiere a Laertes con su propia espada envenenada.
,,, /10 111' Ifmil q{ I,renl/: faltar la respiracin,

The King is desperate. This has gone far beyond his reach. El rey est desesperado. Esta situacin se le ha ido completa-
"Part them; they are incensed," he shouts. mente de las manos.
"Nay, come again!" cries Harnlet, when at last the Queen falls. -Seprenlos, estn enfurecidos -ordena con un grito.
"Look to the Queen!" orders Osric, for he does not know which -No, ven de nuevo! -grita Harnlet, cuando finalmente la rei-
to assist first: they bleed on both sides. na cae.
Good Horatio runs to his friend, and Osric to Laertes, who -Atiendan a la reina! -ordena Osric, ya que no sabe a quin
whispers to him: 'e,
asistir primero: ambos contrincantes sangran.
"1 am as a bird to my own trap, Osric; 1 am justly killed with El buen Horacio corre hacia su amigo, y Osric hacia Laertes,
my own treachery'P? quien le susurra:
The dying Queen can still speak and so she does: -Soy como un ave en su propia trampa, Osric; me matan con
"No, no! the drink, the drink!
my dear Harnlet! 1 am poi- justicia con mi propia artimaa.
La reina moribunda puede an hablar, y as lo hace:
Harnlet runs to her and sees that his mother has just died. -No, no! La bebida, la bebida! Oh, mi querido Harnlet! Estoy
"O villany!" he cries, "let the door be locked. Treachery!" envenenada!
Laertes falls right then, and talks to the Prince very much Harnlet corre hacia ella y ve que su madre acaba de morir.
repented: -Oh, vileza! -grita-, Cierren las puertas. Traicin!
"Harnlet, you are slain, too. No medicine in the world can do Laertes cae justo entonces y le habla al prncipe muy arrepen-
you good; in you there is not half an hour oflife; the treacherous tido:
instrument is in your hand, envenomed. The foul practice has -Harnlet: t ests muerto tambin; ninguna medicina del mun-
turned itself on me. So, here 1le, never to rise again: your mother do puede curarte; en ti no hay ni media hora de vida; el instru-
has been poisoned with a drink meant for you. The King is to mento traidor est en tu mano, envenenado. La sucia prctica se
blame." ha vuelto en mi contra; por tanto, aqu yazgo, para jams levan-
With these words, Harnlet indefense against his death, stabs the tarme: tu madre ha sido envenenada con una bebida que t de-
King with the foil in his hand, crying: bas beber. El reyes el culpable.
"Then, venom, to your work." Con estas palabras, Harnlet, indefenso ante su propia muerte,
The courtiers and the lords in great astonishment scream out: hiere al rey con la espada en su mano, gritando:
"Treason! treason!" .-Entonces, veneno, a tu trabajo.
Claudius is now alone, desperate. Heyells: Los cortesanos y seores con gran asombro gritan:
"O, defend me, friends! 1 am but hurt," -Traicin, traicin!
Claudio est solo ahora, desesperado, grita: .
-Oh, defindanme, amigos! Estoy tan slo herido!
7 '(h'ocller)': traicin, artimaa.

Hamlet is full of anger and hate, for every one he has loved Hamlet est lleno de rabia y odio, porque todos a los que una
once is now dead. So he takes the poisoned drink, and pours it vez am estn ahora muertos. As que toma la bebida envenena-
into the Claudius' mouth, saying to him: da y la echa en la boca de Claudio dicindole:
"Here, you incestuous, murderous, damned Dane, drink off this -Toma, t, incestuoso, asesino, maldito dans, bebe toda esta
potion. Follow my mother." pcima. Sigue a mi madre.
And the King falls dead on the floor, y el rey cae al suelo muerto.
"He isjustly served; it is a poison tempered by himself Exchange -Recibi su merecido justamente; es un veneno preparado por
forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet: mine and my father's death l mismo. Intercambia tu perdn conmigo, noble Hamlet: que
come not upon you, nor yours on me!" says poor Laertes with mi muerte y la de mi padre no caigan sobre ti, ni la tuya sobre
his last breath, and dies. mil -dice el pobre Laertes con su ltimo aliento, y muere.
"Heaven make you free of it! I folJow you, Laertes! 1 die, -Que el cielo te libre de ello! Te sigo, Laertes! Muero, Horacio.
Horatio. Wretched Queen, adieu! You that look pale and trem- Infeliz reina, adis! Ustedes que estn plidos y tiemplan en esta
ble at this chance, that are but a mute audience to this act, you ocasin, que no son ms que la muda audiencia de este acto, deben
must know the truth, but I have no time. Horatio, I am dead; you conocer la verdad, pero yo no tengo tiempo. Horacio, estoy muer-
live, report me and my cause alright." to; vive, haz que se sepa sobre mi y mi causa con justicia.
"Never. Here's yet some liquor left. I am following you." +Nunca. Aqu queda algo del licor. Te sigo.
"O good Horatio, w~at a wounded name shalllive behind -Oh, buen Horacio, qu nombre manchado vivir tras de m
me if things stand thus unknown! If you did ever hold me in si las cosas permanecen as desconocidas! Si alguna vez me qui-
your heart, live this unhappy time to tell my story," he stops siste, vive este infeliz tiempo para contar mi historia -se calla con
at the sound of a march afar off, and a shot. "What warlike el sonido de una marcha a lo lejos y un disparo fuera-o Qu soni-
noise is this?" / do de guerra es ste?
"Young Fortinbras, with conquest, come from Poland; he gives -El joven Fortimbrs, llega de Polonia con victoria; l dispara
this warlike volley to the ambassadors of England," answers esta salva de guerra a los embajadores de Inglaterra -contesta
Osric. Osric.
"O, Horatio! I cannot live to hear the news from England. -Oh, Horacio!, no puedo vivir para or las noticias de
But 1 do prophesy the election lights on Fortinbras: he has Inglaterra. Pero adivino que la eleccin cae sobre Fortimbrs:
my dying vote; tell him so, with the occurrents. The rest is l tiene mi voto moribundo; dselo,junto con todo lo que ha
silence." ocurrido. El resto es silencio.
And he dies in the midst of a tragic scene. y muere en medio de una trgica escena.

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