Trabajo de Ingles 1

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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la Educacin Universitaria Ciencia y Tecnologa

Colegio Universitario Francisco de Miranda
Catedra: Ingles II
Seccin: C04-102





Alexander Natera

Jorge Barreto


Diego Contreras


Winder Echenique


Caracas, Marzo del 2016


A travs de esta investigacin se quiere comprender mediante el Lexical

Density o densidad del lxico una forma ms lgica y simple a primera vista
para una traduccin de Ingles-Castellano, De igual manera nos incita a investigar
aquellas palabras con las cuales tenemos algunas dificultades a entenderlas mejor
a travs de sinnimos. Para lograr una mejor definicin del Articulo o Informacin
Obtenida en el idioma Ingles.

En esta investigacin nos planteamos segn lo solicitado Determinar:

El tipo de lenguaje respaldado con palabras obtenidas en la informacin

Ejercicios de Carcter Gramatical.
Traduccin de Lecturas
Traduccion de Titulares
Y un resumen de lecturas.

1.-A continuacin se presentan tres lecturas con diferentes Tipos de Lenguaje. Tal
y como se hizo en la clase respectiva, por separado, DETERMINE EL TIPO DE
2.-Considerando los ejercicios de carcter GRAMATICAL en lo relacionado con la
posicin de la palabra en la oracin, proceda a identificar con el uso del diccionario
y por separado:
Sustantivos (S)

Adjetivos (Adj)

Verbos (V)

Adverbios (Adv)

3.-Utilizando el principio denominado LEXICAL DENSITY traduzca UNA DE LAS

LECTURAS SIGUIENTES. No olvide que en una primera hoja deber copiar y
pegar a doble espacio la lectura de su eleccin para proceder a colocar el
tridente con aquellos tres sinnimos que aportarn mayora claridad a su
traduccin. En otra hoja realizar la traduccin final.

4.-Elija tres (3) HEADLINES y tradzcalos siguiendo el modelo LEXICAL DENSITY

o adaptacin revisado en clases.

5.-RESUMA en no ms de cinco (5) lneas y con sus propias palabras las otras
dos (2) restantes lecturas.
Valor: 25%
***Para ser realizado en grupos de 3-4 participantes.
*****Entrega: Lunes 14 de Marzo en fsico y sin falta-

Computers: the Drug of the Future.

Computers have gradually revolutionized our lives. In the future, we will see many
more changes and a faster rate. The postal system will virtually disappear.
Communications will be done through the computer. Libraries will become
obsolete. Information will be obtained via network. A computer doctor will give you
a diagnosis and recommend the most efficient treatment. Teachers too will be
substituted by learning machines, and children wont have to go to the school
anymore. Students will interact with their classmates via the computer. Many of
these technologies are already in use. For many years, airline companies have
been training their pilots in simulators. Medical schools have been using computer
simulators to train doctors and surgeons. Companies and individuals all over the
world are communicating with each other using the computer network Internet.
Computers have become part of our daily lives, and some people cannot live
without them. They become addicted to the screen and to the multitude of video
games and simulations that the computer provides. The latest is Virtual Reality.
You put on a special headset and you become part of the action: there you are on
the track racing against world champions, youre a martial arts master beating up a
street gang or youre a space explorer on a mission to a distant galaxy. The most
famous computer addict in the world is Kevin Mitnik. His problems began when at
the age of 16 when he got his first micro. He was a shy boy and had difficulties in
making friends. He preferred the company of the computer to other boys and girls.
He became an expert in computers, and in 1988 he was arrested for breaking into
company systems and stealing confidential information. Mitnik spent a year in a
clinic for drugged people. His drug: the computer. During that period, he was not
allowed to go near a computer or a telephone. When he came out, he went back to
his old vice and was arrested again for stealing systems and possessing the
numbers of 20.000 credit cards.

Computers: the Drug of the Future.

Types of language: Computing ( IT )

Support: Network, Comunication, Computer, Virtual Reality, Simulators,

Wages and Salaries.

The organization and administration of wages and salaries is complex and varied.
In some companies, the Personnel Department has more responsibility for wages
and salaries than the Account Department. In others, The Accounts Department is
responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is more
interested in negotiations with staff about pay. If a firm want to introduce a new age
and salary structure, it will have to decide on a method of job evaluation and
ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful,
that pay structure will need agreement between Trade unions and management or
a clearly defined system for dealing with problems. In job evaluation, all of the
requirements of each job are specified in a detailed job description. Each of these
requirements is a given value, usually in points or factors, which are added
together to give a total value for the job. To pay each job wharf it is worth, the
values are linked to the firms salary structure. For middle and higher management,
a well known method is the Hay System. This evaluates personnel on their
knowledge of their job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems.
Because of the difficulty in measuring administrative work, however, job grades are
often decided without an evaluation system based on points and factors. In
attempting to reach a salaries policy, the Personnel Department should compare
the value of each job market. It should also analyze economic factors such as the
cost of living and the labor supply. It is said that payment for a job should vary with
any differences in the way that job is performed Non-financial incentive schemes
are becoming more popular for all grades of staff. Fringe benefits such as sickness
and pension schemes, sports clubs, housing and canteens are all an accepted part
of the conditions of work.

Wages and Salaries.

Types of language: Administration

Support: Organization, Salary Structure, Job Evaluation, Value, Factor
Economic, Calculations, Work.

Resumen: Es la organizacin para la administracin de sueldos y salarios y asi

evaluar cada puesto de trabajo en cuanto a las funciones, conocimientos y
capacidad de cada empleado para resolver problemas y asi abordar la situacin
que se est viviendo en el ambiente laboral.

International Transportation.
It is one of the most important features related to trade and constitutes its veins
and arteries. It implies the carrying of goods from one place to another. It involves
the handling of consignments, loading and unloading, shipment expenses and
other arrangements between the importer and exporter. International transport
covers the whole world and moves all types of goods to the farthest corners of the
globe. It reaches beyond all borders and barriers including physical, technical,
customs based, language, economic and all other kinds. It uses all types of modes
and means of transport such as: truck (trailers, articulated), ships, planes,
containers, roll-on roll-off, rail river transport and some others. A commonly used
mode of transport is Intermodal Transportation. This is the Containerized
movement of cargo, over land and sea, door to door, without the physical
handling associate with break-bulk transportation. The most used and safe way to
move cargo around the world is in Containers as well as the cheapest method of
transportation. They protect the cargo from damage. Containers are composed of a
rigid frame, usually of still or aluminum, with panels between the frame members.
He frame is the principal structural load bearing part of the container. Containers
are classified as follows: Closed Ventilated Container is used for the carriage of
cargo, such as hides, that cannot stand excessive moisture. It has specially
designed natural or mechanically forced ventilation. Open Top Container is similar
to the previous one except that it has no rigid roof, but a movable cover made of
canvas, plastic or reinforced plastic material supported on movable roof bows.
Platform (Flat Rack) does not have a structure, that is, rigid side walls and load
means of supporting, stacking, handling and securing the container. The
Refrigerated Container uses dry ice or liquefied gases. It does not require external
power supply or appliance, that is, the mechanical compressor or absorption unit.
Heating Container uses a heater unit or heat producing appliance. Tank Container
is used for the carriage of bulk gases and liquids like chemicals. And the Dry Bulk
Container, basically used for the carriage of solids in bulk without packaging such
as grains, and dry chemicals. Named Cargo Types finally, consists of various types
of containers such as automobile containers and livestock (cattle and poultry)
containers. International Transport applies international trade rules and regulations:
incoterms, uniform rules and use of documentary credits. On the other hand it has
its own regulations and conventions and uses its own documents and forms such
as: Bills of Lading, Airway Bills FIATA documents as well as other documents
specifically created to meet transport needs.

Types of language: Export Trade

Support: Trade, Importer and Exporter, Movement of Cargo, Containers.

Resumen: Es es una de las caracteristicas mas importantes relacionadas al

comercio y constituye sus venas y arteria. Implica el traslado de mercanca de un
lugar a otro y la manipulacin de envios, carga y descarga, este tipo de transporte
mueve todos los tipos de productos y se basa en lenguajes econmicos y otros

Computers: the Drug of the Future.

Computers have gradually revolutionized our lives. In the future, we will see many
more changes and a faster rate. The postal system will virtually disappear.
Ritmo Porcentaje Tarifa

Communications will be done through the computer. Libraries will become


a Travs

debido a

obsolete. Information will be obtained via network. A computer doctor will give you
a diagnosis and recommend the most efficient treatment. Teachers too will be

Cura Medicacion

substituted by learning machines, and children wont have to go to the school

anymore. Students will interact with their classmates via the computer. Many of
Compaero de clase


these technologies are already in use. For many years, airline companies have
been training their pilots in simulators. Medical schools have been using computer
simulators to train doctors and surgeons. Companies and individuals all over the
Cirujano Medico Doctor Individuo Bienestar Propiedad

world are communicating with each other using the computer network Internet.
Computers have become part of our daily lives, and some people cannot live
without them. They become addicted to the screen and to the multitude of video
games and simulations that the computer provides. The latest is Virtual Reality.

You put on a special headset and you become part of the action: there you are on


Casco de comunicacion

the track racing against world champions, youre a martial arts master beating up a
street gang or youre a space explorer on a mission to a distant galaxy. The most
famous computer addict in the world is Kevin Mitnik. His problems began when at
the age of 16 when he got his first micro. He was a shy boy and had difficulties in
making friends. He preferred the company of the computer to other boys and girls.
He became an expert in computers, and in 1988 he was arrested for breaking into



company systems and stealing confidential information. Mitnik spent a year in a

gastado agotado consumado .
clinic for drugged people. His drug: the computer. During that period, he was not
Droga Narcotico Adiccion
allowed to go near a computer or a telephone. When he came out, he went back
Permitido autorizado aceptado
to his old vice and was arrested again for stealing systems and possessing the
numbers of 20.000 credit cards.


Las Computadoras tienen revolucionando gradualmente nuestras vidas. En el

futuro, Podemos ver gran cantidad de cambios y a un ritmo rapido. El sistema
postal est despareciendo. Las comunicaciones son realizadas mediante una
computadora. Las libreras pasaron a ser obsoletas. La informacin es obtenida a
travs de la red. La computadora de un doctor le presta un diagnstico y le
recomiendo el tratamiento ms eficiente. Los doctores pueden ser sustituidos por
equipos de aprendizaje, y los nios no tienen necesidad de ir a la escuela. Los
estudiantes interactan con sus compaeros a travs de la computadora. Muchas
de estas tecnologas estn actualmente en uso. Por muchos Aos, Una compaa
de lnea area ha estado entrenando sus pilotos a travs de simuladores. La
escuela de medicina ha estado usando Ordenadores de simulacin para entrenar
doctores y cirujanos. Compaas y todo el mundo se comunica entre s a travs de
una red de internet con computadoras. Se ha convertido parte de nuestra vida, y
algunas personas no pueden vivir sin ellas. Estos se vuelven a adictos a la
pantalla de la multitud de juegos virtuales y simuladores que el computador les
provee. Finalmente est realidad virtual. Donde usted se coloca un equipo
especial en la cabeza y se convierte en parte de la accin: ya sea en una pista de
carreras con los actuales campeones del mundo, o peleando artes marciales
contra una pandilla callejera o explorando el espacio con una misin en la galaxia.
El ms famoso adicto en el mundo es Kevin Mitnik. Su problema comenz cuando
llego a los 16 aos y obtuvo su primer micro. l era un muchacho con dificultades
de hacer amistades. Preferia la compaa de la computadora que otros nios y
nias. Se ha convertido en un experto en computadoras, y en 1988 fue arrestado
por irrumpir en un sistema de una compaa y robar informacin confidencial.
Mitnik agotado un ao en una clnica para personas con problemas de adiccin.
Esta adiccin: Computadora. Durando un periodo, el no acept dejar de meter sus
narices en una computadora o un telfono. Cuando Sali, el volvi a su antiguo
vicio y fue arrestado de nuevo por robar un sistema y poseer el numero de 20.000
tarjetas de crdito.

The Dollar

Moneda Pago Precio





Bajada Disminuye Cada

La inmensa inflacin de precios en el mercado como consecuencia de la cada de

la moneda.

Calculo Numero Algebra




Pasado Anterior Antecedente

Antecedentes de nuestros antepasados basados en clculos mediante smbolos y

as hacer Matemtica.


Modelo Patrn Paradigma



Gobierno Rgimen Ente

El paradigma del gobierno en cuanto a renovar el sistema econmico y social de la


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