Esteban Pujals - La Lengua Radical
Esteban Pujals - La Lengua Radical
Esteban Pujals - La Lengua Radical
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Jess Losada
Indulgencia plenaria
Antologa de la poesa
norteamericana contempornea
Coleccin dirigida por Juan Mara de Prada
Diseo de la cubierta: Agustn Martn Francs
de ensayos, libros-objeto, dos antologas2 y un nmero de libros de poemas que sobrepasa los trescientos ttulos. Este prodigio de actividad
editorial no hubiera sido posible sin la aparicin de las small presses; la
respuesta de los autores norteamericanos ms innovadores a un mercado
literario que se caracteriza econmicamente por su naturaleza monopolista y estticamente,por su resistencia a lo verdaderamente diferente. La
incapacidad de este mercado para absorber modos de la escritura radicalmente distintos del de la novela o el del modelo de poema que habitualmente difunden las publicaciones literarias ms ledas ha dado lugar a la
aparicin de una multitud de pequeas editoriales (Roof, This, The
Figures, Sun & Moon, Tuumba, Station Hill, Potes & Poets, Segue ... )
gestionadas a menudo por los propios escritores, quienes llevan a cabo
por correo y mediante otros canales altemativos 3 la distribucin de los
libros y revistas que producen. En un plazo de tiempo rcord estos canales
han ampliado considerablemente la comunidad de autores y lectores de
la escritura Language, una comunidad creciente, aunque an minoritaria,
que constituye hoy el sector ms exigente del pblico literario norteamericano.
Con la excepcin de Marjorie Perloff, quien se ha interesado repetidamente por el fenmeno Language, sealando la relevancia de su
relacin con las artes plsticas y con el pensamiento de nuestro fin de
siglo4, tampoco la academia ha prestado apenas atencin a lo que puede
considerarse como la propuesta de cambio ms drstica y prometedora
que ha producido la literatura occidental en los ltimos cincuenta aos.
Ello resulta casi increble, tanto si tenemos en cuenta el tipo de actividad
potica que practican estos autores (la investigacin creativa de la
centralidad del lenguaje en la estructuracin del individuo y de la realidad
colectiva) como si consideramos la escala del fenmeno, pues no se trata
aqu de este o aquel poema "novedoso", sino de perspectivas que afectan
a la obra de al menos medio centenar de autores, y que han producido la
rapidsima generacin de un pblico independiente de los rganos que
controlan la difusin de la escritura en Norteamrica, el mercado monopolista y el sistema educativo. El hecho de que exista en los Estados
Unidos una comunidad de lectores constituida en tomo a una concepcin
de la escritura y de la lectura radicalmente diferente de la que promueven
tales sistemas es en s mismo lo suficientemente llamativo como para
atraer la atencin de cualquiera que se interese por la literatura contem-
pornea. Pero uno esperara que la concentracin por parte de los autores
Language en la lingisticidad (palabrez, verbatura?) del poema les
convirtiera en un objeto especialsimo de curiosidad para una investigacin literaria que a menudo se autocalifica de postestructural y que ha
estado dominada en aos recientes por pticas metodolgicas que, como
la teora de la recepcin o la posicin desconstruccionista, se enfrentan
al texto literario desde puntos de vista anlogos. El hecho de que no haya
sucedido as prueba hasta qu punto la incorporacin a la academia de
perspectivas pretendidamente crticas y novedosas cumple a menudo la
funcin conservadora de evitar un cambio mucho ms drstico y generalizado. Practicar ejercicios desconstructivos sobre el teatro de Shakespeare,
las novelas de Faulkner o la poesa de Wallace Stevens resulta as ser una
vacuna necesaria contra la desintegracin completa del sistema literario
que eliminara la posicin misma desde la que se ejercita la actividad
desconstructiva. Hablar de incomprensin por parte de la crtica acadmica con respecto a la escritura Language supone, por lo tanto, camuflar
la medida en la que esa crtica ha entendido perfectamente que el trabajo
de poetas como Charles Bemstein, Bruce Andrews, Lyn Hejinian, Ron
Silliman o Tina Darragh, y, sobre todo, que el hecho de que exista ya un
pblico para este tipo de escritura, pone en grave peligro el control que
tal crtica intenta ejercer sobre el gusto literario norteamericano.
La historia de la aparicin del fenmeno Language se relaciona
vitalmente con unos comienzos borrosamente ligados a las movilizaciones
de los sesenta con motivo de la guerra de Vietnam primero y del
Watergate despus. Sus centros geogrficos son Nueva York y sobre todo
San Francisco, y sus poticas proceden de la crtica marxista de las
relaciones sociales bajo el capitalismo, una crtica que estos poetas
extienden, trasladndola al plano de la lengua e incorporando conceptos
y puntos de vista tomados del pensamiento social, lingstico,
psicoanaltico y filosfico reciente, a una crtica prctica de la alienacin
contempornea del habla y de la escritura. L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E la
revista que ha terminado dando su nombre al conjunto de las propues'tas
cr~ativas de estos autores, se public en Nueva York entre 1978 y 1982,
edItada por Bruce Andrews y Charles Bemstein, los escritores ms
activos en este tipo de experimentacin en la costa Este, junto a otros
como Alan Davies, James Sherry, Tina Darragh o Ray DiPalma. Pero
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E no fue ni la primera ni la nica de las revistas
Los poetas que adoptan el modelo potico ms comn adoptan as, con
l, una ptica arcaica que descansa en una teora lingstica implcita
inaceptablemente ingenua para el lector de Wittgenstein, de Sapir, de
Lacan o de la oleada de estudios postestructurales recientes sobre el
discurso. Ambas acusaciones, la de conservadurismo formal y la de
candidez epistemolgica, resultan razonables si tenemos en cuenta la
riqueza de mbitos formales y conceptuales que han abierto en nuestro
siglo la msica y las artes plsticas, y plantean en su consideracin
conjunta la acusacin mucho ms grave de una comparativa insuficiencia
en su ambicin intelectual por parte de las artes de la escritura, muy
necesitadas, desde la perspectiva Language, de autocrtica.
La experimentalidad de los poetas Language no es, por lo tanto,
simplemente resultado del hasto que puede generar en un determinado
tipo de lector la utilizacin contempornea de tcnicas de composicin
renacentistas (si tenemos en cuenta el uso que los poetas siguen haciendo
de una discursividad jams interrogada desde la poesa) o en el mejor de
los casos centenarias (si consideramos la vigencia actual del verso libre),
sino que procede de una aguda sensibilidad a las implicaciones
epistemolgicas y polticas de la forma; procede asimismo de una
conciencia crtica que se niega a considerar resuelto todo lo que hoy hace
del texto artstico un nudo de problemas. Por ello es importante no
malentender las libertades que estos escritores reivindican para la creacin como un abandono de las responsabilidades del poeta para con su
lengua, pues forman parte, por el contrario, de una conciencia muy
intensa de responsabilidades lingsticas nuevas que son hoy mucho ms
urgentes que las que implicaba tradicionalmente la actividad potica.
Pero ejemplificar ya las diferencias concretas que separan el tipo de
poesa al que me estoy refiriendo del modelo de poema dominante.
Tomemos, por ejemplo, el comienzo de "Derribos Ocaso", de Ron
propiedad de su autor, deca lo que el autor quera que dijese, independientemente de su relevancia desde el punto de vista del lector; pero
adems el texto era apropiado a su contexto y creaba este contexto al dar
por supuestas las nociones de realidad y de significacin que hacan el
poema aceptable, satisfactorio. Language supone la ruptura definitiva
con esta retrica al sealar lo inapropiado de las perspectivas clsicas
sobre la autoridad, la realidad y el sentido en el mundo contemporneo
y replantea el poema como el acto incompleto y problemtico de su
propio decir. Se trata aqu de un acto que les pertenece a la lengua y al
lector tanto como al poeta, que es su propio proceso, irreductible a un
sentido que pueda el autor controlar o el lector "extraer" y llevarse a casa
en el bolsillo; pues una vez pronunciadas, una vez ledas, dejan las
palabras de pertenecer o de significar; deja el poema de tener sentido.
Durante la ltima dcada, la reaccin caracterstica de la crtica
adversa con respecto a la actividad de los autores Language ha consistido
en considerarles una escuela potica, es decir, un grupo de escritores cuyo
trabajo refleja preocupaciones muy especficas y excntricas que otras
"escuelas", autores o lectores pueden perfectamente ignorar al interesarse por puntos de vista ms "habituales" en relacin con la escritura. Esta
actitud reproduce la posicin defensiva ms frecuente de los sistemas
artstico y literario con respecto a los sntomas de su propia crisis. Contra
ella resulta muy necesario sealar la variedad sin precedentes de la
experimentacin que han producido estos autores: es posible hablar de
una escuela potica en la que unos miembros conciben su trabajo como
la indagacin de sintaxis visuales, otros como una bsqueda de lo
colectivo en el mbito del hablar privado, ste como unareterritorializacin
completa del vocabulario, aqul como un borrado de las fronteras entre
el poema, el texto crtico, el psicoanlisis y la filosofa?
Ms que como miembros de una escuela, la extraordinaria variedad
de la escritura Language identifica a sus autores como interlocutores de
un debate en el que lo que se reconsidera en bloque son los materiales y
los mtodos de la escritura, la relacin de sta con la sociedad y la
naturaleza del significado. Este debate, abierto a principios de siglo por
las artes plsticas y verbales, fue sofocado apresuradamente por la
ur~ncia de otras preocupaciones durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y
porel prestigio que tanto en Europa como en Norteamrica adquirieron
en la postguerra poticas conservadoras y antiexperimentales que desvia-
1. Utilizo la expresin ms frecuente, "poesa/escritura/escritores Language", para
refermne a modos d~ la creacIn verbal que han sido tambin designados de otras maneras:
escnt~ra neofonnahsta, de r:fere2cia d,ebilitada, o centrada en el lenguaje. No he querido
traducIr I~ expresIn a espanol ( poesla del lenguaje") para evitar la confusin que ello
ocaSIOnarla c?n potIcas espaolas con las que estos autores norteamericanos tienen muy
poco en comun.
2. Ron Silliman: In the American Tree, University of Maine, Orono: National Poetry
Foundation, 1986. Douglas Messerli: "Language" P oetries. An Anthology, Nueva York:
New Directions, 1987.
3. La mejor manera de introducir al lector en tales canales es proporcionarle l~ direccin
de la mejor librera especializada en este tipo de publicaciones. Esta IIbrena edita un
catlogo anual de los ttulos que distribuye :
Small Press Distribution
1814 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702
Telfono: (415) 549 33 36
4. "The Word As Such: L=A=N=G=U=A=G=EPoetry in the Eighties",AmericanPoetry
Review, Mayo-Junio 1984, pp. 15-22. La inclusin de este artculo en el volumen de ensayos
The Dance ofthe Intellect. Studies in the Poetry ofthe PoundTradition (CambrIdge Umv~rsl~y
Press, 1985) subraya la relevancia de las conexiones entre la poesa Language y la tra~lclOn
de la poesa ms lingsticamente consciente de nuestro siglo: Pound, SteIn y los escntores
cubofuturistas. En otros artculos y reseas, Perloff se ha ocupado de manera ms enfocada
de la obra de algunos de los autores Language: " ' Voice Whisht through Thither Flood ' :
Steve McCaffery's Panopticon and North of Intention" , Temblor, 6 (Otoo 87) pp. 130134' "Collision or Collusion with History: Susan Howe's Articulation of Sound Forms In
Tim~", Contemporary Literature, 30, 4 (Invierno 89/90). Estos artculos aparecen recogidos (y contextualizados) en Poetic Licence: Essays on Modernist ~nd Postmodermst Lync,
Evanston Illinois: Northwestem University Press, 1990. Otro articulo Interesante sobre la
escritura Language es el de Lee Bartlett: "What is 'Language Poetry?"', en CriticalInquiry,
12 (verano 86) pp. 741-752.
5. La noche junto al lbum, Madrid: Hiperin, 1989, p. 29. Quiero
eleccin de este poema para ilustrar los tipos de escritura cuyas ingenUidades e InsufiCienCIas
constituyen el punto de partida de la experimentacin Language se debe solamente al ?echo
de ser lvaro Garca un buen amigo que no ha de guardarme rencor por ello; tamblen a la
representatividad que le otorga el haber sido objeto de un premio ~eciente. Casi cualquier
otro poema de los que han aparecido recientemente en las revistas lIterarIas y en las
antologas espaolas de poesa contempornea hubiera servido los mismos fines.
6. Los diez libros de arquitectura, lib. 11, cap. 1. Cito de la reciente reedlcln de la
versin de Jos Ortiz y Sanz, Madrid: Akal, 1987, p. 28.
7. Content' s Dream. Essays 1975-1984, Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1986, p. 242.
8 . " Disappearance of the Word, Appearance of the World" en The
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Carbondale: Southem Illinois University Press, 1984, pp.
121-132. Incluido en el volumen de ensayos de SiIliman The New Sentence , Nueva York:
Roof, 1987, pp. 7-17.
textos ha existido, como mnimo, una larga entrevista del traductor con
el autor. En algn caso (Steve Benson, Jean Day) los autores hablaban
espaol, lo que ha facilitado considerablemente el trabajo.
Mi seleccin de veintitrs poetas excluye a otros tantos que no
aparecen aqu por motivos pura y brutalmente arbitrarios de los que no
puede librarse totalmente un trabajo de este tipo: est, en primer lugar, la
limitacin de espacio inseparable de toda antologa bilinge; y despus
otros de importancia variable entre los que cabe mencionar, por ejemplo,
la mayor facilidad del traductor para establecer contacto con unos poetas
que con otros; o el hecho de haber conocido el traductor, en una lnea
determinada de escritura practicada por dos o tres autores, la obra de uno
antes que la de otro, lo que ha condicionado en alguna ocasin la
representacin de tal lnea. Y finalmente estn, por supuesto, las preferencias personales del antlogo y las capacidades del traductor: no hay
traductor que no haga mejor unos tipos de trabajo que otros y esto
tambin ha condicionado en alguna medida la seleccin: hubiera resultado ridculo empearse en traducir precisamente los textos a los que
menos se prestaban las capacidades del traductor. Esta antologa representa, pues, de manera necesariamente imperfecta e incompleta, la
escritura Language desde una perspectiva que valora el trabajo de sus
autores como el desarrollo ms importante e innovador de la literatura
norteamericana reciente. Una antologa perfectamente comparable a sta
podra reunir nombres completamente distintos: Rae Armantrout, Tom
Beckett, Alan Bernheimer, David Bromige, Lynne Dreyer, Johanna
Drucker, Michael Gottlieb, Susan Howe, Erica Hunt, Tom Mandel,
Laura Moriarty, Nick Piombino, Larry Price, Jed Rasula, Kit Robinson,
Steve Rodefer, Peter Seaton, James Sherry o Hannah Weiner, excelentes
escritores todos ellos, cuyo trabajo no se representa en este libro por
alguno de los motivos citados.
Bruce Andrews
Steve Benson
Charles Bemstein
Norma Col e
Clark Coolidge
Tina Darragh
Michael Davidson
Alan Davies
Jean Day
Ray Di Palma
Kathleen Fraser
Ted Greenwald
Robert Grenier
Carla Harryman
Lyn Hejinian
P. lnman
Steve McCaffery
Douglas Messerli
Michael Palmer
Bob Perelman
Leslie Scalapino
Ron Silliman
Barrett Watten
Confidence Trick
Abuso de confianza
y ou carry around your own television, the vile tone, the word assassin
comes from hashish , a resolute flowering of radiation - Female
impersonators make a pretty good living
y oy re too loud, smoke more dope, the body is a factory - Radiation
is midgeting through the soil, school ties; race cakes my hair - Metal
Boys: the coalmines are like mocha, sorne whites derisively refer to the
style as ' Chop up your mother' - We need to get rid of the conc~pt ~f
the home, jitney races of the infidels - Let s just REPEAL evolutlOn If
it gets in the way of our conservative paradise
from dirt, demand a rebirth - Like systemic arrest; con them into ?eing
our body guards; positive noise - Lazy metropolitan cou~try to
mardi gras, 'stark misprints' - We said: 1 change everythmg to frrst
Avenging angel is a - I t s all so flea collar.time! -:- R~define c~lture;
let s tell the FBI to pick up that darkroom frre extlllgUlsher, nOlse, to
cooperate with the gas whites - Untidy kicks up red fuck cl.ose; monkey
gives offhow furiously 1 eat her voice; in a people's war, ~ll the people
_ Telegraphic; the quality of being a rope extended to lllclude metal
safes - The hydrant is normal
Confetti no pig bag: yap yap yap, 1 convinc~d ~thers, t~e am.ateurs
smother you in sympathy - They accepted chnst llltO therr. vag~a.
Shopping; less not more, LSD was once the rage, white abortlOn kIssmg
is dippy theatricality for being lucid & bombed
Will light only when struck on box; organ trajectory; radio free
europe -Glamour is the point of combustio~, dri~ing by prox~ - Sh~t
with his own gun - Extemporized make-beheve hon tamer; qUlck, gUllt
_ Your idea of entertainment is my idea of public health
Malaria calendar bursts through the circumcision; anagram bums out
love & lies limp, not acceptable, abstract the attention - Centiped~s
programmed by dwarfs (who swea:s by phlo~iston to the end of hIS
science fact & refuses to have anythmg to do wIth oxygen) - She c~ t
come up with the chichs fast enough, severe hammer on the head dId
occur to me - Maybe it s not important enough to remember ?ut loud,
pulp pushups; time for personality to do its work - Allotted ~o hIS people
through treaties sounds pretty meditative effort on entertamment very
volatile go on arguing the North Korean phenomenon, sex and power, the
house of windsor, the politics of production, a dwarf tree produces
standardized fruit, realtors - He will never be an alcoholic, he s too chea?
_ 1 really despise all religions (NO FUTURE) whether 1 can spell therr
names accurately or not
qumicos productos derivados de la mugre, exige un nuevo nacimientoComo la detencin sistemtica; engaarlos para que sean nuestros
guardaespaldas; ruido positivo-Perezoso pas metropolitano camino
del mardi gras , "erratas rgidas"-Dijimos: lo cambio todo a primera.
ngel exterminador es un-Es un tiempo tan de collar antipulgas!Redefinir la cultura; digmosle al FBI que coja el extintor del cuarto
oscuro, ruido, para cooperar con los blancos del gas-Sacuda desorden
cierre jodido rojo; se le escapa al mono la furia con la que me como la voz
de ella; en una guerra popular, matar al pueblo-Telegrafa; ser una
cuerda extendida entre cajas fuertes de metal-La boca de riego es
Confetti al cerdito: am, am, convenC a los otros, los amateurs te
abruman de comprensin-Aceptaron a cristo en su vagina-De compras; ms, no menos, la moda fue una vez LSD, besos de blanco abortar
son teatralidad inmersa de estar lcidos y bombardeados.
Slo se enciende al rascar la caja; trayectoria del rgano; radio europa
libre-El glamour es el momento de combustin, un beber consorteAsesinado con su propia arma-Fingir improvisado del domador de
leones, rpido, culpable-Tu nocin del divertirse es mi idea de la salud
Revienta el calendario de la malaria la circuncisin; el anagrama
enciende amor y yace flccido , inaceptable, abstraer de la atencinCiempis programados por enanos (quien jura por phlogiston hasta el fin
de su acto de ciencia y se niega a toda relacin con el oxgeno)-No le da
tiempo a ella a proveer los suficientes clichs, se me ocurri un martillazo
en la cabeza-Tal vez no importe tanto como para recordarlo en voz alta,
empujones de la pulpa; hora de que la personalidad acte-Adjudicado
a su pueblo por tratados suena a esfuerzo un tanto meditativo respecto a
la diversin muy voltil seguir discutiendo el fenmeno norcoreano, sexo
y poder, la casa de windsor, la poltica de la reproduccin, un rbol enano
que produce fruta estandarizada, corredores de fincas-No ser nunca
alcohlico, es demasiado tacao-De verdad desprecio todas las religiones (NO TIENEN FUTURO), tanto si consigo escribir sus nombres como
si no.
Art & the struggle for socialism, social inequality in yugoslavia, slips
ofthe freudians - Sorne kind of wild coconut ding-a-ling, delicious, the
Eurocommunist mirage - Capitalist expansion in the USA
1s it going to be the runaway hotline or night of the living dead;
theatricallighting verbal contract to not see the other point of view What kind of hinguage is this involuntary working heart - Scrim of
political piety sort of jones, contradictory class locations; blood of spain;
why the team still gets problems at the foulline - Nibble fit, white lies,
the yenan opposition; no paste, no future, no side effects - Sorne
individualism feels neglected by zoo, as if the insurance didn t cover
neural problems - White workers in south africa, so debonair, say boo
goodbye, charred bodies, can we 'prioritize' the evidence? The
commodities boom; dispute over the huks, death disco - Vertiginous &
complacent thoughts on women ' s day - He s a lout - The important
thing is to be forceful, telepathic & credible
in order
In brief, "cutenes"
to spark -
en orden
Resumiendo, "lindeza"
to lobe something
lobular algo
recalentados trastornos menores
and the analytical kind
remove all musics
y el tipo analtico
apartar todas las msicas
vacas sedosas
silken cows
arco aeropuertos
sin cortinas
arc airports
of the
those scaled
bell winter
ir blando
la primera
cosa blanca
for size
Atributo Y
gerundio en cajas
boxed gerund
por medida
Attribute And
De Sonetos (1980)
Manpower Sonnet
upped hind
like rooks hid
by bereft
mistake of allegiance
trasera alzada
como se escondan los tahres
por despojado
error de sumisin
laminates an opening
smooth smallness
triggers return
to Minny Macho sleeve
vuelven gatillos
a Minny Macho
Amplio amperio
Ample ampere
bees ajar wasn' t
this is no joke
the switching for parts
wasn't he's
no eran l es
hurrying down to get ounces
without song
farmed laugh
pure silk treadle
(noun) chapel of sto troops
haste one
part of seven hundred coup tones
de carpintera
un reino
que se apresura a conseguir onzas
sin canto
cosechar risa
pedal de pura seda
(sustantivo) capilla de sta. tropa
apresura una
parte de setecientos tonos de golpe
pseudo-permanency is to impose
on me. Nothing or what imposes
on the work, the writing, if free
of advance definitions: virtually
anything imposes its mark,
,measure, qualities on the otherwise
freely nebulous "flow" of the
writing. No practice of such a
goings-on. The golden age,
balmy breezes, south sea paradise
De El sofista (1987)
Abrigo de ilusiones
Al garabato de la medianoche
perdi la niebla el hueso y bocanadas
de empao adoban la arista
de las mareas. No hay ms que contar
que su petulancia enva en flechas
contra rendija de muelle
orlada, ni horario solsticio
ni desbordado atajar
-sobre el ijar de rizo y trenza
vierte dulce la vena y del diablo
puerta no ms que importunar sabe
y desdichado- los pramos
videntes donde me refreno
de partida y de alcanfor.
Slo esto, en la persiana orilla
un vibrar que a lija
nos alisa y sin neblina: sea quien
no asombr quien sonido
fabrique, del acercar
cacofona, de pellejo haber,
derramar habindose calado. Aun
libre para el barreno y la carga, que
el ral al por menor concluya, balde
remilgado la aridez del yermo,
seor sobre ellos descolle y rodee
la plantilla, del atoln del medioda va.
f d
t taging
I'm not representative of fleets . With thlS as m mg ~u , s
seemed to me to everything is, a wistfullittle fainted, and getJump on get,
lberate . "You have very warperd values about
moment above del
this type of thing".
Incursion of conflagration -dished up, dished out on. He says a ~se
of flavor momentary vendor issuance again with marked volt. H~avmg
monsoo~ counsels coordinate purpose, proposed d~fens~ of sldere~l
caliber. A flacon of thorough. Acceleration of tIdes m gynecOld
hagiography: halibut hacks with gypseous repose. .
d f
Notarizes grounds-, enough what hampers mcoordmate, e t
impl ying dormer, sore crescendo books indigenous rayon. Pop goes goon
to estuaries, grumble 's hallowed gush at potable potions, rear end to silo.
Tribunes hawk emblazonments;jacks dolly back, impromptu, vulcanizing
probation nonetheless which spoon.
Reading the coffee, drinking the paper. Elevation of surround, bogus
tip toward. Muscular tinsel: bravura autophasic slime grabs gums of
encomium. Dart clause gesticulates insolvent harbor. Gone throUgh
assume, to you would bounce back as well, what she'd have who is on
spending, very much, not to have been, of accumulated skip. Hook up his
refutation as use, indiscriminately would category, that than thing that' s
the same problem any application of, to be specifically could well be
slightly in that it- 'unennobled by spiritual desire ' -could have
contained. But for me which means or better to say takes place, it' s ground
encapsulated onto dubbed.
Withstands anabiosis, invested armature waxing inclement. Vagary
polyps seersucker lamppost, with which reputations retain mobile signage
(syringe) gentrifying ammonia. Gashed and paneled: the locker room of
stapled restraint, epicene conviviality. Serrate alarm, or simply along, the
stilled, quiet moment's preclusion. Embossed hitherto en-masse, parasol
of vividness ' vivisection.
Detained just the same, a lurk which mars o Seems culpable of just
about around, porous line drive pouting at strolls in the butter. Go around
(deference) nabs slight head cold basically trapezoid, but's the
airshaft, don't you spatter your eggplant here, foreswom as marzipan
swans instigating reapplication. These voices (violas) have bumt the
heck out of concupiscence-.
From picks and shovels to nuts and bolts: aorta jimmies swollen
encephalon, formulaic fishingboats. Comparison between palatial,
pretematural forswom in which alacrity, tundra, vendor vacation,
syncophantic nose dive. Encyclicals spot-check flagrantemissions. Dream
of drumstick. Garages whose gerrymand? -ductile brace, metastasis.
These coterminous cones encove my love. Ovoid ovation when embellish
clutter and gots Kings County Carburetor, oar the allays: "It's my
Ionizer", inflatable billy, worsted simper.
De Resistencia (1983)
The reward for
love is not
love, any more
than the reward
for disobedience
is grace. What
chains these
conditions severs
semblance of
a hand, two
fists, in preemptive
embrace with
collusion. The target
trails the firepower, acclirnating in '
accolades, or
smoking out
shudder of
with ruptures of
delay. Whirl
as whirl
can, a surrogate's'
no place
for dismay
La recompensa del
amor no es
amor, como no es
la gracia recompensa
de la desobediencia. Lo que
vincula estas
condiciones corta
la apariencia de
una mano, dos
puos, en abrazo
preferente con
connivencia. Le sigue la pista
el blanco a la potencia
del fuego, aclimatndose en
espaldarazos o humeando
un tiritar de
con rupturas de
demora. Arremolinarse
como un remolino
se arremolina, un sucedneo
no es lugar
para el desaliento.
Gastronoma forense
Forensic Gastronomy
The internallogic
of possession of
what can not be
La lgica interna
de la posesin de
lo que no puede
known about
or gardened
all the habitudes
in a congenital
series of
absolute distractions
flushed with patency
and pestered
dumb with
the breeze.
There is no
in si de information
inside defamations
on 119th street
and an avenue
ofno name
because not
of or in
the village but
a passing glimmer
in a bus
window, gone
today but maybe
here (there
is no)
a backwards look at
that this
o ajardinarse
todos los hbitos
en congnita
serie de
aturdimientos absolutos
rebosantes de evidencia
y por la peste
de la brisa.
No hay
informacin interna
interna difamacin
en la calle 119
y una avenida
sin nombre
porque no
es del
pueblo sino
brillo pasajero
en la ventana
de un autobs, hoy
lejano pero tal vez
(no hay) maana
mirar atrs hacia
esa esta
A field study of Zululand ' s mosquitoes and velvet monkeys reveals them
to be carriers of viral diseases that cause high fever and bonewracking
Defeat comes to the Nazi conquerer: Film footage highlights the February
bombing of Dresden; the advance over the Rhine, through the Ruhr and
into the heart of Germany; and, from the east, the Russian encirc1ement
Everyone chips in to help Henrietta Hippo bake enough pies for the
country fair.
It's the dog pound for Roger when Jeannie turns him into a poodle.
Nellie has the most lines in the school play, but the player to get the most
out for the project is a girl who uses the play to bring her reclusive
widowed mother back into society.
De Metamorphopsia (1988)
"resplandor en el aire"
The captive's heart tom from the chest, new fire kindled
by a silky word in the cavity determining the speed
But, she said, the name is time and we can only count
De Al Egipto (1988)
As he has said it
That it needs to
Como l lo ha dicho
Que resalta necesario
Que venga a rondas, la ventana ms blanda
1 opened, 1 caught it
versions were left on the ledge, they shift
as felt as the lobby of the long spinal cats
the neon blot of its gas an Arabic slouch
careering of sniffing the turning of perfume past mosques
tongue lit in sand light, a vastness to remember city
a wander though anywhere pulling, crane star to water links
and the beams that collapse in the clothing of breath
Abr, lo cog
quedaban en el alfizar versiones, varan
figuradas antecmara de los largos gatos dorsales
el borrn de su gas nen un arbigo andar desganado
competir del olfato al revenirse el perfume por las mezquitas
lengua encendida a la luz de la arena, anchura que a la ciudad recuerde un
caminar tirando por cualquier parte, cigea estrella a los eslabones del
y los destellos que se derrumban en vestimenta del aliento
That he states
What we hear
That not turn
But everyone here and the dust will not raise
apportionment penetrations mosaic the nightsoil
collection of sleep, horizon plank to drill road
was said here, the man put up his sleep stalagmites
and cottoned off a road to outskirts no millworks
at particle row near the chair stands
Que l afirma
Lo que omos
Que no vuelve
Pero todo el mundo aqu y el polvo no levanta
penetraciones por reparto mosaico la tierra nocturna
recoleccin de sueo, horizontal pasarela a ensayar la carretera
se deca aqu, se puso el hombre estalagmitas de dormir
y algodon por la va hacia extramuros que ni los molinos
donde el camino partcula y junto a donde est la silla
He settles for
It sets up
Makes high
He wanders from
But what will touch blue space here provide?
Glance Clear space, Ace of Triangles space
space of the owlless winds, twister over spaces a turret
that mounted volcano with no heat, stitchy terminus
the space of arm vents and molecule the cue
or nodule space, the knob lost, the crew cell
cease function on icicle of blue key block gem
amounter belly to dance the monomaniacal chain link
ends at detritus must, sand in the fridge?
That it' s not him that says it
This time it's he will rise
Ink of this Egyptian knock over night
when the belly calms the whole roars, rows
of anything inch to ape the dust, the ouncing
Can you one-hand raise the Proper Vehicle?
but this desert, and you terrninant, you sour
at frills and cannot even howl, low trill
when the bird floats and powers slow down
l conforma
l se desva
Pero qu es lo que tocar aqu el espacio azul provee?
Espacio Claro Mirar, espacio que es As de Tringulos
espacio de los vientos sin lechuza, que a rosca espacia un torren
ese volcn sin calor encaramado, remendado trmino
el espacio de vlvulas de brazo y la pista molcula
el espacio nodular, perdido el pomo, dejara de operar la clula
tripuladora el carmbano de clave en bloque azul gema
vientre que ms dance eslabn monomanaco de la cadena
acabar deber en detritus yen la nevera arena?
Que no es l quien lo dice
Ser esta vez l levantarse
Tinta de este llamar egipcio a la puerta anoche
cuando al calmarse el vientre todo brama, hileras
de cualquier cosa pulgada para fingirse polvo, pizca
Puedes levantar con una sla mano el Vehculo Apropiado?
pero este desierto y concluyente t , te agras
de perifollos y ni aullar sabes siquiera, grave gorgeo
al volar el ave y se apaciguan los poderes
En aguijn se libera
Se le retalla
Los tapones para
Esos caballeros radiogramas que alborotan ritmos
sin que pueda yo apenas aguantar que te sientas lejos
del cantar del gallo al apio que a medianoche asoma
con claridad a la ventana escribo y el codo en pos
al firmar el papel las cosas
semillas al final circonio
las cosas que las cosas alzan
rebanar allende este rostro
que ya no es humano
Morning muezzin in orange and a mosquito
rooster donkey tree toad and chainsaw snore
the dart of a needle through felt trauma
they mass and band, collide in screens for light
unlung the tongue in far head, wiping the mist from the whisper
Only the spoken
Words follow
Plain isn ' t it? that I seize and clap from the bends
the air capsizes and tea spills on the dust prints of a floor vast
or is it actually soft, all this distance, these tabled plans?
here you can see down all the roads back from, a lashed dragging
to the sides, as in all wrong ways , you must wait till the driver slows
stops this whistling stall and tums to us
De qu partir un vuelo?
On the edge of the house, the desert on the edge of the stamp
on the pitch of a resonance, nothing there will
be free, not even if you
reached the sea, then he laughed at me
a stretch
a panel, a woolen tip
and it busted, it was rested
then he placed me in his mouth, then I went with him
There are always nods by the light wood , by the hard sea
But the place where it all carne back from wheels away
headed then handed down about the airport darts
Qu clase
al alfizar del nmero?
What sort
At the sill of number?
The picture of a death from a long way off
the one who had chanced to be spinning missing
the one whistled down in a blood-driven dent
flight is all headed in the one direction
This only
spoken words follow
like hooks in the pigment
books in the presence
an entanglement weightiness
The which was his head
Fluid red to the following
y su The Liberties
Earl Stanley Gardner was one of the mystery writers Raymond Chandler
imitated when first he wrote fiction. Chandler would select a Gardner
story, rewrite it, compare it with the original and rework in once more.
Chandler attributes this practice to his classical training at Dulwich where
he would translate Cicero into English then back to Latin again. "1 had to
leam American just like a foreign language", is the way he himself put it.
But Chandler had spent the first seven years of his life in America,
speaking American: a combination of "railroad" American (his father
was an engineer for the Union-Pacific) and "respectable old party"
American (his mother was Anglo-Irish, daugher of a Waterford solicitor).
When his father was away on business, he would hear "small town"
American spoken at the home of his aunt and uncle in Plattsmouth
Nebraska. Then there would be the "frontier" American spoken in th~
transienthotels whereRaymond and his mother would meet Mr. Chandler
on the road.1t was in one of these hotels that Raymond heard the edgy sort
of American spoken by his father as he decided never to see them again.
Soon thereafter Raymond and his mother sailed to England, where he
heard English spoken for the next 16 years.
mother tongue see
pedestal - at the foot of "to place"
special use of "mother" - dregs, swamp
a line
deserted = away from
a series
sphere of the father - sign of the future task
"task" - transposition of "tax"
vernculo -
as a noun
the bottom
a fIat piece of land
as a verb
employment of leisure
finca rstica
hago permanente una deuda
lo cual
y esto me confunde an ms
ya que al leer las novelas de C.
me queda la sensacin
de estar ante algo
que no veo
y ah decido abandonar
el plan y dejar las frases de Chandler
en paz y como para despedirme
busco "abandonar"
como una manera de concluir
y siguindole el rastro durante el tiempo
suficiente me encuentro con que viene
de "situar",
bajo la entrada
justo donde desde el principio
quera haber estado
Posible que pase algo por encima sin el motor habitual o las luces de
aterrizaje. Sin traduccin o comentario siquiera simplemente el propio yo
o ms bien qu partido toma uno para que las palabras. Diecisiete cartas
por ejemplo el mircoles y setenta largos de piscina seguido de un
emocionante drama vital en Wyoming en torno a 1910. Ms buen
plantarse ante ti en calzoncillos, como si dijramos, municin a la deriva
en las aguas procelosas. Se encontraba la fbrica de bombas en la orilla
opuesta; slo los campesinos quisieron quedarse atrs, lo cual les result
oneroso. Algo diferente de un helicptero o insignias que expliquen la
lealtad de la nacin, algo en otras palabras extranjero. As es como
piensan en Oregon. Luego a casa para recibir el piano ayudado por la
hermosa de traslcidas manos cerradas sobre los preludios de Chopin.
Como si en el silencio de ella un sentido se cerrara que l hubiera de
exhumar y envi copias de papel carbn a varios testigos.
thus leaving him. Simply to do one's work and get on with it as though
a stone were brought in for fifteen minutes. He collected words about his
work and made a work she reminded him of something. The word she
never had a chance not to be an object. I refer to you.
Those "genteel baubles" you see at the corners ofyour eyes a part of the
eyes and yet "self-excluded" from them, swimming around in their
watery appropriate figure of speech. He tried to comer all of them; he
didn ' t want to know of their crimes; he lined them up against the wall;
they tried to speak; they had tried to use their eyes to see him with. Trying
not to make the connection between them was his job but the intervention
of a foreign imperial power wearing the insignia or a refining fire helped
him somewhat. Once the continent (Alabama) is split in half they can
begin to isolate (Oregon) the ones who taIk funny (California) where they
live. The old sagas and the quaint words they used: stone, ship, sea, wind,
pine, island, shield, tape recorder, father, grey, he, she. Sorne geese flying
south honking or perhaps a child next door crying in waves. They speak
"slippery as glass" with a world to anticipate them but without an
audience. I am only stones.
in numbered files
a logic so exceptional even
frames toss head black somersault
pigeon dismal wellhead font
then you could open them
and pull out, say, bring me
a slab or close open door
because fear intrudes
due to outside noise inside
and living alone
so 1 pick up the receiver
with which 1 could refer
to you
it' s that efficient
also you taste good
which leads me
great distances whole croutons
omery neighbors peeping
teens but you're older
by that much
back when we were engaged
which meant
carrying a rock
sorne letters in the right mood
spell history.
en archivos numerados
una lgica tan excepcional que incluso
marcos tirar cabeza negra pirueta
deprimente paloma fuente manantial
podras t entonces abrirlos
y sacar, digamos, traerme
una losa o cerrar la puerta abierta
porque el miedo se entromete
debido al ruido exterior aqu dentro
y viviendo solo
as que descuelgo el auricular
con el que a ti podra
as de eficaz es
tambin tienes buen sabor
lo cual me traslada
grandes distancias, cortezas enteras
vecinos tercos adolescentes
curiosos pero t eres mayor
en tal medida
cuando nos comprometimos
lo que signific
arrastrar una piedra
unas letras con el talante apropiado
la historia deletrean.
Algo lo oscurece
como el cielo
o el acuerdo de no hablar
de una horrible enfermedad
que nos salva de
la imprecisin y se acerca
todo el da desde occidente
haciendo a los perros ladrar
or el se
we are making it up
to protect the inmentionable
from itself
your new hair looks good
and yes 1 fixed the gate
when we come to the garden
of empty names
who shall we find to refer to
unless ourselves
arrayed in the light of incident
bamacled with facts
a wall of cloud moves in
saving us
from definition.
o en caso contrario
nos lo inventamos
para proteger lo innombrable
de s mismo
te sienta bien tu pelo nuevo
y s que arregl la verja
al llegar al jardn de los nombres huecos
a quin podremos referirnos
sino a nosotros mismos
dispuestos a la luz de los incidentes
incrustados de datos
un muro de nubes penetra
y nos evita definir.
De Nombre (1986)
If 1 grasp you 1
grasp you with
these very tiny pincers.
After we had climbed
the staircase to the
After we had had
that thought.
Twenty one out of eighty
three would appear to be
a meaningful, the
meaningful, number.
In a totally blocked
tight situation, for
three reasons, two
small and one big.
There is at the bottom
of each feeling a small sea
of saline solution.
The rain breaks over
the racks. Train, tracks.
This verbiage loses me
in that, "there is no
substitute for quality."
There are too many miracles
in this too small world.
For as long as 1 have been
in this city 1 have known one
Si te cojo te
cojo con
estas pequesimas pinzas.
Despus de que subiramos
las escaleras de la
Despus d~ que tuviramos
aquel pensamiento.
Veintiuno de entre ochenta
y tres pareca un nmero
significativo, el ms
En tensa situacin
bloqueada totalmente, por
tres razones, dos
pequeas y una grande.
Hayal fondo de cada
sentimiento un pequeo
mar de solucin salina.
Rompe sobre los clasificadores
a llover. Tren, vas.
Esta verborrea me pierde
en eso, "no hay nada
que supla la calidad."
Hay demasiados milagros
en este mundo tan pequeo.
S una cosa desde que vivo
en esta ciudad, pero no
We make the mistakes
in each other's speech.
We find the blonde words
in each other's
We speak them, there.
We know the sheep
in the absent fold
and the labial folds
that absent us from sleep.
This we is a we that weep.
The two persons in the two persons
remember each other
in two smallletters.
And the tall thighs in a handkerchief
are fricative
and voiced
and labial, and weak:.
We can taIk more
ifwe speak
and you can stay the night.
We remember those irnmolatingly
precise years
when we were older.
Four is the perfect number.
Cometemos cada uno los errores
del habla del otro.
Las palabras rubias las encontramos
el uno en la boca
del otro.
All las decimos.
En el corral ausente
conocemos los corderos
y en las arrugas de los labios
que nos ausentan del sueo.
Este nosotros es un nosotros que lloramos.
En las dos personas las dos personas
se recuerdan mutuamente
en dos letritas.
y en el pauelo son fricativos
los dos largos muslos
y sonoros
y labiales, y dbiles.
Podemos charlar ms
si hablamos
y puedes quedarte a dormir.
Recordamos aquellos aos
de inmoladora precisin
en los que ramos mayores.
El nmero perfecto es cuatro.
If these circumlocutions pursue us,
then we 're just fucking dogs.
We 're going to give you this
in your hand
because you're a para
professional, a legitirnate
excuse for persuasions
and the islands where your
friends live.
The plumbing does not work.
The heart does hurto
This does not know why.
This heart
does hurto
When this equation hurts
it retums from the other city.
The country with little people enters
a country of big big people.
Si nos persiguen estos rodeos
entonces somos jodidos perros.
Te vamos a poner esto
en la mano
porque eres un para
profesional, una legtima
excusa para las convicciones
y las islas en las que
viven tus amigos.
No funciona la fontanera.
El corazn duele.
ste no sabe por qu.
Este corazn
Cuando duele esta ecuacin
regresa de otra ciudad.
El pas de la gente pequea entra
en el de la grande grande.
Lave is quite simply the
process of passion
subtracting itself from life.
Any strong relationship is a sexual
Go in and get down to work.
In other words 1 do know
what I'm saying.
A nice flourishing
makes our genital s
battle the air between uso
It makes us correspond
to exigencies, but leak
It makes the strength
in our arms
throttle our past, it makes
a kind of contagian
of looking and of eyes
a speech.
El amor es simplemente
el proceso por el que la pasin
se sustrae por s misma a la vida.
Cualquier relacin fuerte es
Entra y ponte a trabajar.
En otras palabras s
lo que digo.
Un bonito alarde
lleva a nuestros genitales
a combatir el aire que nos separa.
Nos hace corresponder
en las emergencias, pero gotea.
Logra que la fuerza
de nuestros brazos
nos estrangule el pasado, hace
del mirar una especie
de contagio y provoca
en los ojos un habla.
De e lineal (1983)
Section 8
Seccin 8
De Lisa y llanamente
as bark, let's say
but now romantic
vuelta a ser sometida
Your mother
is out. Someone is in trouble with conical sections.
Tu madre
ha salido. Alguien tiene problemas con las secciones cnicas.
Pies a la sombra, con calcetines.
01 Memnon (1988)
. Radical words half whispered
half radical half whisper
Quadratics cut the iron of approval
on1y my eye makes these shapes
bodily decoded
The residue of gumption is structure
of solace
as primitive as names
Stopped in the heat
we watched the functionary trim
his truest helmet-a brown paper bag
squared and cuffed into a brirnless mitred
Painted soapstone
word after word for travel
on the tooth
in your eye
Jaboncillo pintado
en vez de jade
palabra tras palabra en vez de viaje
en el diente
En el ojo
Word hoard
The line ' s a rope
across a big door
the wind rattles
Let me show
you a little
about myself
Here' s an
aerial view
Acopio de palabras
El verso es cuerda
tensa en el umbral de una gran puerta
golpetea el viento
Djame ensearte
algo sobre
m mismo.
He aqu
una vista area
you have no hands
no tienes manos
cuando hablas
te usamos de calendario
We are not
the speed
of light
the speed
of light
a la velocidad
de la luz
la velocidad
de la luz
along a line
from the
spoken alphabet
to the patch
darkness fills
between the
sobre s misma
por una lnea
que va
desde el
alfabeto hablado
hasta el claro
de sombra se llena
el espacio entre las
Water motorized and
sleep full of explosions
Agua motorizada y
sueo lleno de explosiones
Ni profundidad ni
proyeccin persigue la simetra
1t' s illegible
or analagous
Es ilegible
o anloga
An ancestor
of the marble buffalo
Un antepasado
del bfalo de mrmol
7th floor
7 Q piso
junto a
la puerta
then air
de vez en
cuando aire
for the
life of
por la
vida de
me later
m ms tarde
no bags
no backs
no wogs
ni maletas
ni meriendas
ni moros
south pass
paso sur
than say
el agua
no digas
you see
ya ves
called it
la llam
to the
the next
saw Latin
la prxima
vez que
vi latn
que se
the chaos
el caos
mists of
brumas del
1 don't know
yo no s
1 don't know
1 don't know
yo no s
yo no s
seated as water
con ceremonia
como agua sentada
ellos mismos
in fact
de hecho
She pushes a silver p,in into the fourth comer of the ink -on-paper drawing.
The fourth comer has been unanchored for days.
C~n una chincheta plateada ella fija la cuarta esquina del dibujo ejecutado
a tmta sobre papel. Lleva la cuarta esquina das sin anclar.
She has noticed it again, as she sits down and beco mes calm, in focus. She
has noticed the loose comer of the drawing before and has instructed
herse1f to go get another pino
Pin it down.
But as soon as she leaves this room, she's drawn to the large old windows
of the porch looking out towards the valley bridge, Mt. Diablo's pale
oriental cone on a clear day. Or she opens the door into the kitchen where,
noticing the bowl of fruit, she forgets the loose comer.
She savors the sugar-mottled surface ofthe tangerine, its bright rindo The
bananas have disappeared. There were four. David ate two in a row,
breaking them from the bunch the instant after she had arranged their
curving tubular forms at an angle to the brown Bose pear. Winter Nellis
pears. Anjou.
I arranged the names so that my friends could taste the suggestion of more
than those round green and purple fruits. I wanted that particular season
on their tongues, a certain history of soil and gardeners carrying roots
wrapped in cotton handkerchiefs from Genoa and Malaga. (1 am inventing
this part; what I wanted, then, was a kind of instant pleasure of distinctions
O~den los nombres para que mis amigos saborearan el atractivo de algo
mas que aquellas frutas redondas, moradas y verdes. Quera poner la
esta~in. e? sus lenguas, cierta historia de tierras y de jardineros que
hablan vIajado desde Gnova y Mlaga con races envueltas en pauelos
de algodn. (Me estoy inventando esto; lo que entonces quera era hallar
This is a demonstration of how I lose sight of the fourth comer, which I
had initially pinned in place when displaying Karl's dense and troubled
drawing in the bathroom, above the light switch and next to the Creeley
There is a world
underneath, or
on top of
this one--and
it' s here, now.
It was the first poem David ever responded to with excitement. I won't
forget how he carne out of the bathroom one aftemoon, when he was nine.
His eyes were shining when he told me. Someone had said it. This thing
he knew and had been carrying alone, inside himself, at night, in his room.
Esto es una demostracin de cmo pierdo de vista la cuarta esquina; la
haba clavado primero en su sitio al exponer el dibujo de Karl, denso y
turbulento, en el bao, encima del interruptor de la luz y junto al poema
de Creeley:
Hay un mundo
debajo, o
encima de
aqu est, ahora.
Fue el primer poema al que respondi David con entusiasmo. No se me
olvidar cmo sali del bao una tarde cuando tena nueve aos. Le
. brillaban los ojos al contrmelo. Alguien lo haba dicho, esta cosa que l
saba y que haba llevado consigo, solo, por las noches, en su cuarto.
When she notices the fourth pin missing and the feeling, again, of
something unfinished, she also catches a faint odor of expensive cigar
smoke lingering. It belongs to Karl who has arrived earlier, with longstemmed Japanese iris, he whom she can now name, who has the
attractive quality of attending to loose comers at the time he notices them.
She is more than often preoccupied, so she borrows his eyes in this
peculiar way. She thinks of how he would pin down this loose comer,
soon after seeing it. Then she goes to find a pin, unless there is something
out the window which distracts her- tonight's full moon with its
unusually deep, bisque-bright aureole.
Cuando se fija en que falta la chincheta y tiene de nuevo la sensacin de
algo inacabado, percibe tambin el olor tenue del humo de un habano.
Pertenece a Karl, quien ha llegado antes, con iris japoneses de largos
tallos, y a quien puede ahora mencionar; quien tiene la atractiva virtud de
ocuparse de las esquinas sueltas en el momento mismo de fijarse en ellas.
Ella est a menudo absorta, de modo que toma los ojos de l prestados
para estos fines. Piensa en cmo clavara l esta esquina suelta, en el
momento mismo de verla. Se va entonces a por una chincheta, a menos
que haya algo en la ventana que la distraiga --esta noche la luna casi llena,
con su aureola extraamente profunda, espesa.
She is unfinished. She is structurally out-of-breath. When she comes
close to something achieved, she enters a low and constant warning buzz.
On Sunday, in the middle of her exercices, she begins to cry quite
unexpectedly. The fourth comer loose, unanchored, unattended. She
can't seem to st,op.
Est inacabada. Est estructuralmente sin aliento. Al acercarse a la
consumacin de algo, la posee un zumbido de alerta, grave y constante.
El domingo, haciendo sus ejercicios, se pone sbitamente a llorar. La
cuarta esquina, desanclada, suelta, desatendida. No se puede contener.
The dream begins this way:
He is siuing with this younger, dark-haired, smart-mouthed woman who,
when 1 come up to them, is uuerly indifferent to me and will not
acknowledge me with any eye-contact. David and 1 have been in the
concert hall where Karl has brought us, listening faithfully to a complicated
and somewhat chaotic concert of "new music". The concert takes place
in a large tent, filled with people. Karl has grown restless and has
disappeared. When the performance is over we go to look for him and find
him laughing and talking with the other woman. They are siuing on metal
fold-up chairs, completely apart from any of the other people in the
audience. Iris cold. 1 notice that he has done exactly what he wants, while
1 have remained where he brought me. 1 slide up to him playfully, as if to
third base after making a hit. "You are siuing with someone beautiful",
1 say in a playful mood of acknowledgement. He is neutral. She avoids
Dark purple iris, along green curving leaves and stem. Tangerine.
El sueo empieza as:
l est sentado junto a una morena ms joven de hermosos labios, quien,
al acercarme, se muestra indiferente totalmente a mi presencia y ni
siquiera me mira. David y yo hemos estado en el auditorio, adonde Karl
noS ha trado, escuchando fielmente un concierto un tanto complicado y
catico de "nueva msica". El concierto tiene lugar bajo una gran carpa
llena de gente. Progresivamente inquieto, Karl ha desaparecido. Al
terminar la funcin lo buscamos y lo encontramos hablando y riendo con
la otra mujer. Estn sentados en sillas plegables de metal, apartados del
resto de los asistentes. Hace fro. Me doy cuenta de que l ha hecho
exactamente lo que ha querido, mientras que yo me he quedado en el lugar
al que l me ha trado. Me deslizo hacia l juguetonamente, como
volviendo al punto de partida despus de marcar un tanto. "Ests con una
mujer muy hermosa", digo en tono desenfadado de reconocimiento. l se
muestra neutral. Ella me evita.
Iris color morado oscuro, tallo y hojas verdes, largos, sinuosos, Mandarina.
She wakes up in historie time. Low-grade hysteria. Abandoned feelings
from the dream, as real as if this had really been happening just now"There is a world / underneath, or / on top o/, ... she likes the way the
comma makes a pause before the lurch of oro
Ella despierta al tiempo histrico. Histeria barata. Sensacin de abandono
procedente del sueo, real como si de verdad hubiese estado ocurriendo
ahora mismo-Hay un mundo / debajo, o / encima de " .. .le gusta cmo
pausa la coma antes del bandazo de O.
She lies awake but feels unable to move. The passion of their early
morning love has been washed from her by the dream' s refusal to leave.
Its teeth still graze her neck. He comes back into bed. He holds her head,
her face. He kisses her face . He looks. He gazes her to him. She tries to
re-leam his face 'with her numb fingers. She tries to leave the blindness.
He kisses her face again and again with a pause after each tenderness. She
hears his lo ve coming in, though he doesn't saya word.
1 am mute and he covers me with his gaze. He pulls me into belief. He
pours me into myself. 1 remember. 1 begin to remember what it is like,
who he is for me now. He is not the person in the dream, in which 1 split
my self into two selves who do not know if it is safe to acknowledge the
other' s existence. Difficultmusic. Seeing itthrough to the end. These two
women threaten each other. He likes them both.
This text is using the pronoun "1." This text often makes the "1" central.
Este texto utiliza el pronombre "yo". A menudo este texto hace del "yo"
su centro.
He has given her a new peno The point is fine. It makes a line that gives
her pleasure. It invites her writing, as if in sorne way there were a bird
harnessed to it. Taking off. A swan, she thinks. She has harbored in her
mind a duckling who honks awkwardly and swims in circles, who forgets
the long stretch of the imagined neck, the rising into air, leaving the
earth's insistence. The pull down pulls. It doesn't want her feathery
l le ha regalado una pluma nueva. Tiene el punto fino. Traza una lnea
que le causa placer. La invita a escribir, como si en algn sentido un pjaro
hubiera en la pluma. Despegar. Un cisne, piensa. Ha albergado en su
mente un patito que grazna torpemente y que nada en crculos, que olvida
la longitud del cuello imaginario, el elevarse en el aire apartndose de la
insistencia del suelo. Lastra el lastre. No quiere su ascensin de plumas.
The unwillingness to take one's own most. To work for it. To work is to
push against the mud, to push against inertia. Fear of not staying aloft.
Falling. Falling. Fear of maintaining altitude, of not maintaining altitude.
The will, to go up.
Catching the up-draft-the way gulls do, out at the beach, apure attention
to air currents as they glide by at a tilt.
Inertia, ennui, losing momentum, lights dimming, broken generator.
Letting someone erase you. Not wanting you there. Saying the sky is
private property. Ours.
La resistencia de una a asumir lo ms suyo. A trabajar por ello. Trabajar
es empujar contra el barro, contra la inercia. Miedo a no mantener el
vuelo. A caer. Caer. Miedo a mantener la altura, a no mantenerla.
Voluntad de elevarse.
Tomar la corriente ascendente, como las gaviotas en la playa, atencin
pura a las corrientes en el planear, inclinadas.
Inercia, fastidio, prdida de impulso, luces que se borran, generador
averiado. Dejar que alguien te borre. Que no quiera que ests. Que el cielo
es propiedad privada. Nuestra.
About Plums: Height of Season: July and August. What to look for.
Plump fruit with good color, slightly soft but with smooth, unshriveled
skins-purple, red, blue, yellow, green- and may be round or oval in
shape. About Persimmons: Availability: October through December.
What to look for. Deep orange or red color with green cap intact and no
signs of damage.
Sobre las ciruelas: Sazn: de julio a agosto. Descripcin: fruta redondeada de color vistoso, algo blanda pero de piel brillante y lisa -morada,
roja, azul, amarilla o verde- que puede tener forma ovalada o redonda.
Sobre los palosantos: sazn: de octubre a diciembre. Cmo escogerlos:
color anaranjado profundo o rojo, con el pednculo verde intacto y sin
seales de haber sido golpeados.
Produce placer pronunciar esas frases en voz alta. Ella sita algo que ha
encontrado en la esctructura del mundo.
After months of starting and stopping, not liking what 1 write, not
finishing, 1 have, meanwhile, been building the difficult structure of
belief, of trust.
She has chosen this distinction to hover over, to use as a certain axis for
mobility. Wing flutter. Warming up. Finding her wingspan. Wanting the
other's witness. See me! This insatiable woman, this hooded young girl.
Ella ha elegido esta distincin para pensar en ella, para utilizar cierto eje
de su movilidad. Batir de alas. Preparacin. Familiarizarse con su
envergadura. Querer al otro por testigo. Mrame! Esta mujer insaciable,
esta joven encapuchada.
Not to lean. Do not lean . Not to ask for a little prize. A Hershey's "kiss",
with a message for you tucked inside the foil wrap. She is breaking the
codeo She is a system undergoing change.
A liule essay in the middle, or a liule more traveling circuitously to locate
a thought' s progress, as she' s begun to pin it down .
When, for years, she had to push hard against adversity, when outside the
tent she had to stand in the presence of his life with other' s crossed legs,
dark hair, folding metal, face turned away, then she knew herself daily in
each wish and motion. Adrenalin packed itself into every cell and sent her
information. On the alert, productive, she leamed not to gag on the truth,
which gave her subtance. And formo She felt new strength in each bit of
flesh grown wily with feathers. Her power was in eiderdown. Her power
was in a sudden rush from the mud, into bright air hovering. A shakingout of golden light. A phoenix in her with a different sort of songo A
No apoyarse. No te apoyes. No pedir un premio. Un chocolatn para ti con
un mensaje oculto en el papel de plata. Est descifrando el cdigo. Ella
es un sistema sujeto a modificaciones.
Un ensayito en medio, o unos cuantos rodeos ms para situar el proceder
de un pensamiento, ahora que ella va empezando a fijarlo .
Cuando durante aos tuvo que hacer frente a la adversidad, cuando fuera
de la tienda de campaa hubo de enfrentarse a la presencia de la vida de
l con las piernas cruzadas de otras, pelo oscuro, metal doblado, la cara
vuelta hacia otra parte, se conoci entonces a diario en cada deseo y en
cada movimiento. La adrenalina le llenaba las clulas y le enviaba
informacin. Alerta, productiva, aprendi a no amordazar la verdad, lo
cual le prest sustancia. Y forma. Sinti nuevas fuerzas en cada porcin
de carne que al echar plumas se haca astuta. Su poder vena de las plumas.
Su poder vena de una corriente sbita que emerga del barro y se elevaba
hacia el aire luminoso. Un surgir de luz dorada. En ella un fnix con un
To lift off, to remain in her strength in the airo Gets circling but gets lost
but laves this Sunday papers / French Roast; this Fred Astaire / Art Tatum
lemon-in-the-dressing; this fifth-fioor, highwindowed view of waving
fiags above roofrops of grand hotels; this tasting of the white wine and the
red; this making the bed from both sides, loving in the middle on both
sides, this burnished black and burnt orange. Pomegranate. Tangerine.
We talk of what we think and what we see. With him I see more. I sniff
and I listen. Then I tell him what I understand. My sentences begin to gain
confidence. I am storing up belief. It has been a lifetime, waiting for now.
There is a world / underneath, or / on top off this one---and / it' s here. How
to be in it? Absolutely. Without penury of sou1. To give but not to lose,
that self who risked everything and felt the swan' s neck stretching in her
The dream:
All I wanted was to feed the white swans. They did not glide on water but
traveled in packs on fiat dirt beneath trees which were green, large of leaf
and effulgent. We were walking near them. The white pebbles were their
food and lay glistening on raised wooden trays. Rick beckoned to me and
approached the swans; he understood their food, how it should be
scattered, and his clothes were soft and dark from living in the woods. His
Hablamos de lo que pensamos y de lo que vemos. Con l veo ms.
Olisqueo y escucho. Le digo luego lo que entiendo. Mis frases adquieren
confianza. Acumulo conviccin. Ha sido una vida entera de esperar este
ahora. Hay un mundo / debajo, o / encima de / ste -y / aqu est. Cmo
ha de estar una en l? Absolutamente. Sin miseria del alma. Dar y no
perder, el yo que lo arriesg todo y sinti el cuello del cisne estirarse en
el de ella.
El sueo:
Lo nico que yo quera era dar de comer a los cisnes. No se deslizaban por
el agua sino que andaban en grupos por la tierra bajo los rboles verdes
de hojas grandes y relucientes. Hablbamos junto a ellos. Las piedrecitas
blancas eran su alimento y brillaban elevadas sobre bandejas de madera.
Rick me hizo seas y se acerc a los cisnes; entenda su comida cmo
haba que esparcirla, y su ropa era oscura y suave por haber vivid~ en los
al volver la espalda
maneras de sentarse
Largos perodos de tiempo comParados Tiene todo reciente
Mente un tono al que llaman
No ser del todo lo mismo
Quedarse dormido
A que dar se dormido
Resistiendo el decir se em
Pea en seguir apretando la ala
Regada mirada contra el suelo Que
Dar dormido al borde de
Se cambia el ojo de
Ropa Forma de abanico del ca
Sillero que transmite improb
Abilidad Distancia del brazo Entre
Cortado emblema bla de mejora
......... ........ .. ........ ....... .... .... ............. .. ................. ..
Laps Windows
To outside Overwhelming
Stuffed up jacket
SomeThing unmothered Pliable
Enough to stare in inner
Area Surround Occur
Al exterior
Abrumadora re
Llena gabardina Algo des
Madrado Lo suficiente
Mente flexible para observar
El rea interior Rodear Ocurrir
Uncornfortable feeling Go
Back an to eiTher side Separates SpeCifies replay Limits path
To speech growth under
Growth Grow up go away
Incmoda sensacin
Verse monomierda Vuelta ya
Ambos costados Separa Re
Peticin especifica La sen
Da al habla creciente limita
Crecimiento Cruzar marchar
electric exploring
head nods, smiles
body vibraphone
Nerves speak for a second
Longer and louder each
Listener lowers
elctrica exploracin
la cabeza asiente son
re el vibrfono cuerpo
Hablan nervios durante un segundo
Ms y ms elevado cada ve
Cino tmido Oyente aminora
De Da de Playa (1984)
Remarkably cloudless
out to sea except for so far
where' s that plane empty
this is the form that I've taken
can't depend on the auto
Por alto
dnde est vaco ese avin
Nubla la va lctea
a los vertebrados les parecen huesos
Teora/vuelan gaviotas
hacia el norte cuando despejado
hacia el sur cuando nubes
esta es la forma que he tomado
no se puede depender del auto
mobile as substitute
for sorne sort of self-concept
take on
the shape coming
up off the horizon
from the shadows
back here
la forma al venir
del horizonte
de las sombras
que hay aqu
Sunny Brrr
shoes on a sweater
Soleado brrr
zapatos sobre un jersey
swam again
when the
shade disappears
1 must go
a baarme
cuando se quite
la sombra
me tengo que ir
Against silence
not versus
Contra el silencio
no versus
Some say
we should suffer through
an inflicting state
of global privation
brought on by our
misuse of nature rather than
aH-out total war
Dicen unos
que deberamos sufrir
una situacin
de miseria generalizada
provocada por nuestro
mal uso de los recursos
y no por una guerra global
home ofman
del mar
hogar del hombre
Rocas en la pleamar
o - uU-U-lll-
para AH.
for AH.
everybody' s asleep
these days
thank god they are
ifwe were
we would be worse
1'11 just set
these old batteries
that ain' t worth a damn
si estuviramos
sera peor
The Male
WOULD YOU PREFER the examples? The pancakes? Or the words?
Oh, I have been used as an example so many times, said the Male. I
think 1. .. Do I? Do I think? said the Male.
Pancakes are good, I reminded him.
If, said the Male, I say anything, I reveal something of myself: mOOy
stupidity, or arrogance, or inability to make selections. I can ' t speak ...
If you could only make a choice, I could say, for example, well the
Male prefers pancakes and that must mean something. Words pain the
Male, I could sayo And then I would attempt to apply that information as
an example. Everybody would be able to make sense out of the expression
the male' s pancakes . When in the galleries, I could point to the portrait
of an ancestor and say "the male's pancakes", and everyone would laugh
from the pleasure that words and things can so transform each other they
make the most sense when used in tandem.
I have al ways liked the word tandem , said the Male, seemingl y inspired
or abstracted by a distant shadow creeping slowly over his brow.
You are not concentrating!
Con-cen-tra-ting? said the Male. The pressure to concentrate is very
heavy, I imagine.
You imagine? I asked.
lean 't quite make it out, so I would say I do imagine ...
The Male stood next to a rock in a large bed of rocks at the top of the
near-bald hill. Sorne sheep ran up the hill, pulled at turf, and descended
to richer pastures.
We climbed side by side to an old fort where the Welsh had defended
themselves from the Vikings. The wind was so strong, I had to climb on
my hands and knees because I was pregnant. I would rest against a mound
on the hillside and the Male would disappear in a trough in the hill. I could
look down to an empty swimming pool behind a farmhouse. The pool had
probably been out of use since the renovation of the Roman canals where
boatloads of people now traveled along a steamy strip of water aboye the
El Varn
. PREFERIRAS los ejemplos? Las tortas? Olas palabras?
/, Ah, me han utilizado tan a menudo como ejemplo, dijo el Varn.
Pienso que ... O no? Acaso pienso? dijo el Varn.
Las tortas estn ricas , le record.
Si digo algo, dijo el Varn, algo revelo de m mismo: mi estupidez o
mi arrogancia o mi incapacidad para seleccionar. No puedo hablar ...
Si fueras capaz de elegir, yo podra decir, por ejemplo, que el Varn
prefiere las tortas, y que eso tiene que querer decir algo. Las palabras le
hacen sufrir al Varn, podra decir. y podra entonces intentar utilizar esa
informacin como ejemplo. Todo el mundo entendera la expresin las
tortas del Varn. En las galeras podra yo sealar el retrato de un
antepasado y decir "las tortas del Varn", y todo el mundo se reira al ver
hasta qu punto pueden las palabras y las cosas transformarse mutuamente y cmo tienen ms sentido cuando se las usa en tndem.
Siempre me ha gustado la palabra tndem, dijo el Varn, al parecer
inspirado o abstrado por una sombra lejana que avanzaba con lentitud
por su frente.
No te concentras!
Con-cen-trar-me? dijo el Varn. Hay una fuerte presin para que uno
se concentre, me imagino.
Imaginas? pregunt.
No s muy bien lo que significa, as que dira que s que imagino . ..
El Varn estaba de pie junto a una roca en un peascal que haba en
la cimade una colina casi pelada. Corran por la colina ovejas, arrancaban
la hierba y bajaban hacia pastos mejores.
Subimos juntos hasta una antigua fortaleza en la que los galeses se
haban defendido de los vikingos. Haca tanto viento que tuve que subir
a cuatro patas porque estaba embarazada. Me par a descansar contra un
terrapln y el Varn desapareci en una zanja de la colina. Abajo vea una
piscina que haba detrs de un casero. Probablemente no haba sido
utilizada desde la renovacin de los canales romanos, por los que
circulaban ahora barcazas llenas de gente sobre la cinta de agua que
town, unseen by the people in the town below. One person from the town
stuck out in my reflections, a woman with pruning shears standing in a
driveway arguing with aman whose car she had had towed.
A lot more heavy breathing on the part of jealous neighbors and the
Male asked me, Is a poet a poet all the time? 1 don ' t like riddles and didn' t
want to answer the question. The Male, however, was desperately
serious, singing out the following verse:
These loud birds
Flying above the cathedral
Counter the politeness
That keeps me anonymous
Noise makes drama
Out ofruins
The trees develop in the ruins
An authoritative base for birds
pasaba sobre el pueblo sin que la gente las viera desde all. Una habitante
del pueblo dominaba mis reflexiones, una mujer con unas tijeras de podar
en la mano que discuta en una entrada con un hombre cuyo automvil ella
haba denunciado a la gra.
Tras copiosa respiracin jadeante por parte de los celosos vecinos el
Varn me pregunt, Es un poeta todo el tiempo poeta? No me gustan las
adivinanzas y no quise contestar la pregunta. Pero el Varn estaba
desesperadamente serio al cantar las estrofas siguientes:
Estos pjaros escandalosos
que vuelan sobre la catedral
compensan la cortesa
que guarda mi anonimato
El ruido hace drama
de las ruinas
Los rboles de las ruinas proveen
un slido soporte para los pjaros.
Was this the poetry of prose? The Male by nature prosaic, moving
from one place to the next in an unrhapsodic way, thinking hard perhaps
but communicating little, allowing his motions to speak for him, so that
he was followed by a trail of his own making? Would others follow this
trail, each having their own experience of it, each wondering what it was
like for anyone else to have been there? (For instance, what was it like for
Orphan Annie? The crankylooking filling station out the window? The
hoses on the pumps having lost their resilience? The attendant limp as
grease? The comic strip reader in a sunlit, airy place?) Life is like a book,
any book, even technical manuals.
On the other hand, there is the body, a form, and who knows what goes
on in the Male' s mind? The Male would exhibit a deep, ponderous blank.
And yet. 1 do not have a verse in any of my thoughts. Is a landowner a
landowner al! the time? The landownerwould either say "yes" or"no, I'm
just a person".
1am just a person, 1said to the Male, but you are not just a maleo 1 don't
know why 1 chose to present myself in this way to the creature.
What can you tell me about the faux-naif! asked the Male.
There is something in your question that reminds me of masturbating
while reading Wordsworth . The reader effaces the merits of the poet's
journey at the same time as she follows it with enthusiasm. A great
inarticulateness has overcome her as she encounters the high rhetoric.
We were standing against the crumbling wall of the fort as 1 spoke.
The wind was taking my words away from me. The Male was still
watching the sheep race back to richer pastures long after they had
reached that destination. It is possible to become very fond of a trace, a
story that is always the same.
Rituals are like ducks in pink water, says the Male. Like everything
el se he says , this is form out of the blue. In the background Baudelaire
imitates an orator: If 1 am not decorated for having done my duty, 1 will
cease to do it. . . Words come to he Male. They are not willed into being.
There is a sinking feeling at the end of any utterance. The last word may
by accident use up the potential of all the others. Then the pitch downward
will be into the eternity of the Male ' s mind, his endless spontaneity and
lack of preference. When 1 drink pink water out of the bowl shaped from
his head, he looks at my throat. Bolus, says the Male. This seems to cover
up sorne kind of disparity. The desire to be touched is overwhelming. But
whose desire is it? This relates to our initial conversation, where one word
could be taken to the land of many.
Los rituales son como patos en un agua de color rosa, dice el Varn.
Dice esto, como todo lo dems, de repente y sin justificacin. Alfondo
Baudelaire imita a un orador: si no me condecoran por cumplir con mi
deber, dejar de cumplirlo ... Le vienen al Varn palabras. No obedecen
a su voluntad. Al terminar cada frase hay una sensacin como de
inquietud. La ltima palabra puede accidentalmente agotar la capacidad
potencial de todas las dems. Resulta entonces el descenso en una cada
en la eternidad del pensamiento del Varn, en su espontaneidad infinita
yen su incapacidad para preferir. Cuando bebo agua rosa del cuenco que
tiene la forma de su cabeza, l me observa la garganta. Dice el Varn:
bolo. Esto parece disimular una disparidad de algn tipo. El deseo de ser
tocada es abrumador. Pero de quin es este deseo? Esto est relacionado
con nuestra conversacin inicial, en la que una palabra poda ser conducida a la tierra de las palabras mltiples.
My Story
Mi historia
SPEAKING IN A STATE of fidelity to the subject, living flesh though
it may be, is similar to assuming one has acquired the song of birth
through the ritual repeating of the names and gestures of newborn infants.
This makes me want to cry. But 1 can 't le: no way am 1 going to disguise
myself in the habit of that body, the one that isn 't mine.
My story will neverturn out because ofthe mass surrounding its small
De Mi vida (1980)
1 never swept
the sand from
where 1 was going
to sit down
Nunca quitaba
el polvo del
lugar en el que
iba a sentarme.
No puppy or dog
will ever be
capable ofthis,
and surely no
pero de manera irregular -quiero ser muy precisa aunque no sea posible
describir estos sonidos- y de vez en cuando explotaba. Sonarn tal vez
estas preguntas como las de Wittgenstein. En la cocina a la izquierda est
el cajn donde se guardan dobladas las bolsas extrarresistentes de papel
marrn con el nombre del supermercado impreso en rojo. Alimentacin
Veg. Haba ratas atrevidas en los estantes de Spar. Cuando el representante de aspiradoras lleg para hacer una demostracin "en el hogar" nos
remos con disimulo primero y luego a carcajadas. En el paladar estallar
uvas y al expectorar escup verdes semillas. Esos granos de arena blancos,
duros, son huevos de pulga. Adolescencia, an no concluida. Aqu el que
le sostuvo con paciencia como al ave el lomo de un perchern grande,
bayo. Las prosas son puntales. No puede lo nuevo ser meldico porque
exige la meloda repeticin. Jolgorio en la enseanza. Todos los que
pertenecieron a aquel movimiento debern aceptar la responsabilidad de
su fracaso. Las ventanas traseras daban al callejn de la basura. No
porches, sino balcones.
Ni un cachorro ni un perro
sern nunca capaces
de hacer esto
y sin duda un loro
Esta parte de la vida es trabajo. Sustituyes los huevos por imitaciones de alabastro. Imagina cmo aparecen los pjaros, qu aparente el rbol sobre la nueve
sucia. El bloque de pisos ocupaba enteramente una pequea manzana de la
ciudad y nosotros vivamos en el tercer
piso de la entrada que haba en una de las
esquinas, donde, desde el porchecillo en
el que se haca la colada, yo vea, como las otras madres, el patio
rectangular que cerraba las cuatro alas del edificio para que los vecinos
aparcasen sus coches y donde un grupo de nios pequeos jugaba -o se
peleaban ms bien- y era por participar en estas peleas por lo que las
mujeres gritaban y embaucaban a los nios y las unas a las otras desde sus
porches. Justo a tiempo se convierten luego las rendijas del barro y los
renacuajos en ranas . Al crepsculo, cuando lloran los bebs. Tena yo
entonces la idea equivocada de que la ciencia era hostil a la imaginacin.
Esto me mantuvo alejada de todo un cuerpo de saber. El perpetuo latn del
amor mantena las cosas ocultas. Ahora todo ha cambiado y en los
with their kids. 1 never sweep the sand from where 1 am going to sit down.
1 turn to look out the window, my attention drawn to the yellow truck in
the sunlight. White and black are not colors but they are inks and paints.
They are not interested in people's emotional upheavals but in their
eccentric movements. They'll read tonight. Enzymes participate in the
logic of digestion, which is why we eat the cow and not the grass. He
thought a baby bom of an interracial marriage would be pinto. The noise
from the other apartments sweeps under the door, seeps up through the
floor. Ilike to thinkabouthim whenhe's not athome and can't come into
the room and spoil it. The mind has the message. A pause, a rose,
something on paper-an example of parascription. The deeper register of
his voice is in the pause. Carpet it. A real living centaur trotted across
Dante's brain and Dante saw him do it. Yet 1 admit I'm still afraid of
something when 1 refuse to rise for the playing of the national anthem.
The sailor on the flood, ten times the moming sun, made of wooden
goldfish. When the baby was bom 1 lost considerable importance,
surrendered it to him, since now he was the last ofhis kind. "Fundamental
dispersion", he said, and then, "no nozzle". The coffee drinkers answered
ecstatically, pounding their cups on the tableo How to separate people
from principIes. A healthy dialectic between poetry and prose. Good days
go by fast, too fast. On the low rectangular coffee table was a rack for the
postcard collection. A lof of.questions, a few answers, the progress of
questioning, the spot on the brain where these words will go. For
example, 1 remember the blue coat with the red piping but 1 don't
remember myself in it. There was green dust on the park bench, sanded
by bottoms. the neighbor insisted that the baby's pretty smile was "only
gas". Raisins, cheese, the Japanese. 1 was stocking counter-convention in
the localized world of the kitchen steam and rain. Too stingy to tum on
the heat. One thing beside another, or and then another, x times y, x
dividing y, x plus you. A word is only introduced under very tight
restrictions. Sun, therefore laundry. The little ripple shall find waves.
Longevity-or velocity.
parques se ven ms hombres con sus nios. Nunca quito el polvo del lugar
en el que me voy a sentar. Me vuelvo para mirar por la ventana, mi
atencin fija en el camin amarillo al sol. El blanco y el negro no son
colores sino tintas y pinturas. No les interesaban las crisis emocionales de
la gente sino sus movimientos excntricos. Esta noche leern. Los
enzimas participan en la lgica de la digestin, por lo cual nos comemos
la vaca y no la hierba. Pensaba que un beb nacido de un matrimonio
interracial sera pinto. El ruido de los otros apartamentos pasa por debajo
de la puerta, se filtra por el suelo. Me gusta pensar en l cuando no est
en casa y no puede entrar en la habitacin y echarlo a perder. El
pensamiento tiene el mensaje. Una pausa, una rosa, algo en un papelun ejemplo de parascripcin. El registro ms profundo de su voz est en
las pausas. Alfmbralo. Un centauro vivo y realtrot por el pensamiento
de Dante y Dante lo vio trotar. Pero reconozco que todava siento un
temor al negarme a levantarme cuando tocan el himno nacional. El
marinero en la corriente, diez veces el sol de la maana, hecho de ciprinos
de madera. Cuando naci el nio yo perd una importancia considerable,
se la ced a l dado que l era el ltimo de su linaje. "Dispersin
fundamental", dijo, y luego, "de pitorro nada". Los bebedores de caf
contestaron extticamente, golpeando la mesa con sus tazas. Cmo
separar a la gente de sus principios. Una dialctica saludable entre la
poesa y la prosa. Pasan los buenos das deprisa, demasiado deprisa. En
la pequea mesa de caf rectangular haba un soporte para la coleccin
de postales. Muchas preguntas, unas pocas respuestas, el desarrollo del
interrogatorio, el lugar del cerebro en el que acabarn estas palabras. Me
acuerdo, por ejemplo, del abrigo azul con el ribete rojo, pero no recuerdo
habrmelo puesto. Haba polvo verde en el banco del parque, pulido por
los traseros. El vecino insista en que la sonrisa del beb "slo era gas".
Pasas, entremeses, los japoneses. Yo almacenaba anticonvencionalidad
en el localizado mundo de lluvia y vapor de cocina. Demasiado tacao
para encender la calefaccin. Una cosa junto a otra o y luego otra, x veces
y, y dividido entre x, x ms t . Slo bajo restricciones muy precisas se
introduce una palabra. Sol, y por ello colada. La ondita encontrar olas.
Longevidad -o velocidad.
The greatest
thrill was
to be the one
to tel!
Lo ms
era ser la
que lo contaba.
Hace el
arado surco
street. On the grimy laundry porch, dove-like really , a pretty pigeon laid
an egg, then when the egg eventually hatched the repulsive bird ate the
chick. Just get on aplane to see other things somewhere. The water ouzel
flies either over or under water. No puppy or dog will ever be capable of
this, and surely no parrot. A neighbor rolled the terriers in a stroller and
wiped their little bottoms with a tissue when they shat. Once an enervat~ng
romance that scorn was. But sometimes-I think because of, not desplte,
all the activity-I felt as serene as when 1 had studied the irregular and
slight1y undependable patterns of the kitchen tiles as a child, to v.: hich 1
had so happily resigned myself when trying to find the place at WhlCh the
pattern repeats. Test the heat with a quick finger. Recall the when of
which 1 speak. One could elaborate. Greenery, insects-the rain as well.
After C, 1 before, E excepto Obbligato. Things that "don't seem real"
won't happen. The bareback rider in her boots leaping from muddy horse
to muddy horse. Such displacements alter illusions, which is all-to-the
good. A further folk among the rocks. The gutters were open in the str~et,
in the hills where we had walked despite the rain for a view ofthe ShlpS,
shut in the sea. Hands, pockets, maple leaves wet enough to thicken
underfoot. Leave as may be, return as 1 should, but with the beggar baby.
The arrogant innocent young. They had failed to come up with a leader.
The word "version" is a comparative noun which must imply its plural
forrn-the one that includes many. Should a good mother have more kids.
The inconsolable jealousy which tells her ofher love, declares it. For you,
forsythia. The grass in my glass.
De La guardia (1984)
Hace falta una persona muy normal para crear un cuadro nuevo.
Como avanzan las dos lneas
una hormiga palpa a otra. La frase cncava
la que tiene forma de plato
-rehundida en el centro-leerla era como planear en ella.
Han conseguido ser incapaces de acabar
y caliente. Hurras
cuya fortuna es qumica, de rboles.
Su elegancia en la oscuridad.
Los ex-votos ofrecen una contriccin ms bienvenida
que analtica. Oh, clima; oh, casa ...
tierra adentro / los quito marisma aada / una cita basada en aire quedo /
name can't stick al! that treeline /lemp synod / how after
sauch eyeline / didn't birth leave a mood / sided swim,
lines outside / fog dried to a speed / picturing what
happens to my elbow / olfact name. quirr al! to foam / why
tal ristra de ojos / no dej un talante nacer / de lado nada,
lneas afuera / reseca niebla a velocidad / representando lo que
a la mano ocurre / nombre olfatea, acuar todo a espuma / por qu
what does steach blood / a white over leverage let into me /
seat who orders Brecht, corrigenda from Mainz plus shrimp and pepper
brochettes, the proposition of omnipotence is to live without dead time a
cripple lifts on random wings, the one is brown bread' s other weight in
thought, so testicles go underground, why the Alps aren ' t political,
habitual on land, you use a lens to speak burmese as in a burrow only
textures stop, conveyed through spectra, drugs from Basutoland,
mathematic response, through temporary quarantines diurnal habits meet
a fan, bursar, synovia, the kelp's smooth skin, stave on a stickleback,
implies pencil as instrument, power where space means watching me,
slice between mode' s proximity by etching, around the violent distaff of
participation steel runners fix on shoes, farce not force, the point the
chlorine breathes in molar quanta no two things once, pure citrus pours
extremity at breakfast, a circle closes repetition, etnology turns eighty,
spine, the omission from a sentence of the periphery of five fixed points,
this mucoprotein is effete as death squads push an oblong flank, suggesting
here an action in prehension, the crystalline of a rhythmical wrong,
mousterian relics for that futon, then plexiglassed when squeek is
membrane due to laxity, the nautical takes course in mining up white lead,
Homer as a pharmacist, not the same in New York, you check the map i
must have bought, an unintended hole in concept, fifty per cent turning
dirt, in flaunter's feel the puppies glow, limit value perfect vision, there
is no such thing as a sign in isolation, resuscitation which retards, vessel
luxuriates in fleshlike substance, these but secretions from a mourner's
breath, despatch this to an impulse, the bullet's part in football's goals,
called trench this system reconnects, a parliament for continental foes,
from leaks to lakes in each receiving set, conclusion that since eighteen
functions could be separated their impairments were distinct, did Pushkin
smoke, by crossing parks each fjord respires, hybridize not Hebrides, okra,
alethia, hollyhock, a see-saw composition to each fret, flawed calculus in
aromatic language makes phonality stop at the tongue, sapodilla into
marmalade, so alter this to guides of souls, a crested chestnut in a bar, yet
i am buttoned to forget this sport, in tall grass quince combusts to
something actual, viet cong fistula to plot or oxen out of definition,
parar para hacer desaparecer las cinturas, el que est sentado y pide
Brecht, correccin desde Mainz y adems brochetas de gamba a la
pimienta, la proposicin de omnipotencia es vivir sin tiempo muerto, se
eleva un invlido con las al azar, lo uno es el otro del pan moreno del
pensamiento, de modo que pasan los testculos a la clandestinidad, por
qu no son polticos los Alpes, tierra adentro habituales, empleas la lupa
para hablar birmano como slo las texturas se detienen en las madrigueras, tradas por espectros, drogas de Basutoland; metamtica respuesta,
entre cuarentenas eventuales hbitos diurnos que encuentran abanicos,
tesoreros, sinovia, la piel lisa del alga marina, el pentagrama helado en el
lado del lenguado, el lpiz como instrumento, poder donde el espacio
significa mirarme, rebanada entre las proximidades de modos al aguafuerte,
en tomo a la rueca violenta de la participacin se calzan los corredores de
acera, farsa, no fuerza, el momento en que respira el cloro quantas
molares nunca a la vez dos cosas, Ctrico puro que se derrama extremo al
desayuno, encierra el crculo repeticin, la etnologa cumple ochenta,
columna vertebral, omisin en una frase de una periferia de cinco puntos
fijos, esta vana mucoprotena al empujar el flanco oblongo los escuadrones de la muerte, 10 que sugiere aqu una accin de prensin, el cristalino
de un rtmico mal, reliquias musterienses para el futn, cubiertas luego de
plexigls cuando el quejido es membrana dada a la laxitud, el nutico se
pone a explotar plomo blanco, el farmacutico Homero, no el mismo de
Nueva York, consulta el mapa que acabo de cobrar, un agujero involuntario
en la nocin, hecho mierda en un cincuenta, por cierto, frente a Gandesa,
valor lmite de una visin perfecta, no existe el signo aislado, resuscitar
que demora, exubera el vaso en sustancia carnosa, estas secreciones del
aliento de la plaidera, enviar esto a un impulso, posicin de la bala
respecto al destino del baln, conocido como trinchera reconecta este
sistema, parlamento de enemigos continentes, de leguas a lagos en cada
conjunto receptor, conclusin que desde los dieciocho sus funciones
separarse podan sus deterioros evidentes, que si Pushkin fumaba, cada
fiordo respira por cruzados parques, hbridos, no Hbridas, okra, aletheia,
malvaloca, una composicin de pndulo en cada traste, clculo errneo
en aromtico idioma que hace se detenga la lengua en fonalidad, zapote
en mermelada y modifica esto para guas de almas, un castao veteado en
un bar y sin embargo estoy desabrochado para olvidar este deporte,
combustin del membrillo en la hierba para hacerse algo real, fstula de
becomes defunct, two hamsters, form and content, the perversion that
prevents me shouting out, phallus in wonder gland, far back in thyme,
half-rebellion of the savage, with industry comes the anti-physis, the
gangster speaking argot clears a throat, where radical theory enters
subjectivity the system slides, names form a vanishing point, its weight
on things, you 're curing the stomach to poi son the rest, Pindar as a nihilist,
to label it modero is to label it old, rookie plumber making one mistake,
this matter of hunger is rotting away, skies become clear again
the horizon stretches-suddenly out
a swimmer
sleeping on
the sand rises up
to wave
his trunks
into what is
between us
& land, leaving everyone impatient
ly staring
at where we are
soon to set
The Annunciation
See the world! the tussles
of the tree against
its own branches! The breeze
settles into teeth
as cavities, the fruit
in crib, the curtain
from its comice-there!
is the patient
with a coat of every guest.
The grass has been tracked
down in mud
el horizonte se estira --de pronto
un nadador
en la arena
con desnudez
hacia la ola
se alza
el baador
en lo que
entre nosotros
y la tierra est, a todos deja impaciente
mente mirando
hacia donde estamos
a punto de poner
La anunciacin
Mira el mundo! La lucha
del rbol contra
sus propias ramas! La brisa
se posa en dientes
como cavidades, el fruto
en el pesebre, la cortina
en su comisa ... ah!
est el paciente
lecho, cargado
de abrigos, uno por cada invitado.
La hierba ha manchado
el barro
El lecho del ro
The river bed
Light reeds: the fish forget
about your feet
following the rhythms
of the sun beat
ing on hair where
it brushes the back
water bottom that bears
its oil
to the gulf.
De or a ir
Anda siempre la poesa tras algo especial. Deja a los hombre de perros con
everyday life. A poem is not a window but a door through which
anyone who opens
it must move beyond the hoed field to a dazzling constipation
of blindingly bright scars. "Back into the house", someone shouts.
"Meteorites! "
Others sneak a'peak through blinds calling their kitchens into wives.
Since conception sorne have stayed in bed and said "1 can't
why anyone would want to go so far." The net
la vida cotidiana. Un poema no es ventana sino puerta por la que quien
deber avanzar allende el campo arado hacia un resplandeciente
de cicatrices deslumbrantes. "Volvamos a la casa", alguien grita.
Otros espan por entre las persianas llamando a sus cocinas a las esposas.
Desde la concepcin unos se han quedado en cama diciendo "No entiendo
cmo nadie puede querer llegar tan lejos". La ganancia neta
gain isn't absolute. Sorne prefer peanuts to porcupines and 1 don ' t
blame them but-perhaps beneath his quills the meat would be
to eat with dill or then again it might be tough. In any case there's a
to keep pens in. The proposition is to sign away your hfe, to leave no
Decadencia y derrumbamiento
Decline and Jal!
The word seldom can collapse. Consider the collapse, how its
extremities predict
the act. When we Calypso the mind creates a floor on which to dance.
But what if the word never was said? Must the marathoners be carried
off? Even the good judge of character might fear that in wiping his
clear he may erase the steps for the survival of the race. Nothing is
something that is not. And this hangs a crass fram his throat.
That's the paradox, that a neck is the perfect place for the embrace
of the rope. Perhaps that's why they hung Il Duce from his feet at the
of the Fascists.
Scared cows
The thicket's in the thick of what
the civet cat & krait snake have
in common, the sea & the cave in which the swimmer's caught, not
as in a twist
of sorne plot, but as a cemetery can become
a crematorium. When the candle' s been snuffed
out, smoke ascends to center
on occasionaHy a kangaroo
pulling cigarettes
from pouch, spilling what he seiz
-es into a stagnant
pool where the seal tums to lace
on the sleeve of your mother's
favorite tuna. She went to school
to become a seeker of truth. She knows how
to cross aH the ts
& swim the seven oceans. Still,
she's never sunk
her teeth into tongue 1 bet
as it comes cross the plate
creating a quake
in the heart of the throat.
Vacas sangradas
El matojo est en el centro mismo de lo que
el gato de algalia y la culebra karait tienen
en comn, el mar y la cueva que al nadador apresan, no
como puede retorcerse
una historia, sino como se convierte
un cementerio en crematorio. Al apagar la vela
de un soplo, el humo asciende y a veces
se centra en un canguro
que saca de la bolsa
cigarrillos y derrama lo que ama
-rra sobre un charco
putrefacto donde se vuelve la foca encaje
en la manga del favorito
atn de tu madre. Fue ella al colegio
para aprender a buscar la verdad. Sabe
poner los puntos sobre las es
y nadar los siete mares. Sin embargo
no ha hundido nunca
los dientes en lengua, te lo aseguro,
cuando viene en el plato
y un terremoto provoca
en el corazn de la garganta.
Sara' s Waist
La cintura de Sara
Como archipilagos.
Such as archipelagoes
The man the rain the wind off the water drove wet
covered his head
Alive in the looking out. Crossing the bridge the brakes
fail the brakes don't fail us we're not in the drink. Tell
me which sound I'd prefer to hear.
Sorne wind which gets brushed off, casually. Things fall and
we watch. What we love is to listen.
The great elk's unhurried eye and the chicken escaping from
its poto Will you settle for this
version of winter
with transparent events. I have.
been to Paris
and back, Paris Texas, Rome New York, Buena Vista, Beau Fleuve,
Leadville, the Hackensack Meadows, New London. Such confusion
hangs on to itself.
Or poetics: occultation, recrudescence, medieval, pneumatic,
ant and wasp, horned owls (a pair), hatred, forgetfulness,
territory, map, interval, after, solemn, metallic, numbered,
convulsive,'s September. It's 1937.
The mad woman with her crutch, always happy to talk.
In the present clear blue half of us speak from underground,
indicating likenesses. We are similar to stars and lettuce,
although not as crispo We are pale as ink, and asleep and
correcto We are Australian animals with pockets. We are noto
Are and not white and horrified, thought to thought. Are
and not breathing, correct, ornamented. Not speaking to a
cupo Not grounded in stone and wood. Not tetrahedral pie ase.
Are and not assassins, mid-air and abstract, without shadows.
It really is raining, silent, and dry.
Estar vivo en la alerta. Al cruzar el puente fallan los frenos no nos fallan
no estamos en la bebida. Dime qu sonido preferira or.
Algn viento que con descuido es rechazado. Cuentas cosas y observamos. Lo que nos gusta es escuchar.
El ojo tranquilo del gran alce y el pollo que huye de la olla. Te
conformars con esta
versin del invierno
de transparentes sucesos. He
ido a Pars y he vuelto, Pars, Tejas, Roma, Nueva York, Buena Vista,
Beau Fleuve, Leadville, los prados de Hackensack, Nuevo Londres. Una
confusin tal se apoya a s misma.
Forma de nube
para Jean Arp
forJean Arp
It's the end of another century when light prematurely
divides. We are lit seriously brown in our baths, a
color actually closer to mauve. We are lit by oldfashioned lamps, their curved light falling across a
field designed with random holes. The time when each
one of us on a baseball team is neither nominalist nor
realist but simply uncertain of what the words mean.
1 for example have reintroduced the art of continuous
revision of the scorecard until it resembles a palimpsest
of possible games. You remain content to bang out hits,
mostly to left. Others pop up. What's the difference.
The one between sitting and standing is one, the only
one 1 can think of. Peter this ins't criket and wishes
won ' t make it so. I've hit someone in the head again
with the ball, but was it my fault for throwing or his
for being in the way. Jack get up. I've widowed his
lovely wife who studies ballet. Her children will
starve since there 's no money to be made from ballet,
except by the unfortunate few who began too young and had
To be at a loss for words. How does the mind move there, walking
beside the bank of what had been a river. How does the light.
And rhythm as an arm, rhythm as the arm extended, he tums and tums
remembering the songoWhat did she recall.
It was of course the present the sibyl most clearly saw, reading the
literal signs, the words around her, until a further ser of signs appeared.
And to divine the fullness of the message she uttered would demand o
her listener an equivalent attention. The message was the world translated, and speaker and listener became one. Her message was the sign
Era por supuesto el presente lo que con mayor claridad vea la sibila al
leer los signos literales, las palabras a su alrededor, hasta que apareca
un conjunto ulterior de signos. y adivinar la integridad del mensaje
que pronunciaba exiga una atencin equivalente por parte de quien la
escuchaba. El mensaje era el mundo traducido, y hablante y oyente se
hacan uno. Su mensaje era el signo mismo.
Who lives in the speaking and unlistening, wild onions by the river,
roses in the garden a hundred years old, lilac, iris, poppy, jasmine
trellised above the kitchen window.
They walk beside departure and images of a dry riverbed unfold, voices
through a wall arm in armo They walk beside an answer typing each
letter as it appears. A large white room has a beamed ceiling. The poor
live in long rowS.
While staring at the sea he paints a woman's face, requests more light
and time. Is there ever an image that appears, word inside word, skin
blue as dust, nameless hills beyond. Is there an image if there is.
To be at a loss and to retum there, saying things and speaking, it's
started to rain . He paints a woman's face the color ofthe sea but
portrays someone else as an empty chair. Then he leams to erase four
words each day.
As an arm folded might mean 'to flow'.
They collide near the cafe door, smile politely and pass. He watches
the philosopher tum the comer and disappear.
My deepest secret but not my weight and credit rating.
The not-I burns the day-care center somewhere near the edge of
the non-example in northern Nicaragua because pity has a
premodern ten-year-old face with a hundred and eighty
handpainted freckles.
My repetitions but not my death.
It was either a new car or staying home and shopping with baby.
So it was back to teaching kindergarten.
o /y
Cuando todo esto acabe quiero transcribir el Clave Bien Templado para
avin de papel, albaricoquero y manguera de jardn.
will come edit it, can it, ending with reason, nation, radiation in a
single scene where we can go home again and again, the wife
with open arms running up, hair bouncing in slow motion,
the kids tenderly tracked, the dog speaking non-standard
English and not eating meat, whatever, it could be anything
at this point, the secret shimmering on the surface.
They had
been given
names and
everything was
now in
a regular
train: theatre,
actors, actresses,
and dresses.
But it
was not
all uninterrupted
enjoyment. Everyone
began to
have their
many. Entirely
against his
judgment, a
scene painter
had arrived
from town,
much to
Les haban
dado hombres
y todo
iba ahora
en regular
sucesin: teatro
actores, actrices
y trajes.
Pero no
todo era
diversin ininterrumpida.
Empez cada
cual a
tener problemas.
Edmund tena
muchos. En
contra por
completo a
sus planes
lleg del
pueblo un
pintor para
incremento del
brillo y
the increase
expenses and
clat of
the proceedings.
And his
brother Tom,
instead of
being guided
as to
the privacy
was giying
an invitation
to eyery
family who
carne in
his way.
Tom himself
began to
fret oyer
the scene
painter's slow
progress, and
to feel
the miseries
of waiting.
learned his
his partsand began
to be
impatient to
presupuesto de
la funcin.
y su
hermano Tom,
en lugar
de seguir
su recomendacin
de mantener
la representacin
lo ms
privada posible,
iba invitando
a todo
el que
se encontraba.
mismo le
empez a
impacientar la
lentitud del
pintor e
iba resistiendo
la espera.
Se haba
aprendido el
papel -todos
los papelesy empez
a querer
ponerse ya
a representar
be acting,
and every
day thus
his sense
insignificance of
all his
parts together.
y cada
da que
pasaba incrementaba
su sensacin
de estar
todos sus
papeles faltos
de significacin.
. .. too caught in their own noise to hear an unusual sound in another part
of the house, they were proceeding with the play, when the door of the
room was thrown open and Julia appeared in it, aghast, exclaiming,
"Father is come! He is in the hall at this moment!"
... y
... and
burgundy the
smell hair
Raid, perfect
inches spots,
de cenizas
Down the tree-lined
invention of perspective
masses of machines
follow their instincts.
On either side, the stores,
neither virgin nor whore
and with more personality
than either, flesh out
the lines of sight.
The machines are all
man, sexual difference personified,
then empowered past reason' s
melting moods, liquid
capital that drips
En el arbolado invento
de la perspectiva
montones de mquinas
obedecen sus instintos.
A uno y otro lado las tiendas,
ni vrgenes ni putas,
y con ms personalidad
que las unas y las otras, encarnan
las lneas de la visin.
Las mquinas son del todo
masculinas, personificacin de diferenciacin
sexual, luego endurecidas, ms que
los humores fundidos de la razn,
lquido capital que gotea
De Manera (1988)
como la carne es
dbil-mi cada-por los escalones
hasta la acera-de nuevo-por los
tacones-pero esta vez con ms violencia-que en
el episodio anterior-la carne suave-de mi espalda
learning-it seems
silly-to accept the authority
-or want it-of sorne situation
of needed-and sought after
instruction-as destroying
aprender-parece una
tontera-a aceptar la autoridad
-o su ausencia-de una situacin
de necesaria-y buscada
instruccin-como destruir
no el dolor-espalda-de la
cada-que no haba ocurrido
de esta manera-sino
la carne frgil-y no
en una situacin de autoridad
when it is performance-not of
el ser comunes-como
rasgo atractivo de-los hombres-y mujeres
al ser chupadas entre
las piernas-aunque puede
no ser comercial-sino por
la carne frgil-y no dolorida
the man-though
thinking of the women' s
-feelings-in regard to-passing by
the booths---of customers-and allowing them
to lean out and lick between their legs-as part
of their performance
el hombre-aunque
piensa en los sentimientos
-de las mujeres- con respecto a pasar
por las mesas-de los clientes- y dejarles
inclinarse y chupar entre sus piernas-parte
de la actuacin
si no fuera-o es-en el
escenario comercial-sino despus-y
la mujer-acariciada entre las piernas por el
hombre-no siendo su mesa socialmente importantecomo la conjugacin-de la carne
que es frgil-en tal episodio
junto al-que es
el episodio-del-un
hombre que le ha chupado a la mujer
el centro-esto es-entre las
legs-not then
puritanical-as not having
a thing-to dowith it-the flesh having been
from that
they don 't-like-the
life of the bum-as fragilethough not for that reason-from
commercial-they're being in the barwho're a bartender and waitress
so the bartender and
waitress-in the bar-not liking-that was
the bum-or that is it-so that it's
reversed as the same-bumas fragile
and-got-the bartender
and waitress-angry-in the mere
bum's existence which is fragile-not
from that-on their part
so it's-turned out-which may be
a or-the-bums-the same as-not from
that existence-unfortunately-as
they 're not socially important-or-are
and to know that will not be
-naive-from their existence-or
mine-as a silly view of it308
piernas-no entonces
puritana-por no tener
nada-que hacercon ello-habiendo la carne
por ello
no les-gusta-la
vida del vagabundo-por frgilaunque no por esta razncomercial-estn en el barque son camarera y barman
as que no gustndoles-al
barman y a la camarera-en el bar-esto
era el vagabundo-o es-de modo que
se invierte igualmente-vagabundotan frgil
y se-la camarera
y el barman-enfurecieron-con la simple
existencia del vagabundo que es frgil-no
es que-por su parte
as que-resulta-lo cual puede ser
un o-los-vagabundos-lo mismo que-no
es que sea existencia-por desgracia-pues
no son socialmente importantes-o-son
comunicar-a pesar
y saberlo no ser
-ingenuo-por la existencia de ellos-o
la ma-una manera tonta de verlo-
Fred Astaire-taconeo
-la razn-o que
por su existencia-de nuestra
cultura-no comunicar
de ello-la fabricacin
positive event-therefore
as the episode from it being that of
Fred Astaire-hoofer-as
resulting--or flowering--of
the bum
acontecimiento positivo-y por ello
como episodio que resulta ser
Fred Astaire-taconeo-como
resultado-o florecimientodel vagabundo.
Can you feel it? Does it hurt? Is this too soft? Do you like it? Do you
like this? Is this how you like it? Is it alright? Is he there? Is he breathing?
ls it him? Is it near? Is it hard? Is it cold? Does it weigh much? ls it heavy?
Do you have to carry it far? Are those hills? Is this where we get off?
Which one are you? Are we there yet? Do we need to bring sweaters?
Where is the border between blue and green? Has themail come? Have
you come yet? Is it perfect bound? Do you prefer ballpoints? Do you
know which insect you most resemble? Is it the red one? Is that your
hand? Want to go out? What about dinner? What does it cost? Do you
speakE1fglish? Has he found his voice yet? Is this anise oris itfennel? Are
you high yet? Is your throat sore? Can't you tell dill weed when you see
it? Do you hear something whimpering, mewing, crying? Do we get there
from here? Does the ink smear? Does the paper get yellow and brittle? Do
you prefer soft core? Are they on their way to work? Are they feeling it?
Are they locked out? Are you pessimistic? Are you hard? Is that where
you live? Is the sink clogged? Have the roaches made a nest in the radio?
Are the cats hungry, thirsty , tired? Does he need to have a catheter? Is he
the father? Are you a student at the radio school? Are you afraid to fal?
Are you in constant fear of assassination? Why has the traffic stopped?
Why does blue fade into green? Why didn't 1 go back to Paseo and
beco me a cop? Why does water curl into the drain in different directions
on either side of the equator? Why does my ankle throb? Why do 1 like
it when 1 pop my knuckles? Is that a bald spot? lt that an ice cap? Is that
a birth mark? Will the fog burn off soon? Are her life signs going to
stabilize? Can you afford it? Is it gutted? What is it that attracts you to
bisexual women? Does it go soggy in the milk? Do people live there? Is
there a limit? Did it roll over when it went offthe road? Will it further class
struggle? Is it legible? Do you feel that it's private? Does it eat tlies,
worms, children? Is it nasty? Can you get tickets? Do you wear sunglasses
out of a misplaced sen se of increased privacy? Do you derive pleasure
from farts in the bath? Is there an erotic element to picking your nose?
Have you a specific conceptualization of ear wax? What am 1 doing here?
How do the deaf sing? How is it those houses will burn in the rain? What
is the distance to Wall Drugs? Why do they insist on breaking the piata?
Is penetration of the labia sufficient to support a conviction? Is it a
distraction to be aware of the walls? Is it bigger than a breadbox? Which
is it? When you skydive, do your ears pop? Do you bruse? Did the bridge
rust? Is your life clear to you? How will you move it? Will you go easy
on the tonic please? Do you resent your parents? Was your childhood a
time of great fear? Is that the path? Do the sandpipers breed here? Is that
what you want? Have your cramps come? Do you tend to draw words
instead of write them? Do you have an opinion about galvanized steel?
Who was John Deere? Are you trapped by your work? Would you like to
explore that quarry? Is it the form of a question? Where is Wolf Grade?
Are your legs sore? Is that a bottle neck? Who is the Ant Farm? Where
did she leam to crawllike that? Is the form of the dance the dancer or the
space she carves? Can we go home now? Who was that masked man?
Does he have an imagination? Will he use it? Is it obvious? Is it
intentional? Is it possible? Is it hot? Why did the mirror fog up? What it
the context of discourse? What is the premise of the man asking passersby
if they have change for a dollar? Who took my toothbrush? What made
her choose to get back into the life? What is the cause of long fingers?
What is the role of altered, stretched canvas on wood supports, hung from
a wall? Why do they seem so focused, intent, on their way to work? What
makes you needle happy? Why does he keep large bills in his shirt pocket?
How do you locate the cross-hairs of your bitterness? What was it about
shouting, mere raised voices, that caused him always to go out of control?
Do you hear that hum? Is there damage? Is the answer difficult or hard?
Is each thing needful? If there was a rip in my notebook, how would you
know it? What makes you think you have me figured out? Why do my
eyes water, devoid of emotion? What is the difference between a film and
a movie? Do you want sugar? Why does my mood correspond to the
weather? How do you get down to the beach? Is the act distinct from the
object? What did you put in the coffee? Did your ears pop? Would you
prefer to watch the condos burn? Where do the verbs go? Will you ever
speak to the issue of cholesterol? What is a psychotropic? Does pleonasm
scare you? Kledomania? Who leads the low-riders? What is the relation
as I walk? Are you now at that point, that when you cut you scar? What
is the source of the dull pain in the jaw? What is the emotional dimension
of circumcision? Why do people stare at you? What do they say? Do you
care for your cuticles? Are you aware ofvessels in the eye? Have we time
for one? How do I open this? What do they use it for? Where is the odor
of apricots? How do I unscrew it? Are we there yet? Which states have
you been to? Which zone is this? Did professional sex force her to alter
her emotions? Do you opt for or against irrevocable acts? Can you make
it hard? What does it taste like? Is it Kansas? Do you prefer soup or salad?
Did you see the man who was born without ears? Did you ever smoke a
banana? Where is the center? Is it hyper or laid-back? How will you
survive? Shall we circumambulate or simply walk up the side of the
mountain? Who cuts your hair? Is it a specific type of diction? Who sez?
What are his motives? Do you want to go lie down in the ice plants? Do
you think they enjoy working for white people? Is that a fire in that trash
can? What key, what key? Can it happen here? Is that the real color ofher
hair? What makes him prefer tangential contingencies? Don 't you get
your foreskin caught on things? Is it speech? How far can you take it in?
Do you prefer an automatic? When is form not a distortion? Would you
like to be queen for a day? Can you recall if you have read this? Could you
pick up the gun?
hablando solo con una manta en una mano y en la otra una bolsa de papel
llena de trapos? Ests ahora donde te hiciste esa cicatriz? Qu causa los
dolores sordos en la mandbula? Qu dimensin emocional tiene una
circunscisin? Por qu te mira la gente? Qu dicen? Te importan tus
cutculas? Tienes conciencia de los vasos sanguneos que tienes en los
ojos? Nos dar tiempo a una? Cmo se abre esto? Para qu lo usan?
Dnde est el olor a albaricoques? Cmo se desenrosca? Hemos
llegado ya? En qu estados has estado? Qu zona es sta? Alter el
sexo profesional sus emociones? Ests a favor o en contra de los actos
irrevocables? Lo puedes poner duro? A qu sabe? Es Kansas? Prefieres sopa o ensalada? Viste al hombre que naci sin orejas? Te has
fumado alguna vez un pltano? Dnde est el centro? Es hiperactivo o
pasa? Cmo sobrevivirs? Damos un rodeo o subimos sin ms por la
ladera de la montaa? Quin te corta el pelo? Es un tipo especfico de
diccin? Quin lo dice? Qu motivo tiene? Quieres que nos tumbemos
en la ua de gato? T crees que les gusta trabajar para los blancos? Eso
que sale del cubo de la basura es fuego? Qu llave, qu llave? Puede
ocurrir aqu? Es se su color verdadero de pelo? Qu te hace preferir
contingencias tangenciales? No te pillas el prepucio con cosas? Es
habla? Hasta dnde te lo puedes meter? Lo prefieres automtico?
Cundo no es la forma distorsin? Te gustara ser reina por un da?
Puedes recordar si ya has ledo esto? Cogeras un arma? Quin?
FromABC (1983)
De ABC (1983)
The Marchioness went out at five o ' clok. The sky was blue yet tinged
with pink over the white spires which broke up the east horizon. The smell
of the afternoon' s brief shower was still evident and small pools of clear
water collected in the tilt of the gutters, leaves and tiny curling scraps of
paper drifting in the miniature tides which nonetheless caught and
reflected the swollen sun, giving the boulevard its jeweled expression.
Government was therefore an attitude. Dour, the camel pushed with
his nose against the cyclone fence. The smell of damp eucaIyptus is
La marquesa sali a las cinco. El cielo era azul aunque se tea de rosa
por encima de las agujas blancas que rompan el horizonte hacia oriente.
An se perciba el aroma del breve chaparrn de la tarde y en el fondo de
las alcantarillas se formaban charquitos de agua clara, hojas y diminutos
trozos de papel iban a la deriva en corrientes minsculas que sin embargo
apresaban y reflejaban el sol crecido, prestndole al bulevar su enjoyada
As pues gobernar era una actitud. Obstinado, el camello empujaba
con el hocico contra la barrera del cicln. El aroma de eucalipto hmedo
sent to the grocer for milk? The moment before? The mops on the old
porch have begun to dissolve. Don't turn the lighton till you get the shade.
Atop a small house, the cartoon dog types away. Tum the page.
Shorter is. The fem sits, its c1ay pot in a pool of water. In doubles,
that' s called poaching. The back of the television faces the window. From
pere you can smell the sexo Give those socks a little more time. More
At the arched door of the restaurant she checks her watch, a delicate
gold bracelet dangling from her wrist. Bands of a deep orange streak a
near purple sky, the brisk air shuddering in the small trees, slender
branches bending back. Children begin to gather up their toys; lights on,
their homes begin to glow. The host, recognizing the Marchioness,
invites her in.
again when the sunset is reflected in the water. 1 want the grey-blue grain
of westem summer. A cardboard box of wool sweaters on top of the book
case to indicate Home. A sequence of objects, silhouettes, which to him
appears to be a cara van of fellaheen, a circus, dromedaries pulling
wagon s bearing tiger cages, tamed ostriches in toy hats, begins a slow
migration to the right vanishing point on the horizon lineo
Revolving door. Earth science. Fountains of the financial district spout
soft water in a hard wind. How the heel rises and the ankle bends to carry
the body from one stair to the next. She was a unit in a bum space, she was
a damaged child. The fishermen 's cormorants wear rings around their
necks to keep them from swallowing, to force them to surrender the catch.
Dark brown houseboats beached at the point of low tide-men atop their
cabin roofs, idle, playa dobro, ajaw's harp, a 12 string guitar- only to
float again when the sunset is reflected in the water. Silversfish, potato
bugs. What 1 want is the gray-blue grain of westem summer. The nurse,
by a subtle shift of weight, moves in front of the student in order to more
rapidly board the bus. A cardboad box ofwool sweaters on top ofthe book
case to indicate Home. A day ofrain in the middle of June. A sequence
of objects, silhouettes, which to him appears to be a caravan of fellaheen,
a circus, dromedaries pulling wagons bearing tiger cages, fringed surreys,
tamed ostriches in toy hats, begins a slow migration to the right vanishing
point on the horizon lineo We ate them.
Revolving door. The garbage barge at the bridge. Earth science.
Resemblance. Fountains ofthe financial district spout soft water in a hard
wind. The bear flag in the plaza. How the he el rises and the ankle bends
to carry the body from one stair to the next. A tenor sax is a toy. She was
a unit in a bum space, she was a damaged child, sitting in her rocker by
the window. I'm unable to find just the rightstraw hato The fishermen 's
cormorants wear rings around their necks to keep them from swallowing,
to force them to surrenderthe catch. We drove through fields of artichokes.
Dark brown houseboats beached at the point oflow tide-men atop their
cabin roofs, idle, playa dobro, ajaw ' s harp, a 12 string guitar-only to
agua la puesta del sol. Lo que quiero es el veteado azul gris del verano
occidental. Sobre la estantera una caja de cartn llena de jerseys de lana
designa el hogar. Una sucesin de objetos, de siluetas, que a l le parece
una caravana de fellahin, un circo, dromedarios que arrastran las jaulas
de los trigres, avestruces amaestradas con sombreritos de juguete, inicia
un lento movimiento hacia la derecha en direccin al punto de fuga del
Puerta giratoria. Ciencia terrestre. Manan las fuentes del barrio financiero
agua blanda contra el duro viento. Cmo se eleva el taln y el tobillo se
flexiona para arrastrar el cuerpo desde un escaln hasta el siguiente. Ella
era una hebra en un mal rollo, una criatura estropeada. Los cormoranes
de los pescadores llevan al cuello una anilla que les impide tragar y les
obliga a ceder la captura. Casas flotantes de color marrn oscuro varadas
en la bajamar --en los tejados hombres ociosos tocan el dobro, el arpa de
boca, la guitarra de 12 cuerdas-para volver de nuevo a flote al reflejarse
en el aguala puesta del sol. Lepismas, escarabajos de la patata. Lo que yo
quiero es el veteado azulgris del verano occidental. Con un cambio
imperceptible de posicin, la enfermera se coloca delante del estudiante
para con ms presteza abordar el autobs. Sobre la estantera una caja de
cartn llena de jerseys de lana designa el hogar. Un da lluvioso de
mediados de junio. Una sucesin de objetos, siluetas, que a l le parece
una caravana de fellahin, un circo, dromedarios que.arrastran las jaulas
de los tigres, adornados simones, avestruces amaestradas con sombreritos de juguete, inicia un lento movimiento migratorio hacia la derecha en
direccin al punto de fuga del horizonte. Nos los comimos.
Puerta giratoria. Rebosa la bolsa de la basura. Ciencia terrestre. Parecido.
Manan las fuentes del barrio financiero agua blanda contra el duro viento.
La bandera del oso en la plaza. Cmo se eleva el taln y el tobillo se
flexiona para arrastrar el cuerpo desde un escaln hasta el siguiente. Un
saxo tenor es un juguete. Ella era una hebra en un mal rollo, una criatura
estropeada, sentada en la mecedora junto a la ventana. Soy incapaz de dar
con el exacto sombrero de paja. Los cormoranes de los pescadores llevan
al cuello una anilla que les impide tragar y les obliga a ceder la captura.
Avanzbamos entre campos de alcachofas. Casas flotantes de color
marrn oscuro varadas en la bajamar --en los tejados hombres ociosos
tocan el dobro, el arpa de boca, la guitarra de 12 cuerdas- para volver de
float again when the sunset is reflected in the water of Richardson Bay.
Write this down in a green notebook. Silverfish, potato bugs. A tenor sax
is a weapon. What I want is the gray blue grain of western summer.
Menton sexo The nurse, by a subtle redistributon of weight, shift of
gravity's center, moves in front of the student of oriental porcelain in
order to more rapidly board the bus. Awake, but still in bed, I listen to cars
pass, doors, birds, children are day' s first voices. A cardboard box ofwool
sweaters on top ofthe bookcase to indicate Home. Attention is all. A day
of rain in the middle of June. Modal rounders. A sequence of objects,
silhouettes, which to him appears to be a caravan of fellaheen, a circus,
dromedaries pulling wagons bearing tiger cages, fringed surreys, tamed
ostriches in toy hats, begins a slow migration to the right vanishing point
on the horizon lineo The implications of power within the ability to draw
a single, vertical straight lineo Look at that room filled with fleshy babies.
We ate them.
Revolving door. How will I know when I make a mistake. The garbage
barge at the bridge. The throb in the wrist. Earth science. Their first goal
was to separate the workers from their means of production. He bears a
resemblance. A drawing of a Balinese spirit with its face in its stomach.
Fountains of the financial district spout soft water in a hard wind. In a far
room of the apartment I can hear music and a hammer. The bear flag in
the black marble plaza. Rapid transit. How the heel rises and the ankle
bends to carry the body from one stair to the next. The desire for coffee.
A tenor sax is a toy. Snow is remarkable to one not accustomed to it. She
was a unit in a bum space, she was a damaged child, sitting in her rocker
by the window. The formal beauty of a back porch. I'm unable to find just
the right straw hat. He hit the bricks, took a vacation, got rolled up,
popped, as they say. The fishermen' s cormorants wear rings around their
necks to keep them from swallowing, to force them to surrender their
catch. She had only the slightest pubic hair. We drove through fields of
artichokes. Feet, do your stuff. Dark brown houseboats beached at the
point oflow tide- men atop their cabin roofs, idle, playa dobro, ajaw's
harp, a 12 string guitar- only to float again when the sunset is reflected
in the water of Richardson Bay. Frying yellow squash in the wok. Write
this down in a green notebook. Television in the 1950s. Silverfish, potato
bugs. We stopped for hot chocolate topped with whipped cre~m ~nd to
discuss the Sicilian Defense. A tenor sax is a weapon. The Mam LIbrary
was a grey weight in a white rain. What I want is the gray-blue grain of
western summer. Subtitles lower your focus. Mention sex, fruit. Drip
candles kept atop old, empty bottles of wine. The youngnurse in
sunglasses, by a subtle redistribution ofweight, shift of gravity's center,
moves in front of the black student of oriental porcelain in order to more
rapidly board the bus home, before all the seats are taken. Are pears formo
Awake, but still in bed, Ilisten to cars pass, doors, birds, children areday's
first voices. Eventually the scratches became scabs. A cardboard box of
wool sweaters on top of the bookcase to indicate Home. Bedlingtons were
at first meant to hunt rats in coal mines. Attention is all. He knew how to
hold an adz. A day of rain in the middle of June. The gamelan is not
simple. Modal rounders. A sequence of objects, silhouettes, w?ich to ~im
appears to be a caravan of fellaheen, a circus, dro~edar~es pullIng
wagons bearing tiger cages, fringed surreys, tamed ostnches m. toy h.ats,
begins a slow migration to the right vanishing point on th~ honzon l~ne.
Slag iron. The implicit power within the ability to draw a smgle, vertIcal
straight lineo That was when my nose began to peel. Look at that room
filled with fleshy babies, incubating. A tall glass of tawny port. We at
Barret Watten (1948) fund, con Robert Grenier, This , la revista pionera
en los Estados Unidos de las poticas lingsticas autoconscientes representadas en esta antologa. Es autor del volumen de ensayos crticos Total
Syntax (1985) y de los siguientes libros de poesa: Opera-Works (1975),
Decay (1977), Plasma/Paralleles/X (1979), ]-10 (1980) , Complete
Thought (1982), Progress (1985) y Conduit(1986) . "Armazn ("Frame")
es un texto todava indito en ingls. Watten vine es Berkeley.
Then she enters the room and coats fuse in a mass of neutral
Man in a tuxedo holds onto his erect penis (seen through an open
The edge beckons . .. but there's no escape.
1 make a correction by running testimony though the machine again.
Each carries the weight of darkness that is given in customary use.
Hago una correccin volviendo a pasar la declaracin por la mquina.
y ou are absolute master as long as anY test of adequacy is postponed.
Language withholds communication from those who speak it unmaimed.
As if the need for a series of equivalent signs were a
Bajo el cielo ms ancho posible, un puente sostenido por cemento.
Considero mejor la manera de presentar mi peticin.
Admiramos desinteresadamente la perfeccin, con el plomo
del tiempo que pasa.
En una economa amplia y sin dimensiones, una ventana que
slo se abre una vez.
Una mujer ciega con la espalda vuelta hacia un espejo.
Un sueo de dinero que l nunca puede colmar.
Eres el dueo absoluto en tanto en cuanto se pospongan todas las
pruebas de suficiencia.
El lenguaje les niega la comunicacin a todos los que sin mutilacin lo
Como si la necesidad de una serie de signos
equivalente fuera una afirmacin.
"A no-hit game in baseball". Apure dream of total resistance the body
renews every day.
In the irony of an abstract speech quoted in his meditation on error.
Monks awake from ashes to find their meal has tumed to
An empty museum with blank pictures, panels, walls, ceilings,
and floor.
Un museo vaco con los cuadros, los paneles, las paredes, los
techos y el suelo blancos.
Los anuncios son de una excelente claridad en el diseo.
A dark boat rolls in green waves. His book is an index of
abstractions, a list of names.
(The idiotic expression ofthe writer, with his stupid and parasitic
A virgin hides generation in her sheets.
The work's integrity is a sum of all choices made in its designo
Useless waste or rejected matter. .. but no one can take my
Then we sealed the inside of the house with coats of polyurethane paint.
Art has its meaning thrust upon it (as if it were the vacuum
ideology abhors).
A law in which neither party is responsible for damages unassigned
to each.
Hicimos entonces de la accin un lenguaje ...
pero la electricidad esttica interfera nuestra
Una barca oscura avanza entre olas verdes. Su libro es un
ndice de abstracciones, una lista de nombres.
(La expresin idiota del escritor, con su sonrisa estpida y
parasitaria) .
Una virgen esconde la generacin entre las sbanas.
La integridad de la obra es la suma de todas las decisiones adoptadas al
Residuo intil o materia desechada . ..
Pero nadie puede ocupar mi lugar.
Luego aislamos el interior de la casa con capas de pintura de poliuretano.
Al arte se le impone el significado (como si fuera el vaCo
que aborrece una ideologa).
Una ley en la que ninguna de las dos partes sea responsable
de los perjuicios no atribuidos a ninguna de ellas.
We use anything as the point of departure for our work.
Enter each word into the ever expanding dictionary of your
"This is an essay on ___ in a neutral and self-conscious
A radar echo used to extract signals from inside their dreams.
As if irony had advanced with every increment of his fate.
(The sky excludes landscape altogether).
And he met a lady, half black and half white, whom he called
Then we removed them from analysis as simply artifacts of
To hold a pose at length ... Dying in an Oakland roomin
house, 1986.
Passengers exit aircraft on inflatable rafts. Each speaks in terms of a
particular discipline or arto
Utilizamos cualquier cosa como punto de partida de
nuestra obra.
Introduce cada palabra en el diccionario siempre
creciente de tu pensamiento.
"Esto es un ensayo sobre ... escrito desde un ngulo
neutral y autoconsciente."
El eco de un radar extraa seales del interior de sus sueos.
Como si la irona se hubiera incrementado con cada crecimiento
de su destino.
(El cielo excluye el paisaje por completo).
The woman is well placed; her full figure stand s out against the servants
in white.
Any element of language may be a cipher for conflict in a larger
A colorless gas that when inhaled causes laughter and loss of pain.
"Art since the nineteenth century". The homeless as a living
testomony against me.
La mujer est bien situada; su figura rellena resalta contra los
criados de blanco.
Cualquier elemento del lenguaje puede ser la cifra de un
conflicto planteado en un marco ms amplio.
Un gas incoloro que al ser inhalado causa risa y disminucin de dolor.
"El arte desde el siglo diecinueve". Los que no tienen hogar un
testimonio vivo contra m.
"You talk too much" reveals the transitive nature of their debate.
In my heart of hearts 1 was enraged.
En el fondo del corazn me enfureci.
Ruptura de la comunicacin por real decreto.
Ironic figures in an indirect scene. Here time is an accident of structure,
a series of delays.
After he was dead, villagers continued to stone him and comrnit
unspeakable acts.
At each ofthe bypassed words, you may now delete them from the screen.
Figuras irnicas en un mbito indirecto. Aqu el tiempo es un
accidente de la estructura, una serie de retrasos.
Los vecinos continuaron apedrendole y cometiendo actos
innombrables aun despus de que hubiera muerto.
En cada una de las palabras evitadas puedes ahora borrar y
eliminarlas de la pantalla.
Speech shows an awareness of itself to give content to the dream.
Muestra el habla autoconciencia para darle al sueo contenido.
Then we removed floorboards and radiators (as if reference and abstraction
were the same).
Absence of detail cancels any content their gestures may
Behind her unapologetic lies, a reselval of the normal order of the
Then he tried to hide under the bed.
"Insincere as simulacra in refusing your claim on them."
Insofar as simple conquest leaves any resistance left.
Luego quitamos el parquet y los radiadores (como si la referencia
y la abstraccin fueran lo mismo).
El contenido que puedan tener sus gestos es anulado
por la ausencia de detalle.
Tras las mentiras descaradas de ella, la inversin
del orden normal de un sueo.
l intent entonces ocultarse bajo la cama.
"Falto de sinceridad como los simulacros al negar tus exigencias
sobre ellos".
En tanto en cuanto la simple conquista permite que algn tipo
de resistencia sobreviva.
From 1888 Monet focused on haystacks , shifting from canvas to canvas
as conditions changed.
That was before the day of needing to arrive places before we left.
A minute of the world goes by, and you remain attracted to your
Pressure of entran ces and exits. "What kind of power must
we change to be free? "
A theory that I can frame no general concepts.
We remember to avoid direct speech ...
Escritura y crtica de11enguaje
Cuerpo y alma de11enguaje
La poesa como generacin de significado o poltica de
la forma
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