Boveda Espiritual 2

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LA BOVEDA ESPIRITUAL La bveda es un centro o espacio de poder y contacto espiritual en el cual con uran los di!

erentes esp"ritus y #uertos ancestrales$ en este lu%ar se le rinde tributo o culto a esp"ritus lu& y buena elevacin co#o ta#bi'n a los (ue necesiten ellas) La bveda debe estar pre!erible#ente en una #esa cubierta con un pa*o blanco$ la bveda espiritual esta con!or#ada de seis +,- vasos de vidrio$ una +.- copa de vidrio$ . cruci!i o$ un +.- rosario$ una +.- cru& de #adera +opcional-) La bveda debe ser plantada o consa%rada por un espiritista capacitado no es necesario (ue sea plantada por un santero) La bveda espiritual es de car/cter personal$ aun(ue sus bene!icios pueden ser colectivos$ es decir$ (ue ella ayuda tanto a la persona due*a de ella co#o ta#bi'n a los 0abitantes del 0o%ar en donde se encuentre la bveda) Una de las atenciones (ue se les puede brindar a los esp"ritus y #uertos (ue inte%ran la bveda espiritual puede ser1 2 Velas o velones de color blanco) 2 Oraciones +padre nuestro$ ave #ar"a$ %loria$ credo y cual(uier otra (ue ayude a dar elevacin a los #uertos o esp"ritus atendidos-) 2 3o#ida pre!erida de los di!untos (ue all" se encuentran) 2 3a!') 2 3i%arrillos) 2 Tabacos) 2 4ruta) 2 Dulces) 2 Licor +cual(uier tipo pre!erible#ente el (ue #as le %ustaba a los esp"ritus o #uertos (ue la con!or#an-) 2 Se le coloca un c0orrito de a%ua bendita y cascarilla a cada vaso incluyendo la copa) 2 Ta#bi'n se le puede colocar un poco de a%ua !lorida o colonia 56)

Al%unas reco#endaciones1 2 Los vasos deben colocarse sie#pre en el #is#o orden en el (ue !ue consa%rada la bveda) 2 Los vasos deben colocarse sie#pre en el #is#o orden en el (ue !ue consa%rada la bveda) 2 Se pueden colocar !otos o i#/%enes de los esp"ritus o #uertos (ue van a recibir la atencin) 2 Tratar de #antener los vasos y la copa llenos de a%ua nunca vac"os) 2 Todas las oraciones no deben ser dic0as co#o se (uiera sino con el cora&n ya (ue se corre el ries%o de (ue estas no lle%uen a nin%7n lado) 2 Tratar y conservar con #uc0o respeto el lu%ar en donde va estar la bveda espiritual) 2 Por nin%7n #otivo o #e or dic0o tratar en lo posible (ue el lu%ar destinado para colocar la bveda no sea el dor#itorio) espero esta in!or#acion sirva de al%o esta esuna %uia (ue yo le entre%o a las personas a las cuales les 0e consa%rado su boveda espiritual Alafia group: 1-how to make a boveda Set at least 7 glasses (6 smaller glasses and 1 bowl in middle w. 6 glasses surrounding bowl) ou put a !ru!ifi" in the bowl and light a white !andle and pra for enlightenment. # put flowers$ !igars$ !igarettes$ beer$ wine$ !and $ et!. whatever the spirits show me. %oveda should not be set up in our bedroom. &-also when using the allen karde! book of pra ers what pra er do ou have to sa or do ou 'ust open the book and do the page that open $ when ou open the book what side do ou have to read the left or the right side # would look for pra ers that ask for spiritual help$ for e"ample$ sa the pra er for ()spiritus )ndure!idos( for spirits that are e"tremel stubborn. *eview the book$ there are pra ers that help to draw our spirit guides to ou as well.

+- how do ou work with our !uardro espiritual (hope i spell it right) ,ou would need a misa to identif those spirits and ou !an also start b talking to them and asking them to identif themselves too. well as explained briefly before, the espiritismo faith is of honor and by honoring ones spirit in espiritismo many times a cup of water is in place to represent and give balance to that energy... I mention if One is in the Santeria religion there Ile (house of ocha) may have a certain criteria by using a selected amount of cups 7 !. in my ile we use !. "ut there are many who do not follow this religion, and there are many that use more then ! cups, as did that lady and others i have met.. #he reason they used more cups is because there belief in espiritismo is that those whom have passed that they $new , they have a cup and photo representing each person to continue there legacy thru prayer and honor... %ow if one happens to be of other countries , which many of us are, i myself on my alter have &ictures, statues, dolls, stones, and varies articuls that i feel will represent selected spirits , example, i have a spirit of a Shaman Indian whom i have set aside on my alter and give him his tabacco and other items that i use for him, he also has a cup for him along... my negra has her doll , rum and other items to represent her.. Our lineages of our race carry a big part of our spiritual frame (cuadro espiritual) and from this we find why we have many different other spirits with us.. On the boveda shrine it is re'uested to hold 7 ! cups and as i believe (na Shango stated she has a larger cup in the middle, i myself also have that, so i can place a cross over or inside of the water and various other items, this doesn)t mean that one thing is bigger, but the larger cup represents my guardian angel in whole ... each cup *(% represent anything from energies of the world ( earth, water, wind, fire) or can combine by representing each cup with a member of your ancestrial lineage such as family members, i place photos on and or off the table of my shrine and each person has a cup in my family, so that it can hold there essance and energy... "eing that you have those spirits, you can if you want designate a cup for them on the boveda shrine or have a separate area for them as

a representation.. remember !+ percent of the world is covered with water and so is our body, a body of water is a tool used to channel and $eep balance with certain energies that are represented... ,ach cup represents life, energy, and devotion to a specific spirit or entity that is being honored, this is the basic principals of ,spiritismo..

a boveda consists of 7 or 9 cups, depending on how your ile does it, i have 9... either set up in a circle or in a box shape it all depends how ur house does it i guess.... we set it up as an alter to your eggun/muertos, as like "your own lil church area" where u sit n pray and talk.... it's set up in the name of spirits in general, usually a palo de muerto opa iku! would accompany that boveda right next to it, that palo is used to call your spiritual guides/muertos, a crucifix is placed in the middle cup, along with a vase to put flowers in people say only white, which is good, but i put colored flowers in there myself!... along the table where the boveda is kept your allowed to put pictures of your deceased family members... and if u go to some people's houses u will see things such as a doll dressed in gingham usually! next to the boveda or even on the boveda ... others put catholic saints around the boveda as well such as san la"aro, santa barbara, la virgen de la caridad de cobre etc.. etc.. etc... some candles, florida water, kolonia #$%% and some holy water is good to have around the boveda or in a closet where u can have access to it i have a closet which we call the botanica which has everything i can think of..haha! the boveda does not provide a service... what it does provide is a place where u can sit and relax and communicate with your own muertos/eggun/spiritual guides....u can't send your boveda to do some parlor tricks ala beetle&uice!.. haha it's &ust there to provide a place to pray and meditate.. using the allan kardec book is what's used at misas to read the prayers and even if ur alone by yourself in front of your boveda u can pick up that book and pick any prayer .... i hope this answers some people's 'uestions if u need more info &ust ask and one of us will answer as soon as possible

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