B.A.Tango #212 Parte 2 Oct, Nov, Dec. 2012

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Galera de Fotos / Photo Gallery

14 Festival Tango BA organizado por el gobierno de la ciudad. Tuvo lugar del 14 al 26 de agosto/Organized by the city government. It took place from August 14 to 26.

Galera de Fotos / Photo Gallery

1- Horacio Molina 2- Pocho Pizarro y Patricia Verocay 1 1- De izq. a der./From l. to r.Juan Pablo Navarro, Nstor Marconi y Leonardo Marconi
Ms fotos en More photographs on /Tito Palumbo Fotos - lbumes

2-Karina Beorlegui y Los Primos Gabino 3- Martha Antn y Gallego Manolo (Manuel Mara Salvador) dieron una clase

Maestros.De izq. a der./From l. to r.Johana Copes,Eduardo Arquimbau, Juan Carlos Copes, Olga Besio y Leonardo Cuello.

Conciertos Atorrantes

Juan Carlos Godoy

Ms fotos en/More photographs on /Tito Palumbo - Fotos - lbumes

Luis Salinas Claudia Levy

34 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012 Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012
Buenos Aires Tango


Hace 10 aos

as notas de tapa traan los siguientes artculos: Mirar y ser mirado (Tito Palumbo), Tangos y msicos cultos (Najmanovich Starobin) y La perspectiva de un alumno (Batt Johnson). Venan ilustradas con obras de Ricardo Carpani, Alicia Messing y Ernesto Bertani. En las Galeras de Fotos aparecan, entre otros, Rubn Harymbat y Enrique El Gordo Rosich, Rosa Capitini y Jorge Asprelli, Julio Pane y Leopoldo Federico, Celia Saia, Samantha Coronel y Valdi Guevara, Oscar Santos, Alberto Podest y Celia Blanco, Alicia La Turca Juan, Liliana Nakada y Kenji Nozawa, Lucrecia Merico, Aurora Lubiz y Jorge Firpo, Clely Rugnone. En ese trimestre describimos los salones bailables Club Bohemios y Saraza Tango. Publicamos una entrevista a los enseantes Quique Camargo y Rosana Tolosa.

Lpez y el poema Origen de Silvia Spitalnik. En materia de espectculos mencionamos Piel de Tango presentado por Dina Emed en el Teatro Astral. Con idea y produccin general de la cantante Yeni Patio se anunciaba A Todo Tango con la participacin de los bailarines Johana Copes y Maximiliano vila, entre otros, y el cantor Alberto Podest. Comentamos los discos de Marcela Bublik, Puales de plata; de Ada De Luca, Pasin, amor ytango; y Origen Argentina por el do Rallentango: Evelyn Acosta (voz) y Gabriel El Sayer (guitarra y arreglos), con los artistas invitados Carla Algeri (bandonen) y Alejo van der Phalem (bajo).

Lie to me, I like it


Con la figura que tens todo lo que te pons te queda bien. With that body of yours, everything you wear suits you well. (Marga Zaionz) Se nota que sos suave, pero de carcter. Its obvious youre soft, but its your character. (Marcela Patricia Tau) Tus ojos parece que sacaran chispitas. Your eyes seem to sparkle. (Claudia Lorenzo) Hasta ahora ninguna mujer pudo llevarme al Registro Civil; pero, cuando termine esta tanda, me siento dispuesto al sacrificio. Until now, no woman could take me to the Marriage License Bureau, but when this round of songs ends, Im willing to make the sacrifice. (Carolina Briones)

Los nuevos bailes eran los de Francisco Gysel y Nicols Ferreira en Disco Morango; Laura Gonzlez Abad en Viejo Correo; Adriana Torrez en Otras notas informaban de la convocatoria el Saln Kass; Jorge Bocacci y Horacio La Regina para participar en el Certamen Hugo del Carril en el Saln La Argentina; Fernanda y Oscar 2002; una muestra titulada Pint Milonga en Puella en el Club Jos Hernndez; Luis Crdoba el Saln Canning, con la exhibicin de cuadros y Nina Balbuena en el Saln Fiestas de San Marde diez pintores; tn (Gran Buenos Aires Norte); Juan Carlos Provenza en el Club Platense de Vicente Lpez Se mencionaron el 1er. World Tango Festival (Gran Buenos Aires Norte); Omar Viola en la que tuvo lugar del 5 al 13 de octubre y la IV Feria Sociedad Argentina de Escritores; Mara Marta Exposicin Concepcin Tango realizada en Concepcin del Uruguay (provincia de Entre Ros) del Lpez Varela y Eduardo Gonzlez en La Terraza de Vicente Lpez (Gran Buenos Aires Norte); 7 al 9 de noviembre. Marta Fam en Imagen; Jos Torres en Dr. Jekyll; La escritora Graciela H. Lpez present el 8 Horacio Luduea en Ta Lola de Lans (Gran Buenos Aires Sur); Osvaldo Valdi Guevara y de octubre su libro Secretos de una milonguera que contena muchos cuentos publicados en esta Samantha Coronel en Mi Club de Banfield (Gran Buenos Aires Sur); Ricardo Alsina en Viejo revista y otros inditos. Correo; El Viento Norte reabra La Calesita en Publicamos los cuentos La eleccin de Ceni- el Club I.M.O.S.; Vctor Hugo Patrisso e Irene Cataxinos en el Saln Cristal. cienta y Mariposas en la pista de Graciela H.
Translation on page 56 36 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

If youre not sure, dont do so many ornaments when dancing.

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012
Buenos Aires Tango


Cumpleaos / Birthdays
OCTUBRE/OCTOBER DA DEL COLECCIONISTA UNIVERSAL DE TANGO (27). El 14. Instituido por Ana Seminara de DAgostino en homenaje a ngel Villoldo/The World Tango Collectors Day. Founded by Ana Seminara de DAgostino in homage of ngel Villoldo. LIONEL GODOY (86). El 14. Locutor y animador/Radio entertainer. CLAUDIA MORES (n. Mercedes Beatriz Bayo) (60). El 14. Cantante/ Singer. GERMN HEBER BELLEMI (39). El 16. Saxofonista/Saxophonist. LEONARDO SUREZ PAZ (40). El 17. Violinista, bailarn y actor/ Violinist, dancer and actor. GABRIEL MERLINO. El 17. Bandoneonista/Bandonionist. ALBA SOLS (n. ngela Herminia Lamberti) (85). El 18. Actriz y cancionista/Actress and singer. RICARDO VIQUEIRA (54). El 19. Bailarn y enseante/Dancer and teacher. DEMIN GARCA (35). El 19. Bailarn y enseante/Dancer and teacher. OSCAR MARCELO VARGAS (69). El 20. Musicalizador/DJ. JOS LEONARDO COLNGELO (72). El 22. Pianista, compositor y director/Pianist, composer and conductor. ALICIA LA TURCA (n. Alicia Juan). El 23. Bailarina y organizadora de bailes/Dancer and organizer of milongas. ZORAIDA FONTCLARA. El 24. Bailarina, profesora y organizadora de bailes/Dancer, teacher and organizer of milongas. STELLA BARBA. El 25. Bailarina y profesora/Dancer and teacher. ROXANA SILVINA PAULELA (42). El 25. Pianista, arregladora y directora de la Orquesta Contratiempo/ Pianist, arranger and conductress of Contratiempo Orchestra. RICARDO MARN (39). El 25. Cantor/Singer. RICARDO SNCHEZ RIVERA. El 26. Contrabajista y director orquesta/Contrabassist and conductor. FERNANDO AN BARROS (35). El 26. Bandoneonista/Bandoneonist.
38 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

HCTOR RICARDO LARREA (74). El 30. Locutor y animador/Radio, TV and shows entertainer. HORACIO ROMO (39). El 30. Bandoneonista/Bandoneonist. ANDRS LINETZKY (38). El 30. Pianista, compositor y director/ Pianist, composer and conductor. MARIO ABRAMOVICH (86). El 31. Violinista/Violinist. RODOLFO LEMOS (n. Rodolfo Otero) (80). El 31. Cantor/Singer. NOVIEMBRE/NOVEMBER CARLOS STASI (59). El 2. Enseante y organizador de las milongas Porteo y Bailarn/Teacher and organizer of the milongas Porteo y Bailarn. CHICO NOVARRO (n. Bernardo Mitnik) (79). El 4. Cantor, pianista, baterista, compositor y productor/ Singer, pianist, drummer, composer and impresario. ADA PELOSO. El 5. Bailarina/Dancer. ROBERTO AGUIRRE (63). El 5. Escritor, poeta y operador turstico/ Writer, poet and tour operator. LORENA SAMANTHA CORONEL (37). El 5. Bailarina, enseante y organizadora de bailes/Dancer, teacher and organizer of milongas. ELVIRA ROLDN. El 6. Organizadora con Horacio Lenardn de los bailes en Ta Lola/Organizer of the milongas at Ta Lola with Horacio Lenardn. JORGE SERRANO SERRANITO (n. Vicente Domingo Mastropascua) (75). El 6. Cantor y comentarista radial/Singer and radio entertainer. LA NOCHE CON AMIGOS (35). El 7. Programa radial creado por Julio Moyano y conducido por Lionel Godoy/Radio programm created by Julio Moyano and animated by Lionel Godoy. HORACIO BRITO EL PIBE AVELLANEDA. El 9. Bailarn/Dancer. BEBA PUGLIESE (n. Lucela Delma Pugliese) (73). El 10. Pianista, compositora, arregladora y directora/Pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. GABRIEL HORACIO DE LO (56). El 10. Guitarrista, pianista, bajista, arreglador y director/Guitarist, pianist, bassist, arranger and conductor.

CARLOS MORENO (76). El 11. Cantor/Singer. JAVIER WEINTRAUB (38). El 11. Violinista/Violinist. HCTOR MAYORAL (75). El 12. Bailarn, coregrafo, profesor y director de escena/Dancer, choreographer, teacher and regisseur. AMALIA FERNNDEZ. El 13. Fundadora y primera directora de B.A.TANGO - Buenos Aires Tango/ B.A.TANGO - Buenos Aires Tangos founder and first editor. CENTRO AMIGOS DEL TANGO DE COMODORO RIVADAVIA (10). El 13. Entidad de la provincia del Chubut que preside Nstor Acosta./Organization from the province of Chubut presided by Nstor Acosta. PORTEO Y BAILARN (12). El 14. Baile que organiza los martes y domingos Carlos Stasi/Milonga organized on Tuesdays and Sundays by Carlos Stasi. LA BALDOSA (10). El 15. Baile que organizan los viernes Gabriela Elas, Eduardo Prez, y Alba y Horacio Fiorentino/Milonga organized on Fridays by Gabriela Elas, Eduardo Prez and Alba and Horacio Fiorentino. LUIS CALVO (54). El 17. Bailarn y organizador de bailes/Dancer and organizer of milongas. JUAN JOS MOSALINI (69). El 18. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador y director/Bandonionist, composer, arranger and conductor. MARCELO GUAITA (74). El 19. Conductor radial/Radio commentator. GABRIELA ELAS. El 20. Bailarina, enseante y organizadora del baile La Baldosa/Dancer, teacher and organizer of the milonga La Baldosa (The Tile). ANA TONON. El 22. Bailarina y enseante/Dancer and teacher. GUSTAVO ANBAL FEDEL. El 23. Pianista, compositor, arreglador y director/Pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. CELIA BEATRIZ SAIA. El 23. Cantante/Singer. NORMA FONSECA. El 26. Organizadora de La Milonga de Norma de los viernes en el Club Oeste/Organizer of La Milonga de Norma on Fridays at Club Oeste.

EDUARDO MANUEL ARQUIMBAU (76). El 28. Bailarn, enseante, coregrafo y director de escena/ Dancer, teacher, choreographer and regisseur. CACHIRULO (9). El 28. Baile que organizan los sbados Hctor Pellozo y Norma Zugasti en el Club Villa Malcolm. Tambin, los martes en El Beso/Milonga organized by Hctor Pellozo and Norma Zugasti on Saturdays at Club Villa Malcolm. It takes place at El Beso on Tuesdays, also. MIGUEL NGEL BALBI (75). EL 29. Milonguero y cantor/Milonguero and singer. EVI STEIN. El 29. Enseante de baile/Teacher. STELLA MARIS VESTILLERO. El 30. Organizadora de bailes/Organizer of milongas. NSTOR FABIN (n. Jos Cotelo) (75). El 30. Cantor y actor/Singer and actor. JULIO OSCAR PANE (65). El 30. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador, director y profesor/Bandonionist, composer, arranger, conductor and teacher. ESTEBAN MORENO (45). El 30. Bailarn, coregrafo y profesor/Dancer, choreographer and teacher. WALTER EDGARDO CASTRO (42). El 30. Bandoneonista/Bandonionist. COCO DAS (61). El 30. Enseante, bailarn y productor de espectculos/ Teacher, dancer and shows producer. DICIEMBRE/DECEMBER LUIS CRDOBA (76). El 1. Bailarn, profesor, coregrafo y organizador de bailes/Dancer, teacher, choreographer and organizer of milongas. DIEGO SOLS (54). El 1. Cantor/ Singer. MARTA TESEYRA. El 1. Organizadora de bailes/Organizer of milongas. OSCAR ARAIZ (72). El 2. Bailarn y coregrafo/Dancer and choreographer. ALFREDO MARTNEZ (72). El 5. Bailarn y profesor/Dancer and teacher. MIGUEL NGEL ROMERO. El 5. Bailarn, profesor y organizador de bailes/Dancer, teacher and organizer of milongas. GRACIELA H. LPEZ. El 5. Escritora, psicloga y organizadora de los bai-

les La Milonguita/Writer, psychologist and organizer of the milongas La Milonguita. A TODO TANGO (18). El 7. La milonga de los jueves y domingos que organiza la Agrupacin Folklrica El Pial en su Saln./Milonga organized on Thursdays and Sundays by the Agrupacin Folklrica El Pial at its dancehall. MABEL AGUILAR. El 7. Cantante/ Singer. GLORIA GARCA. El 11. Organizadora de bailes /Organizer of milongas. AUGUSTO AMILCAR TOLOSA (68). El 13. Contrabajista, Orquesta Color Tango Tolosa/Contrabassist, Tolosas Color Tango Orchestra. CARLOS INZILLO. El 15. Periodista y organizador del ciclo de recitales Jazzologa/Journalist and organizer of the recitals Jazzology. VICTOR LUIS LAVALLN (77). El 18. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador y director/Bandonionist, composer, arranger and conductor. ACADEMIA PORTEA DEL LUNFARDO (50). El 21. Institucin dedicada a la investigacin del lunfardo. Su actual presidente es Jos Gobello/ Institution consecrated to research about lunfardo (slang). Its present President is Jos Gobello. OSVALDO AULICINO (81). El 22. Contrabajista/Contrabassist. ALICIA BUSTOS LA PORTEITA. El 22. Bailarina y organizadora de bailes/Dancer and organizer of milongas. HORACIO LENARDN (74). El 24. Organizador junto con Elvira Roldn de los bailes en Ta Lola/Organizer of the dances at Ta Lola with Elvira Roldn. DELFN GAVILN (61). El 24. Bailarn y profesor/Dancer and teacher. STELLA BEZ. El 24. Actriz, bailarina y enseante/Actress, dancer and teacher. SUSANA NATIVIDAD RINALDI (77). El 25. Cantante y actriz/Singer and actress. ELBA SOTILE DE GARCA. El 25. Bailarina y profesora/Dancer and teacher. DELIA LUISA NASRA DE FILIPPINI. El 31. Bailarina. Campeona Metropolitana de Tango Saln 2004/Dancer. Metropolitan Tango Salon Champion 2004.

RODIN BOSHOER (42). El 31. Violinista/Violinist. ENERO/JANUARY 2013 HUGO OSVALDO PIRO (76). El 1. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador y director/Bandonionist, composer, arranger and conductor. FERNANDO SUREZ PAZ (72). El 1. Violinista y director/Violinist and conductor. RAL MIGUEL GARELLO (77). El 3. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador y director/Bandonionist, composer, arranger and conductor. MARA TELMA POLCAN. El 3. Enseante y bailarina/Teacher and dancer. CARLA NOVELLI PUGLIESE (36). El 4. Pianista, directora y compositora/Pianist, conductress and composer. ROBERT DUVALL. El 5. Bailarn, actor y director de cine/Dancer, actor and films director. JORGE SALOMN ARDUH (88). El 5. Pianista, compositor, arreglador y director/Pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. FRANCISCO ROMANO (75). El 6. Pianista/Pianist. CARLOS MOSCARDINI (53). El 6. Guitarrista y compositor/Guitarist and composer. MARCELO SALUSKY (38). El 6. Musicalizador/DJ. NGEL MARIO MARMO (72). El 7. Pianista, compositor, arreglador y director/Pianist, composer, arranger and conductor. CARLOS MOREL (ex Vctor Daniel; n. Carlos Daniel Gonzlez) (55). El 7. Cantor/Singer. OSVALDO JOS MARINERO MONTES (78). El 8. Bandoneonista, compositor, arreglador y director/ Bandonionist, composer, arranger and conductor. JUAN CARLOS CUACCI (67). El 8. Guitarrista, arreglador y director/ Guitarist, arranger and conductor. GATTI, SANDRA. El 9. Bailarina y enseante/Dancer and teacher. PARAKULTURAL EN SALN CANNING (12). El 10. Baile que organiza Omar Viola/Milonga organized by Omar Viola.
Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


Nos dejaron y los recordamos

Mensajes - Cartas - Facebook y Correo-e

en tangueras y acompa a cantantes, como Mara Jos Mentana, Raquel Buela, Jorge Guillermo, Luis Prado y Marcelo Pola. Hizo giras por el exterior. Marta Luchenio. El 9 de septiembre. Pintora, ilustradora y maestra. Activa propulsora del arte y de la difusin del tango. Miembro Fundador del Instituto de Investigaciones del Tango y de la Asociacin Argentina Tango al Mundo, que presidi, y colaboradora de otras instituciones. Fina retratista. Ilustr libros, revistas y tapas de discos. Sus obras se encuentran emplazadas en distintos barrios de la ciudad, en museos, en instituciones y colecciones privadas. Particip en exposiciones en el pas y en el extranjero. Obtuvo numerosos premios y reconocimientos. Chilo Tulissi (n. Jos Luis Tulissi). El 11 de septiembre. Pintor, escengrafo y docente. Despus de abandonar la carrera de arquitectura se volc a la pintura. Autodidacta. Sus cuadros abarcan distintos temas destacndose la serie Tangresa en los cuales indaga sobre la sensualidad y el erotismo propios de la pasin tanguera. Hizo retratos de bailarines. Recibi la distincin Vecino Participativo del barrio de San Cristbal otorgada por el gobierno de la ciudad. Sus obras figuran en colecciones privadas del pas y del exterior. Ilustr varias ediciones de esta revista. Pascual Cholo Mamone. El 15 de septiembre. Bandoneonista, director de orquesta, arreglador, compositor y maestro. Se inici en la orquesta de Jos Otero en 1936. En la dcada del 40 estaba en la orquesta de Pedro Maffia. Luego, con Florindo Sassone, Joaqun Do Reyes, Armando Cupo. Un esfuerzo especial fue su participacin en el Cuarteto de Cmara de Tango, que grab dos estupendos long play en la dcada del 60, aunque con poco suceso comercial. Diriga la Orquesta Municipal de Tango de San Martn (Gran Buenos Aires Norte). Al momento de su deceso participaba del proyecto Troilo Compositor en concierto. Entre sus composiciones, se destacan Bailemos, Te quiero ms, Un regalo de Reyes y Flauteando; musicaliz la cantata profana Los siete pecados capitales del poeta Luis Alposta. Fue Acadmico de Honor de la Academia Nacional del Tango.
Translation on page 60

Reynaldo Martn (n. Oscar Reynaldo Fritz El Alemancito). El 18 de mayo a los 68 aos. Cantor, compositor, letrista y enseante. De joven gan concursos de cantores en clubes de barrio y en emisoras radiales. Buen mozo y con excelentes condiciones vocales, actu en programas televisivos. En pocas de retroceso para el gnero integr con otros artistas el grupo La Nueva Cancin de Buenos Aires que vena con espritu renovador. Grab discos y particip en el disco 14 con el tango. Le gustaba interpretar adems de temas clsicos tangos de autores contemporneos. Actu en tangueras. Realiz giras por pases de Amrica vivi dos aos en Mxico- y por Australia. En los ltimos aos, tambin enseaba canto en centros de jubilados. Orlando Trujillo. El 8 de agosto a los 74 aos. Bandoneonista, director de orquesta, arreglador y maestro. Integr conjuntos en Rosario (provincia de Santa Fe). Vino a Buenos Aires para actuar en las orquestas de Miguel Cal y Anbal Troilo. Ms tarde estuvo en el Quinteto Pirincho. En los ltimos aos diriga el sexteto Urbano Tango, trabajaba

PABLO GRECO, escribi: Almagro Tango Club y Escuela de Tango Osvaldo Ruggiero - Gran alegra sent cuando en Brasil recib la noticia de mis hijos Emiliano y Lautaro que ya habian alquilado un local en Medrano y Corrientes para fundar un club. El Almagro Tango Club. Me suena al Glostora que, todas las noches a las 20:15, se transmitia por Radio El Mundo con la orquestra de Angelis y que yo de pibe escuchaba con deleite. Los jovenes msicos y bailarinas que formaron el club trabajaron intensamente. Compraron un piano de cola, armaron un escenario grande, compraron sillas y mesas e inauguraron el sbado 22 de septiembre con un elenco notable Guillermo MARA TERESA MANGIAVILLANO dej este mensaje en Facebook, Gracias, muchas gracias, por el trabajo tan bueno que hace por nosotros que conocemos y nos gusta el tango. Y para aquellos que por curiosidad, por la revista, empiezan a incursionar en esta danza ... Carios. CRISTINA FELIPPAG a travs de Facebook dijo Hola Sr. Palumbo. He ledo su artculo, Carta del Editor, estoy de acuerdo con Ud. con respecto a la dbil informacin sobre el Campeonato Mundial de Tango en BA 2012, es ms envi un e-mail al Gobierno de la Ciudad, reclamando que

Fernndez, Horacio Ferrer, arreglos de Cristian Zrate, el bandonen de Lautaro Greco, Lucas Furno y el grupo de cuerdas Vardaro interpretaron Foto B.A.T los ltimos Guillermo Fernndez en Almagro Tango Club temas de Piazzolla y Ferrer. Fue una gran visacin en el tango y tcnica y emocionante fiesta. Adems corporal para msicos. Funde los conciertos hay clases ciona en la Av. Medrano 688. de bandonen, piano, violn, Para ms informacin, por guitarra, contrabajo, armona correo-e: escuelamusicaorugy seminarios de msica para [email protected]; en facebook: bailarines, arreglos de tango, Escuela Ruggiero. interpretacin vocal, improel pblico en general argentinos y extranjero no podamos encontrar en el sitio web la hora y adems los transportes disponibles para arribar al centro del Festival A propsito, yo vengo a BA solamente por el Tango, para bailar y conversar y contagiarme del idioma del porteo. Adjunta copia de un e-mail que envi a la Jefatura de Gabinete de la ciudad pidiendo que se alquilen salas de los museos para desarrollar la actividad del tango. LILIN BARBONA, desde Aosta (Italia), recibi BAT N 211 digital y coment, Querido TITO: le confieso que la revista es una agradable hermosa sorpresa. QUE LASTIMA NO LA CONOCIA cuando estuve en baires de febrero a abril, x supuesto yendo y viniendo del Chaco de donde mil aos atrs sal para nunca ms volver definitivamente, pero s cada ao, ao y medio. Bueno, vi solo la parte 1, muy muy buena salvo (usted pidi opinin y yo se la dar espero no se ofenda). Yo veo la revista como europea la cual soy luego de 35 aos en varios pases europeos...no s si por suerte o desgracia pero si con la suerte de haber hecho un gran salto de cultura y de mundo. Publicidad buenasi se diluye en varias pginas creo sea mejor demasiadas
Contina en pgina 42
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Buenos Aires Tango

40 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


Mensajes - Cartas - Facebook y Correo-e

Viene de pgina 41

fotos de cumples, velitas, bebes en carritosno s, en Italia o Europa ni se les ocurre. Yo s que esa costumbre argentina es ancestralpero...djelo para una publicacin de entrecasa y no para una revista recontra bien hecha, con noticias fundamentales y que seguramente tiene una difusin mundialo no?? Rebuenos los artculos, me encant ese de la milonga escrito super tipo el Martn, redivertido, ya lo mand a varios amigos maestros arraigados aqu, como Jos Vsquez, Marcelo Ballonzo, el ballet de Leonardo Cuello y otros. MAND LA REVISTA A UN GRAN AMIGO MIO NONCH GRAN MAESTRO

DE TANGO DEL CHACO, Walter Cocheret e/o Laura Casco Zorzon, lo apreciarn y se la difundirn. Los encuentra en Facebook. Bueno, cuando leer el resto ah ir mi comentario desapasionado y sin fines de crtica destructiva. Estimada LILIAN BARBONA: Muchas gracias por su mensaje. Tomo nota de sus observaciones y le agradezco la difusin que hace de esta publicacin. Un abrazo tanguero. ANDREA CORVINELLI, de Italia, envi este mensaje, Les escribo para suscribirme al envo de la copia en pdf de B.A. Tango. Soy el webmaster

de tangopartner.it, la comunidad italiana para los que aman el tango. La comunidad tiene muchas pginas de informacin sobre la cultura del tango y, tambin, para los tangueros que quieran probar la experiencia de viajar a Buenos Aires. Les escribo porque considero vuestra revista una de las ms detalladas y la mejor que he encontrado hasta ahora, as como me han confirmados todos mis amigos en Buenos Aires.... Estimado ANDREA CORVINELLI: Le quedo muy agradecido por la difusin que har de nuestra revista en su sitio Web. Un abrazo tanguero.
Translation on page 58


En el Museo

Los primeros jueves a las 20 hs. de cada mes habr funciones de cine, con entrada libre y gratuita, en el Museo Casa de Carlos Gardel. Las pelculas se exhiben con subttulos en ingls. En Jean Jaurs 735. Informes a los tels. 49 64-20 15/20 71. 1 de noviembre - Dilogos de poeta y bandonen (2005), dirigida por Adrin Lorenzo y Juan Pablo Martnez. Con: Horacio Ferrer, Ral Garello, Alejandra Gutty, Juan Paulo Horvath. Documental. Duracin 55 minutos. No estrenada en Argentina. 6 de diciembre - Tango, una historia con judos (2009), dirigida por Gabriel Pomeraniec. Documental. Duracin 70 minutos.
Translation on page 60
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012
Buenos Aires Tango

Metimos la pata

La siguiente es la direccin correcta de la escritora Amalia Novatti que fue publicada con error en la edicin anterior, pgina 33, [email protected]
42 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


44 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Nuevos Bailes y Nuevos Organizadores

Con la reapertura del Saln El Beso, en Riobamba 416, casi esquina Av. Corrientes, volvieron las milongas que all se organizaban, y hubo algunos cambios. La programacin semanal es la siguiente: HCTOR PELLOZO y NORMA ZUGASTI, con Cachirulo. Los martes de de 19 a 2 hs. Musicaliza Marcelo Salusky. Informes y reservas a los tels. 49 32-85 94/15-45 77-04 34/15-64 06-85 85. VIRGINIA MARTORANI y CRISTINA CORTZ, con Noche de Luna. Los mircoles de 22,30 a 3,30 hs. Informes y reservas a los tels. 15-40 71-85 34/15-32 59-22 13. LUCA SERRA y OSCAR KOTIK, con Lujos. Los jueves de 18,30 a 1 hs. Informes y reservas a los tels. 15-41 99-59 02/15-61 11-11 38. AUGUSTO BALIZANO, con La Marshll. Musicaliza: Javier Guiraldi. Los viernes de 23,30 a 3,30 hs. Informes y reservas a los tels. 43 00-34 87/15-54 58-34 23. JIMENA SALZMAN, con Milonga de las Morochas. Los sbados de 22,30 a 4 hs. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-49 38-81 08. SUSANA MOLINA, con Milonga de los Domingos. Los domingos de 22 a 3. Informes y reservas al tel. 49 53-27 94.
46 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

ALICIA KARR inaugurar el 15 de octubre su milonga La Coqueta de Recoleta en el saln de la Casa de Galicia. Los lunes de 17 a 23 hs. en San Jos 224, piso 1. Musicaliza: Mario Orlando. Colabora: Carlos Baccigalupi. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-64 79-20 26. SERGIO VEGA y RUTA 40 organizan su baile Milonga Ruta 40 los martes de 21 a 1 hs. en la Av. Nazca 2325. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-56 30-30 39. CLELY RUGNONE ha llevado su baile Febril y Amante al Club Gricel. Musicaliza Jorge Gonzlez. Los mircoles de 21,30 a 3 hs. en La Rioja 1180. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-44 03-69 99. JORGE DEL SOLAR ampli su propuesta en Saln Kamel agregando los das lunes. Los lunes y jueves de 20 a 1 hs. en la Av. Nazca 1920. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-68 00-12 77. ANDRS ROSAS y empleados del Rivadavia Club iniciaron un baile en ese amplio saln. Los lunes de 21 a 2 hs. en la Av. Rivadavia 8619. Informes y reservas a los tels. 15-38 40-11 55/15-54 97-33 67. VIOLETA VIOLA traslad su milonga La va, la va, a Plaza Bohemia. Los lunes de 20,30 a 2 hs. en Alsina 2540. Informes y resrvas al tel. 15-32 46-84 82.

MARISOL MARTNEZ, LOS GENTILES DEL TANGO y PERCAL TANGO abrirn el lunes 15 de octubre su Milonga Luntica en el Club La Inependencia. Los lunes de 22 a 2 hs., en la Av. Independencia 572. Informes y reservas al tel. 49 31-79 77. LUCA SEVA volvi de su gira por Europa y reabri Flor de Milonga!! en Aires Tangueros. Musicaliza: Gerry Roche. Los martes de 22 a 3 hs. en Rivadavia 1392. Informes y reservas a los tels. 15-50 51-58 01/15-67 86-26 05. MARCELO SALAS tiene una nueva propuesta de baile y concert que denomin Corretango en el Saln Pasaje Barolo. Los mircoles de 17 a 1 hs. en la Av. de Mayo 1370. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-63 04-81 85. ANABELA BROGIOLI reabri el Saln Reduci del barrio de Constitucin con su milonga La Pichuca Tango Club. Los jueves de 22 a 2 hs. en Luis Senz Pea 1442. Informes y reservas a los tels. 48 61-99 46/15-62 99-06 46. HUMBERTO POUCHUL EL PUCHU realiza bailes en la Mansin Dandi Royal. Los jueves de 18 a 2 hs. en Piedras 922. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-57 37-26 86. PEDRO CABRERA se hizo cargo de la Milonga Internacional en el Saln Canning. Los jueves de 21,30 a 2 hs. en la Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331.

Informes y reservas al tel. 15-51 45-85 69. LAURA GRINBANK reabrir el viernes 12 de octubre su baile Vida Ma en el Centro Montas. Los viernes de 21 a 3 hs., en Jorge Newbery 2818. Informes y reservas a los tels. 43 07-67 80/15-55 88-16 39. VIVIANA LVAREZ y SILVIA DIPPOLITO tienen una propuesta bailable en Aires Tangueros. Los viernes de 22,30 a 3,30 hs. en Rivadavia 1392. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-59 77-47 60. JUAN CARLOS IAVAGNILLO y BETO BARRIONUEVO abrirn su milonga Por siempre Tango en el Club Defensores de Tropezn. Los viernes de 21,30 a 3,30 hs. en Triunvirato 4684, Tropezn, Pdo. 3 de

Febrero (Gran Buenos Aires Norte). Al comienzo ir dos viernes por mes. Informes y reservas al tel. (Juan Carlos) 15-58 32-41 41 y (Beto)1545 33-50 64. GRACIELA H. LPEZ retorn al Centro Montas con su baile La Milonguita. Los domingos de 20 a 2 hs. en Jorge Newbery 2818. Tambin, contina los mircoles de 19 a 1 hs. en Sala Siranush, Armenia 1353. Informes y reservas al tel. 47 71-88 27. VIRGINIA MARTORANI, YANINA FAJAR y CRISTINA CORTZ hacen una milonga en Che...Flores!!! los domingos de 20 a 0,30 hs. Musicaliza: Eva Iciskson. En Arce 235, informes y reservas al tel. 15-32 59-22 13.

DANIEL HUGO SALVUCCI tiene su milonga Bailemos en Domingo en el Saln De Santino. Los domingos de 19 a 23 hs. en la Av. Francisco Beir 5741. Informes y reservas a los tels. 47 12-58 37/15-35 89-64 40. PEPA PALAZN y EL CHINO NECCHI inauguraron el baile Viva La Pepa! en el Club Villa Malcolm. Los domingos de 22 a 2 hs. en la Av. Crdoba 5064. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-67 61-18 99. HERNN LEONE, FRANK ROSSI, FEDERICO NAVEIRA y JULIO BASSAN, tienen la propuesta Club Atltico Milonguero en el Club Atltico Huracn. Los domingos de 20 a 2,30 hs en la Av. Caseros 3159. Informes y reservas al tel. 15-55 78-56 28.
Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


11 10 2 5

MIRCOLES DE 20:30 A 2 hs.

3 14


8 3

12 13


13 6


6 5 7 2

11 9 10


La Milonga de Elsita
8 6 8

48 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango



Mariano Acosta 1544 Sb/Sat a las 22 hs. 4612-4412



Lisandro de la Torre 2319 4687-1693 Vier/Fri y Sb/Sat 22 hs. Dom/Sun 13 hs.

CrCulo trovador
Av. del Libertador 1031, V. Lpez 4838-0546 Consultar por show Vier/Fri y Sb/Sat a las 22 hs. Dom/Sun a las 20,30 hs.

16/11 Bailan: Blas Catrenau y Luciana Guido; 19/11 Bailan: Gachi Fernndez y Mingo Pugliese; 20/11 Toca: Orquesta Color Tango, director: Roberto lvarez Bailan: Diego Gauna y Mnica Matera; 23/11 Bailan: Ricardo Calvo y Sandra Messina; 26/11 Bailan: Carolina Bonaventura y Francisco Forquera; 30/11 Bailan: Martha Antn y El Gallego Manolo; 03/12 Bailan: Mariana y Guillermo Cerneaz; 07/12 Bailan: Pablo Nievas y Valeria Zunino; 10/12 Bailan: Paula Rubin y Mariano Galeano; 11/12 Toca: Cuarteto El Cachivache; 14/12 Bailan: Compaa de Leonardo Cuello; 17/12 Bailan: Andre y Andressa; 18/12 Toca: Orquesta Color Tango, director ROBERTO LVAREZ; 21/12 Bailan: Ariadna Naveira y Fernando Snchez; 24/12 Bailan: Gala Navidea; 28/12 Bailan: Roberto Montenegro y Lam Yuriko; 31/12 Milonga de Ao Nuevo! Lun/Mon, Mar/Tue y Vier/Fri a las 23 hs.

Editors Letter
BETHANIA Av Corrientes 3500 4862-0888 CLAUDIO DI PALMA (cantor) presenta temas de su 2 CD. Msicos: ALBERTO BECERRA y LEANDRO DE ROSAS (guitarras). Cantor invitado: OSCAR ROJAS (folklore) Bailan: ANA y ALBERTO TONON. 27 de octubre/October y 17 de noviembre/ November a las 21 hs.

Virrey Olaguer y Feli 3121 15-6438-4567 Exhibiciones de bailarines, cantantes y/o msicos en vivo. 2 y 4 jueves/Thursdays del mes a las 22 hs. VELMA CAF Gorriti 5520 4772-4690 CAROLINA WINOGRAD (cantante) presenta Tanguera y apasionada. Acompaamiento musical: Tro de JOS PEPO OGIVIEKI. Viernes/Friday 26 de octubre/October a las 21 hs. Der. de espect. $ 60.

Continued from page 6

Dear reader friend:

financially support this publication you will not see any advertisement paid by a national or the City of Buenos Aires department. Everything I write about these events it is because I consider it an obligation to keep the readers informed. *** I have no doubt about the foreign dancers abilities, people who have identified themselves with this local cultural creation, who have incorporated it into their daily tasks, who have assimilated it, and, essentially, who diffuse it in their places of origin and in many others. However, my national pride is reassured when I see that most of the first positions in the championships are occupied by Argentine dancers. *** As the next issue will appear in January, Id like to wish you a very happy 2013. With a tanguero embrace

Snchez de Loria 745 4957-1895 CLAUDIO ENRIQUE, PEPE DE TOFFOLI, CLAUDIA GROSSO y VIOLETA VIOLA (cantantes). Acompaamiento musical: OSCAR ALTAMIRANO (guitarra) y BENJAMN SEBBAN (piano). Sb/Sat a las 22,30 hs. hs. Der. espect. $ 40. PEA DE TANGO Y FOLCLORE. Acompaamiento musical: OSCAR ALTAMIRANO y CLAUDIO ENRIQUE (guitarras). Conduccin: MARTA ROSSI. Juev/Thu a las 22 hs. Vier/Fri y Dom/Sun consultar/consult. LILIANA ABAYIEVA presenta su disco Admirado Piazzolla. Dom./Sun 28 de octubre/October a las 19 hs. Der. de espect. $ 35. LA BIBLIOTECA CAF Marcelo T. de Alvear 1155 4811-0673 HORACIO MOLINA (cantor). Sb/Sat, 27 de octubre/October a las 21 hs. Der. espect. $ 75. Cons. mn $ 55. FLORENCIA GARCA y GALO GARCA (cantantes) presentan Tangos y Parte del Aire. Msicos: CSAR ANGELERI (guitarra) y CRISTIAN ZRATE (piano). Sb/Sat. 24 de noviembre/November a las 21 hs. Der. espect. $ 70. Cons. mn. $ 60. LA BOHEMIA Yerbal 1657 4633-2971 Ciclo: Mircoles de Tango 24/10 Deleitango Do; Tro de guitarras Lpez Casal Ruiz; Do Serna Quint; 31/10 Pedretti Pedraza Cutuli; Do Zapulla (voz) y Miron (piano); 07/11 La Cachiporra Tro; Tinta Roja Sexteto; 14/11 Palermo Tro Bartolom Palermo Adrin Lacruz Felipe Traine; 21/11 Che Chino (Tango Argenchino) Cabra de Vega - Hofman; 28/11 Groisman Maidana Ceccoli lvarez. Mir./Wed a las 21,30 hs. Der. de espect. $ 40. LA CASA DEL TANGO Guardia Vieja 4049 4863-0463 PEA DE CANTORES Y POETAS Mir/Wed y Sb. /Sat a las 21 hs. Bono donac. $ 25. NOTORIOUS Av. Callao 966 4815-8473/4813-6888 LILIANA BARRIOS (cantante) presenta su CD El Viaje. Acompaamiento musical: ULISES AVENDAO (piano). Viernes/Friday 26 de octubre/October a las 21,30 hs.

CENTRO CULTURAL BORGES Viamonte 517, 1 p. 5555-5359 Bs As PASIN DE TANGO. Musical. Direccin coreogrfica:Agustn Camino. Direccin musical:Adolfo Gmez. Direccin gral:Jorge Sergiani. Lun/Mon a las 20 hs. Entr. platea $140 y $110; pullman $ 100. CONCIERTOTANGO (NUEVA VERSIN). Bailarines: Alicia Orlando y Claudio Barneix. Diseo de luces, edicin de video y musicalizacin: Claudio Barneix. Guin, coreografa y direccin: Alicia Orlando. Martes/Tuesdays a las 20 hs. Entrada $ 80. CON ALMA DE TANGO. Musical. Direccin coreogrfica:Agustn Camino. Direccin gral:Jorge Sergiani. Mir/Wed a las 20 hs. Entr. platea $ 140 y $ 110; pullman $ 100. BIEN DE TANGO. Musical. Direccin artstica y coreogrfica: Federico Strumeio. Direccin musical: Gabriel Merlino. Vier/Fri y sb/Sat. a las 20 hs. Entrada platea $ 140 y $ 110; pullman $ 100 DEL PASILLO Colombres 35 4981-5167 JUEGO TANGUEADO. Con Silvia Copello y Jorge Capussotti. Msicos en grabaciones: Jorge Donado, Osvaldo Tubino, Rony Keselman, Pablo Echaniz, Omar Federico. Libreto: Silvia Copello. Direccin y coreografa: Mecha Fernndez. Sb/Sat a las 21 hs. Entr. $ 50, estud. y jubil. $ 30.

return to an issue already discussed in another occasion, knowing that this magazine and the opinions herein expressed reach officials who have influence in actions related to the Tango Culture. This issue is opportune because of the changes that you could notice in the last world championships.

Rivadavia 1392 15-5051-5801/ 15-6786-2605 Exhibiciones y/o msicos en vivo Martes/Tuesdays a las 22 hs.

Riobamba 345 4866-1656/ 15-5153-8626 NOVIEMBRE MES 12 ANIVERSARIO. 04/11 Festejo Milonguero; 25/11 Ariel Ardit (cantor) y Orquesta Tpica. Mar/Tue y Dom/Sun a las 22,30 hs.

Porteo Y Bailarn

Ramn L. Falcn 2750 4601-7988 / 4574-1593 Exhibicin de bailarines y/o msicos en vivo Vie/Fri a las 23 hs.

Av. Crdoba 5064 15-6166-8365 Exhibiciones y/o msicos en vivo. Jueves/Thursday a las 22,30 hs.

San Jos 224, p. 1 15-5137-9061 Mar/Tue y Juev/Thu a las 16 hs. Per 571 15-3252-6894 Martes/Tuesday a las 22 hs.



Suipacha 384, p. 1 4301-3723 Exhibiciones y/o msicos en vivo. Vier/Fri a las 22,30 hs.

Ms Salones Bailables en pg. 76 / More Dance Halls on page 76

Criticizing the citys government operations, lacking in transparency as regards the engagement with private companies, I wrote, How can we then explain that the next Buenos Aires Tango Festival is going to be carried out in the La Rurals Inc., privatized venue, when this city owns El Dorrego where the latest festivals took place- and the Exhibition Center in Recoleta? (1) Thus, since 2011 the Festivals and the Championships are performed at the Exhibitions Center and in other city government buildings, except for the Luna Park Stadium. Not long ago I wrote, We question why the auditors are always the same two people,... (2) This year we attained them to name other auditors, and, since the year 2010, there is also a Notary Public to certify all jury votes; this was also requested in previous editions. (3) I have been requesting more transparency in the results and to see the jury members votes on an electronic panel immediately after they are issued. (3) In the semifinal and final rounds of this year there was an electronic panel installed, with the score allotted by each jury member to each of the couples holding the five first positions. *** We still need to create a Code of Ethics or include new sections in the regulations, so jury members may excuse themselves in case there are students, family members and/or friends participating in the competition.(4) *** I wish to put on record that government officials are not making any contribution to


Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331 15-5738-3850 02/11 Bailan: Juan Manuel Rosales y Liza Lebedeva; 05/11 Bailan: Sebastin Pereyra y Delia Hou; 06/11 Toca: La Juan DArienzo - Bailan: Carla Espinoza y Ezequiel Lpez; 09/11 Bailan: Ernesto Balmaceda y Stella Bez; 12/11 Baila: El Chino Perico; 13/11 Toca: Sexteto Milonguero - Bailan: Osvaldo y Coca;

(1) Publishers Letter, N 181, January February 2007, p. 5. (2) National Shame, N 209, October November - December 2011, p. 57. (3) Comment on the Championship, N 187, October 2007, p. 15; Festival and Dance World Cup, N 205, October November - December 2010, p. 58; National Shame, N 209, October November December 2011, p. 57. (4) Ethics, N 167, August 2005, p. 16; Comment on the Championship, N 178, September - October 2006, p. 14.
Tito Palumbo and B.A. Tango Buenos Aires Tango Group are on

Alsina 1465

Vier/ Fri a las 22,30 hs


50 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango

Continued from page 24

BOEDO TANGO with a Grill Bar and Homemade Pasta

Dinner and conversation Hours are flexible Happy Celebrations THE DISHES ON THE MENU

Continued from page 26

Bibliographics Bibliographic
Continued from page 15

wo dance halls with a different decoration form the cozy environments in Boedo. One of them has the polychromatic image of La Boca district; the other is decorated with the elegance and distinction of last centurys porteos cabarets. On Saturdays, when you get in, youre welcomed by Andrea Tronchet, who assigns your seats; you can choose a table, as long as it has not been previously reserved by other guests. The host has style and talent when welcoming guests with affability, introducing joy and creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. She gives a smile to every guest. Good vibes are always present. Most guests attend regularly for the social environment. They ask for a table depending on the waiter they know who waits them regularly. When they see him, they hug and kiss him. Then, they tell him Ill have the usual, knowing that he will remember their favorite dish. The owners say We celebrate our birthdays, wedding anniversary and the anniversary of the place offering huge pieces of cake and a cup of cider to every guest. On Saturdays too, Luis Glvez is in charge of public relations and checks the details for a good service. The loudspeakers face the dancefloors and do not disturb the diners who can talk. In one of the dance halls, there is a huge video screen where the main sports events are shown. Almost all our guests who attended on September 15 watched the boxing match between Maravilla Martnez and Chvez Jr.; many of them were standing and all of them finally gave a resounding applause to the Argentine boxer for his victory. Practically every Saturday, there are birthday celebrations, farewell parties, anniversaries for which the owners allow guests to bring their cakes. Those who celebrate wear costumes, decorate the area with balloons and garlands. On Saturdays, there are also raffles with bottles of wine and champagne, free tickets, while the owners make festive comments. The idea is to make guests feel comfortable and to make the want to come back. They want to see happy faces at the end of the evening. To achieve this, there is dedication to meal preparation and good music. A cook, with 20 years experience, prepares homemade pasta, bread and pizza; another is in charge of the grill and the fast food.

The unconventional surprises in Games with Tango

A selection of choices with large portions: Mixed Grill Bar, it is served with pork sausage, blood sausage, tripe, kidneys, flap meat, chicken and pork shoulder; served with potatoes or salad (for two people three can eat-, $ 120; for 4 people, $ 210). The meat of the grill bar can be ordered in individual servings. Grilled Provolone Cheese ($ 20), Cannelloni ($ 39), Pizza ($ 26), homemade bread, Empanadas filled with vegetables, meat, chicken or ham and cheese ($ 7 each) Everything is homemade, which means that it is really prepared at home. There are also ravioli, made by a well known, very good quality supplier. The daily special is 39 pesos. The menu may include Pork Chop la Riojana; Chicken Champignons with peas, fried potatos, fried egg and ham; Chicken la Champignon, with baked potatoes; Veal Neapolitan Milanesas with fries or salad; Stuffed Lasagnas filled with vegetables, ricotta and meat; Baked Round Steak with potato or salad; Vegetable Stuffed Cannelloni. Ploughmans Lunch ($ 40), Toasted Crustless Sandwiches ($ 14), Sandwiches: ham and cheese ($ 23), pork shoulder ($ 25), chicken ($ 29), sausage or blood sausage ($ 13), crustless with tomato and cheese ($ 18). The desserts: Tiramisu ($ 17), Custard or Pasta Frola ($ 9), they are homemade. Ice cream ($ 9 each scoop), cassatas ($ 15) and Swiss Bombom ($ 15), Cheese and Sweet Potato or Quince Jelly ($ 15). The drinks: water or soda, $ 13; beer, 1 lt., $ 22 a $ 28; wines, b. lt., $ 30 to $ 150; cider, b., $ 22; champagne, b., $ 45 to $ 95; whisky, measure, $ 18 to $ 30; coffee or tea, $ 11. These prices are on pesos and in effect for September 2012. Boedo Tangos restaurant is open for dinner on Saturdays from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m., on Wednesdays and Sundays from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., and on Fridays from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Dinner hours are flexible; the kitchen is open continuously during dances. The guests come in no hurry because they also come to dance. The dance hall may be rented for events. On 3330 San Juan Av., 2 floor. Phones 49 31-40 28/15-41 57-50 62. Acknowledgment The owners, Luis Glvez and Andrea Tronchet want to thank their employees for many years of service, especially their managers, Facundo Coronel and Celeste Carmona.

he audience gets into what might be a dinner theater; they are taken to the wooden tables and given homemade coffee liqueur in a small glass. That is all they are given to drink. There is no stage. This is the way of creating a familiar atmosphere being very close to the actors. The dialog recovers the great number of values present in the games; those we play only for fun, the opposite of obligation, work and routine. But this is not about games of chance or bets, or those which imply a participation in raffles or lotteries; nothing of the kind; it is only recreation, a pastime. Everything is alternation between comments on games and the interpretation of songs, which in some cases, are sung with totally unconventional instruments and rhythms, contrary to the lyrics, creating an incongruent situation. In each song, they display their talent for acting, they transmit a way of singing that reaches the audience for its authenticity with a big dose of creativity. Some grace calls for a smile. And what marks the general characteristic of the show is surprise. Silvia Copello and Jorge Capussotti develop with great inventiveness and a variety of resources singing, dance, mimics, interaction with the audience - a show where they want to make adults remember the importance of a playful activity. This is a show with a great deal of fun. Juego Tangueado. With Silvia Copello and Jorge Capussotti. Script: Silvia Copello. Direction and choreography: Mecha Fernndez. Del Pasillo Theater, 35 Colombres St., Phone 43 42-94 11. Saturdays 9 p.m. Tickets $ 50, students and pensioners $ 30.

A journey through feelings and interviews

woman who is very nurtured by two cultures - the Argentine one, where she was born, and the American one, because she emigrated to it moves around the feelings evoked in her by dancing. And she wonders why the most outstanding dance of the 20th century, and now of the 21st, is more than a dance; more than what eyes can see. The city where she was born is the one which catches her attention the most. As a psychologist, she has discovered special features in porteos; she talks to dancers, taxi drivers and street artists. She visits La Boca and San Telmo neighborhoods, and in each place, she finds aspects and characters that, being so ordinary, dont catch our attention, but she manages to show us what is outstanding in them. In the United States, she talks to six people who go to a festival, endless tango travelers, gypsies who go around the worlds dance floors. She ends with an interview to singer Alberto Podest, a talent who transforms the lyrics in electrifying emotion effusiveness. In Strangers Arms. The Magic of the Tango, by Beatriz Dujovne. Lyrics translated into English by Jake Spatz. McFarland & Co., Inc., Publishers. Box 611, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640, USA. www.mcfarlandpub.com. English, soft cover. 222 pgs. Year 2011.


The correct e-mail address of writer Amalia Novatti that appeared on issue N 211, page 33, is [email protected]
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012
Buenos Aires Tango

52 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


Continued from page 30

Shows and records

Continued from page 26

Donatella alamprese tangos and songs of the World

Italians and people everywhere need love To understand the lyrics enables one to transmit the emotion created by the poet She remembers that her father loved to sing and dance tangos

Referring to tangos, she says: I like to sing from the classics to Piazzolla. The first time I gave a performance in a theater, it was with Desperate Song (2004), a show that connected the poet Alta Merini with tango. I sang the songs and an actor read the poems and the lyrics in Italian. Then came Tango Suite, totally dedicated to tango, from the classics Volver, Malena, through stor Piazzolla, to contemporary authors like Eladia Blzquez.

Mirta Romano displays bandonions Artist Mirta Romano will show a series of her tanguera paintings titled Rebirth of bandonions. They display images of the dance, the milonga, the singer, the peacock, tango lyrics. Opens on Friday, October 12 at 7:30 p.m. At the National Academy of Tango, 833, De Mayo Av. Phone 43 45-60 67. Open Mondays through Fridays, 3 to 8 p.m. Through November 12.

his beautiful blonde middle-aged woman came to Buenos Aires by the end of August before going to Chile. We appreciated her intelligent view; she shows warmth and spontaneous cordiality. She left her mark in three performances: at the Portea Academy of Lunfardo, singing tangos in the show The Tango Pearls, produced by Claudio Durn; at the Italian Culture Institute with an international repertoire and, finally, with piano player and composer Pepe Motta at Bien Bohemio. With relaxed naturalness, she sums up parts of her artistic career. She says that she is a soprano who studied lyrical signing at Italian music schools. Her curiosity led her to experience with her voice in different contexts; she devoted herself to jazz and pop.

Tango is a universal language which joins hearts, she says. And she keeps close to Marta Pizzos words Singing is living! and giving everything in that attempt / with the illusion of healing wounds, / put the soul in the sun in each verse / and thus sweeten the world with poetry. / looking for an enlightened world, / raising my voice in each melody; / like embracing the good things about the human / and raising a joy to the sky.(1) In 2002, she also met guitar player Marco Giacomini, who does the arrangements and accompanies her with the music; they achieved a good ensemble.

Language can generate emotions. Songs in Japanese

She tries to find the feelings expressed by poets. And thats how she can have the true value of songs. Then, appealing to expressive flexibility, she tries to convey emotions to the listeners. -I research because I need to know the words, what they mean, what is behind them and the authors intention. It is very important to understand what the poet wanted to communicate so I can transmit this emotion to my audience. Her repertoire, which covers different genres and languages, characterizes her as a woman who is imbued in humanistic ideals. She says When I sing in Japanese, I am transformed; it is a very different culture with strong emotions vocally. The Japanese language has guttural sounds with a different phonetic system. All the cultures are joined by a universal feeling of the soul, by the nostalgia of meeting each other, to go back to the place where we come from.

Her Argentine blood

She found tango ten years ago after her fathers death. She remembers how he liked to sing and dance with her mother. She says, My father was Argentine and travelled to Italy to stay. My grandparents arrived in Italy later, when they were very old, and they talked to me about tango in Spanish. When my father died, tango exploded inside of me like a volcano. I listened to Carlos Gardel singing Volver and I cried a lot. My blood is also Argentine.

Her soprano voice is broad, nice and has a good pitch; her tuning deserves the best compliments. And, when she sings tangos, her Italian accent adds a cute touch. She participated in the show Buenos Aires Paris New York, totally dedicated to Piazzollas music, with verses by Horacio Ferrer, Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Trejo, Julien Clerq Oblivion (in French), Rinascer (I will Revive) sung with the lyrics by Angela Tarenzi in Italian. The record Rinascer was made from this live performance. On the other hand, Alkimie proposes a music and cultural overview through different languages and peoples, starting from Italy and the treasure of the dialect tradition, through South America, Japan and Armenia. Here, the music, merging styles and genres, is lived as a universal value, like the emotional glue that assembles the souls of the world. In 2008, she was selected to participate in the launch of the car Fiat 500 in the Japanese market, and she also performed at the Italian Culture Institute. She has recorded the discs Tango Suite and Rinascer with Marco Giacomini and the Coincidencia Ensemble. Among her projects, there is a production with Sal Cosentino Argentine aviation captain, who listened to her on the Web singing Chiquiln de Bachn, and contacted Donatella Alamprese to record his songs because he liked her singing. She presents her shows regularly in different Italian cities. She says, The Italian public and the public from around the world need love. People cry and thank me because they feel a strong emotion. Italian and Argentine cultures are very close. There, dancing is very popular. People feel very attracted by the dance; I think that poetry is very important and I want to expand to theaters, where not only those who dance attend, but also ordinary people. We would like her to come back many more times for hearts of the public to get hooked on her singing. (1) Singing is living. Tango. Lyrics, Marta Pizzo. Music, Daniel Garca.

At the House of Carlos Gardel Museum In short. Letters by Marie Berthe Gardes sent by Carlos Gardels mother (Gardel Defino Collection; curator Micaela Patania.) Opens Thursday, October 25 at 7 p.m. Through November 25. Open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays. Admission $ 1. Free admission on Wednesdays. At 735 Jean Jaurs St. Phones 49 64-20 15/20 71.

54 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango


Ten Years Ago

Two short stories

Continued from page 32

Continued from page 36

he main articles featured To look and being looked upon (Tito Palumbo), Tangos and cultivated musicians (Najmanovich Starobin) and From a students point of view (Batt Johnson.) The covers were illustrated by Ricardo Carpani, Alicia Messing and Ernesto Bertani.

by Graciela H. Lpez and the poem Origin by Silvia Spitalnik Talking about shows we mentioned Tango Skin presented by Dina Emed at Astral Theater; Fully Tango was announced with dancers Johana Copes and Maximiliano vila, among others, and singer Alberto Podest, with idea and general production by singer Yeni Patio. We reviewed records by Marcela Bublik, Silver Knives; by Ada De Luca, Passion, Love andTango; Origin Argentina by Rallentango duo: Evelyn Acosta (vocals) and Gabriel El Sayer (guitar and arrangements), with guest musicians Carla Algeri (bandonion) and Alejo van der Phalem (bass.)

The Most Difficult Game

By Laura Nicastro
met his wife. She was gorgeous, she talked to us, she laughed at our jokes. One day, we took pastries and mate in a clandestine way. She was impressed by our solidarity and she even took a tape recorder and a record of This is the King. One afternoon, she asked us where she could take lessons. And there she went. The Pardo recovered. Now they go to the milonga together. And she ah, she! She goes in like a tiger, with her bright eyes. We cant look away. The couple has a permanent table and on it a little bucket with a bottle of champagne. She hardly sits on the chair. Only a sip, a nod and again she goes to the dance floor embraced by a milonguero. The Pardo doesnt dance, he watches her all the time; he hardly waves his hand to us from the distance (only a second for her not to go out of his sight). Now he always comes to the milonga, but to relax.

The Photo Gallery showed, among others, Rubn Harymbat and Enrique El Gordo Rosich, Rosa Capitini and Jorge Asprelli, Julio Pane and Leopoldo Federico, Celia Saia, Samantha Coronel and Valdi Guevara, Oscar Santos, Alberto Podest and Celia Blanco, Alicia La Turca Juan, Liliana Nakada and Kenji Nozawa, Lucrecia Merico, Aurora Lubiz and Jorge Firpo, Clely Rugnone.

The new milongas openings were those organized by Francisco Gysel and Nicols Ferreira at Disco Morango; Laura Gonzlez Abad at The Old Post Office; Adriana Trrez at Saln Kass; Jorge Bocacci and Horacio La Regina at Saln La Argentina; Fernanda and Other articles reported on the convocation Oscar Puella at Club Jos Hernndez; Luis to enter in the 2002 Hugo del Carril Contest Crdoba at Nina Balbuena at Saln Fiestas in and the exhibition called Pint Milonga at San Martn (Greater Buenos Aires North); Saln Canning with works of ten artists. Juan Carlos Provenza at Club Platense in Vicente Lpez (Greater Buenos Aires North); We mentioned the 1 World Tango Festi- Omar Viola at the Writers Argentine Socival that took place October 5-13, and the IV ety; Mara Marta Lpez Varela and Eduardo Concepcin Tango Exhibition and Fair that Gonzlez with The Terrace in Vicente Lpez took place in Concepcin del Uruguay (prov- (Greater Buenos Aires North); Marta Fam ince of Entre Ros) from November 7-9. at Imagen; Jos Torres at Dr. Jekyll; Horacio Luduea at Ta Lola in Lans (Greater Buenos Writer Graciela H. Lpez launched Aires South); Osvaldo Valdi Guevara and his book A Milongueras Secrets. The book had Samantha Coronel at Mi Club in Banfield many stories published in this magazine and (Greater Buenos Aires South); Ricardo other unpublished ones. Alsina at The Old Post Office; The North Wind reopened The Merry-go-Round at We published the short stories CinderClub I.M.O.S.; Vctor Hugo Patrisso and Irene ellas Choice and Butterflies in the dance floor Cataxinos at Saln Cristal. Dance halls Club Bohemios and Saraza Tango were described. An interview with teachers Quique Camargo and Rosana Tolosa was published.
56 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

How do you manage with your wife? we, the ones who shared the table with the Pardo, asked him in the milonga. Have you told her that you come dancing? Youre crazy! My wife hates tango. No, I tell her Im visiting my mum at the nursing home. And as she doesnt interfere with my family The Pardo had always said that he wanted to die in the middle of a tango; it didnt matter if it was at the end of a round of songs by DArienzo, Di Sarli or Vargas. But he wanted to die on the dance floor, of course, embraced by a true milonguera. And thats what happened. He sat after a round of songs by DArienzo and, lo and behold, he fell to the floor. He got it bad, we said. Luckily, the ambulance came soon and he was sent to intensive care. We took turns to visit him. Thats how we

Improving on Carlitos Gardel

By Antenned Bug (Alfredo Mario Figueras)
I remember yesterdays times, when I was one day younger, and I cry bitterly (from the book Youthful Times). Some think that Gardels guitars were pauper, like a mourner; and that is why, they remove them from the records and they (these honorable men) record a higher level accompaniment for the Criollo Thrush. Sometimes, they give more volume to their guitars and they end up blocking Gardels voice. But these are all in a days work. Others, going on with the same, think that the value of the recordings of our tango hero lies in the accompaniment of the sober guitars. They remove Gardels voice and add their nice and pretty little voices. Sometimes, they change the lyrics because they forget them and they go out of tune (like a famous mezzo-soprano whose name I wont mention). But this...is something that may happen to anyone. What really makes me angry is what some other think. These others, true scoundrels consider that the most valuable thing in Gardels records is the background noise. And that is why, they record themselves singing and playing their own modern guitars with that Gardelian noise. These little rascals are no saint in my book.

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango

Messages Letters Facebook and E-mails

Continued from page 41

Experiences Jungle
Continued from page 12

PABLO GRECO, wrote: Almagro Tango Club and Tango School Osvaldo Ruggiero - I felt very happy when I was in Brazil and received the news that my sons Emiliano and Lautaro had rented a place at Medrano and Corrientes Avs. to found a club, Almagro Tango Club. It seems to me like the Glostora which, every evening at 8:15, was broadcast on Radio El Mundo with the De Angelis orchestra and that I listened to MARA TERESA MANGIAVILLANO left this message on Facebook, Thank you very much for the good work you do for us, those who know and like tango. And for those who, out of curiosity, for the magazine, take their first steps in this dance... Regards. CRISTINA FELIPPAG says through Facebook, Hello, Mr. Palumbo. Ive read your article, Publishers Letter. I agree with you in relation to the poor information on the World Tango Championship in BA 2012. Whats more, I sent an email to the City Government claiming that the public in general, Argentines and foreigners, couldnt find on the website the time and the transport available to get to the Festival venueBy the way, I come to BA only for Tango, to dance and chat and catch something of the porteo language. She attaches a copy of the email he sent to the Head of Cabinet of the city asking him to rent rooms in museums to carry out the tango activity. LILIN BARBONA, from Aosta (Italy), received the digital issue of BAT N 211 and wrote, Dear TITO: I must confess that the magazine is a nice and beautiful surprise. HOW BAD I DIDNT
58 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

with delight when I was a boy. The young musicians and dancers who formed the club worked very hard. They bought a grand piano, built a big stage, bought chairs and tables and opened it on Saturday, September 22 with an outstanding cast Guillermo Fernndez, Horacio Ferrer, arrangements by Cristian Zrate, Lautaro Grecos bandonion, Lucas Furno and the Vardaro strings group played Piazzolla and Ferrers last songs. KNOW IT when I was in baires from February to April, of course, coming back and forth from Chaco, which a thousand years ago I left to never go back definitely, but I do every year or year and a half. Well, I just saw part 1, very very good, except (you asked for opinions and Ill give it to you, I hope you wont resent it): I see the magazine like a European, which I am, after 35 years living in several European countriesI dont know if this is good or bad but I know Ive been lucky to have taken a big leap as to culture and the world. Good advertising... if it is spread in several pages I think it is better...too many pictures of birthdays, candles, babies in strollers... I dont know, in Italy or Europe they wouldnt even think about it. I know that this Argentine custom dates from many years ago...but leave it for a homemade publication, not for a magazine that is very well done, with basic news and which is surely published around the world...dont you think so?? The articles are very good, I liked that one about the milonga written by super guy Martin, very very funny, Ive already sent it to several teacher friends settled here, like Jos Vsquez, Marcelo Ballonzo, Leonardo Cuellos ballet and others. I SENT THE MAGAZINE

It was a big and exciting party. Apart from the concerts, there are bandonion, piano, violin, guitar, double bass, harmony classes and seminars on music for dancers, tango arrangements, vocal singing, improvisation in tango and body technique for musicians. The Almagro Tango Club is located at 688 Medrano Av. For further information, by e-mail: [email protected]; on Facebook: Escuela Ruggiero. TO A GREAT FRIEND OF MINE, NONCH, A GREAT TANGO TEACHER FROM CHACO; Walter Cocheret e/o Laura Casco Zorzon would appreciate it if you could publish about them. You can find them on Facebook. Well, when I read the rest, Ill send you my dispassionate comments without any destructive criticism Dear LILIN BARBONA: I take your comments into account and thanks for sharing this publication. ANDREA CORVINELLI, from Italy, sent this message, Im writing to subscribe to the PDF copy of B. A. Tango. Im the webmaster of tangopartner.it, the Italian community for those who love tango. This community has many informative pages about the tango culture and, also, for those tangueros who want to try the experience of travelling to Buenos Aires. Im writing because I think your magazine is one of the most detailed ones and the best Ive found so far, and this is what all my friends from Buenos Aires have told me too Dear ANDREA CORVINELLI: Thank you very much for your intention to share our magazine on your website.

Tango and affection: export products (1)

By Vctor E. Raik

ango and Argentine affection have enlarged the list of nontraditional exports. Men and women from around the world who come to enjoy the beauty of our dance receive a plus: affection. The Argentine man, especially the milonguero, is a generous host as to affection, rare product in the world. When travelers, especially women, arrive in Buenos Aires to enjoy tango in its habitat, they are surprised by several things. The tango they dance in their countries doesnt have the aesthetics or emotion that they see and enjoy in the porteas milongas. Improvisation, the embrace, dancing on the floor, the -respectful- harassment by men, everything is new for them. This culture of flattering, paying compliments, suggesting, seducing, moving forward; most of them feel afraid but this feeds their ego and, among rejection and acceptance, they feel wanted natural ambition of the female gender. *** Maggie: The daughter of a Neapolitan man and a Cuban woman, living in London, tired of mens indifference came to Buenos Aires to dance tango. Today, she looks happy.

Shes utterly satisfied and is always saying: Every now and then, when I feel bad about Londoner indifference, I come back to Buenos Aires to recharge my batteries. Toti: A German flight attendant, takes advantage of her short stay to quench her passion. The days she is off of work, she takes advantage and goes dancing tango. Like all sailors, she has a love in each port: in Buenos Aires, her unrivalled love is dancing tango. Franci: She confesses. She met the milonguero who won her heart in Stockholm. He went as a tourist and ended up teaching tango. When nostalgia invaded him, he took a plane and came to his homeland. He needed to breathe the smells, meet his friends, walk his streets. She, a modest office worker, saved every single coin and, taking advantage of the change, took a plane and came for him. Leo: A Frenchman, who dances marvelously, comes every three months and stays for one month dancing tango. People dont know anything about his life and what he does; they only know he loves tango. *** This dancing passion, which moves feelings and millions of pesos, has changed from being a home made product to a product for export which quotes on the market. (1) From the book Flying a Tango, Vctor E. Raik Author and Publisher, Second edition May 2009, Buenos Aires. E-mail: [email protected].

Youth Ensamble
Continued from page 11

Tras Cartn (Immediately) Tango

The group originated in Avellaneda (Greater Buenos Aires - South) in mid-2009. They have a repertoire of traditional songs arranged by the group, combined with others they have composed. They describe their interpretations as suburban tango; and they are in search of a renovation in the words and music. They performed in milongas (Parakultural, Unitango, Floreal, The Gardel of Medelln, Milonga Maldita, The Cathedral, Club Independencia), 36 Billiards, Rome Theater, Orlando Goi Theater, The Bohemia, The Cooperations Cultural Center, at Independent Tango (Union of Typical Orchestras), La Boca Republic Tango and the first Valentin Alsina Tango festivals. Their conductor, composer and arranger is Nicols Casares. The members of this group are: Matas Cadoni (doble bass), Pablo Giner (piano), Luca Briano (violin), Paula Lifshitz (bandonion) and Juan Martin Goicoechea (vocals). They launched their first record The Neighborhood Suite - The Language of the Indian Raid in July 2012. The first part is made up of five pieces trying to depict the landscapes of the district; the second part appears like a sweeping summary of these years. Tras Cartn Tango organizes the monthly Avellanedas Milonga.
Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012
Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


They Left Us and We Remember Them

Continued from page 40

Selected Records
Continued from page 28

Reynaldo Martn (n. Oscar Reynaldo Fritz - The Little German Boy). On May 18 at the age of 68. Singer, composer, lyricist and teacher. As a young singer he won locals radio and club contests. Handsome with excellent vocal conditions, he performed on television. He and other artists created The New Song of Buenos Aires, that came with a renewable spirit, in times of a backward movement for the genre. He recorded and participated in 14 with the Tango disc. He liked to sing, in addition to classic songs, others by contemporary authors. He performed in tangueras. He toured through counties of America -he lived two years in Mexico- and Australia. In his last years, he taught singing in pensioners centers also. Orlando Trujillo. On August 8 at the age of 74. Bandonionist, conductor, arranger and teacher. He was member of groups in Rosario (province of Santa Fe). He came to Buenos Aires to play in the orchestras of Miguel Cal and Anbal Troilo. Later he was in the Pirincho Quintet. In his last years he conducted the Urban Tango Sextet, performed in tangueras and accompanied singers such as Mara Jos Mentana, Raquel Buela, Jorge Guillermo, Luis Prado and Marcelo Pola. He toured abroad. Marta Luchenio. On September 9. Painter, illustrator and teacher. She was an active promoter of arts and spreading tango. Charter member
60 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

of the Institute of Tango Research and the Tango to the World Argentine Association, that she presided over, and contributor of other institutions. Fine portrait painter. She illustrated books, magazines and covers of discs. Her works are located in different districts of the city, museums, private institutions and collections. She took part in exhibitions in this country and abroad. She received many prizes and tributes. Chilo Tulissi (n. Jos Luis Tulissi). On September 11. Painter, scenery designer and teacher. He left the school of architecture before graduating and turned to painting. Self-taught artist. His paintings include different subjects standing out the series Tangresa in which he investigates the sensuality and the eroticism in the tanguera passion. He portrayed dancers. He received the distinction Participant Neighbor of the San Cristbal Neighborhood granted by the city government. His works are in private collections in this country and abroad. He illustrated several issues of this magazine. Pascual Cholo Mamone. On September 15. Bandonionist, conductor, arranger, composer and teacher. He started playing in Jos Otero orchestra in 1936. In the 40s he was member of the Pedro Maffia orchestra. Soon after, he performed with Florindo Sassone, Joaqun Do Reyes, Armando Cupo. A special effort was his participation in the Tango Chamber Camera

Quartet, that recorded two wonderful LPs in the 60s, although with no commercial success. He conducted the Municipal Tango Orchestra of San Martin (Greater Buenos Aires - North). At the time of his death he was taking part of the Troilo Composer - In Concert show. Among the songs he composed stand out Lets dance, I love you more, A Twelfth Night Gift and Fluting; he composed the music for The Seven Capital Sins Profane Cantata by poet Luis Alposta. He was Academic of Honor of the National Academy of the Tango.

With harmony, simplicity and good taste

We listen to a musician and composer who expresses himself inside a citizen spirit. It is in other composers arrangements where he includes variations that, with numerous languages, he refreshes melodies, always respecting the composer. The environment created usually wanders between a melancholic and a romantic feeling, with some moments of marked rhythm. It does not show any complex issues, and it moves along the genders he embraces tango, vals, milonga and zamba. As a composer, he displays different styles in which each one provides a different idea, but all of them are developed on a basis of gender own resources. Adrin Placenti shows an excellent fingering. He does not require those musicians who join him to be effective or solve technical difficulties. Everything goes by in harmony, with simplicity and good musical taste
MY TANGOS. YESTERDAY AND TODAY. ADRIN PLACENTI. Adrin Placenti (piano, arrangements and conductor). Accom-

Continued from page 42

paniment in different songs: Mariana Caardo (violin), Mara Laura Gallego (transverse flute), Julio Prez (bandonion) and

Hugo Rodrguez (guitar). Producer: Adrin Placenti. Internet: www.adrianplacenti.com. ar. Year 2012. 1) The Poetry Coffee Shop, 2) Never more, 3) Suburban Melody (Carlos Gardel - Alfredo Le Pera - Mario Battistella), 4) Yesterday and today, 5) Small differences, 6) Sobs (Osvaldo and Enrique Fresedo), 7) I Saved the Lottery Ticket, 8) New August, 9) Shusheta (Juan Carlos Cobin - Enrique Cadcamo), 10) To my Teachers, 11) Silvina, 12) My faithful companion. The songs were composed by Adrin Placenti except those specifically mentioned.

At the Museum
Film showings are scheduled at 8:00 p.m. the first Thursday of each month, at the House of Carlos Gardel Museum. Free admission. The films will be presented with English subtitles. At 735 Jean Jaurs St. For further information phone 49 64-20 15/20 71. November 1 - Dialogues among Poet and Bandonion (2005), directed by Adrin Lorenzo and Juan Pablo Martnez. With: Horacio Ferrer, Ral Garello, Alejandra Gutty, Juan Paulo Horvath. Documentary. Length 55 minutes. Not released in Argentina. December 6 - Tango, a story with Jews (2009), directed by Gabriel Pomeraniec. Documentary. Length 70 minutes.

The Typical Orchestra in all its Splendor

It is somehow pleasant to listen, and also to see in their performances, an orchestra keeping all the delicious features of a group recognized by their unsurpassable qualities in the Tango Gold Era from last century; we are talking about the one conducted by Maestro Carlos Di Sarli. The songs are played with the characteristic virtuosity of old musicians and a marvelous technique that trained young musicians. There is a high respect for the original line in the orchestrations. There is accuracy in the musicians ensemble and one can feel that they share their performances with devotion and a meritorious commitment. A good selection to dance.
TANGO PEOPLE. AN ELEGANT ORCHESTRA. Tango People Orchestra. Guillermo Durante (piano), Alberto Demara, Osvaldo Fumagalli, Richard Cappz and Enrique Seoane (bandonions), Mario Arce, Lucas Furno, Csar Palacios, Carlos Cores, Oscar Sarmientos, Ignacio Pagano, Ramn Coronel and Juan Gandolfo (violins), Adrin Iturburu and Carlos Canestrani (contrabasses). Hctor Morano (singer). Produced by Euro Records S.A. Postal address: 2039 Lavalle St., (1052) Buenos Aires. E-mail eurorecords@ mafco.com.ar. Internet: www. eurorecords.com.ar. Year 2011. 1) Comme il faut (Eduardo Arolas), 2) Germaine (Alberto Ramn Lpez Buchardo), 3) The White Chapel (Carlos Di Sarli Hctor Marc), 4) Heart Lets Sing (Enrique Alessio - Reynaldo Yiso), 5) Old Milonguero (Carlos Di Sarli - Enrique Carreras Sotelo), 6) Juan Porteo (Carlos Di Sarli - Hctor Marc), 7) Brokenheart Mulatta (Sebastin Piana - Homero Manzi), 8) Sentimental Gangman (Manuel Jovs - Manuel Romero), 9) The Dawn (Roberto Firpo), 10) Sonatina (Marcelino Hernndez - Abel Aznar), 11) Selection of tangos by Carlos Gardel (arrangements by Enrique Seoane), 12) Porteo and Dancer (Carlos Di Sarli - Hctor Marc), 13) In this Moony Night (Graciano Gmez - Jose Garca - Hctor Marc), 14) The cumparsita (Gerardo Matos Rodrguez - Pascual Contursi - Enrique P. Maroni), 15) Baha Blanca (White Bay) (Carlos Di Sarli).
Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012



Mitre Neighborhood, Six Blocks Surrounded by Tall Buildings

By Tito Palumbo

Continued from page 18


EOF (Federal Special Operations Group) agent Rodrigo Alejandro Valente killed young tango teacher Alan Stefano Tapia on last February 15. It happened during a violent housebreaking where he was living in Mitre neighborhood searching for Alans brother, Vittorio. (1) Mitre Neighborhood Is located a few blocks from the intersection between the General Paz Avenue the city limit of Buenos Airesand the Northern Access Highway. It is next to the Philips Electric factory, and the Intercons and DOT Baires Mall modern buildings. I am sitting on a folding chair that someone gave me to rest at the modest pass-through grill at Correa Street. The other streets bordering the six blocks from the Mitre neighborhood are Arias, Melin and Posta. There is no table so I put the glass with soda on a concrete edge at the tree giving me shade. I am eating a sausage sandwich while facing a four-floor building, painted in yellow and bounded by a metallic fence as high as a person. There, a woman cleaning the garden. Two boys approach the stall; they get a packet with food and leave. Then comes another one about 25 years old, who tells the grill attendant that he got a job at Obligado Street, just next to the church; this job will last for a month and he trying to organize himself with another one he already has. A car passes by. They comment on the car passengers. Later, they comment on a woman who is walking at the opposite sidewalk; She changes men as fast as underwear. An old woman goes out of her house where the grill is located, stops on the sidewalk and takes a fixed look at something, and then she tells the attendant, Why did they put that thing there?; To stop motorbikes that run at high speed, the boy answers. When I finished eating and I was wiping my mouth with a paper napkin, the attendant comes back with a cardboard tray with some milanesas (breaded cutlets), baked potatoes and tomatoes. He tells me, Now it is my turn to eat. It is a neighborhood with honest and hard-working people. It is not a marginal nor a precarious area. It is urbanized, although not in the same way as the general environments built by better quality buildings, tall buildings and towers. Each block is divided in two by a wide corridor an interior tree-covered, paved street. It has a public square, where a local murga (popular carnival dancing group) comes to practice their dance. There is also a soccer field. The houses, built in small parcels, give shelter to families and are expanded upwards, up to three floors, the top height allowed. As a brokerage firm expresses in its advertisement, they are simple buildings. (2)

Stigmatized young people Most young people study and/or have regular jobs. A few of them are devoted to stealing. Their parents try to avoid their becoming criminals, but they cannot stop them.The adolescents think that they are the owners of the truth and live with their own codes, which must be obeyed. As a result, all the young people are externally discriminated under a constant suspicion, which becomes unfair, because, as many others who live in this city, most of them do not participate in any offensive circle. Graciela works as a therapeutic caregiver for an old woman who lives in a flat in front of the Mitre neighborhood. She says, In the past, taxi drivers did not want to come to Melin and Arias streets corner because some years ago a taxi driver was killed here. But now I do not have any trouble at all. There is more safety. As we talk, we can see a Metropolitan Police officer standing on the corner; the presence of the Metropolitan Police may have affected the reduction of offenses. She has been coming to the neighborhood for a year and a half. She goes out for a walk and has never had any trouble. She works up to 9:30 p.m. The same happens to the person she cares; the lady was never robbed. After Alans murder Claudia Alejandra Riveros(3), Alans mother, and siblings, besides following the case against the police, are constantly looking for a change in the procedures of the security forces, and thus avoid murders like this one. Last August 20 there was a summons at the neighborhood square to launch the National Campaign against Institutional Violence. The following were present: national representative Leonardo Grosso (Victory Front, the government party,) city legislator Mara Jos Lubertino (Popular Encounter for Victory, pro national government party,) Gonzalo Bugatto, Lautaros brother(4), Claudia Alejandra Riveros and relatives, attorneys of the Tapia family and Kirchners political organizations: JP (Peronist Youth) Evita, Colectivo Militante, La Cmpora, and neighbors. The case against the policeman Rodrigo Valente got from the preliminary criminal proceedings to the City Oral Criminal Court N 11 in July. It is named as aggravated simple homicide as it was performed by a public officer. At the Court theyve told us that a supplementary preliminary criminal proceeding is carried out, prior to the oral and public hearing. (1) B.A. TANGO - Buenos Aires Tango N 211, page 55. (2) A survey made on April 2012 by the kirchnerist youthful grouping La Cmpora registered 324 houses and 857 inhabitants. (3) Claudia Alejandra Riveros is on Facebook. (4) Lautaro Bugatto, a 20 years old soccer player, was killed by a police that was shooting against two delinquents who tried to rob a moped. It took place on last May 6, when he was leaving his house.

E = EP = EI = EA = Pr =

Enseanza todo nivel; Teaching all levels; Unterricht fr alle Stufen; Enseignement pour tous niveaux; Ensino todos os nveis. Enseanza principiantes; Teaching beginners; Unterricht fr Anfnger; Enseignement niveau debutant; Ensino iniciantes. Enseanza intermedios; Teaching intermediates; Unterricht fr Mittelstufe; Enseignement niveau moyen; Ensino intermdios. Enseanza avanzados; Teaching advanced; Unterricht fr Fortgeschrittene; Enseignement niveau avanc; Ensino adiantados. Prctica; Practice; bungstreffen; Entrainement; Prtica.



11 a 12,30 12 a 15 13 a 14,30 14 a 15,30 15 a 17 16 a 17,30 18 a 19,30 18 a 20 18 a 20 18,30 a 20 18,30 a 20 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 21 19 a 21 19,30 a 21 19,30 a 21 19,30 a 21 20 a 22 20 a 22 20 a 21,30 20 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22,30 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 23 21 a 22,30


LUNES - MONDAY - MONTAG - LUNDI - 2 FEIRA Patricia Gmez (tcnica p/mujer) Viamonte 517, 2 nivel Pablo Nievas y V. Zunino Suipacha 380, p. 1 Gustavo Sorel Rivadavia 1392 Lic. Claudia Bozzo San Jos 364, p. 3, A Oscar Casas y Ana Miguel Rivadavia 1392 Andrea Uchitel Junn 143, p. 1, A Nstor Figueroa Ramn L. Falcn 2750 Ricardo Dupla Per 272, e.p. Marit Lujn Av. Caseros 3033 Lic. Claudia Bozzo San Jos 364, p. 3, A Vernica Alegre Av. Crdoba 5942 Rodrigo Vern Ecuador 682 Julio Corazza Rivadavia 1392 Aldo Romero y Anala Carrizo Junn 143, p. 1, A Sonia Peralta Echeverra 2576, local 20 V. Batiuk, Dina Martnez y L. Valle Av. Crdoba 5064 Gabriel Angi Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331 Elida Casco Humberto I 1951 Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua Ecuador 682 Marta Fam Manuel A. Rodrguez 1191 Valeriana Perelsztein y Federico Prado Sarmiento 4006 Martha Antn, M. M. Salvador y Laura Collavini Junn 277 Carlos Prez y Rosa Forte Lugones 3161 Patricia Ramrez Av. San Juan 500 Luiza Paes Av. Caseros 3033 Sandra Gatti y Eduardo Arce Sanabria 1378 Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua (milonga) Ecuador 682 Jorge Firpo y Diana Mestre Rivadavia 1392 Amanda Tedesco y Pedro Lapolla Rivadavia 1392 Mariano Olman Junn 143, p. 1, A V. Batiuk, Dina Martnez y L. Valle Av. Crdoba 5064 Elizabeth Guerrero Av. Independencia 2890, p. 2 Marcela y Jorge Colombo Av. Juan B. Justo 9200 Patricia Antelo y Alberto Sancia Kawamichi Julin lvarez 948 Marta Fam Manuel A. Rodrguez 1191 Gabriel Angi y Natalia Games Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331 Vernica Alegre Zabala 1697

4312-4990/15-5726-7570 15-5507-1394/15-6553-0173 4342-6490/15-4889-8291 4383-0466 4381-4049/4383-5426 4953-1212 4612-4257/4611-7211 4795-2894 15-6707-1225 4383-0466 4778-0199/15-6363-3776 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4381-4049/4383-5426 4953-1212 4788-9136/4383-7383 4772-5993 15-5738-3850 5290-5053 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 3526-4191/15-5645-8027 15-5325-1630 4657-8781/15-6258-1329 4541-9776/4605-8234 15-5851-6681 15-6707-1225 4567-9394/15-5124-4768 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4381-4049/4383-5426 4381-4049/4383-5426 4953-1212 4931-3644 4652-5805/15-5804-3299 15-5404-7060/15-5410-8376 3526-4191/15-5645-8027 15-5738-3850 15-6363-3776
Buenos Aires Tango

62 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012


22 a 2 12,30 a 14 12,30 a 14 13 a 14,30 14 a 15,30 14 a 16 15,30 a 18,30 16 a 17,30 16 a 17,30 17 a 18 17,30 a 19 18 a 19 18,30 a 20 18,30 a 20,30 19 a 21 19 a 20,30 19 a 20 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 23 19,30 a 21 19,30 a 21,30 19,45 a 21 20 a 22,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 21,45 20 a 22 20,30 a 22,30 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 23 21 a 23 21 a 22,30 21,30 a 23 12 a 15 13 a 14,30 14,30 a 16 15 a 17 17 a 18,30 18 a 20,30 El Motivo Tango. Batiuk, Martnez y Valle Av. Crdoba 5064 MARTES - TUESDAY - DIENSTAG - MARDI - TERA FEIRA E+Pr Zoraida Fontclara y Diego Alvaro Suipacha 384, 1 p E Jorge Firpo Viamonte 517, 2 nivel E Csar Agassi y Virginia Uva Rivadavia 1392 E Jorge Firpo Viamonte 517, 2 nivel E+Pr Paula Franciotti y Orlando Scarpelli San Jos 224, p. 1 E+Pr Eduardo Saucedo Suipacha 384, p. 1 EP+EI Gabriela Navarro Junn 143, p. 1, A E Alejandro Turco Suaya Rivadavia 1392 E Vernica Alegre (p. personas c/Parkinson) Av. Crdoba 5942 E Martha Antn y M. Salvador Gallego Manolo Viamonte 517, 2 nivel E Alberto Beto Carreo Chile 324 E Gustavo Sorel Defensa 1575 E+Pr Mnica Paz y maestro invitado Riobamba 30, p. 1, A EP+EI Javier Maldonado y Mnica Parra Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331 EA Lic. Claudia Bozzo San Jos 364, p. 3, A E Alberto Beto Carreo Chile 324 E Jonathan Villanueva Guardia Vieja 4049 EP+EI Carina Mele Echeverra 2576, local 20 E Eduardo Pareja Rivadavia 1392 E Enriqueta Kleinman Rivadavia 1392 Pr Ivn Inera Av. Pavn 3918 EP Fernando Carrasco y Karen Alcaraz Ecuador 682 E Ricardo Viqueira Av. Ricardo Balbn 4699 EP Daniel Nacucchio y Cristina Sosa Machain 3517 E Mara Telma Polcan con Francisco Gysel Cabello 3958 E Lucas Pez y Paola Gerace Saraza 951 EP+EI Damin Essel y Nancy Louzn Av. Crdoba 5064 EI+EA Mario Bournissen y Laura Rusconi Tte. Benjamn Matienzo2696 E Luiza Paes y Germn Salvatierra Av. Caseros 3033 E Celia Blanco Humberto I 1783 EI Sandra Gatti y Eduardo Arce Sanabria 1378 E+Pr Luca Seva y Gerry Roche Rivadavia 1392 EI+EA Lic. Claudia Bozzo (tcnicas integradas) San Jos 364, p. 3, A E Olga Besio Junn 143, p. 1, A Pr Jorge Firpo Rivadavia 1392 E Susana Miller y Mara Plazaola Rivadavia 1392 E Mariana Docampo Per 571 EI Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua Ecuador 682 E E. Balmaceda y Stella Bez Riobamba 345 EP+EI Carlos Stasi y Adriana Guerrero Riobamba 345 EI+EA Daniel Nacucchio Machain 3517 EA+Pr Julio Balmaceda y Corina de la Rosa Av. Scalabrini Ortiz 1331 E Mim Santap y Leandro Santap Av. J. B. Alberdi 436 E Valeriana Perelsztein y Federico Prado Sarmiento 4006 EI+EA Damin Essel y Nancy Louzn Av. Crdoba 5064 E E E E E EP+EI Pr 4306-5800/5265-8069 15-4028-8771 4381-4049/4383-5426 15-4028-8771 15-5137-9061 4822-0438/15-5107-4738 4953-1212 4381-4049/4383-5426 4778-0199/15-6363-3776 4312-4990/15-5920-0945 4863-8833/15-5046-0414 4342-6490/15-4889-8291 4953-0702/15-5706-1241 15-5738-3850/15-5709-5344 4383-0466 4863-8833/15-5046-0414 4863-0463/15-3873-5603 4788-9136/15-6479-0194 4381-4049/4383-5426 4381-4049/4383-5426 15-4173-2323 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 15-5731-6804/15-6679-9818 4541-1652/15-3287-5661 4863-0185 15-5900-2058 15-4889-6248 15-6166-8365/15-6324-4062 15-6707-1225 4304-2438/15-4184-4244 4567-9394/15-5124-4768 15-5051-5801 4383-0466 4953-1212 4381-4049/4383-5426 4381-4049/4383-5426 15-3252-6894 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4866-1656/15-5153-8626 4866-1656/15-5153-8626 4541-1652/15-3287-5661 15-5738-3850 4639-0385/15-5055-6826 15-5325-1630 15-4889-6248


MIRCOLES - WEDNESDAY - MITTWOCH - MERCREDI - 4 FEIRA Pablo Nievas y V. Zunino Suipacha 380, p. 1 15-5507-1394/15-6553-0173 Gustavo Sorel Rivadavia 1392 4342-6490/15-4889-8291 Noelia Barsi Junn 143, p. 1, A 4953-1212 Oscar Casas y Ana Miguel Rivadavia 1392 4381-4049/4383-5426 Eduardo Teves Echeverra 2576, local 20 4788-9136/15-6479-0194 Luis Boccia Jean Jaurs 735 4964-2015/2071

64 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango


18,30 a 20 18,30 a 20 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 21 19 a 21,30 19 a 20,30 19,30 a 21 19,30 a 21 20 a 22,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 22 20 a 21,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 20,30 a 22 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 21 a 22,30 12,30 a 14 13 a 14,30 14 a 16 14,15 a 15,45 14,30 a 16 17,30 a 19 18 a 19,30 18 a 20 18 a 20 18,30 a 20 18,45 a 20 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20,30 19 a 20 19,30 a 21 19,30 a 21,30 19,30 a 21 20 a 21 20 a 21,30 20 a 21,30 20 a 1 20 a 21,30 20,30 a 22,30 20,30 a 22 21 a 22,30 21 a 22 21 a 22,30 EP E EI E E EI E E EP E E E EI Pr E E+Pr E E E Pr E EA E EP E E E E+Pr EI+EA EP E E E+Pr E E E+Pr E EP E E EP EP EI EP+EI E EI+EA E EP+EI Pr EI+EA EI+EA EP+EI EA EI+EA EI Lic. Claudia Bozzo Alfredo Maldonado Guido Zrate y Florencia Palacios Pablo Nievas y V. Zunino (milonga) Mara Edith Bernatene Elida Casco Vernica Alegre Quique Camargo y Mirta Milone Fernando Carrasco y Karen Alcaraz Cristian Toledo Mara Telma Polcan con Francisco Gysel Marta Fam Lic. Claudia Bozzo Carlos Prez y Rosa Forte Patricia Ramrez Graciela Fileni Delfn Gaviln Pablo Nievas y V. Zunino Sandra Gatti y Eduardo Arce Mara Edith Bernatene Ana Mara Schapira Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua Edith Pez (Tcnica p. mujeres) Eugenia Eberhardt y Sebastin Posadas Virginia Ravena y Sandro Nunziata San Jos 364, p. 3 A Guardia Vieja 4049 Ecuador 682 Viamonte 517, 2 nivel Rivadavia 1392 Humberto I 1951 Tacuar 1183 Carlos Calvo 3891 Ecuador 682 Sarmiento 4006 Cabello 3958 Manuel A. Rodrguez 1191 San Jos 364, p. 3 A Lugones 3161 Av. San Juan 500 Av. San Juan 3330 Guardia Vieja 4049 Viamonte 517, 2 nivel Sanabria 1378 Rivadavia 1392 Rivadavia 1392 Ecuador 682 Junn 143, p. 1, A Tte. Gral. J. D. Pern 2057 A Sarmiento 4006 4383-0466 4863-0463/15-4033-0242 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 15-5507-1394/15-6553-0173 4381-4049/15-5970-4245 5290-5053 15-6363-3776 15-6036-4679 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 15-5325-1630 4863-0185 3526-4191/15-5645-8027 4383-0466 4541-9776/4605-8234 15-5851-6681 15-3003-9926 4863-0463 15-5507-1394/15-6553-0173 4567-9394/15-5124-4768 4381-4049/15-5970-4245 4381-4049/4383-5426 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4953-1212 4953-1212 15-5325-1630 4383-0466 4381-4049/4383-5426 4383-7283/15-5137-9061 4383-0466 4953-1212 15-4028-8771 4788-9136/15-6479-0194 4795-2894 4374-1251 al 59 int. 2281 4953-0702/15-5706-1241 15-6122-8211/15-5729-9532 15-4028-8771 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4863-8833/15-5046-0414 4381-4049/4383-5426 15-5959-5302/15-5959-5280 15-5410-4295 4964-0324/15-5424-2847 4629-3085/15-3246-8482 4863-0463/15-3873-5603 4567-9394/15-5124-4768 4953-0702/15-5706-1241 4502-7331/15-5692-5170 4502-7331/15-5692-5170 15-5410-4295 15-5959-5302/15-5959-5280 4601-8859/15-6991-7643 15-5507-1394/15-6553-0173 4567-9394/15-5124-4768 4964-0324/15-5424-2847


JUEVES - THURSDAY - DONNERSTAG - JEUDI - 5 FEIRA Lic. Claudia Bozzo San Jos 364, p. 3 A Edith Pez Rivadavia 1392 Sonia Peralta San Jos 224, p. 1 Lic. Claudia Bozzo (tcnicas integradas) San Jos 364, p. 3, A Mario Vaira y Rosy Santos Junn 143, p. 1, A Jorge Firpo Viamonte 517, 2 nivel Hctor Fernndez Echeverra 2576, local 20 Ricardo Dupla Per 272, e. p. Julio Dupla Sarmiento 1551 Osvaldo Natucci y Mnica Paz Riobamba 30, p. 1, A Oscar Del Barba y Alejandra Roldn La Rioja 1180 Jorge Firpo (tcnica p. hombres) Viamonte 517, 2 nivel Fernando Carrasco y Karen Alcaraz Ecuador 682 Alberto Beto Carreo Rivadavia 1392 Jorge Manganelli y Jessica Grumberg Rivadavia 1392 Carlos Roberto y Marcela Salgado Barzana 2088 L.Oliver, L. Rezk y Soledad Rodriguez Larrea 1028 Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua (milonga) Ecuador 682 Violeta Viola Snchez de Loria 745 Jonathan Villanueva Guardia Vieja 4049 Sandra Gatti y Eduardo Arce Sanabria 1378 Nstor La Vitola y Mnica Paz Riobamba 30, p. 1, A Pina Rados Maza 457, p. 1 Pina Rados y Gabriela Laddaga Maza 457, p. 1 L.Oliver, L.Rezk y Soledad Rodriguez Larrea 1028 Carlos Roberto y Marcela Salgado Barzana 2088 Martn Aguirre Lisandro de la Torre 2319 Pablo Nievas y V. Zunino Suipacha 380, p. 1 Sandra Gatti y Eduardo Arce Sanabria 1378 Roberto Canelo y Valeria Egua Ecuador 682

66 B.A.TANGO Buenos Aires Tango

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Octubre - Noviembre - Diciembre 2012

Buenos Aires Tango


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