Journal papers by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
新聞學研究, 2024
例,採取感官民族誌方法分析博物... more 本研究將博物館視為空間媒介,並討論博物館空間之物質

Critical Criminology, 2023
This paper applies Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to study fake news in COVID communication in Ta... more This paper applies Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to study fake news in COVID communication in Taiwan. Using the corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) method, we analyzed fake news identified as such by two Taiwanese fact-checking institutions during the pandemic. While the pandemic prevention as doxa was acknowledged, the discourses of fake news aimed to challenge the state's constructed nomos. Through cultural, social, political, and symbolic capital, these stories could leverage their power in the field of COVID communication. We argue that the dissemination of pandemic-related fake news, especially those that promoted resistance to the strict measures implemented by governments, can be understood as a manifestation of nonconformity to COVID-19 protocols. Referring to fake news as an infectious disease oversimplifies communication and hinders critical thinking.

中華傳播學刊, 2022
Recent studies have suggested that the impact of Covid-19 pandemic is
gender-specific. Women are ... more Recent studies have suggested that the impact of Covid-19 pandemic is
gender-specific. Women are more susceptible than men to experience the
effects of Covid-19. Since the global outbreak of Covid-19, the rates of
unemployment among women have increased. They have been required to
spend more time attending to children and household chores and have
experienced more domestic violence because of stay-home restrictions. This study employed critical discourse analysis to investigate reports on three Taiwanese newspapers published between January 2020 and July 2021. The analysis revealed that women were not represented sufficiently and that the issues of gender inequality were marginalized. The analysis also revealed that patriarchal ideology still dominates society; therefore, women’s contribution to care work is taken for granted. This study urges Taiwanese newspapers to account for women’s needs and promote gender equality.

許多人批評,網路使得新聞一味求快,傷害了新聞的價值。本 文以台灣新聞業為場域,從資深媒體人的實踐探究網路速度介入新 聞工作的影響,包含時間秩序、對應策略、及其對於新聞價值的反 思。本文主張,網路... more 許多人批評,網路使得新聞一味求快,傷害了新聞的價值。本 文以台灣新聞業為場域,從資深媒體人的實踐探究網路速度介入新 聞工作的影響,包含時間秩序、對應策略、及其對於新聞價值的反 思。本文主張,網路雖加快新聞生產節奏,但新聞的韻律仍難脫社 會運作的大秩序;新聞人自信專業能力足以因應網路速度,但認為 網路時代的新聞價值不再是快速蒐集資訊,而是回歸記者的自主實 踐,反覆提問並促進社會對話。 Journalism seeks high-speed practices and is often described as an occupation that races against time. Communication technologies such as the Internet and smartphones have exacerbated this behavior, which affects news production. Numerous scholars have argued that the Internet has made immediacy the prime goal of journalism, which has damaged its virtue. Whether the Internet has deteriorated the quality of journalism has yet to be determined. Few studies have investigated journalistic practices involving the Internet. Upon a review of the literature, this study discussed “a fetishism of the present” in journalism. Furthermore, through in-depth interviews and observations of experienced news and media workers, this study examined the changes in temporal orders in news production, as well as journalists’work strategies and reflexive thoughts regarding news values in the age of the Internet.
Journal of International Economic Studies , 2018
This article explores how coffee, as a foreign cultural import, is imagined, appreciated and loca... more This article explores how coffee, as a foreign cultural import, is imagined, appreciated and localized in Taiwan. Until recently, coffee had been exotic to the Taiwanese consumers. The drink was brought to Taiwan by its former Japanese colonizer as a symbol of Western modernization. In the post-War Taiwan, coffee was considered a luxurious import and discouraged by the authority. It was Taiwan’s close political and economic relations with the US during and 1950s – 70s that attributed coffee’s common association with the ‘American dream’. Since the 1990s, chained coffee shops started to provide coffee at reasonable prices and turned coffee houses into popular meeting places in the cities. The changing meanings of coffee should be understood in the context of Taiwan’s political, economic and cultural transformation.

This article examines the history of radio and, how the consumption of radio might have transform... more This article examines the history of radio and, how the consumption of radio might have transformed urban rhythms in colonial Taiwan. Being assisted by well-developed cultural industries, including magazines, newspapers, films and popular music, the influences of modernity had penetrated everyday life in Japan by the mid-1920s. The enthusiasm towards modernity reached the Japanese colonies in the 1930s. Until the outbreak of the Second Sino–Japanese War in 1937, Taiwanese society underwent a decade-long proliferation period of consumption, influenced by the convergence of urbanism, colonialism and modernism. The ‘modern’ experiences in 1930s Taiwan were largely influenced by media technologies. By conducting an examination through the story ‘Inviolable Destiny’ and other historical materials, this article shows how the consumption of radio signified multiple distinctions among ethnicities, classes, genders, generations and spaces in colonial Taiwan. The combination of radio and print media constituted an intertwined network that shaped the tempos of urban life. A constructed standard national time converged with rational institutions and generated a massive scale of coordination between Taiwan and the rest of the world. Radio did not only broadcast the content, which transferred public affairs into the private space, but also formulated a hidden rhythm of structured punctuality in daily life.
本文討論網際網路在日常生活中的時間意義,分析網際網路在日常生活中如何與多 種科技同時運用,這些運用方式與使用者個人的生活韻律有何關連,網際網路的特質又 如何影響了使用方式。文章先檢視「時間」在現... more 本文討論網際網路在日常生活中的時間意義,分析網際網路在日常生活中如何與多 種科技同時運用,這些運用方式與使用者個人的生活韻律有何關連,網際網路的特質又 如何影響了使用方式。文章先檢視「時間」在現代社會的意義,以及傳播科技如何「加 速」了時間,並影響了人們的生活方式。接著從實踐角度出發,解釋為何從傳播科技在 日常生活中的使用切入。
本研究以125份大學生自我與相互觀察日記為文本,從時間與空間的質變,複合的 認同與科技,以及因應忙碌的心情與策略三個方向來討論。藉由觀察行動者與網路科技 互動的細節,本研究發現,現代社會不停追求更有效率的工作方式,這種需求與網際網 路的特性相呼應,創造出許多新「常態」,並影響了日常生活的韻律。使用網路的方式 反映人們的生活韻律,網路的本質也影響了任務的形式與實踐的方式。同時,經驗累積 實踐的智慧,因此雖然忙碌帶來焦慮,但人們也培養出更多因應的小技巧,包括安排工 作的方式,利用零碎時間的機動性等等,這些細微策略展現了人的主體性,也開啟社會 轉變的契機。
This article is about the development of baseball in Taiwan, and how it has been connected with T... more This article is about the development of baseball in Taiwan, and how it has been connected with Taiwan’s entangled history of Japanese colonization, the Chinese Nationalist’s authoritarian rule, the ethnically stratified social structure, and the emergence of the Taiwanese identity. Baseball was foreign to Taiwan when it was first introduced to the island. The sport then crossed the ethnic and class boundary between the Japanese colonizer and the Taiwanese islander in the 1920s, later the Taiwanese natives and the Chinese mainlanders in the 1970s, and in turn became a symbol of Taiwanese nationalism. This article argues that baseball does not circulate a fixed meaning as it travels to different places. The story of Taiwanese baseball indicates the interpenetration of colonialism, class, ethnicity, and nationalism.

In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a “su... more In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a “sustainable lifestyle.” However, this approach has been criticized for underestimating the complexity of everyday life and therefore being inapplicable to households and consumers. In addition, procedures for promoting sustainable consumption seldom incorporate domestic workers’ opinions and often increase women’s housework loads. This article employs a practice-based approach to examine the “Energy-Saving, Carbon Reduction” movement, a series of sustainable consumption policies that have been advocated by the Taiwanese government since 2008. The goal of the movement is to encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle. On the basis of empirical data collected through ethnographic interviews, this article argues that existing policies unexpectedly increase women’s burdens and exacerbate gender inequality.

This article explores the everyday usage of radio in the 1930s colonial Taiwan. Situating in the ... more This article explores the everyday usage of radio in the 1930s colonial Taiwan. Situating in the narrations of urban life provided by ‘Inviolable Destiny’, the article aims to depict the complicated networks constituted by radio and other media technologies, and to investigate the inter-relationships between new media technologies, consumerism and modernity. Being influenced by globalization, Japan witnessed huge transformations of lifestyles and the rise of mass media and popular culture during the interwar period. Radio was introduced to Taiwan by its ruler with great enthusiasm toward modernity. Although it was the colonizer’s intention to discipline the colonized by means of radio, the medium turned into an important source of information and entertainment for lay people. The radio also privatized synchronization and made punctuality an inseparable part of modern life. It affected the rhythms of cities and brought Taiwan into the complex systems of capitalism and globalization.
本文由小說《命運難違》所描寫的場景切入,參照日治時 期報章文獻,回顧三〇年代前期臺灣都會生活中使用廣播的經 驗,描繪廣播與其他傳播科技所共構的媒體網絡,藉此理解當 時臺灣社會接觸新傳播科技、消費主義與現代性的經驗。本文 將三〇年代臺灣的大眾媒體經驗,置於二次戰間日本受到全球 化影響,大眾文化興起且大幅改變生活方式的背景下討論。廣 播在日本熱切擁抱現代性的社會氣氛中被介紹至臺灣,雖帶有 殖民政府規訓人民的意圖,但也成為民眾重要的資訊與娛樂來 源,將精準時間的邏輯融入日常,影響都市的生活韻律,並把 臺灣帶入全球化與資本主義的運作體系。
學者討論現代社會時間的加速、標準化、壓縮等特質時,經常將傳播科技放在核心位置。然而,有關傳播科技與時間經驗的實證研究非常少,仍處於初探階段。探討人們實際如何感受時間加速,亦即日常生活中行動和經驗... more 學者討論現代社會時間的加速、標準化、壓縮等特質時,經常將傳播科技放在核心位置。然而,有關傳播科技與時間經驗的實證研究非常少,仍處於初探階段。探討人們實際如何感受時間加速,亦即日常生活中行動和經驗的速度與壓縮,常見的研究方法包括量化取向的時間運用調查,質性取向的民族誌觀察、日記、深度訪談等,本文除了檢討這些方法的優缺點,也提出一研究設計實例,並反思執行的細節及可能的分析方向。
There is a rich body of literature concerning the features of time in modern societies. Scholars often consider that the information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role in changing paces of life. However, few empirical studies have investigated daily experiences of time squeezing involving the ICTs. This paper reviews a range of research methods usually adopted to study time experiences, including time use survey, ethnographic observation, diaries, in-depth interviews. Proposing a research design as an explanatory example, the author then assesses it reflexively and suggests possible directions for future research.

在國際推廣永續消費以對抗全球暖化的潮流下,台灣政府自2008年起也積極推動類似性質的「節能減碳」運動,呼籲國民負擔起減緩暖化的責任,並從徹底改變生活習慣做起。然而此類要求人們改變生活型態的永續消... more 在國際推廣永續消費以對抗全球暖化的潮流下,台灣政府自2008年起也積極推動類似性質的「節能減碳」運動,呼籲國民負擔起減緩暖化的責任,並從徹底改變生活習慣做起。然而此類要求人們改變生活型態的永續消費政策,經常被批評過度簡化消費的意涵,忽視日常習慣與生活型態的複雜性,也因此難有成效。另一方面,女性主義學者也提出,永續消費政策督促家戶單位負起資源回收、回歸永續生活型態,卻未納入實際操持家務的女性觀點,相關政策除了不切實際,還加重主婦的負擔。為了探討政府與國際組織推動永續消費抗暖化的政策,是否過度簡化社會的複雜性與輕忽日常生活的深層意義,本文從實踐觀點出發,檢討台灣近年熱烈進行的「節能減碳」運動。藉由採用民族誌學式訪談取得實證資料,希望呈現在人們日常行動的細微考量與可能有的相互牽制,瞭解此類政策的可行性。本文並特別探討對女性生活的影響,期待藉此督促政策制訂者從更多元的角度來反思,以推行更務實適切的建議。
In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a 'sustainable lifestyle'. However, this approach has been criticized for underestimating the complexity of everyday life and therefore makes little sense to the consumers. In addition, procedures to promote sustainable consumption seldom incorporate house workers' opinions and often cause the increase of women's housework loads.This article employs a practice based approach to examine the 'Energy-saving, Carbon deduction' movement-a series of sustainable consumption policies that have been advocated by the Taiwanese government since 2008. The goal of the movement was to encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle. On the basis of empirical data collected by ethnographic interviews, this article explores how and why people have limited autonomy in changing lifestyles. Furthermore, it argues that existing policies unexpectedly increase women's burdens and cause further gender inequality.

本研究以資料分析與訪談觀察,探討 IM 科技在台灣社會中使用的脈絡。本文運用馴化理論來分析 IM 科技的使用細節,檢視 IM 持續演變的特色,並討論 IM 特質如何影響了使用策略,使用者集體協商... more 本研究以資料分析與訪談觀察,探討 IM 科技在台灣社會中使用的脈絡。本文運用馴化理論來分析 IM 科技的使用細節,檢視 IM 持續演變的特色,並討論 IM 特質如何影響了使用策略,使用者集體協商後的道德準則和意涵,不同的生命階段如何表現在其使用 IM 細節之上,以及如何與諸多其他科技交替使用以達到不同目的。由於馴化理論過去多運用在硬體傳播科技,本文除了增進對 IM 使用的探究,也擴大了該理論的實證研究範疇,點出軟體跨階段馴化的特色。
This study explored how instant messaging (IM) is used in the social context in Taiwan. By using archival analysis and ethnographic interviews with Taiwanese university graduates and students in their final year, the author investigated how the strategies of communication through IM are closely related to the shifting of life stages. In this paper, the author addresses how the characteristics of software may influence the users’ strategies, how IM has been integrated with other technologies for various purposes, how the methods of use reflect changes in users’ lifestyles, and how the collective domestication of IM contributes to the formation of a new morality of communication. This paper provides a theoretical contribution to domestication theory by expanding the scope of empirical study from
material objects, such as television and mobile phones, to nonmaterial objects, such as online communication.
Book chapters by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
Globalization in Practice, Jun 26, 2014
Thesis by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
Edited book by 王淑美 Sumei Wang

新聞學研究半世紀--1967-2015, 2016
《新聞學研究半世紀── 1967-2015》是為了慶祝政大新聞系八十 週年系慶而籌劃出版。眾知政大新聞系是華人社會歷史最悠久、地位最 重要的新聞傳播教育機構,《新聞學研究》乃由政大新聞系及研究所... more 《新聞學研究半世紀── 1967-2015》是為了慶祝政大新聞系八十 週年系慶而籌劃出版。眾知政大新聞系是華人社會歷史最悠久、地位最 重要的新聞傳播教育機構,《新聞學研究》乃由政大新聞系及研究所籌 劃、發行,于 1967 年 5 月 20 日創刊,為國內第一本新聞傳播學術專業 期刊。經過近半世紀的成果累積,《新聞學研究》已成為華文社會科學 界中最重要的學術期刊之一。 政治大學前身為中央政治學校,民國 24 年經中國國民黨中央執行 委員會第六次全體會議決議設立新聞系。但即使在言論管制嚴峻的戒嚴 時期,《新聞學研究》仍堅持學術的自主,介紹新聞自由理念,以及西 方最新的學術發現。在解嚴之後,《新聞學研究》文章反映出台灣社會 變遷,傳播研究的理論創新,研究主題與方法的多樣化,以及研究範疇 的不斷擴展。 為了展現半世紀來《新聞學研究》對傳播學術的貢獻,我們依「戒 嚴時期」、「社會變遷」、「研究主題與取徑」、「全球脈絡」四個子 題,分別選擇了四到六篇文章,來凸顯半世紀來媒體與傳播學術研究的 進展。 《新聞學研究》代表政大新聞系所有同仁孜孜矻矻送給台灣社 會、尤其是傳播學界的珍貴禮物。因此我們謹以《新聞學研究半世紀 ── 1967-2015》文章選輯作為生日禮物,敬賀八十歲的政大新聞系、 以及年近半百的《新聞學研究》生日快樂! 王淑美、康庭瑜 2015 年 5 月 編 者 序 -Contents 001 編者序 004 第一章 ╱ 戒嚴時期 007 新聞自由與社會責任 曾虛白 027 台北市公營報紙與民營報紙言論比較 吳豐山 049 家庭主婦收看電視連續劇動機之研究 任玉 069 報紙廣告說服力公式--以女性時尚產品廣告為例 鄭自隆 091 傳播理論研究的新方向--批判理論介紹 林文政 112 第二章 ╱ 社會變遷 115 從報業自動化與勞資關係反省傳播教育 馮建三 135 政治主導下兩岸電視文化交流的迷思 趙雅麗 151 電視新聞節目「感官主義」之初探研究 王泰俐 175 合製文化:反思全球化下的國際電影合製 魏玓 195 大媒體,小記者: 劉昌德 報禁解除後的新聞媒體勞動條件與工作者組織 217 匯流下的變貌:網路素材使用對電視新聞常規的影響 劉蕙苓 目 次 240 第三章 ╱ 研究主題與取徑 243 觀眾研究初探--林芳玫 由《梅花三弄》談文本、解讀策略與大眾文化意識型態 263 性別知識的生產--顧玉珍 以國內傳播學院的性別論述之生產為例 281 新聞裡的罪與罰--報紙與電視新聞如何再現青少年犯罪 蘇蘅 305 以區位分析比較網路、型錄、與商店 郭貞 做為購物管道之競爭優勢:一個跨年比較 黃振家 327 資訊社會與弱勢群體的文化公民權: 戴瑜慧 以台灣遊民另類媒體的崛起為例 郭盈靖 346 第四章 ╱ 全球脈絡 349 三個亞洲國家的新聞自由 蘇蘅 359 國際新聞的「馴化」:香港回歸報導比較研究 陳韜文 李金銓 潘忠黨 蘇鑰機 383 東京大學新聞傳播教育的更張和啟示 林元輝 399 馴服 v.s. 抗拒:中國政治權力控制下的新聞專業抗爭策略 王毓莉 -Chapter 1 論能建立一種相容互補的關係,各取所長,各補所短,使研究的過程能 更趨周密,層面更趨廣闊。 參考書目 Becker, S. L. (1984). Marxist approaches to media studies: The British experience.
The East Asian Modern Girl reports the long-neglected experiences of modern women in East Asia du... more The East Asian Modern Girl reports the long-neglected experiences of modern women in East Asia during the interwar period. The edited volume includes original studies on the modern girl in Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria, Japan, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, which reveal differentiated forms of colonial modernity, influences of global media and the struggles of women at the time. The advent of the East Asian modern girl is particularly meaningful for it signifies a separation from traditional Confucian influences and progression toward global media and capitalism, which involves high political and economic tension between the East and West. This book presents geo-historical investigations on the multi-force triggered phenomenon and how it eventually contributed to greater post-war transformations.
Journal papers by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
gender-specific. Women are more susceptible than men to experience the
effects of Covid-19. Since the global outbreak of Covid-19, the rates of
unemployment among women have increased. They have been required to
spend more time attending to children and household chores and have
experienced more domestic violence because of stay-home restrictions. This study employed critical discourse analysis to investigate reports on three Taiwanese newspapers published between January 2020 and July 2021. The analysis revealed that women were not represented sufficiently and that the issues of gender inequality were marginalized. The analysis also revealed that patriarchal ideology still dominates society; therefore, women’s contribution to care work is taken for granted. This study urges Taiwanese newspapers to account for women’s needs and promote gender equality.
本研究以125份大學生自我與相互觀察日記為文本,從時間與空間的質變,複合的 認同與科技,以及因應忙碌的心情與策略三個方向來討論。藉由觀察行動者與網路科技 互動的細節,本研究發現,現代社會不停追求更有效率的工作方式,這種需求與網際網 路的特性相呼應,創造出許多新「常態」,並影響了日常生活的韻律。使用網路的方式 反映人們的生活韻律,網路的本質也影響了任務的形式與實踐的方式。同時,經驗累積 實踐的智慧,因此雖然忙碌帶來焦慮,但人們也培養出更多因應的小技巧,包括安排工 作的方式,利用零碎時間的機動性等等,這些細微策略展現了人的主體性,也開啟社會 轉變的契機。
本文由小說《命運難違》所描寫的場景切入,參照日治時 期報章文獻,回顧三〇年代前期臺灣都會生活中使用廣播的經 驗,描繪廣播與其他傳播科技所共構的媒體網絡,藉此理解當 時臺灣社會接觸新傳播科技、消費主義與現代性的經驗。本文 將三〇年代臺灣的大眾媒體經驗,置於二次戰間日本受到全球 化影響,大眾文化興起且大幅改變生活方式的背景下討論。廣 播在日本熱切擁抱現代性的社會氣氛中被介紹至臺灣,雖帶有 殖民政府規訓人民的意圖,但也成為民眾重要的資訊與娛樂來 源,將精準時間的邏輯融入日常,影響都市的生活韻律,並把 臺灣帶入全球化與資本主義的運作體系。
There is a rich body of literature concerning the features of time in modern societies. Scholars often consider that the information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role in changing paces of life. However, few empirical studies have investigated daily experiences of time squeezing involving the ICTs. This paper reviews a range of research methods usually adopted to study time experiences, including time use survey, ethnographic observation, diaries, in-depth interviews. Proposing a research design as an explanatory example, the author then assesses it reflexively and suggests possible directions for future research.
In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a 'sustainable lifestyle'. However, this approach has been criticized for underestimating the complexity of everyday life and therefore makes little sense to the consumers. In addition, procedures to promote sustainable consumption seldom incorporate house workers' opinions and often cause the increase of women's housework loads.This article employs a practice based approach to examine the 'Energy-saving, Carbon deduction' movement-a series of sustainable consumption policies that have been advocated by the Taiwanese government since 2008. The goal of the movement was to encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle. On the basis of empirical data collected by ethnographic interviews, this article explores how and why people have limited autonomy in changing lifestyles. Furthermore, it argues that existing policies unexpectedly increase women's burdens and cause further gender inequality.
This study explored how instant messaging (IM) is used in the social context in Taiwan. By using archival analysis and ethnographic interviews with Taiwanese university graduates and students in their final year, the author investigated how the strategies of communication through IM are closely related to the shifting of life stages. In this paper, the author addresses how the characteristics of software may influence the users’ strategies, how IM has been integrated with other technologies for various purposes, how the methods of use reflect changes in users’ lifestyles, and how the collective domestication of IM contributes to the formation of a new morality of communication. This paper provides a theoretical contribution to domestication theory by expanding the scope of empirical study from
material objects, such as television and mobile phones, to nonmaterial objects, such as online communication.
Book chapters by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
Thesis by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
Edited book by 王淑美 Sumei Wang
gender-specific. Women are more susceptible than men to experience the
effects of Covid-19. Since the global outbreak of Covid-19, the rates of
unemployment among women have increased. They have been required to
spend more time attending to children and household chores and have
experienced more domestic violence because of stay-home restrictions. This study employed critical discourse analysis to investigate reports on three Taiwanese newspapers published between January 2020 and July 2021. The analysis revealed that women were not represented sufficiently and that the issues of gender inequality were marginalized. The analysis also revealed that patriarchal ideology still dominates society; therefore, women’s contribution to care work is taken for granted. This study urges Taiwanese newspapers to account for women’s needs and promote gender equality.
本研究以125份大學生自我與相互觀察日記為文本,從時間與空間的質變,複合的 認同與科技,以及因應忙碌的心情與策略三個方向來討論。藉由觀察行動者與網路科技 互動的細節,本研究發現,現代社會不停追求更有效率的工作方式,這種需求與網際網 路的特性相呼應,創造出許多新「常態」,並影響了日常生活的韻律。使用網路的方式 反映人們的生活韻律,網路的本質也影響了任務的形式與實踐的方式。同時,經驗累積 實踐的智慧,因此雖然忙碌帶來焦慮,但人們也培養出更多因應的小技巧,包括安排工 作的方式,利用零碎時間的機動性等等,這些細微策略展現了人的主體性,也開啟社會 轉變的契機。
本文由小說《命運難違》所描寫的場景切入,參照日治時 期報章文獻,回顧三〇年代前期臺灣都會生活中使用廣播的經 驗,描繪廣播與其他傳播科技所共構的媒體網絡,藉此理解當 時臺灣社會接觸新傳播科技、消費主義與現代性的經驗。本文 將三〇年代臺灣的大眾媒體經驗,置於二次戰間日本受到全球 化影響,大眾文化興起且大幅改變生活方式的背景下討論。廣 播在日本熱切擁抱現代性的社會氣氛中被介紹至臺灣,雖帶有 殖民政府規訓人民的意圖,但也成為民眾重要的資訊與娛樂來 源,將精準時間的邏輯融入日常,影響都市的生活韻律,並把 臺灣帶入全球化與資本主義的運作體系。
There is a rich body of literature concerning the features of time in modern societies. Scholars often consider that the information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role in changing paces of life. However, few empirical studies have investigated daily experiences of time squeezing involving the ICTs. This paper reviews a range of research methods usually adopted to study time experiences, including time use survey, ethnographic observation, diaries, in-depth interviews. Proposing a research design as an explanatory example, the author then assesses it reflexively and suggests possible directions for future research.
In the context of climate change, governments and international organizations often promote a 'sustainable lifestyle'. However, this approach has been criticized for underestimating the complexity of everyday life and therefore makes little sense to the consumers. In addition, procedures to promote sustainable consumption seldom incorporate house workers' opinions and often cause the increase of women's housework loads.This article employs a practice based approach to examine the 'Energy-saving, Carbon deduction' movement-a series of sustainable consumption policies that have been advocated by the Taiwanese government since 2008. The goal of the movement was to encourage an eco-friendly lifestyle. On the basis of empirical data collected by ethnographic interviews, this article explores how and why people have limited autonomy in changing lifestyles. Furthermore, it argues that existing policies unexpectedly increase women's burdens and cause further gender inequality.
This study explored how instant messaging (IM) is used in the social context in Taiwan. By using archival analysis and ethnographic interviews with Taiwanese university graduates and students in their final year, the author investigated how the strategies of communication through IM are closely related to the shifting of life stages. In this paper, the author addresses how the characteristics of software may influence the users’ strategies, how IM has been integrated with other technologies for various purposes, how the methods of use reflect changes in users’ lifestyles, and how the collective domestication of IM contributes to the formation of a new morality of communication. This paper provides a theoretical contribution to domestication theory by expanding the scope of empirical study from
material objects, such as television and mobile phones, to nonmaterial objects, such as online communication.