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Görümler (Vizyon, görü, müşahede) insanların bilinçleri açıkken diğer bir ifadeyle rüyada değilken kutsalı tecrübe anlarıdır ve vahiy çeşitlerinden birini oluşturur. İnsanlar ve peygamberler görümleri oldukça sık bir şekilde müşahede... more
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      Jewish StudiesBiblical StudiesRevelationVision
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      History of ReligionHermeneutic PhenomenologyAlbert CamusExistentialism
In 1961 Mircea Eliade published his one of his most important articles about the methodology of the History of Religions: “History of Religions and a New Humanism” which opened the first issue of the journal History of Religions. Eliade... more
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      MythologyHermeneutic PhenomenologyAlbert Camus
Richard Simon, one of the pioneers of Biblical criticism did not write a monographic work on Islam. Simon's main area of interest was the critical study of biblical texts. These texts, which constitute the holy books of Christianity, have... more
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      IslamProphet MuhammadTurksTextual Criticism of the Bible
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19. yüzyılda Batı'da kurumsallaşmaya başlayan din bilimlerinin temel kavramlarından biri olan din (religion) hakkında son elli yıldır ciddi tartışmalar yürütülmektedir. Din kavramının muğlaklığın dolayı objektif, evrensel ve bilimsel... more
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      MethodologyHistory of ReligionsDefinition of religion
17. yüzyıl, Avrupa tarihinde "kuşkuculuk" çağı olarak da adlandırılır. 16. asırdan itibaren gerçekleşen coğrafi, tarihi ve bilimsel keşifler yepyeni ufuklar açmıştır. Rönesans döneminden itibaren bir taraftan felsefi düşüncenin gelişmesi... more
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      Biblical criticismIsaac la PeyrèrePre-adamites
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      FranceReligious Studies
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Birilerini cadı ilan ederek onları suçlu göstermek ve sonunda yakarak cezalandırmak Avrupa tarihinin karanlık sayfalarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Cadı avları ve Engizisyon mahkemeleri gibi uygulamalar bugün yok olsa da bu zihniyetin yok... more
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      IdeologyMircea Eliade
Avec les progrès vertigineux de la technologie le monde devient comme un petit village où les individus appartenant à différents horizons ethniques, culturelles, et religieux sont appelés à vivre ensemble malgré les différences qui les... more
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      Religious PluralismOttoman EmpireAnatoliaCappadocia
The Debate between Wilhelm Schmidt and Raffaele Pettazzoni about Monotheism and the Supreme Being In the West throughout centuries the discourse about religion was under the monopoly of the Church. According to the Bible, God sent direct... more
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      MonotheismWilhelm SchmidtRaffaele PettazzoniMethodology In the Study of Religion
During centuries different ethnic and religious groups have coexisted at peace within the borderlines of the Ottoman Empire. As a consequence of the missionary activities which was one of the most important political infiltration means... more
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      Ottoman EmpireKayseriMissionary ActivitiesArmenian nationalism
Evaluation of Raffaele Pettazzoni, Angelo Brelich and Ugo Bianchi’s Views on Methodology in the Context of the Italian School of History of Religions History of Religions which was elaborated at the end of the 19th century as a... more
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      History of ReligionsUgo BianchiRaffaele PettazzoniMethodology In the Study of Religion
Episteme ile praxis ya da bilmek/bildirmek ile yapmak/olmak ya da klasik tabirle ilim ile amel arasındaki ilişkinin nasıl olması gerektiği meselesi asırlar boyu tartı-şıla gelmiştir. Bir çok bilim adamı bu konuda görüş beyan etmiştir.... more
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      PraxisEdward SaidIntellectualism
Mircea Eliade’s Making Sense of Exile Throughout history, many communities have been driven from the lands in which they had been living and have spread out all over the world. Alongside these collective exiles History has witnessed many... more
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      HermeneuticsExileMircea Eliade
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      BibliographyHistory of ReligionsTurkish LanguageMircea Eliade