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Tur Abdin : Réflexions sur l'état présent des communautés syriaques du sud-est de la Turquie, mémoires, exils et retours, Cahier du GREMAMO, n°21, 2013, p. 113-150.
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      Syriac StudiesModern TurkeyMinorities in TurkeySyriac Christianity
With the return of the Syriac population at Tur Abdin (South Eastern Turkey) the question of the tangible and intangible heritage relating to these communities is being questioned once more : the property ownership, land and houses for... more
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      Eastern ChristianityTurkish and Middle East StudiesModern TurkeyMinorities in Turkey
A poetic walk in Istanbul before the destruction of the gipsy area of Sulukule within the old wall of Constantinople, at the east of the old city, between Balat and Fatih.
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      History of IstanbulIstanbulDevelopment of Istanbul
Minorities in Syria. Oppressed by a war that spares no one, the Christians are going through one of the darkest seasons of their presence in their country, which goes back to too millennia. Despite their attempt to adopt impartial... more
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      ChristianityTurkish and Middle East StudiesSyriaMiddle East Politics
The Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference aims to raise public awareness and develop understanding of the issues surrounding the protection of cultural heritage at risk from armed conflict.
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      Cultural HeritageConflictSyriaSyriac Christianity
En 635, huit siècles avant les premiers jésuites, des moines nestoriens partis de Mésopotamie et de Perse parviennent jusqu'en Chine, où l'empereur autorise la diffusion de la "religion radieuse"... (Récit).
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      ChinaSyriac ChristianityNestorianismChine
Une exploration par l'image et le texte des monastères syriaques de Tur Abdin sis aux frontières de la Syrie appelé "la montagne des serviteurs de Dieu". Reportage effectué en 2012.
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      Eastern ChristianitySyriac ChristianityTur AbdinChrétiens D'orient
À la rencontre des moines de Tur Abdin, un reportage, mai 2011.
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      Syriac ChristianityTur AbdinSyriac churchesSüryaniler
Pregare, un'esperienza umana : Tur Abdin, la terra degli ultimi armeni. Viaggio in Oriente. Vita E Pensiero, Juin 2015, 13 pages.
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      Tur AbdinArameans
"À la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale, trois articles publiés dans Les Missions Catholiques rendent compte de l'avancée du catholicisme après des populations syriaques orthodoxes de Mardin et du Tur Abdin (...)"
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryMissionary HistoryMinorities in TurkeyTur Abdin
Les cahiers de l'Orient, "Itinéraire en Turquie Chrétienne", n°93, Hiver 2009.pdf
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      Eastern ChristianityMinoritiesTurquie et Moyen-OrientTurquie
Héritiers de grands empires, la Turquie et les pays balkaniques ont opté, à la faveur des grands bouleversements ayant marqué leur histoire récente, pour le modèle de l’État-Nation. Ce choix a entraîné un net recul de la diversité... more
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      Modern GreeceModern TurkeyMinorities in TurkeyBalkans
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      Syriac StudiesTur AbdinMor Gabriel Monastery
The Last of the Arameans, a Journey to an Ancient holy mountain (Tur Abdin). A reportage published in the Ivy Traveler prepared for the readers of Harvad Magazine (2005).
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      Middle East StudiesTurkeySyriac ChristianityTur Abdin
A tribune in Milliyet to take the defense of the Syriac Orthodox Mor Gabriel's monastery during the legal cases it has to endure against the tax administration.
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesModern TurkeyTürkiyeTur Abdin
A reportage about Tur Abdin and the Syriac orthodox community published in the Turkish daily Milliyet in 2012 (in Turkish)
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesOrtadoğuTur AbdinSüryaniler
Tur Abdin and the Syriac orthodox community. The question of the returns from Europe to Eastern Turkey. Reportage in two parts.
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesNon-Muslim Minorities in TurkeyMinorities in TurkeyOrtadoğu
Fuir pour mieux se retrouver… Éprouvé par une année difficile, Sébatien de Courtois a ressenti le besoin d'effectuer une retraite en un lieu qu'il connaît bien : le Tur Abdin, région monastique perchée aux confins de la Turquie et de la... more
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      Turkish and Middle East StudiesTur Abdin
With the return of the Syriac population at Tur Abdin (South Eastern Turkey) the question of the tangible and intangible heritage relating to these communities is being questioned once more : the property ownership, land and houses for... more
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      EducationCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesDiasporas
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