¿Liad@s? / So busy?
Many of you will wonder why we are eliminated lately... The motive is that we have to ours humans occupied with the integration to our home of a new intruder gatorrista:
Lleva casi un mes en casa en una habitación aparte. En principio llegó para buscarle un hogar (los humanos la encontraron en el portal del edificio sola y desvalida), pero la muy zangana ha dominado a los humanos y pretenden agrandar la familia. La han bautizado como "Sara" y a mí se me ha quedado esta cara de agravio total...
She is for almost one month in house (in a room apart). At first, humans wanted to find her a home, but the new intruder gatorrista is very crafty and has dominated our humans. They have baptized her as "Sara" and it´s my face of anger...
At the moment, I see her a few moments every day. She gives me many curiosity though she is so anxious that, sometimes, she exhausts to me so much with her young energy. The difficult thing is Zar ... He grrrrr and spits behind the doors and humans have not dared to do the presentations because they know that he still is not going to accept her ... This rebel making everything so difficult always ... He is eating a special food for the stress and the changes in home to facilitate the adjustment between them.
She is Sara: