Serdal TEMEL
Dr. TEMEL has graduated from Dokuz Eylul University, Department of Economics and earned a Ph.D. from the same department. Dr. TEMEL has worked as a researcher at Ege University Science Technology Center between 2000 and 2018 and is responsible for the university-industry cooperation, technology transfer, R&D and innovation projects. Between 2004-2008 Dr. Serdal TEMEL, has worked as director of Aegean Innovation Relay Centre (IRC-Ege) which is one of the centers of the European Union Commission, established by the IRC Network and this center was chosen most successful Technology Transfer Office in the network by the EU commission. Dr. Serdar TEMEL is currently the Manager of the EBIC-Ege which has been established as part of Enterprise Europe Network. In addition, Dr. TEMEL has over 30 articles on innovation, R&D and university-industry collaboration. He has been involved in 12 EU supported projects and 5 national projects as a project manager or an expert. Currently Dr. TEMEL is coordinator of two ongoing research projects. Dr. Serdal TEMEL has been an invited speaker in different European Commission sponsored meetings, workshops and working groups.
Phone: 0090 232 343 44 00 Ext:163
Address: Ege University Science and Technology Centre, 35100. Bornova-Izmir, Turkeyy
Phone: 0090 232 343 44 00 Ext:163
Address: Ege University Science and Technology Centre, 35100. Bornova-Izmir, Turkeyy
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Papers by Serdal TEMEL
Purpose – This paper contributes to our understanding of new product introduction in companies. More precisely the purpose of this study is to highlight a combination of external and internal variables that predicts whether Turkish companies (i.e. family and non-family companies) will introduce new products. The study highlights the importance of location, competition in the sector (external factors), educational level, new approaches to problem solutions and management´s commitment to support new product development both financially and emotionally (internal factors) in order to meet the aim of new product introduction.
Design/methodology/approach – Taking the purpose of our study, our research was based on a quantitative research strategy. We collected data from 692 Turkish companies from Turkey and used binary logistic regression analysis to predict the introduction of new products using different predictors.
Originality/value – This study provides fresh insights into external and internal factors that influence whether or not new products are introduced. The findings were obtained from Turkish companies, thus we expand our understanding of the topic in different parts of the world and at different levels of economic development respectively.
Practical implications – Based on the study’s findings we propose a number of measures to better manage the process of new product introduction. These measures may be useful for companies operating in other industries and countries as well.
bir ürün (mal veya hizmet) veya süreç, yeni bir pazarlama yöntemi ya da yeni bir organizasyonel yöntemin gerçekleştirilmesidir.
Günümüzde Ar-Ge ve yenilik çalışmaları toplumsal refah artışı ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma için en önemli unsur olarak görülmektedir.
Bu bakış açısıyla İZKA tarafından, EBİLTEM ve TÜİK İzmir Bölge Müdürlüğü işbirliği ile 2012 yılında İzmir Bölgesel Yenilik Stratejisi
Strateji belgesinin amacı İzmir’in Ar-Ge ve yenilikteki mevcut durumunu tespit etmek, bölgenin sahip olduğu potansiyel doğrultusunda
yenilik ekosistemini geliştirecek amaç ve hedefleri tanımlamak ve teknoloji üreten ve ihraç eden bir konuma yükselmesini sağlamaktır.
Bu doğrultuda gerek İZKA gerekse İzmir’deki diğer kurum ve kuruluşlar tarafından çok sayıda çalışma yapılmış, bunlar sonucunda
İzmir Yenilik Ekosistemi önemli gelişmeler göstermiştir.
İzmir’in Ar-Ge ve yenilik anlamında mevcut durumunu güncel olarak tespit etmek ve yenilik ekosisteminin gelişimini ortaya koymak
amacıyla, iki kurumun işbirliği ile yürütülen bu analiz çalışması yaklaşık bir yıl sürmüştür. Çalışma sonuçlarının İzmir’de yenilik
alanında bundan sonra yürütülecek faaliyetlere ışık tutmasını, bölgenin bir Ar-Ge ve yenilik şehri olarak tanıtımına ve yatırımlar
çekmesine katkı vermesini dileriz.
Throughout the book, readers will obtain both a broad overview of the two main concepts namely open innovation and knowledge management and its interplay. In addition, research will be presented which will help the readers to develop and/or expand their understanding of the phenomenon. This broad approach can also support in broadening the mindset regarding the topic under investigation and its application. Thereby, this book will primarily focus on SMEs and their approach with respect to the interplay in question.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned aim, the book consists of ten chapters that are assigned to three parts. Part 1 introduces to the main concepts, namely, SMEs, Open Innovation, Knowledge Management, and the interplay between open innovation and knowledge management in SMEs. This is followed by Part 2, which provides empirical research insights into the phenomenon of interest. The book concludes with Part 3 which addresses promising future avenues regarding the study of open innovation and knowledge management in SMEs. All the chapters are written by leading international researchers in the respective fields, which makes the book a unique piece of work.