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      History of the FamilyHistorical StudiesFamily Structure
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceSociety
Originally written for the National Catholic Bioethics Center, this paper is an attempt to answer the question "when can pacemakers and ICDs be deactivated?" in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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      Catholic Social TeachingBioethics, Death, Life extension
This was my undergraduate senior thesis. In the notorious class "Justice and the Common Good," my friends and I learned to ask philosophical "what is" questions, like "What is Piety?" and "What is a Person?" We never came up with any... more
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      Alasdair MacIntyreLater WittgensteinLogical PositivismAristotelianism
This dialogue is an attempt to understand, take seriously, and move beyond cultural relativism. It is my response to what I think was a failure in my undergraduate thesis. Six friends, drawn by an ordinary remark about couches and... more
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      Realism (Philosophy)Alasdair MacIntyreRelativismWittgenstein
Conventional education rests on an anthropology of the human being as primarily a consumer of material goods. It therefore trains students to seek material goods. A Classical Education rests on an anthropology of the human being as... more
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      Philosophy of EducationTheological AnthropologyClassical Education Tradition
In this document, I want to share my best attempt thus-far at developing pedagogy for a classical classroom. I will explain the teaching practices I use: what the students and I do in class. This centers on four main activities:... more
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      Philosophy of EducationClassical Education Tradition
How should a classical teacher assess their students? I present six principles of classical assessment: emphasize qualitative feedback, downplay quantitative feedback, emphasize self-assessment, embrace subjectivity, give students a... more
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      Philosophy of EducationClassical Education Tradition
Why go to school at all? In this graduation speech I ask students to consider the value of what they have accomplished, and what they ought to do next. Boethius and Tolstoy seem to offer the best answers.
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      Philosophy of EducationClassical Education Tradition
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      Philosophy of EducationClassical Education Tradition
"The diversity of American life is an opportunity that presents more danger, and requires more courage, than what we like to admit."

Brief piece reconsidering "identity politics" - online at First Things.
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      Public SociologyPolitical TheoryPhenomenologyHannah Arendt
"For before we can ever understand, our cultures and traditions stand-under us, serving as reminders—and invitations—that we do not yet know."

Brief piece for an excellent new community project - the Academy of Sacred Drama in NYC.
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This dissertation examines the function in Biblical Hebrew (H) and translation into Greek in the Septuagint (G) of 'ayyeh, yesh, `ôd, 'ên, and hinneh, which belong to a H form-class called "predicators of existence". A... more
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    • Philosophy