Papers by Angeliki Efthymiou
Journal of Greek Linguistics, Nov 19, 2023
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Journal of Greek Linguistics , 2023
Derivational morphology is an umbrella term used for concatenative and non-concat- enative proces... more Derivational morphology is an umbrella term used for concatenative and non-concat- enative processes for the formation of new lexemes. In Modern Greek, derivational morphology is one of the major morphological processes along with compounding and inflection. In recent years, research on derivational morphology has evolved rapidly. We present here the state-of-the-art on the recent advances in the derivational mor- phology of Modern Greek. First, we present affixational derivation by focusing on the main features of the derivational affixes used in Modern Greek and then we present the non-concatenative derivational processes. We also discuss the main theoretical issues related to derivational morphology, that is, constraints, competition and productivity of derivational patterns, and the main theoretical approaches to Modern Greek deriva- tional structures. Finally, we present some general themes of derivational morphology, including the relationship between derivation and other morphological processes and the role of derivational morphology in scientific terminology, language teaching/lexicography and psycholinguistics. We aim to contribute to better understanding of how morphology works by highlighting the potential of research on derivational morphology in Modern Greek.
Studies in greek Linguistics 42, 127-136, 2023
Diminution in Modern Greek: competition, variation and constraints
Γλωσσανθοί. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Πηνελόπη Καμπάκη Βουγιουκλή, 2022
Μαρκόπουλος, Θ., Χ. Βλάχος, Α. Αρχάκης, Δ. Παπαζαχαρίου, Γ. Ι. Ξυδόπουλος και Α. Ρούσσου (επιμ.). 2021. Πρακτικά του 14ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ελληνικής Γλωσσολογίας. Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών (ISBN: 978-618-5496-03-6), 2021
Στην eργασία αυτή διeρeυνάται το eπίπeδο ύφους (ή χρήσης) των μορφολογικών μέσων (προσφυμάτων, πρ... more Στην eργασία αυτή διeρeυνάται το eπίπeδο ύφους (ή χρήσης) των μορφολογικών μέσων (προσφυμάτων, προσφυματοeιδών στοιχeίων και δeσμeυμένων θeμάτων) που χρησιμοποιούνται για την παραγωγή ρημάτων στην κοινή νέα eλληνική. Διαπιστώνeται ότι τα μορφολογικά μέσα που χρησιμοποιούνται για τον σχηματισμό των μeταφραστικών δανeίων eκπροσωπούν το λόγιο eπίπeδο, eνώ τα δάνeια προσφύματα eντάσσονται στη μη λόγια ποικιλία. Eπίσης, καταδeικνύeται η συστηματική σχέση των μeτριαστικών προθηματοeιδών στοιχeίων μe το μη λόγιο eπίπeδο.
The aim of this paper is to focus on three aspects of connotative suffixes (i.e. suffixes that ca... more The aim of this paper is to focus on three aspects of connotative suffixes (i.e. suffixes that can simultaneously encode descriptive and expressive meaning), namely their relation with phonetic iconicity, their semantics and their morphological properties. Evidence comes from three Modern Greek suffixes which follow the so-called glide formation rule and carry evaluative connotation, namely-iázo,-iá and-iáris. It is shown that a) the evaluative domain is not homogeneous, since it contains prototypical and non-prototypical members, b) connotative suffixes tend to have related sound shapes, which signal their deviation from formality, and c) aspectual and quantificational suffixes seem to have expressive functions.
Driven by a shortage of studies of evaluative verbs from a contrastive perspective, this paper ex... more Driven by a shortage of studies of evaluative verbs from a contrastive perspective, this paper examines French and Modern Greek diminutive verbs with the aim of shedding light on their morphosemantic characteristics. After an overview of the recent literature on evaluative morphology, I present an analysis of the similarities and contrasts between deverbal diminutive verbs in French and Modern Greek. It is shown that there are a lot of similarities between French and Modern Greek evaluative verbs (e.g. both French and Modern Greek verbs express various values, such as attenuation, depreciation, etc.), but at the same time, both French and Modern Greek have their own specific sub-patterns: e.g. the meaning of diminution in Modern Greek is (almost) always expressed by prefixoids and prefixes (e.g. kutso-vlepo ‘see poorly’, psefto-δjavazo ‘to study half-heartedly’), while French evaluative verbs are mainly formed by means of suffixes (e.g. boit-iller ‘to limp slightly’, march-otter ‘to...
ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Η παρούσα έρευνα βασίζεται σε ερωτηματολόγιο και μελετά τα σχήματα (συναισθηματικής) θετ... more ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ Η παρούσα έρευνα βασίζεται σε ερωτηματολόγιο και μελετά τα σχήματα (συναισθηματικής) θετικότητας και διέγερσης των υποκοριστικών και μεγεθυντικών επιθέτων στα νέα ελληνικά. Αντικείμενο της έρευνας είναι οι πρωταρχικοί βασικοί χρωματικοί όροι άσπρ(ο), μαύρ(ο), κόκκιν(ο), κίτριν(ο) και πράσιν(ο), σε συνδυασμό με τα υποκοριστικά επιθήματα -ούτσικ(ος), -ούλικ(ο)ς και -ωπ(ός), το υποκοριστικό πρόθημα ψιλοκαι τα μεγεθυντικά προθήματα κατακαι υπερ-. Η μελέτη βασίζεται σε προηγούμενες εργασίες των Kuperman (2013) και Charitonidis (2017), στις οποίες η θετικότητα εμφανίζεται ως βασικός παράγοντας στο σχηματισμό συνθέτων. Τα αποτελέσματα υποδεικνύουν ότι η θετικότητα δεν παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην παραγωγή επιθέτων. Οι αξιολογικές κεφαλές θετικότητας και διέγερσης είναι τυπικά οι πρωταρχικοί βασικοί χρωματικοί όροι και όχι τα προσφύματα. Από την άλλη, τα επίπεδα διέγερσης των προσφυμάτων διαφοροποιούν έντονα τα υποκοριστικά και τα μεγεθυντικά.
The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, 2020
This chapter discusses two cases of Modern Greek prefixes whose extensive use in loan translation... more This chapter discusses two cases of Modern Greek prefixes whose extensive use in loan translations from foreign languages reveals a complex interplay between borrowing and word formation. The prefixes υπερ- and αντι- derive from the Ancient Greek prepositions υπέρ (‘over, beyond’) and αντί (‘in front of, instead of’), respectively, but, in the course of their grammaticalization into prefixes, they have also developed some additional non-locational meanings, e.g. ‘excess’ (υπερ-εργασία [ipererγasía] ‘overwork’), ‘against, opposing’ (αντι-αμερικανικός [andiamerikanikós] ‘anti-american’). Given the extensive use of Greek prefixes in loan translations, two questions are addressed: How does calquing influence word formation processes in contemporary Greek? And does borrowing affect the meaning of Modern Greek prefixes? It is shown that borrowing constitutes a trigger for the expansion of the domain of use and the development of polysemy in Modern Greek prefixation. Furthermore, ...
This study aims at describing the diminutive and augmentative (i.e. intensifying) deadjectival ad... more This study aims at describing the diminutive and augmentative (i.e. intensifying) deadjectival adjectives in Modern Greek (e.g. nostim–útsik(os) ‘tasty-DIM, kont-úl(is) ‘short-DIM, penda-nóstim(os) ‘AUGM-tasty’, kát-aspr(os) ‘AUGM-white’) and discussing the asymmetry in the distribution of prefixes and suffixes in the expression of diminution and augmentation (i.e. diminution is expressed by both prefixes and suffixes, while intensification is mostly expressed by prefixes or prefixoids). My claims will be exemplified on the basis of ca. 400 adjectives, which were collected from three Modern Greek dictionaries (Triandafyllidis 1998; Babiniotis 2002; Reverse Dictionary of Modern Greek 2002).
The Semantics of Word Formation and Lexicalization, 2013
Although diminutive and augmentative adjectives are very frequent in Modern Greek, there is no de... more Although diminutive and augmentative adjectives are very frequent in Modern Greek, there is no detailed treatment of these morphological evaluative means, with the exception of a few in-depth analyses of several specific sub-themes (cf. among others, Delveroudi and Vassilaki 1999; Efthymiou 2003; Melissaropoulou and Ralli 2008; Efthymiou, Fragaki and Markos 2013; Efthymiou and Fragaki 2014; Gavriilidou 2013). This study aims at describing the diminutive and augmentative (i.e. intensifying) deadjectival adjectives in Modern Greek (e.g. nostim-útsik(os) 'tasty-DIM, kont-úl(is) 'short-DIM, penda-nóstim(os) 'AUGM-tasty', kát-aspr(os) 'AUGM-white') and discussing the asymmetry in the distribution of prefixes and suffixes in the expression of diminution and augmentation (i.e. diminution is expressed by both prefixes and suffixes, while intensification is mostly expressed by prefixes or prefixoids). My claims will be exemplified on the basis of ca. 400 adjectives, w...
This paper describes ongoing work for annotation of events in Greek corpora following the specifi... more This paper describes ongoing work for annotation of events in Greek corpora following the specifications of the TimeML standard adapted to the Greek language. We first briefly outline the task of event recognition and the history of related annotation efforts. After that we discuss the tags used in the annotation process for a Greek Event Annotated Corpus and we provide indicative examples from the guidelines.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL14), 2021
Στην εργασία αυτή διερευνάται το επίπεδο ύφους (ή χρήσης) των μορφολογικών μέσων (προσφυμάτων, πρ... more Στην εργασία αυτή διερευνάται το επίπεδο ύφους (ή χρήσης) των μορφολογικών μέσων (προσφυμάτων, προσφυματοειδών στοιχείων και δεσμευμένων θεμάτων) που χρησιμοποιούνται για την παραγωγή ρημάτων στην κοινή νέα ελληνική. Διαπιστώνεται ότι τα μορφολογικά μέσα που χρησιμοποιούνται για τον σχηματισμό των μεταφραστικών δανείων εκπροσωπούν το λόγιο επίπεδο, ενώ τα δάνεια προσφύματα εντάσσονται στη μη λόγια ποικιλία. Επίσης, καταδεικνύεται η συστηματική σχέση των μετριαστικών προθηματοειδών στοιχείων με το μη λόγιο επίπεδο.
Κουτσούκος & Ευθυμίου - Γλωσσολογία/Glossologia 29 (2021), 1-19, 2021
This paper examines verbal doublets which are in competition in Modern Greek. Since this topic ha... more This paper examines verbal doublets which are in competition in Modern Greek. Since this topic has not attracted much attention in the recent literature, the first aim is to provide a concise definition and discuss aspects of the phenomenon. The second aim is to develop a detailed methodology for the compilation of a representative dataset. We propose several criteria that show which doublets should be considered suitable for the analysis, including formal as well as semantic/pragmatic criteria. On the basis of these criteria, we collected 131 verbal doublets (or triplets). For the analysis of the data, we apply quantitative and qualitative methods. We provide statistical results about the distribution of verbal suffixes and parasynthetic formations, their combinations in our dataset and the lexical category of the base. The qualitative analysis of the data focuses on the correlation between their pragmatic use and their semantic overlap, as well as the correlation between inflectional and derivational characteristics of the formations and their competition. The paper further discusses the theoretical insights gained from the analysis of Modern Greek data. We introduce the distinction between primary and secondary competition and discuss how our data bear on the analysis of pleonastic formations at the level of word formation.
Morphology, 2012
The paper studies the productivity of eight Greek verb-forming suffixes (-áro, -éno, -évo, -íno, ... more The paper studies the productivity of eight Greek verb-forming suffixes (-áro, -éno, -évo, -íno, -ízo, -(i)ázo, -jázo and -óno) in a corpus of 4,143,583 words. The corpus used comes from the Corpus of Greek Texts and includes all text types found in it in the same proportion. Our study follows similar research on other languages, investigating frequency and morphological productivity with a corpus-based methodology. The productivity of the suffixes was studied in the corpus as a whole, across its two subcorpora of written and spoken registers and across and within the text types included in the corpus. Three main sets of suffixes were identified: (a) the very productive -ízo and -óno, (b) the moderately productive -évo and -áro and (c) the least productive or unproductive -iázo, -jázo, -éno and -íno. The results from the study of text types suggest that the degree of productivity of each suffix is influenced by the text type in which it occurs. Quantitative evidence drawn from the measurement of productivity, by means of vocabulary growth curves and related methods, was combined with qualitative evidence on the semantic and other properties of verb-forming suffixes. On the basis of our results it cannot be argued that there is a default suffix for verb derivation in Modern Greek; it is rather suggested that the two most productive suffixes, -ízo and -óno, are used in Greek in a more or less complementary way, since they show a different preference for meanings and text types.
Efthymiou A (2020). The interaction between Borrowing and Word Formation. Evidence from Modern Greek Prefixes. In P. ten Hacken & R. Panocova (eds), The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 196-212.
In this paper, I discuss two cases of Modern Greek prefixes whose extensive use in loan translati... more In this paper, I discuss two cases of Modern Greek prefixes whose extensive use in loan translations from foreign languages reveals a complex interplay between borrowing and word formation. The prefixes ππεξand αληηderive from Ancient
Efthymiou A, Fragaki, G. & A. Markos. (2015). Exploring the polysemy of the Modern Greek prefix iper-. Morphology 25.4, pp. 411-438.
This paper aims at exploring the polysemy of the Modern Greek prepositional prefix iper-within Li... more This paper aims at exploring the polysemy of the Modern Greek prepositional prefix iper-within Lieber"s (2004; semantic framework, by using corpus-based findings on its meaning and productivity. On the basis of our data, drawn from the Corpus of Greek Texts, two large meaning super-categories are identified, namely SPATIAL LOCALIZATION and NON-SPATIAL LOCALIZATION; the latter is further distinguished into EVALUATIVE and NON-EVALUATIVE, of which EVALUATIVE is further divided into several meanings. The measurement of productivity across meanings has shown that NON-SPATIAL and EVALUATIVE meanings are more productive, while SPATIAL and NON-EVALUATIVE meanings tend to be much more restricted. Following Lieber"s model, we suggest that iper-displays a unitary skeleton with the feature [+Loc], which accounts for the non-evaluative meanings of the prefix, while the evaluative meanings can be analyzed as an extension of non-evaluative meanings. The meanings identified in the corpus are regrouped in the light of this analysis and are further distinguished within each body by the different features they display in their bases. Lieber"s model is found to have cross-linguistic validity and to be useful in organizing a large variety of meanings into a few main structures. The fact that the semantic analysis is informed by corpus-based findings on the meaning and productivity of the prefix seems to provide a firmer ground than intuitive or lexicographic examples.
Efthymiou, A 2019. How many factors influence the formation of parasynthetic verbs? The case of Modern Greek. Paper presented at the 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 27-30 June.
apo-liθ-ón-o 'to petrify' DPREF-stone N-DSUFF-ISUFF *liθ-ón-o eks-atomik-év-o 'to individualize' ... more apo-liθ-ón-o 'to petrify' DPREF-stone N-DSUFF-ISUFF *liθ-ón-o eks-atomik-év-o 'to individualize' DPREF-individual Adj-DSUFF-ISUFF *atomik-év-o
Papers by Angeliki Efthymiou
Η μελέτη αυτή έχει ως στόχο την περιγραφή και ανάλυση των μορφολογικών μέσων που χρησιμοποιούνται για την παραγωγή ρημάτων στη νέα ελληνική γλώσσα. Ο σχηματισμός ρημάτων με την προσθήκη στο θέμα ρηματικών επιθημάτων αποτελούν το αντικείμενο μελέτης του κεφαλαίου 1. Η παραγωγή ρημάτων με την προσθήκη προθημάτων εξετάζεται στο κεφάλαιο 2. Στο κεφάλαιο 3 διερευνάται μια ειδική κατηγορία παράγωγων ρημάτων, τα παρασυνθετικά, στα οποία ένα παραγωγικό πρόθημα συνυπάρχει υποχρεωτικά με κάποιο παραγωγικό επίθημα. Η παραγωγή ρημάτων με την προσθήκη στο θέμα επιθηματοειδών στοιχείων αποτελεί αντικείμενο μελέτης του κεφαλαίου 4. Τα προθηματοειδή που χρησιμοποιούνται στο σχηματισμό ρημάτων εξετάζονται στο κεφάλαιο 5. Τέλος, στο κεφάλαιο 6 διερευνάται κατά πόσο οι διαδικασίες σχηματισμού ρημάτων στη νέα ελληνική γλώσσα συνδέονται μεταξύ τους με σχέση συμπληρωματικότητας ή ανταγωνιστικότητας.
J’ai essayé de montrer que, derrière la diversité des catégories référentielles associées aux noms suffixés en -ιά, il existe un sens prédictible unique lié à l’instruction sémantique du suffixe -ιά, qui, selon le type catégoriel et sémantique de base, produit des effets de sens différents. J’ai essayé de faire apparaître que l’instruction sémantique du suffixe non savant -ιά est liée à l’idée d’unicité, ou en d’autres termes à l’idée d’une réalité individualisée sur le mode quantitatif et/ou qualitatif et dotée d’une saillance maximale dans l’ordre de la vie quotidienne, de l’anthropocentricité. Dans cette perspective, j’ai analysé successivement les dérivés présentant des problèmes d’identification de la base, les dérivés dénominaux, les dérivés désadjectivaux et enfin les dérivés déverbaux.
This paper deals with adjective substantivization in Modern Greek. It is argued that substantivization is a case of morphology-syntax-semantics interface and that Modern Greek (MG) substantivized adjectives (SA) can be classified into two basic categories: (a) MG substantivized adjectives derived by means of conversion in morphology (SaC); and (b) MG substantivized adjectives created by ellipsis in syntax (SaS). We also propose that the phenomenon of substantivization can be better analyzed as a morphological-syntactical continuum, which includes non-prototypical cases, such as non-prototypical SaC and SaS.