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We develop a polynomial analogue of Meinardus' theorem for bivariate Euler products and apply it to the study of complex multiplicatively weighted partitions.
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      Number TheoryPure Mathematics
The plane partition polynomial Qn(x) is the polynomial of degree n whose coefficients count the number of plane partitions of n indexed by their trace. Extending classical work of E.M. Wright, we develop the asymptotics of these... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
We analyze several random random walks on one-dimensional lat- tices using spectral analysis and probabilistic methods. Through our analysis, we develop insight into the pre-asymptotic convergence of Markov chains.
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      Random WalkSpectral analysisProbabilistic MethodMarkov chain
A partition polynomial is a refinement of the partition number p(n) whose coefficients count some special partition statistic. Just as partition numbers have useful asymptotics so do partition polynomials. In fact, their asymptotics... more
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    • Mathematics
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      Pure Mathematicsasymptotic AnalysisPhasePolynomials
We give a new proof of an old identity of Dixon (1865-1936) that uses tools from topological combinatorics. Dixon’s identity is re-established by constructing an infinite family of non-pure simplicial complexes ∆(n), indexed by the... more
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The plane partition polynomial Q_n(x) is the polynomial of degree n whose coefficients count the number of plane partitions of n indexed by their trace. Extending classical work of E.M. Wright, we develop the asymptotics of these... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
Let A be the С-algebra given by the infinite tensor product of (2 x 2)-matrix algebras. A is the UHF algebra with invariant 2 and is also known as the CAR (canonical anticommutation relation) algebra. In principle, the methods developed... more
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The starting point of this work was the announcement by SV Kerov and AM Vershik [11] that the finite characters of the inductive limit group U (oo) can all be obtained as limits of normalized characters of U (N), which we call the... more
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Rm+ r (z)= zr− 1Rm+ r− 1 (z)+ zr− 2Rm+ r− 2 (z)+···+ Rm (z) where the initial polynomials are polynomials over C with no common complex root. In this paper, we show that the zero attractor of the sequence of r-bonacci-related polynomials... more
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Contemporary Mathematics Contemporary Mathematics Volume 517, 2010 Appell polynomials and their zero attractors Robert P. Boyer and William MY Goh Abstract. A polynomial family {pn (x)} is Appell if it is given by e xt g (t) = ∑ ∞ n= 0 pn... more
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Abstract Let Hm (z) be a sequence of polynomials whose generating function∑ m Hm (z) tm= N (t, z)/D (t, z) is rational with the denominator D (t, z)= A (z) tn+ B (z) t+ 1, where A (z) and B (z) are polynomials in z with complex... more
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The representation theory of approximately finite-dimensional (AF) C*-alge~ bras was vigorously developed by Strätilä and Voiculescu. Their main objective was a study of the unitary representations о Г the unitary group (/(со), the direct... more
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The representation theory of infinite wreath product groups is developed by means of the relationship between their group algebras and conjugacy classes with those of the infinite symmetric group. Further, since these groups are inductive... more
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Abstract It is well-known that the Fourier partial sums of a function exhibit the Gibbs phenomenon at a jump discontinuity. We study the same question for de la Vallée-Poussin sums. Here we find a new Gibbs function and a new Gibbs... more
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Abstract. In the study of the asymptotic behavior of polynomials from partition theory, the determination of their leading term asymptotics inside the unit disk depends on a sequence of sets derived from comparing certain complexvalued... more
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Abstract Let PL (n) be the number of all plane partitions of n while ppk (n) be the number of plane partitions of n whose trace is exactly k. We study the zeros of polynomial versions Qn (x) of plane partitions where Qn (x)=∑ ppk (n) xk.... more
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In the representation theory of inductive limit groups, wide classes of representations are studied via the dynamical system (X, G) attached to an AF C*-algebra, even for nonlocally compact groups [17]. Questions of factoriality and... more
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Introduction. Let G denote the universal-covering of the DeSitter group and C*(G) the group C*-algebra of G, ie, the enveloping C*-algebra of the involutive Banach algebra LX(G) (see [2]). The main goal of this paper is to give a complete... more
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Let G be a connected semisimple real-rank one Lie group with
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