Here is the fabulous sketch for this week and the TWIST IS...

to PAINT IT RED!!! Use the color red as your primary color on your card!!!
Easy peasy, right!?!? I'm going to show off my card for this week. I used a set from shirleys2girls called I'm Knot (SG505). I love all the Ladies with Attitude stamps! Be sure to check them out HERE. I used neenah classis solar white for my card base and paired that with SU Rose Red. I used black as my accents. The DP is SU that I found in a secret hiding place where I apparently keep hoarding all my DP! So we decided to play with this one! LOL! I used some SU grograin ribbon with a cute prima flower with a button as the center! I even added some sparkle to her ears! I love how this came out and hope you do to!

Need some more inspiration, then you MUST head over to the Ladies With Attitude blogs and check out their marvelous creations! You can also find all the details for this weeks challenge over at the Twisted Thursday Challenge Blog. You could find a FREE stamp set to play along with us. So get on over there!
S2G Challenge Blog
Here's a little tickler of what's to come...We've got something special up our sleeves for September 3rd!!!! S2G is releasing some really Fa BOO lous stamps and all the DT member will be rolling them out during our Blog Hop! So, mark your calendars cause believe me you don't wanna miss this one! Wanna hint....let's get some spookies!