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      Information TechnologyUser InterfaceUser eXperienceSystem Design
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      Technical CommunicationTechnical WritingEditingEvaluation methods
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      Research MethodologyEvaluation methodsGraphic Arts
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      Research MethodologyTechnical WritingHypothesis testingQuestionnaires
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      Organizational CommunicationTechnical WritingGroup DynamicsTask analysis
To assess the context in which information is presented to readers and to know what demands information being presented makes of an audience, IBM designed three procedures to help gather such material. First, customer sites are visited to... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnical CommunicationTechnical WritingEditing
Graphics research history shows that some topics have been studied heavily while others have been almost entirely neglected. Furthermore, researchers have used many different methods of defining and measuring effects such as legibility... more
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      Research MethodologyEvaluation methodsGraphic Arts
Over the past several y,,ars, technical communicators have been struggling to change some of the stylistic traditions inherited from scientific discourse. Rhetoricians, writing teachers, and psychologists all agree that the use of analogy... more
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      Computer ScienceResearch MethodologyTechnical WritingHypothesis testing
Technical writers involved in an institutional =citing project need some way of viewing the raw material globally before writing. In this way they can build a framework which can be used for different types of information. This is... more
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      Computer ScienceOrganizational CommunicationTechnical WritingGroup Dynamics
The Information Technology (IT) professional's user experience has evolved both in terms of software tool attributes and the process workflow within which the IT tasks exist. Based on user research with IT professionals over the past two... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionKnowledge Management
Over the past several y,,ars, technical communicators have been struggling to change some of the stylistic traditions inherited from scientific discourse. Rhetoricians, writing teachers, and psychologists all agree that the use of analogy... more
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      Computer ScienceResearch MethodologyDocumentationTechnical Writing
Graphics research history shows that some topics have been studied heavily while others have been almost entirely neglected. Furthermore, researchers have used many different methods of defining and measuring effects such as legibility... more
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      Computer ScienceResearch MethodologyGraphicsEvaluation methods
Technical writers involved in an institutional =citing project need some way of viewing the raw material globally before writing. In this way they can build a framework which can be used for different types of information. This is... more
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      Computer ScienceOrganizational CommunicationTechnical WritingGroup Dynamics
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      Computer ScienceUsabilityTechnical CommunicationTechnical Writing