Message from @Friday
Discord ID: 469808784089415681
ye but Ireland
@Arcade_Hustle you live in Ireland?
@Karooboer No sir, but I've checked a map, it's not here, definitely not.
I just got retrenched from my job of 5 years dude, I'm pretty fucked from the end fo this month
@Friday Don't need a visa, sell you playstation, buy a plane ticket, get your passport, apply for asylum when you land in Dublin immediately, then go look for work.
@Friday There is no BEE there, so you should maybe get something, then apply for work visa when you there, then you stay.
I own a car dude, that's it
you make it sound so easy
@Friday It's not, you'll be housed with other asylum seekers, it's not fun, your priority should be to get a job, and convert your asylum request into a working visa asap.
@Friday got folks that can support you?
Ditsem! @HoppeanSnake_ZA, you just advanced to level 6!
I support my mom
@Friday Government of Ireland will pay for your lodging and food while you find employment.
@Friday She will have to join you then.
everybody else got the fuck out, just the 2 of us left here, even my kids have bailed
feelsbadman 😢
she's too old to ravel man
@Friday Well now, that's your problem then.
I'm good, I'll take whatever comes, it's my mom I worry about
@Friday Explore any euthanasia options, maybe?
fuck off
Hey man, boer maak n plan.
@Arcade_Hustle no dude, whats wrong with you?
real classy
lol, I'm just joking guys, relax.
thats raw bro, being old and destitute is no joke.
I'm not that old
my mom is tho
laat lametjie
How old are you?
Well I think the Ireland option is not a bad one, I guess.
@Friday How old is your mom, mate?
last intake to do 2 years in the SADF too
in a home