Message from @Grampy_Jim
Discord ID: 683568834615050241
and it was her urethra
that she had been having sex through
for her whole life
her *urethra*
musta *pissed* her off
ether her partners were all mirco dicks or she had a large urithra
it was a vagina size urethra
froma lifetime of sex
and stretching it
so pissing like a firehose
the context i believe was that a relatively old woman was going to the doctor
what about the girl who kept a pool toy like this in her bedside table to use as a sex toy
but she didnt clean it out after every time
alright stop
and one day she used it
had her thing
and when she took it out she felt a tingling on her hand and in her vagina
did you se the one picture
@soldiert01 ill tear you to pieces
from a surgical operatng room
of a doctor holding like a massive 2 ft dildo
and she looked at the toy and a fuck ton of ants were crawling out of the pool toy she just fucked
covered in gore
she literally had sex with like 5000 ants
gotta be a record