Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl
Discord ID: 683568575822561284
I'm down
no athens music channel so why not
what about the one
where a woman had fertility issues her whole life
and when she first started having sex it hurt a very large amount
and then she goes to the doctor for checkup on her vagina
and hes looking inside her vagina
and hes like
what the fuck
this isnt a vagina
the organs arnt there
and then he examines it more closely
what the fuck
and it was her urethra
that she had been having sex through
for her whole life
musta *pissed* her off
ether her partners were all mirco dicks or she had a large urithra
it was a vagina size urethra
froma lifetime of sex
and stretching it
so pissing like a firehose
urine in trouble with one that large
the context i believe was that a relatively old woman was going to the doctor
what about the girl who kept a pool toy like this in her bedside table to use as a sex toy
but she didnt clean it out after every time
alright stop