Message from @Jonathan The Shaman
Discord ID: 619754021980340264
Nah, it's gold
Thank you very kindly Thwarted
I'm adding a few pieces onto it
In other news, fire is hot 😂
Simple @Larbi pay and get services, don’t pay, don’t get services, so it’s simple, with the wage thing, market will destroy you if you don’t because your competition will, market will lean in the favor of the businesses that follow, and before you say well, we can’t have people not pay, Jeff bezos, isn’t paying a penny on 60 million, it was news for a week, now, no one cares, he won’t be punished, so what’s the difference
hey ya guys. how ya all doing?
I'm very tired
oh i am about to live in dlive in a hour i think
Hope it was fun
once i reach 35 followers. i will send links to my DLlive for people to see
Cool, when you do, post it I’m <#611779806572314624>
And I’ll add content creator role
GG @Jordan Philips Cockram, you just advanced to level 1!
<a:squidwarddance:543809246941151232> <a:skelinton:530025970053414922> <a:pepedance:539480664316051457> <a:danceguywithradio:538654755069886484> <a:pepedance:539480664316051457> <a:skelinton:530025970053414922> <a:squidwarddance:543809246941151232> Kirk dismantels the notion of you needing god for a sense of purpose.
Damn the luck 😂😂😂
Well if people are dumb enough to be communist then why would this be baffling or surprising?
*dumb enough to communist*
I say we categorize communism as a form of mental disorder.
ok Mark Dice 😂
Nobody likes mark dice except for dur dur statist repukes
1. one wouldn't necessarily need god for a sense of purpose, you just need god for your sense of purpose to be morally/ethically/definitively just, and thus be validated; lest it be subjectified unto worldly factors
(Death etc)
2. the "painting over adam fingering a cherub" is from a satire news source, its not real, and none of the stuff the onion posts is even informational... funny but untrue
3. Yes, Communism is such a mental disorder that they had to revise the DSM (medical bible per se) to make its associated political narratives definitively legitemste in the eyes of the scientific and medical community (e.g gender dysphoria and hormone treatments for trans folks) which previously werent recommended or even sanctioned as a medical treatment at all...
GG @ThatPreciseBloke, you just advanced to level 2!