Message from @Tribit
Discord ID: 307664921443696652
i was thinking of getting a $10 quartz submariner as a beater but i can't really see myself wearing it
iirc only like 10 were made so if anyone sees you with one they'll know instantly its a fake @RobotDog
looks cool
if it aint su🅱reme get the fuck out of here with that gay shit
its 🅱est tho
what is this supposed to do?
Portuguese is p damn nice, tried on a gen. Definitely not worth the ~$9k usd they wanted though
Damn i want to grab monks
but all colours look sick
anyone got experience making roms for chink phones?
i bought 50 32gb sd cards from ali express
anyone wanna buy them for 15usd?
good luck with that
are they fakes?
dont listen to him, he doesnt realize that most people in csg use ali and gearbest
be patient im autistic
@Stegosaurus your sense of business isnt the most refined, is it?
@JHWH im a 6
a hammer isnt refined but it can make a good weapon
good luck then making a dime selling those cards
thanks man, i kinda need it
this phones pretty legit
nobodys been buying anything in discord groups lately
well, this one is the wrong discord for that anyway. only cheap asses here, as far as you can see.
also 15 for 32GB buying from a random stranger isnt the best deal
dont listen to him please
most of us have plenty of sharks, I suppose
like dont even take him on
i swam near a shark in the south once
@The Darkest Soul why do you want to stop me to talk to this fellow stranger?
i know this extinct being irl and he's a hit with the ladies but guys hate him, doctors want to be him
my boy needs a couscous ram for his tablet, help him out
i just need help with custom roms for my chink phone
and i'll lose my place in the discord again