Discord ID: 171021898308780032
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Du kan nรคmna hur posten aldrig faktist ringer pรฅ
They all greeted you happily
(After you left)
I have it as well and chat seems to work
Argentina es blanco
>el sentido quando to padre es Uruguayo puro pero tu madre es blanca como un casco de xiaomeme
Kind of
gommie tier taxes
Literally 60%* of your salary goes to taxes
Jag inkluderar arbetsgivaravgiften
Richfags have 30+20 or 25% I belive
But the employer has to pay 30% on top of your salary in taxes
or 20something
Here you get ยฃ92 / child and month
Or maybe that's only for the highschool students
You get a bit of money for most of things if you request it tbh
Which model?
I'm not sure how many other knife autists ther are in the threads
Try ยฃ20 from the chinks
That looks more like etched steel than proper damascus
I'll post here and get ignored again
That might be possible too
Customs probably wouldn't enjoy it though
It's called framelock
Only UK and Germans need to worry about the laws of locking knives
It's also a knockoff of the CRK Sebenza, which is a great design, and a really fucking premium production knife
It'll become less stiff to open when it wears in, or you could try to loosen the pivot
Is the pocket clip reversable / removable?
Someone made a good point in thread - axis lock is probably best for one handed knoife operation
Comfy seems a bit scared of knives though
wow someone wants to talk to me
I meant more "knife look scary" section of the review
The 7010 certainly isn't a gentlemans folder aesthetically even if it's a whole lot better than anything Mr Burger has put out
No you meant that others look scurry
But there was like one boker with G10 handle
"military knives"
I can help you find (retarded) knovies though that kind of departs from /g/
Ironically enough one of the most lethal knife designs ever is british
Le nazi throat opener faice
Incredibly irrelevant for EDC though
I thought it just meant stuff you actually carry and use daily
Tbh the (chink) dragonfly 2 is probably the best actually-use-every-day knife there is
You also called removing the pocket clip modding which made me think of this
Don't get me wrong your video was ok even for me
I can try to give more serious critique on the format and stuff as well if you wish
No I meant on how you make them
lighting, editing etc
Kind of came on here to force that onto Rhymes
But he runs away as soon as I say anything
Do tell me before you make your next knife review though, I can help you improve your knowledge and the quality of it
Also want to ask how redmeme works where we live
Also language support
I'm so autistic I'm considering finishing the translation of MIUI if I order one
I didn't know a thing
Mean how it works where he and I live
I'm working now
Well, pretending too
That'd be actual effort
You need to learn how2package properly
Getting a hushmail account is probably a good idea as well
They literally have quran readings in every video tho
They do interpret heavily and make shit up
But "loltheydon'tevenreadit" is a bad and poorly researched argument
o r t e n
chink shit
there's another subdiscord for pol shit now,
Which kind of ping pong? ๐
You seem like a normie
tfw no dell 5510
Would scottish mixing with irish be bettter or worse than with paki?
What do you prefer Cathy?
Will it matter if you don't have good lighting?
I saw it and commented
He clearly puts effort into ignoring my advice / existance though ((((
I only want to help though
And since it's not /p/ I'm fairly gentle
Surprisingly good, the manufacturing is significantly more than $8 even on ali
A bit iffy on the handles being out of aluminium and the steel is comparatively p shit again
Not super sure on the geometry of the blade for.. general usage though
Good for stabbing or slashing, but that's hopefully not what you intend on using it for
Want to learn?
No about blades
Optimization of human voice for silicon wheat
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