Message from @FroggyC
Discord ID: 451083710532550676
OK, well still 25-30% sounds like a fairly good number.
Actually, if we're just talking about the number of people that need to participate, would it maybe be better to set it at something like 50-60%? That way enough people will have to know that it's unlikely that anyone didn't participate due to a lack of knowledge of the referendum.
I'd say between 30% and 40%
We have the participation quorum in Italy
it's the same problem
it should require 40% participation
50% quorum sounds like a good idea but it's not
Because if the quorum is too low who's against the referendum will campaign for not voting
No problem, I was just curious
It needs to be low enough that passing the quorum is almost always a significant risk
In that case who's against the referendum will not campaign for not voting, because they risk losing with a ~95% vote and that doesn't look good
Look at the history of Italian referenda
(the popular ones, which implement a 50% participation quorum system)
Then look at how many won with a 90%+ vote
The only case in which both Yes and No campaigns went to vote is when the issue was very contested and it was well known that a lot of people would vote
Not only, if people against the referendum campaign for not voting, voting No basically helps the Yes campaign, as retarded as that sounds
Because by helping meet the quorum they make the referendum pass.
I hope I've been clear
from 1997 to now the only referendum that we passed was this one,_2011, and it passed with a 95.4% Yes vote. Which doesn't represent the actual amount of people that wanted it to pass, because most people that didn't want it to pass just didn't vote.
Also it's problematic because you can see who goes to vote and who doesn't, so voting is not secret anymore, as it's clear that if you go vote you support Yes
OK, i see. And while I think this problem would be slightly medicated by the fact that referendums would not be set during their own special elections, but instead thrown onto the ballot of the next scheduled election, I can still see how everything you mentioned would still be a problem. Thanks for the help.
🇫 ℹ 🇬 🇠🇹
Is internalizing your Identitarianism the alt-right version of internalizing Racism? 🤔
@HURR DURR ROCKY TOP i see you're a fan of the york <:Chad:426417002295459844>
Just saw a woman with a book about act like a lady think like a man. <:VeePalm:440213314677768194>
@D.kota tis my tribe
of course
The suicide tribe?
the york tribe
fuck lancaster
but what about tudor