Message from @yordanyordanov
Discord ID: 624319123987365932
I just wonder have you ever heard of that particular anime?
Just ask loremaster he’ll tell you
Yordan be entering the "whowatchethmoreanime" dickswinging competition
I'm actually parodying both the weebs and the lefties with that one.
Cause I would really love to see would any one of you get the joke.
Come on people, nobody watched the First Squad?
Literally what
Have you ever heard of the First Squad?
May be this clip would be better actually
Real communism, and anime, too.
What a combination!
I’ll be patient, its clear you have autism.
And Russism, too.
Actually what would you think of the combination of Autism and Russism?
Russian anime!
Why there isn't an emoji of Russia and anime?
That song had no right to be such a banger
Why no one knows about the First Squad?
we're not weebs
Well, where are the **real** weebs then?
I thought we were many on that server.
oh shit, I forgot that's tomorrow
can fucking wait boys
people are gonna clap them Alien cheeks like never before
the aliens are long gone by now lol
"I'm transethnic, that means I can say nigger without repercussions."
>linking Wikipedia instead of MAL for an anime
but y tho
And as for why, it's a single movie from *2009*
Well, finally, the weebs showed up.
that didn't have a massive cult following
What was with you tonight?