Message from @Spooky Melon
Discord ID: 608407208895578169
You're glorifying violence.
it's a meme
ssri, hormoe blockers or boosters of varios sorts
I even have the slogan for the marketing campaign already: Plato: Beautiful, tasty, true.
@Saul bruh why do you have the activist role
El Paso was a honey pot to regulate the internet.
> Change my mind.
because i was in the activist room you mong
and still am
you have no idea
oh mah lawd you nazi
bigot homophobe
racist ass
what else we got
go commit car off cliff
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM
So you’re saying that the reason that their quality of life has decreased is because of minimal access to the global market?
I’m sorry to break it out but wasn’t it like 100x worse during the Cold War era? Russia have free trades with many more countries such as the US and China etc. The USSR was quite isolated in the global market unlike today.
If the former states of the Soviet Union is SO much better. Then why do a majority of people think that the soviet Era was much better?
Did you know... the commies killed more than the nazi's... <:Stalinpic:527639234971041802> <:Pepe_of_akkad:462279833511264257>
@AydeMori☠ because there was a spirit of the people
it feels good to be a part of something
'm gonna go with you're a westerner
and when the government collapsed
you've never been to eastern Europe
a lot of other stuff kinda got oofed as well
or any of these places
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM I’m literally born in south Eastern Europe
But go on
Then you are a strange man
On what way
Gommies ayyy lmao