Message from @Chimera Wizard
Discord ID: 609958371205971968
oh well ur lucky then
florida is contagious
god damn right, best stay away or ima florida man ur ass
Florida? That place is gay
faggots live in florida
the gays run california
mosiquitos the size of airplaes
Motha fucka i wrestle alligators daily
where else is homo in merica?
@Goodwood of Dank™ >ironic
Isn't all non-rural America gay by this point?
baby gators live in my god damn toilet
@Tonight at 11 - DOOM more or less
@Goodwood of Dank™ that's very clever
i gotta fend off gators on meth, wtf do you do
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Explain the irony because I don't see it
@Muten >ironic
I nicked it off this server—it was too funny to pass up.
gators aren't shit.. pythons in the toliet suck
even if you leave florida
the gators are still in your MIND
I guess trot is a touch too senile to understand irony
Florida legit has tons of crocs.
no they have aligators
In Florida, your mind loses YOU
not crocs
crocs fuck you up
aligays don't do shit
we got motha fuckin meth drive thrus dewd
When I was twelve, I knew a kid at summer day camp who was in the news because he got attacked by an alligator.
@Muten >ironic
He lived tho
Yes he did.