Message from @Laucivol
Discord ID: 610994597816041472
electric motor torque is king
Is there a Tesla that's not all electric? <:thunk:462282216467333140>
don't think so
I will hill breaks on a manual is nice.
*will admit
He just phrased it retardedly
Prefer bike in hills.
well, the tesla has limiters
so it would have to be custom
Damnit, my cup's dry and the stewardess is negligent.
How long do you think until you can get your Tesla chipped on Craigslist?
Stewardess! Pardon, can you give me some wine and sit on my face?
Elon Chan will abduct those and turn them into cat girls.
I don't think Elon would be opposed to it over time
unless you got the sport version, teslas actively avoid burning rubber or spinning the tires.
Who said opposed.
He strikes me as pro user control
Erm, it's 2019, MA. If I ask for that latter, I'll be put on no-fly and probably charged with some bullshit.
Burning rubber is like
The opposite of accelerating
damn, now i rem why i stopped traveling
Plus, she has all ze rings on both fingers.
*And* I am a man of honour.
Get a kawasaki concours.
No real rated hp
last HI trip home, really hot girl was plasterd off her ass and we had more than alittle fun to the protest of the other passengers
But at least 150
fucking Femi-Nazis!
ruin my fun
And 100 torques
Actually, I keep on messing up my own game..
It's not self-doubt, it's just that a fling isn't what I want.
we all do that from time to time
Be like, What can you offer me? I'm getting a pretty good rate with my current outfit
And, if I fall in with instinct, all I'll have is one night stands.
And that's a damned hollow existence.
... or want to after crossing the Rubicon