Message from @HunDread
Discord ID: 598946094394638359
Teach me these powers
I'm losing my time here
>don't bash antifa, if you do, you will be just like them
Gamergate 2: Electric Boogaloo
Main features:
Sargon is not allowed to participate
Take my money
I mean..
i would take your money :))
Do not speak ill of the power of the lliberalistisisticist
sargon killed ukip you guise
he didn't double the party's polling numbers you guise
>sargon went to california
eq happens
>it's sargon's fault
and he didn't double them again when he ran for MEP temporarily
@Pinkstoo ewww, Neo-Liberalism. You're pretty much Bill Clinton smdh
hurr durr I don't like sargon therefore this obvious thing isn't actually obvious
ah,again the commie , go away I was talking with the sweetie squad
like when the brexit party collapse's the only party left that will stand for free speech will be UKIP so UKIP will get in eventually
the brexit party is what is killing ukip at the moment
Aye. Obviously losing the EU elections was just 76d chess
I'm pretty sure GG died of age (a movement like that only lasts an extremely limited amount of time unless similar scandals occur quite often in succession), I'm definitively sure that it was Jeff Holliday who killed "Kek", and it's really obvious that SJWs ruined the Skeptic movement
it will take times, you can't go from full jail speech to free speech in 1 step
maybe .. 10 -15 years
@Gespa fuck off you stupid nogger
i'm not even gonna correct that
Gamer gate fulfilled its purpose. It blew the whistle on the collusion between PC devs and games journalists. It died honorably.
because at the end of the Day Brexit party is a confederation so it will not last
@ebinmemes22 Alexa: define “joke.”
nah m8, i dissagree, Brexit party is excelent , vecause .. it's a "centrist" party right now
>bananas held by 1%
>not all money is held by the 1%
>Communism: Not Nice
>Communism: Caused Millions of deaths (more than anything short of a Chinese famine)