Message from @HunDread
Discord ID: 598944840637612033
no, turning the tables
You say no, that's my argument
They don't win by shitposting, so don't shitpost
no,it's a depends
in britain, probably, because it's an offence
and you might have a chance in swinging the culture
because, go in one direction hard enough, and the pendulum will swing again
I can't make sense of this
"No, shitposting doesn't help"
"Shitposting could help"
Pick one
when did i said, shitposting doesn't help?
i said, it depends
on the culture
if being 'mean' is the rule. then no
So shitposting doesn't help, but it helps when you miraculously have knowledge that it does help
Teach me these powers
I'm losing my time here
>don't bash antifa, if you do, you will be just like them
Gamergate 2: Electric Boogaloo
Main features:
Sargon is not allowed to participate
Take my money
I mean..
i would take your money :))
Do not speak ill of the power of the lliberalistisisticist
sargon killed ukip you guise
he didn't double the party's polling numbers you guise
>sargon went to california
eq happens
>it's sargon's fault
and he didn't double them again when he ran for MEP temporarily
@Pinkstoo ewww, Neo-Liberalism. You're pretty much Bill Clinton smdh
what is cause and what is related