Message from @leavethisbotnet
Discord ID: 620645505835466772
I would presecute though#
No, enslave her and make her construct Railways so the Trains Run on Time
just make sure after she's worked to death that her corpse is buried in pig's blood.
Have it done by buff men as well
@Chimera Wizard The article says she's a christian
why would a ...
my head hurts now.
Christians banned circumcision throughout Europe during the Catholic period
The fact is, Catholics have always been against circumcision. It's only Protestants, primarily American Protestants, who have restored the practice
Circumcision, the thing jews and burgers do.
And Muslims.
Muslims are the military wing of the Jews
Coiberpunk soon
So Great Britain has private security forces and now Sweden. I love how dystopic futures are formed by the left.
It's *almost* as if people need law & order??!?
yea, I too love to blame the left for the large scale police defundings in Europe by the centre right to combat financial shortages after the 2008 crisis<:thinking_clown:590855640268668928> \
I hope you don't mean german "center right".
centre right is centre right, idk what else it should mean
No sane person on this server admires Merkel for her "right wing" policies.
So claiming that people who complain about lack of law&order are complaining about "their own" is utterly and completely moronic.
Or people like May who wouldn't be out of place in Labour.
so? just because Merkel is not a fucking fascist fag doesn't make her a lefty. I do not believe that most people here are part of the same groups as Merkel or May and I think that you have the full right to complain about these failing policies. Sorry if I insinuated otherwise
As to May's political stances, saying that she fits in labour seems pretty extreme to me haha
Only like 4% of CO2 comes from meat in the US though
Brexit protests will be yellow vest protests on steroids, protein shakes and all sorts of shit
Lol. As if the Brits can match us Chad French revolutionalists. (Jk ofc)
They'll stop short of beheading everyone based on rumors
Dead to me
So don't vote for me, vote for linda sarsour!
Fucking hell.
I saw this coming xD
Bernie was always insane
I mean he seemed nuts to me to begin with