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What was the last TWIS, that just got taken down, about again? Jewish newspaper bashing Corbin? Really makes you <:think_globalist:378717098945544192>
by guardian
also, everything should be always mirrored here https://www.bitchute.com/video/PFFPL2Qtjxs/
Thing is, Israel is actively working towards one state solution with their settlements, despite allegedly being opposed to it.
At some point, the west bank will be so full of Israeli roads, walls and settlements, that the palestinians will basically be 2nd grade citizens in the state of Israel
well, yeah. I'm talking about the current goverment
but they don't want one either
Really? As in, they are in favor of merging with palestine and granting them Israeli citizenship?
Surely lots of people are concerned about demographics
I mean, at this point one state the only viable solution, I'm just surprised the right wing would agree with it.
It's something between merger and colonization. The British didn't exactly ask the locals if they want to be part of the British empire.
The Romans did something like that too, in the early times. They'd beat an opponent and sometimes they'd give them full citizenship afterwards.
This was usually the case with their neighbors, who were usually the same race and same culture, so it did make sense, despite the times.
looks like a salami method to me
@radeon Not conscious? I'll need some proofs for that ๐ค
The point in picking arbitrary point is that if you ban it completely, people will look for "how to abort" guides on the internet.
Nah, small-ish donations from individuals are OK. Anything other than that should be banned.
Though I think the US is particularly bad in this regard.
Which is bullshit
Capital doesn't have voting rights, people do.
Just because it can't be dealt with perfectly doesn't mean it should be left alone.
It ends with politicians.
Corporations aren't people
this wouldn't restrict people giving donations, it would restrict corps.
The supreme court is full of shit.
They're quite literally usurping lawmaking powers. Something that they were never meant to heave. Just because they say something doesn't make it right.
tbh it's still a great achievement how long the US managed to stay as democratic as it is, with its size and power
I dunno. Any such experiments can easily be abused.
Though when I look at some of our politicians and how (un)informed they are, I'm almost inclined to agree that random selection couldn't make it muc hworse
actual simulations that arne't optimized for "experience"
what was name of that roman emperor that was pretty great but got murdered after like a month, because he was actually pretty great?
but I'm lazy
Ah, Pertinax. Somehow it related to the democracy discussion, but I forgot my point.
Probably something about how it's fucked beyond repair.
Y'all need to install Gentoo. Ain't got no trackpad issues with the freedom OS.
enjoy ur nozen
I would too, if I still used windows
>blocked in your country by the youtube merchants
What if the person is a horsefucker tho? Asking for a friend.
You seen the "White Awake" shit?
We no longer need word substitution to make socjus fliers look like nazi propaganda
just look up "white awak flier" on google images
*white awake
the way the flier looks is the best part
maybe they trag on for so long *because* of this
I've always thought that he wastes too much time on stuff one level above *SJW OWNED* videos. This is good.
How long do they have to confirm him?
Isn't it several months anyway?
I doubt they could delay that long.
I should probably known that. Grammar or some shit?
I assume most of it is one big windows partition? Shrinking partitions tends to be rather problematic
There should be a "shut down" button somewhere. Or you can try `sudo halt` in terminal
There's a shutdown button somewhere, if you want to be extra nice
you can just pull the plug tho
Polling in italy, it seems
it.wikipedia might be a bit more accurate
I doubt that activist venture into non-english parts of wikipedia much
Not strictly enghlish, but it's worse in english speaking countries.
german is probably also pretty bad, but not much else
pffft.. gentoo mate or bust
Aren't there like 4?
Whoever started acting as if "anonymous" was some sort of organization or movement was the biggest faggot.
Isn't rand gonna hyperinflate soon too, with the impending SA collapse?
Huh, the Intel one almost looks like my wraith stealth.
Who was the indentation done by? A blind person?
Based ๐ช๐บ ๐
Who'd want to use windows as the main OS anyway? It's good for some games I guess...
talking about windows... any idea what's having a license good for, besides getting rid of the small warning in the corner?
my guess would be, he's seen `O(m*n)` shit like
`for (i=0; i<m; ++i) {
for (j=0; j<n; ++j) {
if (some_condition(i,j)) { foo[i].bar = bar[j]; break; }
too often, when it could've easily been `O(m+n)` or `O(m*log(n))` at worst.
Yea, but with gvim you sorta have to use mouse and shit for other things. Eww.
>can't be used comfortably without mouse
yeah, no it's shit
Anyone who uses vi and vim interchangebly either doesn't know how to use either of them, or is a vi-using boomer stuck in his old ways.
I could see dems winning if they somehow manage to have exceptional black voter turnout.
Not gonna happen with Bernie thou
It's a CIA falsflag to discredit all fringe hypotheses/"conspiracy theories"
or Mossad. Substitute for your own boogieman.
flat earth was originally a false flag intended to discredit religious istitutions
somebody claimed that on the internet, so I'm pretty sure it's true.
*picked up
the "modern" flat earth theory is >100y old
I'm pretty sure the "catgirl" is the victim here, one way or another, by virtue of being female.
you rapist
https://8ch.net/pol/res/12784173.html stormfaggotry aside, this is quite an interesting thread
Not about Egypt directly, but since Egypt was allegedly under Atlantis' rule, it's somewhat relevant.
more like "good" "christian" "boy"
wasn't he larping about crusades and shit?
is why I used ""
Most "user friendly" distro's communities are full of retards, don't even bother. Except arch. They're high functioning retards who think they're geniuses because they aren't low functioning retards.
Seeing what gookmoot is doing, he'll probably restrict regular posting in EU to get the sweet pass shekels.
One major issue is anonymity, especially for voice channels.
if anything that isn't shit will displace discord, it's gonna be "discord but FOSS" anyway. So basically irc with fancy interface
oh, and moderation
whether you like it or not, it is necessary, and it's much easier to do on a centralized server
(as in freenode/rizon/etc., not as in discord-centralized)
@Fitzydog no, the problem is, with video/audio chat you need low latency but direct connection will reveal your IP. And bouncing it around a bunch to make it harder to track will result in shit latency. With the server model, this issue does not exist.
But moderation is a bigger issue anyway.
You HAVE to have some sort of authority for that, which is a big problem if this shit is decentralized
What's IRC then?
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