Message from @Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU
Discord ID: 621480406948249626
I don't know it's borderline.
I think they are fine.
Edgy humor is fine, in my opinion. What scares me is when I'm not sure people are joking.
See what scares me about that is that I can't tell if it's some kind of edgy humor or actually some weird anti-semitic conspiracy theory involving pewdiepie.
I've seen too many instances of both and they look almost exactly the same at face value, so it's hard as fuck to tell them apart.
I think it´s Pewds paying that protection money
the thing with these types of conspiracy things is that if you accept one, you might as well accept them all
all of them MAKE SENSE
if theyre likely true or not, whatever
if youre just going on gut feeling of one, then why not others
Personally, I'd like to hope that most of it is just edgy trolls having a goof, but theres definitely some weirdos who totally think that
It's also terrifying.
it doesnt exist because its funny
@Monstrous Moonshine "Happy merchant" is so fucking cringe, tbh
here, let me show you how to do spicy memes w/ *subtle, slow burn*
🌶 👌
"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race." - Theodore John Kaczynski
@Ϻ14ᛟ Wow, strawmanning capitalism the way only a socialist who's never worked for a living can 😂
@Monstrous Moonshine Not sure if you follow him, but did you read this yet? (he is big into pine tree stuff)
@Ϻ14ᛟ "everyone who's positions I can't refute is an NPC" - a child's guide to arguing on the internet 😂
Read this @Thundermark