Discord ID: 276943607477567488
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I already did this what happened?
+giveme consent
^ old
he crucified himself just to flex on the romans
all hail swole jesus
I remember that one, from years ago 😄
I saw one guy proposing that they make a UFO out of drywall and trojan-horse their way in
I live in rural america so noone like sargon would ever come close enough to me for me to see anything.
on tours or such
but it's super comfy here.
I mean I understand why nothing happens here, because for maximum effectiveness they need to target where there are actually people
and my state votes republican, in other news water is wet and fire is hot.
kinda close to me then 😄
western montana
I grew up in butte
it's a unique place to be sure 😛
ah I feel sorry for your loss
upstate is good if I understand
never been there
I got into politics because butte.
and butte is well... butte
montana votes red
butte is blue
butte? try the safeway on excelsior avenue.
I think
if you ever find yourself there again I guess
I mean if you are from idaho you probably will return some day, family and all.
my brothers and I priced out mountain dew by volume
and the 2 liters are the best
safeway in butte will have them, but it's also good in whitehall (just across the pass on highway I-90)
it's kinda interesting how butte is so polluted, but just across the mountains 20 miles away is pristine
Caffeine makes the world go round
it was named after the anaconda copper company, which basically owned the town in the late 1800's early 1900's.
butte had the mines
anaconda had the giant smelters
(for any lurkers butte was a gigantic mining town that puts any other mining town to shame with the sheer volume of ore)
butte has been blue for 100 years
because of the history there
they actually elected a self-defined socialist to mayor 50ish years ago.
I got minecraft
have fun 😄
I'll find it on wikipedia one sec
Louis J. Duncan[V] 1911[18] 1914 (October)[19] Butte Montana Socialist Party of America
no page specifically on him though
actually 1911 was more than 100 years ago
kek tfw you forget this is the shitpost channel 😄
I wonder if the social credit system would be secure...
because if 4chan got in...
I mean the social credit system is one of the scariest things in the world today
I can imagine it now: some anon gets into the system and sets dear-leader's score to -1488
or writes a bot to randomize people's scores
select a random person and set their score to a random number
I know the idea
I'm wondering how it could be screwed with
I didn't say I did
I was thinking it would be funny if it happened.
^ this
it's kono suba
you uncultured normie
megumin best girl
piracy is chill in my book idk
Here's a relic from the distant past:
TOR works
as long as you stay low-profile tor is safe.
noone is going to care if you pirate anime on tor
because while tor CAN be broken, it's a lot of work for the government to do so
so unless you try to attack their assets you are safe
just use a site you don't need torrents.
don't use kissanime though, they are assholes about addblock
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