Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 614894818338013184
>here's shit that dogs can give you
you *can* lose your leg from your dog licking you
Yeah keeping pets is psychologically and biologically gross to some degree
Armadillos give you leprosy
Too many tinfoil hats in here...
You spend their whole life giving them Stockholm syndrome
i mean
Koalas give Chlamydia
they were bred as pets
Youre the tinfoil hat it seems, afraid of aliens maybe? @Goodwood of Dank™
@cachalot Kinda ironic TBH
they dont have stockholm, they're in their natural environment
Some people just want to see the rainforest burn
There is a lot we are just now learning about microbiology and parasitology
A cat owner wrote that
`T. gondii doesn’t cause human behavioural changes`
Cats wrote that through the "owner"
Yeah, it's a whole conspiracy, dude. We're all secretly ruled by cats
Except motorcyclists in accidents have been found to be infected after the fact
source that claim, please
Not all motorcycle accidents are due to something fucking up behavior
@cachalot my previous article debunks that
toxoplasmosis is known to change people
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck they are largely due to riding a motorcycle, which many consider fucked up behavior to begin with
`The authors conclude that the hype train around this media-friendly microbe may have gone too far`
Cat people write articles.
`Toxoplasmosis was not associated with any personality traits, nor with rates of schizophrenia or depression. There was also no evidence that was linked to ‘poor impulse control’, e.g. criminal convictions, driving offenses, and accident claims on insurance. `
@cachalot Yeah, your article was written by a cat person
I gave you proof