Message from @Hopix

Discord ID: 619597874237538325

2019-09-06 18:15:32 UTC  

Under the bill - introduced by Labour MP Hilary Benn - Boris Johnson might have to request a Brexit extension on 19 October, pushing the deadline back to 31 January 2020.

But there are two scenarios in which he would not have to do this:

MPs approve a Brexit deal in another meaningful vote (remember them?)
MPs vote in favour of leaving the EU without a deal

2019-09-06 18:15:39 UTC  

I can't see either of those things happening

2019-09-06 18:15:46 UTC  

So extension it is

2019-09-06 18:16:50 UTC  

now imagine bojo having to go and ask EU for an extention

2019-09-06 18:16:53 UTC  


2019-09-06 18:17:37 UTC  

how 'bout we leave, anyway

2019-09-06 18:17:44 UTC  

The EU can refuse. @Hopix

2019-09-06 18:17:51 UTC  

they wont

2019-09-06 18:17:57 UTC  

EU nations could VETO the extension.

2019-09-06 18:18:03 UTC  

I'm aware but I can't see them refusing

2019-09-06 18:18:06 UTC  

Boris could theoretically veto it.

2019-09-06 18:18:20 UTC  

The Queen could refuse royal ascent of the law.

2019-09-06 18:18:33 UTC  

Does the Queen ever do that?

2019-09-06 18:18:40 UTC  

the only incentive they had to refuse was back in april and it was the EU elections

2019-09-06 18:18:44 UTC  

Not recently, though it's her right.

2019-09-06 18:18:47 UTC  

now that passed

2019-09-06 18:18:54 UTC  

what did she last do it for?

2019-09-06 18:19:35 UTC  

Oh, never mind

2019-09-06 18:19:39 UTC  

She hasn't before

2019-09-06 18:20:09 UTC  

1914 was the last time it happened

2019-09-06 18:20:44 UTC  

Guess we're in remarkable times, if she's gunna do it again, now's the time

2019-09-06 18:20:59 UTC  

Jacob Rees Mogg is on the privy council, so he could recommend she refuses to sign it.

2019-09-06 18:21:07 UTC  

~~assent*~~ <:GWmiyanoSip:398867239895433226>

2019-09-06 18:21:13 UTC  

Does it only take one EU nation to block the extension?

2019-09-06 18:21:24 UTC  


2019-09-06 18:21:28 UTC  


2019-09-06 18:21:40 UTC  

VETO's might be overruled with a super majority

2019-09-06 18:21:43 UTC  

I'm not sure about that

2019-09-06 18:21:47 UTC  

I'll need to research that.

2019-09-06 18:21:48 UTC  

the fuck

2019-09-06 18:22:00 UTC  

But as far as I'm aware, any nation can prevent the extension

2019-09-06 18:22:07 UTC  

someone living on the mainland could just start a new country and join the eu, just to veto our extension

2019-09-06 18:24:16 UTC  

Nope, there's no way to overrule a nation VETO

2019-09-06 18:24:37 UTC  

So if any nation VETOs the deal or extension (Assuming they can vote on it), we no deal

2019-09-06 18:25:10 UTC  

And looks like they do have the opportunity to vote on it.

2019-09-06 18:25:23 UTC  

Can the UK VETO it?

2019-09-06 18:25:30 UTC  

So Boris could get a country to VETO the extension

2019-09-06 18:25:33 UTC  


2019-09-06 18:26:21 UTC  

Imagine if the UK vetoed it successfully

2019-09-06 18:26:23 UTC  

Democracy bitch

2019-09-06 18:27:04 UTC  

I've not seen anyone talking about it online, theoretically we could