Message from @Hopix
Discord ID: 619597874237538325
Under the bill - introduced by Labour MP Hilary Benn - Boris Johnson might have to request a Brexit extension on 19 October, pushing the deadline back to 31 January 2020.
But there are two scenarios in which he would not have to do this:
MPs approve a Brexit deal in another meaningful vote (remember them?)
MPs vote in favour of leaving the EU without a deal
I can't see either of those things happening
So extension it is
now imagine bojo having to go and ask EU for an extention
how 'bout we leave, anyway
they wont
EU nations could VETO the extension.
I'm aware but I can't see them refusing
Boris could theoretically veto it.
The Queen could refuse royal ascent of the law.
Does the Queen ever do that?
the only incentive they had to refuse was back in april and it was the EU elections
Not recently, though it's her right.
now that passed
what did she last do it for?
Oh, never mind
She hasn't before
1914 was the last time it happened
Jacob Rees Mogg is on the privy council, so he could recommend she refuses to sign it.
~~assent*~~ <:GWmiyanoSip:398867239895433226>
Does it only take one EU nation to block the extension?
VETO's might be overruled with a super majority
I'm not sure about that
I'll need to research that.
the fuck
But as far as I'm aware, any nation can prevent the extension
someone living on the mainland could just start a new country and join the eu, just to veto our extension
Nope, there's no way to overrule a nation VETO
So if any nation VETOs the deal or extension (Assuming they can vote on it), we no deal
And looks like they do have the opportunity to vote on it.
Can the UK VETO it?
So Boris could get a country to VETO the extension
Imagine if the UK vetoed it successfully
Democracy bitch
I've not seen anyone talking about it online, theoretically we could