Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 405106513200414730
@Havamal <:onionsun:394101074526601226>
I just took a couple bites into an onion and I feel like I am going to throw up
I can eat onions raw easier if I cut them into smaller pieces and eat it her raw veggies like carrots with them.
Yeah, I was cutting up some onion to cook with a few days ago, ate a bite, and felt sick. @Pat-MA
Chad small slices with salad vs the Virgin apple style
@Reinhard Wolff Glad I am not the only one! Might have another go at it later this week
I didn't get past day 3, so take it with a grain of salt, but the taste does get better
you get used to the kick at the very least
I've just never liked onions so it's a pain to try and fit them into my meals.
My wife's friend made onion marmalade
I've been told this is very popular in Lombardy, Italy
cut your onions into small pieces, then soak them in cold water.. helps get rid of the strong smell/taste.
Isn't an onion a semipermeable membrane though because of the vacuole present in plant cells?
*grabs rock*
@ThisIsChris proof that Italians Aren't white
Same. Bro
I'll take Exxxtra onions, please. 😉
*your T levels have increased*
One study found that drinking pomegranate juice daily can increase T levels by 24% (as seen in salivary T tests) with 2 weeks of continued consumption. This study also found that both diastolic and systolic blood pressure values were reduced.
@Havamal now you’ve done it. How many days before we’re gonna have to start a #pomegranate channel
Rubs palms.
But how much pomegranate juice daily? That shit is expensive
White Castle launching onion flavored whey protein powder
Even thinking about that makes me naseuous
The only way Onion powder should be consumed is if you beat an actual onion into a powder with your bare fists, it's the chad way.
I've been doing Keto for like 6 weeks, but can someone fill me in on the onions thing? I've never heard of this focus before.
It's a silly meme, propagated from some obscure references to Greek athletes having an affinity for onions.
hey hey, it does have a bit of scientific studies behind it too