Message from @Telly Tubz
Discord ID: 414972422882852874
well it is pretty much
just death with a few extra steps
economic instability and then mass-killings
he kills
@-MH- ghost with starvation
people forget north korea is nationalism + communism
I'm going to fight ghost over my name I swear
whats the dumbest ideology out there
i got one weirder and worse because of its contridictions nazbol
it tries to combine racism and communism
dont drink beer kids
3 nos no immigration no religion no socialism
>no religion
religion is the basis of our moral and ethical theories
destruction of religion and tradition is the work of the left
good luck maintaining a society with the only axiom for a moral compass being the civic system boyo
and watch society divulge into tribalism
before your very own eyes
hedonistic nihilism is what ends up happening in that kind of society
utilitarianism sounds good on paper huh boyo?
1 btc in 3 years is going to buy you the whole damn grocery store
over 160 million dead
because of one ideology
Its funny to throw these graphs at commies and see their reactions and justifications
I need to throw some at Nazis
Holy fuck was it seriously 60 million?
How did they have enough population to draw 60mil out in front of firing lines and still have anyone left?