Message from @-MH- ghost
Discord ID: 414884504100929538
why not?
Just wondering, friendo.
😩 🍆
@Dark Booty The ideological system of anarcho-capitalism has no view on the JQ
You will find extremely blue pilled ancaps and extremely red pilled ancaps
It isn't a value system or particular perception of specific world events (except through the lens of property rights)
It can encompass that though
I think the JQ is a thing
lemme put it this way
ancap allows peeps who dont like jews to deny them access to their property, but it doesn't allow batshit neetsocs to round up innocent folks because of a theory that demonizes an entire ethnicity
joseph stalin the talking painting
painting vs Donald Trump
donald j trump wins the election (2016- colorized)
they were right
well it is pretty much
just death with a few extra steps
This is communism
he kills
@-MH- ghost with starvation
people forget north korea is nationalism + communism
I'm going to fight ghost over my name I swear
whats the dumbest ideology out there
i got one weirder and worse because of its contridictions nazbol
it tries to combine racism and communism
dont drink beer kids
3 nos no immigration no religion no socialism
>no religion
religion is the basis of our moral and ethical theories
you cannot just forgo that
destruction of religion and tradition is the work of the left
good luck maintaining a society with the only axiom for a moral compass being the civic system boyo